HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-13, Page 7T\r 13, 1S1S
-'hat a pity thin airs. Tilton didn't
keep a telephone.
fe three year old daughter of George
.Laugfortl, of lliddulpli, lost its life re-
cently by sucking Incifi•r tnittoites.
A titan of 70 married a miss ,if the
tinnie age at 13riui.ieiek, ale., recently,
and gained a mother-in•law, aged 92.
It was a delightful idea of time 1;ro-
prietor of a Paris 'Lapel, cs loo wished to
make everything as attractive As pee
sible to his i itgltsit vi 'hors. ()n the
taste wee a thoroughly Eitglielz'entree.
It Was marked, ".litft. ka a la ,Horton
On the uew steam ship "City of Rio
de Janeiro," which recently sailed on
her first trip to South America, there
is a machine by which a daily supply
of nue theusaud Hounds of ice can be
walinfectured. in addition to fii•uiebiug
a nultply c f eoL t air for the store -rooms.
Is A ;Mount Holly, Vt., gid not only got
married against the comtla:►ode of tier
father the outer shay, but also saved her,
lover from being tarred and feathered'
its eouo'itling him, rand then returned'
bottle, and with the ttiteistt►uce of Iter
uo her, turned the oid than out. of
4 wire,
1Mr, Toon W. Bogart recently sold a
1leifer to Mr. Stallard only 2a months
old, %%hieb weighed 1181 lbs. Mr Bog-
art has still another animal 87 111.7uths
old whim' weighs 1578 lbs. Time
seewa to be twine competition among
our fiirnters as to which car reams the
est stock.--Netrntarkei Era,
On the back of a ballot cast at the
late New Iiampshlre election was found
pencilled ui delicate chirography : "l v-
ery man has hiu price, believing i r
universal suffrage, the man who cast►p
his vete has been bengllt by me, and
in reality a lady votes this year in
Rcicheeter," A. woman's name war,
eigncd, but the censors could not help
then' elves.
A. mud turtle is net an animal to be
foaled with. Aa able.bodit.d specimen
got 'bite the Whine whe.-1 of a grist-
mill in S inti Lake, Now Ilampt.hire.
Instead of being etultt.lted tip, as waos
expected, it brake Rowel Boge,stop•
red the machinery and then walked off
Pit to( neerned. Its shell was somewhat
damaged, but it Shelled nut that wheal.
A I;iddleford, 'ale., woman fell down
eche stirs reeei'tly, dislocating her
hnulder. She lauded on a large dog,
ilicit jnnipell up in a fright, tumbling
her over a hitt stove, where ill's would
have been badly b;hied had not a man
hull t3 her off hy her arm. The latter
operation j.urke1 her rah. older back into
place and so she was not touch the
worse for her ncci,lent,.
Fanny 1!Struire a handalo'ilo, educat-
ed yom.g girl of Houston, Tt•xaM, re.
centfy interned Wacker I)t+nei1g, a 0.•1
*red pian who had been i.i her father a
employ, and went to live in a hot in
that city aith hien. The noble Tonne
ain't stand this kited of thing, however,
and ab.+nt fifty of them made a call up.
on thtis happy pair the other night and
filled the Iinsbstud with bullets.
11r. George A. Garner. of Aylmer,
has 11 lien that tuay well feel ['loud ;
tether hens that have laid big eggs, and
had the fact chrouicled iu the papers.
may take a back seat in the future.
Mr. Gardner's lien o71e dray fast week'
Nisi two large eggs at once that were
joined together by a cord about an inch
in lett rlh and about a quarter of an
bleb thick. This great curiosity may
be seers at Mr. Garner's.
Six pars ago a girl named Charlotte
Cassels left her 'bone, at or near God -
es ieh, and went, no one kenw where,
y During this peri, d she became an act-
rese, getting high up in the profession.
Taking a fancy for the trapeze, she at-
tempted to master its difficulties in New
York State, when, a few weeks since
sol'•, fell mid sustained severe injuries..
