HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-6, Page 3Jun 6, 1878 THE TIME S FUNNY. Newspapers are made, not berg., For the list •of firma who haven't flailed please sea our . fadaereisting col - "Money," says the Boone Democrat "is the missing link between our sub.- soribers autt the editor." We. Fremont's daughter, it is said, has the most b auiltiful timid iu Amer. iea1. Cull her, somebody, just s3 we eau see what she has. The Brooklyn Union -Argus don't know much about poker, but it ix righ when it says til,tt a pair of hearts some- times make a flush. Is night air holetome? asks en aexi. cue resider. It is, if you keep it in a dark place, but it spoils rapidly ou ex- posure to the sunlight. The pie -sic season approaches. The young man with lavender trowsers alrnlll<! gusrd agiust Fitting down ou the nua•tard pia.Il„Sfnla (lobe, It'a always onssed.batd when he dues. TheFeuiens of Buffets) felt hurt and trifled with when they were informed that Gen. O'Neil died at Otnelte six months ago, while they !fall been wait- itag 4six weeks for orders frtlui him. Thele is the effect of D•tubury air iu the News <afliee ; Lite(' notes from creditors, Little hale on slate, Make the average bank cashier ltehypotheeete. A Vermont girl fell out of a rocking chair and received injuries that killed her in two hours, Moral : Young girls ehnldd »et sit ill a roc king chair unitise there is az strong young man iu it to !told thein i1. Two gentlemen were arguing in a pasture field, with only a goat for au audience. In redly to & state- ment of one the surer said : "I know. But—” The gnat took him et lug word and the argument wase cuutiuued ou the other side of the fo.tce. They are telling now about a man in Dubnquo who buried two dozen hot. tins of whieltey iu his cellar twenty-' dire*. years ago, and forg,•t ablest thele, anti ashen they were accidentally dug. ap last week, the wlfisk.)y was fella to be r•nperb. flow people will ]l'. The man may have buried that whiskey in his cellar, but if he forgot about it, it. was because he w is struck by lightuing or hanged filo next day. It's a moornfal fact that a lean row - or knows when to quit cutting a Dorn. He endured untn]d physical disccmfort getting hiwself into the right position, geld then be never lets up until the massa,re is complete. Thera is alwave the temptatit,n, never resisted, to take off just one more slice, and when at hast, the final ns'rvons movement dig out a piece of the sensitive flesh es big ea a shall porter lumen steak. the man Bowls and tells his wife she'll cripple him for life sumo of these days with her infernal foolishness, and goes growling to bed, leaving his poor wife to wonder what under the sun she had to do with it. What a single man does fnr somebody to blame, nobody knows. Wo guess they never nut their corns. A DEAF MIN'S MUSINGS. Wnrds confuse ideas ; use as few as posaaible. There is a discontent on the mo.t perfect llaappine'is. The blush of a maiden is natures signal of warning. Not one Alan in a thousand marries the girl be most wanted. The devil is always ready to give ad- vice, but he exacta high fees. There aro many moral people whns•' virtues somehow seers to be a misfit' Discontent is a vital element of civi• lization ; without it there would be uo prneress. The gniet fellow in the corner Who. lets his rivals do all the talking gener- ally marries the girl. Every man coming to an obscure old age thinks he wonld • have achieved wealth end distinction if • — • Let young men be.pa'ieut in 'their Ironing, for a meiden'e :lave may be. mold on her lip.