HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-6, Page 8MY AIM IN THE TUE TIMAS JUNE 6, 1878 WALL PAPER 3DEP ► TNET TT, TO IlATB ,NO SUCCESSFUL RIVAL. J. G IGG, EXETER BOOESELLER, ONU ft1M. LOCAL NWS. ._. THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1878. A. xt.-,lir♦s o £ s tt 1 d 4h• Ir c ese er -ft yester ay mornieg for the Londou races. New and st;; Yasin Millinery at Samwell t 1'iekat.. E. n Tuesday morning BEY. J. W. Relines left o for. Lo Ili: u, to attend the 0. 4. Conference to be hill in that town. till. CT. 1 emp is a er.t for the Alen Line. Tae tte at le'r wee. Bev. 3. F. I):c.: peeaehetl in the B. C church iu Clinton on the •tleeh tilt., and Bev. Mr. Cont, Lice open;'sell the pulpit in the Exeter B. 0. hltrclt. Dkrttritent Laho eti•ry for Perfumes.. (i ver.Lrsa.---Tt:.' e.nrtr tct for gravelling the Irs.='t,•r streets has Leen lot, and a portion of the Mein, Street luta received a heavy *oat of acreeuc i eravei. New Well Papers very cheap at Samisen di Pickard'e. PA'sEr. Trsm ren.—Protecilon the rioted race Nurse 1 h I by Mfr. Win. Hawkshaw, of Blyth, passel through Exeter yesterday e route for L.tr: len. !where he will compete at the race;. Tug: best t lattice anti foreign wine for medicni purposes. at t: sire •'s. Roente,s. 3t ie :.hotted thathouse breakers are !retitle; areiutlt1 Exeter North, and that an attempt was male a few nights ago to enter the suouse ef one of tit, residents, Tux E,eun•.,'- '•5°tipltar"leery" for Tem. Cof- fee, tiatce•a, Stiget. ,Se. LOS'. --lir. W. t rletia, who forme.dy ed in L•;star tint now regales at St. Thomas. lost con-iderable clntbirt wide) was on board the "Sattliuisu" when it was burned a short tune 40. EXEras R.tc;'e.--sisters have been issued annuuueiut the fou: tit annual meeting of the Exeter Dtiwing fart aeitteiatian to be hell! en Theist of July. when S1,0D0 will be given in prizes. For Itai tle:I ting see posters, Dounoo:t Laboratory for hair, ()loth and Nail Brushes. Tur. Physieiane are anticipating a bountiful harvest now that the apples are shaped, and the green cherries are being devoured by the youngsters who play trntut at this season of the year. Fuer RAcn.--A foot race is to takeplace on tha Exeter race conger, next Saturday after- noon, tho co:tte-earn:3 being B. Conelly. of (.seat! /loud, and Wm. L'alkwill, of this burg. The wager is ten dollars' a side. Cene n o's ale and porter in w rod and bottle, at Car I d's, i titer. Hrzyeaat..--A large and gay wedding party, visited our town an Tuesday last. About beauty couv.:;ances containing about fifty couple:. aceomilained the happy twain. After spending a um_rry time in Exeter, they return- ed to tsborne. where the happy couple live. To use an o'd joke, we hope their troubles will be little onesand numerous. POTATO B.;o:;.—these very troublesome in. sects appear to be even more plentiful this year than au previous season. Where the vines h.tre chute through the earth they are literally ouvere.l with bugs, and they are so thick ou the si,lewalk ttiat t person who walks thereon has to take off his boots before he steps ou the sitting room carpet. 1a you west a suit of Clothes good fitting and goad vane,. go to S un.vell & Piokard's Ues> r.. --.On Saturday eveuiug last Mr. John Bisset', vas driving along Huron Street when au L. H, ee'B. train pasted, whiohoansed the -anhnal wllielt he was driving to make a sudden Pimp into the ditch, upsetting the vehicle and precipitating the young man to tht.' grouud. The horse ran iv considerable distance befuar it was stoppe1 in its mad careen Mr Bisset. ieusiaived some injuries but. nothing serious. Hawvuesr'a and other briiuds of brandy, in !softie a: .1 wood, at (iarling's. MEAN.—Thn Godorich Star of last week con- tained a poem whiolt purported to be written for that journal. We do not for a moment doubt that the poetry w.ts writteu for the Star, blit it was v4ry, mean of the writer to send, it to the Lon.londerry Sentinel, and allow it to be publishea M. the Testes and ether papers in ;the comity before he sent it to the paper it was specially wiitten for, Doyuxrox L,.bora!