HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-16, Page 1rt..• c.- :z r T iTR ONTARIO, THT 'LSDAY, MAY 16, 1 378.. Thereoneeoseeer ecuTI( S, { l'? i t i.,;(i:C .NEWS. The Allan stead &lips, from the 12tH I ell', \A'm. Dixon, of Stanley, has sold The set ..... •: , ,,f en. Thomas is 6,- 44 110tot$ON. A. .1. Mew., CO • Vlelieilteelb. Sae; l+r znytiy atti'ndeJ ➢Ja; ,ler ,.aa, c.w.o. :!* i cit MIA mare. 1.:1i: J th A;frur f•r the I" a l, eau, erre met art 31al.:cd - AO. rtr':r ler e t 1 ., u k i,9tat •e-rargelitxr. Orders by mai. r aiitti .._ 1 S. C\.Nf1 P11LL, P14OVtN'CIAL {e ➢ !, stirvola+cm.r. c, will L . at the t al 11 + I Excter e.3 test, drat i'uesda5lotcads t 111.i'•'4 far n,rett loft with Ur. John, Na u.0.i to t1,11 rca: ..tOIL t attention. T➢.`X' fa11.l:ttT STABLE„ tfain Strt•rt' 1iSstc+r. \l.#1tl% CLAttf>,l: wmikt at^ voila tilos the public that ha has upenetl a new A err St•li,ie t'ii hi pte•ttiser. "the }+s:btie erii tinet a+ott aud c',+nlfuitable rigs at anllhonrs •tn.f .at ld a d,..ate charges. W►t. (,IN ,e SONS, CUktBi',TT - e'• re t, !%ri . asst <at+4,e unisons allot eon- t:,a••E+.r-.tta-.lVolt.+•r.tlrt•p:it-i•v.oflode:*-dadother 1• + .r^1+ kiwis hr.aw'va ort rt taanablo terms. &Artrietica in the bueinese, :.< t.. I a .m t�.aat t,. ex•;r:tur• :rur6 in t-41/5.01 St '1 s trta•1 c•u sec :k cAG terras UttAi<teta40 staid t.s it of core r'e.eve ~a'sst's mealtime t at n A 1. NTINTS, t4.7CTl0NF-FRF f n•, a , lne,:.ra a a! - tad t,t•a,.aa1 t. oianute-inn, tnnrt,w''taenpter te(4t, 'r. YnJ Y, V . . 11•,, n.:S>,c t+143:t .r91 FORtiolt%140. t rnr L a, eang.t att. ruaant t•+ str,late yrr tuta,t ta..-ec • i r a mad�allotl+ 1 mote's. fear . e t a aa:•. t a t icor* a Ju:l hFt6nae•Ss At rid 2 d 1,:t r t •ti 4G li..aba;11. t ,,,wot- ;,1rer. COUTO)tilI Or, .1:a(iAl ti HUDSON, Halsall, (int. fl '1'ir,• hnitatnr.t;rc;; tr; t to tot xn of Wet- erl Tia year s wool has already been sold in Sirathroy market. Cnlnllaeiertr.sl \'i3l L o i4 to have a new Preeltt teriaart church. haitivc' ;;need has been forma iu the 1�,\1 1al" t t'tll^.tt 5li01'. - The le; J t q e l,.;ta, 6.equiaiut the tul,elt)1. ,a4a;.1 Ntre;m11ttee4nctrJ that ROI rat pe: o a <,az t.n to Bernier sit,10 next at,Ner ri. 1 .t t•'.,e ? r Ile rreevett keep aeaterlyoftrent a 1 .ra nll L an;td5 4,;,t4 1],11 1. t (1 11 lo u r,n�t, y:: r mese. 11an9. Join W con. Commissioner, luster - ewe 7,, • . Pans anal loan 4t;0nt. Office•-, .eca»r r::attlAit.1 1:1 110tol, Exettr. Wilsons r, r, -ay+•n leiotatlay. )ltIVATle FUNDS to Iowa at 8 -per Cent. ;t4 O1tTU.WES BOUGHT, 1tlN\"l;'i'r1,NCTNfx --- Deeds, Mort. a.ed +S4aeee.\ytl➢s,. ,drawnenreasonabletarms it. ABBOTT L. ciraductcat ur) LoyutCOliege Qt 1 DENTAL SURGEONS. t)0lco iu leanson'aBlock—Ellta`old stand, Exeter. PROPERTY LIST. Li1OIG elAI,E Zvi WINCHELSEA-- House and Lot. Good stand for a ahooma- ker, ,l carner lot. Fnr itarticulare apply byletter a -r }tei•Hnuully w HARRY BEOWN, Wlzicllelies P.0 ^!C TInneee' E PROPERTY FOR SALE,. -- V Tho undorsigned offers for sale that lot south of Mr. J.awes Itainttre's new etore,on main ©trout, with afrontuge of 36 fest. irorterms apply to J. t'11U1r'NICAN,>,xeterorPATRIONMOVE1G11 aleGillivrity 3 . O. filo LEl'—SEVLRAL ACRES OF LAND for cultivation In large or small parcels. - Liao for sale several building lots from one-Afth of en acre and upwards et low rates. Apply is MR. 5. V.1:L1,LIT, Exeter. ARM ,FOJ.L SALE.