HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-20, Page 5a
31mIn 20
CREI)IT'ON. continued to increase as the season ad-
vanced, although I made use of fish the
ExcCRsI0r1. —Qka Wednesday of last cough rerneciiea I had knowledge of;
week, 12'h inst., a party of 123 people My faintly physician also prescribed
left firditon 'for Centralia S ktiFlu, for me, but I experienced uo relief
where ttlt'y left at 7 o'clock a, m. •by
special t1,zit for ,l
t tra Palls, The
party c ,,.+. t •el of village: s, and some
During all this time I was gradually.
141, losing flesh andstrength,
until my friends au well au myself, be: -
surrounding farmers with their raves, came very much alarmed, thinking I.
The journey down was nue of unmixed should waste away ill ootlsumpti.n.
plea -out., leaving daylight, being fresh While in Boston, during the Spring fol.
alld Ilwvilig plenty of room in the best lowing, I was induced to try \'iatar's
q'taches, a thing unusual in excursions Balsam of \i'i•d Cherry. After one
by rail, The parties arrived at the day's trial I aas e;ena.ible thlt it wars re.
Faits ab .u1, i,uii o'clock, where a very : Hering me ; in ten days' time's, my cough
had t+iltirt'ly ceased, and 1 41J3,4
ttir3'rl re•
stored tta h+affil std strength. I have
ever tli car kept the1341s:tort inn idty hlaupe.
Anti whenever ltlay. rall•lribl,r @3f toy Nati
ly has a cough or cola, it iH immediate
reserted to. Nu fainily should be
without it."
50 cents and
pleasant time was had. About halt
the party rouirned on Oa four u'c,.ick
trait., tete rest remaining over fur the
10 cl•'cic train at ld=sh1, and arriving
Mune at Cre4ti'ffti next morning. The
party thrun:'hntit enjoyed the trip, not
tllr e•li„ilii tit out oilent uccu ri.tg to mar
its pleasnee, There is 119 doubt that
exenrsioas of this kiwi aro on the true r fall it iv..si+ts,
pre ti'ie•:4'4 of .',cir$lon I3r ellj•rylneilt.
It 1 illatn4'=a,t•I)• $4aperi+lr to the uvt•r,
er.lade1 tied g1qunblinF 'sacral erLc11r-
tsigdit. It was 11 Klll j•iet of general re-
mark h: the farint'ls on been il, that in
113 ,4. c
ion of c !tauy through which.
till' • Its -c.41, did the cr•ins c 111pnre•
fay.raleytlithth'$eof •urown 8*Cit"n.
The no doubt that 1,k' L: rutty if
11.1.1r 411 i- altar a,f tint flue40t in tht Prov.
iuti4 ;, t tl if tittles etre hard Imre, they
aro' c "t;ll Iy iltt'te as hard eat. soy Mlle,
Bee"Ti 1. or tnat1N. lit. Knox, ta•r
0. W. It. ltunlpaity's agent at e, ntt':1'i,t ddddd,
very c•.ie teously made ,lrtatltg { t, .rnt..
with the catmint y to issue 1lctits:.- fur'
fhfr rot haul tri:+ far this party lit tine ren
callable f
On? t •,n Pions. -'- '114-srs, CI61Vrie.,
Eelf er it'1.1 (Italics Swltzt'r two allilairl
led the t'tt•ursiun p'l.rty t'1 tlt@t 1'i111R,
on 1,b,"ir way to New York to Fall (m
teltt'rtt 1114-,r a, to ate the event
Ext4t^itioo. Toel' both rnte'1641 \ 1+i'ii*g
lIz&' 1''.:loll sit 4i11'.'f.ere rootiling. They
intend to toped. the tus'lvela here in.
(ire•.lit•'ll ' ILi'I 111 a couple of months.
Tihe+ I,,•at, v, kites of their numerous
fri@'ntl•. (741 with them.
