HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-16, Page 3MAY 16, 1878 rni .lelt11f2leE DUEL T7B1i Ti E N T V 0 ;a1UltDEit0at8' PUNSTERS 1 met flim on the vers on my way from Asbeaely to the Star ofli'te one day les t t week. Ha WAS a htleaaPilvnt ln!altil'g old ➢eau, and hie better half sat b'etlilo late Confederate army, 'now residing it bun. Tito oar wee as full e e an election I Brooklyn. Tills gentleman way one o day politician, mud I was compelled to' the eIi of organizers of the many at- tempts made by the Snutlleru Sympa- thizers in Canada to rescue the prison- ers on Jolhuson'e Island, and towards some neat away,. IJ43 bad more talk the close of the war wasone ofthe .lead. ii flim roar] +a school -603°a bead 118w of ere of the cavalry that made the last aanl4-thift ]alit', and I hadn't fairly set- dt'eperate fight for the ('•oufetierae-. wi- tted before rse bt.tr; n to unload emile ofy o"a nee the command of Kerby Smith. Al- it :a -- "Nice dray?" ""lsaa•eartnl: r ad ? AN AMERICAN SCHEME FO11 AS- SISTING ENGLAND. on a pass, all over God's creation. Christ .had not where to lay his bead, but Ulysses has a government trans- port to lay leis head. on. Hew times have cliariged in a few short years, it The projectof raising the "American Legion," as it is to be called, was started aome'time ago by au ea officer of the m 1� "` r' t itc.L'1 'J. .., li'...+,�1 rode uponan aes, and Graut ri4lee up there in Jerusalem. If Christ lived at f Galena the American people would Fee hies in Chicago before) they would notnivate bun far President. A daughter is almost always right whenalio endeavors to imitate her mo- ther; but we cto not think the mother is right, when at a certain period of life s e les all h tries a toimitate she can snhtate ]ler daughter. teali:e a beat immediately 181 front of the ]sappy eollttle. There was something about bun, however, that made me feel ter the war he aeconhpiauied Jefferson I)aaC1`1 to lilurapo after the latter'e re. (lease from k'.erner's 11r41,roe. :11'alling a shAreavi. it to hie native citv,Glasgow,. "Fe arfal.,, nettallautl, the. geuttetpate ill question re - It* -'re wee to small opening fi)r him, lumen tO this' C)ililtry. ' hOtt hostl,i- zl d his got tits, wedge in. Olt t if I'd ties between $pea sit and Rites a seemed only m4uie la -Revel wive deaf sand dumb. pra,btable he procured tethers] from Mr. Davis, Judah P. .I; Iaje1,nliu, General Roger A.Pryor cull Ot Hera wihoso names wer1" prominent on the :e=nithl•rn and 'farwarded tl' 'nl to Viect►unt t)nf• ferin, 0 vernor General of C,anatita,with an offer t*f his services tai rule a brigade to fight under the British fig In case of war. The ermadia n Govern e rant, of ceurao, refused t"4 COIIIatallaliC.1 fatly open en- lietmeut or any \•i dation* of tho United States nentrinity laa°s, hilt gave Jinn a gentle ]hint that if the roan wore landed on the Cauatlilau Bide 4,f the line their later\'ire* would not be ]unacceptable. He was referred to Liaent4,tiant-G4-nor. tel Sir P;atrici: ICUetllg tali, Ii. C. I.3., ' Ban01 S n' enanln:lndetr t -f the Q teal's f)ta;tee at ` )0 lTttitt , smoked, t311�,tir-'. "I've iraveeted all over this eetu try and I never haw a worse teatit in ell my lite. \V ir4, the road over tate Ryall) Mountatine ain't half so 'h," "):iuntnut better," 1 re;ela"ltlded. 