HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-23, Page 8MY AIM
should not be allowed to be a deadletter on the and after much persuasion it. was induced to
statute books. By enferelag the law the tilts. move. The wagon, to which it had first been
tees woule be doing au act of kindness to the attaelied, was again tried, but it was of no use.
The horse wouldn't go, and the attempt to
young gamins. make it go had to be abandoned after about
7- Yext:011 AND THE WEATHEE.,-111 a letter. Iltilf a dayss labor. The beast answered in this the strong arm of the law. %lie next ti'llaa tile of 0114 place, died vet y sinidenly. Tho
NIN .1..k . just' pubrishea, Vennor sayiss-"I may state particular Shakespeare's description of a self- saint step is taketo recover the horse, Mr.
deceafelunwell, awl lam
that my imereseion is, that June ,eill
be eery Willed WOille,n-
'McRoberts may find that he his committed ,
tod ad t very
/town on a sof to reSL 11 ti ft 7
hot, without numb rein. After the 'oak a 4ify. il,.; I,. ant a wrong way III
._,..) i\ ..).. - 1 -) Jidy will be the same, but will be ntarked hs a Atul if filo .4tv....u't *he won't, and that's an
Idoling• everything, and lire lielloberts' good eita upon un, said wite; told by tho
/ li A 'rather Bev I •* h f e• 1 ' '11' °a • „ , steam ought to toll him that if he attempte to
ere re_apse wit ro... S. 11StIllg Te cox% . . ... - PI 1 i
:A 21pliv.s.,-- A at/ ae.vert.ser, a reviree. .
1 • l' • Co ai is st,.vitut gid that he was n•tbep. A
- .
McRoberts to restore the hove to Mr. Wolper,
who was responsible for his safekeeping until
takeu off his bands by the person who had left
the aubnal in his charge. Tho best way -so
settle the question of ownerehip is to appeal to
MAY 23, 1878
StAionEst DEsrii.-On Wednesday at"-
terneou 1ast, Bev. Father Byrne, 1). D.,
.1, te Bt •
" she will she you may depend on% Some breuels of the lam: that ownership will not
't • There is a 1 ` 1 • t•000 Farmer. of Exeter. math: it
...- ... gain poseesseen of ft unpf4 ..v a ies i I. .. t -9 55 .4, 5
- V1111014'.
- . eh (me vrts.l. 1 fear the summer will be . physielau, haeing ereeidentitilly diseotTred. '- • - • • - • . e seeenict can home tune asteeWert t 0
, unetne, Ignoring the ruteloul winch the lav -
zyrrvi et PIP tYPIIVIT"TISTITI . nufavOnabie to heave- env." while a tuedieel mission:my in Southern. Asia, : u it h the s.inie answer. The girt went
.• t•4 St,A ..lot. IN Illt: , for the speedy plaees et ids cumin:out. a diseeratine publie is
JteeT reeeivel at Sennvell se Pickard's new " ":" • apt to cense to the e ,n4e1 ;sloe tInt 'his eittime to nronees the Father, used woe iA nrified
....4. ...0,,,.........., 0500,."1 00 g „cc 1,;9•ia . ..,...'•." ' . $ 't1 '
TO 11.111.1 NO SUCCESSITI. RIVAL. Field aLt1 Oehien Seas. null eteituthent tease, of ettliS1111101011. Hst11111a. will not war a very steel, esseatesseeone te, livid him dea& llo bad beer. in
leeniehitis. ce eetla and all thioat mud lualg af-
