HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-23, Page 4THE TIMES
he seta Einqs.
THURSDAY, MAX '?`a, 1878.
There is every reaeou to believe that
of prosperity o' adversity, without as
much as lifting an oar to guide her
safely past a treacherous snag or over a
boisterous billow. If the people abhor
the extravagance of the Government, if
they consider their own iuterests at.d
the 'iuterests of the country tobe indep•
the elections will take place in a few erably bound together, if they desire to
caeek . We therefore urge upou our eee the I?olnini4:u of Canada take the
friends the necessity of immediate and proud and t:ninmandiug I1uidtitan mew,
thosougb crgilthizattion. Lel the vati- { the uatious of the world that she wotiltl
one Cormaittees in every municipality nl'doltbtedly ere long take under the
.4;et ti:.eir machinery at work, and let ! guidance and fostering care of a Gc.v.
theta labor unitc.ily, perseveringly nod eritment wedded to her interests, if
niitiria)o4y until the election is over aria I they de'iro to repudiate the men ssiio
viet.ary is won. Work as if success/ have deceived there, broken their most
i;e1)ended on the vote of each elector a ;earnest promises awl. violated their
they will unite to
;west sacred pl.'tlga'tt,
drive trona power the in:eatpab1e ineu !,
who are making the name of country ca
by -word and repreach among outer n1.-'{
does, who have subverted our national
honor, ruined, our trade, made us tribe
!Mary ta a powerful neighbor, ant:
spread the wing of ;ileetdaation over the
farce of 11.A B:aruiiliot:.
IIA the riding.
i loo t•f 111 grandest selletna l ever or -
t1 Ln the ativaaarea neat et tin,
.e.4213133''.at; the:.• Pgmeie Itailway seltenie
of the gro.teeziauent t -f dila Right II It,,ir-
utile Sir J..talt Jlttealeaatal.I. ,1,ee(ortiii,g
Fla that- iltht tl.e I)tlt:hitei'at1 l.itDS'rrat
4:73,1t to gr+lilty3t),tCaiCl,aitlt)aatla i3t)�.
000,tit,),) atCre,i f ;tt1:41 til 3rti!^ ,t,ada$)It{ ` ;;tee tits .,fail (prates from uh is
w"" 141 volt to t‘1"11113'4 that flat
i»,Laa11,i11.'C 111:4Ettetfat:ilai; theCr,l,a,tttlt�ai 1u,.
tel tlhe• ;(anti. '.£•Iate moo • Strata 'a i+, . •name of:hie paper i3 the Exerts, not
t l 4 t' ,
illi' .e r1"iks.
ett4et by thyL i:iaL (ii,•rrraialtet t, 311151
131!3 1314t Was to Ii* give al to atltt•rl.attc Aernurou Mr. thee:1.1'4y 1':ty has' t:►Itt?ak
Veekee Tette the ecaatter,.,d Iert,vi:icer t;, the tempt ranee platform lately, At i
4'15 tt:YS
broad, 1 rn iva.0 w..4.1.1 Lave ' nevertlt!le':t l tl fact that he had mon
lee'ltia.t ttele,elitr ly as band t.f:r'1n, 1::1rter at elrtaattl 'lead tm l?ritlaay nigh'
tie?, gaeet aaete leata.i, of mirth ne.-t ;11;;1151 1:8 1vt13: ale to it,irrv.
.Ys:,t;itl lt:t•vv ideent t41°r1:til to ritt4t'tte,"t4t.
.;>a:ti tea• i•3:aact' a -t t1u 1U e111ia.ia 131 we'll cl
9,4:1(' flint atkd faith Iaea.ltil, The raail•
ez.y 4.teeitcy )tainti nava? b4tn iauts-r•
`t e1. 33131 1'+rto::Yret 1.D,.', the et•ttlku3e'fait .^
€$1.ve t't,tafitt'y, aat.d t11,, ;-,trlyutr the elever4a-
:alta+t lames (fee. in }`SI,-sR'.•a+tou of t('.•
u:1e1 tt4al o tatr4l Fiiite cl'ttttt°l�"ti
.61)1.4: the line, the e?kt nen ?9f 1aitl llh<.i
oWn 411itbi us trlIrcA fur eic3tt13'u)aut.
wiiO frtetpaeut the railrt.:uts its
t.:aealtlta know that the railway c•rnpah.
icis of the 1,'t.iteti S ;ties have thaw tutee
for :lie wade of that tee. n1.: y than all the
`g`a+Verltlnt'ttta that hove t;Cisttsl t•i11C,•
`he tit.ui.ariatit4n of .11.1leetntlence, Out.
