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The Exeter Times, 1878-6-20, Page 1
r Vol V. \X�A ,number of people in Bluevale is • Auctioneers. Beales�I+tram t1y attended 11 P to. Moss of sales arranged at this °Mee. strlckett with dipl,terla at present. Sev- ertal cases have proved fatal.. ;L' J. CURB, Agent for the Us- .1XETE R ONTARIO, UIt SD.:Y TUNE 'E. 20, 1578. NO 42 latPOltTANT 'NOTICES. 1 FREE TRADE MO PROTECTION." COUNTY. IT.0413, IiOl)GS01� tk J. OKE, CO. (Continued from Last week.] Look at the United States; the producers of the land iu that country do not, aside from these articles of daily necessities and consump- tion, expend one dollar out of ererf;ffty of their earnings today, for imported articles; and why? Simply cause, y means ofa protect- ive tariff they have reduced the price of every article they are enabled to produce. Let me il- lustrate the fact. Cotton goods are cheaper in the 'United States than in any part of the world. Woolen goods are produced there cheaper than in any part of the t lOW, only excepting the finest grades, whose value consists in the labor; bestowed on their finishing. hardware, eut•' lery and agricultural implements of all kinds ; in fast the whole ruuud of articles from the pin to tate crowbar, from the knife and fork to the spade and dredging engine, from the shirt to the great coat, from the calico dress to the robe (-,f Helaine—every article, the material' of which they cat; and do proluee, whieli has been pro. tested so titat they could develops and ruauu. facture their own raw material into rife. has been 1 sealed in price by the protective tariff. Aud so it would be with us were our intros. tries of all kinds protected. Just in proportion as we produce is labor demanded; and produc- tion, with a fair tariff, would be increased just *borne end !Mind ltutualFire Iusurauco Several horses near Olbltttaft are af- C.Oarpaay. Re,.sidence—);',arquhar. Orders by 1 e S' 1 ate b tet Rioted with Epizootic. The came of meat promptly attended. to. tate disease is attributed to foul air. CAMPBELL. PROVtNCIA.le e La•,d Surveyor. &c., will I s at the ii y t➢ Ifot:*l.l•:xetor•On the first,Tuesday Meech mouth. t/,dera for work left with Mr, aoltt1 bpecit:n*Mn +r➢tl receive prompt attoution- 1,1 rUON,—I hereby forbid any person or persons trusting Inv wife Barbara. xhaler,in my ammo, us I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. on or atter tats slat.. APA3f TRA ER. Kay. Dt'y filth, lti78. .L' Dittilil LOST,— Strayed from the uremi+tt•s Of the subscriber, lot 10. Lake Xta,4.i, t+tiq.tteu. shout the 20th Oi May, a ,lark brown Mare. white spot on forehead. and Oue mLast t:toilloot. no brine where collar rests. In- formation leading to the icovoory of the animal NMI be liberally rewanled, VOL kI111:ND. NI -ER v.1V LIVERY STABLE, Main Street Exeter. Malin. CLAIIIi would se - 'paint the piddle that he has op; ned a uew Lir :ll.tble n.1 his lirewisee. -The public will fi /dno.rl and comfortable rigsat allioears and at'n,icte:ate oliti-r'f,'ts. este UM3OTTL. B, S,,11.1t,C,B,S. ra•;a1.tt...P.,- 14+1 Cetlege 3 ?:TS.tUIiGEONS. {ill'', In :'rot ,u?, I11o^ta T.➢ria'e!d stud X-'(eter. d( 4t'114,SON , SONS, Ct)Rlai TT l+`• I .0.. nr:A:1, lA Sto...) ►,:a.<ins and cot.- trtlt 1,1 F • tt r.l , niter, Or 1 a tv,e 'tr.1 tattier pro 4 v, i7 1115 drawn ou teeeis. lint 91 I rD '41 J4'. Onn rat n •o in the I u.,nten% re reel , ens,, 7. t , f,' , CI ..H .tel l: is) ):Cull stole wet ,+°a •ii ! ..no tt:r 1a ➢ l a.