mc TER
.t...tesatt itenilit for N. 1..ttg 1111,0P. find
•• St.n.St.-00.? of the most severe fetieeee aa.c. a se sitists and radieel epecitic for
J I ..a wimi . mi. that hes stesed over this nervous debilm
debility.-. eed
tnre eeay, and all ner- BANFleee
- was stibietes to ttotapieeo:e ii!',.s. fr
of which he atthl H • was ss t ..1
^ leeel:te for eenie time Yisitea n- Exeltv on Moroils eolaplauste. feels it his thity to make it
BOOKSELLER, Aentated leo Os Sunday morning hot. Et NITy tie- fi , •
ox Lazo. ial..":`,i 1'171.,t; Tit.' l'5s!%!:: l'51'1,tr'r'cit e5111111'rir7'etof,.e4t1 t1:117..1311:ot.l.:1.i:11;,41•1:-.1.:sell1711,f4111.:111:17,; seta:!. 4.11:.7 of htruelive tire eve, rreti 111 .1,,,711,e a . 0. „, , ...P. '''11"';'''"a, 1 "al et,11,5; 311).::::',i'lliell,!;:',,e• le:
aeseuelty t f iti•es.•-. ill Mr. II. 41.9191.:s` Ile5 141 1!.1. "61 I to a 3" 'vs4" " -je 1' e.lie 'a4 rsre- SIIIIlleg lr. rietis* feciote . The vel- :; Ili, ,,,,,,,ii ,,,, ,,,,,,,. mil ja
th '
r weft h I^ e, h• pee 1, e...-1.•:,.,4 5d tke benefits of ,, stroyed, tow -titer W1,1 I lit ;91-10" bat 11 rioirsaay niAlt mid Fg Lg t,...i, LW 10 ,t
t.L13:.' •.' : :6 ...NO Nit.T ;jii' ne 4 Ore eteet. The etoeet t'''•." '3``.."''''Y ''''': "s'e e '4"'"'"" -to v`" IV reZV'ta . ulatt rial re eh' foe* d. li%I..y. The fire :
Pr' • P',...EP'S
. ..„ este,
.r.ref .1ZOrtaZoi,, Mat; t1.7..
if aldfstfetz& 1.19.
„Goo:: ;cocoa. it at mFostf, ZtO.
ertiCaTc+55. Z,'rt4'ial:
• . • et 7 te"ehe,%,
'clot:, tem.
'AY, :JAY 1'7i.
eseee ewnises. tees oon to slarte're the tieve- th,"";"''''•-'111 "'"5--Ivered 4" "able itha "1)6 w‘IEL' a" :•.1 tire ilw emtr111,11 t
84 .fr 81 ft 8..47.441i'l V.1.1914,1 Vw blt:414
11VA.. Zi3 35.. it'''. 0..) 7:5. Y. V5 1, Ago r 11
• 14•9•111, '"S.?.1'19 1.4e Teas. ' . v, us fieee nem te.1 :tt oeltiee 410,:k
fse. C05,555 t.'...."•^47.!.tit. AA!. 4 "ILI
01. S'Ilt 19 ably bight, '5 liet1 N.% Aalt11111
; 11c. tOAik•litG' 8.9e." .81. Itte sv.
Tiesete et low 1111....
heamee 1.t1'.*011 *Minuteky wort:nue r. r. rrra,b, t Jewel tht.. aZI If 1 tt,. 1111:5 -.ta'r tit met hut-
,. toles. e eits nr,„ c 41,"
"1: 1`''t !te:r_ -as- that. ut. C5255° Urri'5416
1.5 t;'.zt" 1".:•513 .4;55i:a 54:: '915-4"?.. °L
blind•Art. V8t Iti 1ar
• • • 0 • • •
b • e is eve with etoop, Dn. thiera.,:e
4551t 55 f teisnatt e. , ass evidently the work
7a t. C•,t4,1 jot:t-s? i fri-t0,t ef Mr. JAL: .
--.•fis.' }5.1
r5"7..?,5it-; 11.e e eney ewe's.
ILL. L:els
organ]. 1, te tte aloe reed t
see -The. evet etoree 214V•iu. • '•
1.0 -iv 1.tt V. v. listnt,09,
V51.5L-5155"1:405° f.as a v-
5"."ttel 0,4 Inois re.esel vsi t.t aheitel t hetes. /eh c.41seeitos,
• .5.• thee, the t4 !et- t .no I the 54'99 144 i551t 1,1,91.:7405.50 55i
0 •
zo• ....- 1 s. ee ehi:C.,1 y, 44 *4. .f.1 ill',91V.l'i.'ar,i at iz:,,,,,,k,, t4 1,. 1 . sI,p,
le t Les: tes Is ...1,-. a a . . ......s...„ .
oWsl, reee,1 v.i.s., it ‘`.-4.•:4, 1 n- law w.i:44:;.!
. lottlfit"ii 55,5 3 i57.311. r 44 the iesi
_ . t.