I.. tin.—Messrn. ie i*zer and Mur1 cl.
also wont aith the sweat !arty nu .tli,ar
wav down to .todat.tpllre and vt,'iatiky, ill
itc+arch of land. A laity. trundler of
fde 111408 hero Mixt to slit end tt'elluiedce•+
lar10 id ..slit f Inod, olid t+n41Iliry iM
1111't 1.110 itl regard to this moat aehirtthll•
tlity to whion to Putigra 1,e. O+dtAltt.i
i1,111+'tl'K tee bei overcrowded, especially
writ•nnl,g mon, and is large uuutb r
4 will pally s4.4'lc new home'H in some
j,lteet' 'h Tit it" -1,1 is eh*ap ust.1 pie uta'.
an 1 it is as llllttt.'r t+f the firstiillport.
lance to this 1)•iutiuiaan in shitted ,lies°
tion 'he tide of itt iah,•13t los sets. Why
1a11ot:d Iiul:tl't'ils e.f tiler il-ttnila4 sett lv In
writ sling rno'tt'iete initI1)gI5lett into
11 '.Ur11itls peen -1 II1,411.1. %1%'turet.
art, .ns iiaL rta rrf 1 an wtli 1,t „ •• a 9774 10 1 ata
>• •rtt 1,1 i a:a iia Ito 1@ 4•i ,
t>aitll: tlnvir tlitcl4400'4,04 W110.at U t4;, 40 ti1a
t,nr -ly ("amnia
tli"t matter of
till' Union, and
enoughin this
is certainly
(.l'tta,tla, Mon nllr OW
1114i.,41 )'i(a'4.21Vi11'w for v
Uncle ;V attains
ois f,i11 of tnaney ?
ci+ltrl4itr4'- favi"r&ily in
Wel tt'dit tiny Sidle
surely o a' tr rtt 1,'11 ice
'V:r+t, .le,aninl •n. '191e't
43,11t10,lain„ wrtl' g nt the b„ttotu of this
,0111i,41. 01 t.ttile. States. It is litlt't4.
then that won1d pay some of our It'rii;i
lator;t to ln.l'f more carefully into ; for
Hot number of people and forefoot of
o.tllittal thatTealll leave Onearin fur
ill'' tits"'r 8iti=a, is a.unethiig nitpalling
to 0 1nte'tlrt•]8tel.
I1G, llnottEx.—Oaf Tlnttr'ii:ty Not,
7;tiitt•n, .0;1 :if It, ' tnd`1, .4 Centralia.
while ath011 evtttt.iog on at load of posts,
a couple '1,f luil•'14 1344 of here, his foot
sli;-pi 11 fermi the hitt, 1,,f tie. wagon ami
c.tu.*ht between the flu:lies, and the
Nurses ctairting at the instant, broke hi
leg. Dr, tieultn8 was c:1114"d when he
Stas placed int it boggy and conveyed to
Iris hemi' ini i`,rittratiia whole the ley.
wits aaalju•i,ed. E3 narrowly escaped
linvi,.g berth legs broken,
I-ri x14.—Toe citterpilltrs nni81111ce
lids largely abated this .year, v •ry fNw
iltei'tg yuan ire ibis vicinity. Glad to
p:t•'t, steric to most, and g1a.i to part
agagil'. Brit the irrepressible potato
bio!; a`oii't give us a chance to sing 1 ire
Bathe rr•fr•tiu. his progeny bt'it,g lt" per.
5istently minim -go.; as ever. --The flax
crop in ilii' vicinity is not FM good 1144
'rtliaht Ill, wished, leaving been watt
ki11et1 in the spring to a considerable
eat ent•.--Foil wheat, prtspeots excel-
lent spring grain, so far pro;res*ing
favorably ; fruit prospects, we under -
eland, are very gond, the lane frosts
doing only slight iiljtn-y —Mr. J,>4epll
13101es is bidding a Skop will) a pudic
hall over it, a 0311011 needed acquisition.
The 11,11 wiP be suitable for a lodge
room, small public meetings and such
like.—Storting an Oildfellows' lodge
in the village is again being agita ed
--Mr. Shoat has secured the :nail con-
tract from Centralia hero for four
years. --In this village, this summer,
probably nearly two hundred singing
canaries will be raised.
$1 a bottle. Sidd by
Idx 4 i. Tn St01.1t404. nn the 13th in:t., Mary
i1t1D44436t. tiled ;;:i years.
