HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-20, Page 44
Eke a Ply ' t;`, rrl s.
THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1878.
Our Clinton cotaru., which is usually
as geutle arra docile as a lamb, has
taken the tantrums lately or been
could consume all the wheat the nation
produces Now then it must be con-
ceded that the increase in the wheat
yield, if any, would not equal the
amount of inferior wheat brought into
Canada from the United States, duty
free ; at all events, it would not be in a
corresponding ratio to or keep pace
with the increase in other Industria
iseized• ni:la a dangerous hypochondria. pursuits, 'mercantile, manufacturing,
The rtetr :approach of the deg daye, or &c,, and the demand. In short, the
the e&t:ilt Iatospect of Mr...iaeltenzie's home demand would be constautly and
overthrow, with the cousequei't loss of rapidly increasing, while the supply
e stawiiu=_T ativertiselneaD for contracts would not increase to any appreciable
for the Weilaatrd Calm], may have haat extend. A duty upon this article would
d deal 1 1 d 1 rain fro'n coiling into
a goo ea t.} t o with tSe eptn rte prevelit ford g
alarutiog and irrlt:arli9tble syloptl►IelS alae conutry and eo¢npettng ;sada our
we h .ve3 ben n¢itieiag; but wh:atever;elavn. How, then, we ask iutellige.lt.
may be the c tune of oar queer neigh- y petplre, could Liverpool or al►y other
hor'e sertoos tnulatdy, the poor victim fo'rei n ]market rule the prices of Cone-
ana-i'rese nts a truly pitiable spectacle as 91ian ttrodnets In Canadian markets 2
be foams att.t roves lifie n m000maoiao ' lc is the brei, lath of absurdity to say it
in the ittlfttet*,rt+:e ot his rage. Liffe p lr'oul*l, and that strong lang •age our
Prometheus etheus Cls:tined tinuly til :< rete*;, N Clinton mem. resorts to in the abietcee
pswerless to revel or resist the cruel kir fruitful t,rgutueut', only stow that
Vulture which gnaw et les vitals, tilts those win. melte such .a wild assertive
lit(eraty giant who guide,' the d estitly Loos its wool -mess.
of oar fevered friend, is Beit g eoll,uwetl
by the Demon of Despair. Rio eyes!
aro already r.dliog iu a "foie frenzy: " Our ea'raf;lrtlt cotton., which by the
We wuull ill•lec,l be alarmed fir the inns. we uoderatartd is zditorallv unser
reason of our friend of airs weekly' Dail' the direetiut) of Iloruae 11 noon and
i "ge at .nisi atatan1 indubitable printf" Ahrl, Greeuw,v, has virtually ae-
thatt bra iute lectual powers have b.•ttg
. torowitdged thatthe Canadian
Et Ge been If atibeyond,
tle ru
a pay the duty on articles they
m`!] tiefottune.
';rated i tea the t'uited States, 1. e., on
While hot prof'e:•aing to be able to Plt oie tuxie1es .nhreh our neighbor.) are
crrrectiy iliac:apse+ the c ouplairit which ',bile to produco thetua.'Iv e. 17 canntrt.
tater ni L hb'r, s.'0 might tate 4 be otherwtea, ai Hilt' one who its not a
the lib:•rty of pre*eribing as remedy, positive idiot =toilet help seeing,
e ltieLD, in one e-tirittttinn, would con- whether be has the houesty to aw.
sideriky lighten if ii c uld not altole. i:nowlelige the truth or not, To pre.ve
!her remove ids etllaetion. His case ..lir poeitiarn, we could advance and
requir4es careful treatment. Ile should
not mead a .1ytInu4 containing the ele-
ment of c ,4r1n 'u r,ouee aril beyond hire
noderstaan.litog, such tis our cdatelial.,
('hien have' bveu a metro of much itet-
n -pone tot inion Ifitely).as Se''a+e• is mien -
la to Inteten rit'ftnnutgoftltet brit' to; tut 1.questionof free trade autl protecti' i1
he most Lead ho should c la.#"nu(, eine•, 'part from political exigetteies. By
lt•iron Ho he will ay.ti.l, malting himoilt
appear D•i,lienIons iu the ryes of his
fe'a, 1Dd,.