V.\ it )lia 'SAM lOitj. f .e. ',-. el -e lf• eeel, V, -.. 11 41 he tee bsen
et sae tee., r e. 1, ti 014 .554.5 :Via:II 51°.5'.155tti t......:s. Tie. c..:1 es w.,, an juivo,t..r. it!...t cr‘,:tt i„.,, (.,,Ivbrati,tu ou t , ..,,,. h. itol. • I, eit.at"... eobe tvot i 4 08•.-M• ..• St- 1.1i VAI I:-
. .4
5114 t 55° N.5. 3,5'4 Ott . AN 11,1 .
...Ilk. t ..1.ity.
s• , ef nee, w,it 113V• 34,1
1,, 55'," it. t4-.4-4.. 7 •
". 8
•• s . et
!, v.: 19..
‘..,;•!, •,1
• „t •,^ '.1,1Z.19,7, it 1,1
••• ". 9 75C54
- • . 31 . 314.'45 5:7:.31,
"LA. ctr.s.- The f.tiesition
• :51.t.ite ay ▪ eerese.O1 `'' ' '0'4 • "' -• 4 wae Le.
w".'""t " "I tn.' V:e1.--t.l..uvr-ti, too . tse.1 fItt.s rj.ri
Isom' 1)411 Wio!1 %ere' tesseleeta »..41 -i5!-t55
4* 114.leo 54 'b igt..v, ale zeolie hee
,,Ful gnat* a letee 17,55L,71.5r of ie.:ars:as- 1,.. •t• - •to • . • t • • e
'41* se 41 1:".3."' 5*3-4 171 3 117 3'ss*I''t VS7.14 113 it 541105 4103,3 a 15;513 144 i5-5 14 17.5^%. a to 1:174 ta vss, 1 v ; it; bel 5" i!'t 19 1 9'. ••• au 1 a
54- '"' "4'4 " '5 1.9,,480,, 1 Fee r.,ef r.F. ter. I. LO Al ft IN, 4, L., a tillft 18 7 tee. ztati ..-pett•iens• 1st! sst
, 'an ,
.v 55 5. 42' &kV r c jug mai( to ut,
101,111 5.11e
wa.; !in j tit vaetaut toad tette.; tAet,,e,lieleseee pee- telt•. tiwO
5 7 „: L..., '1..5:55 Itsitt,•• a ere- Z;bit the, do het Lee";
S1Z-4" 1.11 4;4 1.14 4111-1, ilt;t433.1
3,4t., 5.55.1 Pi. r5 1.4 urga •,te eetee "1°•",,e•
44 l''` e " .- 4' 1 It'ir I.Z4 : J.: -.W,171.‘.. tot, tttl7
"- ,•"," ', 4 ' :".• *". ^3° a. *•544:5 1 4.51 i ;4 .t.:;. -k 1 08 :I .3.8. ,..;,. v.,' e..„.-..:4;.1 - L.:11. Vet 11.-4 Ilet .114 ? 1,I,t9 'I, 11 bar 14.1: 1,,,...11.t...
. :,,.. (I, r:...: -...,14.
. .•.,. 1,..,4. ...-- „.---- ,,,...4,•* -4. ,..- --m.
t • • - , .,•1 . f ,i; -. .84. 1.8,' ...., la0A 4 I, ..h.Y..8. .
w"..,• ", 4• 44 ,'' -.4 . • •“: 2... 4.: • .; "8". i IV
-.. , _ 4 Vt.• ..., 1.. It .. .. 4.... ;., ; a .. . „, 4.
e te s' " • t 9 `It f ' ' s .e • .
5'. .5 4444
11. •••,;
4„r T .•;1•• fo• .4'he e<, : . eve ;ea \ 1,0„.
• „ :e. ee. 11 s".• ",,es 41 It ehto ir Voi".16 t
5 , . • i .44 t74: sdi ..; •4 •-. 7 444 5".44i"S:',134." 4:t oler e :l;elite, tel..4eit c•t eees -4' -1-*‘`!" "."" .15"
w w• .•! V! • • .
• •'.8 0. 481 ----------------------------------------- lertis of 4"3. ttlt it) °Ilk Iv" I 3 p
4; /1 iF • 8., A • . . •t.