Lyng ill for some time, her friends de-
serted her, mousy became scarce, and
site then telegraphed to her father to
come and take her limns.—This he did
last week. Tior mother had died it,
the interim, and h was thought that
the daughter was also dead.
IIr. Edison hag made a contract
tee with the Western Union Telegraph Co.
by which all hos electrical and magnet-
ic rove ntiene became the property of
the c• nlpany. These include his tele -
piton A, which the company (11nsideria
the most use fol telephone invented. It
can be used with a wire in close prox-
imity t itli ether wires wi'11out picking
up confusing sounds from other sottrc-
ea, Or giving up the seerets of mes-
sages ro•ltained by it to other tele-
phone wires. The company hopes to
eatabli h telephone commtujication
with at least four thnusand towns too
snia.11 to support the expense of a tele-
. graph operator.
Electrinity performs some inexplicable
fe its at times. A few days ago, at
Hopkinton, N. H., an electrical current.
t ok off a'high branch Iva feet in diem-.
eter from an ancient elft standing in
front of a residence. As the branch.
• 'fell to the a ronnd it took off two lar e
limbs of an adjacent etm. The sinete-
lar part of the oeourrence lies in the
fact that there was no flash, or than -
der, or diad, but only a noise which a
pian walking t► few yards away dem ibex
as snal•thing Mice nu expl.asiou of fire-
cracker*. 'L'here was no shower in the
vilhtgw all bray, hut a flight sprinkle of.
rain felt dont at evening.. There was a
Shower ill the distance at the time, of
the stroke. Nobody knew that it wits
an electric current that did the mis-
chief till next day, when a dark circa -
tar line, as if sc(•rotted by lightning,
was triaeed upward n the trunk of the
tree, ab..lt twenty feet to where the
t 1t. ;1 ",
it 11 ,a taken off, above wllicsli
point it tit alto seen where it stripped
off a si linter of wood tend bark about
fifteen foot in length. At the base of
the eeparnte branch is an appearance
ea if gunpowder had be„en burned there.
The latest oat --Tire hired girl.
A sweet rascal—The sagar beet.
A rolling mill—A. fight in thegutter,
The Fishery question ---Had a bite
The ugliest hoodever worn --False•
England inside that Russia must de -
];very dove has a cote, and every
dog pants.
A humiliating admission. -A dead-
head ticket,
Washington couldn't tell a lie when
he saw it.
A fool and his father's money are
soon parted,
Envious people pnnisll. them elves
for being inferior to their neighbors.
It is said that !Mark Twain lives on
two peanuts a day. Why should pea-
nuts be squandered go?
It is time Charley R.tsa was found
again. The 1 eg;ular interval appears
to bare elapsed.
A wleatil (.f laurel is reserved for the
inveutnr of a reversible shirt.
labonld Bennett perish in the Arelic
regions, would it be called a polCuittas-
A Wyoming man won $IG in a
wager by eating twenty pigs' feet. This
was a pin's feat, indeed.
Now plsut eparrowR, Plaut there
thick and dell), if you would have a
rich crop of sparrow grass.
When a girl tithes an interest lit a
young mart's erased, it ie a sign she
does not love hint as a sister,
Most of the eloping girls of Arltansas
are nanoid Belay. We is a hat mattes
their fetllore say, •'1s'etlt are off.”
Pharaoh's heart was hard, but it nest
pulp compared with a paste brush that
lee Iaid an the floor ()vet nicht.
"How to keep an umbrella," is the
title of to uewepaper article. We know.
Dig n holt aixteora feet deep and bury
A Texas legislator moved to attend a
dog law by exenipiiug the doge of wid-
ows and t.rplianv foil every other onium.
At: ci1t1 salt sitting on a wharf, the
otter tiny, vary soberly remarked, t,1
began the world with nothing, and I
have held my own ever since."
Don't expect to be called a good fel
low a moment longer than you consent
to do precisely what other people with
your to do.
