HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-9, Page 44 TEE TIM ' S Fie . ',Ernie,. tend conducting the canvass during the ensuing election, if untruth and mis- representation, as exemplified in the TII,L'l'tSD'A ', MAY 9, 1878. Goaerich lawyer, are among the ear. TRYING TO INJLIIE AN OPP0- dines priuoiples of the Reform party, Are not advertised aa•`cure ells " but are al'ceitits SENT. in this riding, the people should be pre• pared to accept with the greatest re - There is one tiling above ad others serve, any statements they make. The I which every' luau, but especiallyfirst attempt of Mr. Cameron to slaw - men who desire to be elevated to a no- t der his opponent has euded in disaster. virion Of trust• "la hotlor by- the people We await with impatience the further should at all times 410 ; that is,, en' unfolding of his plans, Ent he should deavor to tell the truth, They ern( attempt something not so palpably ab then personally entitled to the re- surd. sped of the sotamuuity, , however their NEW AA»VERTISEMENTa, BIGGEST CHANCE TO MAK] money over offered. Honest. Pleasant, profitable. Coats nothing to try it, MOST MEAL NOVELTY 00., 0145 St. James St., Montreal. 'OTICE, DR. PIERCE'S STANDAR D REMEDIES • • Court of revision. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. rho eourt of 1 svision for the Townsbi], of Ste. Left for Lha Soar iS7a yFiil be s; no the Tout 1 aUt at Crediton, ou;lei Monday, 27th day of May Next. Persons interested hall govern themselves 4e- eordi gly. TIIE QUEBEC ELECTION, C. PliOiTTY, Clerk. views upon public questions may be 1 I regarded. It is better for a Tuan to be ' The result of the election last Wed. honest than clever (though, be it nil- nesday iu the _Province of Quebeo, we tlertitc000l, that the gentleman to whom, mint confess was a surprise to us. we refer is not gifted with surpassing' We fully expected that the Govern- aaturlil ability.) Sharpness as the fent of ,AL De Boueherville would be world understands the word, without tutelsouuely sustained by the people, 114) t:es7 lad a 1411134, iS "Pt to Matz" our conclusions being based upon the shipwreck of tb wan, and ver. 4 _-Esso desponding tone of the Reform press, t le:lit MIA inti* ant:lvll.rll l os,htit u:*,1 aind upon the supposition that the Revile i•f Quebec would fret Lice people of spirit, and proudly resent the high - hauled, tyrannical act of ovhich the scriptiiy➢. lits would fain repreizent Lieut.- 0 overn or wee uiidotibte(lIy South lf'lratl in this 'I.3t1.ti of awl.. 1»t7llt; in dismissing the Ila Iitltti'llCr• fll,u e„ ►141 l:is overweening alubitiali villi Gevernmeut. But this; they have au -1 it ;l:sire; to 44,.tl an .,I11)4)'7t'llt a not bone, They have returned almost hard f71'iw, au ilia=u;uiiy Um. has lets tis many members of the It•inge party h'1 to make an it:tlte;'tit exhlbit141v. of , 11 aC:; (. aannerVlLtiVi:4 ; ami Eb L+tTtl%in Qat{. t'f tiltu�•::f'' \\'.) `c","11tx r't $'Vl1r denluutiou of the old Cl •.versant itt is G;titzt•a ;ail t Hyl a :i'' -"-til st WOnl4l sound elle at -ft at of three out Of fore of its itis '1''41. -!hitt Iht.'etxt;ai2lh11 ."" tletylt• . tt1ileb+'1"ai. lite causcir which led to - this result cannot be well nhlrrst,4, fl ' !` x x lvli4rei11 /to mahv stufer iri the t',•tiu a. tion of t;ft? public. Mr. M. C. tamer ou, Qt Golerieii, is a man of this de. c tl:tl t11i' I !; r s"i ?la ;already created by .i1" a 4+':I a oat, 'fit• .M4 ".- Ti, X114, lit+ 4rttttl •in ti/ia hI etio --1441 rt mite font til n•:ati 1.4;? r4r'Itt .1 inll. W/1441,1 l., the , �at;ne. ileo lease no iuteremorse with ✓ 11:4-°.