HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-27, Page 11 4 Vol V, IXEITE R ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE 7, J X378. No 43 IMPORTANT NOT1C'h.S. �yT Ht)1)(x5ON, S. J. OK1e:,CO. V • .teettoutere. ,Sales promptly attended It% pays o:'.al •s ar•nrtwed at Vii,, oar, �T J. CLARK, Aeent ler the Us- -. •buruv send it lit,a' t St,ttt131I'ira lnsuravoc company. tle.ideneu' perw,mar, Orlttr.; hr Trralr proutieelt tttecrelod to. S. tAMPBE.L e. PROVtNCI is see • Laser titus :er, ke., will a.e• at the yt1 U'4 i e xetot.t i, the host Ttneslay rt .'•xh Tnoaeh ,rd •rs for worn ie+tt ,ratio or. JOBau ripaeh ritewon :4.vivo prouivtattn11tt T I hereby forbid any • teesnrer a1111,„11, tra,i; • uv v.te Ilxr1 .t. lhilti.ifl rr11t t'ano a, 1 v.111 not be ra�eitou,ilde. fur.tlr3 latae c.aatrue•tt try Mr, nu or after tl_is dot°'. Alt4a[ 7.Ii.31.I1t. Hay, May ;Ooh, 1K7n: Offe1: Lon.-- Strayed from then t tins-e.,nf the nwsrrPer, Int rte, Estee llo..d S' 1 [rod,, nl,aut t1u G+atit of May, a enols Fru„ a 4,r1A'. Whitt, M1,,41111 iprriWati, t:na (11110 t'7.itl , is l Tont ui+ al;e610 ,+rant• collar re -d:•. In- #arts[ at , 1 iw, to Sha ,e .t.+ero of ,art wawa!Kill be 1+1•C;•.icy ee.vard, d. 1F11. 1 taiI;51). N -r ; LIVERY ERY 41 a ill.l:, stain :1trt`t•t I..;c tr.. MARK (.'i.A1,IN would ae- 'intent the` amtriie that he luta opened a new Live r1 st;oljt- *,n hip l,relaia•'t4. 1 be inllltio xiil hit+t 4••••d :u;et ewn,fortuble risk althuurc unci de eiur;;,•3. I t I 1 1 oil i, •1)1 S \� i J. L • • M,1t. `` 11 tweezes •e4ate-cameoser DENTAL SURGEONS. ,till co in 1';raa*uu'-;lat.c•ta—•ISilus.0,t,ttaad,INA er. •1.'11 kg SALT, 011PAX "ON- -t - Ali ens. Ise& ebrcetta '•, . o s•o u ] , r na at l•.iiruwlie u 011 , o ',est day auction Vridal. cove - Mu', 11d: ;Att.' .lt.littl.i., Pastor:u tt Iii'.tie. F.Iuuti,le,,Trini ;;, tU. i ~.H. 34n. NT .1•.; LOST. -•-Some time in Aptil e. 1 Nee 0 :oaf U,at,be h s J. Ito and.t,chuea Feeilea, `;t>erdr.n, r►a Citurof Thomas Jamieson, of Ilay. +t,lt POrs,+n.s tiro f01.sal. nr „otiatiuc; tl o amts. as U�ayn4.1 7t th r'.i Iran lu t t ,t„1+,7rr41. 111.11[ AS J.t1t1lPS.)N. r1111111:8111N13.- Tee undersigned is e. 4-.1+,'4:1 to aro all Wadi of Fail Thor ' l r Rll flit' ou filo 'FaeYs^ awttel",.MI a sal.Pro,r mauler. Stull at ar roa ,13,3' In r th{:i ai any other, Apply cot 1ir,ulltn t, a: NitaHay. T.1,i.hl.11:;. Iia;, J;aie, :.,.o, 177. J•itr. THF 'ST.. MARYS POISONING CASE. purred. If he had beep in the police force be would have been wrong in :Continued front page 2.1 leaving Guest. Front his police train - St. Marye, June 21. ing he thought it richt to leave a prin- J:trnes Del age,constable,was sworn,1 eipal in the conditions of Gneet find and said be had at prose it no ocoupa- rely upon the circumstantial evidence.. et in ; reiul'lnber 4th of hue ; sow t e He did not think at the tine that a deceased that evening ; he was gaga*ing capital offence had been committed ; down Water Street, on the east side, he thought that Guest had a dose from about eleven o'alhck ; be got a drink of the Doctor, the aatue as he had heard nater and remind slung the west side; the Doetor had giveu to other Moya. • r ,, figure , sew o,r tl t ro t: mo i of} s A l Olt 1 r- 1dHe I had pot. given 's v" e e �,,t tl till a 1d leC through tJ and ( was e •, door I 1 , at the i t shimmed v' l 1 st d i e s 1, anyspleen c. n r enmity, silt aridly 1' o 1 et f l �, 3 r that the glass was broken ; be heard it. the prosecution of the ends of justice; jingle, on the sidewalk ; saw the figure was never out Olds mind until he came stagger along and clutch a post ; he under the care of Dr. Ford ; do not 'ttlN groaanine; almost ' t the same time int know positively who bud him sent a this man, another Inas value out of to the Asylum ; have seen parties going the past -Ingo thatt leads: up to the him- in end out of