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The Exeter Times, 1878-6-6, Page 7
'1r lovir TUNE, 6. 1878 THE, TT 48 T TROUBLES OFA POET. \Vhilcs CO. Baugs, editor of the Ary - us, was sitting in his office) one clay a, man, whose brow was clothed in thun- der. came in, Fiercely seizing a chair, THE ART OF DUNNING. The art of dunning is not reckoned among the no or polite arts. Indeed, there are rorulee on the subjeotote each case must be tried by itself, the success he hammed his hat on the table, hurl- of varions expedients being very much fa his umbrella on the do r, and sat "as you light upon chaps,' At tinier, a cowl{ ; lucey aecitlent brings the money out of "A" e you the editor ?" he asked. a slow debtor, after the Inahndf` follow "Yes." Can yon read writing 2" "Of course,," " Read that, then,"he said, thrusting at the Colonel all envelope with an in- scription on it, "•B—T--,,, said the Colonel, tryil"g to spell it. "That's not a B, We an S." said the man. "8; oh yes: I see; well. the w,rds look a little like 'Smit for Dingier.' or Souls of Sinner ," said the Cot me 1, "No air;" refined the than, •"notnaing of the kind! Tbet'e my name Samuel or nothing, drift that eery qu-ek, The Ii. Brunner. I knew yon couldn't read. I called; to see you ab tit that poem of mine you printed the a)(lnar day, on the *Surcease of Sorrow,' " "I don't remember it,"said the Colo nel. "Of course you don't, because it went into the paper tinder the title of "s.nearcese To.nuorrow,' " "•A. stupid blunder of the composit- or, I suppose." "Yes, sir ; and that's what t want to see you About. The way in which that poem seas mutilated Was Fimpiy tcan debits. I haven't slept a night since. It exposed Wile to derision. People r you," o aLet e sl t, anrn itas. thin]; : L can a' "�w , "* • c tion. n t t Colonel. said th 4, (r 1 1 f+1 ad, "Tile first line, when 1 wrote it, read in this way Ierin;g by a weeping willow, underneath a amt., elope "That pal lle:ta+tifnl, poetic, affeotin%. Now, how duel your vile sheet presaut it to the able: ? There it it: ! Look et ed, and the visit of the Cimbria is the : NEW BUTCHER SRIOI' Teaulc, The 600 men are not raw re - crate. They aTn experienced sailor*. i heundersigned wouldinfornz the inhabi- It locks a little peaceful now, but you .1 tants of Exeter and vicinity that helms cannot tell. The lnet official neve I re- OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP cshied woo of a atrong warlike tenor." onedoor south *this BiacKwmitbehoyandbopes ""Froin what you know of the temper thesamelibe.raa patroneee that has been so corded to Bina in the Of your countrymen do you think they SLAOHa)31T8 AND 'WAGON weenie are anxionrto have war with England?" ltaewillbeextended tobim in hie new branch o ""I don't think' they are, and 1 don't uustness, Bis meatwagon willeaU atthe rear - believe they Will be dragged into war cants of lite villagethreetirneaeacl, weekend One of our merchnots. nervous and soon again, unless they are forded, in irritable, received a letter from a one- I order to maintain their national Honor toner in the country, begging for more:and dignity." tittle. Turning to one of his minting. ,� •a.. clerks, be says t „Write to this man immediately.' '1'HE, CHANGES OF CENTURY. "Yes, air. What shittl I say ?" The following; table of dates show The merchant was pacing the office, that during a little wore than a oen- and repeated the order," tory England has been alternately the "Write to him at erica." friend and foe of all the European pow - ""Certainly, sir; what do you rristl i err on rile Turkish question foe to *my ?" The ruerchttut emelt IdpT_ Austria sail Rusitln ligase to patient, and broke out, "Something or': divide Turkey. Great sea flgbttt Soio. 1760—England and Russia. fight against Turkey, and Turkey loses 200,- 00O men, 1770 —England and Rueaia figiat Turkey. 