--' ;t t' t2it"Ira 4 . J ^41‘"4"' lltth "''tile la0,lti of the y`t?e`'141,, ta17t1 east only he Iw; hal+: L,t,yt 411 4t �.. 44,..1 i1'•t 114" b*e" tl ,rtii,it't1 in titer reasoning lett tlie n- vs - 6i astt:! i:t t14•'-' PAT e et 144,-ilaolaiir, fhC ,' y papers, which, of course, are oat, at all Safi`tel a r !,'lt that 3fr. Porter was Ikea a !people. Bat priitl,uil., toe may sae steely cc.1, w,.n hal Ikea .o (reit, ;toolb 1 tl state that the condemnation l'thi" frit;(, :rr;al ti:ilt•,c 1.+ta it eta tllzat ticket. not 1 111 (:ioePrialtiellt--107 that, it is. Allot) • ,I ; r >l' t 44.'1 I! )i' : ▪ ➢l ' 114 C f 1 1, ,a 1. l l tit o �` t ,cin4':ida"r the ultra .Chis' ll;at:lt•(3 Di It',tt.tt;la% la lf4!'1 caaety, , but also in t filo people—is cllirily owing to their 'itlt4'r lll,ael*t an the 1) 'minion. :fir exuet131itnre. and to the obnoxious ral'. 4:atla,:r.14, with 411.1 br,araet 1 charactl:r• i1;t* a11t1 tax l,ills, the it'/11't+ ILtrty istt,'ttf the •t➢ti•Lt ela111:+tat ha repro. :haring impres vita the p( sue tit' tittles an 11tt14:x t'h the fa t•iittt s of the in 'water tet vs :1Ir. Or, it;fly, that. bpi s?.1"a. t, ,`atD t t*, loa•k U) his aa•i'••'t'ti ell h.11 •'•f that the Conservative (lov4Yru. with a W.1,4 -r of ;14) ,1r . 10, Wu di l l Intent hill been !( euelit•t",r, their !.hill• Dot 1)•: i'r(1 what Mr. C,.' L11.1lrt)t1 y al 1. itchoe in riotous living. The pe"'1'�f• f�• 'I'.1:tW4141,13 tV011 1 11i$t 1,;11'. l)JItt t as f:,flit err 4 gift .4.e I•lhttt find N►tu1'ie. ,af Quebec have not for-eiken the true mine;}tit's of Unlit-ereaab ah, but have and this ;;e .inits I141 yl,i3 1101. 1) ft avtt i lv a rt ti 1 tih.it it M. 1.'.,ster had ever Voted alton t a Ct1laeervtitiVe, Isis copula gi.V53 ll g.1od anti suIlLue' t reason fui fitful:; ski; laud f or a•^1 -i purpose of 1'rnv- Llg that Mr. Ulm o ill's statement was ant 10 ;sec 711 tufa with feats—to put it 111il,ily --slid ,)f letting net Porter know Wrote was l3,•itl:; said tihd .giVitlr Ulan a colt}2Jitl1',ity ool (11104 the blander, we- wrote t;wrote mon, .sal )tteolvt.l the futluwiu;i reply, widieh iilil•t f±ctually diap•a4(,,s "of 11r. Cameron's b.iltiy untruthful - sett ion Kit•laton, May 1st, 188. L ;..iz Stu, —"When I 1 ea;l your dote. fr.te;ttia • this (11t1rninlr, 1 looked at to 4 the date at sleouil time to ;assure ma mit that, tt was really the 80L11 if April. for 1 fast;cied if i tvu'l the 1'(t of April in stead of the is 1, you were hatving a Later of "lii•,tl Ji"it't" at my epi eon . 13ut the stet icily tone *•f your note a n- vnlces. ute tont \1r. Cameron MLN beet really trying to tuo by oircflttt 1',g a v,.vy strange story. I 111)1 list 1t ell sarprise1, Hutt I beg my pa,t,‘ friends 1101 to b0 tult•rtued, fi,r 1ca1 , x plain eyel;ltlaiug quite anti -f etotily, laud Wit/Mit/ t tear of contradiction. j inoyt•d to tite Township of lilauNluar:i rt the 14 of January, 1864, 1 b•+ng;11 the property I now own itt :111,1•, 1865. and 1 oast fly first parlinmrlttrtly Vote In the South Itiding of Hutton jot' D H. Ritchie au41 Isaac ()'(fling, a.t,l all the p'.'ll-b t:,,(4 troll (.} L epe to 1i LruiaL commit sus 1 ever voted for a 1'trf3, 111 1 gave ilii•. Ctt nter*.n cr('dit :oa' pmt e sharpness tooth to pt('1101 rials such a I:1LNeless InbriCattiem. Y. u 411:' 7 filet eb't'e take his bei;* if you can get them. and make IL little to'nt•y ,elft of his rea'ti Messtotlander ;111 oil:e elt•. 1 110 gnee. as Grit bite doing alt. Itny life. T 1 iu v"•'t (,vent tl'o oghi of(!,ling :mob a thl'i1e••., n1• though i Iva. :t pr••i;e,iy n.