[ yet warm iu her heart. ADVIOE TO GIRLS. Glrle, don't devote all yonr thoughts to fashinn ; exchange your sines and •satins for lawns ar,d calicos shut up the piano and dive into a wash tub throw away your fancy needle work, end tackle it red hot stove.in..the kitch- en. .Instead of receiving Brown, the banker's son, 'in the• parlor,' look' out for Bill Burns, the biaeksmith'a son. as he goes home from, work I. kiss his ' dirty face thr•iugh a broken ,,pane of glues in the kitchen window, and after a while, when he learns. his trade';aiid you know your business, get married, atonce, g'' to house -keeping 'by yonrr:elves, help each Other. live happy; nails a Wilily that, will be en honor to IJtir f.at est Atli d eredlt,` to theindelve INTERESTING ITEMS. There is no itntuedisite prospect of a cessation of the distress in China.. Large quantities of grain are being owe. veyed into the feniitte districts. St, Pauls Cathedral, Loudon, was begun and finished by one architect, WrEn, under one coaster mason, Strong, and during the episcopate of ono Bishop of Loudon, Compton, The lamina in India is slowly dying sett everywhere ; the eurvIvore are re- covering health and strength, and the smelt quautitiee of food imported sliclw. that the people have a sufficiency of grain. A Baltimore pickpocket defeated an attempt to take his photograph for the rogues' gallery by m eking wry feces. Thereupon the pollee labt.11ed biro " Thief," and marched blue up and down a crowded street until he prom. Tied to sit quietly before the camera. There is a clock at V1 trs1ey, Lord Elleswere'e neat in Eugiaud, which at one o'ol"ek alwa it strikes Wirtoeu. The reaeou is tat one day the great Ettglisit canal maker of tho last century. the Dake of Biidgewatet. to whom the estate belonged, found a number of mecbaalics in his employ idling about after 1, when they ought to have returned to their work, In- quiriug the meaning of this, he was told that they bad sat heard the el ,ok %strike, it being much more easy to mise heating the single stroke the, i half a dozer» or so. The next day the clock. struck 13, and has done so ever since. Land and Water, in a review of the past huntiug season 4ud accidents, ssya : " Nothing calla fur quicker de. oisiou, steaiiiuess of nerves, ttetertuiva- tion and setf•relience, than .ruling well to hound*, and although we apt to look at hunting al a mere pastime and apart, it may be that, while killing in ite pleasure, we are at the sante tittle exercising aid developing those very qualities %With may be of tate uttnost value to nein the more serious bueiuess of life." It is notorious that the Duke of Wellington attached great value to it in training °rivalry ofllaers, Tito Russian Gruvernment baa order. ed steps to be taken for the coustruo. ttouof a railway from the Russian frontier to the t.'ressiaan harbor of Ale. mei. This order has been given in pursnauco of the resolutions of a emu. mite() to Consider what measures should be adopted, iu the ativout of a blocedo of the Russian port on the Baltic, to enable exports from Truism to bo conveyed across the fruntiet. The lino will be built at the cost of the Russian Government, and thesame gauge will be adopted as that of the Prussian lines, so as to prevent the ueaessity of unloading at the fronteir. The fines levied by the Uuiversity of- fioera of Oxford called proctors, am- ouuted hist year to about $2,000. There are two proctors. They wear gowns with full velvet sleeves, at.d each has two deputies and a sattellite or two canes a "bull -dog." The proo tors are reepousible for the discipline and morality of the University, and are endowed with extraordinary powers entitling them to enter any house with- in a radius of several miles of Oxford in the executiou of their duties. Flues are inflicted for not being iu a cap sod gown at certain hours, and for a nuts. her of sifniliar