HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-23, Page 7for.
A''Ax 9S. 1 414 i H
Grout the London Truth.)
Ye enemies of 1•ingland
Whatever be year name:.
Beware !tote yen insult Oar fl tg,
Or tient at oar fair fame 1
Beware how- your mistake our luood,
()r underrate our tuight!
I9eweria 1 Have a cats?
We still kato:v the unary 4o tight'.
tia, d.a t d E? e:us l lest, uplanuatiling,
Whit a dlriti'-h chi+sir r. + tuatdiitn ,
With a trill, :Hill, f.;14. Illtrrsit
Whilst the 21241314 dock tries tiger nc�
l; a It t�lt es war situs b. f a e us,
Shouting, Trip, Hip, Hip. liurrart 1
Comet cheekyour rash, prt•sutnption,
Altr.aumb war army's small.
When :ken compare it with the host
iced to ba on true .Chicon himself, but
he was not there, and the press of the
country were left to the mercy of others
more fortunate to ascertain net only
the result of the contest, but the ma11•
tier in which it was done.
S iup-lyre d--Suilo)'a,
llaaletlf awl -Ivor It -Shoes..
A. tip-top bared ---Hat baud.
I:te',sa Ilitbite-Dressing-gowns.
Flowery speech ---„Gird A,s wheat."
Handsome alio; in ahawle--A. prttty
HE TTN. ,'_'•S
,TOHN sa OAN, (18
Has just commenced business one half mile
West of Desllwood, and is prepared to .lean
Clooks, Watches and Sewing jlacltines. Um-
brellas repaired and Organs and Melodious at-
tended to. Those in wantof his services At all times, and particalarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money
should gfva hien, a eau before goiLg away from scarce. It is in the interact of every i,•ayer te purchase where he coo get the article be wants
home. Charges moderate and entiresatisfae. at thetoweea rate. In eahtng your 4nttortrien to my present stock, I do so with every e i*iFl-
i tion guaranteed. once; it being more carefully assorteu and selected than that of any previous season.
DO NOT REAI THIS. In the Dry Goods
Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked at
wing received a lot of new machinery, I ' prievs which shoa:d c' mnland rite attention of the very closest buyers. TIUH 'OItDEIR I)
t L would inform the falrmarez of tlle.> sits ' CrLO.Flal'`,a still has MR. IS, IVES at it..l cad
rounding country that I am preparedte manu-
facture all kinds of Horse Rates, Barley ,
Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, e.e, a3111 having
eecored the eerviees of a first •ekc S `:punier I '
A ' niay piece of crockery -..the c1111 :cru preltarrd to do ial irnderthemS
211:4: f lA� rrs. ALL KINDS OP TURNING '
Spillers out to be pond. correspond- 1
gontent oftr. •
I Miil.iuery
et. l+a. h r4. we eon suit the most faaasiidienS. Oar Steel; of
Boots}.and Shoes, Canadian, English. and American
Shelf and Heavy hardware
tent ; they certainty drop a lin' by- .ever :r "u th • shortest t:3tice. an 1 for stale and erize one of the largest and best assort,-41fat t"19 E 44.4 3!C.-. fwie41 li1Bg pr! ;S+? S will consult the:o-
el i5, ea 031: r...9ln-itis cru 104514 a tier- best interests bye . anainiog mystoe btf,,+roga4itnA :. he'
el ..re,
pyo t, tss stv - .f 1 •+m on4 �h vol dI a,tl:'a. 1i 1
You to ystar itatmer ; calif The watt' to keep one's own counsel l half a utair south of la.s.•:er-
is to ,,'et halt•, to 41i7 :•flitn and then
.you eon never got rid of Intl).
Yet we a 14a'tel iai :arras t•J f a4e,
Mice IV. 1 one(1 414 before:
1 15151 Ha.t:acore!
Waf are :-4r. ,Ar. r :15.ru „1 y .d4^ !
<:Elmer ..-1:,,414,11't.ia.a-n n10-4.-'ll'p+0044441il',2.
