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The Exeter Times, 1878-5-9, Page 3
MAT 9 1578 THE TIMJ S Dr. Mary Walker, of New York, weeds to be a polioenten. Sate. stye I watt to be a peeler, Aud 'gaiust the hydrant stand, A star upon my bosom, A club withinmy hand. If urchius noels any clothing, 1 used tot cry `-Police !" But take them up for breaches, For breaches Af tits peace. AN tNLTLATCll TitAl1P. yer ?' =Yes, sir.' 'Wall, it don't take two whole days to make au hour, do it ?' 'Why uo 1" exclaimed the boy. 'You war gwitae to bring that hatch- et hack in au hour, wiana't yell ?' 'Yea, sir. 'An' it's bin two days Wince yer bor- rowed it. Now, nhaat's eddykashuu gwiue ter be ter you thick ekulled nig- gets when you go to school a whole yea'r an' den can't tell how long It We have before maintained that takea to feteli back a Latottet ?' tramps booming about the country are The boy got mad end slung the a regule.dy „rganized fraternity, having hatchet over the fence and half way a general nulleratat,ding sit1t one an. through au asst -barrel. other, and 'laving a ritual of questiout+ and alabtaers. Their nniforoa appear- ance, their psri.'dacal visits to the ea.ne aocalitiea, their regular calls at the saute bowies where :her have before procured food; all p dot to this. Sheriff Walls, :af-- -- , has found curious emblems about them, has stud- ied their character, and listeueu to their otnvereatiane, mita he eau tell a regularly initiated tramp from an iva= pastor. Tito following anxueing and instreetive dialogne took place between the sheriff' and one of a squad of tramps recsently committed to jail: AN ALPHABET OF GOOD COUN CIL. Attend carefully to the details of your business. Be protnpt in all things. Ooneider well, then decide positively. Dare to do right ; fear to do wrong. Eudora your trials patiently. Fight lit'e'r battlers bravely manfully. Go not auto the society of the vicious. Hold your integrity scored,. . Injure not another's reputetiort or business. gave up all hope, and waiton ray way to the ferry, firmly determined to end i ray misery n drowning. Your sym- pathy hasawakened new lie in me, and now T shall begin over again," He was as goodas his word. Ile went to work with a patient, hopeful heart. And when the benevolent, man heard of hint, again, he had another wife and +arae raising side whiskers. AMPUTATING A DEAD MAN'S LEG. It was shortly after the battle of An. tieta n that Surgeon Abraham Lyddon Cox took charge of a field hospital, Dr. Cox was au elderly and somewhat ecceatrJ a pram, but he was as emi- nent surgeon, a profound scholar, a genial gentleman rand a true patriot. A t. a later day, borne down with expos- ora and overwork, be died at Cbattiu- ooga, a martyr upon the altar of his oeuutry. One day in the pea formeuce t,f his mournful duties, Surgeon Cos, a,+sayed to amputate the mangled Herat of a Couueetisut soldier. Ile had lee. come greatly absorbed in the delicate task, Rhea the medical attendant re. marked : 'I''rawiaa whenoame you ?' Join heeds only with the virtuoue. I am"Doctor, I think you bad better stop 'From a tenon in New York called Keep your minds tree from evil the epertatiata,. The rat, is sinking Jerusatlem.' thoughts, very rapidly." 'What.'e your bueiuesa here?' Lie not for any con* doratiou, "Welt, replied the doctor, without 'To learn to subdue my appetite and Male few uoquaantaucee. looking tip, "the working is nearly over to epon je my living from au iudelgeut Never try to appear what you are 1 and I alight as 190116108h it." public, 'Theo you are •a regular tramp, I°� resume ?' assn ao taken. and accepted Where ever I go.' 'i1uw and I to recognize yea as a tramp *By tate largeness of my feet, and general ertrttivt^roue appea., atioo.' 'Dem du you know a ourself to be a 'tramp ?' 'In seeking food, by being often de. pied, but reedy to try again." 'flow gaiued you admittance to this town ?' 'By a geed nanny long tramps.' 'I1ow wore you received'? 'Ou the cud of a policeman's billy, presented t„ nay+ ',Hew did the polacemau dispose of you ,, 'Bo took rale several times around the town to the east tiled west, where wo found ten martinet, police judge, and the jailer, %where a great nanny questions were a•.ltetl.,, '\Vhat advieo tint the judge give you ?' 'Ile advised me to walk in upright, regular steps, and to denoutize tramp. iatg.. 'Will you be off or from ?' '\Vitla your remission, 111 bo off 'them until two o'clock, when the fa- -very quickly: roily, including Miss Criggiugs and the 'Whicb way era you travelling?' minister, and Elder Dalton and wife, 'East.' ot, Observe the Sabbath -day. Pay your honest debt.