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The Exeter Times, 1878-5-9, Page 7
MAY 9, 18i8 TRE TIMES 7 THE REGULAR SEASON.. Whack! Crack! Whack! "Pis au old familiar souud; The parlor carpet, at•tride the fence, Is telag hasten around- Cra3't'- Dash! Smuah !. From parlor and Idtchen and haft; .11 yelp frm.ru TomiuV, n }eft from Jos "Twas oily a mirror --that's all. mop ! Scrub! Wash! A taatiuter ou every Laud; Hangers of paper in every roots. And plumbers iucteasiag the hand. HE TAKES SUPPER 'WITH THE LORD. A. worthy oitlzeu of Burlington, sur- ling the Isle Moody and Saukey revisit there, wee sakes to give himself to jes ";You ";.en only be saved by grace," said the pleader.. lor, c �o xy don't t (opsit ttll.ess yen accept Jesus, andjoin the eitnra,ll•" "Wsal 1. have Ell go t4 the L erd's Sapper ?' asked the eitizen. •e(t,� course t" "A5411 tert.t bread and wine ?" Growl? Seoul! Groan! "Yes. iSrea1 and wine, symbolical. Tine dishes mixed tap with the chain; s of th., hay of our Lord,,' "Nothing else ?" "No frieaseeed chicken or coffee?" a.\ ."I..4t.t':1 see; 11'r. S - - goes to:;year church ?" "And her partakes of tits Lord's Sup- per Wait (Lt rest of you a " "Well. I arm euewsnd if I will sit down. to that l wit'tt Suiten ails S - Ile The sofa alpset auti pictures smashed, 4114 wife doavu Fick «ithlher cares. Bread! CafitU * Tea! Ataytbimg most. will do; ''Cates are stietwy and kuihe3 are gone -- Ins color the butter to blue. Lilt^ L'aatg! Slam Oh! ,slim' will it ever be o'er ? 'Moat cies we go to bed. A lx l riot ait:n+ler on the door 9 Ouch ! Fath' 11unb 1'4ilnt from ceiling to lasso, The white -washers coming at early To mime a --a hotel of the plica t 1)t':",t *_ Ilsf!int t Wake! Alai then f tit asleep again To airc.i'n that cholera came at tat, WW1 valenilt funeral. strain. Qnc a every , ar 2ttp thiuga up and tear— ash! ear--ah! crash.h bang t t rew1 t smart ! gime! 4 lied, t+1 tete eh pia. this Ain't of clothes I Isere un, He fold, nus they were all dawn, 0 wt of ; they are shoddy.,, eWell, you got thein cheap." "tilt, I didn't Ilan Ket rid of a bad two troika bill at tile, Rime time, that inn probably laud lying in hie drawer five or hi;, weeks." "Well, I'd have him arrested for that." •"'Twouldu't do in this moral cam. munity, They would take his word nooner than they would tithe the word of a wicked sinner like rue. fie takes supper with the Lord r A NPlitt Ute,` lr'lrALt T. Itosqip.,. wool find o n Bull dozinfi . - "Lift 11p them fallen," exolaiul4 Elie IIsi dicdrl'k Iomk an if his pockets held eh/dee-in 1fa Work, Softly; g4 slots, fifty cents, but a rich algin has a right, Try mail -1ce what his lianEdd la before to dress as ire chooses. He had loafed /on raise !'Will. up Griswold street until he saw the L AL-011mq GAS. It is a thing that no cno but tbe" grocee'd can understand, how "new'" aueple engar and three year old illy lslzttcksi always Rlrpear together, The' shill who cau make two aces 'Fitt sort of a facts, and then he naked: "Ow you show me a bank ?" "Yes, air•. -three doers below, or just across the street, or right back thee." "Thank-. I'd like to put some mon. y ill soni"1 bank, but I'm a little afraid appear whore wily one appeared be. of banks. I always did prefer a note fore, bels that ho draw for not'!• of labii to a bank." iug, even if he didn't quite fill. The citizen pricked tip his mire and Display 1t. Pith with the wards scam- asked ware of paint," and owe men one of ".A. trifle,' was lite answer. "Do ten will draw tileirforeflnl;er across the newly painted surface. Tl[eterutb mall never learned to reed.. "An &ditties wife never goea through her 1n:shawl's other trousers pockets to strike a patelingt+ of love letters. Edit. or are not like the wicked, unfaithful men of the world—editors rarely have j talk,,, said the etr+tnger. you kt ow of anybody who'd like to takesosome, and. (five moa unto for a