;lamer! t tarn lstalent eeeiug the iihlluit g
:ativeriieeau£`uts t+f these railway 1 lids
)a 16 1V:• tett; States. Flu x15 tvc'111a
Law tn.,u its 1tl:adca lent Sir kin,
lis:rc,lul•aaltl Let•, -1.31 petluitttd t1, fully
vt+1.,p nt.1 Starry ;Alto ifx,uutiuu liar
grainiest eaetat•niu aver trrepue,etl by wry
public mail 1.0 t;aaua•t1a. But ri:tcu ti•O
Mitch! ll:4e Lievertrtuaaat have !acceded to
lactr,er lice )ears have paastaal into lie
t,ry—fire years u ttufru'tfui trail n1,d
barreeoflege•l.aejou. .'u1i e'tpelittynitb
regard to the t:.ul;;truetien of tins great
+eat vnul Sited• 3 it•e lruu }et bet -ii statl;•,i
1333, t;aata3 Na;.ci•au of I'rtrli:ame..t wit-
t1r..«tied d ,u1' feesh, 1!Uprnsta4,ible
n9:t(tln.s, tit:,l tr(,+ au'Y faailier tfaltn
from the ria.iz ttiea tlI'nill' IOU b:4 buts.
lith tll(4 r x$"leu•iit.tre of the t'ulnio fn; -.i.
1St':ter ti,aar !it•e11., pact. with !Le 1`ita„reEtl
of the. horn. 40ha,(4:t11,cat.10 wit, to ih..va
built the road lu/aiur lhrt 111: 0 robe ye
of Sit John llaed;nt.altl ; hut. 3.11 h, net.
only to few miles of tic real 83e;;r;ulee
anti laid with iron, 15,01.30,ut t) have
altea(ly been expentletl--!alit 1.a) ti:ti AC.
tgtal Cnlh.btl IlOtiOH, it 13131'3t 1'e r. nom
berod, but frit lel t d i.ray in it• e•ltee•
weak. If it hard bt.:.i sit. in c•114-
i4ttrt1Cti,tt the :04:1, then there !night be
601nu 11t1iut to the it serti(1111 trf ;1133 Itu-
forrn l•rey13 that the work 00ui(1 Hot be
completed for $13,000,000. O..ly as
su1a11 portion of thi in- n y• 11.•a1, luau',
spent in building the road. Each
change 1:1 Mr. :llat(:lrebzi l'd e(;il(rrtt° on
tailj-d heavy te.,,,pen•e ;Ur snryvys, and
works :antlered nr,eless by 13i.3 v3teiillat-
ing policy, and for thele vagaries the
poodle of the IJ•nniniun have to fent
the bill. But besides the $15,000,000
mentioned, *3,600,000 beside -
have been Fqufnt1oted in et3Hl1ectinn
arid! 31315 NVOt on re alive,. of the Prodi
ber and hungry partizans, evhn:•;e+ ialll)or.
tnnate iwnpetlnino,ity hal t r b-4 s31ti 1-
fitel at the expe1i e of the country.
1%9 bstitgiiirg, extravaziaut and unjr41.ri
elt.io 3Y113iier whiclh', has tlhrotl;;hout,.
0131111(3031731.1 the Government policy
with respect. to the Pacific Railway, is
1.!1 itself enough to conde1t1a diem to
the execration of a deceive x1.31 1 liln-
deredP i. eo hle. If Canada is ever to be.
ciente a great nation Fhe must select,
for her rulers men w10 have mare re..
g 1131'& Ler her interests than the selfish
men who at present let the ship of state
1' -ev, r it i ` 13" •Iry 1'1,; the iviriiIi
I `
Tor reason why .1131'. Is.ta tier t7a:t:I14'a'
iivai t«Saye+iia t.) atasWer 111.311 hi pita lli
!+:ha at is that h9, t'si 'lee with hi% tie
Lira:1 iiaii i;s, the r1 Vittwouts which Mat
Government them -elves send to U
country, and i:1 prepared t.1 verify ovcrl'
St.tt,,,niettt 1:0 malice,. These 1111441;•.