• ..„ 4..1 t 1 41, a:
' °;••5 35 '55. 5.1,' 4 °Li* "V*44:5:;4441.4.iii."35) 1,
• s• - . 4.3 • " -r .57 :14°5 51 Ea:13
". I • Z P : 1.4
; ; ;•4 • .1110 144111^Z; 19;0.10, it ::;„! iii4E111)9,`*44"
4•‘'.94 59:4 '4*
e. a. 1. foo, • ata 41:‘..b.ta:!•
131441 11 ••/ /•••••• 1 ?.1 14
1 14 j5
11". • • • / ' • 1 •99' 914 „ • ; ^9: 0,.1 --ret. • t
454,74 voe3 :lief; ie!artui., f . 440. ": TII•k 45:11.
t • • •• • t••• W • •• ' 4,• !tee-. .4)/r11 , 0 • .1,1 Ill /1. •
114 .1 10 i;.tit,•tit"11 •
11, •
• „ „.t, 5tia tlit 114 .a, •• 1I•1 1i4/1
,!„ „ toes , 5..5544,54 '5
,134i 55 5'.55e" ,° tf. 2444.: ,:
• e < . :; •,*,-iir st • cs 5,8 'ILA&• ti 55 t) 551,
ag ieroeehil te )55 •t1155 .t".•14 144. :41° 4 IV.
1.5 «
r• . * 8, C 4.• • ". • , Olga! "..9.;'19.': ..1.8,17"0,11 te. 141 L t 515:41 ••••- •1
vj 1 i : • 1 1*- t',a eel., 3' 5"'• • '1"" '11•Z‘- '4,44 11.0.
1,44, „ . 5 .44 5.4 :84 44 A Fs 8', Lzx .7- . ; 4'" HI
t•-5 e"1 " "I` 4. Ptiie 'NE1)---A to v.! Lt:role-al/10 t" 'a ; "' t
844' 145 '7' 'ail" .1550 E?"3 1"r ;°)11 Frt.itty tat -i. A it.fat.1 Y's"r4' 4-15 "5'4 v.' 'I" 5° "A:It
" 1 7 1
- :A. • if4r 1.4 -ii••:, ; 41, Ili: re•I 411 .11 14 1 1,141 1; ;
tee o_ :5•0 ,„ 5 5 415 ;5' 5,6.5:11 " „ • ;ir twin r..1 Creditim 41'Y 11.1'" a
4 ; : ' 19••••1 , • ' " 4. 5in:t ,mit wi.41. ti4b:. t'ittlittot wo It.'" that 41114' II' ''';'11.5" it: 4 °'.4..st
• t If 4. ot, eev 'wear. e hes. 4%91e ' 9.1-15
tile ie., u 149, z
15,, ,5555 W. 5 7;1 fi'55.5,t; *2,
?do /me' tt bail 1.--
f'11 • te •eso.1 i.a a alt. Ih• tee eet
heo 5.. • ne 1.14.''*' le- e, • 91 tete ,914
tee. se, 1. ts",- 1; 11 me.
Nese. ste, 1,".. • • te. is es Of14
• 19‘1L.:•.: i*, " .49,..141211.•Att 0.1 ,
1.:14`4914 ..44 8. !,;* /4. 40,1-
1"rit 119. hes of Ve. LA ,eit,e h.1.910,1' tInIt
lie 41 f the eppre-
*Mee i 1 • 14 slater.
Loa. oh 11 1',77,:AZ:11.- tlti. als1
terak. 1::141 1:.111:6911.:. 11 bee ib 'tem:reel to
seettee•wee th • nets :4.1 • of Li.. ]....ats,,icbu. 114
1.is e. a 4..?,Thrg lu welter). eolaiun.
