HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-20, Page 6R THA TIMES O THE TARIFF. ''S GREAT SIREOII Oli TAF NA,^ TIPNAL POLICY 'Continued from Iast weep.; AIR. COLBY—Some think they can see all about the condition of a country by looking at columns of fio urea ; but Gess to our market, the Cauadiau hop grower bad to sweet a.5 cent duty in the United States, and asked the House on every consideration of fair play to grant the imposition of 0 cents a pound ou hops. - It was not done at that session, but it was ate subsequent session, and it ie now on the Statute Book. 1 know something alum.. the Americans, there are conditions working to the i have lived among theta a. good deal, en the wolves away. Dog, wiry dl' you RUSSIAN PROVERBS, NA 111 Beautiful Concert Grand Pi- ORGAN .. "...., s, t'o1,000, mil .42.a'stt ,,...,. The wolf asked the goat to dinner ; but the goat declined. A fox sleeps,, but counts Nene in his dreams. The wolf changes his hair every year, but remains a wolf. Dogs, why do you bark ? To built- l -- Superb Grunt( Square Pianos, cost, :81,100, only $ 255. Elegant Upright Irl nos, :cost, t.'-;'800. only $ 155, New Style Upright Pianos, $112.50. Organs 535. Organs I. stops *444.50, Clluteh Organs, 10 stops, cost +:390, only •x115. .rlogt'nt :375 mirror top organs only otti5. T)•,inentlous saerifl:ee to close out present stock. New Stearn Factory soon to bo erected, Newspapers with much informs-, Von libout cost of bits -os, and Organs, SENT FRF1E. Please address DANIEL F. BETATY Wash'neton, N' J. AGENTS WANTED FOR TRE good or ill of the country which the was educated among them, and have keep your tail bete eel your legs? I ICTOIRICILL Public ,Accounts and Irene Returns do always lived near them. I, at that am afraid of the wolf. not show. Great leakages and loss- tonne, expressed my settled belief, es sometimes occur through the acts or though it had not the weight with the omission of Governments. of Ilion the leader of the Government that 1 had Blue i3ook makes no mention. Blue Books and statistical tables are not in- fallible. So much for the action or in- aetiou of the Government in the ses- siou of 1870- i.E(CIdI.A'rd7ItE OF 18777 "eenai,IZEn NOn- Love, fire and a cough cannot be Matte friends with the bear, but keep honed it would have, that just so long hold of the axe, as we were prepared to permit this uu• Bread and stmt 1lumbie even a rob- equal system by which we were exclud- berg ed from the American Markets, white : A full stomach is deaf to instrueticn. the Americans had iweess to ours, they If you hunt two hares you will catch would. consider it better than reciproe. neither. ity and would cot give ns reciprocity. ! God is not in Baste, but bis ainn is If they are satisfied with the course That was the view I then took and they tookthey are quite welcome to all still hold. and I then made use of the the comfort they call And iia it. At a expression which haul been so ranch cost of $2,000,000, this Government lauded and so much (abuse((•-eireciprocn- bad taken a :ear's tesl'ite, in order to y ity of tariffs, if not reciprocity iht e,,)nil,aer, as they said, and bring in a f trade. 1 believe the reasons I then WI to meet tbe entire conditions of the 'urged were song ll. I believe one need case, They brought, in a bill which only !mow the American chatacter,. embodied their °wit views. They are their a tlrewdness, their practical way not tratnelled by anything, but com- of treating Snell subjects, to be cttu- • ,tad its eti, cls;*re oaten, .nftt+r elle. rigours of a rmmetleed era novo, and retn^)1143lled the Y*tnced that so long Its they have free e`auttlian whiter, tuiytbi)tg but pleastut,froth whole thing. If I ata rightly Wrenn acceee to our reerliets, and we tire 1•\• tl)e feet of MI Altuhv p uple going to their chilly ode the oil production of C�;llacl a. i'i cltttle•..1 from theirs, they