The Exeter Times, 1878-6-13, Page 2TACE TIMES 2111. COL THE TARIFF. GREAT SA>EEC$ ON TR kt NA- TIONAL POLICY. Continued from last week.] TSR NEW ENGLAND POLICY, Tllls TIiL-E POLICY Of CANADA. The Opposition wanted to ace tin people of e `auade have among them- selves, far the developenlent of her re- sources, self-reliant men, brought up iu the schools of toil, brought up to digauify labor, and to llouor labor in theutselvee and others. This policy lead produced a community, than which the world today had no superior, the people of the New lira Hand States. The policy which t would like to see iutrodueed into Canada, and which I believe is the true policy for Canada, is to make tins emotion of the couutry xhiell we novf occupy on this Conti- zletit, the New England of Canada, and to plant here those sante institutions Woo nave been the harbingers of ene- cesd in the neighboring Staten across tlae flue. Our conditions are preciaaely the cattle .ae theirs. We have the dame soil, we Nava the soyasO facilities for aulautllataturiug, we have all the condi- tivne that are kindred to theirs, and we aro shortly to have shat they now lave, a great Norti'v:est openiug be. and and boundleae, which is yet to be inhabited by millions of people. 1 de. sire to sal; to the farmere of Ontario - here is a lesson for you, consitier it. Year after year, you are impoverishing your farms by growing wheat and seud- it)g it to Euglaud. Year after year the facilities for entering the Notth- wetit and bringing its products down to the eeiaboard, are increasing; year after year in the future there is going to be a steadily increasiug agri- cultural population in the West, who are to be your rivals in the rnaarkets of the world. While your lands aro be- ing gradoatly worn tut and itupover- iahed, these t eIda are being brought under cultivatiou. There ie to be the great granary of the continent. Can we teener) that 25 or 60 year hones' the farmers of Outario would be able tJ go eu competing 11ith the farmers of Ssakdcbewan in the raising of wheat or those products which had to go to a foreign market ? The coneitiou of the Ontario farther ie growing( worst, year by year, and the condition of the Webtern former is being bettered in the some ratio. the contest is au nil• equal one anti the Ontari l fanner will plvlaaaltly feud hin)at:lf in the long 1uu in the saute position as diose who re• acd i.o timeline cotton: For the On. eerie fernier to raise hie wheat, to ship it to England hand aud to buy lata gouda iu the cheapest market, would just be to kill the goose tied lath the golden egg. I welcome the day when the West will be opened up, aud whoa Ontario and Quebec, broth will occupy the sante pntitiat el relatively to that octan: try, that New England d' es to the greasy Western States. VIE FINANCE MI:a tlT)r.R OPPoSIM TO TIDE oRtt`M OP TOWNS AND CITIES. I have been amazed to hear the Hon. the E i .n lice eliai' ter. not only ill Lis budget speeches, but also on the stump in Outario, preaching the doe trine that the aggregation of pe'•ple in great cities is injurious to a const try. How, I would ask, mild agricultural communities be iujured by the forma. tion of large towns ? It is in bitch that formers final their best market. If farmers take au intelligent view, they must see that their succehal greatly de- pends on the growth of Large cities. When Moutleaal became as large a- New York. and Toronto as large as Philadelphia, and wiles other large cities have: arisen amongst us, would it not be all ti'e b, tier for the faruiiti,; cen.tuuuities all round tabuut theta? Would it not eehauce the value of farms and farm products ? It is true, ae has been in Berated by the Fivauicr Min ter, that in great ce .trei of pupil- lati,3n is to be found a great deal of wiuked,reas, a great deal that is wrong, but °meat also that is ,;orad and bene- ficent. But if these great ceutres were broken down and the .popnlalioi, thereof dispersed amoa.g the agrieultnt•- al populations with whom they would eater iota competition, the coustuning population would be much decreased, slid the producing pol•nhation aro much iucrtrteed, that the fanner would sus tain a two -fold it.jury. There is, I be- iieve, a ueced:,ity for urban populations, and no class of men had a greater ria• terest in the .extension of these, than farmers, PBTn03.ETIM 13t1TIES. Before sitting down, t wish t•. miike. reference .to a matter with Chime illy name has been a isuei•ated in tbi:3 that is, the notion of the G. verntneut on the petroleum duties. 'L'lte lute Goverrtmeet, til fi':i•tlg the tariff of the Dnuliuit,u in 1867, thringbt ib wise to plaice ,shat seemed to b a eery high duty on oil -15 cents per gai. eith 5 cents excise duty. I do roe. think a any person in this House objected to this at the thee ; but subsequeL tly; uew atji exteusive discoveries iu oil wt',e lut.de, Letle,' wetted for t etraoting it were also adopted, and theprice had undergone a charge since the time the duty was imposed, and that duty, which had formerly been a very fair one, afterwards became a very ouerous one. Whether the Government at that time acted wisely or unwisely, I do not propose to discuss, but \would. merely state the fact. INACTION OF run oovElxNa1IE1QT I,1 1876. In 1876, I felt it my duty to propose a reductiou of the duty on coal oil from 15 cents per gallon to Th cents, leaving the excise tax exactly the same as be- fore. The proposition, as made and explained by me, was intended to give protection of from 20 to 25 per cent. upon oil, according to the current prices at that time. It bad been stat. ed by au honorable member, in reply to toy remarks that there was another charge of a. sent which ought to be ad. ded. Oa calling at tate office of the In- land Revenue, however, I found that my tion. friend was mistaken. The propo•-ition to adjust the terilf was made by me with a sincere desire to obtain results ----not for any honor duetion 1 Soit has coma to this f In tartlet that this Government may not be disstgrbed, in order to prevent mo- tioos that Blight be troublesome, they, with a majority of silty it the House, able to open and shut too door as they please, refuse to lift a finger, to waste a day, in order to save the couutry two millions of dollars, es they them selves estimate. Did they think that their devoted followers, who backed their refusal to take off the duty, would have hesitated to vote a reduction of the duty '? Tiley could not waste a day of their precious time in order to save the couutry from a loss which was equal to the entire cost of legislation for the whole four years they had been in poww.. Five bundred thousand dol - lard a year about Covets the cost of running both .Houses of Parliament an entire sestina Yet they could not waste a day of that titee to save the country two millions. MR. CA1tTWRIGHT -Plow mush must have been lost by hon. gentle. hien opposite H me CONTINUED. which might attach to myself. I de- ' „Oau veil see rue, dearest ?" acrid a sired that members supporting the Ohieago 3611 to his dyiur; wile. 'Tall Government, should use alt their In- illteace to have the desired reducti,n quietly made, and offered to drop nay resonation and leave the matter with therm, if they could obtain the consent of the Governo.ent. I introduced my propoeitiou to the bootie ori the 8rd day of Atarch, but I left it alone till the Slat, a period el four weeks, in or- der that every member might have ail opportunity of investigating the matter. I certainly did not bring it forward with any desire to euabarass the Gov. erunient, o;, to plaice the Government 10.1 a dieadvanta,",e ; but I told