HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-13, Page 66 THE TTM I-12 S JOHN Der N CAN, THE AL1'OIi11 BOTANIST AND 14 .LAVER. There is a very pleasant sketch .of this old Sentellnlau, it name not un- known to botanists in England, �{ cotl- Lrib•'A. nted by M. W. Jolly, Ii. In- epector of Schools, in the April num- ber of Goof Words, frnlii which we hilake the following extracts, Mr. golly eiarted the old man at his hutulde cot- tage in the retired little Scotch ham- let :— Entering by the low doorway, be- neath which you must stoop, von fold yourself ire a little room completely oc- cupied by two looms, a ivlheel, w wind- ing machine, and a few boxes near the door. It ie very diutly lighted by three small windows. t.bscured by the dust of the loom aztd the webs of busy spiders, here visibly at home. The room opens right to the sloping roof, except near the door, where eteme Beats are laid aeroae the rafters. Seated at the loom at the bads, _close by a window which throws a bright sunlight on the ,weever mei lite scorer, ranee only dirty seen through the num bMess Gorda of the 1' IW you perceive a little man Duey with itis noisy but lively occupation. He looks very old end well he may, for be hoe entered his eighty-fourth year. Ilii hied is uncovered, and we CM) see that. lie ie not yet bald—the bear, only t little .mixed with grey. fulling from the erowu right round the bead and hang. ittg over the brow. The tread, larger than common, is a got] one, sttnttitte the projecting brows of the keen ob- server, broad ' to I tel !z► forehead 9 r el It r d f reit at fthethink 1 ,,o > el owl the t crowie if oro t,t1t 'ta st ,that tat" Its, y 11 kindliness and piety. The face is somewhat wrinkled halt eonlpo'ed ; scareeley, however, so tranquil athi qute*.eent As 'asst of are aped lover of tt'iivere should be; dently furrowed with toil, indicating a hard -etrcl:,•gle with life, if not lined with sorrow. The firm features and wiry frame prove him a man of strong ner"ana temperament, been and wive, full ot the vigour anti will that corn nhanda euecees, as well as the quiet at irewdnevs and humour of the Scotch peasant ; while the deep set eyes, their colour hidden by the brows, look as it they could see much where most enttld see nothing. That is John Ilulleatl. man-made Weaver, and Ged•znade Bets aniet, For many years I lutd wished to Pee him ; I had heard so much about hint that was remarkable, from an early companion of hie, anti fell(Iw•stndetrt of the flowers. Though too long prevent ed from gratitying my wish, in Sep tember Last I saw the Vale of Alford for the first time. In company with Mr. Bell, the minister of Keig, au its n'lrthern alape, a botanist and entomolo- gist, and another clergyman from. Gallo- way, I paid John the long.de::ired visit. My friend bad sailed on kiln twice be- fore, and was greatly interested in the old man. I was quite unknown to him, even by name, and wy eomiug was al- together unexpected. Ou mount of Ins sensitive reserve, the minister and myself only entered him workshop. Seated at bis loom in the dreamy sun light, behind the gauzy screen of threads and strings, and busy with the shuttles as it made its merry music, the lonely old man, all unconscious oI our entry, was a picturesque sight. and would have made a pretty oompositios' in lights and shadows. That one glance fulfilled the wish of years, and 'ahead the liveliest anticipations. Finding his way with some difficulty up the narrow passage between the looms and thea winding wheels, the minister advanced towards the old man, gave him a friendly greeting, and introduc• d me as one who had come a long distance to see him. John at once ceased his weaving, and replied to the minister with evident pleasure, speaking iu the broadest of Scotch. The presence of a stranger seemed to cause a shyness, as be