HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-16, Page 5MAY 16, 1848 A SUSPECTED MURDERER IN Nl*SOG1t1. Detective Phair. t,f London, received a telegram uu bt'ritliiy aright trout Thorudale to the effect that as Mulatto was lrviug to the neighborhood a till answered the debetiptiou of the !hilae who Masi su.ueeied of murdering a luau in Beale, near Odium, iu Aptil last, Phair weitt, to 'i.'liort,dcale on Saturday, end visited the shout) where the col- ored rnau lived. lie to k a circuitous route, and euteicd the louse before the inmates were aware of hie al;'liruuoti. The officer iaferined the zuan, pt ho gave his mune an John Brown, that he was wanted for threatening toe life of a uolured neighbor named Wright, and that he Intended tal:li.g him to lenidon, lie was taken to Loudon, but he did not alts ether tauswer the description of the man wanted. (Jaunty O-mhtable Hodge had aft t Id warrant for the arrest (1Brown au a charge of threatening to hill Wright, told the prisoner was -shad- ed over to .kludge. Squire Peteis re - weeded biro until yesterday- . lea• �'. -. People who still adhere to tho look. at-your-tougu4:•aud feeler f- yr. ur•pulee t1 fHt4p1' Ei4 all tiP1e expose not a little curiosity in retard to Dr. R. V. Pierce'a. crit inal method of distiin nislaii.g all forties of utuuzlie disease without per - tau od co eultatiun. Some even sup. pose that he tiecom Tithes this through clairvoyance, or sane other species Of profeyeiioaaal jugglery. All shills iar ut- terly false. lie shite to atetertulue atisc'ttseu by the rational uletluala 41. science only. S;tya Comely, in hie iiioz;raphicat i uoy'clopedia of NOW 'York Stats', npeailiiu4 of this distiug- Welled physician t " lItt perceived that in each of the natural. scienct'x the in- vestigator premeds according to a Hyp tem of Inglis. The geologist in his cabinet accurately deterulineit and de, scribes the cleft of ruck, which he lz tae never nen, from the ululate apeciW?o ou his table. Aud the chemist in his laboratory notes the constituents of the atm with the same preeision that he aualyzee a crybtal of ruck salt. The analogous system developed by Dr. Pierce iu his Medical Science is worth of his geniuei, and bee made his name ,justly celebrated." For a fall explana- tion of this iugeniou4 syetertl of dlegno via, glee the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, sent, poet -Maud, to any t<ddreee on receipt of one dollar and fifty ciente. Addres the author, it. V. Pantos, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. "A Drowning Neu will Catch ata Straw." If he catch it, it will do slim nit good. Thousands of people who hav • ing neglected colds and coughs until they have became dangerous, will rush to almost every nostrum for relief. This is why so many experiments aro tried by the sufferers. Ga to your drruggiet, buy a bottle of WxsrAE's BAL 8A11i OR WILD Coos Ly, and use it with confidence. It will benefit at once and ultimately cure. It is no straw, it is a cable well -tried ; bold on to it and be saved. 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. White & Co., (successors to G. B. Smith) Being Large Wholesale Buyers, As well as Large Retail Buyers, Are enabled to secure advantages that are not possible otherwise. The difficulty difficulty experienced in handling goods is the accumulation of unsaleable stook, and the fre- quent drop in prices before stooks are told. The erode adopted by us avoids all such difficulties., —:o:— BEING PART OF A i. LARGE WHOLESALE FIRM, And buying from the fountain head of production, we have a living stream of New Fresh Goode pouring in and;louring out all the time. Parties who want the Nowest Goods should see our stock. Parties who want the closest figures should see our prices, and parties who want to save mon- ey can do so by buy- ing what they want at WHITE & CO, successors to G. B. Smith. NEW SPRID'G GOODS. A. KELLY Has just received a large stook of hatches, Clocks,. Jtevliellery, lin Strings, SpecfacIes Ladies, and Gents Pocket Boons. A large stook of Fancy Goode con- stantly on hand. THE TIMES BY-LAW NO. 6, 'o . 