them that this high dduty had had the effect of creating a ring who euutrollod all oil wells and raflueries, and stepped between the producer and nonvoter ter ; who dictated wliat the price should be shad ceuipelied the consumer in Canada to pay just what American oil would cost, with the duty ,dated. It was said by a t;entlemau on the other side of the Howie the other night that those who ati.voertta.d a protective policy were inconsisteu t, brit the want of consistency,: we, call you see we?" "No," she faint- ly whispered, "but I MOO smelt your breatht"" A scientific correspondent of this pa- per explains that the centre tamp on the street ears has been introduced as a relief to the horses ; it makes the oar lighter, About three-fifths of the jury trials in this country include at leant one mau 00 the jury elm ought to have beeu born a mule. Spring is upon us, and the young man's fancy will be lightly somersault. int; towat,i-thoughts of lovejnstas soon Ise he can shake his ulster and his in- auonzta. (luutributars gill take notice that we have -already More spring poetri than we need. Whet we want is a liniment that is a dead certainty on rheumatism. One bide of the frau'luleut dollar hie a fat,I3iitish girl on with a tremendous bind aud the other a ben flying off her nest,-rraenbly frightened by the bang. An Illi' oie'eellooiteacher was bounced I for, belongs to the other side. We because ale caultt not tell the difference who entertain proteeti"nisi principles eta that the ordinary effect of protee- ton would not ultimately eunauce the price of g :ods to the consumer. between a jug and a jar. The idiot bad aIINoye carried it around in a butte. eel.% taatdtel for stepping, on your unlit," said a fop at a ball ; then added, way ? lseeaanse when an intiu+try i S , "Y°iu ought to baaveaoow.eate heron it." protected, those engaged in that in. "And I would have caught a etalf," said dustry hard an opportunity of matting the koung lady. money, and the result was that others [iodine; an ia+ln,.tty to be a profitable one would embark their capital therein; thus, competition woad l regulate pie - es. In title way rings could nut be funned. Why is it that a ring cannot be formed in the boot aud Shue trade ? 13ecauee'leatlter, which 's the raw ma- terial from which boots and shoes are Initrile is procurable everywhere ; sequently prices are reasonable. Why could not a ring be formed by those engaged in the nlauufatctare of furni• hare'? Because the material can be got all over the lend and b -came com- petition regulates the prices. It is in abed tnlpOeeible to est up tU(IUOpuliee in tenant tnanuf.ictures as boots and shoes, furniture and agricultural itnple- nlents. Btu. if there was an e%epti'Nl sit iudustry to which the protective 1o1- ----- icy did tent safely apply, and which was % 131iAY & EDWARD hate, at con- rnt)lhup1111Zt°t! by a ring„ then prutee. ritleratle expense secnr41d the Rest 10a- tionlsts would demand that on protectiodium, andAuguriu the ihuaeinin,t,and hereon ]• baud a large stock of t reduced nn that inclustty to a point where competition would fairly . regu- late prices ; to tolerate rings and loo• uopolies is a blot, a stain on the ea boast Charaaet r, and protectionists are the first to decry it. Of all the indus- tries ill C,auada, the plod .ction and re- lining of oil is perhaps the only one in a Well a monopoly is possible -and that is dltnpiy because the area of pro. dnetiati is limited, and may, by finesse, be brmtght under nue control. There OMR therefore no inuoneirtency in their 'truing the Government to lralie thin 'eduction. Tee Government ie re• ipoesible for the interests of the e win- try, the gtrtardiatldlrip ..f which is com- mitted to it. It is bound to repress injustice and rectify abuses, and it was teal dnty of the Government, in