The Exeter Times, 1878-5-16, Page 44 THE TIM.tyt S SOUTH HURON LIBERAL Vonseev ave Association. Tis Beg star general arlitrcl laieetlug of the >liberail. Conservative Association for the South hiding of Buten, will be held in Brucedeld, on MONDAY, MAY 20x$ INST., AT le o'CLC R, fortirotearp,seexecnee .'thcers wee the hani- action otet13 'bu`ine: o In view of tae arpr. ar .Bing Parliamentary elec- tions a fun a'te ndAuce is requested. P.11. RITCHIE, G. E. JACKSON, Pry ciaent. Secretary. the salaries of the teaohers. This would not be heavy. One of them, would require to hold a degree in arts from a British or Canadian university, while a second-classs teacher would be all the misses -ace neoeeeary for some time. The County Council grants $400 per annum to each High School distriot in the county, the school would draw from the Governrnent according to its merits, and the fees from pupils, if any tee exacted, would total a (snug imam°. Some of our prominent citi- zens should commence au agitation for lie :.%r 1<� Chita necessity, If some one do not telt° it in hand, we shalt be left away robin" and signed by both sides of the House, with very few exceptions, the Governrneat is not responsible in any way. The idea that a Government is relieved from responsibility because ball supporters and opponents unite on any question, is -certainly a novel and an absurd one. By declining re- spousibility in any matter pertaining to the welfare or of lu any way affecting MAY 16, 1878 TialB TABLE, L.. H. a; B. R. The following tiuw•table tante into opera- tion en this real on Monday, l:sth May : 0O1tvn 10.02111. ltfail .. 9.20 a. u'. Mixed 10.5t► it. its. :fli:edss 0 25 p. ni. oox co ascots. Q.20:i. n_ 2.50 p. in. Express 7.35 p. xu. the public, the management of whose I - - - -"-' ='"= -e affairs they it, a etltrsleted with, a Gov- .70 t IC li.ETS. kt.Y.L v¢�ai:4s. ernrxient abdicates its. rights and ree- d' white itheat .. . 1 el to 1 13 glecte to exercise the proper functions scott �' 1 us to a xv of responsible Government. An irres sRaz`+x wsnT. ponsible, a self-created power usurps Fife •-. ••. 0 �» to 1 ltd Red Chuff " ••. 0 : a to 0 3, its place, and by the use of this power Barley ... ... ... .. ... 0 as to 0 4l the Government may at any time throw °e« : ::: : o;c too t°i the anus of responsibility for unpopular Kuirer ::: a ifori to col ii . Floot . ... 5 use to :, ,., Patur topes, pbbler bag .. ... ... 0 Sit to 0 :. Apples, per bag --. ... - - 2 SO to 0 to Pried Apples pr b. . 1 t5 to 1 ;:, rlugs, 4ressed per 100 •.. ... . 4 11H to 4 an Beef ... ... ... ... 4 tore Elides 4 rli t¢i 5 e a- Siteepskins,eacah -.. •- -. 1 00 to 1 !;i Hua per ton .,. ... tt Bit to n e:1 Onions per bnsn ... ... 0 Z, to 1 t• Lard Q0.Sto0cs ST. MARY'S. tRel3orte•dragularly by A. t,ittbrattia.Clerkf behind all other towne in the west in off their own ehoula;ers and L R THSDAY, ;S 4Y 16, 1578, upon those of the people's represents- ; point of educational fWCilltlem. The lives, who, will the connivance of the OOMi UNISM E TEaE, I3N1T June meeting of the County Council Government, create themselves an an - STATES. will soon he held, and somethiug tocr.xcy. The Government has no should be done before that, as we be -'right to shelter itself in any such way. The telegraphic deepatebee its: the t Brave it is the intention of Seaforth and '.hey accept the guardian ship of the daily papers of the l few daps show «iughanl to P tilnrens their claim at that public iutereyts, tint they am"'et at all our neighbors oath of the lake$ to be k 83 end nudge every cirennisttusce be meeting, If they are in need of a prepared manfully to accent tbe res• in great fear of an uprising among the High School, it ie in Exeter an impers. ponsibilrtie8 of the position.. Were it communistic element which l;as folirld