➢t taco—tili:d lot Rt Mt t . gnrlrt +:t C'Orr',t 1 2e^es,:trt4,' A. boat .race ie to come off at. Brussels on the first of July, between S. J. M. Ite°, and Joint Chanter, on the dait- lend. A young man named Campbell left Cliutou the other day in acute to hurry, trait be forgot to pay a number of his accourete. At a special meeting of the Huron Forestry. So great bag been the pro- grecs of this Society iu Canada, that w High Court for Ontario as became a ueetseaity, the formation of which took platie at Brantford on Monday. The baud t rlrnatllent,under the awl. picas of the Ooderioh silver cornet band, took place on the 14th inst., itud was a great au0cese, there being a large at tendancee of vi•iitors, everything wear- ing a holiday appearant:e. The follow- ing betide were present ;---Brantford, Machell, SPeafortlt, KIticardit,e, Clinton Juvenile Band Asad the Bemire' Indian Band taking part in the o•ltatest, The ceauteat was very keen and resulted as follows:--•-Brantfard, 1st Berlin, 2nd ; Iklltohell, Ord ; Setafortli 4th, Priebe, ery, heldiu Goderioh,Iast weak, Last Saturdl►ynight, about 12o'clnok, the eel! lo Bev, Mr. Steat►trt, from during the heavy thunder storm, the the Gunton coif le atiou, treat litteteni. bard of Mr. E. Dtevereanx, 11toKiliop el, g f3 WAN struck by iaglltuille. Fortunately flu Saturday nigiht of last week, a it alae noticed in time by a ceupro 01 cow belonging to Mr. P. Kelly, Blyth, Pursotta who were Pi" 1101:12e from Seaforth, and the fire nut out before as we ward develops) the raw material for pro(1 fell into a we11, but t'ortu•nately 8L10 was rescued without receiving az y tneuriee. A. few days Once, Robert Laidlaw, Ia member of the Bruaaele Hoak and Lt1d- dotting; It is absurd, therefore, for any free trade tla(•orist to argue to the than who labors, be Its farmer, faint Ittaorcr, or tttecltauto, tltat ale fa benefitted by free. trade ; it is directly the re.. der company, met, with tail ;ceidont v'rat', Take another peep itito tate 1*nited while at practice, by the weg'au pivoting States—it is only a few years efface England had to supply tram with most of their tnanu- faeturevl articles, tilt v esen importing from tate States the raw n'att:ri ll with '►•hicla tet do it. Sere fu' 11 be l tum with iron and steel ; trot to my their raiir- ctls thr+ez'8h the richest iron are lands in the world. end steel to perform all tate infinite demands for its use, while they pos- =:st d 1411 the dem me for its preaucti'it an nn - limited llttrad::lice. A. change took piece'. What l+ra.11i aa'.1 it? A protective tariff coal 1tj;1 tl t 1r 1narlteactLrerd to employ labor a:•, 0 ma. roorative nage'*, thus o} ening up a channel for EW i;:3TC'v#�! &HHOP. - The n; ryt rr to t;, and ia•tlr�° brim and stud, Ow )test "°''i(3.0'28 t 11�t1t. ei'd..fiat 1 .0 4.111..1. '('.Ulce',1.. i4 ',flaunt:whin 11 ill the United Strt1'S ')tali• . t ).arta Sett ..St ro 1t1,➢tt?1'. colo * that he i + t 1<. -try 7114.4:01.1,10-vo next fluor to at half •the prict; t It.s. 1; al l:npl:ulel .cal• it.•aut. d, l a tl;. r n 1 .0 he :. ,llaccpttis:lrl'rcef fresh new ne-ttad of hula iti"..• they are ill ea position 444,•'t a.11 n '.am1 to become almost l; m'=11'}s'ly is this article it t to . 3'` 1 . t 2. tt•14 p rail + JAI. S1rtin°. sl„ re, evot g.''111, to far as to supply di ttutt : 0•e"11 cinnrttie;e\aith iron lis d',ets tit'45St nttlw. 4 1 ht- COnttni •iuttt•Inrut'- 1,,.11.