The 414.44t..5' la ILA 1.41;1 army oeverienee,
en,1 tole te• eletist estei,i-it i'..teretive, practice
ine the sahe.e vietnity.
le von es tei eel,. Clethee (soot' fittiee
aril !;110 4 table, ,.* eell tie Echarti's
1.41.1."12‘44 A 1.;1;11•.;9.-•VVII;1,. :.1.1114t geatle.
wee !rem the le eelicru re:: of Thsboree wise iu
j:',) OH M.111.11* 1901. it 5'1,4; Ciait.I'Ve.1 t.119, •
of oar tossesee.ede that the laeh, bridle di i
het Lei ea.; to the Iterse's owner. 1,7pon being
flue:stetted with tat hurodeetion to Constable
Gill tee yenag met. delivered crier the bridle,
• • •
ILL 1110110 0.1 114 N APP. r..,•
LON /ON Di•••Tiala lIZTROIVRT MenTres.-
The Loreloa Dietriet Netting of the Methodist
-Church of Canada, was hula in Loudon yester-
day at 10 oclock. The lay members meet, to-
day. This district ettends hem Lindon north
Ilzeter, stud Isola S. 1isrys and Iugersoil
on the cast, to lit. Brydges on the west, and
embraces a, inenabsrship of over 4,000.
le yeti want 45014(451) Carpet, or Lace Curtain
ai Sainwell Pickare's.
A VISET.-Viear-General Brriy•ere, of Lon -
awl, paid Exeter a visit on Friday laet, and
inepected the church pure:eased. by the Roman
13 elution of Eeeter from the Presbyterians.
Ho expressed himself as well pleased with the
seleeieon, aud side it was the intention of Bev.
'Bishop Walsh to open the. Church with as little
delay poseiblo.
Oen PRIZZIDS.-We 010101:Ve that at the Lon-
don District meeting of the Bible Christian
Church, held in London un Friday last, Rev. J.
,,i,„Wititleck, formerly of Exeter, cowl:toted the
opening services and Rev. F. M. Whitlock was
anointed press reporter. Rev. S. J. Allis was
else mentiouecl as being in his fourth year.
Dense YET. -011 SOtaltday evehing Iasi,
the ohampion. tramp printer of °epode. willed
upon us, and. went away saying he wank] go
to the river and wash his shirt and oome back.
Ho hasn't returned yet. If he hung his shirt
up to let the wind -whistle through 'it, possibly
it isn't ary yet. Ths.weather for the last low
days we thiuk luta been very unfavorable for
the out -door leriudry beldam. •
Tag Some". Lew, --There are a ew boys of
*school age in this place who do not sce the
inelde walLs of a eehoolhoese from one year's
end to /seethes. It would, ba advisuble for the
trtjeteee to see that the seise provision hi the
$ehool law Telatiug to eomprdsory education
* o ..41 :".511 I •5 i• • 3 53.5 3.5 5'4 84 14 1191.1 the' r Lee, fro 64,14,4. iota 15 1 4445 ill trie ,a.,84 IN ,1 ei -85 .°55 t.5 la 5' ''°,5115*
1.• 11/4 /;•• •/./ 1•1114.4.r Pt/ 131 butteir..614 -ti tits•ll4 sot de of ••
uro tepee. to see :tlr. T. I'45 ' tun: het of tlf • eiti:d it.lani.:Liteird Itot.t,•
t 445 :4. c t 1. tie. eelt r riddots wt..10,1 th, t"..it, .1 It,' .g 51,4
%It ;.• 4.1,. 4,c" ' ' 1' "1 W14'" Itz`44:" t'z4Z1 II" I V.
-------------------------.-.,....4 • • : 1.: as ,for in, of the , I teettly to the feet /het t.r. Fut.
. a ills 1. aft!! hit Oh" three; itIft 0
1115534 1%5 154.,..:i 15, 1E310 55.151 la '01,1. 5t • t .5 I 4
2""";'' i'lr., 1s.'-1, i',-4',' Lt. Deminhet Ieeberatereh
. 1
be land.tuunt. Lutolieg new siven P13""t4. it':11 14°4!,
d f, et turd rt-rtitaitent care.
ry stivem, tree restore t .
to, 1„.„,se , . is a , 011,1, SISI.. without, ttvaro. The child 1%4.4o, Ohio. ittii,
••I fe::4.,Z i':•01.• 1.11 Ale 1,49m..',4,11 of 21r. i,tUtown,t,i .10r. it. V. Plot...n,
11:;.,. nom „t • Avis.