itDnitiltly examples tith.aut end ; but
five traders cannot show one ar•tic'e
upon which the purchaser ,l t1''3 this
unity. r`it'e never too late to lut'nd.'
and bee tremor friend prows any .alder,
.ee'wmth! advise hien to ittnaly the, treat
icor*' some Lino .4 literature which has'
li'tlaa or no t11, %l3i'r. iu it, such tae'
A ut Galtly-0 Jodie nursery rhyme ,'
Utast T •by'a'Lillis to the Little Or.es,!
;hack tti:d the Boom St.ilk, the (.'titrttttr'
N':i' iSi'•L taattl ,ita'ter worrii of the 1titel
which .leiit;ht while they iia not, strain
the+ et:v end:tD r mind of yetith or the
deadened lllttll' CL aft a ()anti,. nuti'rtu•
,tt' seas.; cli:cll it is uuueeessery fon
as to ;}!tis LatC'..
t+its 'litit•i.•ln o; )lr. '*rst!nway'e
Cre.itun sr:•4•Ct: i:, lt(culiutly e.ffent;ivc'
to later se.ee:neer. Ili.• 4,leiect that 'tor -
Volt cif it er,:cii St '• ''evade and ne t
Livotla•'vi 41,9ul:1 e.Yntr..•l the ;.1'!t•' of
coo -otos in C iia,faa, and culls our r..a.-
o .D::r oto<u-d and i o:utle-4, and weed"
u;1 tie w,'itke{l'. @find„ar De were ever
f re -.1 tv re .d wits 1,12311e irulln1ito refer-
ences to the iditur of this p'alte'r.
'Without stot^pi11;; to mooter or tool:
o:►n-i=der these tout ut+he•:tr¢ils of a di --
or level and t•oor.•d mind, we shall
Make an :attempt to eenvii,c, our C •tt-111.
that Gait tda ante e'otrttf her own m.o.
nets and the prie es ,•f hr protocol ;
assd we are out,1.fied that what we limy
Soy will not b.3 1 ,y*, f rr our '•Illr.eribt'.r
1t<lsie•,s irai]ie'urat br to ltttrlerStand
1.11z2 r•eieoniirta.■. If our c teem. ca,
brace "oi.n.s®1f u1) slifileie:it:y to fail ,w
us white we esxpa:ld our views on thot
]',u'ticnlur portion of the great trade
q ae-tio r which we heave now miler di'+-
cnsai',Ir, ave shah in convincing Milt
fool that we have underlalaa,: and slic-
e sef.•lly accomplished a work of Rutter-
Lu nan (litho -thy. We dr, zeot f, r tt
enott1 11t co, tend that Liverpool "lues
not eat present control the price t1grair.
But we +nt'atar to ashy that Liverpool cell
bs reveutee from sluing more than
cmitrol tIte price of what we export,
the gnaritity prodnced over and above
'Waitt is required for our own use. • To
prove our positil.n, we shall be obliged
to as nine that larotectieu to our niar.uil-
faat:teriug industries; would beuefit' the
manufacturers themselves, %inline n
i eseease i t the atxiouut of money in
Oil enlfatiou,:necescaitate the. emlrleyment
of a +niieh greater slumber of artizans
and „laborers, 'and increase;: the con
sorript.ioil of farm produce, so that, as
oue i0 the course of develop.
ort exiled into exi:sten3c various aux-
iliary itrdostriea, our population would
be vaastiy. increased that; Canada
Tur•,- ctu.ttel.ti•'n that \h'. (l reenwav
;'l:tye•l the l+sit of a trai'or because his
eietscirilet' %t mtit Mit permit hial to.
