HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-6, Page 1Vol V, WIT HS W-Ifid11T MAURY HER. Merry her ! by (leor ee 1 I weaned i it ween'T, tort er couf eie.ded + o3 ." '•N tee 1 Hit, ha 1 What's Vie lea's ter with he. nese ? Ie it toe eha'rt. too "tone. fit crooked --which ? Torl'aaa tun ARtltlnfinn• pomp mare. A %roma ii rimy leo at chatted, g wife .tori brave aeny_ oiie at: these dorm mitis;,.• "It i•an't atuv .of Wear, [dd. fellow. The fact is, I hke Kitty ---like to loth at her ;Lod talk wit)) I,er---1 ilt auto e#o we relaetinn:,hip I cools' tont endure. .H dose ii isle ntl-t:,r.0 not 1" 'C3nfortnliate Ditties should use DI. 8xge'a; (either li R1'ntetly, the wolldet fist tliieilrfet:ti •1; properties of which instant: Iy era etk.0 the breath. tlertroying i~)1 t ► • oil,r Q 1 l•mSe t ff sirTo s its 'Id soothing, a#rue and hectors; et7aets the meet iuvet,-erate cases$ 4 i carttarrb Komp. V yield. Sell by 1.11 alrtrggists• IMPORTANT NOTICES. Iv F Y fODGSON. & J. OKI", 'Co • 4uetioucern. Sates taramptla• atkaded to'. Hasa of sales. rszigext .t tmua o1uco. 'r J. CLARK, Agent for the, Ute • 'borne usia1 rises—rereitithar, ennby man preate ly attended to. S. CAMPBELL. PROVINGIAl, • need Surveser, ae., wilt > w et the month. dorsa for work lett Tuesday siraJoon 7ipat014i,040 tern receive prompt,ttouttotr. N °TICE. The Council of the County of Huron will meet In tt,o Court House. to the Town of Qraderieb, on MONDAY, the and JUNE next at 2 o'clock p. ape PETERA►DAMSON, County Clerk, Cloderinh. May 2003, I678. AVTIQN.---I hereby forbid any poyiu t or perform trustiest:3yy write Barbara 9tulea, to rn' i.,rute, act.1 will meat boreeponaible tray alebti c.ar.ttarcted by her On or after tate A i t.ft xaaALI81t. dfayeetia, 1878. 'Tk.W LIVERY' STent4E, Mann Street IA Exeter. MARK Clj&Bless would nei- t ua nt4tu. pnblfe that he has opened a new lavers ,hates un his prerntaer. The public drill find good and aotnfortablti rIgeat allbours lead et tnoai irate charges. 1.. 01ANO iietutiGatConcert grraarlpydeiifN . + cost emote only true 6u ch'i't ted square rhinos, oott, 51,160, only .255. t' lei, rut t lrrit;ht Pi nos, cost, $3100. only 43155. 1Stw St\'ln Uptight Piano/..174.50. Organs 3.7. Organs 18 eti pn. S78 60. Churoh Organs, 16 /W;as, caast81190, mtly 1!5. lilegrat 2875 mirror since malt:wesvzit $ tick. Tr*menden: Ste'rmirxotork-vsoon tote a te.l.Notre anpere nigh m+eh Intorno., tam aboutvestof at'iu•'os, and Organa, Sl:NI. FREE. 11'•ncn address DANIEL F. BSTATY waaftiarton, \' J. AGENTS WANT t' i en. stat. HISTORYoFi'IARI,fl ',1'Eanb^acing full and nuthtlo account rt of every 'Otnftiortof ancient antimo le., timoe,anttincluding O history of the rise add fall otthe Greek an.1 Bo- man Empires, the growth or the nations of ,.ted. ern Europe, the middle ogee; the crusades, the feudal eyetom. the reformation, the discovery nun settlement et the New World, etc., eta. containsIt lagoh1260ae .1oubla. 75 tine din hmost t comple te agt Snd r smonpeauexta .4•311' terther na)kt. A drew whv tiuNAre. Pasrrrtssrna Co. Philadelphaa.Pa, PIANOS and ORGANS. PIANOS—Grand, Square and upright—the best made in the w.rld, .ORGANS -5 and 6 octave Reed Organs from 2 to 1' stops—cbe bent mann- Inc nred, and et rrices an low, if not lowee, thnu any other house in the world. AGENTS 'ANT. ED. Iltuntre-od cataalogeus mailed, HORACE WATERS et SONS, Manutactnrern and Dealers, Nast ast 14th Street NOW York. ;.P. 0. Box 5.567. serf In _h d '845.1 rilrrqi !V til•.., •u tau" ,.a aWa Baa . larbd a^. •• 5styles of Ill. fun card/ 10c., or 10 °bre* earls mOC. with name. J. B. I Ur3TI D, Nwsiitu, NS 25 Lovely Rose Bud or 25 Gilt-EdgedOrasain, with name,10 ate:• O. VANN it co., North Chatham, N. Y. 1101/LES IRr the 111Ei.EWARE Penmen. at+ iaratl AJ fat.