tire necessity. ntfierwide it would inevitably lead to R at•fe harbor there from the action of the gravest wrongs, if the exigencies of 1 RZa' (E BETWEEN 't.' r0 the Government remind inolir a then] to the laws of Buropsau couutties. The DIFFnueb vaunted freedom the United respell: Ida on any j:articu- sGOVERN ME.aiNTS. t¢ir question. The Government. of Ou- Stetee: has not done the country much --� tarso on this question abdicated their good after all, it would win. It has We learn by teleerapb from Quebec fuaotione ; they deciiued to take the been taken advantage of bv pe,litieal that the niembers of the ,Telly Govern- responsibility of that ace upon theui- eff'nnders of Europe who have flecked Went have taken the first steps tow. °elves ; they showed that they did not thither in thousauds. The republic 'ardor redeeming a promise to the elect• possess the moral eonra�,a uecoasary to saffw a them every advantage for star- d 9", that tkieg vronld =tai the a .Food etatee Wanslrip, and so Eberst the aondetuuatiou of the people. They fectieg their plana. They are free from the inquieltiveeuess of lire lady, penditure of the Province in every pos- sible way. Unlike the member of the which troubles there in Europe, CurtillOntario Government, they have Dani u sanders extremely daaeeroaa any n- P mewed with tbemeetves.. They have dertakitee against the peace er the reduced the salaries of their respective cauutry whish affords them a ecb8ist• i ntheee frons, $8,750 to 8,O01i, a reduc• mute. The fears of our neighbors are, l tion of 20 per cent. WYwatber th.-y we Helios e, well founded. The social- i will continue in the straight and naee ist element is intreuohed very strong.) row Path of economy, we osnuot say ; ly there under the protection of the freedom rif their institutious. The Government of the United States is as the name of the eyatem indicates --es- sentially in the interest of the people. All um are the same -one class has as much to Flay with the institntilu3 of, the country as auy other, and this fact is eaaotly where the great harm flows from. The major portiou of tI1e voting population bas little or Iio interest iu the conntry that -can- not be rendered nugatory by very slight mrano. Demagogues, who hare fled from nunishmeut in other conn - tries desert themselves. They rise't tempt to curtail the expenditure 2 --dill from the mama of the people, identify he yr Mr. liawat Rud his colleague. themselves with the people, and are supported by the people, to whom, in return, they must pander. in order tbat they may retain the aacendanoy which a chain of fortuitons circumatana is bas given them. Lome are passed os- tensibly in the interest of freedom but really in the interest of communism, and through a false idea of freedom, men are permitted to band together and perform drill in several of the most important cities of the u ion. The whole social fabric of the United States is rotten at the fonnda+ion, and i Bothlwheut,per bushel ................1. 12 tr. 1 14 tS,eriug wheat 0 00 to o ley Barley ....... •............ . .. 0 40 to 0 40 Peas ....., ., 0 .ri to 0 to oats i! 54 to L1 111 ^r 1'atatoespar Oafs - •... 0 3s to 0 •t' fe- I .)1,"1w 1.T +, ail 1 AV Apples 'e .....,. ......... 1 e i to 1 ..a Q of to is t'ai at the n+ume prices usother stores. I THOUGHTS. OF SPRING ...lit:, tit .:teams often, after the rigours of a t'•a+t 'oo witted, anything but pteassnt. from 1 the feet of ,•o utauv p ople going to their daily avoe ti .us without rest or spirit, but lake the , ver.,....t,:tare driven by the -,bong of necusitti•. it is' ri•v.ai•e tine xuaebi'7ery,soto speak, ath¢• mean body 13a, beeome clop get. atter being t611.10M frith <<^:,rbon. heading feats nece.esaiy to myitis :or a aintet iiia climate like Canada. It the ,; r'•t ;, the individual suffers horn head- o•,ee u seeesi,t. in nubility of the nervous syc. ton. t i¢•it.net., depreisiion of spirits. lassitude ( ac Thi, iucdnut be, for PUOSFOZuNE, theYe.w.4'ine tonic, vitt remove the pr- iunt3a' ,a•.