f How ;sir 3 Int Mae:l mall on the trede
t1'u•5tittt, is falser iu fact a''ll absurd hi
idf'a, {'•'nr'cieateo. forsooth 1 —Oreen-
wey tool enii.e1ette4 attc just about al'
1 Slnlli:ar as beg ,aro tool 1MMeg!s,
1 Jrso, tits✓ amiable frula'e solo) enrrr•
1..pan.i, from (red tt.n to as %cordon pub-
tleauion, hes been iia e leg us smut” Mile
•utr'lttiout, iu lrer last h tier, \'Vile ave
feel, flattered by this ;ee••l;ni:inti, ials;ict•
. irlireelves 11211,04 119 to 111f01 In UnI
any man has a right to know, what the POIiR'T1QN NEWS.
real deficit was, surely that elan is
Richard J. Cartwright, Minister of Fi.
nonce. On the '20th of February,1877,
he spoke as follows in the. House of
Commons :--""Toho net result ie this
"that whereas .our expenditure during
"the year amounted to.$24,488,000 in
"'round numbers, our total receipts
""were $22,587,000 --being a total de
""fiuit cf no less than $1,901.000."
Thus is 1Ir. Oartwright'a statement in
antagonism to those of lliessrs. Drown
and G. W. Ross, and other Ministerial
'I'Iloss daring toil -house robberies of
which we have been hearing so much
of late have terminated euddenly and
fatally for one of the robbers, who, it
;Ail be seen by our general news col -
mons, was shot dead while resisting
arrest over bttatford the other day.
Shoo a man cutter any circumstan-
ces is not a safe operation, and most
probably Sergeant Crawford would have
been brought, to as stticter acot'unt for
shooting Ley ]tail it not been shown
that the deceased robber lead a burl
record previous to tottering upon his
pito disastrous expedition and would as
soon rub a sanctuary as a toll -hoose ;
thus leaving no doubt that it was not
so much in the interest of suffering
humility who travel through tollgates
that the robberies fi'eT@ committed
silt a d@ ire to rev petty 1luudet,
T••il•itout=e robbers ;oust go into the,
field aitlt clean r cnrdee, or the 1'eoplee
w have no symptttliy with their oper-
A siccant number of ebsnlnte un-
truths were never thrown together
widths the liwits of cue column than
al`la@itred in an .article in last wcelt'tr
$ealorth ls:lgusirur respecting, %Er. T.
G: crawly. `hiss person did sign doeu-
x11 uts of the exact purport. stated by
the ;Mitchell Atlrwecatt•, and the editor of
our (:•'tern. koowe it, and was a witmE$
to tut• Lase transaction, or ratltere who
pra,feee to have heir co-aaitnesses fib
about Bim. J?.rr further proof, w(•
tvoul,l refer the electors to lir, Le clue,
Pi 1- rnr•se1'', and cc-'tV.urleu of the
t.'onuty; to lie. Brawn, ex^llerovo of
Hoy ; t:r. M:alotlneson and Mr. t1. C.
Cameron, of Godes ich ; and a certain
judge whose name it is not necessityy
to iut;nttnnn. N, lona knows better than
the editor of our cotem, thttt tomb doc-
umeuts are or were in 'esisteeea;'and
ae are eurprised that he bus made
rlleh outraageuusly untruthful asi er-
+iuus. Tile same story he telly, La,,
llteen told DS over and over again in
almost the Fame word, by lir. Green
way, but the people of South Huron
know it to be so utterly untrue that tc.
%.Tibet it would be t needless task.
r f lir friend that it strict regerel for the t r'
allow e.f e1'a.faaEttay will not all 'w us tit
aneere1 with te, lady. lir r tali• 0 mutate
little taps keep us in goof! limner.