heinous delinquencies. Being tackled by a proctor is known in university parlance as being proc- torized. The proctors are taken from eachcollege in rotation, and receive a salary of $1,500 a year. They are al- ways Fellows of a college. A. Fretioh paper, earuestly deprecat- ing hirduesting,says : A bird's nest Con- tains on an average five eggs, which would, in the natural course, become five little birds. Each little cte oats daily fifty flies or other iusects, and this consumption extends over four or five weeks. '1 altl,'g it at an average of tltit ty days, we shail find the number of flies destroyed by each nest of birds t) be 7,500. Now, every fly este deity a qnantity of flowers, leaves, &c., equ.valent to its weight, until it attains its traxitnntn of growth ; in thirty days it will have eaten a flower a day, . ► flower which would have become 'retie. Each fly [i he term is used, we p .esume, for insects` generally] then h tying, we will. sa.', eaten thirty fruits in this ty days, the 7,500 flies which a nest of birds would have consurm d cause aloes to us of 225,000 epi les, pears, apricots, and peaches. We com- mend this view of the matter to the parents of marauding children. "What this country needs," says a Philadelphia paper, "is a kind of wea- ther that won't ruin the. peach Drop." The country needs hothing .4f the kind. A. peach crop that isn't ruined in early spring time, doesn't amount to any- thing nything in the fall. Young lady. in a railway oar, excl. tedly--"Oonducior,,this man you put its this seat with the, has insulted me 1" Oouductor, grandly —"The scoundrel'; what has he done, 'miss ?" Young lady in.dh;nautly"He went to sleep." Howls of derision, and wrath from the passed gees. 'The eeuuudrel is put off. i 1878) SPRING (1878 TI -1 OLD 1 EL.IABLE 11013.E At all times, andper0ealarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce, It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he out get the article be wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do eo with every confid- ence; it being mere e refelly assorted and se'teoted than that of any .previousseesuu. In the Dry Gov, ds Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable laabiles, warted At primes which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. VIE OPDE;R J elioruflli# still has'Jiii. W` IVES at itkbod IxtIVIalitterY U,tderthe ma -agement of 'dices McGlogltion. we can eta the most fastidious. Our stock a t Grose.les, Boots and Shoes, Canadian) English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tete largest and best assorted in the County, /mending purchasers will consult their best interests by outdoing tnystocit before going elsewhere. JAMES PIC? ARD THE MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARLING Beteg now in receipt of alarge Aga of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines an() Liquors, Crocker, Etc., .At his Store, MaioStreet, Exeter, which will be sold at LOWEST MARGIN ON COST The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make ntouey, but call at the store of the s'Ibscriber and SECURE THE BARGAINS there to be had. iu Over(1o(t.all.4, Fllll.clotlls, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, \Viuceys, Delaines; and everyrniug swelled in the Dry Goods line. The (Grocery Department is Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING MUSIC HALL J.ND Sewing Machine, Emporium PIANOB T �. DELP, Organs, &c. China ware MR. E. DREW would announce to the public that lie has opened out a Mule Store and Sewing Machina Emporium, N DR i1W'S BLOCK, where he will have ^onstantly on hand a full assortment of PIANOS. ORGANS AND:Ur:SIMI. INSTRUMENTS of all kiude, as Well as it eboiee variety of Glassware, Deli and China mire. marked at lowest figures. Au efficient Musicleacl.trot.huhu, whose sercietsum) behad at the lowest rates Com. Inetruniehts and Sewing Much hies 1'te.il,l.tly it l ailed. Z . I'I.F W . N.B.