*ner 1(;;ig br.•ft7 e l:;'ot»1,11 (hr 1'•+.rnr it, L,borer. It i9 11;tnni"10n• n Int.t . ;1si is tllegr noble ltefornters are Lehi g hurt tilt ob;oire 111dhvitllltil like myself, 'V1,o Lr' unknown, ain't %sine; it It til; . tbiu;: to rectilnmou(l him. \'Vtiy mooted they be for n (moment doubtful; of victory 'I lit it, that eutlseitillee ttual(e t 0t.lytt•'11N Of u3 all, and they rear rhAA ns•Pdgilig wrath of nn iari used ne• i ie 2 Yon m»y •shots this letter to Mir f, •en(1t, or make any tis3 of it yeti pl.'s e. I Eam, bear sir,truly y, Ctrs, F. PORTER, 1 til a filo way out opponents 10- het•» 11•d away from the issue /limn which the elections should here beet. contested— the tin o t'titltionnlity ftt;.1 tyrzutity of the Lieat•-(1+,vt't'ltttr, '!'hey have endeavored to save flit•;' pockets at the e111en.e of principle, anal liberty, and the reaction will be startl- ing atitl sltddt'u when they field 001 vary egregiously ti t"y have b' en takt'i in. If elle lyefol'ln rulers uut'recils represent the feelings of the v(0t1)le at((1 the c1111518 which have 1i'tl to 1141 ootltlewllntioo of the Gnvert.tnent, tett• ilia not afford nhncll come*littto'I to ill' Dominion' Government, for if the }fen pie iu Quebec condemn D(” .B •tiellet- vife for extravagance, there is yely ►,utl r(➢Lseln to suppose that !1111 t;e110' motive will actuate tl)eut in dentin. nit}1 til" (Inver) utent who ,have s(ltt'1it• doted millions. f,el'vert(il tilt nli'l(tliiy of toe people, and bruaght• lite c•'nut)y. through their inaction, t, the ve'r'ge 01 ruin. NEW Al)SE],T!Sl yII?NTS. 1 TOTICE, Court of Revision. VILLAGE OF EXE 'LTA. The ('ourt of Revision -or the Village of Exeter. or the purpose of hearing Appeals against the lssessulent *all of 1876 wtU lie held (a( tiro helmet Rouse. 1xeter, on MONDAY, .MAY 27xu, 1878, 4t cue o'clock Peal. Parties interested will Coy - eras themselves 4ecordingiy. AI, EAOBETT, Clerk. OTICL. Court of Revision. TO WN SLIP OF IISBOIINE. The court of Revision far the Township of 1'a• ;tartar ...r the patipo*e 42f hetumg. ;li.I' s& aa,tinst the na•iessateet i,.i1 til 14+"44 17;11 L. 10.1 ill ilio • lt.wu;itil➢114U, F.1llttv(ltt+, ON SATURDAY, MAY 1st. 1878, m Ten „',1: e': ;Lam R•,rries iltt,"rtr-tr•1 wait taw ,•Itt tt:1`B:1N.ltrn,.,.tnrt,ale:ly- 1• .1, Cl,.ttt a, Cleat. �,4t ee i' lat.'1. i...- glwisti Sett the i oi0 ,• tiftbe rat, p-t.t't of t,io %S 11*',. ,,if 1;'i. t4"r will in. t.➢.Ara! by '. 1 4•I„ 0 knee tat (141 soi1'u.l iii ease. EX:I:'r.4M HONDAY, the lath day of 1, 1878,11a � f Y e, U1a1,t11.43',';14t tl 40 4.1.1,441 nit tlii' f*\ 1 w* i 'ttt,l tt •t• I nag at 1 41':14.014; its tate' otLt r,,un➢• iii t'att; t i \t at'vv• itits to t., at i, et i• -n In tt, 4 044•:4,* t 1..• 0; tit i'11 tti.,t➢ %It1 (.'r a ❑t illt t. nen t.!.44 4'4t14• ixilii.,➢ s 1 ilo4, an.g. tl 1..41 1:!. 11 4, c t t . Alta t, '..tit•.! :and lassi. ' 21..to,t l we'll ls :+t1. street ➢a'0:k S(v4,y a., bt.,➢➢ ,tu tl 4 L ➢,d 4, r .441 1:.1r1.:1'. { -.1"s * 11 *1 %. 't il' t. 'ill l / 4' ,1 1 .4'(n til 11141,si,n ttu * . "L.!1.:4:!_: 1 ,. ri, .lee;.41 tt,t„laitl •.rl \ t1 441 1 Lion \ 4..• 224t 1 t; 1., 1t , -, ➢„t -1 ..1, 411 ""t . t)'t.t1 t, 4. 44 , l. (441,1 i ^Qtr •,u 14.11.104111.M.44.41.4. s.1,1 0'44 Ito 2. .:.* tit* it x,441 ..f .1444'4. i y order, 1 :t1. 