'lmurs eti.—Int Exeter, on the lttlt iust.. Ent.
aha A. Ft•r ,:lrwl. atut.I.1 loos. anti 1G d1.ye.
The fali.iwiug ttnte.tihltt fauna iota opera -
;;„1, 4.G tl.lfg- "'04 t .1 4I 1y. i;,tt1 'flat;' .t.
41,40:.d 14'1.41t.
111'4' ,,1,111...,......1N,5tla, tn.
Iast.re. ;l 0745 p. ru.
04419.0 nor:ru.
3I111 1111...... 1120 a. m.
... ......... :..1,:, n. an.
trbite 1,l oat
,u0. por 1•1.1.
('01,04'',r4 r 'hag ,.
Apo 1 111
1r,e'.1 %epe wt.t. h
10,;s, dry , . "t per ant
.49c,,11,44[1144. vas .•,
tlts< port"•ia
').n..as per bust ...
y ood, leer tit
ST. «t arty 1,.t.
tai tri AT
53 to0,1.;
t 0 l..
▪ U., tat R,
• 0 751,a 1.)
(9 ii 6,0
„ itsaes, e,.,,
• 4.1;e4 en ^
• Al to*4
„ 4n;.stto%e
• . 4 tet ., 4,^14
:41 1,v i rod
• , I'i 6.e 1 640
. 1 ei t., 1, 7;
▪ 4r,ata ,0
• 4 -14 t, a '•?
• sill 1,•4* le 0 •
1(1,14..1 47.
.,• t1`4,l 1,4, 4,4 04,4
is 7: to 10
• it .:s to 0 IN
.. i1 V 1,1 31 ::C
atepnrte1rohntarty by A.@attlbl•aattis.f"te rt:i
Deihl ev:to it, p or 19u'4lao1 ........ .... 1111 x,, 119+
lieraos 1,v ao eft ... 1 11 1,,., .• . •, .,.„ 2,at tis 0 t•`.
,el+, - . 1,l «7 144 41 :i.4
t'iet;tt•44.fl lrer 11;1,1. •, 0 444,4, li 754
.110.1,,,, 1.
fi.,.•f pr r
4tmC.Id ..
1 ,111 11, rewt
ses,... .o til del . e4 CI t.. o 4•.a
1(111," it ill 1*. n 15
'1 a t „ .. ...... ,1, 11 1. 7 00 t.. 1,4 Gr
Wo, +l •Cl10 ,
4tlr: i4.t,ttl a....,.. , , .. id CA to 4p 01
as 141 1e0
41tr. toi@i'.
4 -t t.. 4 10
1 OTICE.---Any person or persons
visiting the Exeter Burial Ground aro re-
quested no t to trespass on the grains nor pick up
any flowers+nor disturb any of the trees. Such
offenders will be s.resecuteci;tccordi..gto lat0. 1,y
order of the trustees, A. G. DYa11, T.1vii,1TLQC1C
ti. IiW4:ET,
Yelttion of the Huron Prohibitor? A,sso
failou will be held inthe Town Hall. Clinton,
ou Thlirt;tlas, the 20th of Juue. I478, at oils
o'e hick p, m., to tale into cousicit-ratiou tete
advirabnhty of submitting the Canada 1•enIp-
ersuee Aet of IST8 to the electors of the
C'•unts of /I•'ron. Ministers. Vice-Presides:ts,
drloge tess fro u ail temperance. societies and at11.
l,er: ens iu sympathy with the movement, an
invited tt4 attend. The ;;nesting is of vital
intlatartsuee to the tntrn teanitl rtiaaee tsoa k iii
thu county. JAMES THOMSON, See.
By order of the Executive of both Ass.,cia•
Uuderieb, June 13.11378.