<lory for Shoulder Braced: Put osesne.—Mr. A. et alper,of'Exeter North Hotel ha ag'aiu been making transactions in h4i t d "property. He • has : sola his farm prplierty at the north end of the town to Mr. W. 13awden for $103 per acre. ; The property consists of 4;)"acres in Usborne and 43 acres in Bay'. Mr. :Vanier has purchased Mr. Baw uef's two '1 iglus of 100 acres each, situated in Usdorue a snot t distance north of .Exeter,' for 1u33 dhOn f ;li11,UJJ.'111'. \Yelper is now the pos sd,aeye of Leas' of the mist plaasan0y situated Arius on tiro Lu.alou /toed. 0 Dual.../..tat seat/ere.ury fit :iiyeut rfeLcinea 1To Coxanacperess.--,The• advertiser, a retired physician, having provideentially discovered, iii while a medical :missionary in Southern Asia, a very simple vegetable remedv.fee the speedy an' permanent cure of ootisumption, asihma, bronchitis, catarrh and all throat and lung af- fctions, also a positive and radical speeifto for nervous debility, premature decay, and all ner- vous complaints, feels it his duty to snake it known to his, suffering fellows. .Actuated by Otis motive, he will cheerfully send, (free of charge) to all who desire it, the recipe for pre- paring, nud fulldireotions for successfully using this providentially discovered remedy. Those who wish to avail themselves of the benefits of this diseovery without cost,can do so by return mail, by addressing, with stamp, De. CHARLES faasname 33 Niagara St., Buffalo N. X. Is you want a cheap Carpet, or Lace Curtails call at Sitmwell & Pickard's. A Ooereeeree Yesterday eiternoo{t a very interesting couple and an old, travel stained horse passed through Exeter. The woman — she sho had a fest like a giant's—wore a No. 17 brogan on one foot and oge of George Browu's No. l5 satin slippers on tbe other; her ankles' l were encased in some variegated delicate tex- ture like a mouldy horse blanket ; het toilette had apparently been arranged with as1w o i:conomizimg time, while her airy garments had been donned with an eye to comfort and free. dem rather than front a desire toeceoutmo,iate herecit to the foibles of an arbitrary and fash- ion. b R world. Her steps were as uncertain a4 these of the average sonvir-ialist, and lies spe'sch as intelligible se the Belem 'citnvasser who wishes to ask a roan to vote for Crreonway. This is possibly the result ef, long travel and ceaseless vigils, or sunstroke. or s'uaething else. Judging from the !somber of well -tilled potato ',age which Married the buggy. people were inclined to believe they were soliciting conte!. notions to 0'.D namite lto.;as's skirnisblog fund. Who are they? is the conundrum. 3nsr reeeived at Saluwell do Pickard's rtes Field and Garden Seeds. lions EILLE».--On Thursday evening last Ir. John llawkshew lost a v'alnable horse in a very simple winter, her Hawkshaw bad bean !riving ;out with the team, and when be re. turned, his son in company with Mr. W. II, Trott started out for a short drive up Main Street. cull when near the Preebyteriau church one of the animate stepped on the end of; a mica which was lying on the street, and caned tine other end to spring up and strike the horse with such great force as to make it penetrate about nine inches. The animal be- olmu t?i Wet furiously and became almost un- manageuble. When the occupants of the ear - lege halt succeeded in quieting the beast'. suflieicntly to allow them to get out they got two „young men, who happened to be pasaiug, to extricate the stick, a task whish brought all their muscular powers into requisition. The horses were thea unhitched 'frail. the vehicle,' when it was observed that the intestines of the win» deed beast were coming out,, and Veteri nary l?isilbturt was sent for, and when he ar- rived he bandaged the animal' etp so that they succeeded iu getting it to Me., flawkyhaw's stable, where Mr. Pishburu tried to put -the in. teatines back to their proper lfosItiob, brit he, with others present came t'dthec'oonclusien Int even if they were repiadaii gibs animal would die, and consequently :Vey shot it. ' lair. Hawkahaw had .old the beast oil the Monday 1 prtrriotts fur $100, and it was to b8ehippeil to the State, in a few days. Shaka and other rubbish should not bo allowed aix"=it10•streets. C t'NTRALIA. ' rut. Pro sic.