turned to say be was glad to see me; but the mention of his friend, Charles Black, through wham l had kt:owu bim, at once stirred a pleasure that appeared in the bright- er smile, and the lighting up of the ocrtntenance and eye. That name had evidently struck a deep chord and wak- ened distant memories, for be was silent and absorbed f ,r a little ; but the re- serve was at once, and for all, dispelled. We soon got into active conversation as I told him of Charles and his man' stories of their past lives, and my own long wish to see a man so great a stn. dent of plants, and so dear to one l so muoh esteemed. After talking some time, he returned to his loom, according to his custom it seemed, to reflect in silence on what he had heard, He worked slowly but with great regularity, his eye watching the progress of the web and scanning the threads, to notice ar,y defects as it grew under bis hands. Old as he was, he was "gleg o' the e'e," as he said, and seemed to ]Hiss nothing ; for all at nice, ho caught a break in the warp, leant forward over the beam, put bis head and arms through the cords, and tied ' the thread with smartnese and eaocees. Hitt lauds were withered and wrinkled, tate fingers bent, anti the joints knotted and thick, with long ty. lug of threads and digging cf plants. r t was1forboy It astouishlt ,,, a man shove e eighty, how well he did that trying work, His visitors asked to see Ilia dried 1 collection of botanical specimens, care- fully preserved in paper baoks t•.- '"13ut that's, uoa'," he said, after we had finished looking at these books. He then lifted sena other volumes from I the: sliest till : e came to a larger par - eel, wlsieh he delivered into my hands, with aoiwated coueteuance, saying. "Look there noo,andsee what's iu tlsatt". I unloosed the string that bound it, unwrapped the paper, and found a. since.; itar string and wrapper ieside. This I untied anti; uncovered, and again a third striug and wrapper appeared. Once more uutying and unfolding. I only ex posed a similar protection wi'hin. "Dear ins+, John 3" we alt exclaimed. "what have you here? Is it your sil- ver plate, or a grand representation, or what is it ?" "On, jest gang on," replied John, "and ye'U ken In due time 1" He evidently enjoyed the lengthened 1t OtPBi uf revealing the nvbterti, and detailed to bimseiz with a growing hu- morous glee. God bie,as the dear told man, and send him abundance of emelt innocent joy 1 After the fith cord and wraprer had been removed, there Ives revetalt'd—a book 1 It was 'nasniestly a favorite with John, an must enclose some- thing better and rarer than we had vet •eett. And it did. Ir was a e"liectiot- of the Cryptt'gatnia of the di='trict, the obscurerQ mosses arl theirs{!ltrAo one t the hardest 'Joliette of the bteniea t Field for anyone, however expert and skilful, to decipher. Yet here they were, preserved and ua: e'11 The grasses, as every botanic at student knows, are hard enough. and John showed hiecaurage in attempting them;; but the rnoote • 1 As our Galloway friend remerlted, the book was well namedCryptngatnia, for it was hidden fold within fold. and buried under many a tonic, deep done, its the bottant of a box!, John enjoyed the joke with evident relish, end still trate our spoutaneous and uarestraftr- ed es:Tres..ions ot surprise when we op. ened the bat k and raw what it contain- t'd. Me plants lead b+en carefully press• ed and neatly fastened on and named and they were carefully covered and scented with camphor, to preservethenl from those enemies of tl.a n.tturstllists, she moths. This l,,reeious volume was syrnpnthutically examined and then eased, as carefully bidden in its multi tutlinous wrappings, and then restored to its old hiding plane at the bottom of toe cheat. Our time had raw expired, and leav- ing John to put awny the books again, • baste