Groat "Western Ra Iwai
1 i1n-
tieruare, Chien; fl ti Ieif ter ever Ev:euA
le Wel—t, tit E1•Le' st-:er
141' 1>r t. Bin least 1,e: 'at d Ail excel I':1 stork of
• 1s-. r T, t 1,-tttb r atL u 4 e t le rs„19a,1 anti t-aag;+a
it tat-@:�. taFr 1 1. + Curd licher, aotaa-
n,a., at ! t .4 . f 11 . Tye t li?:ao, z ' uaa t 1:ilia
X Lae, one/ as il:,: rens; the (saltie.;+. ro-_.o:, ;tint w -oi4
ostorisie )4, el f4.r
Ile Ii ;•1 jal5t o, ene,1 out a nes un -1 e,;mpleto
5- .irktnot) of & 1titAuC, ti1$, s •. '.'I "+!'€ 3' o'Saro9.
'311 ciaai stt15ty y„ Tut:iif as t1,, qoa its ta,:ta
e a•• aizl 0 s. i :n a+' at' 1 try our i t tr:4u1:':.itl?.
Tea- «:.rstili iJ.lis1,r . ire .ice'-•. at lox-
i111tit33311l iii
1II:' T Cia1'!41+ r'R11.11.1.Ot art' Tarr, 0.E3FO To
FRIDAY, JUNE 2'7st, '78,
1-'oR1:S To mut %Ut. FALLS AND 111 TVEN'
1'rv.6u \Cial,t 11613 ':.all Fr a,e1 t:%f`t•'r i �a
• 141"'r to +01 h eelttalia 1 "•
l tette 3e9 [t t.aetn a „ta i
• 1 -.Ibis 1:130 . 4'IF!) 4' 1'r .- 1
• t @nal n 1.75 11 - . t 1.
rllaaa•e,1t'd -. 1.51 " :.1,y.:a'1',trtt 1.7.1
• ltdg•l^t , 171
" Was tit . 1.71
t' t1, ren. over r tr.E 1 t tit te-r two 4t yet-tP fat.."i'
Lau t 1,n-. 1 • r' et o at,r n t u1 artist tna•t eict'0l1-
um 01 4'4 11 .. 1,,•a .:., 1 .at -.'%i.
F k B B Y V G H T 4.' Nt
fied►tr.ti Maim
i' E
1,"I have been troubled from my boy.
hood with chronic or hereditary lung
complaint. Soma years since, earl, •iu
the Winter,' Itook-cold, which as uau
-g , settled into a severe e'•ti� h •vL -li
1 +. +a .. ... ... ..... ... 1 ....... 644 1.4 Io+a
..... ...........,, :S141 :0
01.1,+v..., $ 414 tit Y•'
r F
Letitia ,. ..,
F1.•,a,l ,. ,, .$ it: 1.1 14'
tett,., .. , ., 0 .11 til 1"1
el;is to
54..11 ... 1,t «n e.1 0 1,x'4
(successors to Q. D. Smith
:`ti L,If.Gt)Oa1DSSO it ONIIERri'I.I.Y#'ii/. 4.11:
11const ,e (e.) bees;'-+ 110.1.1,1101.. 40,aa.1t Oaf tttu,=
l a4 0. tarot et:1i d f 11. 61«gttt it Hord/nee de*
rt.ita` 14,x' 1 tit T.3r•a1dt..,1,1-',•ia c 41. mar/ ttneol
tr.aal Vow slaaltslt ut baa:@laatt taadi*: re•li•
tree leo ti0 ti Pleat 1171.'1: '114 l'u *or-
datii es le ha4'Y,.t4-44 t Ise-.
tad unpack at ,"t wtart,o,
tull,itttsadti.,tit... red
i'.+ fief -tit 01 flu. il'4
titta6 tile•. Eitel
11.1 si,,il.ta
fn.twr':@i 'rax t1`..T VALt•!t IS1
IIIIY ltll) - t41,ti 1'111\;I, BOOTS
11.ii' haver,",l at the 4'.11111ti` Of P01t11.