Sean L./rd Biviug';itull In 1815
1' ;rollarid can agora ti, it,eur sone, loos10e. '.lir• exp not of English geode, for the
purpose of de,tr yirig foreign mandato
tures in the cradle." Toe It=they t f
tote 17r8nnf.actlirers ,'f the United S -stye.
'.hoats.thdt they think thy can off.rd
to bore something in order t,i deetriry
Cauaelian 111,t1,ufecttlrerr in the cradle.
Franco, Germany, and the their ed
Statim fratatraated the designs of the
Would -he 10riop, lia,ts of Eogland b3
protection. Will Canada be as wise for
her interest ?
Oun Seafot•th cetntentporaly says
that had Mr. Greenway reru'dned true
to the Op, osirion.'he could have been
the representative of S 'nth Huron a-
long as be wished. This isabout tilt
only piece of truth contained iu the
article from which it is extritete;l.. 1114.
Greenway, however, otiose to tuttrai-
tor in the trope of a $2,000 per annum
rewrtrd, and bbs people who could have•,
secured to Bion the continued represero
tatirin of South Duron, as our extern.,,
admits, have found another and a bet
ter: man in Mr. Porter, whom they are
determined to elect in his stead. Thus
do traitors reap their reward.
Tun Glube and those who take its
word for gospel, have been stoutly Dori=
tending lately that the deficit of 1876
!'re tits 1:rlilua nj the 7 j,N's,
1tDi.,--In-tour haat issue, and under
the (lead' of lien -ale, yorr correspond-
ent rater that the elsorr4cil of Hay heal
;tainted $80 tot.a,tis the gravelling mei
lull r,eving .if Br ek al,ted Welhugton
streets hire. Permit Ine to give tine
s'atelue::t arl emphatic dertlryl. Ne
end: money has ever been asked from
he 0 alticil, lunch leas greeted, nor is
any exalt cod. But, Mr. E4titt•r, sr'
pethrna-,tor, and as reL'ro.et.ting the
Village of Itensa'l, permit me through
Your vole llns to r'etur'n my tinnere
h:treks as wt 11 as thnse of the wh le
village t., the fanners who so willingly
Ind gratuitnit ly tt,arned out and helped.
) griade and g revel our streets. By
.•iving this letter era insertion in your
_ext issue you will grtratiy
Yours truly,
W. 0. thialteene.
On the 12th hist., the city of Qnebec
was thrtwn into a stale of en:itornten,
by about 2,000 workingmen striking
.or wages. They made a raid on ttie
oily, and pluuriered a dour warehouse,
after which they threatened to burn
the city. Tee volunteers were called
out, and fit ed upon the mob, the tatter
deterldiug themselves by throwing
et0nes, Three roginteuts were iustaalr.t
ly disp itched from Mont, sal. Lnrge
cumbers were Slab:arid wounded. The
striktrs have resumed work, having
been guaranteed protection front the
One day last ,week`s 'lit°tie `boy 'four
years of age, sen' of 'Iter. R. i1'fcFee, of.
Wont Delo ware, fell'uoder t}iaiwkipel°of
a wagon containing half a load of gra
atxf . uu ted to only . $200,000. But if j el, and was severely br ui ed.
JTJNE 20, 18 i8
The schooner: James Scott, of Porti
Burwell, Captain Hill, Iliaster, capsized
no Sunday, five miles off of Long Point,
during a squall. The captain's wife,
chid and one man were lost when she
capsized, The vessel's boat unhooked
from the davits bottom side ult, and
went adrift, with cue rials on, who is
supposed to be drowned. The captain
and mate were Laded at ltoi)g Poiut
Liglatliouse by a passing venose!.
Qua huudnd and eighty-four horsee4
were exhorted from Montreal to elle
United Stales last week at an event. e
pries of $17.
00e !mooed and forty-six i.mnto
grants arrived at Montreel iu the SS.
Oireassiau. Z tfty-cue bound for the
States, and the t•t•uttlitlder go to O11ta:rio.
lie inquest on the care of Robert
(sheat was to have been resumed on
Monday, but tesla further postponed.