will ceiteidei' tavlt4 lti.tu wtttiont Zest or spirit, but hll4'. the wholly within the constituencies 14f tbe that they 111a%e the teem of the bargain. veriest slave (irivclaby the along of necessity. t Is because the maeideery, se to speak, of the lHon. thea,Itnhieter of the Interior, sit 1 desire W draw attention tt) one I ltllu40* rue+iyltay become clogged, after being they had all the knowledge rtee,msary thought which seems to me to iter t:iilftt3tl with carbon, bearing fats necessary to to guide theme to a right couclusiou the strongly on this questiou. withstand a winter in a elituate like Canada. t.)lles u*. session. ADA what suer they necien.Gt:A1. P1'TIF:s Athl Dkb1: 5 — UT Ir the spring -the in+livitletat8UY1••rs from bead - mite, dyspepsia in nobility of the nervous sys- tem, btlinn$tu ,s, dt•i r,•'sfon of spirit-;,, In„Itiele No. Thi-( u,•,•,i )r,t be, for PlIOSPOZI INl4;, the € runt ue rvhue tons(. will remove the pri- :nara 4 (astir tone the system, and remove all tnpnriti4s from the Woad. sure. You may shalt the door on evil, bat he will enter by the window, I'rai e nut the crop until it is stave. act. It is not tleoeaaary to plow fools -•-- they grow themselves. THOUGHTS OF SPRING ale4?--.`with all (ilia ltuowle3ge, with this 1* TAGIATI*]s. teaar°s respite and lei hire to frame innI know the idea that we can coerce Act to meet tato condisious of the Cie,e."the ki netic:4ue, that four nniflnl4h{s (1 pureletstt,l a'S they tetl*1 there "et a cell lte.iple can coerce forty minute, is of {tf tfit l.ct0il 2 1't'.lat was this bid a ten sneered at and likerett "to the tail It was a free trade) hill which .imposed upon this article a customs ants et frAtaa :it) to GO per cent., while uta other article is pr *tecte(1 mare than 7," e'er Bent. This' flee trade ('ifuverinuenr put on thia exceptional article iii till ewe Alined part of (:,•antu%— this article which was the only nue which could be abused by rings and t.olnl)i•ca• tions -.a duly of from 00 to 60 per cent. When they put ou the duty at 0 cents a gallon, oil was werti ten cents ea lots ; they swept away the whole excise daty and recouped the eonntry by l*nnt ting it on tea ; bat to favor this in dustry, the only oue whish eoinld be abll,e41 by proteeti'n, they 15V14•41 *t 'ens torus duty of from 011 to GO per cent,, malting, accerdiag to their theory, the cnnalnuier of oil, which is made in Can Alda. pay. not to the manufacturer, six cants additional for every gallon. lir an additional profit of 00 per cent. Weed that legalized robbery, or Wv,ai It not ? In whose interest was that ler. petrat'ed IIEt. CAItT\VRIGIIT—it wag a rev- enue tax and aproper rine. PETII,0Ll:1,'3I 111Y(t• SL-tnUmY1�13. milt. COLI3Y—When it W.1.4 stood nnd<'r- stood that the tax was to b4 taken oil', th're was no lon=ger an oil ring until the Pittance Minister determined ap+'n the policy he was to port+lb', ra41d then the organizers re•orgauized in OW tario, and an oil ring more dangerous because more comprehensive than the oltt one, has grown up under the legis- lation they had passed iu consouanee with their free trade ideas. That was an illnstration of the views of these gentlemen, and '.)f their idea as to what wagging the tlog.” The Americans had found it necessary for the mn..ain- taitlt ace (.1 their credit to put ou high duties. That imposes upon us a cot re:Tendittg necessity to protect our lnanuf tcturere a' ti Ampere, so long ao olid uuf4u'tnnate state et things waste i ou the other side. Thine is no news (t,l1cb for irritation.l�It will ll of beetr. a!itryp Q errd i rtahatry policy. I thiola might be safely said thtttlo•tlirtle In 1 thle41•fourtb , Of the people ttf tet United States, this question of mime). ::ity is today a la•atttr of t(tt111 intlifer- encs. 11' we went below the norther(. tier 0r States, prult•tbly if we teen' t the 'fiddle States,certaitnly if we went to