Dim good night, in the dour of his combined dw,,lling and workshop. But the old man would not. permit 11 - to depart thus, and, with the true reel• int; of the worthy host and gentleman, o ndnoted us, bareheaded as he was, to the gate at the bottom of the field that leads up to the hnnse; and cordially shaking hands with us all, and thank- ing us for the visit, which lin said he had enjoyed, he bade him good- night. We drove home, delighted and impressed with the old weaver,eharwed and rebuked with Lis remarkable en thueiaem and livelong labors in science, amidst poverty and solitude. PREPARED AT ALL POINTS. Here is something that happened on a roadway train, somewhere in New Eng laud, last summer. A woman clad in deep mourning en ered the care at a way station. She took a seat just in front an o f of inquisitive, sharpa rp faaeld fe. wide. The woman iu black had not been seated long before sue felt a slight tai, on the shoulder, and heard her neighbor ask, in a low, sympathetic tone : "Lost anybody ?" A silent nod was the response. A slight pause, then a second question: „Chili] ?" A low shake of the head in tho mega. tive. "Parent ?" A similar shake. "Hu band ?" This time the alight nod again. "Life insured ?" A nest.' "Experienced religion ?" A nod. "Well, well, cheer up! _ Life insured and experienced religion 1 You are all rigbt,'aud ao is he l" 1f Joule Swisshelm wants to see a man •'pick up NomeLhing withot t hitching up his trowsers to relieve to bagging in the knee," let her keep an eye on a man chasing his bat on a wiudy day. A. train of ears on a Florida railroad, the other day, passed a man un horse- back, and there was a great harrahing among the passengers until they discov- ered that the annual was tied to the LEGAL I A.RDING HARDING, & WHITE, Baristers. Attorneys, Solicitors. Celt - stoners, B. tl., cis. tie rick—Rvsro,l's Br..00x. Nater trees, St lXat:�'s. AKIN 5,11ARDZNO, E. W.RAIUMNG. Tf.A.L,V IrITH , ALCO MON & O ADOY, 4.11L B c•riatet s, Attorneys, Solicitors 4o. ttuuev ±•;r T,oatt au Real Estate. I"ansP., a epees[, !:Neter. . r AicDIARMID, B.A., st t It t 1STEI , OTA RY, CONVEYANCER. h C., LUCA.N.ONT. ?� ESSRS, JONES & MOS^R1P • Barristers. Attorneys -at -law, Colicitotn 'tut,'tery, Conveyancers Oonutntssioaere OW B. St'taries Patblio, t...kfarv's C. 8.JONES. W.C. rIWSCEil*. O.Olen—Hatton 's, Blaek. Wateret..r.Marv'.. t MEDICAL 'FIR. IlUTC HINSON, Member of the College of Physieiass and Sargeonsof Ontario, ,S e . 'Se Main Street. Exeter. Re I YNUMA .-CORONER FOE the County of Huron. °Wee, next door to alr.I. Carling stature, S'seter. VIP T W. eettO\1NINti, M. D. a ti. C. tie :. in Graduate VietoriaUniversit}' Office EW and residence. 1o.slot\ bar to( v` a t e OFGANS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. and very entep. Fold 1•y 0. MOWN; Ca11 and sec them. ENeter, Coo ITEW SPRING GOBS. Hai joss received a large stock of 1 JUN1; :3, 148 1:1- KINSMAN, L 1)._S.. HAS OH- 1.etainedhisI)iplomaaodi.icenseto pros - dee 1)oi:tis- YI �.A. •s r by SodAil> ' be on ]rand* , s n# tea, ou N011etays. oRo Tp0'tdayfi..Y 1ril'ye and '•atirrlaye. Oi(i••e n•, tt Bele Battery Main Stzrct, V. ter Or 1.. 1 Shingles for Sale Fltcasl i TO '1.(;11 f'F11 21';1itl:� At G. & J- Brooks Two 3itf,rs Wswr 0l' Thi to L0r1WO:4 40:s1). 3- ON RA?, t t genal Ruffle of llezni.,t•.z Lumber er and Cedar ' t'oatec osttsntn on band. ii'!t[rltr4, ('!O,'/sY . ftl+rlf[t 1 iF'eft. 1 THE EXETER,7 tits CI rums., %Z)r-i toilet, Ladles, Di.a. . l• 't.T 1i bC.3 sh central lJ.rHis I'aeIut itt�t4f•a. j A. large stuck of Finley Goode enn #1 DOOt f tt AS 1) stoutly an band 1 i C. M()OItE, NI I). 0. M. 1. . C',raduatoof CoOiilL'nivertits, Eoatresi Otlscoanti residence, Exeter. Ont. Office I ours - 8 to 10 a. 10 and 7 t 10 n. to tsRAD1JAT{ C;; I• S CRSIT1• Trinity College tlal"Leri. alisfis- t„ sicians and suraenns Out., .See filrktun. HOTELS [WESTERN HOTEL, GIte1ND BESD. — 1 1' This Hotel bee been leased for a term et Years. and WS been tei P tided , livery eon.