(t•,1 eialltl24 ri•,pti!,1t4s for 112 railway} 1 t i'•. ; +► rant. (ltt,r r• ' 'l i't•l ; tante yet iron na el ,t 4 1 i1anitnfart(r- n ,' , •.,t , i t vt 1 i i.eft•6 l.Itut.A n+➢',ou+ `tit ilr• ' 1 w'lu,udn+ . tt 1, may 'a droit i'1 that bucket iu Americas 1` .:.'i'1ta t+'L' � !)S to load at 9 per r• r"'""'"118•• a. role, pry onr debts with our jrodnetion is to Over hie head. A. number of cattle was ebipped from Clinton Iasi week, Among them were five three -Setts old t;teera, rodeo! by Mr. W. Mee, of Goderich township„ which averaged 1,488 lbd. While a Oliuton man was driving throughthat town, he dine rvered a fire 1t11his wagon box, which had been set by a spark iron a cigar. His coat tail was also burned. A. little sen of W. Sterling, living near i.?orter'e dill. a few day ago fell from i► load of manure , and one of the wheels paused over bis leg and broke it, While playingin front of a fire, in Goderielt, la few days duce, a tittle sou ,ouch' deusage was dune, The barn wee struck under .the roof, and the lightu.iug ran down the post into the gronnd Beyond burniug rt brace and etc rrulhiug the board:l considerably, no further it.jitry tve,s done to the building. l`iad the firer il+ained any headway, the berth and adjoining buillioge--almong thew ft flue new barn jinn flni8hed hist week ---would gave been burned, and 1tir. Devereaux would have auf Bred a heavy 10118. A. fire oeottrred in Brueeele on Tues. day 1u„thing last, completely destroy. int; the Week of stores old offices from Harrieoree •i 'alt north to Mill stro.'t, the property c'f J. R. Greet, P. M. The lusnranoe on the builllinge is light. Among the euffereta aro D. Scott 1St tion, ;peeled store : 1(,ss )til stook, $2,500; insurances $500, 111untretal Telegraph, lo.'s lieht. 1'. O. D •partlut' lt, Iose 0 in- aiderttble in books and blanks, The me, tare mail )natter vets saved. The safe i0 the post office n18 ned in the midst ply4tit'air'v'stlu,ut In+'n4ris to Sot •;J. v:ule of J. Horton, caut;ut his clothes, and Of the Ibuuete. A. large ; meant of po'it- ft•r t`tr. ialr.tn' ; .fe., its llriultlt t .rn:'lcIe:t• was an bMtly burne3d that a+tlr�,,lbatl trona tat;1' .soil bail `ttamlla were )nrt11111ed, � i t, 7 t l ai 1.(1ES I3t1Uf,H'it, I.v.►. ,;eL �'g,let(11t11('1 o.1 0T111 e.4 L,bta art ,t,1e'cs, ,dui{ rN Ltth,,(Ir nir:cl1' S the illJlitieH. a,th !o.tne'mining tl peivlaita,1,ui,erl. J. i � ' • "t t .e.. .r„ a t9 t. l.aa'l:rt,l nlM'^::e,h. TI'l. e:apit:ll ' 1 this Cu1lltfl' 1�., cTrallt'N 14t' 4 OA building, iw 1,t3QQ ;. t e v•]' ] L t ( t # i Zit '4I ie ilea, ea or, eat eroatteti to ; the ,. rester the Tho decision of the St:;alftrrth nts is pro11I( +:1, Ill,. rT4 (t. °r the labor, mutter great- )rates n, the light bread ease of Sir. iusared for t1UtL e'1' tt'.• 1;(t,t • ti't' t;ll•:11e1• 211*' t':ti•it;al, A twill to Williamson, balker, tats reversed on all - .,u Y."..,.S2,.!,a t'dn+.n rt Lalilrlabh.^t•.•rI15 moms+.... ' .4i+7t'it' i' lit. 1) ".(JN, llt•itNrtil. 012t. (1`:Ni'Ati 4. AV( ta9):.1:1115. , .1.,1h,z',:124',anr,t,41 821 (,..0 i14'.tnt.lihi01 Aa° t 1.:.114 t• 4': tvt.a 124.241, t t 1,.t1 1_41, (41,•, da, 5 t 44 '1 4111 L \ (441n•(1 (11 1, a ,Hell." tor.n l':.41 ,'t a(.•1h 4'l4 to tire.erm per .2121(1 Or a 44t^„: 1 a.: u•141 t,.1t11 l l;r'+iu ttu ".ur Int: 4 4 ;e".l A1t:t1 841'1 {+ phut l,.h.hnt:,11 621411415 '1111.1 t u , ? rn tiat,r tl. J r4 M l�..ec 4t.a-1115 r. 211:(52,. rot, .ui.;lener. ,:Ouvevamen, Mfrr.7,1FT1r11iL A.. a%c'1.+P,wrozry160:61 tN S2�...o ?1«)I'I�1tsY LIST... -it)11.:+ALit. 1N WING1rf T1Si A— .