HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-13, Page 331:ISE 13 1878 THE FASHIONABLE WIFE. words ; "Juin at ones," Let women ask themselves, with The son uf Mrs was in despair. He such breins awl power of seting truth ereeented himself befeie hie intended us they pt,sees—why do men marry ? with the fatal tuieeive iu his hand, and A wife is a man's partner, or she is his everythingbu11, 1.00If of pleasure in his housekeeper, his mistress. or the moth- couitteneuce ; bet the lady was cited er of his chill'. When the marri to the ocelot:0m. With s, blush, of tiff te perteet she is till combined. Bet maiden sineitterty and virgin innoeence, the feshinnable wife is none (if those elie-ceet her eyes to ine giound awl re - things. Sire looks on her linsbande' IthLrivd motley as 0.1),B—something which he ,spear me! I'm glad your colonel wants to guard arid she to seize. It is approves a tee uititet, ; but whist a no joiet-property wit eh it ie as ingeh hurry lie a in 1 I dun t tuiuk I can get her interest as it is hie to save tool ready so soon, bat I'll do nee w'se"y ; 'nit an enemy's poeeession my best, beeettee, of comae, love, which it will bo her gain to loot Ae. the ceininatuls uf sear celouel must be for companionehip toeeetre pearix i obeyed." bags. and an evening :Tent, with her 1.1,1t1 young warrisr was puzzled. husband alone counts as Ow ne ?sins rd. "Pio% you see, uty darling," be eaid, bet of deadly dell/less. Pereonat hive -Wm Wits curds untied telegram puts a fer him bee died out. if even one., 4'04011.er UU tter plane ? You do not seistea nedee the eniee efpaseien be- seem to waterstand the telegram. lie attip.tn of novelty ; and waste •ir slio uftys, peremptorily, 'Joist at uuce.' " rimy be to others, her husband ands Tite lady's blushes redoehled, but her eeiformly eeld and repsliant. , hit a look of areit remplivity alio raided lotherhre-al its bee leaehettee-eltiltleir tier level eyes to 110C 110/0:0 and r unwelcome intruders—and there its no plied: more miserable wonntai extant than t .0 "11 ie vim, my darling, who don't faellionable wife with a baby, that bin. Hem to utaleretentl it. Your oolouet dera Lee from joleleg in the isegsoien Sayii 'Joie at once,by which vulgar pleasures. mien -daily selfish nud .hallow, love lots as little Illealllag for bet MOO doctrine of duty or the glory of encase ; and Moan who know leer stand kilo in a hind of wondor be of course mo+emget married Uwe- diatelv. What else cats he pueetbly menu ?" A leek of intellisence replaeed tte air of bewilderment in the young boro's the scheme of ereatien which includes cleseic fenturee, and beetowiug regu. among its offsets twine., without uses larlea de joie ef artiste ealutee On her and without virtue..— a women. with rosy lipe, he accepted the explanatirn, preeemaldy 11. Sold like any other, fib- and was enabled to attsw.rtr the culonel'e selutely destitute of the love which elegratu in twenty-four hours after - eaves the werld from worse than death tle iu theee wat: of the reality which seeks tenth ami "Yitur orders were obeyed. We lives in it—of all nobleneee of a. pira- tem, and all righteousaess of life—of a airmo whose ged is Tilleatinrel t..1311. her one solo religion— %Arlon. $110eleINO .1,Cel r NT AT ST. CATUARINES. .1F...V.V. were jellied at once." ..1111n1Pln• A LAZY PAS'SENGER. re••••.411.W.M. Several yeaago I was called U0*;by a party unwed Toin—, to altos% tuna to e ork hie passage nn the Saloon- er-----to Baltimore itutl, return, (a very Edward Melnik in, a carpenter in the cumnion se,inest, below memo 60944 (1°/"I"Y °f R. Ne", hitvd oPorr aa a eetablielied ou the river he hailed bO.gg.Y to go to Ow rebilleme (4 IV° faun). agreed, and he took his Once Adams, OP the mount:du, near the eitY. thu cabin, and seemed more at home 'When he started to return, there we in the buggy with him his mother, a yourig women named Itichinga, and ng youWhile nearing the Fifteeii toile Cr. eh 11111.the horse elbowed syrup b'nr3 v"ne recti ('ss, "d li(11('1"1 g:t 4filt, water region, he fulled at Ali, 011 "t and led tho a914141 d4w4 110 I'd' iur way back we arrived WI the mouth and iteross the