The Exeter Times, 1878-5-16, Page 22
BY Da. J. ld. $OBl:SSON.
CHAPTER I.—Contiineed.
My ;'lace was somewhat retired from
the main settlement. Two stately pine
trees 'grew near my dwelling. and the
Place had received tete name of "The
Pines" from its former owner.
Wishing to make things look decent
about nay place, [ hired Dick Duran, a
banger -on about CabinviIle, and set
lam towork, asetetiug him myself, r terfeit, it is certainly well done, and,
when in the mood of laborielg. After the Iran who cut the die ought to have
the example of the first peat agriaul• a permenent situtetion in the United
turalist, I "planted a garden," and soon Staten Mint," I added.
Caine to take mach pride mild pleasure "You eke old bare said ie State his.
in its, ctiltivatiou, np !" retorted Rirkliane, sharply.
One morning when I Wag battlii'g' "here are bills and siker--take your Planing 'f "
the weeds--aaf which there was an choice," 1 said, placing sowblaalc- reigned. Tuffs as what we would call;�,�.?.
abundant crop ---I heard bindle One Motes and eilver coin rf yellow cam- 1;411"Pirlfz cuusaannioll•
speak, and, looking up frtnn my work, inetionb before hien. , If you avant a Morro, just mention to
raw a young lady in a blael. riding- Without a word he changed a bill ;your wife in an off -handed every, thatdress, with a whits in one hand and anti pushed back the balauce with e 1 •'Snuday is i dey of rest" for her.
boldine; np her redaudtawt skirt with somewhat eontemptutt'ls stir.
"Mr. Kirkham," I added, "this half •
dollar. is yours; you have doubtless
made a mistake iu reskonirlg."
";.ret it go till another ti'ne,," be an-
swered, with a dubious look, and in
rather a cold tone,
"I prefer to pay aa I ga. I don't
like accounts," I remarked.
"The truth of the case is, that is a
counterfeit coin," said .Kirkham.
"I was not aware of it; you should
have said eo at first, .L have plenty of money, but are alwayb taking steps to
other money about me," I said, ream- I raise ►come,
ining the eondemued half dollar, and t 13. ttled lager is recelnmended for a
carefully comparing it with another 1 morning drink. A new kiwi of corked
had in my pocket. ale probably.
"It has a genuine look—if it is coup- Money is so scarce now that most
people worship a dollar with a species
of I dollar try.
" Do drop letters ever get hurt"
asked an exchange. Well, they are
found dead bometimes.
Paris eats a thousand horses every
Hens are often set in their ways.
Women are not born politioans, end:
they can pack a trunk better than they
could a c'luveution,
16 1878
tnMedina Inploraa and License to prao
tics Dentis-
try and will
be on hand
t s of old, on
Fridays and
George Washington waeu"t always oslteP rtPar
Bell"s$aker?+ 5IainB
Brat even in war or in peace. He mar-
ried a ssidow.
Dancing masters seldom have any Shingles.
et, Exeter Ont.
for Sale
FROM 51. TO .$1.60 k'E1t SQUARE,
At G. && 3. Brooks'laawmill,
ROAD, T'e 0ir' RAY,
A good supply of Rerntoefi Le;.ober and Ce+lar
i Oetocoustaurly en hand.
Whats ate character does a blind
the other, standing but a few yards Tigre was something inexplicable I man's dog reulittd us of ? Leading old
from Ale. about Kiri:110,1We manner, anti. 1 poll• man, of course. Able u4 StiiltCt tit+ {
think you di.l not bear me, sir,•' tiered upon It on my way home That with a fraction in it.
elle said, with a smile. 1 attend have a pietle of bogus money, litany mothers raise their daughters
"I thought I heard a Ilightiugale," as not i:trauge--at lease, did net alt• on thea principle of tencliint them first
replied. pear eo to me ; these was Considerable I to play the piano, second to dxees,thud!,
"Will you do me a service ?" she in circulation, and I was as liable as to duce, mud eew forth.
asked, with a slight curl of the nether any one to be victimized. I triad to
Hp. remember how I cause In possemaiun of
"With the greatest pleasure," I re- x tee change, and wa- sa successfili that
spouciee.i,stealingalook et her !Amite -
ing eyes.