- wale' n t Dt ' for c uautrrcta! travellers. 'Ili, hes t+rtnd4 of liquors and cis; .re at the bar floral hustler in attendance t Hlt1+TlAN li'RTl,t:ii1,3.'rop. Grand !tend. May *1rd. *57s. Gm. IENTEAL .R0TI G, CREI)LTON • - et lean. nater l+r+'i+rii'ter. This BoteIl as been newly tarnished and fitted up it tires -class Se\le'. r.sr'it+ and convenient '.'torr Roielei fat .t'tr.aarriai'ltavelaeyy: tae.+t of iilesor and rigors tt tier tear. Attentive Uostlera elcutts ns,, bony Wif.l,TA"Si 1tAli1�I:, T A'�UUO q� Iltl'SE . HENSALL, 4. Ring at , east side of the railway. Vas . hob', his r"redtly eitttn«e 1 kande. and is well furs (dated throughout. Etce3b ut tal'la-, EI•t•ry W- hitton paid hs t•hitttonpaidto travellers Gaud stabling. The very be -t bratuleof1 quer at the bar. ltit'ir.tlli RAVIOLI'S. Prop. rr.1'a.:im. HANGED 1IANDS.--The under• signtetitsvinn • anted the D,i forin flouse,Con- trane. for a term, it will baronet a Rom -class ho. U.I. with every aceotnsstdilaton fir the travelling nnt,lie, Conveuiontto the Station. Good Liquor and e.gars at the bar. Attentive hostlers, 1021v. JAa455 CAIN. s T. M IRY'S LTDLEWOItKS. oardraws kilns being now in till operation au turning nutdaily at'treequail tith ot LEXIVIE that feral! purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin. tau. 1'artiestront a distance cart always boertplied either at the kilns or deliver(' by tomos at low est remunerative rates, Orderatrom u distance promptly attended to. Wt [IITSON & SCL:ITER. Grocer!es .Uonlectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGAR always in stock, J' SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news N.B.—Sewing Maoh.r.s, Needlea of every kind. A. BOYD. YORKSHIRE PkinE Hctu! HE N SA LL G. & 3. PETTY Any quantity of Cured Mee constantly in stock. Rolls, (Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar- cured, Lard, etc. Any quantity . of PORK CUTTINGS .constantly on hand SAUSACES Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cured meat fence. promptly attended to, 1 ri-ne nndetcz'o.,•;l would inform the hiltal:i- _i.. tants of Exeter anti vicinity that he fat OPENED A NEW BUTCiil;il Suul one door mind, 01I.16 ftlaeuauaithahnpnntihnpes the came libertil patreno[•ethat has been a, corded to Ulm it, the ar.AC5 t) UTn AND WA1ON MAI:1Na tthetrillb, tnndvetuhtutinhis nen•t,ratsclu nosiness, Ili% heat Wagon w,tleall ut the read• tents of the village three two( ettcl u'ttb;trt T, R sIX 7AL E.A T 014/1 k.ndatkept cout,tantll on hand at his butcher strop. lilacbositbing and wegen makinpcorried on ant usual iu stet i1* 141'14 1r, E. DAVIS, Mowers and Reapers WE OFFER & TRIAL of our celebrated Singe Mowers{ --AND•— Single Reapers in all klndsof Grate and Groin, and en all Col ittwzs ofcotton d carface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACT1O.; OR NO SALE We also offer a Trial of our Wrought no. Two liar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REAPEF Arc NIJWER Machittessupplied with Two Pitmans, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts, Self -oilers, etc.. etc. can be changed from Ntower co Reaper AND REAPER TO MOWER Byremovalt,ffour bolts, an5inlees ohanfifteen minutes' limo. Please call at our works and iuspec our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. } Send for Cataingnee. THOMPSON &WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stretford. BIGGEST CHANCE TO MAKE money ever offered. Honest, pleasant, profitable. Costs nothing to try it. MONTREAL profitable. Coats 643 St. Janie, St , Montreal. Important to ButterWorkers One Good Active Agent Wanted in every town- ship to introduce the VXOTOR BUTTER WORE, ER. Sit nple Machine Free to