14.4, loci:fed at his CODUR*Hlun, whom he called Minnie, avinlced, and tsaaid ; "Finley man 1 Wonder whit 'toe. Looks like 5Iearli Then he pelletal, and suet as. I was bracnij up and endeavoring to put mitt T'weini,lh look, he continued by etteiug: A4:ex Inept the feat..! Tide mote me mad. "Ye rive been tilt neer the United :Statty, 1ltave you ? Toon of course 5 -on ew .',ark. How is be getting; along ?" 4•(111 he Kentucky way tae much wineev aa+~ ever." ilelifax. fur further deteil4. '191e Gen. "-Menet Florida, in Coneealtience, l eral'o tents WWI &melt that immediate tenpo.eee. 1 nut nfeetf'd. • tees as ere 141101 t0 wet nit h 'hie City. "Utah ahn'*Lht atY iC T4tu'li 4246 ] Vim a C411"ns Whiff* will be ready to take the alit o 1429 1 - field at antro, Ia1 :,I i of tae i o lot.otiti ]leer lea.+ rieteengeie began to 1salol til°a" waat'tietf. and ono (of them else:eta tlu' 'rho first step was to enlist the eery fra:ed netor hew far it Wai to 11513 9tf+S1 1t"PR 4 f eL nUWO!•r of gentlemen Of Brit-. ('t81*»lt. a.'" then ventured that maybe '.ieh tiirtit »11➢ Itraal eerva°4l t1t19'iete the lM we wmlelt% ge'ieg far, ht"ilio►lite 001110 On the N ertlalern and t'1:a*`1,'° l` ttttint9t d the olai party, ''life $(I 11e on the AOutllern aide, amity of whoa] bad since done znevieo fey cube tried totnal,e love to ililhlie \\•titan I , saw hien tat. Libre, and thereby gained a"g:malsltd.tt of the way* awl moans of ru➢ruitr„ t114• e".bris:alna tonne'," bl>,aohingty re- the brigaale. To induce these gentle :narked the 014 lady, 1 to "came down" they were prom- 4neei lee©rata liked it, didn't *110?" I wit commissions in tate brigtwiea for aeked, nod gave him a look that tali their sous, if they wnuted thele, a+ te'axltLa 1 tlltat 1 guessed that would settle repatinlcut for the iYny adaau,e d, � the Pritish nntlloritie4 heaving agreed "Yon Inn n't Cavi her Minnie. It to commission all gentlemen aloe mite; hoe mad. S15e'ti have Georgia name ehmeld bo forwarded by 1110 or- if sIIO'tl ]ward you. Site li:rauteit,s black eanizera, eublect, of c•eurse, to the pro when she want.% to." vieio that they were eblas to paws the "if i► ]Minnie her, of course 1111 re- phy'ieal andt edukatioua►l es0inil18t9+t1W fraiah," I answered. at Halifax., By thi+ means sufficient money wa promised to aalh'.