—East half of -�a--`' lot tis, 2nd con. Osborne. eontainiug 63 sores all improved and under good oultivation. Ther., are en the »remises, House, Barn, Stable aud Driving 8.luse, (with root cellar under), ullframe ; two good wells with pumps, under gold young or- obard. Two miles from Exeter. Apply to gamin, PARSON or THOMAS Am.LtR, Exeter 1'. O. VOR SALE. --A FtUAME HOUSE aud two Lots on Ann Street, Exeter. The house is storey and a half high, frame, new, and . aontai is eight largo rooms. Stable and ether con- veniences on the premises. A number of young fruit tree + on the lots. Apply to DONALD) TAYLOR, Exeter. 'ARM FOR SALE. -1111, SUB - scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13- Con.14,Township of Usborne, County of Enroa tie acres clea••eJ, the remainder gnod bush, well fHnced, and in a good state of oultivation • under, drained, good orchard, splendid well of water. frame barn 36x60, log Male 24x36, log house, and conveuieat to school and three churches. For urther particulars apply to - WM. BRYANS, Kirkton, P.O., or MR. B. V. ELLIOT, Attorney, Exeter F.O. VILLAGE LOT FOR SALE.—VIL- lagelots No, 192 North of the old Wesleyan Church will be sold at a bargain and on reason- able terms. For particulars apply to WILLIAM SEAMEN, Ortditon, or to R. Bxsaner, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE --EAST HALF .LL'' Lot30,N. B. Stephen,oontaiuing 50 acres About 35 acres cleared, and in a good state of cul- tivation. Good log house and stable on the ore. PAM. Three acres orchard planted Mast spring Any quantity offence rails nn the lot, split and piled. For terms - apply to OTTO SOLDAN P. 0 Dasbwt.od. M. 34-tf �1ARIvt FOR SALII.---The subscriber offers h for sale, lot 13, concession 5, Stephe ., four miles and a half from Exeter, comprising 100. acres, 90 acres cleared. , Good log house and frame barn, splendid water, soil fit for dairy or grain, also a splendid brick yard on .the premises;':, For further particulars apply to RxCHARD.Xovxo, on the premises, ox 30Exe• ter, PO u URRAI3 FOR MANITOBA.—Aa 11, . the subscriber wishea to leave for the North West, he offers for sale that desirable vil- lage property, situate on the, bank of the river in • Exeter North, lots 31, 82 and 33 on Elizabeth Street-three-f1fthe of an acre. The lots are In a bi:;h state of cultivation, with f nit trees in a good bearing condition, consisting of apples, pears, t,in n v, ''series, ourrn, •tt and grapes. ';' .r'i.v ,l'::�.t a;•.a ..r•a •,vitt' cell:: k e4, 01,1rcret' a •.e.., HL „I L;.y t •.v i 1.7 • .1 ten •.,, t.e „n.••1 tnwlrsllip of St, -1,l traea9,Mtlel ;oke. The 11,0 le .+i' l',a.l,liitt 161,.ttlltl cel brining the 21:h by Caledonian t striae. At Ingersoll ti, 111311 nae fined $10 erne c.,,t- for trespassing ori the G. W. I R. Intal.'. Gtltelldl unix ermine to population of 9,918, ata limeade of 2,11 duriug the pada year. The Helhnnth Boys: Ct 111>e;e, Lin- den, gill hereafter be ltmtwu t DutT- elite Ot is.ge, Three new 11 •th ,list J pile pal churches =.era 111 e,Ctetruetio8 iuTor.,nitu di.ttter . Ou Werittr':1i.av of litres *seer, \Ir.• Blatho'e Poet . di1 calsis tta fere ; 1a11 over tine Dominion. A. poet t+friie•a ell opened at Cadrri•''s Corners ou tit . Pori Dover d; Labe Bruen, Railway. Teo Bpi -Jetted \Ie3thtr.liate of Brant- ford etur:terne uttt, buildiug a ,10,000 church in the least Ward. \Vnadett ek Cher sus Demi i hes reeely. ed t 1 [sold it i hvr o untarat every Wed- nesday during the eeason. Mr. J. Vidal*, of Forest, sustained a fracture of thejaw by beim; kicked by a those. .Recovery is expected. A new sporting paper entitled the Spurting Trihuutt has been darned in Brantford. The' publishers are Messrs. Chittouden 4: Smith. Rev. Zr.