1"41; 131 f'T, (lark. III:NSALI.r t,'oOPF.1;. UJO11. o V. Y A•V Y XLKEN1?l„'1.14t}F1, ('OOPE1t \\OIIK 01? ALL KINDS, INt'LI'l1INC ri rE11Ns, sof lrilieh ]ac makes n ,.I•eelelitl t. vt.p•ry`•1 !F'Ii ,•11'•sl'er then ales 11,1' :oat g t'o'm 'l, • rd n„ntly done. Slh'2• -•free tri i,t,..1114'0117, .1144 14i the 'WOO ,, r4111., 111111: 1.1411 t':.NWALKEN11r11i111. Hcu"ntl. laity 14,1117$. ani” ' 111 BEEP ] ;;'C'RA . — CAtilki ON 1`7 tbo premises of the snbseriber, ,cit 1u. cot . 11, Steph.u, *boat the 40th .43,11, two WI, it,. vital lite to tie: wi 1 prove 1,rupurty, t' g cxi ems,-, and take them as -at. 1 , (40U(4111.A; . -LNT()1'tL1'.—S1141Li hill 1'LN.Ui"114,, —•- -,.aloe T''udere will be re4'eivocl by the tui e siguod u" to Moudny 1,0,11. (Attie 27.h ling, ter ,. e Quest:notion of a t41idto 014 the 531, e,. .Ce`. •.... road. near .1, 110 Iii.tsttt'9. ;Tana .1.0(1 sot c a. a ; sous may be seen at the office otthe nr,"ersil:l4ed. C. 1'110U I Y. i May hilt,1878, td k'Li13LIO SCHOOL Teachers' Examinations. ' 1878. 7or)irst Class—At the 1101•113.11 $30'' 001S, T rout and gbtu+,a, on I'h:lr,tlav,.4.l y I Iih, ,, r 01 , Ie. For i e0uud Cassis—at filo Towu of C,oQoricil 011 Slopatty, July 8•h,1tt't pao. Por Third t'last—,o tuts Tema of (loUoric11, on Muntlwy, July l.;ith, ,t( •L p.m. :b'orms ut the u lbiee, to bu ),revieusly. ;liven by , ho,C0Lntlid,tee,.can be ol4t..illod o11a Ipl.uu thin o 1 .e sey. It is indispensable ti,tut 0au(lid„ti's 1 otifr t e S.'oretary, nit 114tur than the *:b of J ❑u , ni tb ix iutentiol. tJ nree t,nt themselves .u1• a taint, 41 bolt. 1u•1ulidatos f r first and 81000(1 class (ler irk:µ(, s ate required to forward tt,e neoossai•y rer(itic te... of suouess (u teaching, and all are re,luhelto to.- nieh certificates of moral ohar,, tor, f•'au;litlot-: s for t11ivd ohms co •tiRcp,to s a e r 9 i • 1 t0 tele for Y ism emit .,f we marks in arl1hme• e grl.mm ('' 0u'1_ 434,4421.130, '• nd fitly . er dent: of til: aegrega'o to obtain aalg r1( ate. 0,1;.411 Wes MI 'AU mite/nee tithe. class me f f'e'els 111 01407 aonutius' Shall tint bo allows.' to, pomp • cin this county for .he :tune cuss, of oo, - 00.e. PETER ADAM1'0'-, It. v. P:i.:71, i.t. D., Prop'r, t3:' • :Lay 62h,1878. ' »t• I i? iNf Vitt e SIZE ; ^4+.�ll 9F PEITS. G ® CO et u the diseases for which they lire reeom t;, ended NATURAL SI;LECT1ON. Investigators of natural science have demon- strated beyondd eolttroyersv, that -Li rouglulnt ,lit mamas kiugdulu tits survival of rte fittest" 5 (ill only law 'hitt vimehsnfes thrift putt perpetuity D oes trot the 8411110Vtiuncipl3 govern the eotlalot t- rial prosperity of man? 21.41 i:lfericrm toot sow r setae a supertax 11xtLele, Dy 1..140100 0 eupt a for wer- it. Dr.1'tereor's Standard y,ledirue'sliave outrlvalli d altother1, Their solotutheHuttedStater;t:xet'et. o:w aniUion duilitrs perauutuu, whil{+ the aulutur. exported foot, np to several hundred thous,,. more. No business could grow, to such giguuti' pro ,rtiuus and rest upon any othrr basis thus that of merit. DR. Stt,GE'S l Cast arrh R e Ise. e dy I.4p1casartt to use, IJ It. A(i1'J'S !Catarrh Remedy Ito Cures exte,111 'Ayr a period of twenty years I)R. SAGF;'S Catarrh Remedy IA s ti1e e 4atrt"atdti 5 a'➢cae,att a DR. SAGE' Catarrh. Remedy ('tat es by its m€:t1, sof.tht,at, 4,+,?.-ct I)it. to AflE' a Catarrh Remedy Can s"r"tot ict_llt.et'tont Catarrh. c.r. (:critttt .�N OPEN I.E i ri'i.li IT 11 EAK'S 3 U11 1'1:SELL''. 1 tEI 41t.Mtn**.,Ain119 ,'.77. Ala Lit t(I( --Fin u road el tut pal t441p1.rt4 of t1t 4rtuwrral.le ,lei , t (oattaLTl 1 ant legate, 8 to tall ' 44111! 1 t41t',44 i o at *sat trill' anti 1l 2*' s21' 6111141 tot " aA tali q.•ti.l„ "cud t 1'•4 ,ala -t' money „rrlt,t e.1 "' 01un. t tie 81,11 if they 44 tai !;.tet' :.1t z* a i'aa„,l„i e.1 re its Vito p e2.