—A. Sabbath School pic':io was held in the woods of Metiers. Elliott & Oliver on the 24th of Any, find r the auspices of the C. M. Ctluroh, Cent:alia, ainl by request vatt jo:nt,d'by the Fan -- field and 13. 0. schools of Centralia And Devon. A. large number at"sem• bled about the lime for dinner. Rav- ing partaken of the good <things pro- vided, and spent a short time in reerea- =ion, addresses were delivered by Bev. Messrs. Walsh and David, Mr. Parr, and Mr. Greenway, M. P. Singing, at intervals by the ehildten of the dif- ferent schools, contributed ranch to the interest of the occasion, after which the .amusements were again resumed with eagerness. They consisted chiefly of swinging and croquet, *hien wire very eittearts►using. But the ball -playing war immense, entered into with much eutbntsiastn, not only by the gentlemen but ali-o the ladies, some of whom proved themselves as be quite proficient adepts in the science. It was, without esception, the most interesting game played here fur sows time, and what was deficient in quality, was well made 'up in quantity. At, a very seasonable blur i iie crowd•diapereed, and all left for their several homes, %tell .p!eat,ed lith the day's proceediugc, and many wishing that birthday celebrations were of more fregeient occurenee, if always accompanied by : int lar opportunities f enjo}mem ; Othere more. seriously disposed, thinking of the lasting iu- preeeiune made, the issue. of which tune alone can reveal:, and asst .friendly feelings aroused, which even liras must' fail to efface. SUBPLISE PARTY, —O'ri•Tuesday even- ing last Ella Bible Chrintian pa, nonage house at Centralia was the 'scene of a very agreeable surprise. Wishing to manifest stone tokett,nf theist. good will t.b'hl.r, Davis, and their kind -apprecia- tion of his cervices, before he left for (J:enferenoe, a large party from' his vari- ous •uungregatitans assowbled at. hisi residence on Rioharoud Street at 8 o'clock, briugit g with the•v all the ole tt,eiitd el a goofs end iiubetautial social atheilug. Duriug the pregresa of. tilts entertainment, Ur Albert Hooper, in n neat and appeopiiate speech (which we have not space to give in detail,) on ba. , half of the Mende present, presented Mrs, Davis with a puree containing ov- er twenty dollars, se a slight mark of their esteem and ohristian Jove ; to which Dtlr. Davis, on behalf of his wife,. feelingly replied, and hoped whether Conference should re -appoint him here or pend bite to some other portion of the I3ible Christian vineyard, their Feat kindness would be ever gratefully elliembered• The evening having been well spent in a most enjoyable manner, the party broke rip and re- turned' to their homes well pleased and happy. EGMONI?VILLE. Loct1. Busses. ---"The tries 'lave put their glolriee on," and the earth is again o'erspread with a carpet of green. The gentle zephyrs, passing by. greet and refresh •the traveller on his way. The tiny flower and forest king alike nod tri the passing breeze. But, alas l Borne of the awelle who like to haunt the sh'teiy della, . aro ill at ewes. flow strange and passing strange that man, who stands at the heed et ereatsd atli. motion, inertia be soready to use tike paint brnslt of inigni'y to daub both himself and others.--Tainva were very quiet here on the 24th ult., and moat if those in search of sport went to Sea. fnrtir.;..Qnr youth get a bad rub in the Seiit'erth paper sometimes, hat it. must be remembered that the idea of youth here is those about to leave their te ns, The younger ones are under the super. intendance t.f,our teacl'er, Alr. Hicks, a'id are progreeRing favorably, ---The work or erecting the new Presbyterian church has been commenced, Thi. wilt be a tine building when finished.