year at seven per (tent. ? I think of going to Mexico for a while." "'!let's see 2"" mused the citizen, "II don't know but whit I'ti take some my- self."my- self."""Lomme git a drink, and then we'll the other + trousers. "Yee_eertaiuly—oou1e on," said the A. Florida man mistook a mule for a, citizen, end the two went into a base- ment. Drunk:.' were ordered by the cit. izet), one after another, nntii his shin- pltttltere felt lonely, He said he tumid make hood use of as few thousand diel• tura for a year, and some of his friend." might also take a few thousand more. The stranger put down gill, whiskey, lager and brandy until his legs gave out. The citizisu laid 'lila on a bench anti tried to saber Ilitn, but the fellow went dead asleep while they were try- ing rying to force vinegar down -his throat. The bar -keeper said he was an old loaf- er, find a policetnau MS sent for to take him to the station. When they got hint down there and enrolled 11'11, they found four cents, a brass -backed comb and a door key in his pockets, and the citizen who wanted to borrow a few thousand dollars went softly around the corner to see if the mail had ghost and poko•l it with a stick. The verdict recited that be came to his death by using too slbatrt a stick iu probing the nnknowable for evideuces of a future existence. "What is your chief consolation in life ?" asked a pastor of a young lady in rt Bible CI 11811. The young lady best- tatecl and binrshod, but said, "I do'l't like to tell you his Mame, but. I have 110 objection to telling you where he live, a, A an +tiler w11ni,e crying infant matte the sermon of her pastor almost inaud ible was going from the church when the clergyman spoke up, saying : "My good woman don't go away. The baby doesn't disturb lee." "It isn't tor that 1 leave, sir ;" was her reply, "it's you disturbs the baby." A corre'pondent writes to enquire, come iu. "What is good for warts?" Well, we THAT SETTLED 1'1'. elon't really know. S5 a snppose, how- ever, a little weak oatmeal gruel or "The time has come at last," said I. milk, or something of that kind, is Mr. Bitllack, impressively, looking his 1 xbnut the belt thing for thein until they get teeth, then almost anything will agree with them. What makes a man mad when the light goes out before he is nudressed, isn't HO much the fact that every chair he hangs his clothes on upsets in a Minute, but the mortifying discovery. when he opens the wrong bureau draw- er, that the rate have gnawed off the 'peeves of his -night-shirt, until they're not more than two inches long. Henry Stanley is believed by the Liverpool Mercury to be egotistical. A fellow whose ogo has been for some years ctodgiug cannibals and inventing sonemes to keep his particular etpare- ribs out of their dinner pot, has per- haps a trifle of a right to be egetietieal. lie must have fallen into the nnpleas- alit habit of thinking about himself tt "Has your cashier phy pledge ?" "No." "Nrw I know—I expected it—I ex - PLUMB R AT MINNEAPOLIS. EIGHT M144E DESTROYED BY EXPLOSION AND P211E—SEVENTEEN MEN xxx.r.un-- LOB $1,500,000. At seven o'clock aft the "evening of the see0nd inst., the city was shaken as if by an earthquake by a terrific explo• a promptly t seto the vrhicil wait pr nap y xa dto group of great flouring mills, in what is known AS the Pla PRICE, TEN CENTS, Newspaper Advertising ONE RONDRED AND FIFTEaNTE EDITION eontatninis a ocmplete listof all the towns in tato United States, the Territories and the Dominion of Canaria, having a population greater than 5,00'i according to the last census, together with the names of the newspapers having tae largest local circulation iu each of the laces named, Also, s tforin, just alloi#C catalogue of uewepape.a 'w1./ are iecoirntmeuc ei; rate lee explosion a 1 s t`u d �1 h 1 Medical.lsx Great of liar CGlliinn Of Elam p St t• F 11 > la a t' ' n vertiders as gtvtag are t va ue n proper- Also, many tables a rate4 showin:11 the cost of Ad- undyed feet, followed by a vertisiugin variona newspapers, and ever ••tuusii laud CrdsI. which Ciuebed Elle i117mense wh[ch a beginner in advert,siug would hue to Tit .n99 -9g OIy 2. _ $ 8. Whore @ _k_lr4 Ltnnl t�iviceschar li. doe iaewki?