—Drew's tiara, above theBlusic Stole, to tcntfar public entertait mcnts. JUST IRJECErVED Grocery AT TIIE EXETER and Liouor Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Raisers. Currants, Pru. es Diu3'-z) Apples , Canned r�.UIT, Sardiri es, Lobsters, Salm on Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and ; Common Whiskies, Tobaccos and Cigars, Wholcsa- e and Retail. G. A. MACE, vain Street, Exeter. ;Re oc PEUUI'[S. GO Neese tea ► Uro ftwkatkv •\ et Or Sugar -Coated. Concentrated, Root and !Mortal .Ifaice, Atttl-tiiluua Granules. TIRE 4/LITTLIE GIANT" 4t1Tt1:►l R IC, Ar lRaltautt lt► Parvo I'Itx•xic, T.ae novelty of modern Medical, Chemical, anti Pharmaceutical Science No use of any longer t;d.ia;:: the large, repulsive. and nauseous pills, :nntioa.+ed of cocal.. crate, and bulky ingredients* when we thin, 1.+, a careful xppliett:I.,n., et:en:teal -c,elu e, catr act all [tae cathartic and ,,:iter meat- lout irvrperlie$ Irina the mm: vattiatee roc,; ,rd tier,-.:am.t cottec:etrate ti., :,. int., a minute <,ran- ,rte xearcely larger titan a martard seed, teat, ran he re:elit r:ora..owed be 114,,,e of 'cue Most Ser-iuve stonmelas and to ti,ieona 1..' e'. '4401, : eta a i11•ulraitve Pellet represents. in a uo 1 :1,4:..entt.ate4 form. as n►ucn cJ reeves parer xs IS ern:noted in any of the Large pitta fo.te. i for sa,e 111 drt6.;.Di:op;'. From il.e:eatu:dte:f.:' cathar- tic parer, tric'.17Jparidnn toweir eMe. i.eopte wen trays not :vie i these are apt n, eulrleee that tile rive ;tarok nr.traut:e at effect: hat *itch i6 :mot at an the case, ate,ltaerent a lire medic:eat principiea .1 W! ch !her are a-empose:i lie mp *0 hararm:zed and narlitie:d. one by the edicts. as to praaloice A Most .earrlting asst iltoru'Aglt, yet Renter ane hetetIty operating, Cathear. tie. Saha Ilewaird !a hereby odere+l 1ac lite pro. pr.mer of these Pe.leta. Ae aunt' e.letn st ail.o. UPI) a1LWynt-. 82.1 that to them any cacoatet or ether fermi of mercury. tua.erst seller,:, or Inluraetttw •till;;. i entirely ttie'1retsvolumed wu.4gwent.. 'Fite!: scalene .liattrinnce to the conattrutinn. diet, or ,crnp.uion. kir .sued lee, fleaitdaehe, Constipation, Impure Iltood !'abet tau Abe shoulders, Tightness of the Chest, Ilt.ettiuvp.ty 21anr Eruelnlioix Traits tl►sa .tutatdl`ll,,13;14. laete� tet ittA 1111. low. Rourke, Plgotilhorte It; region -or' K.ld. 414)5, Internal fever, ilivated feeling about Mtal►taet► 1111x11 4r Mood to *lead, silt ti.colored Urine. I uwoeis+. titin? anti Glu(Au) Forebudiattrx, 121tC Ur lerce'x Pleasant Ptrgaatiie Ret. tot*. h: exp nm.8bn: of fie .e.:. retat.,1441 power Or tl" 1.44,111:11' Pellets ewer w great a tansy; of ;i -'.-e-. 1 w sh p, s.l- shat their aetiUit afoot; the animal (CAI1VAi31 hi trniver. •at, not n gland or Bursters +eacul.1ng .rarer sanative itui?ress. age ih,ea 4.at lign.14r ac.r a•roVer44e* et tG€se 1'et'.r'. t:.e ' 2124 at. a t,,;.te t at:,l .nr ;.her1 111 g;a-s tr ttt.e-. these It; e. rr1.2 ,' tt.eretie preaerre^t-tt'i.A)j.lrrei far .m'+ ,f . -t:i „f time, tel any e,atua'e._8'' that they treat .'ar.1 rt i.air:€, To .n .' ilei the aye nett+ tl. ee et.:111 Streit are i uio An ewt:dp 0.74..i:0:1 or la,te;tuar•t 1')123, 1.v C,51e.2 last far ah 41 .' ea ni err A► Ltixaatirre. AlteVaitivo, nr Pargstivc,.4 tt,ta;:%ted, t: eve time peuetrt w.:; rias: at.c tarot perfect unsfacstfla.-ta a;t wt:v ate a:,eta. Titer are sold by all Drnggiou art !; cents a bottle. i.. Y. PAIM, vE, 1. 