— Excellent grain, fruit and ▪ graps. farms in the lower counties at hail the price u.sked for poorer lard further. north. Del2ghtful and healthy climate. Address or call on NOYES SPICE13, Real Est.te Agent, Milford, Del. $10 $20 $50 i% Invested judiciously in Stocks (Options pr.Pr'ivi- leges), is a sure road to rapid foi tune. Pull de tails and Official Stock Exchange Reports free Address T. PoTTrR WxoaT & 00' Bankers, 85, Well Street New York, elf/ A DAY to a'aants onnvan •mine for the Pire,,ide w 1 Visitor. Terns and outfit free. Address P.U. VICK RY.Augusta. Maine. ABRIEF TREATISE ON PULMONARY tJfseasee will be sentfres to alt alipliadhts. Adurese aisoon G. Atom.,. i8 acrtlaud :treat, new York. s XETEIia ONTARIO, TEI CTRSDA Y' JUNE 6 11,376. No40 COUNTY ITEMS. AIR. PORTER AT DASRWOOD, been driven from this country to t Ale', A. Robertaaon who had hien Oil Thursday R United States by the suicidal policy o . T ay evening lest,, Mr. Por- the Government. The aczstltitie evict drinking heavily for conte daps, eves ter. the Conservative candidate. ad- orae financial mismanage7anent luf tit t ,tlr,d dead in MM a bed in the Queens dre8efi a large wee mug of the eleotural Mackenzie Administration tzhnwed Mr Idotzl,Clinton, on l'hure;tlaylast, r^ of this seetion. 'th•, Greenway, the Jackson to be well posted in polio at dict—apeaplexy, y fair", chatter of the Reform party, waa peace- Ttaer'ta have been between 80 and 100 eat. The attentlani a nas so large that , , •` • atppeltl;a made by el'ch party. egrtiust , the candidates had to sneak in tele abed; THE 4AN1?IDATES AT CREDI the Voters' Lti t of fxntleaielt I,ewltshtt►. et Orth s hotel. Mr. Jo'aepli Snell per - There are o.lrly three aptecala atg,.ti .r:c (menet] the duties of chairman. Mr. the Seaforth assessment roll. Power gave a very luc d e'er-tiuettiou of ABOUT ONE THOUSAND PEY$ONS PRESENT. A few days sinee Mr. Humphrey the N;ttiotte4l 'uracy, a'+ euuncietted by Soleil, of Uullett, scold a grade eau; nee Nair Jahn Mttodon t!d. and :showed the Tho to gest political demonstration ween else, for the suite of ala"a. Iliatrulvalttog a the C:.itts4ien evening ever wmtlieeeed in the 'lownitttip of and mrinufaoturiug interet; ed bteplteu was held at Cretditnn +came J rid.' eta by tete pubes 1.1 the °event, 'eai t, of evening last, in the interest of Mr. whittle admits American pradu eta free Porter, the people 11' ekieg in crowds of ditty into °inutile, while a heavy beta all parte of the Township to Bear dura, is pieced ore all articles sent from Mr. Porter, The croowd, wets so large Caned, to the United States. `This he that nn hutlding i. the 1m05 0ould %hewed lead the effect .of displacing a native field oue.fourth of them, It is lagan "amity of Catintlian gratin which eatiumeted that over 1,000 ]battle were ettotild be 8014 in lime hiatus' l)l) rka►t., but !'resent. De. Rollins occupied the whielt vas forcer! to ,filed a market eta eh*. Mr. Porter delivered the be4 Europa; the cost et' ateadian it there by r peeoii ever beard' in Crediton, enlatrg, land asst sea and the heavy oailmis- log on the betlefils of protection to tete ions charged by chose whose hrtnds it agricnitatrail anal manufacturing Wee, penning p=eluting ont the iejurious results of free