1B73. BY-LAW for closing the or- iginal road allowance be- tween lots one in the Aux Sanble, and S. R. E. Con- cession, ession, iu the township of Stephen. i1UE LEAS in eins'quenee of the low and swampy nature of the original road allow- ane. bet seen lot 1, in the aux Sable, and Late Road Past COM0:351on of the Township of Stephen, it was necessary and expedient that a deflation road through a portion of lot one in the :lax S .ble Coneeesious be constructed or opened fur and instead (tithe original road al- lowauce as above mentioned end that the said original road altowafco be 50141 to W. Fouls, for the sutra of thirty dollars. lie it therefore eu'ieted by the Reeve and Municipal Corporation of the Township of Stephen, ieby the power vested in thein . v 36 , Can. 43. Section 441. Sub Section 2, as ap. pear -sin Chs• 10r1,4e31. Seaa.utt<a 44 Ontario, ('hap. Beetles 52a. Sub r•ect;.nr'L,ena by author- ity of the saute Is lit'rt'h: euaettd tluttfroeuaand after the pawing 'd this bt•-Iaw that portion of tete original rail alb.ovetaea' between lots 1 in cline -cions aux Saide and L. R. 1a.. and des- cribe,' at follows. viz Couuutneiug at the N. W. aught of Port Franks B' 'i rt'. thenen South 1 Di B fifty-eight Hearties. fifteen nannies. East on northerly Iinlit of original load allowance eleven chains, 65 links, thence south 32 de- grees, west, 1 chain, theme N. 55 degrees, 15 :minutes, went 10 chains 70 links, thence North 20 degrees, 24 minute., west 1 chain, 20 links to Lake shore road, thence north 32 degress, east 2; links to plane of beginning being part of original road Allowance., containing cue acre and twenty-one perches. 5 JOHN P. CLAREE has much pleasure in informing his customers and the bublio that his stock is now complete in every department. In goods the season requires be is showing Excellent value in Ladies' Liners Costumes. Excellent value in Dress Goods and Cashmeres. Excellent value in Sunshades and Parasols. Excellent value in Ladies' Silk Tits and Ribbons. Excellent value in Ladies' and Children's Lisle Gloves. Excellent value in. Ladies' and Children's Uoisery.4 Excelaent t slue in Frilling anti Ruehings. Excellent value in Laces, Fringe and Buttons, Excellent value in Prints (a lame stooks Excellent value in Grey and White c pitons. Excellent value in Table Linen sznd• Brown liollands. k,xcellent value iu Towels and Towelliuga. Excellent value in Plain and Checked Bucks. Excellent value in Brown anti Bine Denims. Excellent value in Tweeds anal Coatings. Eecelleut value in Beady Made Clothing. Excellent value in Felt and Straw Hats. Excellent value in Boots and Shoes. Also Groceries, t.rockerr. Wail Paper, Eta. Prortuee taker, as 2(81141, and the highest price paid CALL AT SAMWELL &P ICKAJ D'S NO' CIGE... The above is a true copy of a proprosed By. law, to be taken into a utsideratiou by the Mut- eipaal Corporation of the township of Stephen, County of Huron, on Saturday, the lot day of June. lt3,8.at 2 o'clock p. iu„ ht the Town Hath, t;reditou. C. P1;OUTY, Clerk. QIIEEP ESTRAY. -- CAME ON the premises of the subscriber, lot 19. con. 11, Stephen, about the 10th Apili. two white sheep. The o vne. Wit prove property, 1'.tv expenses, and take thele away. 1.. COUGH AN. BULL FOR SERVICE, --A first prize 13u1 for service—slred by James Pickartl's Du. - ham Bull. Lot 4, concession 3. Stephen. Aged 2 years. Terme $1, to be bo paid at time of ser- vtee, with p ivilego of returnine. W. 3./Ran eo, proprietor. PUBLIC SCHOOL Teachers` Examinations. 