— Rev. Mr. Campbell preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. BIJMMJLPH. TRAXP3.--.-There are three or four hard looking cases at banging around Mr. Hlck`e bush, on the tat entices. ++inn of thiel township. They are strong, healthy looking foliates, and openly de• dare they will not work for farmers, GRAND $&IREE.—A grend int; in connection with the Sabb'ith School of St. Patrick'e Church, Bid. dulph, will, be held in Mr liunter'e grove, lot 2,- oon. 5, Utibnrne, on the 18th inst., When atidresses are expected from several rev. gentlemen. Messrs. Robert Porter ard Thos. Green sety, NI. P,, and,Ex.monk Widdows will also be present and deliver addresses. Croquet and other' amusements will be on the ground, USBORNE. Salon! Pic•Nic--Tile pio•11ie season has now fully opened, and several are spoken of. But particularly worthy of notice is a grand union school pie -tic to be held in Mr. Richard Hnnter'te grove, Int 2, concession 5, U'sbnrne,. on Friday, the 14th day of June. There are three schools to be repro. Rented, one in Stephen taught by Mr. R. Sample, and two in TJi3borne taught by Messrs. H. bele Brown, and Leigh. There will be several addresses delivered, and various Mode of an,nee- ments will bo provided, and a good time i8 anticipated. .-.,.11 L.. , LvoAW ITEMS —Our village is 80 quiet at present that it is almost im- poissible to get anything iu the shepe of news. Election matters have not as- sumed a very serious aepeot yet, but "skirmishers" are apparently getting in the thickets, and every apparent weak point is being fortified. anti a grand rally will no doubt be made when the war • ie declared along the whole line, 'bekase" the right man must be put in, and the right patty must be sustained by a good "mejori- tee." We are inforined that ` some of ons city fathers purpose attending the Paris Expositions •Weiraue they will be,ao m'alt improved in health and vigor that they will retuxn'LOour vil'age with tbe determination to advance the. inter ego of the village, and teach na what sight-seeing land aknowledge of French refinement can do for 'a place so far farted as oitr.'eillage is, The villaaee Ceitincil have enolneec the Let on which.. the lock-up is built with a high board fauee, ail the I•tt ie now wed as a8 piquet.. 1lfaauy uttfortn ilategeeae and airine have bad ln,l (ingtt in it &treacly.. and it is only when the owner pays a fee or climbs the fence tint the s nirnals can be liberated. The boys are;lnssking; lets of pocket money out of the,buslni<artl. Thir streets ' ate to be improved by the applicattiiiii'of 160 cord;, of gravel. Crops in ,; thus distiidt. are look'rrtg W13i1. et. ee VOTERS' LIST ACT:. The following are davit arpointed, to bolding the Courts of Revision tet this vicinity f--_ Elteter, June 19th, at 2 o'clock p, rn, Hay, at Zurich, June 18th, , at :2 o'clock. p, ret. Osborne, at Elinl,viile, Jane 27th, at 10 o'clock p. rn. Stephen, at Crediton, June 28th, At 10 0 ol .ok p, m, Stanley, June 20, at 1 o'clock p. tn, Town of Goderten, June 17th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Godelich Township, at IIt71?neeville, Tune 14, at 10 o,cleck a. rn.. Lord (Beaconsfield sill represent Ens gland at the coming conforenep. The Emperor of Germany has 'beer wounded by a (rerrnan socialist who flreiat him with a fun loaded with seri! est. wlw. al h e n 1h The g ' 1 y earai. ' I I n, nt of good family and well educated, There i8 a conspiracy entered into for the murder of all the royal tinnily. White et Co. r (successors to G 'B. Smith) MART;IED. .AAs --Betaines,-.At Lakeview Farm, on the 23rd nit., b+ Rev. (see. LAM*, Mr. W. N. MLitt,, of Newcastle. to Mr's Attie •Bellamy, of the Township of Clarke. Doves—Suras.--•Qty the ?.stn alt., at the resi- dence of the bride's father, Township of Usborue, by Bev, J.1 L, Tit'rre Mr, Robert Uoupe, to Misys Ellen, daughter of A.tlaul Shier, all of Lisburne. tregie•-=•Sreiveen---,1t the residence cf the bride's father, on tee 4th Met., by Rev. . T. 11.. hall, dr. Autlrow llunk.in, to ,Niel Liezie, eldest daughter of 'Mr. Andrew Stewtart.edtof L'auorue, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS:. ell. HUTCtUINSON, Member• of the College of Phyieiaue and Sargeona of Ontario, &c., &c., Wain Street. Exeter. ORSE LOST. Strayed frtuilllit' premises 01 the sut'scril•er, lot 10. 