trade, and warning the electors of the d tiger which meuatces Canada if the trade policy of the Goverutueut be allowed to (1 8tinne, Iit8 alleech lasted about an hoar and three-gnertera. and 'vtui ituteued to throughout with inteuse interest by the valet throng. It took the people by aitorin, and the approving murmurs which ever and atn.au eau like au electric current through the assets- lily as Mr. Porter made point after point against free trade, evidenced that a larg3 majority of the people of Ste- phen riga opposed to the suicidal autl unpatriotic polies of the Government. and in favor of the National Policy of the Opposition. Mr. Greenway replied i11 a lengthy speech, hi which tete worn- out and oft -refuted arguments of the Pi0Gi0 speeches largely predominated. He contended that 110 had always op petted proteotien, and matte several at- tempts to provoke Lite crowd into inter- rupting him, which they lista,the good eeetiee tint to notice. lle defendetl'the Il;stniuistiquia job, and said that when tut next spoke in Cieditt.n he thought he. would in all proliatbility take another view oaf the great (rude question than that he wan then pre'leuting, which the audience then ht c' dto likely in view .,f the facility with which he oars ohauge his coat. :The meeting dispersed about 11. o'clock. The Indiortt"tone in the neighborhood are that Mr. Porter will sweep the township and that Mr. Greenway will be left at home to chew the oud t,f reelection and remorse, lie gaged an Au erie vessel to pull the. f; beached boat into her natural element. w 1 This is a flagrant violatis,n of the Amarine e law of Canada, for which it is rumored .1 that Hon. A. Mackenzie, Premier of t the Dominion,. is. reponsible. The own- er of the tug, it is said, went to Sarnia, . Iand after an interview with the Premier, in which the particulars of the case were told, \1r. 1tlaokonzie advised his visite to go ahead and engage an American boat. Steps are to be taken t.' have the affair investigated and settled. TON. I A few delta eitace a core belanrmmr tt Ur. Cl ¢fibs, who lives i ear Oliut•m, sieve birth to twin calves. _ s a . Mr. W.G r aliTownship. 'e ar d! hes fall wheat slant it f sir feat, ii.• inches feign, and ()lover 23 ia;ches. A cow belonging to Mr. Jae. Howson, of Clinton, died Pram the effects ref poi• eon, it having taken a drink of paint, \\'hoopiug cough prevails amnia; some of the children in Cliutou. 'rhe Cannty Council hove appointed s oaannuittee to inspect ttie different Begins tient have been offered as silts for the proposed peer !rause. A. jockey was fined one dollar and costal for tieing abusive leuguaege to sAlt'. Paisley, of Clinton, the other day. A nl=ttch between the Brueefield and Bayfield cricket clubs took place a few stays eittee, reeultitlg in a victory for the fotmer,'by 10 wickets. Time Freo Itinerate of Gndesieh are mnalmiug arrangementa to have Au etc eureiOn to Loudon ou June 24th (St. John's day). ;lir. F. G. \\'idtlown. the ex -mock, is at present delivering lectures iu.naveral partit of the county, .A. cumber of young folks oenneoted with the G, Al. Church, Wingbaan, cal- led on their poster. Rev. Air. Mitchell. on Tlturetlayevening last, and pre- sented imine with a purse autttainiub follow; ether labor would be driven in ; about $00. 