•1me%efft°loi.i•ttih3ebsoyodu. and remove all I T OF PAItTN - ever 4iter ♦mice is hereby given that the 41 ..4 , .. a,et, l to•t' ,;ui+.i ting between. Fret -crick a'. of/ tad Aron 14..ei¢ ricL•. as blaCL-euuiths, of tlis I' ! c 1 F.4 ¢ tA:baz muter Vino nate and htvh3 i.t • - o..k ¢* Ihodetie ;' is this day ,lis.•clvn.d i'v °c¢ ,.il °,ae•ai t. .iron 114,•410•'1ck trill settle all ¢le 14,1 dace ;,, and ter the oc.apant'. I F1tEiettRleS COOK. R ANON BRODF.KICK. v+atnees,,IOS1:PH SKEW.* • 9 '11.e WI Grocery TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, and AllG-roceries Wet per •b . Mutton '° 0 03 to 0 07 Pork per cwt ..... .. # 30 to 4 €la t'1SS% ler donee Q PO tool, nutter Boy_ r� q ,r 21.E 8 LL 1.. ---AP T8. R O i .A C C() Full tvltoab...... ........ ::a i4, ko 11+ :'.4T'l�J .� �"e.�'ii 0 Val to @ 11' 1::.a i'iit]rrer.'r.0 1.: IN E:CCiitNf31:.• ................. $ Oto to a op Scott whom. l Io to 1 opting detest" .•• 1 Oe to 1 , .0 I lsCattoi0e Tobacco ariey 96 to #+" 1'o is ..... CO to fit O;its ............ . 25 to ;{,n Hides Amnia have said to these who signed ,.beep arm;::::- ..:::' inn 1 jee .4 °C to4le the " roused robin," "Xo, geutle,oen. ➢ Hn)s we eunuot eausent to au increase of your iuderlluity. We are pledged to rise every endeavor to curtail the ex- penditure, and we trust oppose this proposal. You may each use your individual judgment as to whether your duties demeatd and the finances of the Province will admit of such an increase ;' but as a, Government ieeponsible to the people, and placed in our positions to look after the interests of the peopled of this Pr•evinee, anti especially to guard ugaivat increased expenditure, we must' oppose any proposal of this nature." :'1•u helmet Gaiverninent, a Government striving to aot nn that their larott'Seions eheedd not point one way and their pr tethers another, would have graved the situetiou and met the difficulty squarely iu this manly way. lust 113e Mowat Govet nment Could not do that. Tiey batt increased their own selaries with the assi•ta►uce of their followers in the House, and were not free to reoist the demands of those who itad assisted. thein in plun'lering the public. Place the moat favorable cote:traction poses. ble ou tbe attitlltle of the Government, and no other oonolnsian eau be reached than that it was parlireps criuiinia 111 the unseemly grabwhiter disgraced e BEATTIE Canadian Legislatureitature unner a prufes• sedly Merin Adtninietration. • Tam learned, elognetrt and wise C 0 m Joshua Billings has truly said, ''If .i and in the face of this aot it would be hardihood to say they will not, but it they do, they suit! differ iu the most es entitt) particular fromtheir fetloas partizene in Ontario. The great cry of Mr. Blake when appealiug to the country after the defeat of S:sndfieltl lliat,cderetit's Government, wan thec't • rutitiuli, the extravagance, the uu}O•1ti- able and criminal extravagance, of the Conservative 0..verumeut. Mr. Blatt obtained a majority—on what tines tiouable means it boots net t a const r now ;-but dial he tarry out the promtees he had Lunde so lavishly ?