*izo the orgauiz*'re t Proceed :o recruit. This last work tole been dune quietly but systemutlealty and thoroughly. There are uc'w sail to he on tho rolls about 4,000 men and unions ready to inert fur Canada at halt an hour'e notice. Tho caoninnd of the brigade was offered to General T, N. Jnrdaai, of Cuban flame. but h.' helloed, It etas then offered to Gen' oral John a1loeeby, the guerilla, null :1e. etill has the shatter under advisement.' The idea of the organizers ie to have the command muuoted, armed wi'il the best rifle-, laud to use them a'. *touts and raiders, to cut railroads, break up communications, burn supple depot*,and otherwise harass an army on its lice of eotnmunications. Under 6114 colnniaudl of an eilieient raider tile .tlosty, it is claiineei they are just the material to be able to do incalculable damage. It i.. understood that whet' the eervices of the brigade aro desired, the men wilt be furnished with tiuket4, t , Canada, where the 'enlistment will take place. YORKSHIRE ,Packing li �^y' ., E N S ,A! L PETTY Any quantity of Cured Moat constantly in stock. lulls, cured, Lard, ate, Any quantity of PORK CUTTING cnnatantly on hand t 6RA � Wboi sale and. Retail. All orders for curet] meat pron:sl)tly abt i(lotl t:), Here ono of the paeoon'zers was car - tied out to the rear p11atsarin, and nine tontlla f.f the plaeseiu. era were tearing the lining Ant of their coats for wadding to put in their eters. ""14e ;haps Iowa an apology," I eon - tinned. 3'Nn, 1 gnees not," he said, without n)meiug an oyelaahh. "It Teas Eng- lish peon] o to understand folks. It don 'taMontan uat laing,Ten ueosee a,1Lry'?" I lilt for my pietol At this moment the ears stopped at a citation, ami most of tee paeeengcre got out and wlaitnd for the next train. The majority had their heads tied up. 1 was determined to fight it tout to the bitter end, if it took every state iu the union. As the train lnnvt`e out of tile .station the 000. doctor carne up and asked ale to keep etill for Gn:l's sake. He said the wheels were getting weak, and the coal had refused to burn. The pataeengers hard eat dep:srted to the other ears, with the exception of six. I here Looked de. termined. They were not even pale. 1 was satisfied to give. up if he was. Just ass I uaad made up my mind that the whole thing was settled— "Ohio 1" yawned the fiend, "I'm getting tired of this journey." "'I think it has been very pleasant. Wonldn't Michigan for $100. Jersey?„ 'Withoua noticing the 1a.st query, he said : ""Hope we'll meet again. I Nev- ada Pleasanter time. Hope I Maine never have a worse." At this po111t one of the passengers( fell off his seat. He died is a few min- utes. Before the conductor could get to the water teak another one had breathed his last. Two of the remain- ing ones were staling at each other, and it was found that they had botch gone crazy. The remaining two were deaf and dumb. I grasped my vitas° as the trail) reached Jersey City, and started for the boat. As 1 was passing out of the door the fiend yelled after me• ";Yes, I New York and New Jersey rand NewHampshire ; I've Rhode Coe= ilectiont, Idaho -le lot of land iu Color -- .ado. IIIIissis—"* * The doctor ,says r shall be better in a week or so. .A. Danger. --Au Oxford prefesanr ex' aminiug a student on Bible history, ` asked why ]loses wase 'buried by the Lord in each a secret place that the lsraelitee could net. find him. The' youth replied