\R. M. Pops, pt'avtnr of the L E. church, Listowel has been In- dented by the young inennbttrs of leis congren;atioe with a well-filled Nurse. Ou Saturday afternoon a young Ulan named Wm. Roney, of Colborne, Ont.. utauding near a stump machine, while assisting to take a stump out, the ring that holds the three rings together, gave way, one 1oe fallieg upon hire and crush- ing him badly. The body of Timothy McCarthy, the Moutltou N. B. tavorulleeper, who .is supposed to have been murdered by the Oaboine family, at Shediac, was found in the Scondao itiiver on Saturday last, near the tipot pointed out by the girl Aunie Parker. A. baseball match was played at Markham on the 11th inst., between the Iroquois of that place and the Te- oumeehs of Toronto, resulting in a vic- tory for the former by a core of 18 to 18. Theaggregate number of children attending the various Sunday Schools in Mitchell is estimated to be 650. On the arrival of the mixed train at Port Hope on Saturday last, sever] tramps got on board. The conductor put them off after going a short dis- tance. Several stoves were thrown, and some drew revolvers. The desper- adoes were arrested and dealt with ac- cordingly. On Saturday last, Mr, Matthew Mc- itee ol'i3are•ie was engaged in sinking a boulder into a hole some three feet deep. He was in the pit di. ging, and had stooped forward it in believed, to nick up apebble, when the stone fell on the back of his bead, burying him corn pletely. Before help could be procured life was extinct. A demonstration in honorofSir John Macdouald and Dr. Tubper was held in Toronto on:Saturday last. There was a long line of torch -bearers, and the pro- cessiuu, after parading the principal streets, brought up in front of the Unit- ed Empire Club, whim was brilliantly illurnivated. An addrees.was present- ed at the Club tothe hon. gentlemen, both of whom delivered addresses to the asseaibled multitude from the balcony of the building. The line of march was thronged with people. ofb.:eember, 1377, to the 22nd of April, fine young general purpose atallion 1878, lauded at Richmond wharf, 11si which he bought from Mr. bamue fax, for the Iutereoloniai Railway and blunter, to 11r. Robert Sharp fa connecting lines, 19,701 ton freight, $500. and it is creditable to know that nota Mr. E. kliekson and Dr. Coleman package of goods was least in trltnsit, Seaforth, left last week for the of Major Starr,Militia Storekeeper,Lon- country. Both gentleman iutend vis don, acting under instructions from itirg the Purls Exbibitiou before they head -Torten', dispatched 840 rounds of q p 'sclero. atTIMIliditien to each of the following" losses. T. Lapstie and J. I11ci rtflie militia eornparri.es ; \Vallaoetnwll, of l3ruaa9la, left for Manitoba. on Fri - Chatham, ash r C ler Port t P Stanley, Satirize, S .rt a k + dd Wind- , tlP 5 3 a ra1 r s u t,If they see at . 1 l td with y } fi h the country they wit! become pernea^ vent residents. As air. °has. Yienhar.t, of the 2nd eau., McKillop, was a••sistinp at a barn. raising on the farm of Mr. Fred. Arnold, ou the 7111 inst., a he vy piece of timber cl.nllee the t-coeurrareuder". fell upuu him, striking him upon the bead, laying it op a ttown to the bone of the skull, and rendering him illsounible for some time. l r o Q. 37 d sur,Leanitngton, Mooretowll tante )14ujtis- !vine, Whatever truth there may or may nut he regardiug the Fenian pre. paratiorls ou the other side, it is a cer- tainty that the Cauadian auth.n'ities are to posseeeio11 of enficieutly er'editabh inforreetion to put them on their guard. Several battalions* have bean warned to hull themselves in readiness