�li L' ° 4 t 1 Lot, (.4 ,u4 • t tad for 51 shoema- ker. A c •1 i F 1 ran, :r'1 t1 149‘1%* It letter o. !Tin•.,ali. t+ 1111' I.7 '1?1y.ti1.IA.W1neliels. a1.0t y1 stokiii PRI/14ill;11'Y FOR SALE — Tu., , 'r: r!,rstart,+ O(t5•s f.ir that Int rola i :41e.;Sce,1 :ti lnt(re?sn)w(tthra.ouir(hu air stit1..fe,11,4gonr,,.,feet. Vey orals apply to r+'t.t':Stii(`aS,exstor,orl'At1.Ic;K 'EiGu �,tr ,hla.ra; p. n. r io Lea. -»SEVERAL ACRES OF LAND A. for enit vitt :". in largo or small ]. Srccl3 -- Als, for sale several ai b a1lxn g lots from one -filth of rah etc. e 4(241 u,rw rtin at lulu r4tus. Apply to AI", D. V. k1, Lh , r. neuter. 11331. FOL S&L i'.—East half of Luz. ::5, `bud con. t'everne, containing 5;3 acres all un=•roved and muter mos cultivation. Tiler. m are on the l.re'soe, LL,.u'.e, Barn, Stable end Driving 11,,nso,(witty roc collar Madge),ullframe; twa good volt) wit0 Mutons a,ilts, go rd young or- chard. Two mile., fr0in 1' .oto Apply to nom= i''Ax45ON or:Ode: AN ALLTN, Exeter P. 0. alta 5.1111 FOR SALE.-1'Ilk'i SUl3- _L 4riber carers for sale leis ism, Lot 13- Con.14,'lowust'i11 of Deborxe, ()aunty of Huron, 80 acres Clea e1, the remainder good both, well fenced, audioa.5oud suite of eelt(vatlon; under, dlaino'a, geed oeeuald, splendid, well of water. frame barn 221r230, log stable '2ty3e, log )rouse, aid oonvenie•,t to souool unci yhreo churches, 8or twitter narticul,trs apply to V U.• til 1.143; S, Mirka on, P.O., or 3. v'.11IILIO'P, Attel•uey, Exeter P.O. 1:,; I' 1h8 FOR 8.4„L r;. ---The subscriber offers _IL' for sale, lot IL Coal06ea100 6, Stephe , four miles and a half from Baster, comprising 100 acres, 90 acres cleared. God log house and frame barer, splendid water, sJal tit for dairy or grain; also a splendid brick yard on the premiss, Per further ftp,, ticuiars apply to ltroneaD `roulto, an the premleee, cn to Eza- ,ter, P 0 ji44zidhut little. Low ual;et, x+(a gall *open. all Thr. jnui 'r cart\1nt i(luslrip of Ontario. progress, as it is upon all Expenditure. philosophy of free tsu+le is low wanes, t11e;k,hil On :iStrrldlty beet George, sou of flat. yl a ct S l ..r is t .,,,1,'. t.. .. t,e capital The °gree '1'ra�l' t';t'nt•u.2 ,., \inulsl creat,. it,'eal attllelate Quarter Seesion9 in God- TOLL -GATE ROBBERIES. game of hterosi o WSWWSW0n Tuesday night of last week a dar• An exeiiin, ,lved aft Waterloo on Thursday last, toll -gate robbery (teemed at Ryan's 1o « botweeu trio Waterloo and GtlllerIell c •ruere, to short distance trona L tuti0n, 01,1be, reenllilig in a victory for the Inst- 1 hert'bbers, who were ltut4ct'd with great ter, 1110 genie etanlllltg 0 to 11. care, not getting what they wanted, Arrana;ein©n.te are being toads fora at.arcbeel:_the It'tilse for themselves, and twitch hot\veell the t1)auntlesa' of et:cure'd i27 besides several days'toll n e•illectioiis=, iu tt114111oa to a couple of 1.111, and the Tietivere of London, on the silvc,x watches. 1 • l r,st;° 14'. v,!unv011 in expenditure, and not O'idl'. 1o, 1,a: (15125440. III their l,hitest;l:"sy the laborer t114511ii drink lr.-.ti'a•1' tea nor 00.14 4°; he should. have no eent- t nt•0.•ss,tit(3. With tlielu life is b ',l anti water. u1Sl;u.,, 1eoN•):ir 13 GENERAr. 1'.E.TIT1"1'x031. The people who bur nothing art- to corse to the community in which they live. Lit my 18 a 4•24se111181 to 11o.pt'1'ity Ile economy. The road 14)wealth lies directly tinougl1 t xyenst's up 1)1 t0 receipts. Tart' an Who earns little can (eft. 1'1.14 ',f July, tar Cat' silver cup, and they tOR SALE.