Dr, Ford's office ; lied no yens oflloes; as witlle•e approached the special object that ni,rht in watehin r Met mctu, by stepped batik from the i 1yr._ Ford's nice, sidewalk bock into the passege way ; AS ` o Mr. Jones --Mr. Jones saw pit. ,,ituess approached the passage -way, Suess wheu he was ou the sidewalk ; ha sew a nhn.n, slightly built, ault tires- . Mr. Janes must have been cognizant of sed in dark t+tothes, conte ant of Deithe person who passed into the hall. imolai" office atad run into the passage. ;Do not swear. that he knew who lie tt ay where the a ened mita was ; at t Was, Mr. Jones did not NISI flim, be witness mine up to Dr. Ford's ofliee, Wel not know whether he followed him;; w1LSU3i & soNS, Ct)1,y',Bl;,TT • r le. U , Brieuf1 Z nto.,c' ni ; na and Cou- tracnaw,and at•,n.rul repaid ot.h,or•.0 and other :o I+en z' 10 . rams drawn on reannnablu tortes. ilaviuot Mel ye s.,a experitateo ret Shu bnsiut'ss, W u fort 111'40.1at to execute ,vorht in geed rot; Ic 1 curl ou euo.tt, Stu torula. licai•tenau-tuuod Inti uee,tel Ceu•bett'Ncorners tuwnlinO• TE\V BUTCHER SHOP. -• The 11 in lertit;nsa west rrto acquaint tho Inhabi- tants of Exeter uud surrounding ',wintry that he has opened ,na a WM' 19atvhcr shoo nest door to Alen'. bait. rv,,ahero It will keepasupplyof frrsh Leat C,nt;tctntiy on halal. Caoh fur hills rind bile a p•1lkine. Jouti WOOD, tekEE, Commissioner, Insur- esa.. • auto. Land and Loan egont, Ofioe— next,to;rr smith RoyalHotel, 1 zeta. Wilsons Hotel, IfensaII,every Monday. DRIVa1Tle FUNDS to loan at 8 per L cent, 1tITOItTGAGES BQU(.,ITT. 3fonayjloaued onfgoodlaOT1`.S, ("'((ONVEYANCING — Deeds, Mort - e„! „ages, Wills, .ec, drawn nu reasonable terms MASON S; HUDSON, Hensall, Out. ACC('ttNTANTS, AtTCTION1CIIS. Fire awl LifOrut;uranc. one Genyral Commission Agents, Insurance twn-thirds Cheaper than or- dinary cost. Also money to loan on reasonable terms. Prompt attention to orders per mail or otlherwise. Prrm and Village property for sale or to lease, Also sotto good business stands and reside Hees in flonsall. JOHN =EON, JoslPU HII0SON, Commissioner. Conveyancer. PROPERTY LIST. volt SALE IN WINCIIELSEA— J-, House and Lot. Goon stand for a shnema- ;ker, A corner lot. Fnr particulars,apply by letter or personally to HARRY BROWN, Wincholse:aP,0 TO LET—SEVERAL ACRE'S OF LAND. for cultivation iu large or small parcels.— Also for sale several building lots from one-fifth of an acre and upwards at lo,v ratan. Apply to M1 E. V. Bea tin. Exeter. V"(TILLAGE PROPERTY FO11 SALE.— The undersigned offers fol. sale that lot south of Mr. James llelntyre's new store,on main street, with a frontage of SO feet. L'or terms apply :to J. URIINNICAN,IIxeter,or PATRICHMoVB1G.A �'eueCxinivray p. o. T ARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB- scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13- Cou.14, Township of 'Osborne, County of Huron 80 acres clew ed, the remainder gnod bush, well and in a good state of cultivation; under, drained, good orchard, splendid •well of water. ••'•' frame barn 30x00, log stable 21x86, log house, and ,convenient to school and three .churches. Por pother particulars apply to cV141. BRYANS, Iiirltlon, P.O., 0g DMR. B. V. ELLI,OT, Attorney, Exeter P.O. rAlit! FOR SAL 0. ---The subscriber offers for sale, lot 13, concession . 5, Stephe.', four miles and a half from Exeter,'aomprising 100 acro8, 90 acres cleared. Good log hoose and frame barn, splendid water, soil fit for dairy or grain, also a splendid brink yard on the premises, For further particulars apply to Raman Yooxp, on the premises, or to Exe- ter, P 0 OR SALE.