that he •8llpt:osed it way• for fear they would dig up • his body 'and stuff it. This young mite (lits the eon of a 8Lowlriau, ""Who," said Mr. Peter Mitchell, a member of the House of Commons, to the members who were trying by in- terruptions to choke him off, '" Wit grayed then'? "It was au echo," retort, - ed a member. amid a yell of delight. "Where was Bishop Latimer burned to death ?" asked a tetreher, iu a corn amending voice. Joshua knows," said a little girl at the bottom of the class. "Well," said the teacher, "if Jo -sass knows, he may trll." "'In the fire,'" repli* d Justine, to *king very grave a ,al wise. Twenty-two yonrs ago, a sentimental man named Rook, who yet lives out oli North and Seventh sereet, named his infant daughter L8llah, and very poeti- cal indeed Lallaah Rook sounded, if it ieu't spelled exactly right. Ten days ego that sweet girl married a stove dealer from Ciuciuntati, named Grubb. And now what dues her name sound like ? Oh, love, love ; blind god of what's his naive, you're a walking pestilence among romantic namotr. (Tears.) The man who thought be would Ire- seti.t his wife with material for a new dress, woe surprised to see the dealer Blip the cloth in an' envelope, and say he' would have the buttons sent up in a dry, General Grant 'bas been to Jeensel-. ern, and has seoo Calvary. and took a drink. How different Grant travels from what Christ did. ,The Saviour Imp3rta t t3 Batter Workers Ono Go el bcteanA;ent Wanted In ov.ry t+)w1t 8taip to t^a^411 Il 1 t 4•• \h `r''ll: l t 1'tl.11 `1t,gri 1 ^la `+:e •it'l \tee ;f ao 1 ... t t \,»sept-.. 1'ro, . .."tet*. chit..td •.. 4. tel,, elle I(.e.Uo1 (0124,+34.?, lu 11(4: 1100111i,01,1. 1 rs•hr earl; W I4ll Matti, t,'. 01440i.ruutu , to the . VICTIM( i� ]441!':1:31 ('I1a ^ CONSUMPTION Cllr,;ED' AN 411,11 PHYSICIAN, retired from A.. active p1 u„tars, having had pitmen in flits 11.0411 by Stn t.:1,4 1iuuu Ul,aOI14I the formula of u \ r et;*Pda liens •,Iy fur rat speedy end pet • Hteizent Caro of (JSet)a11'T1,) .aeTliMia euenlcI(lrnl C4TAP.1elt 4n1 411 throat cut1L1l,.g \factum,;td-u14P' ftivc Ind t.t,hit`aia nr0 for nuluus d,'l.ilitc (u1* .i: ut•r- • cu'1i'h1iO4t 01t.'r ll:eviar,: thnrouu?h'te•ett4 ltn vvou'berf.il t 44ta:iv0 poa4•Er. is th.•4,at ,d.01rU- se•tf c '1, it vis duty to leeks, itlillewe ttt hie sof. Coring fellows,Aelniato,1 11y this motive,,ned tall nh'Utld11 ,I. ,ll'e tet 1•,•)1,1x( 1(4110;111 h4,1,•,111 4401 Will (-mud. tree of charge, to .411 win, d4 in 1. t.4 is mot 0.8011 full three; tens fur prep.4r41 .t nt.! ssfully 0 3114➢. fiat by r •torte limit 1 ' 1181. +Missin with stung, i1a t1.'tg titin paper, 1111. C. ter1.t1.�ti,13.1\ti1 dr.nttville',nut. Hca-.. , .