"Bob, did you go to the f. ala thioles
at the 13lack Lillis?" ''Yee." "What,
did sou dig ?" "I di,y borne as quick
as possible.
There is a demented colored man in
Ueorgia who insists on spending every
dollar he earns in expCi•ive clothing.
The wardrobe him crazy, be says.
It is not often the fulfilment precedes
the promise, but "new maple sneer"
:.I.11tys appears before the sap begins to
A. elan died in Louisville the other
day, who professed to Have kissed
Bobby Burns' wile. If be had lcissrd
our wife he would have died long ago.
It is said that virtue baa its reward,
but as 110 reward has reached this of -
fine, thus far, we rather doubt the truth
of the saying.
A barber who took a raz-r in liquid-
ation Of a claim against a customer,
baptized it Kimball, because it was a
debt razor.
A gond many Circassian girls, who
travelled with last year's circus° , are,
this year, doing kitehou work for $3 a
Maguire, of Newark, is a.cot l philos-
'pher. The other morning he found
fault with the fish cakes, and Ws wife
brake the dish (:ver his head. Turning
to his daughter, he said, "Your soothe,
is celebrating our china 1edding 1"
i3he said, "Oh, yes, I alto very fond
of little boys."and as a snow.b..11 struck
in the hack of Iie'r'neck, she added, "1
fi el as though I could eat a couple this
n i jute. boiled."
"Boys, don't leave the farm." No,
bops ; just 'a e the ferns right along
with you whe yon go anywhere.You
will fi id it handy if you fail tog 1 a sit.
nation in the city, ay you p obai ly will.
1878) SPRING (1878
At all times, andpartioalarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money
scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article lhe'vants
at thelowest rate. In calling your attention to Any present stock, I doso with eve"y eonpid
ewe; it being more carefully assortea and selected than that of any previous season.
Ix, the Dry Goods
Every departtneut is replete with themo'tt seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked at !
prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. niE ORI)Eit4D
CLorni 4 still has MR. W. IVES at it..head
In Millinery
Underth res et
e ,.ag trent of Miss �t:cGlo limon wecan slit he most fastidious. g
t o -fes idtt us. Aar stock o
Groce,ies, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and. American
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
One of toe largest and beat assorted in the County. Intending purchasers willconsult their
best interests by examining mystock beforegoing elsewhere,
Being now in receipt of a large stock of
Dry Goods, G-roeeries1 Wines au
Liquors, Crockery,
At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at
The inhabitants of Exeter auu 'vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but
• call at the store of the subscriber and
there to be had in Overcoata41g, Full cloths, Braad.cloth
Doe skins, Silks, Wince} s, Delaines, and everything
n3eded in the Dry Goods line, The Grocery
DepartmentDepartment is Complete. An inspection iltviteil
>To trouble to show goods ISAAC OARLIEG
0 Q
'�`t#+►4raatkv e
Or Sugar-Coatod, Concentrated,. Root
and Herbal Juice, Anti.BIliows.
Granules, TUE "l.l'rri,E GIANT"
CATILVI Ale, or :Ultimo; iii Part's
The novelty of modern Medical. Chemical. and
l'harnlacensicai Science. No use of an longer
taking, rise large, repulsive, acct 111511:CO!la jn t:l.
cotnpwse.t of creep, crude, and bulky ingredients
when we Cal; by a careful application of Chemical
science, extract all the cathartic and oilier medi-
cinal properties trout the most vain:tide roots and
herbs. ,tad concentrate Weill into a aminate tiran-
nie, scarcely larger than a mustard
seed, that C_ii be readily s0•al.otsed by those of
the most sensitive stomachs arid 7.,-1otiot,s tastes.
Each tittle Purgative Pellet repreents, ins
most concentrete4 form, as mach e,lttiartic power
as is embodied in any of the large pith found for
sale in drug -.hops. Prost their wonderful cathar-
tic power, to comparison to their size. people who
have not tried them are apt to suppose that they
are harsh ormlrastic in a Oct: but such is not *tail
the case, the different active medicinal principles
et which then are composed being so 5*,monize•t
and mo•liied, one by she others. as to pro.tuce
a must %earthing and thorot3Slay vet
gently and kindly operating, catkar.