1 with the great maracas of patpnlatieu The Epliicoital. leti)tleatliet-,c angrega- tura t►t GGtadericlt are abort. to erect a handem:1me new church at the cost of $000, BODGEit- I LLE.. FOR Toa OLD COUNTRY --On the 28rd ins t., t. t. r u m t\l t trate a, John 0-U b rn o @ nAd Strang, Mr. McKay, of Tuckersinith, started from Saeltfortis on at pleasure trip to Scntbtlad. They intend remaining some montlta, and will visit Peril before re- turning. They go by the Moraviimm, t of the Alla; Iiue. PeusoNA.,.--•-Maaoy of the friends of Mr. Dugan ' 81 rle. it fanner teacher ot. S. S. No. 1, I;.barue, will be pleamtl to. learn that haat goutieman won high honors at the intermediate examination of McGill University. Blr, Cutrie tools fir81 mit the Natural Salome department. wars first in Oriental languages, and stood first iu General Proficiency. passed through on the way °sit cowing out of the pockets of the ettenttilrau fee. mer. He Made 1118 048e Ho plain that. the ferment present could not fail to nee the injnry and Ines they saistained through the uperstion of •the present unfair tariff arictneeneonts. The dis- oneeion of the gne•.tinn will have the Rood effect of Masking the people in tide neighborhood reflect seri uely over their condition and upon their duty to thenmeelvaa and their eonntry, Mr. Porter next dwelt on the necessity of Protecting the mauaifnetnres of she Datminion, widen, tinder the arose fire of free trade on one side and la•otectiou. on the other, have been famed to leave the oouutry or close up altogether. lie showed clearly the t►dvautl►t;es mane - imitated, would bring to all olnsses. They would necessitate the use of In • Dressed capital : emnplcyment of many more artisans at higher seance 4701114 alai' thrrrlsiitbliehmentt :of tu,tuufa1otUr ing centres, the farmer would be sure of a market nearer dome than Liver- pool ; he could then dispose of his pro - White driving to church at Blyth on duce without paying the east of Oar - Sunday last, Mr. Itobert Laidlaw, his tinge to a distant encu ket, as be is now wife alit eon, were thrown from the oatli,iielled to do ; he weld )mve aoe.esa wagon, and Mrs, Laidlaw severely in- to a luore varied market, wlhich would jured, her hip being broken. The oth. enable }rim to have a l atation of crops, ems escaped unhurt. end thus prevent the. weariaag out pro. A by law for the purpose of bnvinge nese which rovei table accompanies for site for the Wingham market plaice was present unhealthy and forced system of submitted and voted on in that place farming whielh Cenadiaus ate forced to ne Monday last, reigniting hi favor of adopt in order that they mar live. the bylaw by 28 votes. The financial condition of toe coun- Bruese%e voted on the by-law to pur- try "19 next ahoavn, details of expentli- chatse one of Roualti's steamers ou tura of the present Administration en allondav last. The town was divided tared into, and cnmprarlsot•s made with into two polling "divisions. The result that of Sir Jelin llaodonald's Govern - went. Tile extravagance of the Gov - was almost unanimous, there being only tour against it. The excellent eminentu spite of their aft-rei•eated. work 4OLO by the steamer at the 'late promises to r.. le the C011ntrys,ecnnomi lire was the cause of the result. 0[1113,, is causing the people to e7tarnine, The contract for conveying time mall more obesely than they have hirllert'n twice ti week between the post offices of been in the ahhof rudole the expelldi sure Of t110ee who rule them. Abto- Beeohwood. and ' Seaforth has been gather Mr. Porter's speech, which was awarded to Mr. John Reedy, -4 poetmas• eourteons •do trine, argumentative, clear ter, Beechwood, for four years. - and convincing, left a deep arid favors. Kr. Win. Jarvis, jun.. 