Wlara ).c,'+l-,et f n llt:less 1tas,'rep'ts,
1,1:L.»! I:5!a: teal 4:.44 4-eatlal:ats>i
_'t bol al ..^..A [-'a! lid. it!'tat.
I e, ptrtr,i It r >ras-t i * • .0.524 l '
'"ifs trate that l:• -ay nre tt a .m4,
}:44t. that'- . it 1.&gii,h i.iau.
°, Zttrr� fixate a3 a are•l
1102,,1)4 t) t'1.1:15)).
-0,,545 :•, .••,':+'l41,Al111t'' 4.11 s.,
Cit.. I1t•^.s' . •11.14 ,.f rltna,oti
°1'tt vthilt W'rlllel fa maan taking break.
fast with his h4•trf,thi'tt h lit:sly to o11-
tke. .ut 4„).--ro 411006 2.111 butter tb i hat). :
ttilil)� ;
"t t; it ann ,gtvn:eat• l,ro?"Z'> ;
W1tt in. . 4R:,r t -:'4002 vi lrt :loll .lar.!.
` ; +.t ,r:►-, 1 02,1 rig; t,l 8'"i7,•?
4)110 war -t;,qp, 1 °.w it „ `r tie• ac .ldl+i ;
`11 C L .pr. • „t ;".A rite• p.-$ 1
1 elacaaenv;
iti i.. , At' 'i i, 52,24cl:^ 147,2 tt
tio.t-r,,;! l:>.e.4.04 a ,1.-,.
r ;iti: or 1451 .1,010( 1
a9la.w:4,4reor t;rr:•l;1
r='.rflu ale.4r ,'aa 1,
"u .1; its ietr TM.1a1, r,•e 1;.
flit:' 34 t -w. 41,, how to 21,0.1:2.
O4I' 1on r a''l Th Talon!
1 t4-V"e' : l tc..A a erre!
the:i t
Eke ,dt°e'a`?;
v, uOXkt:'a, ., fi' t 't r� rel ,,2,231.14-,tlttditt.
.t?it l ,1
ri aasv, 545,at,
FF>r a ^11. -"t titan "twos i"t'r, of
"tritiso Fleet 1
1� r=•1Et 140.2,•
to hy-'.t')ie days,
It . v eve the :eighty satin,
lltd%e a 4'440,' 1
It at+•4
,cite. 1n 214,1 ' aft-. ,tk'1ifl1
,i'44.+E0 4r`11+.'A,8t1,1Jaa111dia;t 2..;
;:'la• , 15 ,551 lie, t.51155tri!413°a itl:144s !
I Or. "atrr at float k jt:r,t,
\ 04,1 1, .• its our ttft-l•1uv'rr1 trtia�ltt.
And t"4:' la in tiro ai'14t 1
Z.44 °-4'010 441 .titarr.,1, v11>'14 no Tor,
t'4 -'n e?r5.• in our gnat t4iglitasa
1:a•t, 1 -4.•\ -.tett 1 .11.4.5 a (4,41e.
tiara, ;+.121 force us. into fight 1
'a,,n1 ' 44+.44'12 t ,l;ert` n;,1 l..'; t,n1:1i(,utrtlin,*,ye.
r±:atrpert 'sa?itVi
A\ ^t\ :'a'a the clf•pehzttint the la • t
'slat, ' ,:ea,-•.tl:,41,9-'itato the Lark :a ilt) had .rs 11 Y C+ FII
to (-Ally his tomtit. 211 1
Archery for the ladies will be the-
:1` t tlarla g rho Coming season, an l i
the beaux ux tare in a quiver fa bout it.
It is Saidl that ealting attitell8 will pre
vent the lit>a front cll+.ppirtp. It ;till
certainly l:e>ep the chatty, from girl's
It may not be generally known that _----
._-_,-,4. nt.os get One ilupilrtaant item of -nit1,.. S?i:cdit,htaft°,bprosi yet sleek:» '•D
prepared to do alt Rials of
copse Painting. Pa1.ier_ha3ngin
tV ttlte')iii a, 'c.