—A. FIUME HOUSE and two Lots' on Ann Street, Exeter. Tho -house is storey and a half high, frame, new, and Jontai as eight largo romps. Stable thud other con- veniences on the premises, A number of young fruit tree •• on the lots. Apply to DONALD TAYLOR, Exeter. AIIM FOB, SALE --EAST HALF 1' Lot 30,N. 1.3 Stephen, eontaioipg 00 acres A'aout 80 ecrea cleared, and in a good state of cul- tivation. Good log house and stable on the , re- mises. e-- tuisesuwtit Throe orchard acres of fencerailsplanted tothe 1st, unlit and •Any q y fled, 1'nr.ternrs .apply to..UTTO SULAAN P. O .aa;lr a>uod. Af i4-tI known Ford for nearly 80 years ; have COUNTY ITEMS, talked with Ford atone ; he was an W1- --- fortunate friend, but not as regards the! Mr. Crowell Witlsou,formerly Tread - evidence ; as an old friend of Ford's 1 urer of London Township, bas zemov- winless takes a deep interest in the ^ ed to e'inghania ease, Last Saturday, a little girl, daughter 'to the coroner—Thinks as inks that deceased, of 'Ur. A. Calder, photographer, of S' a- - might have lived for two hours after terth, [net with a severe accident. The taking sufficient alcohol to ultimately ( chilli had been preying in the garden, pro(.uca death ; a large dose of aleohtel' and by eorne means or other else o>a step, al empty stomaen rlight produce a' ped a pikeiforG which w439 Ding aellatpse very quickly. among Ronio weeds, One of the prangs Dr. John Hyde, of Stratford, sworn -1 ento•i t the foot muter the eecoud toe —Prom the evidence, sletuld say that 1 and ceiue out ;shave the it15 0P. Ttia some irritant anbetaece had beten takenpoor child has suffered great agony nate the stomach ; fleet's gastritis would since, and it is to be hoped that she account for the eymptoms of Guest',i will soon recover. death ; liiwe seen death result from al- t Last Stittlyday a very curious case of tltt3l ; if alcohol diff not produce a col l eipontaneeue combustion occurred on l,sa for au hour, intoxication would the farm of Mr. ltebert ;sic tlfllett), lord likely be: epfeareut. lee, ea. -aeon uf 1Ii::Ikiile i,, neisr 1ttehlioro'. Luke 5rreal'i9, senior•=^-•D(!lma,e was During the f, rtlilot It 3111. 3Io•3riIl+tli s hie hones the evelli:lg pricer to Gneet't so was engaged 113 erasing a-tttere, Beath. °:►led he enticed that a heap of manure, David Currie—Remetnber the 4 Ii ; which he had thrown from the horse June ; was ant of town all that eight.: eatable, huts berm- smoking, but Haiti. Deluca a resettled --- Did not tell little attention to it. until after diener, Matthew CrI lien flint he would do all when .lie lefts passing it going to the t l ` r a-, Foul; L .� alt o • Ile lleiyd tau I+ou 3ti rt f Intel s in flit. -Hill awelir that 3111. drones lied iso uta- , !ie could tl„Zi>!ast n1%-nntrl;r.d that stable to suis ltarreH. The 'volume of teftice; board tee voice of Dr, Fold say brella, it Frere wise not ethta-ieteti, it would net '+tllol;e issuing from it he thought un. • 1, will learn volt to come sneaking me ingnent adjourned at 1 o`clock' be from lack of evideeuce ; made rienarl,N usual, ants ttto:eti to lettit at it. dust as run, a illy cf3ic(. prying out me secrets. e1;nti12;30 1t. m. you and e-� s of b ----s hale you, 0—di The iutldest resumed at 2:30 p. m, de -n you , witness advanced to where tl W. A. G dui fir was recalled and the first n1:it1 was chltcllief; the ite.at i sworn. 115.. said that Dr, Fond remain- were to the egret th1. t lulls was no- bnriailla; very rapidly. 143rtilltately mei vornitiog, exclaiming te0 (i' d, ed 1n his rt-e,m after he had left iwt tench ore oaan, and he believed he is a thiet'i• was a Hull t+f water li ar bye Sited "0 God ;” salty that this uhau was Rob- longer than five tuinutete, relative of 1)r. Fora; ho also made a 'added by two uf his eistere. who had ert Gnet:t. last eight about the jury and Ellin an -112 sea Was engage d, the entire heap atysi;s ; refused to tell what Ito tietid, buret into a bluze dames, s ,we After a lotug delay 114 Suits his ietn;arke -lo-esti d,y atra.w on the top Igniting and. Pr. LL'ilsou wee re -celled aed sworn. a very derogatory