'of the Huron ble impression nn his hearers, and'he Road, has gra, a on his farm thirty;, i• unquestionably safe for a splendid three inches in length. mitjotily in this neighborhood.' Ile Mr. and Mrs. George Adhesort have wits enthusiastically applauded on tak- returned to Goderieh from.:Los9A.ngeles, hog his Seat. . Oteiforuia. That distant ootmtfy.= did ' ,Mr, Greenway replied, and his ad- mit please theta, Gode'rieh-havumg ede- dress, Laine, ilnpaateut and ha Unit, in, aided preference. reariled contrast to the ringing apeeeh Mr. Willetts, an .old end well-known of Mr. Porter, fall flat. and stale nn the farmer of Howiek, while laboring under crowd. It didn't elicit the 'emit ap a derangrment of- the mind, cut hi' : planee. lie worked hard, but' in 'vain, own throat with a razor., on the morn ...to prose that protection would be ruin ing of the 24th, but timely aid •!'Vas at 0/100 procured, and ,incaed; ed in,saving his life.. . •Ther,meurbers •of'the Egmohdville Gran .'.Tuckeremith, shipped last week xrJm SeafeirCh St.,tio)r about twee thousand bushels, five oar loads, of wheat direct to Liverpool'. The grain was shipped through a taiga produce firm iu Toronto. • DOM1N10S1 NEWS. Hon. Wilfred Dorion,'Judge of the Supreme Conti, diad' at Montreal ort Tuesday last, His cteath was very end - den, having -been lelli:e metal health a ltiaenieut before. die.astrone fire in Montreal .on Sunday morning last °onsnme.' severed buildings. LOSS about $20,000. The Joly-Bachand :Administration mit Quebec have eleoted the Speaker, A. A. Tnrootte, by a mlajority of orale 14 PORT BLAKE,. SHIPPED.—The eteamner Vittorio took. 1,000 feet of lumber from this rt/on Saturday Iset• G BnzK.—Quite a business in :lumber and tan bark is being do.ae at this Port. Lest year Messy:+. Blake & Oo. Shipped about six thousand dollars worth of bark from bere—and this year they will ship about double the quantity. The farmer of the neighborhood are at present busily engaged iu preparing the bark for .sl iomneut. several lots• have been sold during the last few love.. and the place liasaseumed quite" lovely appearallee. The Port is pleasantly situated. and' will before leug rank aulot7g, the roost important harbors along the.great lake. The neneleue of it leige' place has been formed by the enterprising firm, and the property osners are ']•ceding ant great induue- Ments to parties wanting a healthy to one, and ins defence of a peliov which I'cnitay to settie iu. The land is of first - burdens the Demiui..n with ars inertias.' 1We' ed debt of forty million dollars in f'-nr years,_which causes an annual da'fir:it II of $1.0(10,000,,rolle up the expenditure $5.000,000, squanders $109,000 an •Senator Foster, (who, by the way, turned it somersault an welt -'an Mr. t*reenway,) wantonly wasted $2,000,- 000 in 2,000,000.in purchasing steel rails from Mr. Meolksnzie's brother, threw away $00.- 000 on those unselfish ptstriets, Oliver, Devid'aon & Co., at .the Katlnii,istlquie, and 'es intnitted numberless other shady tratne•ctl.ne we.ieli time and, space will not permit me to particulrize, ,was' anything but happy. Mr. Porter, in a ;few vigorous s•on -•.Relook, they started with the tug, but tenoe,t, ore into shreds the few and :through some. mismanagement the taw ' • Asuotte.—Tice Tien Minnie Walker,, engaged in dratsiug wtt d for the steaim dredge CI1a1leriat,'whioh ill at present' dredging the Bayfield harbor, was at tempting to load wood from the shore, about two m;1es above. the Port, but ow -r ing to a very high sea running at the, time, o.auld not dome The vessel was run down to Messrs,'Slake.