>aPi�r lite from fiaUndist rot of the city is cftueen- te" t.Atea nnu au a pita tate over �, app- t d th ieseach*slue. Also,alithe Eeai;tous,Agrieultur came a , creel t e, an ec a •ica., asOnto, ru '11'11, frolu which a Juventlo, :Educational, Cotumerei i1. I; sumacs, Eeal Estate, Law. Sporting, 3tiierei . Fuab[ou, 51st other s ecinl class onnaula; very conipacto lists. shout of as seen e n to ho ew e u several Ii kaon Adtiro` aGEO,P.EOWELL & 00.,10 Spruce structure like an eggshell. The iuime- Street, rewYork. diate theory of the explosiou is that it took piacte in RAE generated in li 25 middlings aud ly very great. n 11C�. Erecnding35c.withate,height,co• pat080 Fancy Cttrd5n1L ad in styles, or 10 ehromo w[thuamo,lacta, atassan0ur3Ca.,:iaaaau, e lass �; . purifier pracass Th undoubted I of life is the confusion that surrounds the scene, the first rumor Made the dead from 70 to 80, but this is not beide out by en- quiry. The explosion took place at the hour of ,hanging day for night hands, and many of both,were undoubtedly iu the building. The number of dead le placed at 17. There were malty .trifling iucidente and narrow a capes. The 108.1 to property is estimated at $.1.,- 000,000, Orae million falls upon the milling interests. The lane throughout the city by the breaking of gloss, etc., $10.000. Five fuilis and placing Mills were destroyed, besides adjoiuiug prop. erty. THE • OUSNW1FVS TABLE. " 0 1ar of the eyes and hair, you win re. } ce[ve by return mail a corre-t phi- ' tea aNh of your future Intik i •d tor YOUXSelf #ife with Want, ,End date of inar- rl Ego. Address W. Fax 1' O, draw- er 3)Kultt+asttle PIANOI:etait price ?`J0!1 only 2611. Par, slur tlrgtuts, price x110 a'• t J5. 1'a^ , per free. Pasicr, ia. linin-rx, %' .t.- ngton, ';..J. Important to ButterWorkers Ono Good Acthe tgent lvanted in every7 �town• ship to lutroduce lite VIUTOE BETTE,R WOR . EO, Sa uplo !+Machine Free to Agents. P $600, Y?.00 and $8.W oacit. fono3l[:lion to be sold in the Dominion. .4 iy1y eaa3y with $tune to r ents circular, to the VICTOR 1vRINf3k:R Cit?, liaocxvv^ MINED CAA 4. 'Al ttal'e !acts. Agen 4'. 4Voutltt,loco. L.Jo1aa&Co. Nuilatu,N.Y. . FOWLER & FUL` ON, frNERAt, YfIENT'S 01' Trig UNITED) STATES ('s#it1'ItitiOE t.0., maitntacturers of the SOLID HEAD, IIELOADINCT, 3tIL1TAltt SYO1iTIN(i, cENTIIAL VIBE CABTRA,DGES Also Lint Fire Ammunition for Pistols and !titles. Car ridge cmtsts. SwtFed owl Patched Ballets, Priup rs rt 1o.iding'lords Se , dc. Send for illus. trated'ati.l-,nes sup131OtirAA3; ..Y. LOOK AND READ. The following ie a very useful. house- Nomore lerc b nro`Cltartrt,ys, Snrnettti Slflew wife's table, by whish persona not Icr;1'1l ;1t [,ht 'acwt IN,;,:+r,rr1•;tlttia4lit;.u• p P.uii s 1 at ,sit ,, tr. l'rt'tel ;litctt or l�aat>•:taxa lamp instil rte. This is ane of Elle greutestt 1OV '. •itAV, lug 13x'1' It $ a,f the {•re seat ogo, Eltt•y scial last far ''f 51 8 Ella .' Rin t a 4o -4 -delight ;; they MI6 h0 used AS . at IAA vt, icttioip they will heat wntcri:l afew aan- tiles, Territory free tit nrettts 1 -.urge protlta 111141'" fr4I11tilek' 11 4I1 e)' 'geld 1 iirizer 553 SEs, tient bS ttlatl eat .tae, For to tt:ta. Eke.. addre, a o. 1x, unot k(. Ill', Elttawa. Ont l.ox sill. llaving scales *ud weights at hand ria rriatlily measure the artiolee wanted to farm any receipt) without the trouble of weighing, allowance being matte for dryness or moisture of the erticlea Wheat. flour 1 pound is 1 quart. Indian weal 1 pound1 quart. Loaf sugar, broken, 1 pound gnext. White sugar 1 pound 1 quart. I3rown sugar 1 pound 1 quart. Nine eggs are 1 pound. Sixteen large tablespoonfulla 1 pint. Eight largo tabieepo ufuls 1 gill. '.., pit<•l A eoinulcn-eized tuulbler beide half a pint. TI LONDON ani ONTARIO INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ICs Send Send ea for.plot; +7 Flower Seeds, 15 for 50e., 7 for :axe., or 2.; pkts.Ve^a'ei, lit for i� P �,,�' Mc. The Floral Trib- ute, a 100 -page Floral worli with eoloreii plate, !c-, with either of the alio ve packages seeds, two years free. These of- afa are bona Tide and the Seeds first-ciesy, being p Iced low only to induce all to try them. AcldresA �t.H.Reid, Rochester N.Y. r.