cannot be disputed a leelee lr. I'.lrter`•
1.tatt3sneuts outlet bre truthfntly centra•
Wtit.l.a.va•:_1 1133 Porter ap11{.31:9 11z
t1se titling hie rt ei4velt the aseur;auco t#t
:tear!' support {rum intelligent met,
me, ;taro never vut9 11. I:>'f ,t til^' -13 en
who! have hettorle disgutta'd with the
i ext'rav avaoce and misgovernment of
f the men in lower. The 1,o•lrle of the
} C.etutatry ere wr,)t32;g to the tle0ot3' ity 0'
}Harr!:!; then in plower who Will temp
eexpeedlturewit bin theaPeeipte, ''town•
try 141 fors peaty," they elttiil3 as Omit
A. yen? tunnsirg senile was constant-
! 1`' recurring at the Clilttou meeting.
The editor cat' tilt) bleat paper, who fires
of his free trutie pop -gun every wool.
to the infinite +lelight 93f his readers,
was sit tl:o 111.ifetitig and sant bar,,i.i? la
I friend. :1 lir. Porter dote Hish.eri tht'-
ltry :after the•try which the E•iitIr had
ln en fondly pressing to his bosom, thi
friend would ding hint 131 the riles and
upon him to rise and defend. hi-
lhobtry. bur Mr. Edit 1r ki.ow better.
Ind his .,nreaa.lio 11.133 Ed Ioid not tht
eleaaset tl of li••t('l3ilt+1 to 1111 lllt+•llia1el11
tr.'aat fri i n hint. Ilia ei>ttrta.•3, like hi
30133X:11 eclnmatny, evaporate a 111,aev
the pressure.
Tile( great tri e question upon which
',Ile two groat parties ere divided, with
assistance of the reeltless estrava
g.attce of the Goverl:u,enr is destined
to defeat ilio Ottawa Administration.
Flee traders have nub an iucil of
; rt,tuid to;.ta 1.:a upon. The ex11e:'il'nc(+
of other countries, the contemporan-
eous history of prosperous mations, and
the titter prostration of our otvu bans.
tiles :all prove that fr3,0 trade is it,j.lri•
,)us to it c+ lllatry. If all bentidary iinels
were obliierate1, and the whole oiv'iiized
amid were One lliitjrthr, With tlrt lit tilt•
interests, tit ere night besoul o possibility
of free trade bon6littin3; the world. But
as G.tl1Ea41ae stands to -dray, with a power• PI3i:3LIO
use of the circulating medium. But
under the unpatriotic policy of the
Government, the little money we have
isforced out of the country topurchase
the necessaries of the people. But
under protection, our industries would
thrive, aauil we should be in a rosition
Ito export largely and bring !Motley into.
Iliac country ; labor would find emplo3-
at remunerative prices ,.elle mon:
ey thus earned world be scattered
among tate yeoule, and as a gravid re -
suit, prosperity and I lenty would smile
tau every bed. The electors have had
1 five years of rule under free trailers
they linoty the condition of the C. UUtis•;
our Il fuulf tcturos have been abandoned,
our agricultural i=hterelti almost ruined.
and labor driven to fled a minket in a
foreign country. If sustained at the
pulls. the Government will consider
their policy is sppr, vett of by the pea,
pie, anti they will do all they can with
age} assisr*aniea bf fro.) trade to nerpit•
trate the evils from which the country'
i t groaning. Birt they have R11 Oplttr.
;unity of hl'ttiog rid of tlhe iurnl,ns that
is bearing them down to taatia,rtcl rltin,
mid Nye hone ti.c+ people of Sheth Unralu
will nobly perform their !art of the:
) Vd IVUr1t.
Fon the 'impost) of itiu'4tr/alin;' the
working of fro trade, as it prevail,; be.