-, e L1?,GAL 11 Al1DING l3 .IU)I 1(I, t�.. W111TE, Mali•»terse Attorneys, Solicitors, Coe,. -loners, I3. (1 fic, ,, tt•ta--Ilorr0N'* BLOC1t, 'tater treat, `-t ,1.1 es's. • L9.11A.UniNo, 8. W. ]mantras. IL.A.L.WnIT er.e.A.I,C011S0N & CADDY, 10d -elate' :',tt trop en, Sallicitors Se. Winter t(' Loan on ]teal Estate, reason's I3ioak, : :8eter. \ r McDIARMID, B.A.,. d t Itlatel'ER,NOT NOTARY, CONVEYANCER LPCAI .ONT. '`SSRS. JONES & MOS)R!I 1T 13.8rmsters, Attorneys -at -1(4W, Solicitor] '1un,obry, Conveyancers, C1Mnanissioners 1,. \,ltlarma ;]Offs, t. Marv's C. A.JONS:S. W. C..10S('1IP- Os t ion—Button's mock, Waterat.,t, Marti' GAOL THE BEST IN IHE MARKET. and very cheap. Sold by H. KINSMAN, h.xetur, 'all and see them. TITHE W. McCTLOti'LO�V Wear.: . )s T1111 BEST. Beanie .ur. guy hat) W. D.Met • ochlotwatck before buying. You :viii have no other af,•r nor. tug thorn. All who woar them recommend them Goldand$ilvor,L'adios. end 'Ienticn an'e sizer, 77Dundttsstreat, r,ondon. Bee the teatimonials The largest. bentand chcapeststoeli of lino Gold Jewelry, Clocks ,ilver, and Plated Ware, Vance 1oorls,&c., 8.., in the Province. IaepaNgla.y every : tletroriptiou. W. 1 . lrct,ieu t, , 17 Dundeu5 Loud°( NEW BUTCHER SHOP DR .PIERCE'` • The undersigned would inform, the inhabi- T OPENED A NEW BUTCHERS OF RIE 1i4DIES. one door south of Ms Blacttsmitllshopandbopes Are not advertised as” cure rills" Mit are specifica thesame liberal patronage ai i naso tit t hos beast ac the seasea for which theyarerecommended cop ed t i tY 4di d o him the ho BLAc$asttwu ANS.'RAGON NAraNG - EAT[IIiA};,: SELECTION. Ousiaess. His Meat line wiilbee:ttendcel tohim Mills new branch o wagon Investigators of natural science be,ve demon- wlhloallattb.e resi- imese cl weekend d strafed beyond contrtaversy, that tltxougt:0ut vitt'. STANDARD tants of Exeter and vicinity that llehas a i E dents of the village three t a ee . en animal kingdom the ',survival of the Atttst" is the -r, only law that vouchsafes thrift and perpetuity F F _'1 Jia ..A. T I)oces not the same principle govern the cor,4ltae Pt .111 k:ndstkel't o0ustalttly ,on band at 1144 cialprus2101 0 ritiii '1 An iuferiurcaluiotsulrer butcher shop. sada a *upermr article. lt} Teason o. S01(e1 +roller- _ it; Dr. Pierce's Standard 31edielne s have ou1r1 1:114 /1 all others. Their sale in the United States ns, e4:dd lackernithing and 'wagon making carried 011 0.1e million dopers per annum, while the ei atllI it r , 1 could several t Ii R . DA�4 , IS u I3 stomtit"ill all Its bral.tLes esported foot' up to several hundred title+ I r 1 more, , o business c •row o sue t Ilfl e proportions and rest upon any °titer basis t: an 1 tent of tuerit. Mowers and Reapers. { • WE OFFER. d, TRIAL 4,f ant ,:elehrtated Singe Mowers in le Reapers a f131 f,4 fl- 11 "ir0P ar1d lr(aa 4 Uala9Olt n11 c° t,!itnnS SU n 'ir.a tae molar- 1.N olae 1.N I)tll:":111A.N.1El SA 1.1:iFACTION Olt NO elaI.E also 0ft(3' a, Tri:41 a,t o'1! \ ro 1'4443 /fur STOWS COMOIN D REAP A ,0 MJWER etaebinesteul,niied with Pltrun.0 , Two »rug-b•tra4, Two F ingt'r•b:ary ];"our .K1)iveu, Forked ila/Z Keyed. .tint., St lf'nilers, etc., etc. 411 be charged ed from Zlewer 1,v Rea,De AND REAPER TO MOWER 4pretoovaloffour bolts, nu'holm ubn141lfto. vl min Meg' time. l'lefalse call at our a elks and innpeer oar Machines before 1111retitteiltg elsewhere. Send for Catalogues. THOMPSONetr WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Str.tfnrd. ne fNiorJAIR TMT. oee in Fancy Goods :and Toys dottl,t ,t single 13atu1 Wool, of Pli color. A:.