—did IIe at• after him, *van matte the first signs of an attetnpt to prevent the expendit- ure. from increasing 7 They did not. They treated an extra inern- ber of the Government -- at first without a salary —but in a short time he too had to receive the same salary as the rest, which in the mean- time, had been increased $1,000 by the men who bad been so bard upon a Government whose members received $1,000 less. They iucreased the ex- penditure in every department eitlsout giving the public any commensurate insecure in its structure The genuine return ; they filled the different office statesmen of the ynuntry recognize the with new and unnecessary clerks, at necessity for a change, and already talk large salaries, increased the salaries of of adopring a system o° Government the old cues and raised the indemnity which, while it ensures the fullest lib- of the private members from $400 to $800, although, when -some of those who favored the increase were stump- ing the country in opposition to Ur. Benefield Macdonald's Government, they considered $400 an extortionate sum to pay a man for eight weeks serv- ice. Mr. Bishop was particularly se- vere on what he termed the prodigality of the Conservative Government and the House in this respect. '1400," he exclaims, holding np his hands in horror, "$400 for eight weeks ; whv, gentlemen, that is more than we poor farmers get the whole year rouu¢l, thou„ix we work from morning till night, and pinch and starve ourselves and fatnilies. It is extortion. Let us unite to turn out the Government which permits this extortion, this rob• bery front the poor, hard-workiaa farmer, and replace them by It Reform erty of thought and notion consistent with loyalty to the dilly created au- thority, does not throw the whole power of the country into the hands of men whose only guiding ear is self and whose only thought is destruction. A HIGII SCHOOL FOR EXETER. We some time ago pointed out the necessity for a High'Schoot in Exeter, and premised again to refer to the question. If the people will but take the trouble 10 examine into it, they will see the advantages accruing from a High Selinol This is the centr :of a large, popnlon44, and w.althy dist ict. There s no High School nearer hen 18 miles, and if parents desire to du state their children for any of the learn , Uovernnieut who will rifle LIS cheaper' ed professions, they are forced to send and better.” How 'Mr. Bishop acted themthat distant* at an age when they eli001(1 be nyder the influences of home, inateod of running the great when he had an opportunity of pro• nouncing against extravagance, the farmers of the ` riding know full well danger ofcontracting the exit habits to their sorrow and bitter disappoint• soeasily acquired when from •under 1 menta paeental restraint. Tho cost of a HighOn 111ts questionof inereaiaing the in- Sotiool. would he very 'li„lit compared demnity of private members the Mowat with the good results that would flow Government have escaped more ensiiy than they should have the censure of from it. The present school building the people and the Lash of she press. would answer for a long time to come, and the only expense entailed would be Many contend that because the requisi- tion for the increase was made a "round EATTIE CO,'S SILE'A. REnUSE LONDON:, You will find the Largest as- sorlrtlnent of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Ctoods. Mantles and Dressmaking tinker the manarp12ent of a Lally of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod - rate Prices.... Wedding and Mourning Out - (its got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attelltiOU. 140 D adas sic. London man taps his eider barrel at both ends aid draws out of the bunghole besides, !LIME for SALE his cider ain't ageing to last long.” Phis is the position of the Ottawa Gov - eminent. But they have not only .n :iced troin the bunghole of the Domini au Treasury and tapped it, but they have knocked the bottom out of it. WE are pleased to bo able to con- gratulate oar friend iSJr. Timothy Congh- Iaen, Reeve of the T:,wnship r,f Steph- en, on having receiving the nomination of the Conservative Convection held aft till8a'iraig on Saturday last,to O'inte91 the hiding of North Middlesex for the House of (Dominoes at the n xt gener- al 