Mr. O'Mara, of London, who was so
i .s by
' let t o t t last t
• a, a! '' a I 1 I ail
a* a a u l
ai u ,
pulling from un esenrtlioa twain, died
tr.'tn 1144 i14 lUlt5,
About tree liatntll•et1 Excursionists be-
longing to ibis Oadf01owa alai Knight,.
of Pythias, of Cleveland, vir.ited Lou-
der.; on Saturday last, accoulleaoi.d by
a band. Then. owe Dell rt.et-Wed by
tote Len tenets.
The Lumina Field Battery has re-
ceived orders t into camp on the
28th inst. for amnia' drill.
Loode,n s steam firs e,giu't was ls.
Warned iu the ditch on Friday night
and badly dame. ed. they, the drivtr,
nese litehed off bull eetious'y Butt.
t , a' nt i rev: 111
1 ilei tllte(t ince a 1 I1
\ a ,
1, t+ , h
at*sistaltt, atttul'ud +e1 hull wet @ sotaf
+slant 111 ell Tee false alarm out 1,1
Omit (henna t.eeid(4t1:d asci•%', titan g•'.ivet
by a culured peratou, who aii tvok the
using' 'moon for a flee.
As a little boy mooed Donnelly, of
CartlinIP, was diivu,g a team beton ing
t,i Mr. \Vat. Davison, the hursee too,
fright, and brcoruiug unuittnag4abtl
(lasttttl tete vehicle against a ttttii tla,
nvttturning it„ and cause g the it,
a.t:tut death 1'f the child..
About two o'clock on Saturday morn -
ng last a yolnrg woman of disreputable
character r aided Sarah Blown, Wens
It sa B. Ward. of Shakespeare, trill'
to commit tenicide by shooting her -ell
mill s n vulver about the reigun of the
Tho Quebee correspondent of tie
aI' ntreai 't:rr 1.011118 tl4(• futluwitrg 1 ":1
itingraaeeflal stege of the present pt•lia1
e1jt•ie in this city had been remelted
on Ssturility night, when it was exteeet-
td a vt'te would be taken upon the els!
hese. To the ';ur;'rist' of the 0 'reery e -
Live, 2.lr. Pt lei. r, ti. P. P., Wad nti•sin:;
Irian his treat, Mt's.enr;ers were di
p:stch,tl in all directiitus to search fru'
brut, but without avail, and the report
„'titled grow d that 1114 had been kill
napped. He was filiatlly ft mei ba
trfrnels at C1raandiero late on So tutdrty
night, :shoos, crazy, tt i4 betievt d from
dtue:ged lithos, acid in the oranitau°y'Of;
tic prominent Liberal elec•tiuueee.rit g
agents of this city..
(Frith the (gilt Reporter.)
We fl d the foli'iwiteg in the (stub,'
with referet.ee to the wool trade this
etas n:
"There was Imthi'tg done on the
woo' market to -bray. The p::rce-ls %itis.!,
rem tined over horn S:aterd ty's of tor-
tines were taken at 28 cents. .A, ii 11s -
nal at. 1111 comrtietaecrueet of tl.e seas
on, prices have u„t be'er'tne settled. and
deeters are not well advised what to
prey. .Based on sales in Reston, it
et 'nld ripper that 2.3 cent, 12 rsth.•r
Thigh. Sales of C:radiau cnulbings ares
reported frim that market at 38 cent,
per pound through a caiumissinu hones.