1708—England joins Turkey' against France, and drives the French out of, Egypt. 1507 --Russia joins Turkey against l:ingllg,nd, and almost destroysths Eng. lista fleet in the Dardanelles, under Sir Johan 13nekwnrth, Pia—English and Russian fleet de= stroys the Turkish fleet at Navarino. 1828• --Russia fights `Turkey, and the sacred "'standard is unfurled." 18n—Russia enters Constantinopte, ens ve e 'v def t a an a"fI haat a and and makes alliance with Turkey. 1854—England, Franco. and Tu key subdue Russia in the Crimea. 1877—Russia defeats Turkey, and hie bone England looks on. At) t(: tla;aa ! Mado it read this way." Lying to a weeping willow to induce her to el - ogre t "Weeping fall%nit^, mind yen . A widow ! 0 thunder and lightning! Tins is too much! It's enough to drive n Mall crazy 1" ""figs sorry," saki the Colonel ; "hut "But look a -hero at the fourth vt±alias," ryal.i the poet. "That's wores yet. Whet I plaid was CsSt thy pearl before the swine and lose them in this dirt. " "1 wrote that ntnt clearly and die- tiactly, in a plain, round hand. Now what does your compositor do ? Dori he catch the esuse of that beautiful sen- timeglt? Does it Bink into his goal No, air! Ile nets 1; up in this fashion. Listen Cart my pilin before the sunrise and love them if they hurt. Now, isn't that a cold blooded nut. rage an a man's feelings ? I'll leave it to von if it iso t hard r "It's harct, that's a fact," said the Colonel. "Ind then take the fifth verse. In the original manuscript, it said, plain, as daylight: Take away the ,,,jingling money, it is only glittering dross. ""A. men with one eye. and a catar- act over that. could have read the words correctly. But your pirate. up stairs there—do you ka iw what he did ? Ile tirade it read Take away thy jeering monkeys on 'a sorely glanderod hoss. ""By George, I felt like braining him with a fire shovel ! I was never so cut up in my life." ""It was natural, too," said the Colo- nel. • There, for instance, was the sixth verse, I wrote, I am weary of the tossing of the ocean as it heaves_ "It's a lovely line, too ; but imagine my horror, and the anguish of my fa- mily, when I opened your paper and found the lino transformed into : 1 am_ wearing oat my trowsers till there open • at the kuees. "That's a little too much 1 That seems like carrying the thing a little ton far. I think I have a constitution- s, al right to murder •tbat compositor ; don't you!" ""I think you have," "Let me read you one more verse. I wrote. I swell the flying echoes as they roam among the hills, Aud I feel my soul awaken to the ecstaoy that thrills. .Now what do you e'pose your miser • able outcast turned that into ? Why, into this : . I smell the frying shoes as they coast along the balls, And I peel my goal mistaken to the eertary that whirl.. "Gibberish, sir ! Awful gibberish. 1 must slay that man. Where is het" ""He is out jnet now," said the Colo- nel. ""Colne in t•' -marrow." ""I will," said site poet, "" and I will Dome armed." Then he put on his'her, .shnnldered hie , untbrella, and drifted or down Stairs. clerk waited for no further orders, but eonruiting hie ownjndgrnent, wrote and despatched the letter, By the return of mail eattla a letter from. the t!elin. quent eustonner, enclosing the money in .till of the account, The mercl'ant's eyes glniteilsd when he opened it; and heste%nug to the desk, he said to the clerk : "What sort of a letter did you write to this man ? here is the money iii full,' ""I wrote just what yeti told nue to, sir. The letter is copied into the book.' The letter -book was consulted, and there it stood short and sweet, and right to the 1 oilet ?' "Demi