01806021, in opposition to Mr. Colin Soatcherd, the present member. Mr. Coughlan is avery popular man in all parts of the ridtii , !laving personal dealings with the most el the electors, and the have no doubt he will redeem the riding by a large majority. Thom people in this country who in ti nos past, on the principle that ev- erything foreigu is better than our own, professed so much reverence for Int, constitution of the Uuited States will have their love cooled a little owing to the unpleasant fix than that eonsti- tutien has led the people into over the election of a President. A system of government which will liermt a man to wimpy the President's chair when he has no legal right, is not calculated to arouse much admiration. that Hayes was defeated, nine -tenths' of the people in this country felt certain ; and when the laws can bo twisted so as to pre- vent the choice of the people taking his position, it becomes apparent at once that a Republican form of Government waldensiiwnan ,9th is not what it' has been boasted to bo- t1anitoban 16th that it has not that solidity and scent Phcenic... 28rd " Corinthian ....... ........... ............... .::90th � ity to rights that is found under' Mo.,Por Tickets and every information, apply to narohial institutions. CAPT G. I(EMP, Exeter. • On and after MONDAY, lath inst., we will keep the Boauhville Lime for sale at 25 oEN'TS PER EVSI-iEL• Special rates to parties using large quantities. XONEY TO LOA\ ON FARM PitOPERTY. Mortgages Bought and Marriage Licenses issued. O'BYRNE & CO, ;-IIRDWW liiE DF,AT I.'RS, EXETER. ALLAN LIVE OF Royal mail Steamships. SHORT SFA PASSAGE, ECONOMY, COMPORT. One . f the tint -class, full -powered Olvde-built steamships of the above, oonstrurtod es0ecially for the navigation of the Atlantic Averagging from 9,050 to 4,200 tons carrying the Canadian and United Ssgtes mail., will leave Quebec every sot urday for uiverpooi and Londonderry and for Glasgow every Thu'•sday. Parties wishing to send" for then' friends in England oan obtain tickets at low rates. Intermediate anc.steerage passengers at lowrates. 8teamors leave Quebec as follows: Sarmai.tim lith May Oiroassian 18th " Moravian 25th " GLAZGJW LINE. and Cigars of ti,E+':err brat f,rande. 0472:14i C O . ,Elva, Agent for Gnat Vt'atern Steamship Line, New York and liti.t¢il, England Breen. CH.ISHOLM'S OLU STAND LON1)ON THE OLD) RELIABLE, HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY 0001)S, MILLINEBY d MANTLES. 11E CLOTHING TO ORDER, 011 REA.1)Y-MADE. HENDERSON & BUCHANNAN .rite .°i. C'Irfslwln1 & CO. A COSIPLETE STOCK OF HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PTttCES. len►enthaee-Sign nf'the Striking Clock, 142, Dundas Street, L0ND0N. HENSALL COOPER, SHOP. -- 0— W. VANVALKENBURGII, COOPER WORK OF ALL KINDS, INCL13IDING CISTERNS, of which lie makes a speciality). BUTTER TUBS cheaper than ever. llepairmg,promptiv and neatly done. Shoe,-tirock street directly 'west of the station. Give him a call. WM. VANVALKENBURGFI. Hansall, May 8, 1878. 9m. MILLINERY MISS GARLICK, Has now in stock a complete line of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, :f and Trimmings of Every Kind, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices • A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, Honiton Lace, Braids, Patterns, Cardboard. Mottoes, &c, t I.Jackets cut and made to order. MISS GARLICK, Main 8t., Eaoter. GO TO R.& E. S PICE+R'S -FOR- GROCERIES Always New and Fresh. FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISIONS, EAIiTHEN WARE,' COAL OIL Soap Gwen Away --21 Bars for One Dollar. Good Vinegar. 20c. per Gallon, Choi Syrups. Market Baskets -cheap. N, B. Don't forget the placo-R. & E. sr tee's, opposite Mr. E. Christie's Hotel. Produce taken in exchangsfor goods. R. &E , SPICF