7I., Isrep'r, m•I�i:Ai.u, N. T. 11* »n immense practice. extending or meet) a :< '!.St Of %can!. haying rialto: ea; tin14' treat,' 1 ? ati than.and ca e' of tl:me.lt a teed 04441114TV* Kemanl. 1 have been ei abled si pet fen a t».t4 tt1Pte.tt and age ecitse n edirkra' 111.4 menta tut' 41 . ,11cations pre'rrted by that c.1„ of d.tra a-, p,lyttlre 4541al)11v and ev.teln4',. To designate this natural *secede culnpnnnd. 1 Mase named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, is lint a feeble expre.slon of my high appreelation of its valor, 1'.,,e,[ Minn my owe l.personal eliservation. As a c;•.•c 1111. server. f have, whi'e witnessing its p.isi1tts re- sults Irl the few special d.s€uses tlietdel.t to tl,e s€p:u;tte orgaaiei»t of roman. site,1.e,t it out as the climax or crowning gent of vary medical career. On its nlerlt'r. av a positta e, safe, and ctTeental remedy for this ria.., of .lir. CMS, and one that Will. =nil tint€; and under all cireumst:Me€a, act loudly mill In harmony with the laws %Melt govern the female system, I ata willing to state nay reputation ns a Optician. Say, evert mnns, sn confident tam I that to will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations of a single invalid Indy who n-cs it f..r any of tree ailments for which S moon -mewl it, Haat 1 offer and soli it under A POSITIVE Gl'.tRtA:Y. TEE. If a beneficial eaect 15 not enericuee,i by the time two-tdrds of tie contents of the lint. rte are used, I will, on return of the bottle, two. thirds of the medicine havtne been tahen a'eor.1- ing todirections, r1nd the case 1.eum onfor whirl) I recommend it, promptly rented tate *12" ey paid for it. Iia11 i not the most perfect cnnii.tence tut its virtues. I coelia not offer it as 1 do tu:.ler the,* conditions; but having witnessed its trie`.s irilr1cu- tous sures in tllou,and,1 of cases, I feel war. ranted and Perfectly sate in risking bout my reputation and toy money on its merits. The following are among those diae2sea to which My Favorite Prescription has work- ed cures, as if by magic, and with a rertainty never before attained by any medicine: tett- corrhaua, Excessive Flowing, Painful MonthlyPeriods Suppressions when from unnatural causes, 1rr€guiaritics, Weak Back. l'r.ihapsua. r+r falling of the Uterus, Anteversion and Itctmyer- Bion, Bearing Down Sensations. Internal heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency. Titre:notice Miscarriage, Chronic Congestion, In- flammation and Ulceration of the sterna. impo- toner, Barrenness, or Sterility, remote weakness, and ear,' utany other ehrmrie, diseases incident to woman not mentioned here. In n11 affections of this nature, my Favorite 1're.seriinion works aures—the marvel of the world. This medicine I do not extol as. a cure -tel. but it admirable 122141ls a singleness of intr. pose, being a Most perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will it do harm, iu any state or contrition. Those who desire further information no these subjects can obttdn it In TSE Pnor Ltt's Cos1310N SENSE ,IIBDICAr. AOV1SElt, a book of over two pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt of $1.50. It treats minutely of those disease; 1peculiar to Fomalcs. and gives much valuable advice iu re- gard to clic al3ntigelnellt of those 1tl'ectian3. FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION SOLD 1111 ALL DRUGGISTS. R. Y, PIERCE, M. D., Frop'r, 13 UFi'ALQ, UO TO R.& E. SP1CFaR'S —FOR— GROCERIES Always New and Fresh. FLOUR, , ANDFEEDPROVISIONS, EAitTHEN W ABE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away --21 Bars for One Dollar.— Good Vinegar. 20e. pef, Gallon, Choice Syrups. Market Baskets—olteap. N, B. Don't forget the pleoo--R. & E. Spi- ' cer's, oppo8ite Mr. E. C hristie's Hotel. Produce taken in exohangsfor geode. R. &Ts EPIC'