1(10031 (_`-.%nadaa awl the United States,
118 Sile 131,x7 111:31 the, Coined of Eee
ter eaaw tit in tlh-br wisdouI to impose a
of ':-'r1." 11313 a1•`a1t. 013 ;111 t;t1tlletnenieb3
it town, and thet. we have here at
4nllhber r f lees rtt. Do the farmers,
4lee neee that the price of %tattle in I.1tic.
ter wunlal rise 11.1 per cent. ? It would
:at. The buyer would not give any
higher video tit 311 holoe the uatl?ositilll3
or ,He'll a d31i . If a (OW er steer were
vialned in the village at t;), they pttr•
o aieer n oel:tl deduct $1.14 or 4,15 per
`s1nt. taud girl; the farmer F.421. Who,
^hens, peys the duty ? This is the pia
intra 11 1. tall' pLte,lil ill by thta o114•,:+itlt ti
truth? 1;13!3;11 of the Clevyrniirlit. It
'tie U,tite,l Stave t:uif were lowered,
•1' the Canadian tat hs iner,'a$0•a1 to the
.ante percentage, :a cow sent from Can.
til a to the Btui ►11 ill (Etat Sift i nt)W
''ri•.,hs $35, Iv odd thou 1333t the tarn! 'r
$12, The Lie:eaa e would ratan ly go
t(s the farmers. The buyel' could not
!•t•tuiu it. T era room. ::tion of ot1aer
buyers would folco hila to give tl.e fat
a3)3:r the advantage of the iaacre:a•(•d
price thecow would Ming in the iiuff3(1.,
minket. If the farmers do not eeed
llr3tec!i,1n, then ttlbn (i es 1 By hook.
rote to their own illtereat, the farmers
till pines. in it ower the men who are'
1313 aged to see: that, tlle3' .are not ruined
by Sado a ina; Aldleriealta the free 1•un 3 f
•113 r:.nr1;et4, wit -le Canadians are forced
to pay !,..0 1tr (131:t..10 cuter t11.3 n.ar13•
els t•f the I;l4ued Stites. If they do-
-ire t.1 3+1133:0 tht'1lll31VOS at the mercy of
the L Hitc•d States trey niil 631! 3.0rt the
l3res(nat Administration.
or Nor di.
Beinq 3.4 3331.1 33°11911^ i, l 1 rivos every %(.a, tno-
dvtil I 1,r s31,le in Sari.; i 9.nd t] urintt. Irl er
.tIHl 3)111 aced (3a•llvrlea to! arti. s !cavi),. 1, • •'
orders b.,:ore nn ne?nr.4 3315 .1.1313J,3.':13 Bakery, ‘..r
0'1)111N 1, n l U' , or at n111,, 9111710 day.
rX7iT ';sr 1.D 1.
fill rival mm:abed as a oeinbbor, whose
every interest is carefully 1,roteotyd by
the Got'eromei(t, ber rllit3 will came.
fi34a 151e adoption trol uf fres trade. We
will be enlotlaerea out of existence, 1r
(iur 'people will be forced in self preser-
vation, (0 seek 1111 1111317: e Leith that.
powerleul nation, in order *bat they
inn.3'13 1 artici )rite iu the benefits dedenied
under tree (aide.
Teachers' Examinations,
Vorlirst C1Ass 3.tthe No,nutl Schools, T ionto
and Ottawa., u1 1 11 :1 sday, July 11th, at 0 a. In.
13(18 (end (1.1 st-,tt the Po;vri of Oudoricia on
J'Inndruv,J:ah eels,:at',. poi.
• Fur C111311 01;131,•--133 3110 1uwn of Goderi°h, on
Monday, July '1a't21, au 2 11.119.
DOES it not stand to reason that the
more money there is in circulation in a
o•tuutt•y, tie better will the times be.
If there is no money people cannot e+L-
p1:1y 1.11ur, nor can lab:3r in turn, spend
its earnings 3331 the country. ' Business 1
must 10333 tie at a st,a,:,(1>ti11 , it13 'ut filo
Forms o: the is )tice, to ho previously, given by
rho Candi obtducal on 163)»1icatiou to
the 313Crut3ry.
Itis indispenastable that candidates notify the
Secretary, not lator'than the 111 of Juno, of thivte
intention to present themlt:lves lar u3rUitivation.
.ana1i11ates icr fast incl soon,d class cortitl,at la
41'l rotiatire,l to foewarel the necessary -uPrt(rac to.s
ofsu(+330ss in teaching, and all aro re,luiuedto fur-
nish certificates of' moral character.
Candid .tes for third class ci,rtificntos are re-
quired to 3al10 forty' per cent c:f slte marks 11k
arith•natic,'gr(Un13n.r and soelling, and fifty 14n
cent. of tho aggregate to obtain a cortificate.