•• - "1118c1e anti (ler alattt8a Wool Nes tt ,. ( etel441tltr Tutno offcf A. Special Offer TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPER, A Beautiful. and " • swise Magnetlo Pock .,eeper, conal bk. ladle,. Gold Wats, a,andlomo Oroide Cue. Gla„ crystal, steel and metal .work,, and warrented to denote correct time. A Perfect Gras for everybody de. airing a reliable Time Keeper. Will 1. CVen sway to every patron of this paper ass Free Gift. . Car our ruts Coupon Arin Mal. n. COUPON. On receipt of (4). 000) 00 and $1.00 to pay for packing, boxing and mailing charges, we promise to send by return mall, each _patron of this paper a GENUINE SWISS MAGNETICtve-KoEPEn. Address, Magnetic Watch Co., TAUNTON, MASS. Tills le your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain 414 beautifulremium so order AT ONCE, and do not mien this Chance of s Lifetime. ■ r By reading a IA practicing the iaestin;a:.1t-rutin con. mined In the . os medical book ever ism., e,. entitled 1Hnp q�e leaSEI.r IRESET&i now SfvteLFErice.only$1. 1 nttoy mnail 1e) to "���+" lfl. G on receipt of price. It treats of Exhausted Vitality Premature .')ecline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless coneomitantrilis and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than GO ovinias] pre. seri )tions, any 011' of which is worth the price of tltc book, This book was written bythcu'oetos. tcnsivc MI5 probably the 480511)311811] practitioner inAmeriea, t0 whoa was awarded ti Hold 14001 jew- dlyd medal bq the National Medical Ao'ociahoa. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel .Engrai'i1Gs—a mal. vii of art salt beauty'— HEAL in rate, to all. 'S end :for it ut once. Aildress FEA130DY AiED1,^•AL .' q INSTITUTE, 1;o. 4liul, it %Mb St., Boston, Mass, ■ DE. SAGE'S CaatarPh Bemedy 19 _pleasant to use. DR. SAGE'S (Catarrh Remedy Its cares eztend over a lbedo( ref €teent7 ye:usw DR. SAGE'S 'Catarrh Remedy J:ss•tdng44aetltir*neer, 41 J.) It. SACi- le S Catarrh. Remedy Cures 84:g its 73^475, sr,r:* a4;,, tjrect DIt. SAGE'S Catarrh Rexxied.y Cures"r,,.,l ('414C443' aryl C:it belt. or Oat end AN Oi'EN LE'ITE1'+.->-IT SrEtKSt FOR ITSELF. Ii,r'kl)ort, t1'eso., April M 184 7. Ira 1 erxe1 floe ion; fowl 444 ;.tar Forto le peers,] tr1 the ri n 4,4x14(4) 1e t'4r 4 (ef 48:848811,1 14'ai 211100101 ter 22:111'e'1a.ui 1 C,1 as ateeit ria^.t rb t a.t A fan; tL➢:i smut' :aloof -' i411t411n t .lea 014 ioer8 tonere, looney frsl,lo 4,' Isola] I,x+ I,ic4'i 4t the. .:+8111 e1k,- 2 1112n01 1 ietad r erre rel the p:cpt r, 1•,•r1, Ft a10 1 8)443.0-14444 4 e.00ttorrh, The to 4 a 7 r+ : e role ! `4➢ui t4 n°Iv c 1+ !1 $4210f6 ]deet a 4 a; 12.11022244- .1:220,A Le t t ttt 1 1- t>.*taa as'stt l.,°340)5418 t nes 814 (8 a t l.,t.4- vu1, I "1-P,Allsi. n a4al 434 inoe e 1';411 a,41a , 1444 l t w 4tu., 4 ti 41 1 , •:'r tor rillena2u 14 r a 1 4411 43475 wooree, 1s„ t n44 one 8112 141 Da,a..c touch 1b a t+.! 