tris Southern, the Seuthwe+tern, U1 tile' Pacific Satter if we aske 1 any lat' except tt ;pub'io r'tau, what, were the ,e 14t.i•ins between Oviedo. and the L ,.it - e4, Staaas, 1)e toned not tell whether reciprocity or unequal tnritf existed. It does lint affect the mass of talc people of the Utiitetd Slat el, who art (Neutral 10 regard to the matter. B .t we have active intereate working a:;ui:he;t t13 in tihe States of itItaiue, Ver. limit and New York, in those sections along our frontier wii'•se interest- are agricultural, and who would be injurt d if our butter, beef, wool, horses, po- tatoes, &e., went to their market. On that account they are into Isoly hostl.t to reciprocity. They t ant to keep Nova Scotia potatoes and P i ices Ed.. ward Island , ats nut of the Bosto market, and Eastern towl.shipa beef out of the Brighton market. They de- sire to keep up the monopoly of theit twine market, which alone intakes ag- 4•icniture possible in barren New Eng - a revenue tariff ought to be. Did a laud, That *active luflne,ice workil'g put evert dollar of the revenue into the upon the inert and indifferent mass of Treasury 2 Did they not kno.v that the cation is what we have to coutend every gallon bought of a Canadian re- against. We brave to eonutervail that finer had paid h,m, not the Trea-wry, influence, we have to create an iuflu- an additional six cents ? Did they not e).ce against that. Does the House b know that two thirds of the oil con- lieve that so long as it could be show.' sumed is mannfactnre1 in Canada, and that year by year we are titian! wort - that, every gallon paid six cents .afore and more of their manufactured pro - than it *night to pay in consequence Of duets, the manufacturers of New Eng - the pc'licy of the Government 2 If they land are going t.) j in 08 in the deai,C are proud of their inaction in 1876 for a renewal of reciprocity, when it is and of their legislation in 1877, they shown that from 1873 to 1877. while are welcome to any satisfaction which prices had fallen, while itnp,,rts fr to they eau derive from the contetnpla tion of it. S•) much for the oil ques- tion. RECIPROCITY 'WITH THE UNITE]) STA rES. There is only one other subject to which I desire to allude. I should not be dnirig justice to my Own convictions of what my duty is in addressing the H use upon this question, if I did not make reference tc the follttwiup' propo• ALLAN LINE '01? England had fallen,, the only thir g that had increased had been the am- tiuut of manufactured goods which we bought from the States—an increase of some 30 per cent. ? D 'es the House believe that under that state of thing, we will get their co-operati,al ? Let them, however, feel themselves exclnd- ed and embarrassed in getting to that mmrltet which they bad heretofore used sition contained in the :Intendment ; as their own market. and tf en we "And moving,; as it; aught to do, in the di -would find that they have a little feel` rection of Reciprocity of Tariffs with our lug In favor of reciprocity. So long as neighbors, so far as the varied interests of Canada may demand, will gre tly tend to pro: the Americans eor.truue to poses all care for this eoiu try eventually, a reekoeity ' he itdvautal_ es they now el tiny, they of trade." - will not give us reciprocity of tra•le. If every other member of the 11'*ise The cruel and politic course then, to Should go back, on the proposition. rid ,pt, i., to put 0uL duties the sante contained in this am'nolmeut of the as before the Reciprocity Treaty ,w ad right hon. member for Kingston, I ce'r teamed to put ourselves back to where tainly could not do so, u'ithont Very we were then, ti place ourselves ito 16 eleriut inconsistency. Ottthe first position where we can pinch some otleasion that it was my privelege to classes in the United States and de - address this Patliarnent as a new teem pr ve em o som v her, its early as 1868. the doctrine which they now so freely enjoy. 