*•r,. i i o44r: a i e l•:2 4;111 ,:!torr)!. 1'h. 9.:1501184,..41.a.4 bb.•., 4.07111.14.4*“ 1:• ..t. ",i4a 2*. '4(1. 111) is .40 • A44.1.,” 4•:,•.,t 411 t 41, 1 1114,(1,..; .. t tl,t.•r_. 4111*111 44)4 tit) a. 1`1 1,11.-'4,ii 11ta1, BL a*•r1. 4124*12 1 ...-4:0' :;tri..1.1,-t. l i eaaf9l 1 i. 0, ,. i !,4,43,11111( t ,4 44. 4 • .;•fl a u , . (11,11 1 .214.44 14.;1' ,1 1 4 : 443. t a .,ae h• 4 tr. 1 1..:.. .+ty tte't,+1:: •a•, l e.4 4 441, ('4 _. ; i,..1 1 ". ^+4. , 1.:1. • ,u ;,hilt 1'tia, ,. i,t,' 0 .i: • Pr 'Ta t.-440.14• i -01 '4t •'. t:81 <P 111.+t.{•^. .til ➢ ..,• 01 al 411.. : t•t. •,41i, 1a:tat na.,l 11...4 14,. 1'' I' 1L. 4, tomo -drunkest est staid 0 4 .l: 4 1, 1., 14. ,Is et 144 ,),...):141 1 (t l e.11-40111101.14; 1 •.t\ 114, 413(11 1 a a 2(.t 12'» '1 t yl atoll 47/a,ra lit 1-- ui 4.4 • 1 . , J t teal• 14 ,114 "t 0. 11,-c, „t rine t,.: 1 a 1 . 1•:r•ti, ill 1.. ai,,.t P „ 11 t.ulti; • 4(1401, 4t Sur t: i u ▪ a 'a 4(1 ..1';11 ail 1 a.••. 41 Wlt121v.ta 4 ( \, 1t, -t €„ 4.,.,a.11'4h.-r:r i . + a . 1 1,( ail 1i `44 -21 h ti", ➢44 iii+" i'4 •. ib,. . 1111 41,1 t tilt',111,14444... 111 * ty 0 'M1 -.1.:i a. 2.411 Av.)' '••at,• 441"^ an tints. t•n4t,11„11,4 ,4 "t•;,1'•/. p, : t,•uc ]l :u'•n• ua•hth.. lu u1 I. , -• Li 411"•11y,a: ('.•114'4t•4a. 1111a 111 t ',, 1414'4411 s i 141, 1. ▪ t 441. til,.; 21.411' (, -tt tet,{ a t` t .*y, Pitt.•^'1; 1 :1,.111' lta, V 2111,'., 11 t'K,n 111 6'..1114,1.. I .1•.. 1 `e, 1:..:•{•.• t :2.1. u .:Si'a •,1 1+i :.y�•0 , 4 "01.1:,7 111 1 1 4.fl0 i1 12..1.4414 S It 114, t ti 44.44 i -1 sly t,4`. told.,, .::a.t 4....44•• 14 1'1 1• j•w, .trot /.. •,4 , e * R 41 {"/ t 1• II a \' 1, • ole ,., �•,ltt".. tt t I,i 14,d,h•4 are:' : 4. •, - ;., e.•h. t 11.•• • c 4.0 1.: 1 . ..rt, tut : k -*t. r t4 t(l 24 IA 04101/••114 4,..1 11„- o,na 10411', 4** If, Iyl,.+els"ab. i (Phot';) OF \'S 1T r'KSr'ES. Or Sugar -Coated, Concentrated, Root and Herbal Juice, AntisEnious Granules. THE "LITTLE GIANT" CATHARTIC, or inaltun in Parvo Physic. The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical, and Phartna('etufeai Science. No use of any longer taking the iar_e, repulsive. and nauseous pile, composed of weal:, mottle. and bulky- ingredients when WO clean. by a emeriti application of cbemic*} setenee, exon(1t all the r.1tllutrtic and other ntedh- ciled properties front the intuit. valuable rents anti herbs, and enncentrute them into a minute Gran- nie. 40nre01r larger than a mustard seed. that malt he readily swallowed by those of the utast ,en:ittre siontootts anti fastidious tastes. Each hole Purgative Pellet represents, in a most concentrated' 101011, a, much cat tarns power ai is embodied in any of the large pills totted for sale no drag -411111114. brow. their Wonderful cathar- tic power, in cou(parisow to their site, people who Imre net tried [hent are apt to suppose that then are harsh ordrautio In etrect: but melt is not at all the ease, the t14l1't•rent naive meditlnaal principles of which they are composed tieing so harmonized unit nuHtillo'2, one by 2110 orbs*•$, 119 1.0 nro,hu le a most searching and thorough, yet gently and kindly operating, Cather., tic• $500 Reward is hereby offered by the pro- prietor or these Pellets to any chemist who, upon analysts, will Iind in thein any calomel or other forms of Ilteretil•y, IniwCVat poison, or injurious drug, li3eing entirely vegetable, no particular care is required white using [hent. They operate without disttu't4tnee to the