9 x, t la a• to 0 ,brat It IM,uml1 W2ati. uF$a 1 t'i^! a\cr000f 4444, n+titat lw ,a 441110 10 .447: 1,1=1 fes r ior,o,r 4Nee„h414' 43 w , 4.4444 411.1 td,M (443i a to , r3111,' 8'404'01 Cil 4. nt tone 1:007 a 44. t4' 4.0340027:Met 11°..ane \99 .444 ! ,,f hia 319 ant :+• a 1 °41 434 1 l t a'I 7 tt➢9II »aro al 1 , "hal 4.ar.ta3 a. a c44n.1 t 4 114 ts'" a ,h' 031 8 ool2v1S11121411 Ir:t ala. era S 3444'b47448(, 444,141 4 :nag +! aala.e 4,Iat aK 14 eda' tv oz,,, 1 14 w0^ row oin 3124:( novik-o.or not. of now121!trlaa21, \(4450111 II,:.n,14 .4144434I;43(r4f h344+.I 0a.e3 !•era1.+— a� ,9 1'4',+111444 t i+tar 81 ;;;A 14E d'41er- + 71 l l't'a ,14a+, tt a4➢t'it t:I+g 2. ' 414 41.1444 3 IA, ii) dr°it:.154 Ir ->?(87 120 4411c W0. 4::0.11at4 ,le 114370 C"14l4Pa 4e) l n :i'4 C.And 10.4 4 034' 1240 e42111r. t• f .414th 41 fie) r 4::.» 9 1111: Inc14 444 4.r month, 1)041 +243 l'ra thaw( a 34 ',t non,. 4r.t'o14 et1,141-'1i41ta4sr 4440:131440t4''l'& 40s(14 a t➢ l 1041!.:(s2 41 4t 1 Oatc1rh rl"!one.x bIl4 t4Ll 184 I a 4 , tad l .4 :U4 44ao'ul Ili; a 47 t1424I% ;not• r l ,-1 nal 41'814;82i+, n tar. :.t +'o,t8I0 I al -dr t rl+' ,4(0'14t(1utilise tom Mewls vs:idiot Da. 3't 44 ,0 1'1,44 •212 l'in t a c-4, 1'81141,s 33' -I1,: (17 411 Ilbe 41tt 4 ]444 4 ,Yeo r ,ton. 4+:e) no sea: t14t tan,: 4e) (4,' Itt ltrt.4',tl,4.iloo,r351I4 4( 14,ett410,•31 t , iotntts tfails 4 24 1+ 1.2411 4'Ii, A (°LOUD OF WITNESSES'. 4Tlhn f'Ilt•� irit wuuel ptiaile•a art, allizeg ttz,t rhnI(a at 0(t' (5l „!4:144• let t a 474( 7s1 ref 0(41(1(414 *( tlad ".4..4' (4 ler. •,,t; t ^t cott41 rn It `nit'87.4 A I Downs. New O4.11teot, 1"a' A J Brown- dt, J118(.04.310;1;0 1,. t'i Ilia mnd \ t Leet $pr4u et. Nett 1..k: taut,; t 1444'4.ar,rii° 14 Pleatie N t• P t•rai0l.t 34V1 3I1ht4 n J u, tit 1'44, e)4 'r \ . ! r.3l.tlut. .34itla 4 1 "+ :anon Wet,; J C Merriman 1,4'111x0 4 ,art, 1441.31 :13 I>„r t I.l o411:olutrt, lull : J N Relit 1 '1' , arcanel'aa;1.Ir\7181,I 4r.213'.Ii$,J,01, 4.1M•at+. t Iatteltcla, loll: IA William,. Canton, It '.4 .1. rhaeer. (fetor o,IUI:4 Ie) Nicholls. Jr., airov3'3 14, roam; ,imam i• 18o-lurrt onessi`,i'•.t'ut a r, L81.3, :r l4orl tad, \V1,4: J01(8 =t0 \Valla'. I t, 7tt'l➢uvthe£z, ti➢fo \ion ll a tsurreY, Trotit ma. 1! 1144: J (r J* -10n, Recite, 1 11; .1 7 C.. a ,p1➢, h,tl'l.a It a .. \a' \"e Lend toilets (0tve at,lw.1't, 40814*,; t' 11 Chose. 1 1at.tirt zod tttatt' tarn Hoary lite 0t, 5:400 Frei., 1 et,. t't13, ;Ws 1. ea ciao( ea. Lawrenceville, 1 T e \\ .1 t#';4. +tate], \d•°l. Imre 4.. 0 :Smith, lta+wnt 11, 3-a: ('10.4,313 1440-,1t:tition,/4, M.1, ,! ' a.• ,+1 Sv.are .1'11410,10 , iud; t e 11 7*lili. r, 1 t WILy'ne, end 1 3lrs 7*lwnie, 5144444•.':, .at 1)ehno'.y at New Yo434 ti e, 71r11 Win F' fur r on, Lowell, lata + 1 W 1t 4244 7Iarit "t 1,.lri. Outs S 11 l oaag•, li+rrit,i.00 , 14:1,4 11 1' Colo, I Lott411 \a t: , \l1 l (J h2 uttin, (Minion, U4: 1"114-+ b' Raw, , F reds t i ,, term, 3 Mil 4. MN Lucy. ty !Ian tor, rennin ttla, Ill Capt 1.1 J $loolIditlat ''mi4 48411Mb4 41111 \\'ye) I \v 'rr Oce Steroni,oar ea 31 r)3.I,m1:: Mrs L40112 rite, *ii hen :i Y : 5 le Peck, Jtuoetio , City, Hoist; Henri: Lbe. 14oetse. :teal; L P Cummings, llantoni, 111. 