1 whish is there ann u0ced was urged by me upon tbe attention of the Goreru. meat (If which that' lion gethtletn'an was then the head, and upon Parliament, a oircnutstanee which' is due to• the for consideration. I n. g d thait a duty •Iateuese of the hour. (The lion. of five cents a pound should be placed gentleman resumed hie seat awi,1 pro= upon hops. I pointed out that while longed applause.] the American hop grower had free ac- [coN(mmen thank the House for the indnl'leuoe ex- tended to me, and beg to apologise f r this abrupt termination of tip/ speech, all Stoamsilins t" 5110111' S1;.1 1' ISS.( 1., F('ONnaIY, COMFORT, Ono • f t'tt first -etas,. full -powered (rude -built ttuntsln1L of tont above. emostrueteel t4*'eeitit4 for thentivittaittott of the .atttatteaveraging nom 5,1.511 ti' 1,244 toms. currying the Canadian an4. l'niR•d Fin/tom nulla, a sit kayo l,,1�ue,bee ev, ry sat ur 11y for l i(l'rpuol ane( Londonderry and far tile(tow even rill" d4 4y. Parties wi httig to send for• 111••1, friends in 1•:u;dotal cum itbt:uu tickets at box rstoS• intt•1'*Iledittte auk. btteno ,- I,tt,1.(ngeol• at lowrattes. Steamers ieuve Quebec a•7 Hollow.: Sarmatian ..... 22nd ('ire assbta.... .. . . 20Ut MOraviitn .. ........... ........ ......... kith P. ravian 1'1i4 Santini:in . ......... ........ 41411 aolane0itnl 27th Sarmatian ................. 3,41 ( 1-e tssian.. , ,.14)411 Moravian .. . 17ta1 HISTORY no in WORLD Elniraelog frill and authentic aeeonnts of ev(•ry elation of au. entNodlmodernti'nes.altdiueluding a history or the rise a.u1 fano( the Greek ant Ito - man I:nlpirea,the growth o4 the Rations of mod- e-•tr curette, the noddle ages, the crusades, the feudal system. the reformation, the discovery art settlement of the new World, etc.. etc. It militants 072 flue historical eu5ravi.'g and UM large doable . olmmt pages, and is the most complete History of the World everpubiishe, . It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see wile it seiis faster than any other book. Address, NAThoN4t. PteufdsH*r o Co. t ladel tends- Pa PlANO8 and ORGANS. LIANOS-•Grand, Square sail upright -the best atlade he Ird. F1na S --S d f, eotave ]teen Orin.;amtl frnuwl -lti) 1, at.glsN'. heanhest **lana*• loco owed, oiled at l'rieesas low, if not ewes. thein Gilt 0th(r Ilonre cu tln4norld .4G1 NTS 4; I l). i11c1 Ira-lvl ettt tl tt ea' ntniled. IiORA(tli R A'i'l 1 s .v sols Mnuneaeturers and Dealers. 40 Fast 44th Street New York. P. 0. Box 3557. 1Estnb.inhsd 1546.1 ' 7t. 'Send for Illustrated Catalogue. A ;t) la•,,,,t 111. f rt) a tr da td .., or ill 4,10 ons Star rt. QV ter. tv.ta to 4 u . J. *4 ,tt°;1 '1). Au,,:: t.N.Y $" 1.r.+v.IY 11' (1ru3 or 7. lirlt•l r e,1 (' 444+. wnth ua*al •.14 ca i- t". V 11 - a l a., oi1li l�llat)u4la, :�. 1OT&E I Ellie lll:l)hl1',tllg i('eltjn.11+ 1 W Yli hi 1 Cv*-U, tit 54)11)1, Esso( to ti cress 4.10445 iu Its lower ct lath.: int half the /,) eel• asked ler tooter Intel farther north i elle at!ul alai hostility titillate. lthlr, a 01 Boll on :.t)7 t:h spit Eliheel ..it cll � rt19 7 1 F. $10 $ t) tint) $100 uvestedjadCIIII*Kly➢tt Stacf:st()uti'ntiof1Full'liiiilr 1!0(5). es 14 baro road t•4 rlq,td f,ntun,`. THE. ONTARIO ". AVIVG S INnski °� ► e 5OCZETT, LONDON, CAFJADA Working' Capitol, $2,100,000. Resery Fund, $144,000 Largest working capital of any: Company west of Toronto: Monev loaned on first -alas.; Bea 1Estato,securitiees either in straight Loans, (t aper cent, or ont14tc Instalment system, at the option of the borrower. Apply to W.F. MILLEN, Afaanger. 0: to A1B, ANDREW LAE it, Exeter, Rfaso:1 111*nso1, Henan% Jon1 PAnso*s. Credetou. January 31. *1 n1 LIME for SALEe+ :Il:-^• ». On and after MONDAY, 4atll inst., we will keep the Renchville Lime for sale at 20 t.,E1TTS PER 3U'S,tiEL- Special rates to parties using large quantities. MtONET TO LOA \ Itti Tip.kR511'hOl'FtL'l'Y. :1tor/gaga Bought and Marriagc Lce rzse s issued.. O'BY NE & CO, .14UDll' 11: I)K:lL it. RS, EXETER. MAN 11001) ltow l,US l.', 11OW itEtuo1i1 D. > 'z �tehavcrccautls pal•tiehcd,45 nen- ,iil•li• 41•'s -`•t t*t'U us 111. 