constitution. diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain in the shoulders, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, sour Eructations from the Stomach, [Bad taste in the mouth, Bit. 10044 attaacks, Pain in region of Kid. neys, Internal 1•"ever, Mooted feeling about Stomach, Rush of Blood to Head, fli lt.cul0red Urine. Unsocja. bilin' and Gloomy Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel. lets.. Iu explanation of the remedial power of nt4. Purgative Pellets over so great 33 variety of diseases, I {1311 to say that their action upon Lite animal economy is uuivere sal. not. 111 Fined .0r theme escaping their saiaatrve impress. Age does not impair the 11r(.p0Ptie3 01 1210140 Pellets. They are (1100r -roared inti iunloaed ill glass bottles, their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired for any 10nta14 of • time, 'in any cunt 1 e'. so that they are always fresh and reliable. This is not the ease with those i4221s widen are pet up in cheap wooden or pasteunlne2 boxes. Recollect that for all diseases vhere.a Laxative, AIterative, or Purgative. is indicated, the'e little l'ellent will give the most perfect sati8facti0a to all who me mem.- •- • They aro sold by all Druggists at 2S Cents a bottle. rhe f,411„erlurt 4(112)4••2 131(21..4 11(4. 141114101 tin 1 t l, *1*.*114!” v lw 81,45:4-11,4-3.03. t,t.4f txtttuu ny tea , of ill'. St *Pate att i 111 it4•1U4s/.: 1. 1' Downs. New Donets. = t It .i ,'(Guru. \t tt•1t.1t, .t l.itlt,.ltttt,nttl 1't: l '44121• u*t 1.1112.•1 ttie,tlai(.l ll.•+4.,t (,t.\-19:111;(1• u4•: 7(at•'t J,au'a $rlo ms y:.2 1-. ltt*ho'. 4'11,1, l 40l("9 45 t44,21114y,1 1' 1 71' *l,ut an 4 1 411,0ur1. ).1 .71 At Y t Logan -port, Itatl J h' t1 *(f* 1. 1're• Molt. t',L, 1. 1,.1yrt 44.1,04 '' 4, , 11,1, a,• 0wtt. :.I12) riven, t I111211th. 1101: 1. Withal:1., e'.num. 51..: iy' • un:o•oo,lll;S 11 nie114+I19.Jt:.fAtiv�••trn. . sits: •haute. ' It boll. St ,11” 114.-, • 1114'. •, 1,.44.1;. ,1, 1'arl•u.l, WI"; ,1.*ta't121 4C 11(•10,, itebllwie1 • h1u; Airs Al :1 t'ltrt'1'y'. •trent ,n, 1' un • ,1 1, 4, -11,.. X 11; .1 J Casper. 1•ab1.. 124.•14 44 '1. 1 task, tuQ1.1"••, 4iavvw-port, (111(x; (• it t.'Itlls', 1•:Iiaau't. 1Ld11,n(: \ire henry Iiui;;ut, 80, t rral visru, 1441; �I!'61) lI (;ltltush:L, 2,14'14•ltret 11', Y;11 .1 (irlt- t;all, •1*(0h 1,'0:4:.1 Last \ow•m,u, 1-n: ('hen+ r'. Mee, 11-.1t'uwre, 42"1: des•ie Al ...was t :uliae.Ind; U 11 'Miller, 1•t Wayne, led; Mrs ;t:iulne trla.hr,' 1n lt,•f,ur. i, e;l '*0.1.: ti 1t011, 11.t.1tmts. "jolts Wt'ut,t':Marston, Lowt'11, 7241,'4'.) 1 1i it..1', rm. Yin tenp;*,.1ivr;' 141, 1i 4124 un'y, li 4tTi,4*tn4, too; yI (' ("neo, Lowell. ;bars; Nita G 4 vinotul (Mildew Ila.; (Omsk' liaw,1gt:thei•ktuwu,'•Id" 3,1'. Lary Hunter, 1'nrutiu tow lit: ('ttpt 1; J +p*•lidml. Camp Stambaugh, ly'ye; i yV £teary, $14 tu,lbollt noels, Z/va; Mrs l.4,iia 41' 240, • hl'.b:,u 'v 1'; .1 Al Peck, 'Tomtit) , (Pity, Mont; floury Ilio. ];ant••s. Cal; L 1' Cttwutiilg., 1t,tutoul, 111: 1i 12 shows, C1t,11 stair 1 0,,r * e la ( n z : t,OOP 1241)). • neb1.,, ul 4Vw 1: liartrit htt 11n4g,1'a: II 11 Lunn, els Path st, Pittn1,ur4t1 rat.r 111 ,Jeri:cum 1awt,i*I's repot, Ey; Remy 2 twist, D'"m'va, \ V; Miss :tattle Parrot, 78,i11 gummy, Ohio; L Le,it.rouk• •lat11nln.111. S. 11. 714'('uy, Na4h7nn•t, Una.; 44f 14' \1'ar0er.1,urth.laelt-en, 4,l.'it: Ilt..83i1r(.1 Winne, :adieu, \Vie;dultu Zeigh r, C'arlisl,, Si'ri„eta. Pu; fames fowp1ius, :+t ''luno. Minn; Lunch Inter, awueo City, ob ; Jesel'IL 1' .