that instanc(, to stake the reduct•iult sought. T claimed that the country was suffer- ing to the extent of $1,000,000 per year. I clearly demonstrated that by retaining the excise duty there would l,e no di!ninnt.ion of •)evenne iu 010s( - (pence of the 'hauge 1 proposed. lirs arguments and proofs were inc•'ntro- vertible ; no one atteniptsd to deny it single' position taken by the except an hon. geatl:etuan who spoke in the iu- Wrest of the ring. The seutitneut of the wh le House was with tae, anti yet the Hoo. Finauoe Minister, whi'e a niittiiii ell I ciaitne•l,-deuliued to, act. And why ? Baetiuee, forsooth as he deigned t0 explant last year, it might lead to so some tronb;esotne motions. MR. cARTwafnnT ADMIr4 2,000,000 Lode THOUGHTS OF SPRING Mid. its dil.'etsan: often, after the rigouts of a t ;tear°,batt winter. slay dying hitt pleasant, from the fset of SU hnauv p note quint to their daily avne.ttinris without zest or spirit, but like the veriest shave driven by the ,hon;.; of neeesaity. It is because the nraehb'ery, so to speak, of the human bully has become &legged, after beim; etioTed with carbon, ben'iug fats necessary to withstand a winter iu a cliutate like Claaaada. Ihr the sprint;. the individuali4111 tat flow head- ache, dyspepsia,'raitaability of the nervous sys- tem, biliousness, depression of spirits, lassitude &e, This need not lie, fir I'IIOS1rOL:INE, the Vrt'atuervint' tonic. will remove the pri- mary e.cr+u. teult) tIte sytattrm, nue remove all impurities from the b:sant. NE v' PUMP • P .,.,,lHin Beautiful Concert Grand. re mu?ami ,auos, cost $1.600, only 34:; , .e.. ,a.. Suiterli tlinnd Square Viand:, cost, 53 P1t1, only r:aa Elegant OPriglit Pk nos, cost - $600. only $135. New Style Irpri ;ht 1'ianos, $ I1:., 0. Organs , •:33 Organs' 12 stops,X79 o. Church Organs, l6 stops, cost ry390, only x113. Elegant *iris mirror top (organs only f$105. Tr alnend003 & ecrifice to close out present stock. New Steam Factory sown to be erected. Ntws'apers with touch infor)ua- taon abilut cost of i'ia-•os, and Or ans, RENT aslltuetou, -AGENTS' WANTED FOR THE XCTY B.3EA LI BEE. Pl ease address DAINIEL F. BE7.'ATa HISTORY0 ORLD Bulb -nein g full anti authentic aecoun's of every nation of au:ient and modern times.aud including a history of the rise a,et1 fall of the Creed au 1 Ito. Ulan Empires. the growth of the nations of Mod- ern Harem, the middle ages, the cl'asades, thy feudal system. tate reformation, the diseovety ur,l settlement o, the New World, ete., etc. It contains 672 flue historical engraviega and 1,260 large double . olumu�tages, awl is the most complete History- of the World over publish,.. It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it setts faster than any other bogs. Address. NATroiAL 1CSL7snhNa Co. Philadelphia,Pa. PIANOS and ORGANS, PIANOS --Grand. situare &nd nought -the best made in the w ORGANS -5 aril6 octave ltee.l otgauq train 9 to 1. stops -the best manu- faQ.ured, and at prices as Ina% if net Ioaves. than env other house in the world, AG2 NTS t;ANT. FAX Illustras ed eatalogeua mailed. 31oRAt'F. W'ATF1tS i% SOX'S. Manufacturer's and heaters, 40 Kest 14111 Street NOW 'York. P. O. Box 35G7. ESTE"! & : �r••tt [cs'>~icaro, "% t. el Seud, for Illustrated Catalogue. 41C+tyles of 1n. fun early 10c.. or 10 clamant cauls ti.i4Oe. wits n 4)n), 4. D. uneeret . NUSSau, N.Y 215. Lovely lose Bad or '23 {lilt -Edged Cards. With name. le cts. C. \'ANN S Ca, North Chatham, N. Y. OE IN the IDELEW&RE I eninsu. 131;1.•--. Excellent brain, fruit and grass Lamella the lower c.aunti. l 411 half the price aa11t'4 for poorer lord farther north. I.eli;tlattal and health • climate Address or call on NOYES sett 11,Beal l:st„ta Agent, Milrord.Pel. $10$20 4,550 $100 Iuvesth=d judieli'nsll' in Stocks tOpttans or 1'riv1- 1„ges), is a sure r'sut to rapid ±sumac. Pelt .10 - Mils and Official Stuck F:xchauge 1k'ports free, Addr1:3.