1878. For First Class at the Normal Schools, Toronto and Ottawa, on Thursday, July 11th, at 9 a, In. For Second Ctaass—at the 'k Own of Goderich on ldondtty, July 8th, at 2p ria. For Third Claes—at the 'town of Goderich, on Monday, July 15tH, at 2 p.m, Forma of the n rtIco, to be previously given by the Candidates, can be obtained on applioetion tip the Secretary. Itis indispensable Haat caudidates motifs' the Secretary, not later than the tit of June, of their intention to Present themselves tar examination. Jantltdates for first and second class certificates are required to forward the necessary certificates of success in teaching, and all are required to fur- uish certificates of moral character, Candideti a for third class certificates aro re- quired to tate forty per cont of the marks in arithmetic, grammar and swelling, and fifty per cent. of the aegregato to obtain a cer.fficate. Candidates who have obtained third °lees certi- ficates in other eouutiee shall not be allowed to compote in title countylor the some (lust of certi- cate. PETER ADAMSON, See'y Board of Examiners. Goderich, May 8th, 1878. 2t. NOTICE—SEALED TENDERS. Scaled Tenders will be received by the under- signed ue to Monday noon of the 27th bitty, for the construction of a bridge on the 5th concession road, nearJchn Btasett'e. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the office of the undersigned. C. PROUIY. May 6th.1878. td NOTICE. h.he Court of Revision for the township of HAY, for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment of 1878, will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on SATURDAY, the 25th day of MAY,1878, at 10 a. in. Parties inte,•estedwill govern themselves accor- dingly. SAMUEL FOSTER, township Clerk. NOTICE, Court of Revision, TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. phe court of Revision for the Township of Ste - hen for the yeas 1878 will be held in the Town Hall, at Crediton, on Monday, 27th day of May Next, Persons interested will govern themselves ac- cordi gly. C. PROUTY, Clerk. NOTICE. Court of Revision. VILLAGE OF EXE 1'Ele. The court of Revision .or the Village of Exeter, for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll of 1878 will be hefd in the School Houso, Exeter, on MONDAY, MAY g7.TH, 1878, at One o'clock P.M. Parties interested will gov- ern themselves accordingly. M. EAORETT, Clerk. NOTICE. Court, of Revision. TOWNSHIP` OF USBORNE. The court of Revision for the Township of Us - borne, for the purpose of hearing appeals against the -assessment roll of 1878 will bo held in the Township Hall; Elimville, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 1st, 1878, at Ten o'clock. a.m.. Parties interested will:gov- eru themselves accordingly. N. J. CLARK, Clerk, and see their New Spring Goods Now Oponj.U.g. PRINTS, NEW MANTLES, and NEW MILLINERY A SPECIALITY L'+l Ordered 4 Ready-made Clything, EATS, CAPS, .BOOTS, SZIOES AND GROI''RRIES, Now Wall Paper juat to hand; also just receive 1, our bete FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Turnip, Mangold, Carrot, Rare, Glover and Timithy. Owing to the great depreislon of trade, we shall 4 tt•: r for Cash now and fashionable Goods at 'better pricey than «ld Job or Bankrupt Stack gen be sold fo SAMWELL da PICKARD. RANTON BROTHERS SPRING STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE', AND IS The Largest Stock, The most Vat'ied Stock, The Best Assorted Stock; The Cleanest Stock, The least Attractive Stock, A.11d by far the Cheapest Stock they have ever shown in Exe,. ter. NO BANKRUPT .RUBBISH OR AUCTION SALE GOODS, but all new and fresh. A call solicited. No trouble to show Goods. Accts. renderredrlsst July.ly�y RAJ. \� ,L O.r,.