1.sks !toad, Stephen, attain tiie meth ot *lay,• a .lark brown mere. white spot on toreleea,l, cut'! one •'e.ite hind foot, no mane where collar setts, tel. formation leading to the teevorryef the auivael il'ernl ;r re ar11'd. W 1. `FItzettru. OT1Cka, TOWNSHIP OF HAL voTEBe' 1,131' corm OF Ith VISION,. nodes lsberebyFgiven dint a Court will be held pursnautto the Voters' Lasts A et, by Bati a.onor rho Judge 0' the Count} Court of the CutultyF of Bursal at the TOWN ld41d4, Tl'I(I('TI.ON Tuesday, the 18,14 Day of June, 1878, at 0 o'clock p.m., to hear curl deteruuno the sev oral eornnlaiuteof eaur, and ounhsious in the votern'IIt t of the rowat.bip of kitty for 1877 All pureour having Deadness at the Court ere required 50 attend. 1'. FOSTER. Clark o, the said uluni- cipalily, . Dated et Hay the 6th day of Jnno,1818. l QTICE. TOWNSHIP OF US13U13NE. VOTERS' LIST COGRA- ' Ol BIiVISION, Notice is hereby given that n court will be hell, pursuent to tha Voters' List 'ilea! ity Act, by His Bonar the Judge of the Comity Court of the County : 1 Huror • at the TOWN HALL, ELI3IVITwLE, ON Thursday, the 27th day of June, 1878, at 10 o'clocka, m.. to hear and determine the eovaral coenllaiirts of errors and omissions in the voters's List of the inunicigality of Osborn for 1877. All lxlrsous Laving business at the Court are rcrluirod to attend ut the sail time and pplace. N. J l: i ABE, Clerk of thu sail lut.niolpeUty, Late! at Osborn, the 1st day of Juno,1878. NOTit:;l;: VILLAGE OF EXETER, VOTERS' LIST COUJR i- ' OF REVISION. 1'ioticei- hereby given theta Court will he held, uursuaut to the Voters' Litt PIuulityAot, by His Honor ilia Judge of the County Court o1 the County ofEurou,'at the DIVISLON COURT ROO:I, EXETER, ON Weduecdey, the 19th day of June,1878, atso'clock p, m., to hear and determine the sev- eras ocmplautto of errors and omissions in the voters' liar of the municipality of :the Village of Exeter for 1877. All persons having business t the court Are required to eaten 1 at the said time and place. 51.11 C1tJTP, Clerk of the aaidmn- nicipality. Dated at Exeter, the 6th day of June. 187b. NOTICE, TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, VOTERS' LIST COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given.t- llat a Court will be held, leu suaut to tut° Voters' List Finality act, by Ria Honor tits Judge. of the County pours of the County of auron,at the TOWN HALL, CREDITOR, ON Fridsy, the 28th day of June, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m., to hear and determine the aov- era! complaints of errors and oinisaionw in the voAll persousbaying bushiest; at the Courtfareve- quiredto attend at the said time and place Dated at 6 ep els Clerk 6th the o; Juno, 1878 it7j' RSend 31 for 35 pkte Flower Seeds 15 for - 50c., T for 250,, or 25 Ikt. a ve 1 1J a s i2 f `` I e or V 60C. The ]!'!oral Trib- work with colored plate, 10e. ut with0either of the abovepttekages seeds, t.ao years free. These of -t afa are bona fide and the Seeds first-class, being Iced low only to McLane all to try thein. Ad3rese '..gid , 13,ocho tor Y r. '' Aare trios PAPpa,'a✓i ..:, RT7C1(INM' GHAS . 0147 BLACKSMITH t 1J soos is etlll.g0ing, Air, S. Rdek;lighazv. desires to return his - sincere thanks, to hi s pelt~one, w Ir o ed him in . the would intimate recovered from las loner ill- ness,he internis in•future, to to take charge of the horse-chreing department hiu+5olf. Ail other work done in the very best style and act the lowest rates. S. BUt»aNGHAaf. Eketer,Dee.13, 1877. num a roue. hove su,ppe t p a' ii t" a , d that, having • Belog Large Wholesale auyers, As well as Large Retail Buyers, Are enabled to secure ad+antegr'a' that are nNli possible othereite, Tire diflrenity exnerieneed in banding goods :e the Accumulation of