—A. FitASiE HOUSE and two Late en Ann Street, Exeter. The house is storey and a half high, frame, now, awl aontai .s eight large rooms. Stable 854 (other cou- venieueea on the premises. A. number of young fruit tree t on the lots. Apply tri DONALD TAYLOIt, Exeter. AILLA(jh; LOT FOR SALE. — i7IT,- IageAots bio, 192 North of the old Wesleyan tithureh will be sold ata bargain and on reason able terms. For particulars apply to ,Wxnl rerrvlllaeusox, Or41iten, or to Ri 11IsauTT, Footer. o inlay of a protective tariff is high wages. For tlf, MoTaggart.ClitnLo'l.nact with a pain- inelalnee, the laboring population of a town is fol aceidant, While nctiug as c:tichl'r, I,000.:'inw,1,000 mem earning 21 cents each. lair day. can expend but 520() per troy, and only in a game of base ball, he we, t to °etch the bars necessities of fife must be touchae11; a "foul" when the bull struck hitu in while L0,>t) men earning 21:er day can expend in the Mouth, knocking out one of his 4204)0, and enjoy even luxuries, therefore the teeth, exact difference between the prosperity of a town of 1,0.10 inhabitants expen ling 1:200 and While attending London races last ,2,0210 is the difference in a eomm'mity raled we( k, i4Sr. John Mooney, of Clint'n. by free tea le am;l low wages, Hutt a town pro - WAS unto+tun ate en •u h to loose $200. tested by a tariff sand high wages. LOXIOSEs AND NECE55AnPIS. On every luxury taste demands, fashion dic- tates, and extravagance buys, imi'ose a high He had occasion to 115e the money, and oullpnces iia replacing it, he put iri au has alao been unfortunate enough to be outside instead of an 11181de pocket,from pestod with the e desperadoes. Friday GENERAL NEWS. Captain John T. :Guire, submarine diver, proposer:, on a wager of $10,000, to walk under water on the bottom of the Ohio River, from Cincinnati to Cairo, over SQO miles, in 25 dalye. A Berlin special says: A report from Vienna of a meditates . attempt on the life of the Crown Prince Frederick Will- . ni ill-im caused a sensation here. Oue Sun- dred tad thirty Sooiaiiete were arrested at the Tivoli biergarten near bers, The Cafftitse have brokeu up and aim - dotted Pirieebttes. One Caffre chief lute been Faptured. 4,Ebe troubles in the Transkei territory ie sr far settled that a t;Orton (,f the troops will be sant to Natal as a precaution against trouble will; the Zulus, Thomas Wilkinaen, of the TeoOlte Ca. yuga. Co., Auberu, murdered his wife Ou Sunday la a by shooting Iter three tithes through the breeet.. He then shot himself through the heart. Ilie wife bad refused to live with him. S'r. MARYS has also been visited by the burglars. Oa Wednesday nigIht, the 12111 inst., two nla•11ed Inert broke into the toll- gate house at the west end of the towu and stole therefrom a quituttty of mon- ey. '.Clic robbers presented a pistol at the head of the gate-to-eper, acid de- mairthd his money, but his wife spoke net and told whore it was, and asked abets not to shoot. RAIt:ILTO.t 110AD duty° lfake the rich pay for their chamea:mss, wl'ich it was lost. night three masked men entered the their brandies, their old ports, and fruity ma- homes toll- tate ke(: ter named i1C,) dekas. Let them revel in satins and velvets A. gentleman uu�e ofa tle an in Clinton offered someK 1 p and lawns and 'brocades. Let them walk in children a cent a pitloe for ctaterpilla1s "toile, a little southeast of London, hitt their Persian and Wilton and Axminster car} t 'Cl 11 ee i od six only secured a little over $3, Mr. Map- oiltoclatxc indulgence, but let than pay for it, bevies, tools $1.9 with him to the Great On every article the people require for food, have to reduce the premium to Half a for nutrinient, for medicine, from coffee alhd tea 00141, a.1d they strucit work. Western Station, where he i9 night to spices, front cochineal to camphor, everything ,. watchman. After