�t B O S. MUSIC HALL AND "awing Machine Emporium PIANOS � D i 31 P, Organs, &c. China ware The Co-operative Newspapers. It has been aseerled that half at all money paid by New York advertisers for advertising outelde of that ,• tv goes to the co-eperativo newspapers. if Lh', statement is true there is no occasion for ei In se that p.-ominent papers which are soli cit re. in;, war prices Sot n'•sertising feel calls a upon co ^base a rival wit i tvhteh they feel them- selvee iniaLle to waintrin n coer-petitzoti fall part -le -Ulan about the co-operative nenspat- per together with a taiogues and advertising rats ,nailed free on application to BEA'.s & Fo-.- 'ra,craee S u. iiesnt rect,Agts:'eAm.Y.erican Newspaper I:hfon, 19 BEI•' tpl PL'l.•ING •'R RENTING A CABINET ORPARLOR ORRAN Ito an o :4r rend for ouri,at, .,t 'Catalogue ane ell- relees with new 5ryldb,, re diced prices er:o vouch lefot.n:ation Scut free.. 315.50N 4r 111.7::r.nv Organ ('o.,1 octan, New York or t;i:ten u. . I CURE FITS: 14hea.Leae cnre I do not-meanneere'y to step .irasea fir t 'me and teen hove theta retein ogein. 1 :i a re ai eel e'are. 1 am a regia'ar 1 Lysin. n. et sive iva'le sited:eerie of Fits,Epilepsy orf pilin Sickness al irt!s.,g seedy. 1 warrant amt; n. niedl, t., cure tele etc ,t ease;^;;, Reeve's* „bier.-. ha .e:nl r.l is I:J rea'*n`Or HOS R'awreee %atg t etirefe,4trim.e•. bend • omeatoiteafa:aTre t tie:lm1zee tZe.of ra''afaliia'ldpeuae-di-. Gauer frr:s5taiii' ..<-4filre it(mete yen wailing for o tri t1 an..i I ' i;care you. .iitduwslit' 11 (s lilifii.P3Pe:arpet.,N.V- Q1 F.0 CAr,1a : attt.4 o1Lat tet_. &mire s wart 4 e L. Jta.'l ti d, t'O., e -au N. Y. opt `a7 am retial r' re0 4154,,,r,0„i:65 Pl. Great uorgc:ue. Reerri,r Sushi- MR. E. DREW would announce to the public that he has opened out a Music Store and Sewing Machine Emporium, IN DR !i W'S BLOCK, where he will have constantly on hand a fall assortment of PI•LNOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kind,, as well as a choice variety of Glasew.are, Delf and China ware, narked at lowest figures. An efficient Music Teacher on hand, whose services may be had at the lowest rates tom. Instruments and Se wing Machines promptly r maired. E. DREW. N.B,—tt t ew's Hall, above the Music Store, to rent far public entortaiuments. SAVE YOUR CURRANTS AND GOOSEBERRIES! ! --:0:—.—^ HEAPS uF f31LLB BOR I�; AT MLLE :DOMINION LABORAI'OJ Y. iogton, N.J. teles'd 70 et esti. ltrr , cu J i ci.ra.rt0 car to 40V100.Wita name. J. 11. ttL'art !r, \n>„leis ti.T ranee cl 4ii,snowllitaedam me,assett limb �i tc t s,cv fo r it :tie 1st,.. t t r•v , Nassaa NV tfj O�y.w e'4 to :e ALT., kr. i2i4 aabu S"r, oteelite t a std #sit .ru,10e. 1:di:(5t,1rt it t'C.i Neeeeai;.e'.i, t� t•p rely .•ir,a.:at,1s at J7 105444141 car ft,t`i 'traa, Cre�u. , e. 10c. (t;at3t 110. t:. Ves,e, tiortla Chet- .• m N. =etez4':, a .. uOcv"t,mie, "eetil breerp and Pottle , 1 ,en came, cae. wits geld. uatne in g . foe . I fez uy Nse 4 t i s Kam o1 s'ai'l, lee, Vet stales. :Agent's ant, dr, .1 m, 6o44 cera ; ;0041 ware, fLjr'lcu,in;°. Try ,s. [',t :itM to*,,aey old p,stnse sweep taenia, '1 It afi co., Hu lion, N. Y. aw 2144' (14FIO t' 3tgeeri:aii+15 r41lot A+l4'+au rfror ties 1ari174.0! t'31,1;11v 1st tire, 3i3144c. SAW11t1 °alt\ 1f `c`o.l rat iia;- o:tssssw'- yu lyjyy 4.a, s4±t,'1te•r r t`=r.u2 i1 013 e, wl tct51 J o MIS 1Z/;', RAW iaU7f. t. (a. ,L; e.rt3 Al tn!i•+1•. TFni+17,,t.14)2.. u.ts.L Jinci, e tor ofthel& O sal hen j �nw.11ee- fClr ce. a by ret:aru 147 ail a caste st 00. to„raru if vour future 11:1 :'rrti o: Yourself i ge.w.t'i3mtA 11lQ,sdrwR- c; 