�':�e3lcil Tris I'nPra. t: E FALL AND \Vizi TER. TRADE. 0, $oL'tb.oatt 116 Soni, TAILORS and ULOTITIE,lt,s, Take pleasure to ir form the innabitantsof Effete add surrounding country. Etat they have ;its ope,ed out AA escelieat assorfinentof Tweeds, Coatings, 1'estinfrs etc., id the lateen styles attdpatterne, and feel apsurcat that iantao Clatter etc tet• ing, they eau suit the wast fastidious tastes. wit umber of 'Waltzer P Sewing ;iiaclline baId at asaotlace to eleau ant stock. Grocer/es Uon f eotionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per ib, CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGAR always in aleck. PORTSMEN'S DEPOT. clioo1 Books, Stationery, Magazines 3.'X11 ALL THE LATEST news win loaotticc, Needles of every Siad. A. BOYD. Parties requiring money eau obtain advances A teacupful is a gill. on .tllpr"vcd town or farm propel ty. ;it Pia rr: t1 tllbleir a©ouftil ie half ail ounce, rates. The above is 0 L0100n,l;li�,iand Cont - 1 patty. Fur further nartic,tlarr,, apply to Forty drops aro equal to one tea BUDElt'l PICKAIU , Agent, spootlful. Exeter Ont. Four teaspoonfuls aro equal to one tablespoonful. Mowers and Reapers WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Singe Mowers —AND -- Single- Reapers wife square in the eye. "I have known,in all kinds of Grass and Graiu,and on all col. for several days thmlt it is inevitable, ditioneofsoilandenrface, and might happen tppeu at any time.'" AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION "Why, dear, what is it ? What can OR NO SALE you mean ? You look so depressed. It cannot be—and yet -0, relieve this Icilling suspense. Alexander, have you—have you failed ?" said his wife, with clasped lauds. No, my dear; my credit is yet un impaired, and business is looking up." "You don't mean to say, my dear, that your old pain • in your head has come back ?" "No." ,"You haven't had to pay that note for vont. brother Tooeph ?" "No." "Have you—now toll me, Alexander Bidln.ek, have you had duuther attack of vertigo ?" meal tunes. A. Brooklyn barber named Meeker is nut with a challenge in which he )hakes known his anxiety to meet Joe. broken his Mur - Coburn, the notorious pugilist, in a petted it—I knew' it all the Lilue—I twenty-four font ring, and fight him felt sure it would be so—Mr. DeboDairm for a $1,000, London P. It. rules tc has asked for Serahhina ?" govern. At a first glance -tits seems rather a rash act of Meeker's; but when we tome to COneidt'r that Coburn it. Serving out a twelve years' term in Auburn prison, we gradually form the ut'inion that Meeker i' a eretty cautious lIB1w. "No, nothing of the kind." "Then tell me—without waiting an other rtloment-I eau bear it—let mo know the worst." ."Well, that breeches bn,tton I told you about, boa got tired of hanging by one thread, and here it is." Wo also offer a Trial of our Two Bur Wrought hob JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REAPER A;iD MJWER 6fachil.es supplied with 1'wo Pltmaue, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger bars. and Keyed. Nuts, Self -oilers, 4tc., etc. an be charged from Mower co Reaper E'onr Knives, Forked AND REAPER TO MOWER 13yremoyid offourbolta, an'inleas shenfifteen minutes' Limo. Neese call at our works and inspect our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. fes' Rend for Catalogues. THOMPSON & WILLIAMS Manufaoturing (;o., Stretford. 