" I'.*41' Ste- Ab *at i:,..1. v t to -,,., inc.. iny
- t.ilt.s...t. I!. 1.3 I.. , 151,' ,, .5 4.14, -wra of 11r. .111„,..,; ,,,„,,,i,w,t th„. bir,t ,i, ,.!,,,,,,. lb it 11: 5, it,
. r.-aANLLY. ir..:f,. wit4 tit 10'11 a la, te,44tb,415.:t, 44' tilt.
i''' V. I:""` wL" "•`" 1" ''" 1c-1 'I:, ,11 ufa,, i i IA i,:it .-yi.h.n..:. 1113,i the Pytha.e•re.stit Lien of- I 1,1,,:,..4 lb., 119•",1 14. 11 e 141 1 tle city,
5, »al ii.jurie. in ..1..., rig:It. sleathi,:r. resit:ties; I:e.4„din,* 4.1 ','id,. 145 earreet one. The lecteileee.-On l'neelley or leet u i ell, , ...*.t eite grate eo, lly ga; vioNr.'s , rq. ilimt
P.•,,..1 i. livk t5' 515 EAll 8.44 , 1. 'Ole 1 2,i111. Wis.', COL i 1,:4a 1,4,5,8, 1,45,. 1,,r toe euaileet, 1,11 11 is leen,. ea Wei Z* 8)4 1151;55*e1 *Tome. while tistei 4- 4, she tvas 8, milted 'it fee !.••••1. I ,vote"
ep....ent, ea Ise_ ley leet.
. i ees,..11:EC j'ailtin the 11el. 5 11;ela 4l.tal4eS it tel jlti; llt tlo. bare ritisire; l't Mr. 3.1 'hen r. 51's *5'1 I had Uhl', oe e ta'ol filet,* fedi.
- 11' "fl ""'" '1'14'1 Wil:1 '41.1"thl uee'-' 'e041.1.1,•tele reverse the teettrul 11•41i 1941 99i :81r4 1 E.-01.1.1O'l44 211il1 V% JAW ill tig*. itet. tif raisiigt ' *el tit titre or *Nett ..it..t. 1 el..4. At 1.1.94
..t1t hst Wevi" t 111'1 1 4144 441 kit Si"i!'r1.4 ahAt 11: *teak 1.1144. .1.1111t tO ille northill, bout t.f tho barn. a, Olt.. p 01, ; full tal i 1 twee 41* *3. it lt.,,ttit. of he Fat-.rito
1.1 tovit. ore tee aes.ouee tevorehte. !sir. .
mMe„.,;fil,,,,es.: '... veise. are 1•o.s,,e,uief.e.i. i5 eeni it8.1.1..;. '5, 1 192 t%).v *.'t5* ith 0. the Wan, inealtitee hie a 113bone
•IProscription:m.1 yalt 144 it g1.
o„rmu1„2.1<eozeii,ai,1Lowt.u„obidht itewise lieer, bm 111y deteradubast.ii131hA. f„,y Ls;oe,1 fts L:liiht e2
III 9441.94 1' I 5 lir f, 11 1181 '.1 it 14 ft i
Nit& WA p4,1,..yb eery (5 l*.,_* at seeaver j:: 1 'el& ,11.1411.1 .e a 1.`;.t.111;gor.:g eatitetel nett the 1I*) 145es4)we5 (11.4, notri 14 *4 515'IVIlie 515:4•11 Itersoveranee, tot entire 8, 555 1 dee:-
rolil or, 54414*o drat Astronom...r inlial,its the th.. lailiin B..rtle,iitio of the 1b1*'t$ bto::41, , t'd.,
5945EL EV.111.11:1::+1 or Lt,ne Drrreray.-Ex. rokt.4.1r. iltri eatteiN 111111 to take tel 44t57-r.,aging 1:41.11:',1110' the borse,-. to run down au etn- Ever tasiefullt• rourr..
1 Eli itt I. A. J. Witee*x.-Teis picture. is
pronoune,,,1 by • '.115-h t",ao Earl oi
inin'eria 44445 1151' likaht SS, will be a I DAIS`
2185.. numento 4.1 one hie etee.t s. iy
reel Itesee 8.11011 deep itits•rest in the veshare
.12 fir • petele of the Doninden. 4241 1118*5
mnItly priaited islete 44414,
as ter ee Inez to Bat in 'milkweed!, thron:ine the then out, and ULU. BODEN.4 ILLCII..