3p, S+t t er-rile. h. T. MAN HOOD HOW LUST, HOW lits'rt,Ltk D. -m'1lobavoreceutly publiahed.a new addi- tion of lir. (uiverwe11's eeleir.rate•d Lees"' caitheradigul nod peruaauentcure unbent Dletf- 'Mnel Nervous Debility, Mental andl'liesicai In al'eLty,lin pediulents to rater face. etr,result tug from excesses. eser Price, in aeealedenvelopo,uri7y 6Conte, Or 'two ventage Stamp,. Tile cpleinstal auther,in tbleadmirable 1ssay 'Early demonstrates, from thins -years' outcome, NI practice, that alum -ling copra alea:acts totry bo radtcallejcured without the dame roes use of in• sinal medicine, or the application of a ewe; ,minting out a mode of cure at mese certain and effectual, byuttans of which every suaiocr, ro 'atter what Die condition may be, tuay cu• 'rizasolf cltoaplv,privatels. and radically. t--s•Thss Lertnre should lie in the haute of i.ve ry youth and e.very mast in thelund. Wares THIS CONCERNS YOU, And reach fe r it over vex y Careflxlly THE PUt3LIG IN GENERAL, IS RE- QUEST 14D to Note the following FACTS: JOHN DREW HAS THE LARGEST STOCK CF FUR - 1 qII NITUIIG 1NFXETIt,R. R fp Tho Cheapest and Bost Assorttnent of Furniture in Ex- ,. as at J. DREW'8. „ j�„y, .,, J. DREW sloes not falsely b..ast that he manufactures _ "•- f ALL Ins Furniture. �j „. .' He does the same gas other shops in town do. and has � this advantage : He purchaseslarger lots, buys cheaper than they do, and cru and dons sell cheaper. ;, �S4r! , ‘„,e,'•For your supplies call on J. DREW. UNDERTA.KING A SPED CALTY. THIS DEPARTMENT CANNOT BE BEATEN FOR STYLE OR PEIOES. J. DREW. TRC CIILWRr.LUBDxaaz. co. 41 nn et. New Fork. P.O. Box, arse AGENTS WANTED FOR THE XCTO $-P .fit . HiSTORTonn WORLD Enib'•aeing full and authentic account a of every nation of enelent and moderu titnes,and iuclading n instttry of the rise a4d fall of the Greek an3.Rc- nm:1 Empires,the growth of the nations o° mod- ern leuroue, the middle ages, the crusades, the tondol system. the reformation, the discovery an,1 ,ottiement 01 the New World, ete., oto. It cuntaius 679 fine historical et.gem:legs and Leto time double . olumn pages, aud is the most enmplete history of the World ever publishes.. It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms tis agents, and see why it sells faster then ny other book. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING Co. Philadelphia. Pa ST. 1I k.RY':s LI11IEWORKS. our drawn kilns being now in full operation. and turning out daily a largoquantit3 of that for tall pnrposcs cannot be surpassed in the Domin• ion. Partiosfrom a distauce can always bee- • plied either at the kilns or deliyerd by teams atlow est remunerative rates. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. WHITSON & SOLATEIt. NE W PUMP PACTOV( At Woodhan ABRAY & EDWARD hai,e, at con- sideraLle exaeonse secured the Best ma- cuinert and Augur in the Dominion, andhaveon hand alarge stock of First -Class Pumps and are prepared to make to order on the short- est notice Well er Cistern Pumps. Wells and. Cisterns contracted for. Alen on hend a largo stockof Seasoned Lumber. Soft Blm Lumberfer 46.50 to $7. Rock Elm from ts8to $8.10. Oak, 48 to 412. Floor.ng, $12. Goodstock of Logs nu hand ordrainage purposes, out according to older 56.50por 1,000. All orders by mail attendee to. THE ONTARIO SAVING- S INVEMIEN T sOCLE. TY, LON DON,CANADA 'Working' Capital, $2,100,000 Reserve Fund, $11,1,000 Largest working capital of any Company west of Toronto. Money loaned on flret-olassRea lEstete,securities either in straight Leans, (4 aper cent, or on the Instalment system, at the option of the borrower, Apply to W.F.BULLER, Manager, o r to Mia. ANnztnw LANG, ExeteY, MASON '2- HunseN, Hensen, JOHN PAssores, Credeton. 1 January 81. 3