fur aetivo • service, but, in our opinion, little (lain ger tuned be feared from the tedoon loaf ors of either Buffalo, Syracuse or De trail. There is one tiling certain, tura if they do areae the river, they will never find their way back. J. D. Henderson, in tale great 25,000 o walk, Mondale, avis cot to Slaarididn malt way to Ha nilten and bleak, cent- sleeting kis 8213th mile. Ile is three days bellied, which he halt, undertaken to make up before the end of the month - [lie being behind is the fault of hire hutanagera.. Yesterday morning he lt,fe for Whitby to continue hie task, and thence prooeeds eget, etoppiug et all Ou Monday last the body.of a man was found floating in the harbor at Pres- cott, in an advanced stage of dnoomposi- tion. An inquest was held, at wuich(evi- dance went to show that she. deceased was Jaynes Fer uson, a saddler, who worked one day in Mr. Rankine shop last winter and then very mysteriously disappeared. It' is not known' where deceased's friends reside. Letters were {'r5fl.�.? 4111 hit)) oi1.11•h.,pnrl. 'I HE WAR. MONDAY n ISl.F(}ltAMS. Deaden, May 13. -All the British x11.1 walked , reguu'uas in the Mediterratleau are to be arable up to a three ::nd wren. Re- ' foreernente e-irif►rcelnreaue are ready to leave Eng. laird fur this pnrprree, Tile ..I iolnce Rime ferpitellvdenies that the Itneeiau troops have begun to with- draw from ahem Canatantrnopte. A Vienna correspondent atseertd that Rnereia has informed the Powers of her the large towns. initenntuna to aeinitiut them hnwedlately Capt. J. T. Kerby, of the Six Nation 01' R a•Lt;i.1. s dtaftnite resolutions result- I"duos, says that in case of a Fenian lag trent negoeiauouswitlt k:ngland,and invasion he eau place at the disposal of that Russia would thee request the set'. the Goverhlnleut oue thoueaud trusty vices of the Pawl's to rem IVO any dif- warriors within five dayrn finales which might bo in the way of the Couudil, a peaceful settlement. Alesers. George Walker and Thos. Nearly 150 persons have been ate Shipley, the well-known cattle dealers rested at Warsaw as accomplice!' of the of North Middlesex, have got together Nihilist Secret National. Rnisian Gov - ever 100 excellent animals, which are eminent, recently discovered. to be chipped to England in the course el a fest days. Mr, Walker will ticaom• pans the abi�ament, lend see to their die. postal. COUNTY ITEMS. Mr. Leckie, of Brussels, started his ohecae factory yesterday. A lady 'fa uted in Clinton Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday of last week.. Mr. John Johnston, of London Road, Stanley, has.fell wheat 80 inches high. A number of the residents of Brns- sele have left for the old souutry lately. Mr. W. G. Singleton, of Morris, has fall wheat, the heads of which are over one inch in length. On Wednesday of last week, the lightning shattered Mr. Geo, MoKay's house, of Wingbam. Seaforth Public Sohool now employs eight teachers, aud has an average of fifty pupils to a teacher. The members of the Seaforth Me - (shanks' Institute have eleoted its offi• cert for the ensuing year. Mr. Simon Powell, of Seaforth, in- tends erecting a brink hotel on his property opposite Cardinal's block. Brussels wiil vote en a by-law to grant a bonus of $20,000 to the Chat ham Engine Works, on the 27th inst. The members of the Huron Encamp- ment I. 0. 