Sin --Something or nothing, s YOl r a1.0. t veryIfo i , i that quick. , and a q And this letter brought the money, when a enure elaborate dun would heave failed of the happy effect. SILK SMUGGLERS CAUGHT. Tl•s days faf Merck were fast hurrying into the pa+t when Mr. i`")wlesor", of De- troit, end Mr. W. A Cooper, of St. Tsoi t9 determined to travel in cote - parry, and unite in an effort to secure certain photographie patent rights for Canada and the United States. Being in the photographic line, and taking i deep interest m all the branohes of tht reproductive art, they tarried after oen- i eluding their business, and visited thein galinriee and museums of the It ethsr- 1and to contemplate the +works of tI:e' greet mestere, Returning home they pnrohased two pieeret of black silk, and owing to the peculiar manner in whets they lauded it on these shores, they appeared before United States Commis- eioner Shields, at New York, on Tues day. The story as then developed semis as follows, as given by a New York pa- nel. :—"Mr. Powelsoe went to theAmeri- can District Telegraphic Company's of- flen,'Thirtii-uiuth street aced Brradwa,y, end sent a bay to Mn. 866 West. street to get a bundle (which contained the silk ill gelestinu). Mr, Corde8, the pro- nrietor of the premises in West street, gave the boy the bnndle,and the United Stag's overhauled him and took the silk away. Cordes was arrested, and tntd that one Dan McNiekle, and officer on hhe Britannic, in which Powelson and Cooper were passengers, Wad left it with him. Cordes and Powelson wore re- leased and a warrant issued to the mar- shals to apprehend Mr. Dan McNickie. The silk has been forfeited to the Gov- ernment. Captain Beneel, of the ni.dit watch of the Ourttorn Inspectors, while on duty Monday night; found a man on the dock of the White Stor Line acting rather suspiciously. He took him in- to the office of the company, where he found on him two bolts of very fine silk which he had attempted to smuggle !whore from the steamer Britanio. Tho smuggler escaped, but the goods were sent to the Custom House." THE RUSSIAN PRIVATEERS. A GRAND NAVAL SCHEME ON FOOT. New York, May 80. — Of nine Rus- sian officers from the Cimbria who ar- rived Tuesday, five left yesterday for Philadelphia. Commodore Lowen, witb Lieutenant Chisikines, sub-Lieu- tenaet Shulze and Midshipman Britu- zer still remain in town. Commodore Loweu expects to he put in command either of the Columbus or the State of California, now undereoinz some alter- ations, and will cruise in the Atlantic When asked if the Russian agent in- tended to t uy any more ships, tie said —"Certainly he will have to buy e many as it will take officers and sailors .on board the Cimbria to man, and when that is done he will probably get an• ether Citnhria, and another and perhaps another, and he, will buy more ships in which to employ them. This scheme is a grand one, planned.' by Semechkin who was in this country last year to at- tend the centennial. He made a care- ful survey of the field and saw admir- able chances for increaeit,g the Russian cannot navy by the addition of a large and well- equipped fleet of privateers, to be treed in destroying British O',mtnerce to case of sear. Hi8 plain were laid before the Russian Government :and were approv. YORSIIRE Pacing Souse! HE N SA LL. G. c J. PETTY FRESH M EA T of ell kinds *kept constantly on hand at bfs butcher shop. Bi IS 0)01141 itbing and wagon making carried, on a8ginag AMA* braztbei R. DAVIE. DIGGESI 0HAtsOE TO MARE money ewer offered. Honest, pleasant, profitable. Costs nothing to try it. MONTREAL NOVELTY CO., 049 St. James Fat., Montreal. { Any quantity of Cured Meat 1constantly in stock. ROI. Bacon, Hains, smoked, sugar - cured, Lard, etc. Any quantity