& Co's Dook, where the crew intended. to leave the scow and go back to Jellyfish' with the tug. After fastening the scow to the flimsy arrgurnects Mr. Greenway had advanced, and was again cheered to the echo. • Mr. George' Jaekson male a sbort. speech, and inatancell a luin(mereof large .manufacturing firms who bate Saturday lase the t ee:writ' the tug en - lice o;i,ught in the screw, rendering the e'lgine useless: The eugieeer immedi- ately let off steam, and the vessel was heeded high ,and dry, On the shure. On SITTING BULL. On April 18th Major ligce, command- ing the Seventh Infantry at Fort Ben- ton, informs the military headquarters Wet hostile) Sioex,: Arrepaboes, Oheyen- nee andothers are a'esetnbled at, the aaat- ern corner of the Cypress Mnuntains, known as Sitting Bull's camp. Ati early iiavaal'8 eolith DI the boundary line is looked for. Two thuur.and'war- riore, fully armed, defiaut, and ready fer fight, bavo acted him to move his forces to more secure places. Sitting Batll recently made a rancorous haratie gime, 1).01)14411g to return to the United States !then the brass grows and make the soldiers weep. .A brand war denote and muttering of thevatione'tribee Idm. lowed. MURDER WILL OUT. A• "A forgotten crime hu been revived is Ea..t York. Twenty-one years ago a farmer named Linen, residing on lot 2, ?erli Towuship,mysteriously disappear- ed, and was never seen again. Satur- elit'y, as Mr. Hunter, the present occtl- pant of the premises, was underdraiuing one of the fields, he came upon a skele- ton which oircutnstaucee point as that of Mr. Linen, who the neighbors say was tiudougtedly murdered. In fact a man is now living, who en the fatal night went to visit the house where the deed was done. Upon reacllir g the door a disturbance iusidgetiettracted his etten ion. and peering titgh the win- dow he saw a man prostrate on the floor. a woman leani 1g over and. apparently grasping his feet, while her husband was in the act of drawing Something Imes the throat of the captive. The i Wrest in the case has again revived with the diecovely of the remaina,.and 1,11e vi.rltir 18 Bassin tO be anxious to tel'1 Willy itis knowledge of the whole oro - 'coatings. . ,THE MONCTON MURDER CASE. • The inquest on the body of Timothy McCarthy, the Moncton tavern keeper," .alleged to have been murdered at She- diac 031 Oot. 12th last, by the Osborne .family, was Coni&tided on June Srd. 1 Some witnesses were called by the de-. fence, for the purpose of breaking down. ,the statement of Annie Parker and oue Woman swore that the girl heard that ,Mrs. MbOarthyt •had promised her money if she world swear that tbe Os- borrtes had killed her husband. The jury failed to agree on a verdict. Five.. .of the seven jurymen found that Me. Cairthy came to his death by a blow or. blows on the head from a hatchet the bandit of Harry Osborne, in the bar. room of the Waverley House, 'gives him by his mother, Mrs. John Osborne. in the presence sod with the consent if Eliza Osborne, and charging Harry. Eliza, and. Mrs Obboru.e with the eilfui murder et McCarthy. The two re - maiming jurymen found McCarthy 1'1aa1 been nterder,d, but considered i.l.e evi- dence was ills-iitileie)It to say by wham. The ,jury were ti,:charged, and the pri - Oners remoulded hook to Lore I,e ter jail. • The !rel.] eeill teke'edeee in Jul;..). The inquest lrfetel three tvt'ek:.