( T. Porrrn Maur da Co' Bunkers, 35, Streit Now York, Or? A pax to agents canvas -tug, for the Fireside W 1 \riaitor, T0,11141114 outfit free. Atl.lret( P.1) N'IC1t,J:1tY, Augusto. tiuuae. 1 BRIEF TREATISE ON 1'['I,NIONKEY Utbvariei will be tient fres to all applielaut•.. Address 084An G. MOSES lt3 evrtlaud Street, NIA` 'York. AT TUE Standard Sash hoar a Blind (F A0T011Y, 18 constantly kept on l,unal, alt kinds of hualdil .t7 material. 1. leering lard aud salt, Siding Wet, . uga&0.,soldeho,te. Planing Jiggling mot '1017•1.g promptly atteua. u to. BUILDINGS CONTlt 1C•1BD FO11, and satisfaction guaranteed. As Wo ltaava 0, hand a 111112e H 0111, of dry lumber, er, we feel sure o, satisfying those who liiay give us a caul. LOSS latOP. tt r1.S1 01. FACTORY LONDON At Ncroodbana. '111L aniNT,AiI INVE..STM; NT SOCIETY. TO THE e'UNTRY. Since he hail 'edtno1 d tee duty and taken all the credit of it. The f?iritsnce elieislter asserts that the country saavei two wi.ien, d liars per yt;ar by the re - First -Class Pumps and are prepared to make to order an the short - cot milieu Well or Cistern Pumps. Wells and Cisterns contracted for. Also on hand large stoekof Seasoned Lumber. Soft Elm 1,uulherfor Capital - '?rOOO,OOC Parties requiring money can obtain advance: on approved town or farm propelty. at 'owes. rates. The above is it London, England Com- pany. For further tUtrticliars, apply to ROBER1 PICKARD, Agent, ,iS.ou to tit,. Hoch ant frau• ; s to stun. Oak, "d 40612. Floor ng, $12. Good stook of Logs on hand %Ta 17 tf, F,ta,ter(ynt •. or drainage purposes, cut accordiug to ,.dor' y , 6.5U11er 1,01'u, All orders by mail attended to. IVIILLIN.E MISS GARLICK, Has now in stock a complete lice of SPRING HA1I'S, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Kind, in Latest Style add Lovi e t Prices A full Stock of Pitney Goods, Berlin Wools, Ii••llituu Lace, Braids, Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &c, Y,Jackets cut and made to order. MISS GA.RLICK, 1, I M..in St., E toter. 'iE CA1tLTDATE THE UHOICE 01? TUE CONTENTIOit. W. FANSON bas received the unanimous vote of the la- diesfor having the largest, best and cheapest stock of boots and shoes in town. Prunella boots at 55 cents a pair, the cheapest ever heard of. Call and see them. Large stock of first-class W. ': F AN SON. DO NOT READ THIS craving received a lot of now machinery, would inform the farmers of the sur. ronuding country that I amu prepared to 3uauu• facture all kinds of Horse Bakes, li,trle Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, el c, aud basin! secured the s.'rvices of it first-class Turner, . stn p,•eparee to .lo ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and Drip( I defy competition. Always on hand a first• class stock of Fork aud Shovel Handles. IIIi1; half a anile south of Exeter. A. COT't' +LL. R 0. Sencl:6t for35 pkts flower Seeds 15 fur 50e.Jhi pkt 'I for 255., or Lpltts.Segs �1 12 Siel 1 500. The Floral ul rrib- 4 ute, a, 100 -pogo Mort 3 work v: i)h0010red plats, 1.0e with either of tl e above packages seeds, two years free. These e.- afa are bona cent n,,d she Seeds first -p1 ass, bt•iig p iced low only toind:me auto try them. Ad 1re, �TVI.�id, Roche.tter N.Y. L15 1°7x6 PAYEit.•. .i ��:)iNTI1\U 1 PAINTING' J. KITCHING Is prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, tee. at reasonable prices and punctually. J. KIrOFUN O. Main at Exeter. JC;E 1.8, ..878 THE ONTARIO q�'TT7�y �+ q�q��p �t q :1t Y�td�VGkA¢INYF4S1MET OCISTY, LON DON 3 CANADA Work n. Capital, $2,1C0,000 Reserve Fund: $144,000 Largest working capital of any Company west of Toronto, 'Money loaned on Srst-clas.ReslBst'att'.seenritles either ill sarin=litl.oans. e' tipercent•, or. nal tits Instalment system, aat the option of the borrower. Apply to W.F. BLLLI:3 , Manager. o: to Aln. ANpREW I,A3tr, Exeter,. MASON 1lvlrs0N, 110111on, Jolts i'altaera,Credsten. January 31. 