unsaleable stock, and the fre'a fluent drop in priees before stocks are sold. The Mode adopted, by us avoids all ouch dtffteuttie$l, BEING I'AR'r OF A JARGE WHOLESME FIRM, And buying frem the fon • tain head of prodi+ctl^n, we hove a living stream of Now Fresh Ito de partying its end ;tom Me out all the time. Parties who want the tiewe•t Goods - elni old see our stark. Parties who went t e closest figures should see n le price-', acidpartlee mho want to save men- ey cam 00 .o by buy - Jog what titsy • seat tat PIECu successor to G, E. Smith. SOLVENT AG.p kr a'' 1875 AN %VIII\sl AJTd. t,I' TOE; .:Tryst OF James to 'abb an Insl1vent Tenders will be received by the uuderaignedrttt*'t til the FOURTEENTH DAX OF JUNE NEXT • Por the following pro:terty of the said insolvent. uarnoty :--Lot number one hundred and Fix, in that ppate of the village of Exeter, m the Cot ktv of Buren, formerly called Pr aueestowni coutulnit'g one•fiftta of an acre, or the feal..utts, to- gether with the !loading and Tutting V;et r,7 erected tbereon.themachine,v therein, and alt the stnckitttrade ofthe eau! Insolvent, compris- ing AniAhed antl eel:wh he•* stuff. The Building and Machinery are nearly maw Mid ira good worklug order. Tlei affords an es. eeilent opportunity for eruherkiug in a prolteble bnsineee. No tender neeessaiily aceer'ted. T• inspect an" for terms, apply tet 1S 1 M1t' CABLING, Assignee, Bastes, Out; Exeter Slav2ih 1818. THOUGHTS OF SPRIRG and its effects are often, after the rigours of a Canadisu winter, anything but pleasant, front the fact of ti.) rnauv p opie going to their daily avocations without zest or spirit, but like the 'retired slave driven by tbe .hong of neeeesity. It is beecaut,e the nacbirery,foto epeek, of the !finnan body has become clogged, taifterbein»; stuffed with carbon, beering fate nec,,sary to withstand a winter in a climate like Coned*. Ir the spring.. the intliwidual cuff• rs :from tend - ache, dyspepsia, irritability of tate nervous sys- tem, WeinIters, depreetinn of spirits, lassitude do, This need net lte, for PUOSp0Zxt1.114, the rreatnervme tanie, vitt remove the psi teary eatvse, tone the system, and remo're 111 impurities from the blood. ALLAN LITE O • Royal shall Steamships. SNORT SEA PASSAGE. ECONOMY, COMFORT. One ..ftho Arst-clnas, fnil•pewered ('lwde•buiit atoamahipsof the above. cnnstrurted valtee:ally for tlionavigatioe+ of the Atbtutin averaging from 3030 to 4,000 tons, carrying the C'auaditin au& United 8nrtos rmtil., will leave Qpuebec every cat'' urdey for Idvcrpoel sold Londonderry mid for Glasgow every Tltu a,lity. Parties leishing to seed for tiler friends in England eau obtain tickets at low rates- Intermediate suis steerage pasaeagere nt lowratee. Steamers lefty° Quebec as follow*t Mertavien 25th May hat ,luny Peruvian Scandinavian " 1st +• rolynesittu85th "► Sarmatian.......... ...... Circassian ' ..,.a9th S- For Tickets and every information, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, C. Southoott & Son TAILORS and CLOTHIiEIts, Take pleasure to it form the innabitanteof Eitet3, add surrounding country, that they have int opa.ied out au excellent aseorimontof Ttaeeds, Coatings, 1• estiligs etc., in the latest styles and patterns, and feel assnred 0:44 intim inatter of mottling, they can suit tbe mos tfaetidiuustastes. A T THE Standard SaahDoor aB !FACTORY, le constantly kept on hand, all libido of b''iidi material, Flooring herd find soft, Siding , oohs - lags &e., sold cheap. Planing Jigging and .'urniia. promptly attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRAC'1E r, POW; and eatiefaotion gnaranteed. As w. 'have an hand a large s ock of dry lumber, we eel sure tff aetisf i n those see who may give ve 8us a ca y6 ROSS BROS. & a AYLOR LONDON ata, INVESTMENT 89 Capital Parties requiring money e n obtain advanoe's; On approved town or far propel ty. at .lowest 'Fates. The above ie a L ndon, Eta ltdid Cease party. For further 'art' alias, apply to • • . BOBElII PICKLED, Agent. May 17, if, Exeter ,0* • S N TARO \. IETY. OOO,OO ,it 194