'Loo get at the value here, it is r.ecos-
eery to suhtr•itct froth this Nino the duty
ot sen cents, the dd.:reline c''rreuoy
nue rent, the ad valorem of about Coto
and a half cents, rapid freight and iu-
sillar=ce one cent—or a av fonrteer+
cants in all. This would ret„ rllaate the
price here to ashadte under 2ie., bet it
should be rem, rubel that Otte crit e f
profit on this market arid two cents of
charges on the American, are to be
reasonably expected, and thus we fiend
that the price whieh might safely le
raid iu Toronto, is not over 21 cts. a
teonu:far from a mottsr of congrate
latirw to find the prise of wool to rule
so low. It has long g been looked for•
ward to by Canadians that our spring
erop of wool would provide mr:ltey to
carry on affairs until the grain crop,
was harvested, btrt this year it would
a ppertr we must do without it.
Tr e singular part, however, of the
above uaragraph, is the quiet but tacit
ackraowledgntnotit that it is our Neuters
who pay the duty. .Hitherto the Globe
has been the one journal to insist that
the "consumer palm the duty,” hut
DOW, It seems,` it Sees the' error of its
wiiys,' and ,'co ne,' , down to the honest,
fact, that in ,order to get a pouncl:of his
wool into the United Ststes market, e
Uanadiau 'farmer4 Must. first: pay, the
duty. of tencornte specific• .arid •two oted
a half cents ad,ba'orem,'
AGI:. --Tito Bible Christian Tuss'en^.gtS!
I•llimrillo'wiit he soldhy auction on 1 iday evo..
tont;, July Stit, T. B. HOL14,Pastor and frustoa.
hiltaavilla,,. June '200k 1578, 3 -in.
'r0i`➢+l LOST. --Some time
in April
A \, last. to note '12165'31'1:
3.tt;e by 3 Ln ant1Jiunes ;i ,11t1s,
tat"ph41i, in fatorpt 1htmes Jtuule.,oa, of H4sy.
Ali persons care fvra'id ne:iotl 4titl, toe saute, 89
enyuelttt thereof has been stap,e4t.
' iJ1tE ,11INit.-.—Tete untlt^rsitrt,otl is
ptro'rel. to do alll:in•t1or1 OI T t Ysrung
on the sir. Le !.t u. ,t?.'•N: in t4 9tn.,,u ile "It : : wit
at as rt .telt '.1 tales 113lauy ot h.r.i - : 4,41.
51>Oik. b.tt. M I', 114v.
Juste 2 ra41, 167.
The Pt .911. r of f ta, ,e,o 1 tor, 4t 1 ted . 10. 193"
met, r,, 'aft/ ,.11 t at t. .4 144... ekr ut 11 11•ud•45'
tit..'.'ti1 en t; p ) tire- l t:t9
tie 4n: oefeits: 8'Ott in II'5' 3
l'hrue t at,:1111:111. A eo,.3ts.t tu% tatEP:t t ezten,i.ta
t"' %111[414ten. 11y oraer.
I: 14 z.111.a4 M ! L 1E);. Rae.
!•-5' els1 .. •is t t act a n.i wtil ba iia lea t'.rd-
8a e.
NEW FIRM Itis 11tlt'S 13111I'R,
114 c 't rite^ \%e,44 ,a t et i st i:at:y.Pit;•-
u! ora 1 11 4' 4..ws soil t t l (1, <Y•t 1 111 ca. !1'IrP•
t ' ,rat
in _1 911'5 1 .11 t . •
I11 lit 54 1.a t
t wt e a ,:et t., 1 4: Y 1 c,"P tit Pt•1.4.411.1n.t
411i a •t,1 f 1: t4415481.1,ac4^`,
Met1'5,1. a\ to dell"- It'l.. Ii:n, t' . fret+4a'D.
It er1,.",11,.ttuac )a°4, 1'•;c4. U 111
3ENERALJ313011iSS!laP,FA't i..
IP trio eta a 1 11''' 111121 Lill 1.14 t 1 'c., 1"',,a•
11, 11,1i' o+.1a°i •t ;t' lt. P„114,.:1!'
xe satos.. ,,,o,ossi Ir °¢eo 1 .,sacs a 4 4P
el x.1,4t Pratt'..4 5i a+ It6,a.. tY lY :; 1„ 1, ti*., Z^•gar^
ht:,y Rl rYt't.:Y -. t tit 1'' r 9 111.