Site then informed elle the saddle.
;irt11 had broken, and Nhe lacked the
skill to remedy the accident.
"It happened," said she, "while I
was riding at full gallop, and I had to ing that sway in seared of homes, or g L tiwout?
narrow escape from being hurled to the far purposes of speculation iu building nk fernier Who bought a kicking cow
ground and severely injured. I heard up wild lands. only Hires weeks ago, already talks of
the girth snap, and felt the saddle turn- I had just settle,; this point, when, withdrawing from the church.
ing jest as my three was daehing under hearing sonlldr; and raising my eyes, I Sount'budytlnties Dr. Hullaiere poem.
the wide•tlpreadiug branches of a creta, bet eld .Miss Crosby approaching, and la "altuost iutnxit:ging in itd beauty."
1 dropped the rein. threw up both mounted as I had previously seen her. 414, sort of Rutland gift. we eappexu.
hands. and caught a projecting limb She drew near at a gentle trot, Welt. An, exchange Rays Commodore 'a>? -
just in time to save myself. The horse ing.charmingly. , But v nn -
passed from twirler me, and 1 droppett la she approached Dew a fond view derhuilt wail a nee Mason.
to the gro'md uninjured." :sf the horse's neck, br.•ant mend fort' l,eliu'.lr., swtfars urn was a very utid
Cnnratulmtiug n1.yself on a mishap sboulderti--it was the animal that hal re 11"v.
which had procured me the pleasure of been t:to1en t'rrun ane at "rawfur'I'4 Cur. It isn't advisaltle to tell all yon think.
speaking withsuch a charmming young ger, in Penobscot t.ouuty, (now Pisi.ut- Tleecl s:r said there was nu Hell, and
lade', I proceeded with her to the spot tuln*) Maine. Owen Murphy, of Now Yolk, was .o
where she had left the ,horst,. 1 dirtThis was a Cations, and in some re. 'glad to hear it that he Pied with $00,
not heed the animal at firaet, dividing wets, an unpleasant discovery. It Ortel.
my attention between the girth and svae ahnost incredible, too, that a horsk,
the fair equestriau. When I had ad• stolen in a State so remote, ehuulcl 1�Iill
justed the matter,I a'tsisted her to natty be fonnd in Arkausas. •j,-
mount. She wets au euchauting figure ilv eenaatl"n were t nt enviable ; ;
on horse -back. Her pretty looks, WI- there was L ni: a Croeby, a betantiful, St ,ncl, ,rd Sash Door z Blind
like manners, and graceful riding, tsind; captivating creature, with whom I was
all Inv horticultural ideas at inlet'. Iu• regally in love, seated with enehsutiug
stead of hurrying back to resume ley grace, +'n my horde 1 Wes ever any.
weediof;, I stood like a rnile•atone, give. thing like it ?
ing after the beautiful horsewoman. I stepped, without any censciuus ex
As she moved tilowly away ---the ercie of the will, and gazed at then
ground was rough there -1 noticed the equestrian preseutatlen with. °unfused
horr,e, as yon know that helps fill up and awkward intensity. There was no
the pi,:ture of a fair female equestriaau. mistake about iv—I 14 a marks on the
The animal was of an iron -grey color, animal's Lead and breast that I reco,.
Large and handsome. I asked myself nized as aertatinties, fixing the iudenti.
where I had seen it before for the ties. I stoed iu the road like a high-
ore- tore had a look that was strangely waymtan, until the nose of the beast
familiar. I could not remember whet was within two yards of me..