1'**r4t ft Il's t (tt hint sit Lew"). oa no i:n4iva➢ end perp,0me.0 cure t. %thou* 1(41(6. el no \e:'Yo(1, l'.duiity, ati•utt11 awl Payment 10 )01').ny.tilv11 s t4r14)ue.141 . elc%rer.-art ,m:l tr, at 114O'41'. t. fried', MIA V414*t1VtlYtinpe+,onl colds, on. two postage nt.1111I''. Th(•e.'lel,ritc,,a'tther,in this tannin. tdo Es—at t uire 4eua hI11b orathat.'ltt C lora e u t*+ All lattettve, that attaining l<., *< t dice(ntIV F• ealita iN° (41111'4 a rthmlt lark• dam .eronh net of 14, tP4'104 ur+ diene, nr 044 ria locution 01 a bp 1v ,nlrwtiwg (alt a and(•<of cure lit Mice certain .e ' ArCetillat b}.den):s of which every sulfele.4u(1 'ant). want lir, ser+ditini, ilietV r, no mils and 0111(431 St„ck 1i\t 11:t44.4.e 1t.•t'4' to fres. It tu,,•I5 c+l(e slily. etvnt,•la. )latirat,icaU ('w u 1d4rc.5v Y". 1'e' ,r°rlat WI itt4 h: Co' 1(.tul,ers «.- t 1�' ihe•• hrettirr s1mnM be iu the haul a vary' \full Street Now Fent:, .,.nth met (tory ma fn thelaiatl. $��ttr7 a 1a%rtO)l i4411t4 c:4))va4nein0 figs (tie Flo"idt Y a,)ter. T4t••w.4 ewer neurit fine. A4bira*s L':tt V1I'I>«1.ity. Andorra. Maine. 111111,1 '1'ItEA 1`1:11•: *).1 1'1'IZIt)NAlt1 a Dines, es will be sent free told* *tt l,lit„Itt, .4ttetredn 44,t`Aa (1. 14t0ana 18 certluu,l Street Neu - Fork.. June trig TUE July Stadard Sash Door Blind !EACTOR Y, Aug. It 1 For Tickets and every information, apply to .0AP"1. G. KE;1IP, Exeter. NE \/.7 PUM? FACTORY At Woodham. t BRAY & EDWARD hate, at co:l- 4- Merolla t+xpense secured the Best em)l- ,Itlinerl and Augur iu the 1)ttmiuio.t,end have on hand a large stock of First -Class Pumps and are prooared to mate to order on the sbo*•t- est notice Well or Cistern Pumps. Wells and Cisterns contracted for. Also on hand at large stoekof Seasoned Lumber. Soft Elm 1,u nlierfo:• s0.50 to $7. Rock i;im from ; S to '8.10 Oak, ru to tt.41. Floor.ug, 412. (food stock of Logs ('u hand orlintfnu);e purposes, cut according to o.der a 0.50por 1,000. All orders by mail atteMled to. NEW MACHINE SHOP. ti'�i tliam Kitching Wishes to inform the public that he is better llrel'u4ed to renal). all kinds of Sewing 'Machines, Watches Clocks, Gnus, &c., than any other person in. the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfao- tion. eJOHN SU BAN, Ilas just commenced business one half mile \Vest of Dashwood, and is prepared to eleau 0100144, Watches and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs and Melodious at- tended to. Those 111 want of bis servioes should bins him a call before goit.g away from home. 011at gee moderate and entire satiofae- tin guaranteed • IIENSALL UOOPElt 811011. 0— W. V.cNVALKENBTJBGH, COOPER WORK OF ALL BIND'S, INCLUDING CISTERNS, of which he mattes A speciality), BUTTER PUBS cheaper than ever. Bepairing,llrc.anptly and. neatly done. Shop -((rock street directly west of the station. dive b* a call WA. VANVALI{Ei\I3URC+H. Benson, May 8, 1878. . 3m. UOKIINGHAH'S OLD BLAOIC*4MITH Sao1> is still going, .J Ir. S. Kilckingha4 ,'(seises to return his sincere thank u to h i s ptat.•ons, w h o ed hintin the 1111M(iro,tis have support paet a.td that, leaving recovered fronts=:m .e- his lane di - newt, he intends _ in future, to to take charge of the *torso -shoeing department himself., Ail other work (Ione in the very best style and 114 the lowest rates - 1.1;011_1H. Exeter, Dec. 13, LS17. is tonal nutty kept( n band, all kiwis of ltuildit 1 material. Fintorno 14 herd and soft, Siding Maud, - uge otic,, sold cheap. Plant tog Jigging 1411ti Turnil t: I04UI1,tly attended to. BUILDINGS CONT'RAC1 3D FOR and satisfaction gna.l'*auteeol. As we have o, hand a large to tock of ,try lumber, we feel