\idiot. $circ, Dino; 1) Sieh"lI*. (;aveHten.'i"dit!4 13 1. L,t➢1d, l'pper * ,• '11' .7•,12,1 21,t'ia, I'r."butt, Lith; it rs liaucy Graben), Forest Cove, Oregon. w_4 1' ,11 2\/tecll;;al �1sCGv81�11 Is alterative, ar Blood-clean:dog VSAT 0, :.Bial This Cu* illvshstos filo Mannino( Using Fountain Nasal Injsctor, Qa DOUCHE, Ij 4.:;mow Tills instrument is ettpeoiaily designed for the perfect application of DR. SAGE'S CATARRE REMEDT. It la the only form of instrument yet invented lath which Old medicine can be carried hies up' and crfer(ayapplied to all parts of the affected nasal passages, and the chant tlers01' cavities MM. muntca4titlg therewith, in which antes 884 ulcers tre uently exist, anti front which the catalrhss' discharge generally proceeds, The want el 6t4e1s resat in treating t`ater*-h heretofore has arisen 1srgely from the impossibility of applying rem- edies to these cartties and chambers by any of tete ordinary methods. This obstacle in the way of effecting cures 18 entirely overcome by the Meer:. cion of the Douche, its use is pleasant and a'y pimple that* child can understand it: Voll and eXPIleit dlreetiolas accompany each *191(4*'. mens, When used with Chia !n$tralment, 11r. welt Catarrh Isetneat0 cares reeetlt atta4'ka of t-otd itt the Asada, by few applications. CATARRH SV7i i' 1 4) 42 s-TFrequent t:ea.taehe, discharge falling into throat, some, times l'rt(:1me, watery, thick muco', purulent, otl*usive, etc, In others, a drynes'. dry, watery„ steal:. cr inflamed eyes, Kipping up, or n2 ohne. tion. of nasal passages, maim; an ears, ,lea'. flees. h'twlln„ stat! coughing' to e'car tilt ..r. lalee(a9Un6, ec;this from Meer% ('*2,M altered. nasal tw4il4, o888.12ro breath, impaired or 1.' 1,'ta tleprty ttlnn of e(•nse of meal Mitt !:tete. ttl1zme-a. Mental deoret;subn. loss 4(1 ap fettle, hndt.'t'stten, et.I24T41al !*.mils, het/mg tough, etc. urt4 a fe(lr of tleae symptomsAre likely to be present many' ease at one t➢11143. Dr. Sages Vatalrr"ht Rernetl+y when ute! with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, awl sta. tetnl'an:ritua l)111ec,enat11t1001011 treatment which is recommended In the feempalet tea nt 1t raps tacit ttntt:e of the _!Remedy, is a perfect 1l•eatutl l.'r 0 s lnathanue tllse;ule. It 18 mild au 1 pleasant law use, eons intng 41.3 Atrorg or ran"tl( 4t(1t(t'1 rr 1n➢eons. '1 he Catarrh Comet: is e4.1-1 at'+,1) Cents. Doacba at 14 cent:, by all e)ruggtetb. R4. 1: PlJ;tzt^P., N. 1)., Prop's., Lt'i•'F1l.tl, h.. T'. CIL' S 11 (II.1l :i (11, 11 "1..r,.:� , 3,0N I.l4.1N FI11, OLD 11l';I.1 \1iL.1:, 110f'$ l''. t'2IM t;ENEll.i.11 I)1:1' (i0()1) 4, 1III.',1� 1":ltl' & 3I MEN'S CLO IIIN(.1 TO ORDER, Olt READY• 11 A, 171:. HENDERSON & 11L7QIi:1NN AN 1.4444' .i, ('hirh“lot 114. (�*•. A COMPLETE STOCK O1? HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PIRICE . Ilentrutber—Sign the "iPrrki;J.f (7orf, 14'•3, Dainties Street, LONDON''. ,.*toli1en , edi j1l Discovery taPeciorai "y_-}llt MS'CiIIAli'S 0L11 13I.M 7 '472tT I lol(l.en 2'i edwal Discovery 1�� stl,lr is still going, Mr. S. (t,t I;in stall s is a Chobtoopue, or Liver SU,nulant. than t 141 destr,'* to retire 11iy 44,11140(48 ,7101deii Modica' �iicovery Ciolctp]a Cethoa1 Discovery 1v ro 1.43(11488 it, alterative properti •a, curiae distln- ,es of the !Slued and Skit, es St:ru:niu, ar lung's til, Tweent+, Ulcers 0 Old Sores, L•lotehes, Piut- -lo, Er.1l,tiulls. 