*400 Reward is hereby offered *
•f Ly the pin
primer of these Pellets. to Blip Chemin wllo. *pan
analysis will land in them Any_ealomel or oilier
forum of teeteurp, mineral patte% or. illll.rtuns
toeing entirely veatetable, nn parileular
Care to regimen egos using them. They °perste
wont dt:fturbance se the comtitntinn, diet. nr
occupation. For Jaundice, headache,
Constipation, Impure Wood. )fain its
the :Moakley*, Tightness of the Chest,
Diasinese, Sour Eruetations front the
Stomach, Ifast taste its *Ise moutls, 7111.
lens snacks, Pairs its region of Kld.
7707 , Internal Fever•, Moaned feeling
about titoatarh, *lusts of Blond to
Heal„ IIf laarulured Urine, ;:urocla.
b'i'ds and Gluottty ,I'oreliorkiitgse titre
Dr. Plereela Pleasant 1'urrstille Pal.
less. In explanation of the reluegl:d power of
ins purgative ''ellen over so great s variety at
d1.58.5s: l wish to say that their action
upon the animal economy is driver.
ram, 1101 a `laird or Beene esruping
their sanative impress. Age doe* not
impair the properues at mese Pellets. They are
sugar-coated and inclosed In ela-2 bottles, their
virtues Wing thereby preserved urm:rimmred ter
enc length et 17105. in any climate. sothat they
arc attrars flash and Tellable. This is not the
ease wl{ti those pills wbtct► are put up in cheap
wooden or pasteboard boxes. Ilecn:ket that for
art tinea -e1 where a I.*xatirre, Alterative,
9r letsrgative, is ltnttrated, these Mule relies*
win gave We most perfect sautactlon Mau who
7170 therm,
They are sold by all Dru;globs at *Ii
cents a bottle,
Z. V. Pram,,' Y. 9., Prep'z,
Ito an Immense firer:ice. extending throuc11 n
,'71..47 (.7 5(t;(74. (011711117 57/111111 17871 17111e 7r4'1741
T arc thousand rases of those disease.* nerlrllar to
---�--- woman, 1 tunas Vern ettatatett to perte.'t meg
potent :awl deter:dee auseeiee mitt metes rho 71 •
ideations pre'rnted by that runts of lI* 5a -t''1 with
pos7ttett 7ert7107* Anel extlelne•'8„
'i'n designate this natural specific con1171nn•i, 1
have named it
Sowing machin€: Emporium
PIANOz3 D.►:._,I,
MR. E. DIiE\V would announen to the public that lie has opened out a
Music Store and Sowing Maclaine Emporium,
DlthS 13*L0CIi:
where he will have onstantly on hand n full assortment of PIANOS, t11:CANSAFI2Mi•SI(:AI
INST1IL1IEITSof ail kiud'..a, well as enoicu variety of (;l..sswnre, 11511 un(1 China wale, mar. 04
at lower tfigures. Ant•alcient3.10110 'leacher uu171.t.a,'tihese eerriete to),Lehod ut the lee est rate:
act Iustrui iw.ts and tit airs; Mtiehit,e1 lett a 141; tel ai 4(f. I:.'.
T.B.—ttrcw's Hall, above thu Music Store, tori IA for l lit lie t ntel tld* meats.
Grocery and Liavor Store
A large stock of
Green, Japan, Young Hyson ani
Black Teas,
ky a sins1 Currants, Pr ince
� I D 4 pp1as , Cazxn3 . zr*,17 T,
Sardines, Lobsters, Salmoii
Bitter Sauce and Pickles,, Brandies, Gins, Wines and S3 rap
Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies,Toha,c•ccs
and Cigars,
Wholosa' e and �Zel a il.