30.' 0400:W1.14 t'ac4 11,4- rr of nut° 14 0.1 .4 Trry
41M iN.latx ,til
s-4TION sit .%i,it±° t.1 F t,.tl
:" t•1.lt*W.0*w e rat til 11•'1 a. 111 tall, l told f t`„,
mete i, ti,t ..at mg of tate 011 t. so.. la flat 6 •au
1+, sae tat 10@t : t ,a s1, tit, ala tae° e1 pa 1, e,1, I.10,4 401
411it flu• fiat 1!1, • tta a 1,ts t'4 re. -.0el lac t.,
11. 1-1,i/116 V-011 111 Ll a4tltlaa 1: S4, t n1, 1,y
111,:1'+wt.. of 41*.• 1,L.••11l•rl 4.".14t 1,1.,.• ,ef f i.1,», i
4,111g 40 01111.4 fish• flair 1,'N to111t„ 1st,+•+ t 404.1
141, i*ell0 L'.•l iii e@ i e @ -' tta 11:4' a v❑. 1,.'1 7 11 '•
••ur to 1,40'. i to. a 0 1 31. it 1. ,1)• 4.,13:1.4
1,a:>;ti fit -;1'. t*.a, ,1 ', IS 1' 104
1144''..`, ,a •1,1"'t.Aite f1, 1(.:0 : i,.' Jit. 1s. Orel.* it^41;1
. 110,.1.:0*4.1 :0 a r.. 11 ,t:trttia 11,-'lv •,• MAIN ST'I'EET EX1++IEl' ONE 11(10l, :�tll
!. 4 4 ,4 , A a / :,. 4. i L
0t:.1 4•f' teteir
vir Spring Goya d
Now Openix.g
A S '1. C1 -U.1 1,Y IN
Qz' .er'e 1 Rea . , a aac,
HATS, t'.1'i'a
S/1411..°S 4 VD r;I.iif'I "hiliKS,;.
New tiffat91'al'e'r4osi"11 t' i ,1411,;74-4 11'. .,.o .
tai» bow
PIETA) I) #INT) GArti)liX S"E'E S
M.Z,141, .1:1, ('tlrrvt, ftll.', til-' r;ala a a •)0,r.,
0'0.'4:4100 4 4 Viral 1 1' .-;,s•1,t 4.f 61 t 1 + o '1 : "="r for
,1.'.4 t'lh 10^"l4iia;t34• ae k., .4'-..41 r , tlahuelt
.1.4, or 11.1tehresot St set; can 14' a,•t,l 1
:5.1.3t011 1.1 TL'I.C'1a-1.118).
NEW a'
uif q`1 IT frit R.5�1
tit lily tu4 .v'at,.e t., of l',v.l. r a- 41 14 .11.'41tt 1'11' ta,
ure.S: rev 1,+.t'+ tlltnl ytla',t1 f,. i e1J U tti•i Bed -
;1* rr. 1 1hate ta'retele e6 'tory u1, 141 1 1 1,u -@ *0.ntf.
Itt•t bt,t 1 01C! to r.,1%1`04 t1, .411 i 1; = 4 t ..4 the
Eat•t .;CCte,ltt, 1 e.1.6..1,,.*t) 1 e. r'.•p.'.tl';+•it 4 ti C•C 1•u1,
t ; f t,,i'•1'. rty 111. f' .-f 1n
bet t l.`r; !a1?a'' in :la I =1.Bttnr.' 1.71,4” 0. 14it44 dry'
.r.4"i+.u' 0,1, -('10.1* -f II* 14re.va:.1•r("414.
11¢.;l'it l u Art. tr.. tate t heio. '.t refi.
8tvie rat, s. 1..l.11f1,z: 3 FON; r•'*Llr.
filet M.01,Sa)\ti BANK
p s+iw..nn«T..4.w..?ga Re,,e,4sK....,arnv.+.,gma.:.swr,..-,»,.wxw.ane»ee.r*...rnr..w.cgig.'w^:usmgews..,...............,.oww...,wer
successors to CI. D. Smolt.`"1i TIZ tjN LA
.0 3c ■ l li *tT011S' LIS'r Corgi' Ole' 144- Vi -1 1 v. ,
;,:t:.*: ie hertbp giYe.l t:latt a court
L ED - 1D RD i', Ile] fl u1,'a iutt•e �'x.: 3 a `L k kap: 1113 34•e.
ittM ti .u, i t u, lit , t .114 Cutu Ly own. 1,.t 1,B,
You will find the Lt1r cpifi Is t'ouetat F ni, +t ..it au "
SILE „EA 13'6E
1Ol'Ptlll(llt of Silks, :l1illilittl"V
Mantles, Dress Goods, Kiel
Glovt's, Laces.,, 1111d all kinds of
lt'flut:v I)ry Cxoods.
mantles and 1)ressmaking
unler the mttutaeulent of a
Lady of long experience. Lad-
ies Cain depend 011 getting the
latest and most Fashionable
Styles of the Season, at Mod -
rate Prices.