31a3• 17, tt, MILLINERY RY miss G-ARLICK, Rea now in steels a complete Sino of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Kind, in Latest StYlcshill Lowest Prices A fall Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, pian ton Lace, Braids, Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &a, t -r( -Jackets Cut end made to order. MISS GARLICK, Main St., E Toter. GOLD FOR 50 CENTS we will sena to any at' - dress elegant Gents W atoh Cita in pair Sleeve 1;uttot.s Sot aut.t,ntt. Is, 1 t'oli•ir Button. heavy plain ring, 1 Parisian monad pin. Retail price 50. $1t10, 000 stock nnu,t be sold. illustrate' catalogue of j0'%0nt y, watches, Sc snot with every lot. ',liver watch r tr' 11 ^ke tv ' • dies JEWELRY MONTREAL P. CL NOVELTY CO. A Special Offer TO TEE READERS OF THIS PAPER. A Beautiful and -- x`" owIss Magnetic Pock .,eeper,,,nal Ilea Ladle, Gold Wal,,, sandlot= Oroide Cue. Glass crystal, elect sad metal worke, and warranted to denote correct time. A Perfect GSM for everybody de- siring areliable Time liceper.. Will be Gyegn away to every patron Militia paper as Free CIrt. CUT our Tam Centres AND Msu. rr. COUPON. On receipt of thin Conon and $1.00 to pay for packing, boxing and mailing charges, we promise to send by return -mail, each _patron of this paper a GENUINE Swrba MAGNETIC i .1 noT66. Addree., Magnetic Watch CO., TAUNTON, MASS. This 1, your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain this beautiful premium,so anter AT' ONCE, sod do not min thio miChanced a Lifetime. s' K N o viBy inn sti g a. '-uths cin the inestimaL t; '•uths col - tained in the sa medical boot ever loat...aontitled THYSELFSELF-PI'eR'SERt TION r}. Price only $1. 9' nt ay mail. on receipt of prior, It treats of Exhausted .Vitnlity, Prenu,tuecline, Nervous and Physical Debilirc Decline, and the endless concomitant ills and untold ,miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pre. seriptions, re- seriptions, any oat of which IS worth the price of the hook. This book cras,written by the most ex. tennive and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, le whom was awarded n anal and jilt!. elled medal by the. National Medical As,ociatioi. A Pamphlet,illustrated with the very flncit, Steel Engravings—a mar- ���� vel of art and beauty — sent TREE to 1411. Scud for it at once. Address. INSTITUTE, PEABODY Im.0. 4 ICA finch dg Ltp INSTII'(TTE, No. 4 Bx1 li F finch St., Boston, Illass. GO TO R. &E SPICER'S GROCERIES Always New and Fresh FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISIONS, EARTHENWARE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away —21 Bars for One Dollar.— Good Vinegar. 20e, per Gallon, Clicks Syrups. Market I;nsketii—cheap. N, f3, I)ou't forget the place—R. & E. Spi. cer's, opposite Mr. E. Christie's Hotel. Produce taken in exebangefor goods. R. &E SPICER The Ship Grocery TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, and An Groceries FRES H and NEW a4 the same prices as other stores. tom. PRO -PUCE TAKE:: INEXCHANGE. , TOBACCO STOBI-11 Choice Tobacco and Cigars of the very best brands. CAPT. CZO. It LIP Agent for Great Western St,'atnship Line, New York and Bristol, England direct. THE ONTARIO SAVING S' INVEL MI N s s 'O 0X a4TY , LON DON,CANADA Working Capital, $2,100,000 Reserve Fund, $144,000 Largest working capital of any Company- west of Toronto. Money loaned on first-class ReelEi,tate,aecurities either in straight Lonns, (d apor eon 1, or on the Instalment system, at the option of the borrower. Apply to W. F. BULLLt , Manager. 0r to Mn. ANnREI, L•ins, Exeter, MASON ILtsnsax, ilcusnll, JOAN PARSONS, Credston. January i31... ,1 m. 1IN CLAIR T Al'.lr. ether in' Fancy (roods attd Toys doable anti single Benin Wool, of alt color. Ales Zephyr and Gerltnlut n. Wool Nex 4,444 torah of the Tunis office, Exeter.