of PORK CUTTINGS constantly on hand SA U S ACES Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cured meat promptly attended to PAGENTS WANTED FOR THE XCILICIORIAla HISTORYCP WORL© 'Embracing 501 and authentic accounts of every nation of ancient and modern times,and inclndiu� s history of the rise a.,d fall of the Greek an.l Ito• man Empires,the growth of the nations of mad ern Lurone, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal system. the reformation, the discovery and eettlement of she New World, etc.,. etc. It contains 672 fine historical engraviegn arm 1,260 largo double .otumu pages, and is the most cnrnplete History of the World ever publisho, , It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than ny other book. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISn1N"• Co. Philadelphia, Pa Grocer!e3J )7133E1 onary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGAR always in stock. t SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationery, Magaziree WI`IH ALL THE LATEST new: N,B.—Sewing r0aohu.a Needles of every kind, A. BOYD. ST. M I RY'S LIME WORKS. our drawn kilns being now in full operation and turning out daily n large quanta) of LICE that for all purpoecs be surpassed in the Domin • Parties from a 5 istauoe can always bee- splied either et the kilns or doliverd by teams at.low est remunerative rates. Orders from n distance promptly attended to. WHITSON & SCLATEB. NEW SPRING GOODS. Alt KELLY Has just rrceivea3 a, large stock of Irate/era. Viorks, Jewellery, y'ao.-' Strings, Spectacles ,lerarttes, mid Gents Pecker Spectacles, A large stook of Fatioy Coeds eon. rtantly on hand. Important to ButterWorkers Ono Goal Acta cA rut Wanted d in every town- ship to tutroaluce the VICTOR Tf)ft B4'T'tl It iFOPFi- E iC l,ar ilia Maclaine Free to Agents, Price $cOS, 07.0nand iNeireach One Mt.tlontohesnit) "tt tae Dominion. A1,yiV early with stamp for ofttacsrezzhar, to the VICTOR W I WIER Cm CONSUMPTION CURED, N OLD PHX itC1AN, retired from TTKINSMAN, L. D. S.. Il AS. OB. tainedhis Dlplonceand lApense to Brat: tics i;)entis- . try and will be on hand 1 sof old, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Batu r d ay s. Office n e ex Bell's Bakery olein Street, Exeter Ont. a! al:livo rerticc, ,bariui: Lad ielacca 10 ,id). aiGt.hl ay ran 410,11, 1414110, yliss"o>aary the farrmnin afs veonetee ltciaeify for iSa s'eedy %;l1 pt. *Writ cure of Sio;it;>•ian°rto:l MUM. E23o9ien*Tfa CITAnr.n elle ail Throwt/MS bung A e.ttune;a9etlal'a.urar, Mai ITAICapeurc for net vino; d,etet¢ty, wild all a7rr• vino cartrpladnta, after last lamgthoroughly t, Fd.•d its %vomit:10A curative planers in thousaw(a of ca- deef.: i+:- it his duty to gunk() it known to hi.; euf- termno'reltows. Actuated by 1.51e lnoti%e. ar,d a ,,,a:eioatdous desire torelima hutuan raitT,t0.g and wall se nil. free of charge. to all who tib s,m U. 1 ctarecit e. with fun rc •tions for preparing nod staves -4401y using. dant by return midi by tad tle,slnt„ with atm l)t', naming is paper, PR. 0- 1'1'.1..5S,Box Ni limits -41u. tint. OFtOANS THE BEST /?I INE MARKET. and very cheap. gold by H, KiNSMAN, i- ctcr, trot 3n11 and see then. rplil"i W- McGLOt*LON WATCH is aur, MIST. Be sure snit got tno W. D.ltoG achlotwatcb before buying. Youwill have no other titer see- ing them. All who wear them recommend them Ooldandsilver,Ladies and Gentleman's sizer, 77Humble street,Lendon. See the testimonials The largest, bostandcheapeatstoek of fine Gold Jewelry, Cloeks,ilvor, and Plated Ware, Pence foods, &c„ ,x., ir. the Province. HolmNgn,y vory doteription. W. P. bfcGLnti 1 N 77 Dundas London NEW PUMP FACTORY At Woodhan t BRAY & .EDWARD hate, at con. sidera',le expense secured the Best ma• chiaery and Augur in the Dominio,,, and