remark rte; erdiug e'1- been attracted to the Aleut by Itis cries To Juror ----The seem' p813 ty who `° Ile said wheu he saw cieceased and its ; unsde no dero0lctery realty It ftbutlt f tr hells, the thLtileea were sn0u t•saing- calno out of the pa+isag© and ran into I}r, Ford together en the evening of the jury. 1 ni-fiscal witbeatlt otos* serious damage the passage again was ;lir. Jonas. D,1 Juno 4111, the deceased tsps leaning per C. S. Junes, recalled—No i !Ming bt:en done. not know the party that came iuto I)r, nraivat the pout in frnut iif Mr. \Va1811s °tune into the pasee,tee-way where be l Fare's office and ran into the passage Can swear to Dr. Fore's voice. Die not know who Dr. Ford was Within, to. Witness was positive that the figure that came out of 1) Ford's office was Robert Guest, The reason he did not accompany de ceased home was that he wielted to mind his own business, and tore; his arms were chewed around wits Htantliteg on tbl il• ; ,,f Jpilo 4th DOMINION NEWS. ash h111 stomach, as though he were/ 430138• pret:sing himself ; Dr. Ford was appar- ently conversiu; with him ; hearts a voice, but not sore Whether it was the Doctor's or Guest's ; ter. Ford was fac- ing towards the east; Guest to the east, and witness was walking sttutf'i that he thought 1)r. Ford had only put witness said "good night" 10 lir. 1'a1tl, a triol, upon hint by giviutz him e deet and Dr. Fold partially turned arousal and ifalIytltiuc had clone out of it 'there anti notified ; the de 'Posed was quite was goad circumstantial evidence. To Mr- Jones --Witness is a County Covetable nota government detective ' COnsditlns sari perm went dicer 1n his mind when he a as ti called to hire, professionally the deceased thought was engaged as a private detective by he was in a dying oomlition weep wit - nese Crown Attorney in this case ; can't lhess first saw flim ; it rarely fails that tell the day he was engaged ; sometimes a person suffering; froth moll extreme his recollection was as had as that ; his cnllallse, from pain going before, acci- memory was sometimes good ; was en - detail or otherwise, does not think memory gaged about two or three days after the detail ilnpending if consoionsness ex- ists; witt.ess is perfectly assured that the deceased thought he was going to die; told deceased that he was in a dy- ing condition, 1'o Mr. Jones—When he noticed Mr. was vohu'tarily giving Mr. Wilton, Guest he made a movement or two with Chief of Police in Stratford, informs- his foot and leg ; Dr. Ford wee dressed Lion els to the motives ; went to Stoat- in a dark suit and lead a bat on ; wit - ford and saw Mr. Hayes, and gut his nese repeated This evidence in chief, re - instruction ; the first person he saw gardiug his summons by Mr. Thomas corning oat of Dr. Ford's office was Mr. Guest and bis treatment of the de - Guest ; did not look particularly across; as witness was passing the office he felt the glass under ilia. feet ; as he carne up the light was pnt out ; thiltk there wits.e, light there when Guest staggered out; was just about opposite illiss Brown's when he saw the first figure; did not see Dr..D'ard that night. (Mr. Jones ventured to say that from Miss Brown's e+ffico no person could see at night who came out of Dr. Ford's of- fice) Witness swore positively that he couldseefrom Miss 13rown s anyone coming out of Dr. Ford's ; it was not stormhlig nor raining that night while he was out -that is, about 11 or 15 minutes after 11 o'clock ; do not thiul: it had been raining, t Mr. Jones stat- ed that it was rainingthat eight when he was out, cud everyone in Court knew that it was raining very hard that [night.) Witness kept his eye on the figure that staggered out of Dr.Ford't; lie was retching ; there were others on the opposite side ; the voice that called "Bob, Bob,": ac.; -he thouellt- wa, the voice of David Currie ; was in town next morning ; heard of the death of young Guest, and came down to see about it ; went down street by 8 o'clock; saw the 'deceased after the post mo?'tem,. and saw DV. - Hanson that morning about 11 a. m. ; told Mr. T. 3. Guest what ale knew, and stated that he would give his evidence when, lie was sworn ; it was alcohol from the fact that Dr. told the County Attorney the particle Ellie found na poison, and he did find lars that he was aware of ; he knew Dr, aloohol could not say that there might, Ford; had a` difficulty with than ; never not have been introduced into the stem told anything false against Dr. Ford ; ech poison, in. sufficient' qua'Itity to witness has threettenea1 Dr: Ford; had wade^death, but do not think so, es no inqueet; went down to Stratford an Saturday or Mon lay ; Tommy Gaest told witness that the Crown Attorney wanted him ; did not attend the priyate inquest ; prior to tis engagement he Hary n person leaning against a post . A cleric in a clothing establishment weevil Ile xgppamted to he (nest ; ' did' in eInutre tel has been atrel:t(ed, clttirged i not hear expressions attlibuted by with en -11)07.44,g about $3,000 from re have gene on for three years. The York County Orange Lodge have rs'seiudi,�d th• it fo' mer resolutions ,1eterenining to go to Montreal on tile 12,th prox., and have decided to' hold theu:�ual celebration in Toronto instead. John 1''tnn, Jas. Fine, Hattie Sunda and diary Welsh, of Osweg•�, were The Court then closed at liths to 1 drowned on Tuesday last, at Ple'seu allow the jury to have a private (tenant- Point, Lake Ontario. talion. .Atter a short consultation the A tenth of horses, driven by Mr. jurors decided not to receive any . more James T. Farley, Belleville, tufts struck evidence, and meet at nine o'clock on by al000m,rtivtlwhen crossing theGratel Saturday morning to consider their Trunk crossing, in the second e'lnce�l- verdiet. sion of Sydney,. on Tuesday last. ;tar.. vr;Itolox, Farley was seriously injured, a.id one This jury is of the opinion, from the of the horses Milled. evidence before them, that the encased, A. fire occurred in Toronto, on Sat- Rubert Guest, came to his death, nn nrday night last, which caused about the 6th day of June, at St. Marys, from $10,008 damege to a building owned the effect of some irritant poison taken by J. W, Philips, corner of Hayter and: into the stomach ; and the jury, from Elizabeth streets, and occupied by the evidence, find that the said poison Thomas Carroll as a sash and door fact- was given by Adam Enoch Ford, lll,D. area Partly insured. While eight young men were sailing in a boat in the vicinity of Chester Baffin Halifax, on Sunday afterno�ln, a sudden squall came np, whieh upset the boat, and four of the party were Excr:nsmv--await forget the excel-- t drowned. Thier names were Shaffer; sion from Port Blake to • Sarnia, Port BesThe of on, Eisenhaner and Dimmer. The others were saved. Heron, and return on Dominion Day. AToronto man,namedPitterman,enl- Aocnrnmodation vehicles will leave the lrloyed to help in removing gorses to Central Hotel,Exeter, at 6:45` a. hn.,for their new premises by Messrs Living - Port Blake, and carry passengers at ston and Johnson, met with a horrible death on Tuesday last. He was as- cending• by the hoist in the new build- - ing, wheu by some means, not under- GENLRALNE�'S. standing the working of the machine, his head Dame in contact with the floor The condition of the German Em- on whieh he wislhed to laud, and was peror is the left satisfactory. His power of literally staved in, causing almost In- stantperceptibly death. He leaves a wife and a oreasilig. lttrge family of young children unpro- The condition of the Queen of Spain viclyd for. causes much anxiety. Violent hemorr- hage+. supervened on Saturday and greatly weakened her. A Rome special says instructions have been filially issued from the Wi- nn to the Neepolitac Bishop to take the Royal Exequsttor, and the revenues semi nalrieee of the dioceses. Hitherto the Bishops have ignored the Exegna- tor, and received monthly subventions from the Vatican, but the great falling off in Peter's pence renders the strictest economy necessary. The Englishman Bishop, charged with bribing officials to obtain plans of fortresses in Germany, has been sen tended to two years and six mouths'. 