HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-13, Page 4he .'etc ' a,rufs'. TEURSDAY, JUNE 1a, 1S7S, THE QUEBEC LEGISLATURE Last we we had not room, to make more than a passing altusiou to the suets of tete two political parties ill the ; neigh}saying Province of Q:lebee, and alight give to our readers if we saw fit. the causes which have brought about With our cetera. we quite agree—we the temporary ttiumpls of the 1;.eal a cold do as it says.. But if we cont. party in the Legi 4ature. i our 191- F inelaee'telling foa)lish atlas untrue stories ere wilt remember, we, in c *ia atoa i we don't kuow why we should end with Hurons have re-nrc°irrluated that lanl:4lt:- with other Liberal Conservative jonrn the list famished us by our Seaferth ; reript puli:iciam, ler. Rome Ii„steep, Ai TEEE TTM( S fools,” when its edi'.o: asks them to believe 1t knows everythiug that has passed between Greenway and Cotner - o11 ooneerlsiug the eased€dature of the party. But we digress, Ae we have said. an attempt was made to take us to 1 task, our would-be moralist making a numbeL of statements which it says tete by a majority one on the vote on the amendment to the Address. The ma. jori*y ooiildn't be Inuclz smaller, but as some of our' sanguine Reform oc,ueemll- poraries hopefully remarked when the Speaker was eleoted by the same me jority, it is large ,enough for AO preen cal puaposee. The Oovetunlunt refuel to rein and melt the house to say it is their duty to support them. IN hat the rennet of the vote on this 'Mil be, v is Imp,lesible to say. The G,sv.,rtarterst cif t uebee are not iu a (stuck better >po t3itiun than Tantelne. THE Befortu Convention for C'tar:tre ueete . 1818 aligned. By -law No. 0 read moved by T, Yearly, seconded by W. Buker, Haat +aid by-law bo further ditecnased next enesting. Resolved that 3t) be ea - vended oe 19th con., etid that 10 be t'xpenled ou each end of eoccesasioa eeet,tt, in the eo11'taslsip, and that bound. ' rt: patlimlasters expend the same, The ,ext regular meeting of Council to be iirtst i1Zti:ialtty in Megaly(, Court of Re- ciei'*rl telj• uened. A number of ac - nets were ordered to be Maid, (.'•.i PR •I:TV, Cls rk. THE ST.:\LA.ii :°S llYS F.R . until Prof, Croft's report is received. It is reported that several females are connect with ed w th the vaso, 011eof whom Isla Married woman, end that F.erl's office her of late been a den for thele, together with gambling ' and drinking of s 1 kettle, until late lours at night. ` Nothing defl' ite, however, can be "learned till after the inquest. Ford hes been sent to Stratford to ,await hie trial. , claimed (hist the Lieutenant erinor'e tyrrany had b..en contletuut d, and that Item the assembling of the' 11.ruse, tine Couservative party houses be 1n a small, though working in"ae,t)rity,' This fat gee s to neve be�eu rea:ee .lila �' a lie ;, ed by the leta,ler:r of the Range peaty, and they llttv4t werked assidnohely ever sines the electiou to convert 'vetch nig- ;w4)rity ia1t3 a lniteerity, with the result' indicated by us last week the e1tetion of the Sr.—petateee ttzruezastt .' lay the very narrow majority of oue. We w it now examine the conditi,.?u of the liar. ties. 'elle Speaker, .tr. Tureotte, '1 eyeless appearing to the electors. and indeed till within two or three days before the lienee wet,aunouuced himself as an, taneowltrtuttoaiug ot+pouent of the Joly (l ,:avernwent. Fie even wrote a letter .11 to the editor of the Ie t:xaaiariiaertmune citatieg the same preuotatsce'«l views. 1'. a Price. the member for Chicoutimi, wive was abeeat its 1" Bance at the time t.•f the eleeeti:in Anti only returned a few days before the opening of the Hotta wee cenced*ed by the Pongee to Le to j sympathy with the Gepoeitialn. The I! Government ran a eandid ate itn c►pt,et.: siting to hitt(, awl he was one of the mest faithful fallowers of lion. Mr. et.n;ers in the preceding Legislature. These facts ought to convince swine that be was a Conservative, lied' it been thought etht•rwi ae, n 'Conservaative could mid would have been elected in 1 his place. 