or where, and in troth, the eubjr'ct Mites Crosby drew rein, threw back
passed from my wind almost instantly, her veil, and turned her bewitching
for my eyes returned to the form of the eyes full upon me ; they thrilled me
Indy. I stood there long after the ob- like galvanic batteries,
ject of my admiration had passed from I felt conscinus that my fa e was grv-
the vicinage of "The Pines." ine evidence of embarrassment. :link -
"What has happened?" cried Diok ing an effort to appear 'mural and at is
Durant from the garden ease I bowed end.walked towards her,
Ile was trim the country, aril; he
ere to town for the first tittle. As lie
recalled the act that I had received dtavked at the telegraph wires, he said,
t fr..ui 'Tile Glenn, a person of some 1 l\'Ilr It° you uietl;e yuur `vire fates iia a ;
seflilt•uee in Cabinville. who kept a 1 high F"
in litive kind of au inn, or hone oil The name of a vallool teacher •i May,, l 1
iterr strangers v sitis tea.'' 10416- It is mien more cuultnun to
plum, `• earn thereniument owere many t;unil visiting
heat edited i !1 tetict.erb addreeaaed as May
7' AL
X)iue to order.
Remember theplace
Myer Q t nowsx4
IF A ( T 0 It Y,
is constantly kept on haute, all kinds M baildinr
material. 1 i'+urnrg !card awl snit, Siding tiir,nl,
u, s So., sold cheat'. i'luuiug Jigging and '1 uruiatt6
promptly atructed tu.
anti satisfaction guaranteed. .as we Bayo on
:mud a larau a oek of dry lumber, we feel euro of
satisfying thu:;u Wire Id ay give Us a call.
prepared to do all kinds of
".Happened ? Nothing." hat in hand, expressing the hope that House Paautrng, Paper-haangiug
"1 thoughtyou appeared struck," he she bad enjoyed the fine morningitir Whitening, dm.
added. without accident. She replied prompt at reasonable prices and punctually.
I walked slowly back to iny work, ly. without any particular signs of per- J.KT;*1'CHING-, Main st
not to labor but to sit upon 11 bench turbation, saying what might naturally
and mase. be expected under the circumstances. tilt'. Sinith,how do yorf pet such good Bread
"What young lady was that?" I The slight acquaintance whioh I had
asked, after a time. formed by aur $rat meeting, did nut
"Why, dou't you know who that warrant me in attempting to detain
was ?" he asked, in return. her in conversation, nor her in staying;
I replied that I certainly did not. and so she passed oil, leaving me with T
"Well, you've seen Louise Crosby, nothing in my mind b it Louiee Crosby, Exeter iN Ort'`,
the handsomest girl in Cabinville. All and the st'ileu horse, combining in the itnowboingin!nil operation, The propritorbas
elle Soong fellows iu these diggins are two Roan something of the sublime and supplied his rrill with first-class now machinery
terribly taken with her." the ridiculous. I reached the Pities in andhes ',around the services of the beet Miller
"Terribly taken with her ?" a mood meditative and perplexed. Dick is the country.
"Yes ; that is they are sort of done Duract was building a fence round -my ORISTINU . PROnl?Ta:Y 1'TENDED TO.
for by her good looks." potato patch, and I went where he was Satisfaction guaranteed. reties from a dtetanoe
"What kind :of a mind has elle ?" at work—very moderately Dick worked can have their grist to take horse with them.
"Bless ,yo, she minds nothing at all —and told him about the connterfeit
about 'em." money, and how strangely Mr. Kirkham JOHN SOLDAN �
I mean has she a cultivated Intel appeared.
leot ?" "You're new in these diggins, and Has just commenced business one half mile
'That's nut o'• my line. Her father's don't know how things go ou," be saairl, West of Dashwood, and is preprvecl to clean
Clocks, Watches and .Sewing 'Al:Whines. Um-
furm is under pretty good cultivation, supplying his molars with a fresh plug holies repaired and Organs and bielodiaans at-
though." of tnbta000. tendert to. ' Tnose in want of his services
Perceiving that ' T should learn but '=1 actcnovrledged that I was very should biv3 him a eallbefore go a.g away from
little from Durant, I dropped the sub new—excer diugly new., home. Charges moderate and entire :;atisfae-
;eat. "I reckon, as a good many other tion guaranteed.
CHAPTER II, folks. in Cabinville rather "cline to
The following day I had ncoasion to trunk, that you belong to the couutel'-
gn yu Lilo 111y store Oilbinvili0 cotltttiu falters," added Diok, leisurely.
oil,- tt, pur:lime ,a few articles necessary : "What ouunterfeiters ? " I asked, SSaving receive t a lot off new machinery, I.
to the comfort of a, bachelor's home. quiolcly`. �l would the farmers of the am•.