11y vlrtu0 of its 1'emol ui ter, 'p0 r- iea4,-4(111194 lir(IIIC,11.11. T,1rotlt a11d I ,IIog Aifee- iuns, lu..i`i,Tient Co1,00wptiou, 14lurie(itl2 Coughs, lid t:lll:oai4' Lary: gods. Its Clheluet:gate proper - les render ittui =mitt:tilett mouth' for edema 4088, Torpid lityt1,01".' leer (uu11'lifiet,” audits 1111e properties r titter it egnrtlly' athu,,1it:us 111 lug Wu, 4'1, 1 .zft'•'a•4 .edDysNek- stt. here the skin it sallow find covoiI( with t blotebe a and 01113210 ,, 8r " •..�,', I. e(r0 are Heroin- 1.1,18 81reJ1b,g9 anti ttiteetinlls, tt foe' but11e4 01 (Sw- iss lfe,lical l)'scovery will. effect 1,110.ttire (l'IO. f you 643' 'roll, dlulvity, debilitated!, have sallow mitt. ea 613.11.. 01' yellawi.h. brown 44111.,•8 (411 (11*) : 100 or bony, fre»o,'ot ht.udaelee 141 (w%%Ih4bH, b..3i sate inn(ottt11,111tu"uttI beat or culll1 alter0,(toI ;Itt, hetIlltsiluc,klw itpirits and '41uah1y D,rehotl• ,(;e, ir.eguli ,-app}etite au,Ltongile (seat ted, yen3 1114' 1l110(111'1 front a'orly1('1 Ltrue, . or "J3ltiousaass.e I t m.tuy mama of Liter Canalda,nt, only eon 01;'4 o lose syelptolns 1110 oal1teriauu1d. A4 a ..011(101y 8,r ail Nath eases, 134'. "1.'rorce's Golden 7tudicttl ,iscuverr iia' no a stub,' a, it uffeut' perteet curare, leaving the liver ,.troiigt'h 1oil au(1no'ithy :l'L{E PEO 1'.I )�'S MEDICAL SERVANT Pr,11.-V. Pierce is the soleproprie'sr 1(04.. n1'len- ..Lem 4" )! 142 the fo eg :lag 4.4 noshes, au of ,which are olUb,y171tng i44ts, He 241140 the aatuor or the u,pie'4ClonnoeuSte.41,ludical,lclviser, a \Volk 1111 411 nna to n:auil nu,g",, 11'; 111 two bn1 12 11(1 emcl eighty two wobrl engravings and colored plate .., u.,'. ,44rec t1y solder this 14 ,0L.t.,.l work - Over 100 000 Ca 33 l 7 t'YiiQ;E (postpat(?) $150. 1(I4revs R. t1'. PIERCE, �i M. D Hoard of 141:.a.i_,., rs. , lhtI'Fal.ot X: Y. • World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N.Y. tun,!„ o z 9 nulue r o u x put': uN, ya Ito fy y TY ,. hrs•r.4ltpart ud ituu in tela 4I '' s 1, a .: t, 14 4i 1C 1110Ui 1 intiu:oto that, hoeing re:uvered from 4.0.• —. hb- law. 111- ue41,110 ;Motels '- 111 /more, to to take charge of t110 ber4e-911' eine. serirtulrnt himself. Ail other aver]: mine in 4110 fiery beat style and n t the lowest lutes, 8. llUeKINGI AJ1. 'Exeter, Dee.13. 1877. 4 I- 0(..)D• • HOW LOST, 1.10W FtEsTt,R1▪ 41). 4.'-•y\0have roctmtlppul,lisl ed a 110W n•ddi• 1,1011 01 (7(11 V1't 4n'II'4 4',.11 1.IS.•3i Essay' on tae reek:al and emolument wire without ruedl- einel .vervuus I)ol,ility, 41,1(61,1436 Pitynieel to enpeiiy,11upetlitil0lit8 to mu; 1441 -, (to-, result lull fl. tit ('14.408805. k f ;'rise, iu a 9o1110l7 env1lope,ouly 0 cants, or two 1)0,01p stamps, The eeleb421)11.1athor, in this at(hui(1' 111e Ilssey cloudly 041 02119'09'41, from tt*t11,• y,;.t,p,' success - 1O1 p1n1•44ee, that.tltt11111112 Cul1He141141114e913)) 't:e ratilahlyeared without foe rbulet•ran4use of in- ternal 1uedieble, or the application of a keife , pnitlting nota 1110C' of cur& et once 0011.8111 2111,1 elleuttsl, byte eons of welch ov0ry 8n11',:,er,un (1tt,1' what 1118 00l01412(,1* 1en.V 1'e, 1411134 en o 'll{t❑Vr 11 ellelt.l,l4•, 0rivlltel l.'4uti :•;tui:•' I14. r ' r11i4 L• ectnre 41,on311 b1, in 1.711 4.1112.2 014.very youth ly»/1 e4'ery 1)133 iu to 11)11(1. !dere% . Tilt: H`-7t,1"1.(4W,m4'.1(' r0. 41 nn st,Now York. 1?. 0.13 ex, 45110 R 5 1 Send :AI for ;'44 pitta Plower Seed I5 for 5043 7 fur 271., er 145 1111tH Vr s til. 12 for SkbT''l Trib- LiNc.te• l0n-4nageloraPblra- workwith:colnred plate, 104, with (1thol''of the allosepackages see(7 , two 041'19 free. ,Thefts of, n.fa nru b1018.1160 and 'the ger•,la that :•l:,sc, bating p1danilose; tolth.iniuduee.alltrtry 11411». '(Preys W.:L.'R. , Rock.° ter 14.. t. 110041 7'4134 Pearn. ,1