4:N1ter 1Ir, Priem snece abed t3 the eiiuflueteces • lemmata to bear oat him leheisie•ut' Turc atter held the b it twee of power between this two 'meth's, I P so to speak, tied was its a ltoresti n to threw Itimtelf with 1Slla'ov.tr silt' canhi 7. • nt.. a a bigpush" r '7t r t and 1. Ila ,ia1v, ].Zech Ylaanttntne'y." To hie aba(((se, be it said, he prutttatuted the 'arena pet ire n of legislator to personal aggriu iiz, - inent. He betrayed a eaered trust. Ise violated his oft repeated pledgee. e. and sold hie manhood for the pultr casieit3eratiriu of a Speelia'r-hip, With its en1•il»luOntt3, aahite.h lancer, by tie way, we ;you'd net be s1Irt•ri.e,l to see rivallieg the .Mien 3Ir. A leliu melt a seed to 8'lelc.. 7.0 from III+ O1fiL'ee, Tide. then, is the penia,(( of the parties. The Streaker, having voted tor and el- eetr,•d iioneeif, will be forced to give the melt); vote upon every want of ceefi- dence anmta,tn, Tile G'vern tient wil find Vsetnselve:* utterly unable to con- duct the ail airs of the Province, and another appeal to the people will h,' come uecas;s..ry, when the ele0....1 .ara weft have an opportunity (.4 rejecting thor;r who have gene e. utra'y to the dirtee• tints given tht:rc. The people o1 Q'Ite lyse will flea that L -:testier St. Jest 11•ts done than Province a deep ie.jnt•y v hien it will take a tone time to efface. We wouldlike to say nom=thing upon( tin - duties and responsibilities of members to their constititents, belt this article i'• (already long enungh. We shall dpi so, r.towever, et sortie future time, etteln. for the enineetnend. of those taliiamest cam readers who know better than to believe suel1 yarns mil the etii- 11e.atieLl of tln:tee what unfortunately ;mow n better. We cattle' say a great nattily other things e*ins11y absurd, if . e e i ► t .ere wea 1 t its 114 •et t 1 r. selves o ',li• A k rD cele. For iirtitaanee, we cm1t1 say the, maw, is ;undo of green cheese ; that the -;nn Avulses around the earth anti the# earth i• a flged star its only planetary 'a : heat the editor (tithe Expositor is a iytp:s dic'rrtta and the author of Ju. "tett. 9 l^ .' .re anal :I:at2 '5 fables ; and that M. C. Cilinerou is not a eorrtzp, tiu»iet nor (ireeuwey a traitor. We repeat, we eeattlel say all these as well -it the tithe r itb'lurd things which our Se (forth frigid would be delighted t' M. P., as the ealndialate of t .e party at the coming election. Mr. Leckie, of Brussels, utterly wrested the prize from Iloneee's greedy grasp. :ter. Leckie ie in every beater 'vena➢est.'s for the po-i- tion. °.the I:4f''rnlers of the rialllit;: might a 15e"ll stiekt a millet' lead oonl rttuIsp auks ,teed it to Ottawa as lionize Iia,rtt►n. We tpola)gete sal the made kind for tide to theta F' edieue compete iauu." \Vi hove it int towable aatithority that titr. Greenway. tlninlaing ,a bird itt bend worth two in the l.,la-lt, bee etnteented to sacrifice himself for S1,Ottt1 a year. Mr. Doty:, the abltt-bodied Collector of (.uetorne et G tlerich, to be honored by O T TCE,—Any pe•rson or pen, rte t, a , •tee x12 to threes »:wtieecl err, rc- t ele•l a a* .ec' triun ss, nn the t_r2 21- neve• yie': [,?i to t :1'e '(etoruli t'7°t, 2t'ea' of O. • to a e.D ar S ere t r, * eaters tccorall i t * t..tr. 13v ..nte.,:r off t.a :+17,aC 1)57.:11. T. WIUTI.00I,: 51t• L. 1:sT OL' Ira.. r:r,itn), Tel 8'.C-h.AV+)aa t^Eaa[:ai:S A tend& of liaarrrcr went through ten© .tuf..E"tot et St. M cry's tau '1*i o-all;e,ilEi4 ta,ming of last wkt^k, (et 1t-aaritiil,,', of" 1e death. 11061204 the rrvi,caing 1•ert tial( -al, 1.4Colel etoU taf t4,e a;ata . titlt•St was 21yourgI won of (batt tat ety•oae yeeie tit rat r•ftaat leettlt, rj>et,t tine eyf•teielg alrrntoi t''wt, with ton140 eeenDt•a,ttia)nd 01 ui> ate;P, tat pleasant coi2,veerse. 1)e eche ell ran tweet latent heat:tiglht, anti while telliul (tie fin(((es !lint he heel been p.,its°°ue,l by Pr. F'1aral, was eeiz.*'4 (tint tater tlletuuy tat el (Lied. The al. etur went to .her(((on ata \1 rule(•'(('((, and wee, ,a're'ted et tee Tr:cumaeh ii.tneo by :air, Irwin,: hie name 'placed ea the Govern- tteeri:agwo ;if S. Meg 'ts, also twilled trent sup erouunation list—that game isms ever to .\1t•, Ninetieth After beint; list which the truly patriotic Mr. Mace j he e eaten stat unatk'rettted why the, bltimid tent e,n•+t ect. bun. Ae esti had teat wive Leen o)t gote t As`rititt 1tiiI1 tee.? :t. Tee I12ttttest Levan t^in Weei 9rr91<,q ;Air. Hayes, t.'o►Altty ;\,'ttorney, alive -:ea al i to the (`rowel, si •d :