1 threw upon the counter 1n payrneet, "4V ley, there's a gang on' em that rounding con,ttry that I am prepared to manu-
r carries oo business somewhere beret), facture all kinds of Horse Bakes, Curley'
a hal, datll>ar, two quarters and a'Or,is- Forks, Grain Cradles, Smiths, etc, and having
sed ninepence. The three latter pieces bouts.
the storekeeper bru+lted into the draw- ''That's newe'to •Me," 1 rejoined.
er with his hand, while the half dollar "I expect yon do+e't know `b ut'ern!"
he pushed back towardsrue. he remarked, giving me a scatchiug
"It belongs to you, I believe," said I. look.
He shook his head, locked the draw- I armored tum that I had not heard
er. and turned from me to adjust seine of any gang until that moment.
goOdo, TO ll$ CONTINUED.
does not affect the low p.tcsmt which
80 T 13X$$MTT
nreoffering their stock of
Exeter & Hensall'
srhieli o insists of all the latest and improved
styles of Kitchen. Cook autI Parlor atuves,Milk
ems, pans, and pails of Lite most approved
Nate) n, auil everything in the lino ; Also, a
guudeelt etivr of bautiaoluu
11:t ere. ti"C?L1rr LIZ],Sr,
as usual, reeeives every nttedtion, and done
at the lowest figures.
Having opened out branch astablislement
at Hensall, our friends in that aeighburhoud
can be supplied en' the shortest notice,
secured the services of a first-class Turner, I
am prepared to do
on the shortest notice, and for style and urice
I. defy competition. Always on hand a first-
class stook of Fork and Shovel Handles. Mill
half a mile south of Etoter.
Wonders of Illodezn Times
?Io1loways Pills &ointment
Tho Pills Purify the Blood, correctalidisordors
of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys an(' Bowels, and
are invaluable in all complaints incidental to
The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for
Bad Legs, Ohl Wounds; Sores and TJloor , of how-
ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria,
Colds, Gout. Rheumatism, and all kin eases
us. 800equal.
lvew Turk cuntterfeitw.
Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills
and Ointment," are manufactured ,and sold
under the name of rr noway & Co ," by J. F.
Henry, Curran d ir.,x Company, Drug-
gists, and also J' F' by the Metro-
Medi�t eine oomnany of
New York, wit1 t xis.. �'RD assum Ad trade
mark, thus-- . —Again one
Joseph Eaydocl �' y of Now York,like-
counterfeitsof iris
own make undor
wise nRAMS oil .....
the name of ol-
Ioway dc Co., having fora trade mark a °resent
and Serpent; MOlne8Bon & Robbins of Now York
are agents for the sane.
These persons. the better to deceive you, un-
blushingly caritionthe public in the small books
of directions affixed to their tnedioinos, which
are rem-lly thespurious imitations, to Beware o
Counterfeits, .
iluserupulous Dealers o btain theta at vory
low pricesand sell them to Ibo uablo in Cana-
da as my genuine Pilis,aud Oibtments.
I most earnestly al Id respectfu11vappealto the
Clergy, to mothers, .of families au. other.ladies
and the public generally of BritiehNo%•th Ameri-
ca, that they may be pleased to denoulrce un-
sparingly these, frauds.
Purchasers should look tothe'label on the pots
and boxes. If the a,.dress is, not MB, Oxford
Stre+t,L.oudon, they. are the counterfeits, Each
pot and box of the t a cnume Medicines, nears the
British Government stamp,with the words
engravod thereon:. On the label is :the address,
533,OxittrdStreet. Lon aoh,where alone they aro
M anufaotur.,d. Parties who may be defrauded
by Vendors selling spuriou s "Ronoways Pills and
Ointment as my genuine make eh, on com-
munieating the particulars to me, be amply re-
m� neratod and their 8 sure never divulged.
833, °snail St.. W. 0., London, England
IP -44
p:4 cip
Peelt� i4
PI am'
V2 Ce