•t`,8 +sl,a.alt:t?jaI'lt ,.reed patl_rte'tily..
J.1a1It 1U tr. f'doun rat
En star.
,Istenco .at ab 1;41\ pt ice ;they get b ,art+T
+ 'f,r 11=3thirg,
143.;• are inattentive selool eh'rslllf,tl
Ili: ; \\ 1115 r.;t liftf''-a,l�.fl Cf+It tt,lva� tf! '•I1E•i:'• �y p"'� �(�'�1 '�a� TT�"�'�
1Ip It l,:t(;tQ'* t,a tlEt.'te scout ria:^Yi 241 tltt'lr 'd.l I i az Gills •,.ILL,
Beitac: now in reee9rit of alone Stud of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ant
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
t his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be ecid at
yO^,ltg, glair when i4l;iv.nto athletic
upnfll:'l ;
wouldwould1:2 vl as s acs°a^1 a 1 5 a^ 41 d a 1 -ii nl o, . +rat
khaat: when thr
ra.4.1e.a Li ati,1 't 1 a o v 4,151,x,_
25024141 t -.'214n4 Oat! ci4
4 122•:'4 to roe' l.i to , ,g a:ae , 1.- WI 4 ,It^ . ,Z
r.-tbal3 ee
The inhabitants of I .ter and vicinity need not feel troubled
at,the want td a market wherewith to 101nhe Inouey, but
call at the store tit' the sagas critter tiutl
An toll- l ^ i;,,er Nuys Elf' 'LIR on, t'•,tt:tilt• intISTINt. 1tltifal(' i -F ATT1^c,'iI11ED To.,Rl
0 1('t c outlining 4'1,4102 Vamps, aloti..i i'1 in •a$1:•lt +n o,atr-tract^1- 144dt3c'ifr,• 33 „ OC Ct^,et
'4 fol ltin.1 1 Intl N 11'•!t' )4 my 041.1134, *Briar -3:3%.14 ;:.:1 „r oto' C',a 11 :. it. . .at .1.44
iti Sadao ideruble la ;tl to 14 44114€, 4119E
,,. '.t,aIA r ir4.i- T T u::
1) , pat know a gaol wly 4 a n i.44 i
5r3m, ...•• .4,00244 Ft mat, 41 Pis nehtiltl•'1'. �t ++�� c�•• 4a� �,ta ` 1� D
t. 14 44 . V to 41.12 V,a iaP b drl'af
oh, yo,. w tis the reply ; t hist tit'
tra,tttily \\ttii me ii 1 Mara tin way (411
un ('.h:C oto: wixs 13Y rii;i, La:lc3T1ts.
Toronto, !lay 1u. ---The race between
11:4n1ak-i tarsi 1'lalatetl cause off rifler all
't0•d'ay. Towards 4 o'clock Lha; wind
bLga411 141 ea d,,a1) and at 5 the ira.y :Vita
ars C;tllt1 at.: c"uid possildy be expected,
but the 0441:tee's tog stem:m(14round in
all diree'inr!'e instead of cathing the
1-aee, alted It was not till eight lnitirttes
hast 2411. that a start was effected. Both
men come out of their boathouses.
about the same t114? a1:d 1t•I:aurely pal-
led nit 1) the starting point. After
the ostial preliminaries, the referee
gave the worst "go," and Hanlan, tak-
ing water first, et once took the lead,
rowing about 98 strokes a minute to
his opponent's 134. Atter rowing ab,mt
200 yards Plaisted was seen to be pill -
ling up, and looked in a 'lir way to
give the Toronto man the go-by, but
!the latter, keeping his c1 libtarate stroke
and metier quickening a stroke, quick-
ly rsc(rvt're d the ground ho had lout and
gradually but surely drew away from
lois antagonist. At the foot of Sdmuotr
Street, about a mile having been ac
corm#iislied, Il'anion was still pulling
98, while Misted bad gnicke iced to 80
and was rowing for n. 11 he was worth.
Banton was leadit,g by two boww,.
lengthy, and from that point to the
finish linil it 4110 his own way, winning
without any trouble for five or six
lengths. The day was fine, and the
alttt'tlde-nee was even larger than lost
tall at Rosa' race.. The arrangements
were as bead as they possibly cnutd be.
Besides the foot that the -people were
1>rp>t wailing folly an hour after the
race might Bove been started, tale dress
were 1 nt on the Ghienta, the hurricane
deck of which was supposed to be re-
served fOL tllair awn (iodat1011, but
everybody on board' crowded cu d(c!c,
and ntav report of the race by;flny jour.
laaI in the county); is almost impossible
The only tiarrca when: those on board 1 1e
steamer caught any t linln,.e of the ooh-
test was when fr.nan 200 yards to a
quarter of a mile wits being accnrn-
p)liebed. Col. Shaw had undertake% to
ar:aingo' for tlie• preys, Laud uai,d 'prulri-
!le At,'Tl)1.1,
•r- .
eiu itig thein."
:011 111.11 t'1't1ll'f1 b*-inat (ja)o it)t11)F,l b5'
jailg,. t4) 1441)W 1II1 t\11at1hl ho CV .e+a a ill•
•,.014051, replied : t 1(11) 0.t4i(.•l Xl) 41, 41''.
,,201,E 1r the ]li4illhitf,btlt 1:1)11 piaolayt:d
t3V t101 tir'f4-41Itrnt."
In .e I tt ! 1LlItt t•) mal;., sti dnlhbrriattll
boy mob -stand mina cl,n'n i.'isate i.t, tt
te4elo,r 0210th: it-k,-tl. a'Q\hat itt',1n you
feel 4414,Atirtirtttblt+ after you. Ir..ve. tint
Trim_' r1I v papa,x big; leather atrar,t
ltt!lht1;1 rct•ht'r; b,y.
1412)'1U'WORK, ],oUN(l MAN,
'1tnt p)'.'Neia age seems to be VO \ pa'lr-
in 2144 N41,11101,011 of linitis 1 w ,•i
tilt, 1414301
who have, $0U4ialty (`r
ntlior, I-tlat04t('tl t11e111Kt'lves Up to tla,
114114 that they are ereat,'tl to make
t 4.11' living by doing nothing.
city, town and village in the land i* til
It'd to ovettlnwing with young Men wh
311' 13111+ -hunting clerkships, or x104')
p,l lc'• vvIlt,re tlwy hop) to obtain a lit:ark
without, work.
Numbers etre han:.'ing around. li\•ilia+
how stand to month, sponging on sella
friend, \\at.ing for a Va4t'aata,4 11) 5o4(,•
over -ern a\ tf ti d StO) e; n nd w.len 414 yr Cltr+e
40(021'8, offering to work for a salary
that :Putrid cause a shrewd hu,-ira, s-
1na411 to suspect their honest;; and rt but.
remonstrated with by friends, and std
viit'd to go to war!:, tliy invariaadrly
answer : '411 don't know whattn de,"
4'We should say to those who ilwont
to know what to de, go t0 work 1 13:1
is Torii entrngh to do by et Well you cs11
earn 1111 honest living and gain the re.
spent. f all t hose whose respect is worth
seeking. malt loafing nbant, waiting
and looking for a clerkship in s11nl0
store, Go out 111 the 01tllltry,t•3) it faAfnl
:bil go 50 worst. 1\r111it to do 9 Why
fu t11e. great North Weot On re a' e
thnuaaand4 of tacrm3 cf vir in growth
awaiting the stroke of the hardy axe
mar, and thousands of tillable tla':t
toot :need only, the work of the sturdy
plowman to yield its treasures., and yet
you arty you d0 not know what to do.
Go to wo k go to the woods -go to
the fields-4rrd slake an honest laving;
for we have in our mind's eve nu tuber:
of yon rrhosc talents are bettor suited
to laie,king cotton than measuring, calico;
to cutting cordwood than weighing so
gar ; to keeping np fences than books
:411(1 10 mottling nails than!,:dishing oi2t.
Whiskey by tie drink ; and We can as-
sure y01) than t he OCCUt4a i U8 you are
better at.clilpted•for are much more hon-
orable in the eyes of persons whose
respect is worth -having."
Settled Tenders will be received by the under-
signed le" to Monday noon of the 27th Hay, for the
coust'rnotion of a bridge on the 5th conoessiou
41%Oay JohnenDttettt'aofPansthaedada''fi coad-
,0,0,20 sat rc 1,824t (et) 1;414'1 ail t ,14, 4f 1•?t.1 tag.
44. tren:411. r i -.1 ,-3 5.1-1.41tot s or.. 'l
Ow: .,9:40'•.2^•a 1 . Nl';:n 1 tt 1 t .. .,1t;,
p•:a•a;l3 54. 442:1•,)5.) a. ,
iVt,`11.U1Nt1S CON I"1;AC':1: 1�►ai:,
1140, •,rta,thet,+..t] gnerat;t, 1. +ta 112 1 4221' 41,
aR.t 11 3442. tw14 t f.,r.tw.Att,,•r, is C001
1 n.;r•7 . ,
a3•:ai5.et.a4P-.J i:n 33 t� al 1. ,4.441.
h 1,4n 141.2',4,
`lit. IIVN1)\l AN.•--Ct11 t)NEli Ful
tH 1',,,212,51. al Tine.)). t'tllev• to St.t,r,3. 1•
.1:. 1. 0441 *Nubia, k", 1.31.1111.
.irO11':,IX1i L. 1) ai f'
,ti rredni44tt,Eori 4rt .'c 'r t'. 4734
1u 1 rcl+i+l. 1 . , I) t,. .5, 1A 4 a • ,r 81 ,• •`1h•
+ t!. JIt,1Hi,Is, .%f D. C. M.
11°4 t.rv,°iuratn ,f ,07.811:nlvorv: v,;: ++.tre:a
34.40,, 411,41 r .a d. 84 a a 1,•4,•0, haat. 34)),j u:ae
38 t:3 Lala. 1u 4811.1 , t • 4, n. 44
'ILL Ilt4'I\ i, tillADUAT1si LIN 1
V6i1. ilk' 112u•tc(:_1 .581»3 inti-,i1tit
.'ns 1354::%+ :3 8:1 s.1.4 -otos taLi,. 8..48,041 483'14018
I'i T E23
AttN i i, A a II r L, t,ittED1't ).
. •-\Witt. -(,t•; 'lepra t:'r. '01418 AE,. ;;1 il; ,
145.•12 tet4g tura%,-u •'i .4cul ritttrtl ui, to '1a -::...o14,
4.04.„ 4 1r54 anti 3 '3tv,+tuv tt '4114)142 l o t•sus 1,.
+1r nlerwt a '..• 'I s, hes e,f 10;%44 and 4i r
t 4441 141 ll J A110114070ilt'3thtrs 3alwa11.8 nu 4.11.04.
31 21,-15:o. \\11:.1411:4 13.tEilst.
$ l tit() I /HOUSE , 11E�1.)aLt,
.. .i' 13(5!st, oast silo of tat., 6411.1tac. 'tart.
1.1 c, 11` : fly eha:110 2134.13, 1,1323„ 1v •141131.1
311`-•'.4',11 1<'t,:r •',,1,,.16. IIX,5.:ltm,t (t 11,18 3':':. ry 441
1.011:.1044{':.i i 1.^4 'ravellaa Cort at.tlal,a.;. Tu
t. beat . •*15113 4(1 quer nttilub:ar. Zi{;.1.A.A5
:148 51. 'rt
00).10[21 11'J!'1"' .-the nniel•aiglrecl
1 .
+40,1 l 15 `t:' ...0 to control f tit,:
but. :tote!, „Air. O. t\ i',ot b 5v tel ; reared on 'i:
aLu3 t tag 4 stn of July 1ats.t t'i't Ai:14410AS Uri 1^^
13144 1518.43,4 by \L 7 St' w u t. '1'4,
ban 1„11 .11%20 ttt.l'3tnu F 1,0o. to •
itt.t la.-alt,,la. 1t1e bar will 113 <An_'!'40)tis th,
{e t 11.11 orvannd cigars- Au attentive ostler al
Nays 14: ttt.,11t 11i:u. W..l. r,.N\:4l'. A .42/•t•
HANG F1) HANDS, --The ender.
:ignt o.bavu r8'voted t1a., 1,uffe lis, 3trtuse,Cen.
6x(118, for as 411n, it will 14u3uu,la 11-st-class 110 -
int, with c\er )' .ao naullnodnalint e,n• 1110 travelling
,n3tlie Cnnvveie:itto the sit,atiou. (1ootiLiquoi
.1ud cigars at the tear. e1tte3tivo hustlers,
1911 1o. J.calps CIN,
Send :g t for 35 plats
P'ow.,r Seeds 15 for
50e., 7 for 25e., or 44)
i'kts. Vol '01, 12 fen
53o. The Flora1:
Lao, a 200 -page F1ura:
,vurltwith colored wont, 114 with either of th(.
above packages souls, t.vo rears Prow These of -
Lara are bona fide and 4135 Seeds first el Les, bei
P 1E4041 low only to induce all to try 110111,y� 1. !.areae
t`L sizers riots
U KI GH2sI'S CLI) 13fAUKfi *1ITE3
ld su,ri, is .'still going, Mr. S.'naakinglrer=:
doeires to return his sincere
thaehe to'hi 8
pat:ens, w 11 0
ori him in thea1-
would intimato . 'h;> that, having
recovered from ^ hie lone 41
ness,ho tends in future, to
to tako charge of the horso-ehreiug department
hiwwolf. Ail other work done in thy very beat'
stylo and ut the lowest rates,
Exeter, Duc.13, 1877.
lame r 0 128
ru.ve sup port
24004, -n.144
til i.1 had i;i (). tare 41.11: , Full. gut hs, :'`:•(lad -cloth.
:tip � lllti, Nina r+, \ 'i;1(•1',ys, Delames, ;112'1 44%'('r3'tni1)g
lI ede.l i<lt til,, Dry (. 'oodg linea. The (r4,c.i8ry
Department is C6 mple'tt'. ,it itlsl%'l:'ClIItnt invited
)lt tt! SitO 0' fl,flltall$
y.p M U St�I;�...C; '4.�@A
L AND ri°
w al:' e
ME. E. DREW would announce to the palie that be has opeueed *tit ax
'141o5c ,ater4 anal Set irt„m 441i ,:.e Isteperhuu.
N l) .it E ti ' S 13 L C s,
.l),.es-o hr. vllil have " nn7trr;11y en hotel a full a- o'rtatcr,t of 1111.1 1 , 01 0ANS AND At1'Stct tL
i raI:1;0%-mT4o1all1uto ao,` ,13 to a t'ca:s fty,.l til -.1.41x.•, .t, it 4.8(1,1 asTula,tt;arxf'st
,:t to 3.41 1141111. \ai Ccan 1:1) L, 1'A 4:1.1+441 Ast 1.. t 1•.1,x14 1031.118-11 1+e..a_c11.4 tate Itct1'et:tltts
E= I): 10%%12 tsa:a;i `i 11025;:022 22'0113 lrr° a , 4012=. 1..X+'11h\%
;a 14. 1'lev, nait.:il.1,t 01.0.4: t..:. 4t( -1t , 11,1..•.2 1.., =4,4"i c1:t331e83 33°5,.43.
E X . T E
andi. ums Store
.A. large Stock of
Japan, Young Hyson and
Black Teas,
C, a u ,"SY staasl, Pa''ar,f. e'>
Dar,rn: „ppl.ol , Canned, 7t'IT,
9 Sainione
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, ai'on.ecos
and Cigars,
4Vholesa e and Retail.
Main Street, Exeter