3 m. IME for SALE, O11 and after MONDAY, ;i t11 iust,, we will keep the Beauh.ville Lime for sale at 28 k ENTS PER BU'5, +., EL• Special; rates to parties using large quantities.. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PitOl/EKTli. Marlgages Bought and Marriage Ligtrnsca issued. O'BtYRNB & CO. tf.eiliell'" t,F I°: Db,41..f:l4S, EXETER. T()� ♦ 1IOW LUST, IlOW REST(Jltl',, p. ' 4 -et' ohave reeetttly published,a 1*014 midi - 4"`^" data ut Sir. ('ulvat tti(•1l's a°t'let'rat,rl Laaay" outgorudieu) and permanent cure without to df- einc) tiorvuutalid.ttit,; lieutnianall."it)aical In aapcity,Impediments to mat. tinge. etc',result tnfifr, n1 excesses. t.s Price, to a sealed euvelnpe.oaiy 6 rants, or tutu postage St.arfil's. Thccnlebrate 1. tntlior.In this atlmiraid(' 1'sssa clearly demeustrotes, art+til thirty yt.ars' meet sy Cul mortice, thatalarming eonsegtsanece:: naso s. 11141 0111) eared without the da ugerwis we of tato tcrnnl allr runucdictnetas 13010411alto 04.at 011a e(I44: t of a kulin- namticure 041 eertrart fo , cttTeetuttl, byrneans Of which every huiTeteau d 'tatter what his conditiuu iul14' l•e, m rote Meiself eho•tmlv,l,rivateld. 4t1l,fr2ItI1L,IIly' f cti u )..'Thin Lectnro should 114, in the howls o t.vory reStit and c very 3014 til Cls a aunt lddre. T11144*1,W LL?ni1)1CALtn. 41 nn at. New York. J'. 0.11ex, 41141; The Oitr AT ItintEDli for eLjett i.g''i3.LlJc Da ALLAN'S .dNTI FsT 25 purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. It nets upon the rood in the stomach, preventing its being converted into fat. Taken hu aceor.a,,Ie with di- rections, it will reduce a rut person flour two tolls* pounds per week. .: ' 4'orpntence is not only a disease Itself, but tate harbinger of others.* So wrote Hippocrates two thousand years ago, and what was true then 1s none the less so to -day. Sold by druggtats, or sent, by express, upon re. cella of Size. Quarter -dozen 84.00. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., .Proprietors, Buffalo, N, • A Special Offer TO T13P READERS OF THIS PAPER. A Beautiful and • '- °• -swiss Magnetic Pock ,eeper, •anal size Ladies Geld Wet., aandson'o 0rolde Case. Mlas, crystal, steel and metal work,, and warranted to denote correct time. A Perfect Om for everybody de- cking a reliable Time ltocper. Will be0Iv n away to every patron of this paper m a Free C ift. Cur OUT THIS COUPON ANI MAln Ir. COUPON. Oa receipt of this Coupon and $1.00 to pay for peeking, boning and mailing charges, WO promise to send by return mail, enols _patron of this paper n GUNN a SWISS MAONaire ,,m liaaran. Address, Magnetic Watch Co., TAUNTON, MASS. This is your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain this beautiful premium o order AT ONCE, and do not miss this Chance of a Lifetime. KNOW p10t. ram tl in 550 r'. medical book ever hist,... rustled rf pppprr ,SEL 1l l 1ly$1. uIi• I'1f! 1 R�•t�r9ij1 f�3!! os lyes, LS I'rict Holy $1 •+ n�.,Tmull �' on tecdi,1. of Hire. 14 tr,'atsoflxhHlisted Fitolity,'rematur: ermine,. Nervous toed "atysneat I)ebilny, putt the endless eonrnmittutt 11.3 and untold trust 79r•: that it. cult therefrom, and ccntnins II1 '1C than 50 twig's nd par. seri ptions, unvos of tvhirha+worth 1heprice 1f -. the h01 tit. This be. tit waa written be the t:, 'ter. 5-11140(1)5)subsea• 111e mn 4 ser Of:il 13:1') 1)1(15(1 in .\Mello,,+nwhont was It 1.^0,11 je tr- rllrri modal byte^Nation:d 1ledie')As•ocianion. A l'nmi'hl -t, 1)ltioir,tt.dl with the very fittest Steel f' •r_rra' i unit tnylr. Ytl of art told hcaauv - v 8'11t 1 nl 1 lo 111. 50.4 for it et du Address 1'l ,trolrt 14EDiPLT l: I1,5tr11:,l;r, o. 4141 -h -If SELF tin, h ...., 73u„ on, Mass.