the, robbers left the that the human family require for use ir. every- The residence of B. 11 Ilion, banker, tall gate they tion entered a house be - day. vowforts of existence, let .them be free. Put of Wioghant, was burglarized on Fri- lon},ing to file. Cooper, a short dlatauce the duty on luxuries, not on necessities, wo do day nigat, and a gold watch and u114►in not produce. acaAy, where an Al«eroatlan took piece demands 't Labor "d d number of eal)iciotra looking olraractera (tf 1430 house, the latter coming off vice townie. Detectives Ptl:air a rd Crawford, of London, aoonrnp:►nied by Detective Heonon, of the G. T, R. Station, who have been on the track of Lav arid Wright,: the supposed toll -gate robbers, carne upon their men on Monday night at H rmouy, about four miles from Stratford. A struggle ensued, and Whilst Boai*an and Pharr were street- ing Wright, Lay presented 'a revolver at Crawford. Crawford .drew .bis :revol- ver, and in the tussle shot .Lay in self- defence. An inquest was held oa the body of deceased on Monday last, and Crawford ex,,nerated from all blame. 'rho London correspondent of the Masobester Guardian says tbe. Colonial office wished' Dltfferin' to remain in Caned% as Governor "General for an- other term but Uufferin declinnd Land will•retnin to' England aboub' Septem- anniversar o Inde endgut br. his reps They quickly y N L r pets, and all the gorgeous paraphernalia ot aria- hundred, when he told`' -ahem he world stone shaving heard of the other rob- . stolen ,roto Mr. Wilson's pocket A ' ' 'e burglars and the ingrates 1 The country demands this policy. Our room_ between th tf 1000 prosperity ( Omani a 1 a b or emAn 5 - it, and labor is our wealth ; agricillt,u'e demands have been prowling around lately, and it, for agriculture is only up to tho-measure of are Cuepected of the larceny. its prosperity when every order of manufsetur» Bro. F. •A. Meyer, of Court Flower of the Forest, I.O. E+'., Seaforth, has been appointed D. D. H. C. R. for the county' of Huron. Al Mr. Moyer is au active anti ellergetio. member of the Order, we have no doubt but Foh'eatry will agape rapid strides in this section u oder his stewardehip. A very' psinful accident happened to, a little girl, third daughter of Mr. Ed- ward Cash, of Seaforth. It seem8 that she fell while going through the gate,, and that in the set of falling the book of the chain that was used to fasten the gate, ;caught her in the mouth, tend . thlat tile weight of • her bony while falling forced the book through her cheek. On 'Monday last, the greater portion . of the brethren of Conzt Flower of•the Forest, Seaforth, went to:Brantford to take part in the celebration of the )01shwco1. su•34-tt ,. on,aud from the first of July next. fourth y f p a. ing is full of industry; when commerce is pros- perous, and. shipping is on every sea, and laky and river, and canal, doing its Utmost t0 carry our products to' the markets of the world. N. J. CLADS. THE MAILS ON TEE L., H. (3( B. We understand the Government bas at hast authorized the use of the. Lon- don, Huron, and Bruce Railway for .the Conveyance of the eaeile, and arrange- ments are being perfected for commen- cing the astute on tat July next.. The Post Office Iuspeotor .8weetms►n of To- ronto, it now engaged between Liman and Wingham, 1'4 forming a new mail AEthl FOR. SALE --EAST 'I3ALF "3111e, a'Ad iia xnrakbng other neaeeeary i , 1arr:au emend in oorlrleotion. with the About 35 neves cleave 1, and xn a good state of cul- placing of apostal 3151 soot a mail clerk ovation. Good log house, end