1V 'air Street, Exeter,
Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
The term, horeyrr, is snit a feeble oxiglei »iron of
my lu tl hppreetatl,ln of its v'e'ldt, tu1.5.1 (lion
nl711111 ,57,011:11 011501'rat0511. As a ,'u"p
server, 1 Mawr, whims wtlue.•ing its posatise re.
sults lt, the few special disease* ineolelit to the
85pat.lie organism of 5v0111an, $1175VM4 71 Ont ai
tkc A'nn tx or crowding gern of my
inedleal career. tum its merit.. a.:►pn-lane•,
safe, and rarrtl7:d rem0,ly for tits rtes'. of .i1•' -
eases', :mimeo that will. at nil 171115: 0151 under sail
melon.uuu'e., alit kindly and in harmony 5711;1
1115 taws wlu5b govern the fen too system. I ant
willing to fitai.o my reputation as a physician.
Nay. even mine, so confi.t511tam I that It will not
distit+lanuat rho most sanguine exc,rt'tatinns of :1
single *715:111.1 tale who uses it for any of the
ailments for which I teronnnelri at, til:it l offer
and .ell it tooter A. 1'Oti1'I'lVE (:1';1lt til.
TEE. If a laeiic(irial etlsetis mit experiettrei
by tate time t%7114117157s01 7hernntents of 11,5 see
tie are used, S'ri7), on return of the bottle. two.
thirds nI the me,tiriue 1aa51n5 lie mi taken :wear
big to directions, and the ease being our for whi.•h
I recommend it, prom pile refund the in.c.ee 17.71.1
for it. lied I not the most pa5rfeet .'amide are to
its virtues, I t'on7d 1lotoder 11 as 1 do 11111157 clic-e
conditions; but inning witnessed it. truly m a:tet7-
lons cures in thousands of ea -e,, 1 feel war*
routed and perfectly safe in risking
both 1441 reputation and toy money on
Its merits.
The foilowing are among tin's'5:-•" 51 •1
whirl) my Favorite Preto. ription 7:.71 x..•1.•
e4 cures, its if he tough., out with a .•.•ri:un•r
neva' 1457.7 0 atttlhted by any lnedicii'e: l.rv-
eni't'Ii y li7res-lee Flowing, P:lputnl \I•o•'u -
I'eri.uh. 141 1,71704410114 whoa f7"17r,
74111.94. Irregularities. weak Raek, ,r
falling of the Uterus,A hewer-innm
sion. Iie:1'ing Down Sensation., Inter11a1 Ileac,
Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency,
TIIreatene71 Mis*tn•rinme, Chronic Conrestian, lav
aannnatinn and t'lecratinn of the Mem, hap•.•
tenor, Barrenness, or Sterility. reunite Weakness,
and ver;' 111:11• (111105 chronic diseases incident to
woman not mentioned here. In all ;arm:Timis of
this nature. my Favorite Prescription w.n'tts
cares—the marvel of the world. Tee
medicine I do not extol *I$ a cure -ail. but it
admirably fulfills a singleness of par.
pose, being a most perfect speeuie in all chrome
discuses of the ,•exual system of woman. It will
not disappoint, nor will it ago harm, in any suite
or condition.
Those who desire further information on these
eubjoi is c,l n abut! u ! t 1n Tix E l' Eo r t. r:'S Con at v
SENSE usioicAr. ADVISER, a 11008 07 0707 850
pa1708, sent, 7)061 -pale, 011 receipt ttf $1.80. It
treats minutely of tho_e diseases peculiar to
Foinale:, and gives hutch valuable advice in re -
garb to the ulml1g0111ent of those affections.
R. V. PIERCE, it D., Prop's,
S UFFALO, 1� . 1'.
Ca o
• Always New and Feesh,
a'LOUl-t, FEED,
Soap Give. Away
--21 Bars for One Dollar.—
Good Vinegar. 20c. per Galion, Christi
Syrups, Market Baskets—cheap.
N. 13. Don't forget the place—R..& E. Sj;'.
oar's, opposite Mr. E. Christie's Hotel.
Produce taken in exchangefor goods.