1440 ,.q- fiat itt4.1.14 n 11 , t., r ,ttt 'r-
5. 1, , 0114 Miring1. a -1'r 1, 4 t 1- ,.t 41 iso 11a,^ 'nvbt
t:l,i,e.t:t *19..,44' r, tore :ttti fu 441*.* ,,.44°,94,
1 Lust• 4,a a:4ratd 01tri :9:a 1r4it+l:r•
tiro -teas ff„ It1 the: Stti •ti'•,° 5I lti1,ttvtl,i4.t:; 1=e,. 44'59•
t, l .4ue00,4r the 1'I.te'* ir .1 tate*1 gist a CAR
1'unt0.lat•', Ii,•o4•,4i1
Iltet tt11, J11114, V.ittl1.1075. Goa.
1.rtracr tai:* frog:
of May 1st, lra;rt,
ta1'flilSP!IOZONf;.” I Lfa nr t ts,1•:4"atoo,
of lite Elixir of Iiettethn phi1 n olueL +1813
1.,•1":t twine I'8a :; t",1 e4a 1* tit•.; !siren,° 'o' ,r
wi h tin' t•r.'S• .+.•'9t. It :tiia+ *0 f'1.4 4unte that
ah.• r,aartt:a'a rt t'- 4t' 50lis, 21.•t 4•'r to *.r.t 64.4st)
f.er it tl', 4.11,'&1. 1480,'. 1 t1a•• tl 112,' 4,11 cttr.
•4[14,• 415 a PATENT Ntr;.I t11'M1 \'.111;.
\11'!'. It 1-r-4 a 11414 it u'! of the U...1.% ho'
14tti'o: of Iron, Kula unit Limo, with
tad ot Ler its sit form 4:f a 1 .:.1x14, raid
is a net a r'xt,•llt'tar 1tt^,'ve t'4.ttie, it is t^.•A➢y
et1lilittr$ a -t,1, 9a t 1t d. -to the t 4 t,, to 11. ,,vey
1111%.a . s. ae t' L t l?. T ill;A P 1'l ltli ,41,:•
i' t'i l 1) t t?::I'11 It :;ti nl ila' r:a stet. 1: 10a,t
IIHtt,• t as i„„. t NA! y44414'... t 11iw•lr Ill 1.111; tt''t4t-
nu'1•L of IN 1. 4 154 g 11[°•,1111.111 AND
a 111.r.t\1t WAS I. r.'
Sart b,1 all .nrrt;r;tiat throua;irl ret the.Itoririrurrl.
Pisti'l's, ONE DOLLAR .1 It(.Yp`l'l.t
The Ship Grocery
1'E i , COFi+'EIC:
All Groceries g
1-4.:.311: S i Tl'- E'\V
at the same prices as other stores.
Pit..rr'UCL TAiet . I.v E X.0.11AI.lC;ri•,.
TO 3A.G0 S .JL. 'C) R-:17,
Choice Tobacco
and Cigars
Of very best brands.
. mmnn •
6a'J.'fbia1.: ia . C@.'a=,O. +1 ',111P.
&gent for Great W.wt4•rn Steamship
Line, Ne.a• York and Bristol, Englatol
of which be makes a specielity), ttti7TTE.R
TUBI• cheaper than ever. I,e'i+ai ,i g,in•ontptly
anti neatly done. Sbop teroclt street directly
west of the statio,,. (five hire a call
I onsall: Way 8,1878. Sm.
Has jtiat comrueneed bpainess one bail' mile
West of D4tshwood, and is prepa'•ed to clears
Clocks, Watches, ELI d Rowing blachiles. Unr
brellas repaired and Organs and Melodians at-
tended to. Tooso in want of his services
should give hire t}..call before goit:g away from
Lom$. -Charges Moderate and entire satitfae-
till kueran to ed.