have on hand a large stock of First -Class Pumps Shingles for Sale FROM 51 TO Sh4a0 PEE SQUARE, At G. & J- 13roo1s' Sawmill, and are prepared to make to order on the short- ,stuotico Well or Cistern Pumps. Wells and Jisterne contracted for. Almon band a large tt ckof Seasoned Lumber. Soft F.lut Lumber f6.50 to 57. hock elm froar 1,8 to $8.10. Oak, It. to, l2. Floor.ng, $22. Good stock of Logs on hand irdruivage purposes, cut according to oder ;6.50per l,GAU. All orders by mail atten.led to. TWO MILES WEST OF THE LONDON ROAD, TT OF HAY, A good supply of Hemlock Lumber and Cedar Posteconatantly on baud. THE EXETER PlaningMill Sash, DOOR AND BLIND noTaBin MILLINERY MISS GARLICK, Has now in stock a complete line of SPRING MATS, BONNETS, FBAT11B RS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Bind, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, Honitnn Lace, Braids, Patterns, Cardboard Mnttoes, &c, m, Jackets cut and made to order. MISS GARTIICK, Main St., E eater. ALLKINDS OF TURNING Dome to order. ltemerebertbeplaae D7er axe 64 guard ThollielPricoofriou does not affeet the low pt►cesat which & T. BX$S TT arcolfering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES, Etc., at Exeter & Hensall which consists of all the latest and impro' e4 ityiea of Ki When. Cook and Parlor stoves,Milk cans, pane, and pails of the Moat approved patter n, and everything in the line ; Also, a good selection of handsome Eave troughing as m,nnl, receives everyatteatiun, and done at the lowest figures. Having opened onto branch asteblishment tit fiensall,onr friends in that neighborhood eso bo supplied ou the shortest notice, THE GREATEST Wonders of Modern Times Holloways Pi11s &Ointment Tho Pills Purify the Blood.00rrect alldisordera of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ant' Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to 'Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer , of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, i;olds,Gout, Rheumatism, and all kin oases uaenoequal. BEWARE OF , New York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment,' are manufactured and sob under the name of "Rnllnway k Co.,' by J.1 - Henry, Curran & Company, Drut gists, and also by the Metro politan Medi eine company o1 New York, witl t : , ? an assumed trade mark, thus-- % R :: --Again one Joseph Haydocl s of Now York,llke- wiso passes off ' counterfeits of his own make undor the name anal. lowaydsCo.,havingforatrade mark a Croaent mud Serpent; moKeeeen & Robbins of New York are agents for the same. These persons. the better to deceive yon, un- blushingly cautiontbe public in the small books of directions affixed to their medicines, which are really thespurious imitations, to Beware o Counterfeits. U,.serupuloua Dealers o btaiu them est very low prices and sell them to the unblo in Cana- da as my genuine Pills mud Ointments. I most earnestly andrespuctfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladies .and the public generally of British North Ameri- ca, that they may be pleased to denounce un - vexingly these frauds. Puroliasers Should look to the label on the pots mad boxes. If the address is not 533, Ozfo-4 Strn •t,London, they are the counterfeits, Eaoh pot all dboxofthe 1lcnuineMedicines, bears the British Government stamp, with the words "FIoI,LnwAY's PILLS AND OTNTMIixT, London," engrn.vnd thereon: 1`n the label is the address, 53 3 netord Street, 3,oneoh,where alone they are 3[ anufaoturod. Parties who may bo defrauded by Vendors Belling spnrior s "Holioways Pills and Ointment as my genuine n-a.ke oh, on eom- munioating the particulars to me, be amply re- ni nerated, aind their I time nev, r divulged. 'rHObiAS .1OLL.UWAY 533, Oxford St., W. C., London ,En;land