Agents. Priee 56.00, *7.00 and 58.00 each. One Mciion to be sold in tae Dominion. Apyly early wish stamp for entscircula:, to the VICTOR Wen).etGEE Cm .ist •oxer+• ' CONSUMPTION CURED' AN OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from motive practice, having had placed in bis bunds by an East India Missionary she formula of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and pet. rnanentcure of CONSUMPTION ASTHMA BRONCHITIS C6TARR8 and all Throat and Lung Aftectiou s • also ("positive and radical cure for nervous lability and all ner- vous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of ca- seate nes it leia duty to make itknown to hie suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a zonacientious desire to relieve human suffering and willeend. tree of charge, to all who desire it, thisrecis 5, with frill directions for preparing and encoe.efully-using. Sent by return mail by ad- dressing' with st'mp, naming this paper, DR. C. STn VEN S, Box 86 Brockville, Ont. BLINI1 ALL KIN US OV $ 'TURNING Done to order. Remember the piece 7.37 or Ilowa. 'd, Tho412PricoofTlur d'tca not affect the low p.tceKlt'nWeb T. BI1w?t$+E'TT :N areoffering their :steels of TINWARE, STOVES, Etc., at Exeter & Hensall which cene:iets of ill the (stein and Unproved dyke of Kitchen. Clad: and Parlor atov'i?,1,1i1k 'stns, pans, and pail. of tae tut approxcd ( mite, n, and ever,v thing in the lino ; Also, a ;uOdselectioe of handt,eu.e Ensve troughing to usual, receive=s everyattention, an don,* tt the lowest figures. Having opened mita braneb ratabliahmertt st liensel],onr friends in that neighborhood. •an be supplied on the slwrtest notice, THE GRE A.TES'r' Wonders of 1Vtode1; n Times Holloways Pills &Ointment 1 The Pills Purify the Blood,00rrect all disorders of tbe Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ant' Bowel., and are nainval»,.uable in all complaints incideptal to The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for BadLogs,Old Wounds, SoresanctllIcer ,of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis,l)iy'i'therie, Cohds,Gout, Rheumatism, and all kin eases a'a sn o equal. BEWARE aF New York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are manufactured and sold under the name of " Holloway do Co ." by J. F Henry, Curran Company, Drug-' —4 gists, and neer by the Metro• politan Merl, cine company of Now Ynik, willJose; ■.1 an assumed trade i mars, thus--> "` „ v---Altnin ono wisep » sseh sdooff canneer cit of his own make sudor tke name ofIIol- itawav de rpent;avingforatrade iniulr a Crosent, and Serpent; MoKesaen & ltpbbine o2 New York are agents for the same. 'these persons, the bettor to deceive you, I n- bluehingly caution the public in the small boeks of directions affixed to their medicines, which Careounterfrer.11yeits. thespurious imitations, to Beware o Unecrupuions Dealers o btain them at vary low prices and sell them to the outdo in Cana- da as my genuine Pills and Oib truants. I moat earnestly and respectfullv appeelto the Olergy, to mothers of families and other ladies and the public generally of British North Ameri- cus, that they may be pleased to ' denounce un- sparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the label on the pots• and. boxes. If the acdrose as not 683, Oxford Stre •t,London, trey are the oounterfeits, Each pot Sndbox of the ttaneine Medicines, bears the, British Government stamp, with the words "Pio»2.AwAr's PILL. AND OINTMENT, London,"' engraved thereon: en the label is the address, 63 3 OXIordStreet, T,onrioh,wbere alone tl.ey are td. anufaoturod. Parties who may be defrauded byVendors selling spurious "Holloways Pills and Ointment as my genuine make sh, on com- municating the particulate to me, be amply re- m,nerated,and. theirlvale never divulged. THOMAS HOLLOWAY 683, Oxford St., W. C. London, En Finn Si