► promptly. Question not the veracity of a friend. Ston afterward the attendant declared "Dootor, the znau is dying." The doctor had then removed the limb, and was engaged in taktug up the Respect the counsel of your parents. l arteries and he calmly remarked : Sacrifice money rather thee print i "It ie. due to my profesuioa that this ei le, 1.operation should be oar •fully (maple Touch not, taste not. Itandla tat iia» , ted," and be °betty kept ou. toxica.ting drinks. He bad begun aeawiug up the stump Use your leisure tithe fur improve. when the hospital steward came along meat. and said: Venture not upon the threshold of i "Doctor, there's no we ot going on ; Bin. that znan is dead,"" Watch carefully over your passions, Surgeon Cox made no reply nutil the 'Mond. to every olio a kindly salute• last stitch had been taken. Then, tion. gently sues ting the stump with one Yield not to diabnuragemonts, hand, he removed his spectacles with Zealously labor for the right, the other, and kaokiug up, quietly staid And success is certain. "I alai sorry that the poor fellow is dead, but there is one c:anoluuion about a3 t.V' I NI'Ll"',AS A«'c 11 SIT:CATION. the matter—he has goner to Ifeaven with a 'den' that he can be proud of." Johnny Sanderson is a bad boy. The �^+*-t — other dey, Johnny made some "fee hooks" by boudiug, a gr. at many pins iu a peculiar shape. lite next foie -1 Some twelve years ago, in the back - no to be had them in the dieing -room, woods of Michigan, a young man by and hearing some boy whistling in the the name of Donovan married a young shrill way that all boys understand, he lady, and for a labile all went well ; but malted out, leaving his piu hooks lying soon family cares began to gaol and no the table and ou the chairs. `"ret him and he struck out fur the west, JTohctny lever gave another thought to leaving hi3 wile to euro for herself and one child. For five years he wandered about, and finally married again and +ettled in the southern part of liens as. 1?rotn this marriage thtea' children were born, but last fall the woman sickened and died. leaving him and the little children alone in his prairie hone. In the meantime his first and reset wife in Michigan, after waiting five years for him to return, concluded him to bo dread, and alert married again, and las' winter started west with their family of four children, one being the child of the first marriage, and by some un- known fatality went to Kansas and settled within one half -anile ot Dono- van, the woman's real nusbaud. It was not long before the woman and het truant husband met, much to the as- tonishment of each other, and now the two families are living in one house, the woman and her last husband keep- ing house and cartug for leer funnel husband's children. 1878) !SMILING (1878 TETE OLD RELIABLE Tao TTSE At all times, and partioalariy at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money seance. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate, In calling your attention to my present stock, Ido so with every confid- ence; it being more carefully assorteu and selected than that of any previous season,. In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fasbionable fabrics, marked at prices which ahould command the attention of etas very closest buyers. THt,; ORP1 R6D CLOTHING still has MR, W, IVES at itnheaad In Millinery Uuderthe management of lira's 4leOloghton, we can snit the most fastidious. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of toe largest and beat assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will, consult their best interests by examining my stock before going elsewhere. q JAMES PICL.A.RD THEY MET IN KANSAS, 'Of what are you in pursuit 2' '\\Mark --which by coy own endeav- ors and the asaaistauce of others, I hope I never shall be able to fiud. My friend you are now at an inatitu tion where the wicked are always troublesome aural the weary are as brut as the rest. You will now be couduct- ed to the middle chamber by a flight ors s►indiiag stairs, consisting of five ot more steps. Instead of corn_, wine, and oil, the wages of the ancients, yours will be bread and water for five days. When your compauy escapes from thi, place, divide yourself into parties of three each, take a boe-liue far Port- land, o'- Bangor, whore in the winter they usually run free soup houses, and you way be pardoned on condition of your i.uver returning. (Pointing to the turnkey). Follow your conductor -and fear no danger—if you behave• yourself. POISON When the Parent went into thepar lin to look for has ne spaper he came cud denly upon his daughter and her young• man with their faces cued so tightly to each other that they didn't note his en- try. n- tr "Ahem !" he observed. The twain started, and came to the light with faces that bore every appear- ance of having been just drawn out of a furnace. "Anything the matter ?" grimly ask- ed the o!d geutleman. "I think we must have fainted,'' said she in a whisper. "Humph 1 What made you faint 2" be inquired, auspiciously. This was such a puber that she sank back exhausted, leaving her companion to carry her safely forth. With an aw- ful wrench at his faculties he gulped out -- "I think there must be poison iu the wall paper." The old gentlemau collapsed. WHAT EDUCATION i.OES. Jalte was heard calling across the fence to his neighbor's son, a colored youth who goes to school at Ai.lanta Gamed University. 