bridge. Ile Ohm tried of the river (a very wide flue) idiom to get ioto the buggy, but the betel: widuauthe wind was very again bee'""e re'divei aud before In' tight, and a strong "obi: tide," I an. (roved with my mita up. .A. laree tellootier was lying ahead of me, a ttt an- oer, aud was 1110 only thing vielble. .ow, thinks ie the timeto settle with lay „vase (?) vanseagsr. /10 was iu *here than ally whore else. Ile couldn't. (or wouldn't) neither "oteer," "etow," (exeopting grub) nor "reef." I tried nun at. everytbiug that falls to the lot of a eailor, aud, though raided la the. could reach its head and gniet thi horse backed against the abutment of the bride, and the animal, buggy and its occupants fell down into the valley, a distance of 80 feet. The horse was killed instantly and thelinggy shattered. The chid fell upon a heap of st nes, and it is supposed received a o newt:doe of the brain, which will probably cane death. Mrs. Nicholson had two ribs lir and sr shoulder badly hurt, to- getuer with other brui QS, Mrs. Rid- ings is more seriously hurt. She had three ribs broken, her thigh bone diele seated and her shoulder blade brolieu. WHY SHE STOPPED HER PAPER. She came through the seuctum door like a cannon ball, and without pausing to say, "How Wye do ?" she !trough. her umbrella down on the table with a mighty cresh, and shouted : "I want you to stop my paper 1" "All right, madam." "Stop it right off, too," she persist- ed, shacking the table again, "for I have waited long enough for you to do the square thing." She quieted down for a mcment, as we ran our finger down the Fst of names, and when we reached her's and matched it out, she said : "There, now mebbe you'll do as you'd ought to after this, aud no G slight a woman jes"cause she's poor. If some rich folks happen to have a little red- headed, baudy-legged, squint-eyed, wheezy squeller born to them, you pub' it up to the skies, and melte it out an angel; but when poor people have a baby, yon don't say a word about it, even if it is toe equarest-toed, blackest,- haired, biggest -headed, uobbiest little kid that ever kelt a woman awake nights. That's what's the matter, aud that's why I stopped my paper." And she dashed out as rapidly as she came. "JOIN AT ONCE." A story is going the rounds, says the Bombay Gazette, which is too good to be lost. A. young sub -lieutenant left lap regiment a short time ago on sick leave, and put up at the best hotel, not a buudred miles from Pocnah, where he was immediately stricken by the at- tractions of a lovely maiden •who was staying there. He proposed, was ace oepted, and the happy day was fixed. The colonel, however, dissapproved of ,su h-lieutenanti getting married, and esarticularly of the marriage of the sub in question. As he happened to be a friend of the young mail's. father, he thought to prevent the union of the d couple by sending a peremptory Id egram couched in the fullowing the cabin "dead" (asleep). Thu crew "weut below," and "turned in." I wai.ed till everything vas qinet, then, standing by the wheel, I celled Tout. After a good deal of yewning, he "turnetlout," met wauted to linov what was wanted. I told him to "take her a little while," (i. e., to -take the wheel). Lie wild, "YOU IWOW, Cap, 1 caul/ eteer by the cotnpas," "Now, Tom, rve got you till fixed up nicely. You bee that large sehuouer ahead ?" "Yes, sir," tie replied. "Well, 'steady her' right fur ner. She is a steady °reit, and as the wind is light, we ought to overheat tier ; tt at is, if eon eau keep our trait eteedy." And telling him to call me when he came up with her, I bud down. Tue strong tide made our vessel "sheer! about" whenever Tyne moved the helm, and the water passing us gave the ap pearance of the vessel goiug ahead - After half e.n hour I sang out : "Tom 1" "Sir 1" "How are you making it ?" "Pretty well, sir," (moving his wheel a little). "How is she making it with the schooner ahead 2" 'Well, sir, it is about 'what -what,'" (a great expression witl him in cons - paring. rates of speed). After an hour, perhaps, I sang out : "Toni 1" "Sir 1" "Have you oome up with that chap yet 2" "No, sir." "How are you making