CSandidtaes wllo 111.1:4,44 obtained, third class certi-
ficates in other acuities 3311133 not 3,( Allow ° 1 +,.
compote in this couutyfor the same °hist of Corti
See'y Board of Exttnlircre:
Fo1e4.4,1f' ray 131'+' Ii,o o
TIUB L. H. B. 11,
The following tin» -table mile into opera-
tion on this rota! on !Monday, 131311 May :
3301\e: Sma'l'l!.
1Tail ..
Mixed 111.53)a.. 3331.
I:S11133.:ti3 6.231 3..131.
(roINO sorra
1slttil.... 9.20 a. al.
;tlixetl w 333... ?.•sir 13. aaZ.
Express . , 7.i15 1•. s1.
. rsli
white NN beat ... ... 1 CU
Scutt 141. t,, 1 .f,
)331)33333 W1i1:AT.
MAY 23, IS i8
TalOU•J4TS 1.F &FRI ,;S.
anti its effects s are often, rafter the rigours of a
Canadian winter. anything lint• pleasant, from
the fact of so mans- p O1.le going to their daily
aneation1 without zest or :plait, bid like the
V4'131st slave driven by the .hen r of nee1'3 sity .
• It is beeati.e the nlaeIai cry, s., .o ,.peal;, of the-
human bu,ly luts bce•nn., 331''ggol, after hieing
• i01117,41 with t a!k'h.Dia, bt. tai e. fats neee:$ "tare to
*AO la'•t 311th:a winter in a elitea e like Canada.
• 1IP tit pr1;a1;, tlat> 13131333M331381131^ 118 1,334 1 1143ra41-
411;. aa. a l 313131 ir,itul+.illy of the nervous 8`1,
te111, biliousness, tttlpl'a.t+io3 ofal r3' 1:1situ+le
Thla mill not be, for Pii0141,11, , NE.
the reatalfrvtne 3,33*:; wilt 738.139.133' the 331"-
alary a alt331. tattler the system., x4'1,1 reniov .+$1
ilul.1lriti.3 from the Moot!.
Fife .,
115 t (•21.11 '°
1. a ...
1 to 1011)'1'
Sot t1..;, l 11
tl 1 333,1
Sra .1.•,"/"P',..• a 'i
:t,•, •
v t
r1. poo
a ,"s Il
a 14'3 1.1 3 4..,': .
ti311, to f;
la 311+6311: •' 1 \15`4 ()I.171()X ()I' .l'3.iwr ',IM--
It , °0 94 t n l t re •33.33,1 ttu.t tale•
u t t:0 3z-:331 r 1) It :3 n •• + a 1r,4 karts
19• 9 , 4) aala 1 ir...`E8,4 ' ,.l (14-113 ,33 ..F _ ,.n
to3t( 6) 3 1313 -1 • 1(3 t r 1 1 a c+It t earl.+
. "'915 t 1:: ++ aa., d 931 a',ll.-
'' 313 .1,1,-4 Bp- r a >-.0 •
... i . .,
1 VA 18
t•t'a-' F ,, . 7
l i
a , . kr•R •'A q1.^
40 78, 8,,
91 .,33+)'33
3'..4 ..,.
4..441_44014,k 33'44-1 . 3... . ...
VI 4'44,, `
4 t4,.r 154 ... 33_.13
t at 3 ..
t' a
1'4,a et -.
1.9443: ...13
3'3 = AL3. S;9' 31311'4.r.
231 a t„ 1 1- qqq Y'(y i.
y,4ru9 o riata.tt ..... 91
•.al •y
tie 1
tt 11 t N
'1.,1 q.5 "311' t . , ,-, .,
h- . ! :a 3.149
and Ig',1'
t,la' 1)0N",
.-331T Will 110 ills' I.stl'!„'04 :as.
011't111t+llt of Silks,
I:ala'i 14'1, Dross 633((11,, Kid
til%)Vre1, hat',.:, rtll+l 3311 htual t)I
Vanes- .l)rr
'.1rnl1t it'.3 13.)331 I)1'ess:In:thing
1111111' tit;: arlttalrl.;i`3ra''tlt of tt
l.tttl}' of 1t3zlg exper1t'tl:'(a. I.tat1-
1('1. t,'aul tit'llt+llti watt t.;t+ttitil the
l3att-,t alai{ 111t„t Fa1ltit>ll'lid
Styles Of ibe Swn nn3 at Mod -
rate Prives.