stable'ou the Huron .. ,Bruce Tial1» miser Three agree orchard planted last sprit on the 440ori 1n, lied. For•taraas apply to OTTO SOLDAN P.0 �. Lot 30, N. U. Stephen, containing 50 acres !,i Amy quantity of fence rails on the lot, split all OTTO :between Landau and 'P4inghatn; LOST SEVEN POUNDS IN T PE WEEKS, Alla 's Anti•F,st il+ L genuine meal, eine, nun will reduce corpulency from two to five pounds per week. Purely vegetable and perfectly bar•I less, act - big entirely on the food in the storuaeb, preventing the formulation of fat. ,ftt is ileo a positive remedy for dyspepsia and rboumatiern. BOSTON, Masa., Feb. UM, 1577. BOTANIC ii11:AItlYF, Co., Btlffaltl, N. 1 •t,• ... GENI'rr,.n xse—`Cleo lady alluded to lost seven pounds in three weeke, by the nae of Atlau'e Anti -Fat. Y tin a truly, SMITH, DOOLITTLE& SMITH, Wlloleeale Druggiete, TRE ART 01' PROLONGING LIFE. People gonerelly destre long life and gond health. Sieltnees and premature death are almost always due to the vio- lation of tilt' latae that govern our l,llyeieal biting. and of tr.lrieh (LI meta see are ignorant. If men !mew bettor they weutd dr better; bee how can they avoid an evil that they know not of ? While efforts are anode through the public echttt.la to give l itch dead a tin-cailt'ct common Engli..h education, yet the children are permitted to grow up teed enter upon the responsible du- ties of active life, pr"fnuadiv ignorant of the structure of their own bodies, and the laws of physical being upon which their health and lives depend. They aro sent to school and crammed with arithmetic, grammar and geo- graphy, by tel►there who, in many in- stances, have never etndied physiology and hygiene. They are taught to lo- cate the mountains and trace the rivers of foreign conatrii'e, but are never tan:;ht to locate the vital organs and glands of their own bodies, or trace the veins, arteries and nerves, in their vari- nue ramifications. The.. are instruct- ed in the flow of the tide's, and the coarse of the ocearl currents, and the philosophy of winds and storms; but they have 130 correct conception, of the relative effects upOn their health of breathing pure and impure air, nor has their attention even been called to the irnportance of knelling their bodies clean and healthy by regular bathing. The criminality of such neglect in teach- ing becomes apparent when we consid- er that the lt'asses, ignorantly violating the laws of health, bring upon them- selves sickness, suffering, and death, that might otherwise be avoided. in this condition of things we welcome in - lo being any work that is calculated to import to the masses.a knowledge of the structure of their oven bodies, the. laws of heaith. and the importance of observing those laws. We fwd Dr, Pierce's Common physiological, and pathological, and the major part of it should be converted 'int, a text -book for the ase of the common schools. Its careful study will enable the healthy ta preserve their health, anti the sickly to regain health. Every parent should' read it, and as their children become of proper age instruct tbeln in the import- ant truths it contains. Were this done, much suffering and premature death would bo preven'l 1, and matey a youth saved from a life of shame and licetlti: oueneos.' The book t ont.itius nearly one thousand pages, is profusely Ulna— traced with. colored plates and wood•ea•- raving's, and can be had by addressing . Y. Pieros, M. D., World's Dispeuo- Bary an Invalid's Rotel, Buffalo, N. Ye Price, post-paid, ` 1.50., -=United Brs11't ran •Aid .Journal.