Wedding and Mourning Out-
fits got up on the Shortest No-
Orders by mail will receive
prompt attention.
140 Dundas to London
C. E out wo'ftc.n
Take plan 1uT0tc it form the inhabitantacf lilxete
add surrounding couutry, thatthe, have jos
opened out au excellent asset -knout of
2''+•peas, Coatings, T'''estinys etc,,
on the latest styles andl,atternn,andfeel assured
that iutae matter of clotoi :', they eau suit the
HiNq +D .HANDS, --The tendo,.•
sagn,tdhav1n4'+•entedtile Dur'e lnlieuse,(len-
tralla fol i4tn3rm 11 0113 ue."30tt¢a fi-ft-Glass leo- 1
too i i, vooy ac.4Snmcilatlort f iryt'.i' trevollin'„
ii 1 1„ ro,.vvcutoiltto the Staliou. f400dto ,roe'
a .. i at -the b:Lr,.kttelltre hostlots. /
1031 v.
t T@3.4 N 11.t1.L. 1;L11rt Ii -Ll -L
Fhureday, the 27111 day tit June, 1878,
at 1e14i x391.. w 11., t' Iv, n. auto det'rmine '
ever 1 01 u 1 ti..ts lie 4•:1111, laud ntol t•+a,. .,4
4. .0 V' 13'' 1 4 i 111 ;linl.•i fait' et Us 1' •.•
if r is77. All p r u,-4 aLilegeols4 1:-..: ,1,t le.e a sone.
oro regiilrO,t 0' al .a.id .t 1,.u• s 1,.i i ti10,e 41010,,,c,
i 1.w,c,
N. J 911, AItN.,41 rie. 1.1 ..401,1 nit,uiaila,Jaty.
;•;foie at Vebitxt4•, t114' 1st.t.ty of at1e., 1878.
`.4' 0 LICE.
VCT1iItS' LIST C01. 11T OF E''•, rsur .
Notice is hereby given tl1:,t a f'on't will beheld,
iia 4lll1,t to 40 Voters' Li,t 14**olid' not,byiris
liou.-0too .nudge of the i:otnity Court of the
-County or 13nro,a,at the
Friday, the 28th day t f Juno', 1878.
ut .'clock at. to., to he 1,r and determine the sev-
eral emitplaints
etetttleonllea,tauts of er 41114 and olni1lion, it, Up,
voters, i t of rue tnuttlei,,alit,. of sto,.i to for 1077,
All person,, haviulre bu 11v-„1 int the V• art are re-
quired to aft .+fl it tun said tier • and t1,,co.
t1 Yi R'D .Y, tlorii. of 1,:o s tit tuaut, tratility.
Dated at 8 -11,io0 toe 0th Clay o: Juno, 11478
On and after MONDAY,
ibth inst., we will keep the
Beeauhville Lime for sale at
Special rates to parties fusing
large quantities.
Mortgages Bought and, Marriage
Licenses 'issued.
i ' 6311. 77 CQ,
k1.4 571 ,e s �7 71A1
, to '�_ •` 3 2"av`”
iris much pleasure it informing his costo i..,rs and t 1,, btt:,li, (ha; l.ii , k 1,:i u.4w complete
in civil it-.ILt,-t,n..ut. Ill 1»*JS 111, s.i1 ole 0,41 l41* be is snowing •
7:erraliratt value in I,:t4 es Linen Costatnes.
Exe•41+'itt'31(1,,0 hi Urea, Goods and Ca-lnucrcls.
value in +un levies, ant Parasols.
-•1'7x1 hent vain*? 111:L t•iios Silk 11. et ;Ina l.ibbuua:
T:at:,ient Latif.!