\4 ealtliltg `31131'3fortruing (hit -
fits got til) 3)11 tIle tiltt)rts1 t No.
Orders by !hail will rt t'1ive
prompt tittelitit711.
140 Dir.101F1 Ct• , Jo1'•
On and after JOND.) Jl.,
;WI ill t., w(: will ltt'ep the
B oat:..la isle Limo for ;a10 at
Special rates to parties usiut;
large quantities.
.'3I0Ngy TO I.ib.t3 (FNl' ;hitt P'itOI'Ei TY.
Mortgages Don4,141 and Marriage
Licfttsfs issued.
11.111D11.' 11111 1)MALE LS,
1,h.ET fl..
1 aya! mall Steamships,
81IOIt'C_ SEX L'dR€4,2&13, 3113!( ONOMY, C.OJ.IFO1IT.
1)113 .,f the firct•class, full-polvorod Clvlle-built.
ste a n511ihs of t3o above, constt•uetud oauoclully
for tthenaNi•ga.Liao of the Atluutle, avertat;in1 i'rom.
'1,130 to 4400 toes, carrying the Caaa0iau 361d.
U11il,o(l 80)tos ut,aila, will leave Qu'aboc ovary sat.
urday 3033 favor 114144 111.13 Londonderry and to:
Glasgow everyTitu'33dIy. Parties wishing to seed
t'ur to311'• trtentis in England can .obtain ttciciits 1115
low 3:31.36- 1ute.rnollutte !tut:steerage 1assougers
at le3rate9. i3(311)13133319 1333Ye Quebec as fOilOWt33
Moreviltn.. 2312 May
Peruvian 1st June
Scandinavian 3111
rolyllesilin 19111 "
13,t )vat kn 22nd.
Circassian 2J1,11 tt
11. or'Pi:ckots 13 . every iu'fo9mation, apply to
CAP'.. t,. .t(.t?1)I, Exete.i-
a++! 15',4, ti c , ti
43 '.ti., .47
Agent for .1r.:.1' 15V' -+,'.!,•r:1
1. ti^9'3!33 3,,31,^a
nto, N,'iv .11'13 23i13l 1:a3'a• 1, :,al4M3114
dirt et,
0111 :$1lt)I.11'S t)g, l' T;I' is.
Lt0N 1)t3N
TUE OLt)1:ELIA111,E 110i:$1; l *1
Mll.I.tNh;lt e. MAN "rMg.
)'ruINt; T t)11'E13.
It Et A 1) \ . M
Late .'1:. t'ltisI3otli ti% (13111..
4•4•ImiA 41.09,S
A COMPLETE «:9'f'itt'I{ 01-
eia4'rnher—Sign 41t the "tri 'ine !,'3,11:3.
11:1, Pandas Street,
_— 43
W. VAN VA r,:.IL
INa`:T 1111Ni} f'3STii'SNS.,
aaf 3111leli be ina1(rq a ,Ir r:; s 13;•13., rtl`T'1'1.1;
T31114 *39.03.•3 163,1 ,•315 9 141 +3.,11:, 43 33,1'313
s 1.d 111 +tit (e •133 :.1. •1 3 3 1.;r;. , t , .ilra,ctly
331331,134filo, ttut•eu,. t::. 10)1,1-3,143
11 13T. Vali tALS.t.tittLitt?TT.
3133130.11, M:err 1;.7x3, 3m.
. .afar
nets now 113 610111 as couli1ete line of
F EATliiRs ISL' C)1a'1
and Tri n2,liugst of Every 1.31).3, in
Latest Stylett.1t1 LOWO t Pr'iee':
A full Stock of Fran. Goods,
Berlin Wools, Howl ton Late.#", 133a3t1s,
l'atfern9, Cardboard Mottoes, &c,
i' .Junkets cut slid Made to order.
1laiu ;315., 11. 'stair.
Always New and Fresh -
Soap Given A
--21 Bars for One Dollar.—'
(}ood Vinegar. 20e. per Gallon, 01w308
Syrups. 1,larkot Baskets—(!wall.
N1 13. Don't forget the p1A.cu-E. & ]L.
°er'e, oppoeite Mr. E. Cllristie's Hotel,
Pror1u0a 3911011 In exehangefor goods.
It• .4.3il'75i,