it ?" "Abont 'what -what,' sir." Towards day -break I awoke. The wind was better and the tide about done. I roused oue of the men, seut. hint on deck, tied sang out: "Tum 1" "Aye 1 aye 1 sir," says he. "Lay forward, with Jim, aud 'get' our anchor." "Get whet ?" "The sootier." "..IChe' anchor ?" "Yes, get the anchor up." He stood still, attired a little, and the way he breezed would have put to shame a Bieck Hilld' miner. "Just to thiuk," he solitogslized, "I straddled taint wheel, half the night, steadying this 'old hulk 1' Racing with another vessel, mid both of them anchored, and to brag about it, too." Et was too much for him, and to -day the question, "Flow does she head ?" wi!l put hitn on his mettle. TETE Tliviii.S ofte.fez Hensall FURNITURE RoomsiNEw MACHINE SHOP. OWING to the very large increase of trade, i) Eitching have been compelled to enlarge my premises and have just received a large stock of all kinds of Fmniture—in fact, one of the largest north a L.r,n• don, Those in want of a first class article ita the House Furnishing Line should eall and examine my itock and ascertain ine prices and be coniin04 that 1 can sell cheaper than any other /ionsein the :rale. Wool, Straw mad raged inattressee and st.riugfeA kinds have alsoopeued out a ilrst-clausstoe of't 'Watches and fine Jewelry, in fact every. art.ele at, a first-slassestablielnueut. Ifeelconfiet.t that /can, at prices that willsatisfy the rublic, and aa low as eau be purchased anywhere. Olock'a an .t 'Watches rest.airyl ktt moderate rates, Bra SatiSriViti'.A"A ' vanuateel. by cone- potent worininen. Also Or”an5 And 51Ei.nie,7.1 instruments is ooT $110E $11012 IN CREDITON. tepeciat atteueou to ruderraking- Thilldwes contracted bz. $, Fat:bairn.. ' , Welles to inform the public that he le.'hettote I prepared 19 repel): all 4Iuds ot , ,-• • ,;"ewing Machines, Watches Clocks, Guns, 84c., than any . citner person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guaranteetsiotuo,give Satisfac- rri,/is is ....N , 1.1,--,,r-L13Assr! Ne.t Door to Baker's Rotel. Parties wsutirg ',-, -i-N, trbeclass work wia find it to their advantage to cull kret,re leaving their orders elsewhere. truly first-class anuterialuaed. Siewc4 work a speciality. blepairiug prorut tly attended to. 1 CBRISTOPLIER Bair. Crediton, Mareb 7, 1S78. I' i OHN SOLDAN, .1-14 4S just commenced business one hal mite tWest of Doshwooll, aril is preps'ed to clean 1 elects, Watches and sewing Machines. rut brellas repaired and Orgaus and Melodians at tendril to. Toose in want of his services should gi-,'s Ilion a call bf fore goii.g away front home. trattgeS moderate and entire satiefec • tin guaranteed Truth Concerns You, Mare Than Counterfeit Therefore,. mad, parclease, and enloy Its bargalus. Wileu say 1 ruantafactlre roc.- own !urn:If-are prepAred vita my woof-shth eet at Ow people CCM Lispect at may thus by esil..r4g at ru., Ware ones whore they -will see a superb tbarla$ of Furniture in All Its Branches is •01•L'Iriwt ace -1 b tuys:dt and to ca•Miurvt siti ll elan, gaol wItirrenni4ittp. 1 Juro not. laszttlityitm the people witlt ctiii of ru !mime th:At cannot Is'eluallei for riu,Ai•y or ptiic4 4114ott,r..411. blowin; slas cout:ory, uutwithattooliug. nn-•— WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J BRAWN A CALLP Corner of Main and Gidley'e Street, Eeeter, TR1 ExETuR TIN AND S170113at DEPOT. tIS gairscrthec begs to announce to the is habitants of Exeter and the torranntling emu - try. that ho has epi nett a TIN and. S COVE DEPOT in the store nearly og,i-e-ite Mr. G. A. :daces iiweery and Liquor store, Main etrevt. Exeter, where he is p.enni clic,rde, a for Oook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices, Tinware, cheaper than the cheaptst, and made up by practic I workmen on the premises. eare-Troughlug done to order. Carriage PlatIng it Specialty. Coal 011 Chimneys, fite very best and none slimmer. 