0. F., are notified of the next regular meeting (to -morrow) Fri• day. Mr. John Lasbam, of Londesboro, has offered a farm of 100 acres to the County Council, as a site for a poor- house. TUESDAY'S TELt:alta rs., A St. Petersburg det3patch says the Russiau army tiro subscribing liberally funs for tba purchase of oruisere to prey upon English commerce. The Queen, tiro Crown Princess of Germany, and tale Duke of Cambridge, Commander -in -Chief of Aldershot, re- viewed 14,000 regulars. There is every reason to •-olive that the friendahit between France and England is greatly influencing Ger- many he advising Russia to give way to the Engieh programme,and it is known that recent communication,' between St. Petersburg and London hove been couched in friendly terms, so much as to alarm Austria with the fear that England, Tnrkey,and Russiainay make up their differences and leave her out in the cold. In the midst of all the hopeful sighs of peace, Austria is now showing activity in the direction of war. In spite of the peaceful rumors, the maa,tlin r of Austrian troops near the Danube and the Save coutinues active- ly. ctive.ly By order of Todleben, the Servians have occupied Sofia, which the Rus- -does had vacated. A. Vie nua special anysBer'in bankers have, it is saidenade Russia a prelimin- ary advance of fifty million roubles. It is sta.ed that orders have been is- eue.i for the first army corns to bold itself in readine.,s to embark 14,ltay 28th. 'WEDNESDAY'S TELEGRAMS. New York, May 14.—Tete Herald's St. Petersburg' special tt ports a belief in (.court circles that Count Sshouvaloff has returned for the purpose of seeking categorical instructions as to the pre - elite plaits of R&Area's cancessions. A match will be played at Goderich , U' ea' iahes is iucF e:asiug, Thirty-two battalions of Russian re it)fi,rCPments have arrived at San Stef- .tleu. The rel one 1 ar•ranoement con- oeruin0 elle fm'trenses hes fulled, in on the 24th inst„ between the Stratfot d Lacrosse Club, and the Hurons, of t7 oderich. The township council of McKillop consequence of the Sr. Pete. sburg (Inv. has granted $500 to be expended in re• ,,,•um„tit checking Todleben's projected retreat to Adrianople The position '1 Saa y llaelllt, Preiti'nL of the Turk- ish Cabinet. Council, is consequently reestablished. The news -from th • Mnssulrnan in•- surreotio• -states that the distil' bailees. are spreading. The Greeks in New Bulgaria have just received a new oc- casion for alarm in the attempt. of the Russian antbdritiess to enroll them un- der the general conscription throughout Bulgaria.• '- Austt'ian occupation' of Bosnia seem- ed talked about as a foregone ©once cion. . In some quarters it is regard tilt part 'of a comprehensive scheme ;for the settlement of Om 1a1:Rtovtlit tion q � , pairing the gravel road between Sen - forth and Walton, A game of draughts was played by were ou Tuesdae, 7th iust., between Blyth and Lucknew, resulting in a victory for the former. A, jeweller of Seaforth has just sent off an order for ten dozen wedding rings. A demand f 1r jewellery of this kind must be great in Seaforth. A few day ago a young child of Mr. Geo -Tedford, of Clinton, wee struck on the head by a bone and rendered'un ooneaions. It has since recuvel'el. Mr. Robert Fox, an employee in the tV,•+`otr'1'hru1:.141,4 1'i+;141' 1)4114(T e: J 1 ;t' \:• , • , • Q ,•�:..14i .44'i1 :V 4.1, , .•,t 01 ,..lee ' : 3 4, i • r k . 