'Look nyttr, boy, you goes ter school, don't yer :? Qit',in' eid}•kudhoa, atiu'8 invited guests, were about to take their seats to an elegant dinner. "Sit down hero, said Mrs Sanderson to Miss ()riggings." "0 uch 1" exclaimed the latter lady, in a voice of agony, as she rose from her seat, and carefully settled back .again. ''Parson, take this seat; Brother Dalton, Sinter Dalton, this way ;" and `1r. Sanderson beamed with that noble. Christian grace, hosnitality. "My Sa►eyer 1" suddenly exclaimed the worthy parson, in stentorian tones aha fairly shook the windows. "Immortal Zachariah 1" echoed burly Deaoou Dalton, and Mr. Sander- son, startled at such an unusual exhi- bition, actually gasped as he dropped, .ilte h pile-driver, into his chair. "Pull 'em out !" he at once howled, as he leaped, with staring eyeballs, half across t e Loom. An immediate investigation divulged the trouble, and quiet and good humor were restored. The only remark mat?e, after Johnny gave hi, explanation, was '.y the parson, who, as he eyed Johnny, quietly said : "These pins are bent in a very pe culiar shape for fish hooks.' A KINDLY WORD. It is remarkable the power for good there is in a kiudly spoken word. A benev•alent man with a sunny, eympa. thetic face was in a street car one day when be noticed that the only other passenger in the car was a man with it very white and despairing face. Mov tug close to him be spoke of the wea- ther and then led off on other topics, talking pleasantly and cheerfully with a percep,ible tinge of sympathy in his tone. Gradually lie approached the subject of personal troubl. s and trials, dwelling tenderly on the merciful good- ness which surrounds us all, and speak- ing hopefully of the recuperative foroes whish every mala possesses with him- self, if he will but persistently look for thein. The fade of the stranger soft- ened as he listened, and when the car reached the destination of the Samari- tan hs returned the hearty pressure of bis hand and said— "1 thank you more than I can tell you for your kind words to tae, They have saved any life. 1 have lost my life, and her death unmanned ane. .I HO FOR MANITOBA Now is the time to gut cheap LUMBER. GREAT CLEARING SALE Or LUMBER AT BROWN'S MILL. Our eteuir of American THE MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARLING Being now in receipt of a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Maiu Street, Exeter, which will be sold at LOWEST MARGIN ON OST The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but call at the store of the subscriber and 900,000 feet of first-class Lumber of all kinds will and mst be sold iu 30 days. PRICES EXTREME+'LY LOW. also the SECURE THE BARGAINS there to be had in Overeoa,ting, Full.eloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Wincey's, I)elaines, and everything needed in the ].)ry goods line. The Grocery Department is Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLINU Mil and 50 acres ofLand will b-• sold v ry cheap and on good terms. The property consists of tho west t ulf of lot 27, South Boundary, en Lake Road, Township of Hay. Ail the above property must bo sold, as the pro- prietor is going to Manitoba in ono month. The Lumber will bo sold in lots to suit purchas- ers, and The Mill and Land will be sold saparatoly or together just to suit phrchasere,or the mil, lumber and fa^m will bo sold in one parcel, if the purchaser desires. If the property o u not bo sold, it will be ex- changed for farm pro oorty• For further particnlare, amply to W. HODGSON, FOUN (>. THREE DOZEN PIECES COLORED LUSTRE, ALL THE NEW SHADES, AT RANTON T3ROSS SPECIAL VALUE AT 12i CENTS. Full lines Dress Linens, Galloon and Tasso Trimmings. Plain Prints in Bronze, Myrtle, Seal Brown, &e. TRIMMED IIATS i ANOTHER LOT TO ARRIVE PER EXPRESS. Call early and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble, but a pleasure to show goods. RANTON BROS. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liauor .Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Raisins. is. urra,1,tsp Prunes = Apples , Caen©d FIIVIT, Sarclies, Lobsters, Salmon. Auctioneer, Exeter. Bitter Sauce and Pickles Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup ORGANS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. and vers cheap. Sold by R KINSMAN, Calf and see them. Exeter, Oat Rye, halt, scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccos sins Cigars, Wholesa. e and. Retail. :a G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter.