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The Exeter Times, 1878-5-23, Page 5
MAY 23, 1878 THE TIMRS 5 MR. PORTER AMONG HIS COY- tate electors on the great political pies- QHEEP ESTRAY. — CAM ON - TTT S�l'l'1'Ut' TS. tia,n$: Clf 1110 iris, '�'tle rlieetihll;, wllicll tlFepxolnl3os of oho gnbsevzber, l0 1').cou. d _ ii; Stephen, about the prove p o ptl1 two y ex steles, CURRANTS `, R R A N TS AND G Q O S E I3 E fl R i E waa tieltl Its t{le Tota 11 Ilan. was ➢Lata;l4-• a uwen psi°l he1 thApirat, pay exnenaQe, LJ ►; AT 1<LIItuta .n. tied by over four hundred penoee who auetakethem away. e. c.ot aifi.AN. > 'Pito fiirst, meeting�in the interest of 1i:stetted with the deepest atteelttun to HULL FOR SI•slt1�'ICI; -•-A Q3rst prize 13tH of 11.r. I uriir, the ,►tmeervatiye Our- the exha netive, interesting and elo- for sorvl.e—sires be James Pickard's Du.- beau Bull. hotd1tlate for Beath Huron, was held In quent address, Messrs. .J4clison and ,l Vers. 'Perms dict` r be bnee.ssioe pa3.id hen.tat time of serd out Thursday evening hast. Heti.', („'tetuservattve ctlt:dulat —8 kr the vice,with p isalegeof retie:um:;. 1'i..Wl••nr¢l:¢e, at g TI11i'(i MAK it LI attendance of the in- Local for' ;a a luupraetar. alit suol ti e+4- Hahron re• . teliig tit furl,l•ti of the district. Tit'''. speet:.ively, i"aee Carling, Esq., anti Q T, L S.R . »S LIME WORKS. Tonlis hie Hail was tilled to. overflew- Di. Sabaan, the Government candidate +• - ing, :Mr. Jetta llaaa;.l avtktl * chair- bur ortll Huron, were in the sudienee. '— Porter ?urdralvz¢ hltrs being 110in in NOporat'iouand Term, J.Mr.l r :ipulte ithollt t•&Ci • Me, It. iia, IiFteey was 03114 tote Waning ettrd:til? a terve q :Ai -Cies of AT TRE liasuiF:, at,eti ili*itl iris ee,utlied►ce stI4i dieter» anti in as te3v appropriate wordy "�" honied. 11.3 tp• ctalred his intention 4-4. introduced Mr. Porter, who was re- , b + f 4 conduct the (:tan:"' i,h1 without. the in- a•riee•d situ It prefect Ovation of cheers. ttodne,,ion etii at12c1'•e; 4-'r pfeer'aCttlai:ititte.. Iarnc'etliug at 011ee, he !sp tide_' ter tt'o The quer"ti.-n oaf tree iP':latti told prnct- - tett at half hour'➢, 4tnl Crit' f-e^lnently tioth 1tr:1K mitis ti';tal,••p ; the benefit.; the ei.alilie.-lic'.1 t&e Iv ,,it until ti14, ap•pa1411'e farmer, til, tis-^1:'dnct:;.t.'r, tilt' fit't1 n.. I;1 -,la n'Tt• - t.1 his rt!ttut list haul 5"1b.4.l- rlrlkl tLL... ::,ln,,r, q• :i'oui't ,• civeAve by the A. That gii'ja ,.:tee a".:el tamitlluai•-$ edotet it - a - as 141. •4-e ,,, i6 ' l'4aldfey wt -1'I• , tilt-al(l<t 1•tlt'1:--i•4 'er„A:ai the Stcljun u! a 41¢.n)1 to 4 O an.b 4 ..1 pirtility Harte , lD the; w 1'-0, the Government terns , '7.--------e------• --__ _ --- _y--__- aad t ic•a set ^.l .a11n e-1 wit help la n'4-. it "r.•4-^ trtaehe tl;t a b' alk., unto 1 in Mn.t.,tel[ ' �1t'yP f� 1:11IlitS rtp� t6aM:1 it ells:vitor,ei ttict at ion 1.; ¢±'I'v' -policy cll.- ,ty40. and 4-.o•.. .t.-,iatiellte HI f.tViar Oi "'''4 ta1>f r'�Fn p» ,t, the he,t, at t,tp.tt al far Sec tle'x^"i111ern•eta 114 "ser j•4- xt•4•^t eci 4-_a every bralltem 4•f At air :1a 1l . ►' iifg,j , nit of t114- 4* tiaatry. Wf .::r,e , tlr:e• la. iti`+t.dt ,.•.y bad t011,4irrt Eur -{1 �' •r '- ' Wt4 1.:' 144:^4. ;y ^y t )e.ais ti i*, .1...,...1- s-- DaltDaltttld•6 :. B.} v rthi,i. 1 this pies - 10,,,,,t,, n :aM 041-1 t , me. 1)airt;,r at et. .¢' t q ,el tit,. 4.4 sea •t" hies of tee antlii•uce i..je•etle•', -DO. rle :tan'. sileteM hear 8 tete ti if..,ttly call sir. Porter._ The l -,h' tttene4v4ri and ti' «ISt11^+:leel Llmtt tile ( .•"aIle ARarc of Lila' 4s, '•-:Intent was ! �t ( �1 �f �t 11 �y� lire tont eitt tit lt•1L fee... Invite p.t:'14t'S tat" 8 ne y„*, zglainl`)els rat 41 upon, final on (,411- d4-` i ,R 117 int - C 1 zi s s P 4-,t k,ti p ih1+ 1 ^ • vtel t,►n eta+ iy fa sr• unstinting, the , p arise a with that of the previous ir»"l • t cozy/try t=1 rIf' s »;llteii'e;eldt!•:l lt.f,;itit►le aet11.1/at'•-a*d, 111.1 cry tar f't'4anf+nlL Mel lt,..uzaelt+ra gee ase-ay.,.,ita,aea'31Yt'z nr:-1:. ➢east$=f gie4 a- trltti "ie•rta itt'1eti;ue'll 111 at •.i41 temper. l l • . a `' t e t•�t l c. • 1te Q .;r +'sit 4 4 4-'4 , 4 14- q '. fa_ i , 1 l , 14 at4•»ddll•,lit with which the 1t,14t1"all. +'•+! �`» a'4atit"' 1,'4 -'*at tag 3ana,,e.e . :' a ,3 1 »� e, HEAPS OF }ELELJ21fl3QRE that for ail purlo-cs cannot be surpassed in the Domin ion. Pa •ties:rem a est-eP--rme,. 010x. at t:at' alta( or eiviiict'.ch sac t ,,ueai? not set ae )az .: re- rxtas. t)s.irem feo,zz a d.otar.e. eIruatlptly aft -•a-1-4 te. 1k 1IIT:.,a)4 a :>(T1.ATa i1. � BRAN & E DW1. 3LIU) lame, at co:a i.Ewea=1- ore .:14r aaroalG t aa" ji t a ell• l •..1111113 rapt Aro,,r sal t D .1i',a•4. to C.i.a.k�i'e.'.a:.. Lata.1 A i lana t„rr!•p n,: • five '. t <1t a3Y -1 Q 4'11 •`iii ¢lea l:.bz as ak •t- p,l riot-, If 1•. 14--p¢:':•4-• r.11 t: a•e.•r 1}t�Stfitlp ^,•rl,�" as !Teal. 11 al tpJ.l» Cltiii �.ry veer -,i a t^ •j. d at. .Q-te It R -int a c. . .' dire ,`+:: $'1 'iii eaI it -1,44¢lit, Cod tit" 4.r 'rt" 14 111.1'4) i♦ e4 .�RhltS it ta'1 1)ii pail./ r`e•^h« 1'a:har.0 ' ti 1 toss a ¢ 1•."'-g 4,41 .71-,1 y 1 ala a 1 1 1 4-r Balt 1 ratldl nl'tit 11 et "i•t^t+% 1 a .. 'vi.til 4 p 4'18 B' gave 4tr+i a 4 *+ act -, Qa4 Ota a'1's,Iila,g 14011 ¢ i } . ' 1 •' 'S) Jd 1 1 4t1e.4°t, Ur. I='1'rt'r r » :.n x'1,11:I11*t•l y,n+tt4 a ,,4;41 + tares tag the jlreevl•i14 (i.bfairae111e'Id* lts'E, a' Il itia'isit3R r4'+Lila.^• of the 1l+tnri All i'r:4 lac mail .S:t-e-le•1e.. v at►--•nij.► a tab 04, fist til 4-t tttu °- f the Uttatwe, Gnilona:tent elege tli'-v 4-w c.+ a, :4 441 ,iia= it^Itrlt'f„ ill 8111):^r, ,et the 114 fb'1',a1 '.ieeetle+d tat 1`an1„Nr, 11 1111 C4Pleilt41e.1 with t kite ;at l4'tr'y, 11 =n. 4Lai. Tier -wu Itt1.l AI., O. W.;1, 1u el 1'inet:t, (anneal t 4 flee rc,'141e 141 1''3 coni•i n•+f Stara O !ni t') the d.'tiet `'. ti)1 a'iell t¢4 alt* A11ia1tst1i+-Irian-ars %thiel! i' X11 I,e'41 :111 a 41!'4.1( ,a, ! Latta the 4l, nett'. ) �nni;E'1„t °l1 " Lep l7t=t`^ a l'wlet"r tuna+ alrt'1,- aettg Large rkol&S,d3 E ?F. 1.1el' ttallt.;4 t q.q`il ^'"eltl,a I8 t ttidlte Mr. , r into alt ht, 14j'a: de ficit :Ton al" tient A 0/ ^��n Rt t at l ., As i4yGa .4? ):.44,9 �4� (k lLC�tl' %ra s4 ".�P rN, aft:4-e l i t¢) h1 »a+lptd 1»4-1'-.L Italia" • vet ,IICirP;64P ! 144 aAa'4 , it nisi°t an .l^•:¢ rr `t tit *11111t1►4ti[ia,a 6a¢9l'ce tt�ie"'4-y $d1 tGl�.$C 1<1rltla(llly the 4^:1gaR'11,44; tra1 111tLill alae l' Aveetre h.111^•-':, a3i 30.;^.., n:.a" c.4- Aloe( 41, ll ages 1114,11 ,oat the 4es-life-liltr(tl. 111. :*1 Sat4I, the lit"marlin a -4-n• 1,11 1".".St'11 are tllt9 to +lax `1nt.ee' d4- 1'14 t they ablate tar :4i.g.til ll'!t^.ole. W1ta pa-t^;te•t¢ta falls, it11e1 la..t` 4•r, ata 11. ➢➢Meat 91 from i" , ter, ulthntr.:11 Mr. P t;" r the 1614144+flat of the ra't`e 11¢'41. they weeel11 ere: tat it*':8/1jt3 f-er t.irtl and "lI •llaltea idle aij!(1 It tel 1104 OW, r al,tlilll)t$lll4i. Ir. - statements or I44nat a°llt any falllaene:+ ld 9 4 q1Y eja ;Ola ¢ 4 e 1 i•,or - pals."e Isom to IL 1I4 Smith) -.4tt (1/4'71,,, ,.4-.;l ,t' •q. Off_,.., (:-,^.l � .a ae b t' ,1 : 4, Puller ll`4tve'«1 11..+s. the Il4-eIt-- 4i ill e»:%- his 5Lre.�et :t14'41t, deemed 1' . - 4-r• .e (3 4•j:Ca> Y . Lt•' . n , 4 t°¢il 1�r, 1 0•.¢'tlat'1 a :4:1*ei• ,� h'li►tGt4Ql'64 lh'IIl la4 e'Ll : dai-4-al=--by the Ont • ' 1141.1 1114. 11!iter la'4rt alt' +5+`11..«1 ttlaat f a,l+^,a t . , , 1 = il."II:at1 SMUT e1." 4 191,4 ilii"tat tai a tla C'll'r14'i, t11*- throwing to respond t4) Me. P"tl•u-tier's pre•,t•»i4,lq 111•' ��t q� 114-4Ilyy 1af 4-414.144-1; 111 eli'-4'azllt'sl railway vit:ttr'-n. In every respect this meet.�w r1 14: �� 4-7. R.1?W'1bta. � env:, 4`'1 end 1114 other frivolous works. leg is prom tnll-4 et the m "til e1iltltlt`ti't - l , t . . e • .1•,. g ,till:11.1 117" r ro '/ ., °» ^ 4,81 ±:a F V ",•�; 1 : c'4- Lia, .I+`. 1 �►'t« r st`tl*,: p[a,.tne°et 4-(1 tilt'ale4l„h4itii rig aim alte.4 t-atefml I'ailtll"` it Inl'1 1 w. 1 , r l c a �t •. ,1 »? •. ,:ria ie yen., 11 oct '11 • „ t l d44 ^ • a .en4.t rlo *;o tee. 4e" tat, 11.1 P a.l? 1 P.^.1; ..r» -a w414 4.4• 41044 1944 - -,, 14114 4r 1t a th^t:.,;it r:t4 "1,3. 4 f 4-t a'.. il. 4tw -t i -F Wit 444 tai zi vzir!, crtt•'rslt-JI, 1144-41 114 tilt, Clete" -.ver 1t - .1 in Clinton, rind 111. P "ter*. el kis 4i914tr- :. the s'eiee of the ptrI,4onCse 14111 have .lot NII^ et or ealn was tlele¢tn. when nearly etre ciao Iert';1 vltrtillg Many 1114) nw ht ntherwl.t• I ent pit:l,)•*114t't' 1 in l!1•• favor. have continued its iitipp•er1 It:i1 pros •n4- l Al' fi i4 l► REND lT'Iverunient, haat !mewing that 111 11,1 nig ton lily would be medstiint to pt -r-' p4etml'te 4-11 evils nutter the (stn.tiautly Ile Liberal Lun-tervaltive wetting haled ¢,u Friday evening, May 17th, was at laI"9d r s i 4t•R4,, l'h•er44 ;1-;; 11 litre e 14CClliliulittti l,! tV('trrilt 4-)f which thci C im. .attttltt'r hi attendance, col hitimit.t; do. try grnaunl. ltnsv ttln4e with fat Vora. Tht 1n.'-ti11); 7 .--•-., �' 1 4Ht'elltytl at 4:_4-1, alit. Mr. Wm. Felton 1.« MACHINE SHOP. actull*ttt¢l the chair. After a 811141t :td- elre•as from tilt) w.irLhe chairman, Mr. Porter 1Cnt'* introduced :triad lend Halter:, 4)1 welcome from tiro all4iehee. Bat they tt'te' 4' :41 t'4i t1y eltvltpl)a4illtt it in ::1r. Porter 4i 44111.4'n j aautt In4►'it agreeably 4tieaap 1)nite'ett, lits ilitl nut follow the example of his rolts:A:sat'1:s, Asha were umpiring to political lionur. People who were itt the Ii.tbit of attttll'1iza. pre. via)Ii' lllet'tiu td held ill this U1aer,lte:trd nothing out slinkier and abuse of politi- cal mon and party. This the people were happy to neo Mr. Pewter dial net do. He dealt with the various ques- tions tlivitlit: the two er.-at parties, shoeil4G ,oho::t'iu 1113fhotteelitSir John's gort•rnu11'l.t 1444per14r t9t'tho preeeot one. In dealing with toe 41ue,ti.tn of pilave_ 11t114, his (lrgnmerits were platin and 1111 - nos v erai'1e, shnwite-r clearly fila great in4(111 1llul t:at' laeily. Ile proved how protection wt.uht aid not only luanu factalrers, but the farmer sand the m. borer as well. Ile also took up the exlaentiiture, showing that 4-1 a present govertlnlent w:'e not ding what they promised, but the never e; tlity ware not reducing but hie: ea.ong the expen- ditnre. The Coe servatives present ,were proud of their candidate; white kiln Ilefornlers listened to bilu in ,onto adlniration. The Conservattives hale at mato wulthy cef pnl)lic support to carry their haulier throegh the up- prottching calupaign. Bast Mr. Porter 'vats not to speak with ut orpusitinu ; fur Mr. Gretnway was present, filled with venom to overflowing, and where Mr. Porter took his seat, Mr. Grceawtty took the platform to reauiud the people of Stephen of his (treat power of abasing political antagonists; lint while lie allowed gr -at (Llaiht3 in the art of abnee it was uothiug to his credit, fe)r the very men he now aebnned wero his gods in former days, .Ela also tried to make an excuse for leaving the Conservative party, and this is tiro excuse. "He unnld not c,nl.ei('uliou:lly vote with Sir John and his party 00 laroteclinu, Itnd consequently he turned his coal." This is sheer nonsense. He Can 414.84.4'0 118 11 strong conservative, hot lie was elected se a Reforriisr we all kno t', for itis the general belief that Iso pledged his hnuor to sneport that side if they would not being nnyoue unit againathim, sod con-- segently he went in without oppnrii1oe, Mr. Porter's prospects in this llibhhor 14tlod, are very bright and euonuraging. A FAR= it. AT CLINTON.' On Mon.lty Mr. Porter proceeded to G 1('t*u1 and ; in the evening nildte,8ea. 1.7711�.i:lfma itc sin W`1a?lestoirsf=n LIIth,4 14411440 tilt 4)0 irsebettz pr ,1111 toru1':lir 411 41n.t 4 tot ht'Iv1ni, \tncit1Ilt's, i(`'tttt:l1Os Clocks, Gans, t .t.., t11:u1 any : other person 111 the country, tLti It's charges aro 111©t11,rtite, *ui.1 lie guarantees s ti)give ;Satisfac- tion.. '4ayTOT'ICE. i The Court 441'11evi'.inn for the totensl'ip 444 DAY, for the plt_peio ui in.-::rin ; ➢.01-'0114 )81x44(4t tile a ssetiaa'entof 1Man'. %ill int in'ldinl the, Town Mali, Zuri.h, un SATURDAY, the 't41 toy of 1r 14,1` sit 1•' c. In. Parti, 14 tut e t st^d 14111 ,two r 1 fil'In•.e h.r8 'weor- •.lu•f1y. 1-A:.! 'Ll. 84)- -t, t i vhe..ia ; Clerk. 0.1: /OE, Court of Revision, TOWNSUIP 0Lt' STEPHEN. Om emit of I1<lvi ion fir the Township of Ste - nen for the year Ws will be ;'1d iia the Town Hull, at t'•rettitou, on Monday, 27th day of May Noxt, r11.40ng interested will govern themselves at- cordi gly. C. PROUTY, Clerk. -","—UIICo. Court of Revision. VILIAAf-B OF fat?, £1 .t. Th' ..wart ofIl.',ilion .or the Village of Exeter, for the puri) Ise of hearing appeal:. against tai" asamt,111001r.,11 of 1813 wiat he nett in. the School �IIuitxe, 1;\iter, eo 'MONDAY, MAY 27'ru, 1878, at ono u'ol•)okP.M. I',trtieq iutrrestad will gov- ern themselves accordingly. M. EMMETT, Clerk. NOTICE. Court of Revision, TOWNSHIP OF TJS130fNE. The court of Revision for the Township of De- borae, for the lnlrpole of hearing appeals e.eainst the assosstnout roll 01' 1878 will bo hold in oho Township Hell, }alimville, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1878, at Ten o'clock. a.m. rartios interested will go; - ern themselves accordin,aly. N. J. CLARK, Clerk, NY' BOOT criS-tO'l 8.13:01 IN CREDITON. Nest Don, to B lzer's Hotel. Parties wanting first-class work will find' it to their advantage to gall Before leaving their orders elsewhere, Only first-class materiel need. Sewed work a speciality. Repatriog promptly attended to. CHRISTOPHER, Crodittln, ;'lurch 7. 16743. EY - T Xmi, & 4� a Stlee414aenr1a t'- Ii. I..:'trmllli. NEW SPRTG GOODS. 9h DOMINION LABORATORY. R4A NTON BROTH 1-t.RS SPIIING STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE, AND IS Tile Largest Spook, The most Vatria:d. Stock, The Best Assortk i1 Stock, The Cleanest Stack, Tito iw,st 1ttr:act:ire Stook, lat1 by fir the Citoftp st St ick they have ova shhowuu in Ex, - ter. NO BANKRUPT RUBBISH OR AUCTION' SALE GOODS, but itis new and frl3sil. A coli solicib(i., :au t44-31;14t1I4 to slow Goals. Accts. rornlertal 1[d, July. XTON fO jtttAF1 ►ata' 4 15132:1 i' eD i'r: 11 111a :1�+ , ai as + 1 , c II s'4 -4'.--l C'ad h yl. • the. 11,, ' • la 6 A11Si C",,¢Ya.1itt` e AA11 vg -Ti at 1 )".11.:14. 1»1 11•l,'rt8^.• .1 , 3311 -till, ,bhta•,p.hat'7.r1 1:�:<° : » .,1?1» 1 a 1::":. •,' 1.i!14 G',41441,14';. I;at 1",, acv .talo: "rl It., tis :.? ,i i C".•lse,a,a:°?, 14x414 a11<a 4 IUP 1i• a•1144111r.114. Ixce In .1iI .?"1-",11^01lal ,a 1 1o01;14cta, 4-, Ono 4-14 4.1 l I i i a 114. a 114':>t -r; yi I',ae �tt 1:14-4-1-'344lr»11X'"¢11144 404.1 a•'I11-ti14. 1:cys•a l let ^.x444 ;44 its• ,A !:.? 4.- t .l 1:14 48 ..14 t e.)l'h 1:i tient owl'. White e 1':A^' 1 "1141:410i./ 1`.111. 1.1/4-o1 Wait l`r.4.r11li4^llallcl-1, 1 i' 11 , 9aCvlbte I, -1',. 040 deeoalrall; I:A•'. 1< .fa colle 14- 11 031"1 4 ie l'., 1'.S- l:tr04 C,11 h 461 :1-,41',D3 :1'491 4:010'1..'151111.18, 44a•olt s.a1.a an 1::.•' 14-•-e -11^-1 x:11:14' i4e 114'.1 l' iI:11'' t 4 9 anter: El:V.14.411 V illi. ill Vet- 144.1 I1'r 1',e: ILA.% I.S! nett➢ v.do `.1n 11•eet•a :1n 4 41.1 44'1. 4.1-e. I.r ,441X•, toeet.,-r;,1W .14 Pest-, r, rte. Pro tare t4I?:r:s eh 108 eta!, ➢141.1 the hi'edr•,ct J*A'ie't' ;sajed 1SA r VTELL 41+`x:' " .^b4 - r_ 43 :!. .1K.711. TA I-4N- 311za j344 rt ,•,Livtvt a Lied., at --:1a :•f 111 tetrl"sr:V, Clocks', .DrtCsiie•/•+rr, 4- 9- all44 spit114141RV4 7A.Z carr � talLaal 01:,f221!) Park et ilio(?:: r. A large :Steck all FIZ04.. Goode eel'. -halals ten leeud .1 -IAA. NV 7oo X02; 7'11, -3V-L_ ►v' fir closing t4 -1V3 or- iginal mai. n11o11'ant''! 18 - tween lot'; (»t4-: in t1ii Aux S1111)1e, anal I4. R. E. Con- cession, ot1- (4 4-3- SiOn, ltl th 3 tolfill4Ihip of Stephen. S,VIIERE15 i•1 (4114 Jte1:13 of the. low and tiwampy nnhtr4 of the o^; llnil road 1411 'v- (wlets between lot 1, in the ons Sabi, 111111 Late iloa11 lomat Collce5;i.n 4:i 41111 T1'Vl111'ij4 r.f Stepp. n, it wits lrh1a.,,4ory trod fepticliellt that a ale sh hall a 4..4 thr) s. )t 't p1111io'i or tot ore in the 8t1x S hl' Coneessi, 1 1 i )i 4-r,(, 4-.l 4-•r( opened for noel 11141,ad of the_ 4•t ( nal 1144 -1i- luwaucu its :(bort, nlant(r-neat not that 4i:e said original road. lillowomic be snarl to W. r`ullir•, for the 00441 of thirty dollars. Be it therefore enattial by the 1leere and municipal Corporation of the 'Powitsihip 4-'f Stepbeu, by the powalr ve:•tetl in theta , v 36 Vin. Cape 4si, Section 441. Sal) Section 2,, as ap- pearsiu the revised Sta.ufe1 of Ontario, Chap, 174. $1'etinn 525, S•nb stiction 2,and by author- ity of the same is herul,r e4alot,tl that from and after the passing of this by-law that portion. of the original read allowance between lute 1 in )1(,114411 skins 1U1R &+('11e and L. N. E., and deee- oritlea at follows, viz :--Uonitneueiug at the N. 1V, angle of Port Franks Rose''ve, tllotieo South fifty-eight degrees, fifteen minutes. Tart on northerly 104-04 of .original 1(441(1 allowance cloven 011(41118, 65 links, thenen s1,:1ih 132 de- grees, west 1 cilain, thence N. 58 ,le'1;r4'os, 15 minutes, west 10 oliains 70 links, thence North 20 degrees. 24miutitu.A, west 1 (dash, ala links to Latke shore road, thence• north 33 degre^s, east 23 links to pla7ce of beginning being part of original road allowance, ance, containing one acre and twenty -ono perelies. ' NO' CIC.;:i��.. . The above is a true eol)V of a propros4,d Dy - law, to he taken into consideration by the Mu- oipal Corporation of the township of Stephen, County of Huron, on e$'atYn'day, the 1st clay of June; 1878, at.2 o'clock p. m,, in the Town Hall, Orediton. C.-1'ROUTY Clark, CALL AT 8,1 P IC.KA D'S coal twee Node j Now O i e NEW PRINTS, NEW � r ` NTLES, r F NE V M-\�aVTLES, ala : '•l vg MILLINERY .^. A iJ'A:CI.II.ITY IN wry' ' Jr 7, Itere+rzC - Ileaf .y -malas C1 thin J, 77. //••a, �� )) II.1x5, 4/'31"'. s, 9g r4. a• p 13l0!l7».1, SI Ir) :S lV) G71()4-f.tkJi:S!, ?Sew 1`: r :l 4,11, . I+zlt t'71, ➢alis 1 I,4- t ree..ve 1, our hew E yt1t rtl) AN1) WAIDEN I EI DS Turnip, 1.1.111-441.1, C^.r.•, t, Mit..., Glover 'La l Timothy. k e.1. ; to the 1t .Solt•'-si al if trade, * 8`411 4 1' for Cu,1un•e.v ea)f e1 ata,- • 4',i.. it b •a .F Immosthan .111 JOU 01:$Un°Ft••4 Sh‘012 0,L11.:..,:.rilf.l ti 1 PECa ti -'lJlWt 1; i, 4J K. 3 1 t''nfl �:.3. u T PIIS CONCERNS YOU A. 11 41. 1' €) i1, o't'O.1' vox 3 0n1'ef1a.Iv ro.l rritIE PIT -BLit; TN' 0 F;NEEAT., IS RE L orusT I':I' to Note the following FACTS: `44A JOIiNDREW IiAl1141- iAP.0:I'i:T 'TOCIX CP rDll- 111T1III IN i;YE'L VR. The C'h('rl•est sin, 1't'.t :1:errtmeltt of I urniture in Es - :d et' -r is at J. J)1t1::ti" ri. i„i; ` , i• J. DREW tines not f;airr1y b..ast that he manufacture ., -- Al I: his lur>'1tin9. 's ,,• . 5 He cin : the same+ aN e-th;r shops in town do. and has •t 11144nil,nt44e: Tit-prr0haxea 11,4-13,1 lrta, buys rizeulier than they do, nn 1 c ul nud dne1 ➢ell cheaper, r b .. __ ........%;.1.1,',..4*:,, �3 ur y our supplia+a 01431 on. J. DREW. UNDERTAKING A SPcaCI IL•T '. TI11S DEPARTMENT CANNOT 131, BEATEN I2O1 STYLE OR PRICES. J, DREW. HE FALL ANI) WIN TR:1t)E O. w otb.ot '6 t { 023. T. 1LCli.s anis CLOTIIIEtat;, Tatra pleasure to it form the intiubituntsof Exete add surrounding coaatry, that they have jus ope.led out au oecellontassortment of 7'Ia:eeds, Coatings, ratings tin is etc.,' of thel'ttt,st.styles aodpatterna,an(I feel assured that iutile matter ofclothing, they aau shit rlaa lnoetfastidicuetaetee. A. number of Ranter P SevinA Mach•no will be:eold atasacrifice to clear' nut stock. TIIE LONDON anc ONTARIO I1'IVEST\IENT SOCIETY. Capital - 8%000,000 Parties requiring money can ,obtain or'? Mites on approved town or farm -propel ty • at lowest rates. The above is a ltondon, lynedali l Cons. pany. For further eartic(Flaars, apply to R013FI.ZT PIC1 AELi , Agent. i4Iay17, 1f,` ydeset.er Out.