'Y4. refugees, without again subjecting therm to the outrages of the Mohamrne- daua, and rendering Bosnia a scene of renewed war, Besides the expenses of maintaining the refugees the latter are now eh cult to control. They comma numerous depredations in Orotia. Numbers have beenfound armed with breeoh-loaders. Stringent measures have been adopted for restraining and disarming them. A St. Petersburg special •ars it le rumored that Eugland is sending 30,- 000 mien from India to Lake Vail, and threaten the Ruesiaus in the Caueasue. (Unconfirmed,) A San Stefano special says -A11. the troops hero will move within a few days into camp on the tieing ground, two milee and a half nearer Coustaanti. NEWS OF Ti1Ii WEEK. The number of victims by the explo eoiu is believed to be considerable: The eteann.er Starlight was humeri at Sanford ou Saturday. the paesengera narrowly ebraping. Lose $Ii1,Otsti. A terrible explosion (Toured at an arnwuuitiou manufactory iu Rue Per. gouger. The buildingg was completely ,battered. A serious fire ensure in the neighboring hawses, and is stilt n ,con- trolled. .& despatch from Paris was received at Laudon on Saturday which said that the Eueperor William received several shots from a revolver while he was returniug from a drive wide the Graud Duchess of Baden. Ntabudy wIle seriously hurt. The Meesre. Allans,of Montreal, have received the following cable , The Sir- dinitau's spare coals exploded in 11i,ville harbor. The ship took fire, w•ae+ rua. aehure, scuttled, and Sauk in thirty feet of water. Several ateera€e paseen ers were injured ; all the eabiu pasoengere dere safe. Two of the crew were killed. It has been floated again, anti will shortly resume service.. Mauv of the Sardinian's passengers have joined the Peruvia,u,whioh was substituted for the Sardinian. A great quantity of cloth. ing has bean contributed by the inlla.bi- tauts of Londonderry. TEUS FE MANS. Cil. Fletoher, D. A. G., of Montreal', has reeeived instructions frau Ottawa to distribute arms to the volunteers along the American border. The Militia Department, lalifax, has been active of late in providing for ernergeuoies. Four guns have been sent to Yarmouth and four to St. John, with ammunition for these places, as well. as Digby, where guns are already in position. "I” Battery of Artillery is being enrolled at Yarmouth, the offi- cer oommanding the Imperial troops here furnishing an instructor, The battery at Sydney is being put in proper order. Ammunition has been forward - 1.(1, and the militia there are being trained to work the guns. Vice Admir- al Ingelfield has loaned rifled guns and ammunition for the Dominion steamers Lady Head, Glendon and Newfield. Usual activity was noti eablo in the militia department at Ottawa ore Satur- dtty afternoon, and it is understood. the Minister of War received important dis- patolees, one from the Colonial Secre- tary, and others from diff.•Lent points iu the United 'hates. The Premier, Mr. Jones, 'Lieut. -General Sir E. S. Sytath and Adjutant -General Powell are said to have held a long consulta- tion after the receipt of the dispatches, and the clerks of the department had to forego their usual Saturday t.alf-Iol- - iday. - Col. Currie, oommanding the 19th Ba't , St. Catharines, on Saturday nig! t received a telegram frorn Col. Villiers, to notify the officers of his command to hold themselves and men in readiness, for service. A. confereuoe was held on Sunday and orders given to assemble the men en Trtnprla,5' and fn•rnish them with arms and 20 ruunds of ammunition each, also to instruct them to hold themselves in readiness for active service at a moment's; notice, wad in all probability to move on bile 17th inst. The save orderswere received at Ni. agora sure Clifton. -- At the latter point ttruls And ammunition were served out. `. ctRAND B ..ND. Aavn.--The ague is very bad at the 1'letlri; ROMP eeventePn Cil, 48 havitin ),114) ,1•i. •1, t rr . .lei 4 i .{•. ,a v , t \\t• •LL• lli.1,