103 t1sonmen t. The number of equine births in France in 1877 is stat'd to be nearly 300,000, of which a tenth part is thor-. alghbred. The French army requires 99,000 horses when on- a penes fnotirg; the Rnesiau army, 88,000, and the Austro-Hungarian army, 46,000. )elmage to Dr. Ford ; did not Hear this employers His stealing= are said to jingling of glaaa; did not see Velmage. Charles Sutherland—Knew niltlling about the cause of Lruest's den.th ; he sew 1)r. Ford and deceased tog, ther that night ; Saw 1)r, Ford go in the di- rection of Mottle ; followed shortly after, and do - nut thing he wield have re turned without his seeing hien. ceased ; Thomas Guest was with wit- what motive, or that Adam Enoch cess until file death of the deceased ;. Fora either pre.reditatod or intended Thomas Guest must have heard any personal injury to the deceased. conversation that took place between the deceased and witness ; deceased was not unconscious for more •han three minutes before hie death ; remained with deoeased until he was dead ; in vis first examination he stated that be had asked deceased upon, first seeing him if lie had been drinking in any quantity ; reasonable charges. Come one, crime this was a mistake ; he had asked thie all. B. question after he went out for the ned- lcine ; he was not recalled ou the pros - cut occasion at his own request. To a juror—Witness only naked the deceased once if he had been drinking. The inquest was then adjourned un- til 7 o'clock. The inquest resumed at 7 p. m. The County Attorney has announced that he had no further evidence on be- half of the Crown. He left the case iu the bands of the jury. Dr. Peter R. Shaver,,Stratford, sworn —Have known cages where a roan has died within two hours froth drinking a large quantity of cold water, sour beer, alcohol, or irritating substance ; a large quantity of alcohol might. kill. a mau by the shook to the - nervous system without making hien drunk ;--could not say that deceased did not die from any other poison than alcohol ; he inferred O wished o trace of of sin. was found b a Waal si rather than $1,00 hesome- p y y s one else had given the evidence, owing have seen patients die as rapidly as to his not being on good terms with Guest without being poisoned, from Dr. Ford. taking sour 'ale or impure water, who l 'To 'a juror—Believe that he was a resulted in acute gastritis. bounty constable wheu these events oo- 1 To County Attorney 11 lyes—slave Two bays named John. Beatty and Michael Cane, aged 15. and 16 respeot- ively, ware in the Don River Toronto, bathing, when Beatty attempted to walk across. The result was he fell into a hole. Cave dived after hint, end the two grappled each other. Both went down to rise no more. Some boys ou the bank seeing the ocwrence shouted to some others higher up the river, who came down, and two of them dived iu and brought np the bodies, but all ef- forts at resuscitation proved' unavailing. Henry A. Parr, arrived at Bos ton from St. John, N: B., on Tuesday last, has been arrested by U.S.Officers, on a warrant for murder, committed on board the steamer Chesapeake while a passenger from New York to Portland, December 5th, 1863. Parr wan one of the seventeen pessengers who took 11, s: session of the vessel in the name of the Confederate States of Alneriea,thooting the second engineer and throwing the body overboard,