0 Wending purelitteers will always rind nie et ray pose ready to attend to my own hotlines, and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously awl supply them with g good nini leap artie e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get better value for your money. The very higliest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins, .E. H. SPACICNIAN. ter I) 0, Octaer 15 1877. GODERIOH FOUNDR/ •••••••••••••• .m00 •••••••• Founders, Engineers and Machinists. AtANT..TVACI USERS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, PLUMING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS STAVE AND HEADING M ACHINERY Midaliug Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements cooKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, Scheel seats, &o. Iron and Brass Oastino's to order" For :ode cheap—Second hand Boilers and Engines Stave and Shingle, and Heading Macuinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, 1ii1ls, &tr., promptlyattended to GODERICH FOUNDRY and MANUFATUZIN4 co. GODERICH, Ont. C. & S. GIDLEy Unclertakor -; and F.'ltr niture WOULD SAY TO those who intend purcbas.ng to do so from the manufacturer. The vim dealer buys to sell again mus t necessarily have a profit. We claim to give tho purchasers the benefit, which cannot fail to meet the views of the Grangers. Our ermines a -e less than those of city menu lecturers consequent- ly we cau sell chestier. Emblems 11.airtila our ers OUTjp isti pecilattentio calln to our undertaking dephrt• ment,which is more cpm plete than ever, as we have added several new designs of late The best coffins. caskets shrouds,and every uneral requisite at the lowest prices. Our new Beane is pronounced by competent judos to be second to note in the Provinces of all the Different Societies. Ladies in want of Kid Gloves cannot do better than drop in at RANTON BROS. and see their large stock. Our model two -buttoned Kids as- tonish everybody. Full range of sizes in tho dark shades, only 40 cents per pair. --:o:-- OUR SUCCESS I • Kids, 2 buttons, full range of sizes in newest evening shades, at the remarkably low price of 60 cents per pair:; are selling rapidly, Call early! You have over 340 pairs to select from. NEW COSTUME LINENS, special shades at low prices, just to hand at RANTON BROTHERS. Butter aud eggs wanted. Accts. rendered lst July. liENSALL COOPEit 51-10P. —0-- W, VA.NVA.L4ENBURGIet, COOPER WORK OF ALL KINDS, INCLUDING CISTERNS, of which be refixes a sp BUTTER cheaper thou ever. rtepainug,protoptIr 4.1111 neatly done. Shoo -Mock street directly wcst itis statiou. titre lam a con. WM. VAN VALKENIttliGli. ROUSAII, May 5,157, au. ..xt-Aer North. FLOUR anal GRIST. MILL, Being in goad workbag order gives every aceacto- tluthul PuSsdslo grastit,g azul flinarang. Flour tind mill feed delivered rtrlies leavino their orders ivatare woe (Mark at J. lial-d‘S Bakery, or OliliTialiEete Co', to' at Tailit.SSMSe day - TERMS oxi,spi. 0 177- lvia E ITIZAr I 0 1E, EXETER O. CHISHOLM'S OL 1) S7.- AN I) LONDON THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & MANTLES. MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR BEADY -MADE. HENDERSON & BIJOHA>.INAN Lote A. Chisholm, it Co. A COMPLETE STOCK OP HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES, Remember —Sign of the Striking Clock, 142, Dundas Street, LONDON. "e2INCLA.IR TAIT. ) Dealer in Fanoy Goods and Toys double, and single Berin Wool, of all color. Alm; Zephyr and Germanton Wool Nex noire twrth of the TUXES office. Exeter, THE NY- lIcGLOGLON Wens ess. is THE BEST. Be sure J,n,i goi, the W. D .31,3G echlotwateh before buying. Youwifl have no other afersee- lug thllem. AWhe wear thorn recommend them, Goldand Silver,Ladies and Gentleman's sleet, 77 Dundee street,London. See the testimonials The largest,bestand cheapest stook of fine Gold Jewelry, Olooks jiver , and Plated Ware, Panes loodeolna., dc., in the Province. noparissor avery description. W. D. t'oGLutliLN 77 Donde ss Loation Buas..0,,NaHstriigion, g '11 deBir.s to return • • g . thank a to his patzons, w o ed bini in the would intimate recovered from__ his Iona ill- ness, ho intends -.in f iture, to to take charge of the horse-shoeino de Lairtment himself. AiI other work done in he very best style and at the lowest ratos. • S. BUCKING A. \I. Exeter, Dec 13 1877 n11111 e r 0 TI have sup port • pa s t, 8.4,1 that, having