Jrv.4,1t:•-• to ,his those v.lio know the •• breaking tour of his ribs. Hie friends
'lisle*: of the roester, raid remeruleT how it were telteztaphed for,and lie is pow do-
was's:Awed &tau its -owncoe
er. terel that sor- tugw
as ell ats Cabe e
ll Xilt.elea. BlitT 11S.
row lies hh:otte,1 its early youth. The fact the t., 1144* wire of Mr_
that. is'- name will Lc hauled (104.4.11 to ooeteriLy
nilIORNE. Robert Whaley, het lino TaansItiar.i, 111 a eon.
in cermet:that with it publieetion which the
(5ents. fleet l'y 11E911, 11'1'1. 5,111199, 011 receipt 44 ttheire mensed have eueled abor it may have
e, . 13. Ittisst 1, PeloIle
ublir, etm., senteettie1** d
g to with c
theuntortienet the S
-theADILIT11 St:1100X. ANNIVERSKY.-Tit0
• •
letes. lie cm Rums.1 a peenre of Queett 1 Ics historic bird.
toria of the saute eize at the mute priee. tireen's August Flower at Dominion Tam.
A ltreienxereet Seer:secs; -The following tory.
i ,
S4)149,1`11Ce. remarkable fur incety of arrange- DIEI1'T:TE.10 O'VER A 140118E.-011 Fritla.y morn -
meet and clots 'regard for tho rales of syntax, ing last, Mt. John McRoberts, a young man
nereened in the prospectus of a paper the firet man who bas been peddling fanning mills in
enuaber of white.' appeared last week hi this neighborhood for eon** time past, was
advertisieg an " exchange arres:ea by Constable Gill, at the Central
c exam" will be neetied, in which, for ft nomi- Hotel ou the charge of horse stealing. It ap-
and figure, those having any articles they wish pears that some thue apeman named Michael
to sell. or exchange for other propel ty, may J. Reid went into partnership with McRoberts
have the privilege." Although not pot:mese.' in the fanning mill business, giving his nee
of a largo amount of ready money, we will give uf 1800 for his interest. Reiti subsequently
ell) and a good puff to ony person who can sold a dorsa to McRoberts for :IWO, credit being
show ns what the above senteeoe means. Itt given for the same by endorsing it on the note.
the same prospectus we read that particular
attention will be paid to the cause of eclocatior.
Tho first book would possibly receive the at
tention of the editor for a while.
Deere( To THE Corteumo.-We are informsd
by one who has tried it, that if a small quantity
of salt is winkled under the /*lean trees Just
as the fruit is formiug, it will kill the curculio
and prevent the young plums from being stung.
The sam(1 person rays wood -ashes spread Alb-
dernnath. the plum trees rill also drive tho cur -
c5 -414o away. Ho applies both of those remedies,
aud always has nice smooth plumst, and a
boantiful crop. Perhaps both are effectual;
the ashee, :will at le -sI pronaote a vigorous
growth, and She salt can do no harm if it is
used spatingly.
Huila -v. -Exeter appears to possess her fair
share of- baulky 'horses. The ether day all
SIEUBillg entertainment was improvised for the
people in the smith end, the principal actor
therein being a baulky helve which was lcd
axouucl by a rope. ' On Tuesday lust another
etehoorn unhand appeared 'on the street and
/hew a largiehrowd. A sulky was finally pro.
caned, the enured placed between the shafts,
Reid soon left the business and disputed the
note and denied the sale of the horse. Roicl
hall McRoberts arrested at Zurich on a charge
of lterso stealing, The case was tried before
an Exeter magistrate, who sent it before the
Mayor of .Miithell, to be tried on the 14512. iust.
The case beinWly investigated., the prisoner
was discharges having been shown in the
evidence that he had. taken the horse under a
suemoscel right of ownership. On Friday night
last the horse in dispute was put into Mr.
Wnlper's stable, Exeter North. McRoberts,
being in Exeter the same evening, besame
Aware of this- and sonae time in the night went
into the stable and. took the horse out, bringing
him clown town aud putting him in the stable
of the Central Hotel. Hence on liaturdaY
morning the second. arrest of McRoberts on a
charge of herr° stealing. The eharge was
investigated before a bench of five magistrates,
contisting of Messrs. Gidley, Dew, Mc-
Phillips and Johns. The evidence showed
that McRoberts took the horse under supposi-
tion of ownership ; and the magistrates eon-
eidering that he diacl intended to steal the
animal, he -would have chisred ont 01 5110 town
with 3,3»» or hidden hire sotnewhere instead. of
prating him into wieldier aLabie in the village
dismiesed the ease, at the same time ordai0
niverstir services of the tl
; e c it
Bible 'Christian Sabbath School will
be held to -morrow (Queen's Birthday).
The school will be essmi»ed ou the
-Kings of Jiyinh". Ileeitoliens will
be given by the children, and addresse,,
will be delivered by the Bays. A.. Y.
Hartley, W. Davie. an cl J. W. 13ut
A nubile toa will be served frotn 4 to
7:60 o'clock.. Rev. J. J. Bice, of Lon.
dtm, will &liver a lecture on "True
Greatness." Addresses will also be de-
iivered by Bevs.T.R. Lfull,J. Elliot and
MISCEIMV.W8 C NDUCT.-0 f•Satuatty
night, the llth inst., Mr. Beaver of
tho ofincession of Usnorne, had
bis stable entered by some person, and
two of his horses cud a tett of harness
stolen ; and on Sunday tnorning while
be was making a diligent search
amongst the neighbors for his property,
5118, informed by Mr. '4Vooclitll that his
horses were in one of his back fields.
Mr. B. processed to the field, where 116
found the aniinitis with their talis cut,
one of them in a tnost shameful
uer. The harness was also found in
theiame field, but they were ant up in
each a manner as to render than use-
less. Upon further investigation being
made, it wait foetid that about twenty
rods of fence had been fiat -up during
the night, and a guar tity.of rails taken
from Beaver's fence, 7eaving a field of
ono noon to the woods. Xtie needless
to say what the people thinh„ as so.
Lions like this sre of a rare eccurrence
in TJsborue. This 'transpired on a, 59
acre farm which Mr. Beaver Purchased
ream tly. •
4 v•
Iteunnto-WIIAMIT..-At the resldessee of .the
blithe.; father on tits. lfish bee,. Mr. Thomas
I -larding, to Hannah ettialt .1151.t5t4taill15411°Pr 5"4"
Mr, Davisi IN'haloy, all of ar.1 line filaoslaard.
EresroTT.-In Blanshard, on the 11t11 Inst.,
Thos. Elliot, aged 41 years.
Blanshard, su the 12th inst..'
W▪ illiam Taylor. age! 41 years.
Fonsrene.-In Tuckereinite, of eoesnmption.
on the 31111 inst., Miss Janet Forsythe, aged
21 years and. 5 months.
BOLTON. -11.1 Usborne, on the ji)th int., -Mr-
Samuel Bolton, aged 65 years.
gno*1 Driving Hone. -.is
Apply to DR. TfUTCIUNSON, Exeter.
'71HEOPHILUS ST. V. 14T:1 2()14
SON,B.445.441.11. Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Buffalo, New York, and Trinity ,tlellego,
'l'o••onto. Member of the College of Physie.daus.
and Burgeons of Ontario.. Besidonco, Est tor.
(-1AU'I'ION.-I hereby forbid anv
porsou or persous trusting niy wire Barbare
Thaler, tu my name, at• 1 will not be responsible
for any debts contracted by her, 011 05 !atm' tsis.
date. Allael TEALEII.
Rey, May 20th, 1878,
V V This Rotel has bee11 leased for a term qf
years, and bas been nicely fitted up. Every con-
VE11111371410 Int 005:151e1.010.1 travellers. 7.110 beet
brands of liquors ,and cigers at the bar. Good '
hostleritt attendance.
• OHBISTIAN 115.11TLE173, Prop.
Grand Boad, -tatty 21rd, 1875. 821.
1•:," ()TICE.
The Connell of the County cif Huron will meet '
in the Court House, ill the Town of Goderioh, 044
AlaNDia, the Brd. .TUNF'5 next, at 2 0010014 44 1.5
PETElt, ADAlliON, County Olerit.
Goderieh, Nay 208h, 1878,