8 1: Jones, :'hur(r,ttnnl•ntut,uuar ;S;(*0(42," liall,.a'uet.1U„ ;'tel; \vol E 13 1txu,�t+xrlPi(g,Pta3 Il 11 ;loon, (1323 Vann s8,1rittabut „h, I'aa: l Ie) Jaehlil 0I. tir4muel'.t •'opnt, Iiv; Remy Zobrist, Geut.va, 7 Y: alis.+ hatch, P.i1;0t Montgomery, Gable,; L L0dt*rauk, 'tlethi.m.111; 8.11. McCoy, .Neshpol't, Ohio : W W warm r, N..rti Jawk•on, ,'ul h ; ;alts” IItory A Winne. '04484 n, 581.4; joint Z,'irl!-r, t'ttl.1Pt31r l+'prinats, I'a; 141nes rnn01rk111*, at 4'1"ud, 3714111 Ennis laucr, oe 1 r• t'ity, e,1' ,7c.eph'31 3111Per.Xenia. Ohio; i3 11, 20•']2.2, Galw:ston i •vas; 11 I, Laird, tippet \'t" , 111 John Davis, Prescott, Ai3Z; 3lrs 1enedr Graham, Forest Covo,Orcgtln. Maiden VIedit;al Discovery IS tzlteretire, or 73le,00l-cleansing olden 1d edical Discovery zs pectoral olden Medical Discovery is a Cltoilagoque, or Liver St30111 iant. oidi u Medical Discovery is 2'onie (s ;widen Medical niscavery 't V 1.40 113011 Otitis alterative properties, euros disea- .'s of the Blood and Slain, as Scrofula or Iiint*'d Tumors, Ulcers o Old Sores, B1ntchos, les, I311(10tious. By 'virtue of its Pectoral proper - Ms, t 011:04 Bronchial, Throat and Leung Affirm ions, Intillit+nt Consumption, Lingering Coughs, and Chronic Lttryri itis. Its Cholagogue proper. -des lender it an unequalled remedy for Bilious .051, Torpid Live], or" r ivor Complffint," nod its onto properties r odor' it egnadly ethcacious sa .1 ring tin, , n 4 f Aopeot and DysPeP- eia. horn the skin is sallow and coverid with, blotche gaud pimples, or -" we here are scrota - 4 its swellings taxi attentions, a few bottles of 001- sn Med tool- Discovery will effect an entire ease. If you fee' lull, drowsy, detsilitatod, have sallow rotor of s14,n, or yo Uowioh 6170811 spots ori the facie or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, interned heat or chills altercated. whit hotlinshcs,iow spirits and gloomy forebod- i ugs irregull r 124)41letite,aand townie coated, you are ;tailoring from Torpid. Liver, 0r "13tlioam eye" (11 many oases of i,iver Complaint, only ('alit aY these symptoms aro experienced. All et .01(44.4]44 tar 411 each cases, Ur Pierce's Golden Medic -all Discovery hat no equal,' its 1t effects perfect cures, leaving the liv.or strengthened end lie ,]thy THE P.EOPE1'�i'tCJ! MEDICAL SEAMAN' 1)r It V. Pierce is t110 sole prop]']" hr atm enu-. tete cr of the ioregoalg remedies+ alt of which 8144 01,:1 by Uxoet;iets. He as al a tLt. author 01 the eople's Common, Souse Medical Adviser, e)4 work 'f noarly 04010 thousand1)04ge18, with two ilun,lrod ,rid eighty 1.1V0 8001 ongravungs and colored. plate 4Ie11as alreadysoldlof t11is, opttl.tt ,vorli �. 100 n00�'�e �i Se eegee (1)0sit .p414tgi $150. 1ddr0• R. v. PIER,;, M. I. Oiurlties (Dispel -teary, 'Innate,' 'N.Y. 4