sure o. satisfying those who may give us 0. call. ILOSF•7i1:OS. & Tr•.Y'1:011. TUE LONDON and CNTARR,. INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Capital - Parties money can. obtain advance on approved town or farm props nty. at lower rates. The above is a London, England Conn pony. For further partic.ilars,:apply to ROBERT PICKARD, Agent, May 17, tf, ExeterOut DO NOT READ THIS i aving received a lot of now machinery, L would inform the farmers of the :,ur- rounding couot1. that I tun prepared to maul fracture. all kinds of horse Stakes, Berle: Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, el 0, and haviui secured the services of a first-class Turner, am prepared to do ALL HINDS Or TURNING an the shortest notice, and for style and ori:'. I defy competition. Always on hand a first class stock of Fork and Shovel Handles. Ilii half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. R Send 51 for 8.5 pkts Flower Seed, 15 fol. .' ' Inc., 7 for 25o., Ol *1 c '' ltkts.'Veg s I t fw SUc. The 1 total aril ate, iv 100 -page 1'1. rnI work with colored plate, 100., with either 01 EA above packages seeds, two )(oars free. ee. Titcse e.• ufa tale bolts fide 1t l d tette Seeds first-class, bear& ploedlow only toinduueall totry tl:um. AcldrerI. 1'.i�.R,eid, Rocheter N.Y. Ana' '1'341s PAPEla.";-..-1 pAINTINU i!.. P A INI N G J. KITCHING Is prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Myer -hail r b Whitening, .. c. at reaso 3,il,:e prices and, puucena111'. J. il:ll'OFLIN(t, a ash tit ,�it tater: .sorsa Tatf eeL1vWaal Enit'AL too. 'rl **n nt. New York. 1'. (1. tio1, 4let1: The GREAT REMEDY for c 0 X1.3P1CIMIENCL- ALLAN'SANTI--FAT Is purelyvegetable and perfectlylntrnlless. It acts upon the food In the stomach, preventing its bele converted into fat. Taken In Invern1:owre with 111-• rectiens, It kite reduce a fat person front two to Ase pounds per week Corpulence is not only a disease itself, but the harbinger of others:' So wrote Hippocrates two) thousand years ago, and what was true then Is none the less so to -day. Sold by druggists, or sent. by express, upon at- ceipt of $1.50. quarter -dozen 54.00. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., .Proprietors, Jittifalo, 24.3. A Special Offer• TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPER. A Beautiful and ' : .G ,swlse Magnetic Pock .. ..eeper,a•ual site Ladies Gold Wet.. nandnonte Orelde Epee. Gros crystal, steel and metalwork,, and narrantta'to denote corm:4 0nm. A Perfect Gen for everybodyde- siring areliable Time Keeper. Will be CIV n away to every patron 0( this paper at a Free Clrt, Cur CUT Thea ConroN AND MAIL IT. COUPON. On receipt of this Coupon and $1.00 to pay for packing, boxing and mailing charges, we promise to end by return mail, each patron of this paper Cheung SWISS MAGNETIC Tiara Ensrsa. Marne, Magnetic Watch Co., TAUNTON, MASS. Thi, Is your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain Wei beautiful premium no order AT ONCE, and d0 not miss this Chance oil a Lifetime. KNOW By reading n, • practicing the inestimal. e. --uths con- tained in the x -medical • book ever esat„ .4. entitled SELF-PRES]Jltt TION THYSELFPrtceon*y$1. $ ntoymalr 0-1 rect•tl t of puce. It treats of Exhausted Vitality, l'remtaturc Icciine, Nervous and Pnyroral Debility, and the endless conromit:mt ills and antold nusarlcs tout n• suit therefrmn, and ccntstes moi o thnu 50 n1 igival pre- ecripfions,ativnn ofavliichasw0rtrlthcluaoeof the book. Tfit l be tit trac written by Ihentoatex, tensivenod probably form044s alfulpram intoner inAipctica,,t l0whom was a%al. r lay r'uland kw- dlerl medal lty the D atioatd ll rdir..l Assoohnin t. A Pamphlet lot `air d wi h the very finest( f.Sfrc l rr ttt,•ii:g a mar. tial i art and i141)ity- s 11r t• 1 1•) nil `'..t d . d i.it rat , 0 41, ''('(Naga. 1E.1130DY AJED1 ;dry r+s Aa k St... Boston Mass. • � ■ � a7