HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-5-9, Page 2THE TIMES MAT 9, x878 THE TARIFF. AIR. CQLBY'S. GREAT SPEECH On TSE NA- 'f;IONAL rower. [Continued from last week.) The next proposition of the hon. gentleman (4) Oras that judicious pro- tection benefitted file nation at largo, and especially the farming interest;, that it created for the farmer a home market, and that the purchasing power of labor was increased, The Opposi- tion believed equally with; the hon. gehltemau that protection did benefit the agricultural interest, and they be - bayed also that the purchasing power of the farmer's labor would be vastly enhanced by the creation and proxtt.l- ityy ot home markets, as waa clearly stated by that hon. gentleman. Agate, be laid down the proposition, (5) that the experience of the Uuited States, under a protective policy, was a clear and marked illestr.ttion of the beuefite of 1}roteetion. If this was: true when the hon. gentleman 40 etatet3; it, it ie equally true zloty ; end before I alt down t up by other hon. gentlemen who evoke with more authority. It would rot be fair to judge of a party platform by the utterauces of any of that party's sup- porters alone. I am aware that aup- porters of every party differed in their views with regard to these things. Some gentlemen on both aides of the House told thele that the ieano between parties wad a question of Free Trade or Protection, and others that it was not a question of Free Trade or Pro- tection. ;la CORNER STONE LAID BX THE PREMIER. Quo would not be justified in Axing the responsibility of any set o f views upon a party based upon the utterances of any individual supporters of that party, however high they might stand •hu the party's ranks. I find the hon. the Premier, however, making use of these words, and they may be accepted as authoritative :- --rlle where passage of air Act of Parliament would. ll• ver estalrtisli auy trade and would ,lever foo. r an industry ut11o~s it were ttl. dump from one pocket to another the Fro- ce'ads, of the industries of tate country. li li of the Go vernment•whichi were fost- ered by heavy protective duties, in many instances by actual prohibition of imports--•-w,hiob were fostered ty ex- port bounties, and in every other poe- eible way—it was not true, I say, that the sneoeses of the manufacturing in- dustry was brought about at the ex- pense of the mining industry or of the agricultural industry or any other great industry of that country. i`L o be continued.] UOI(INGHA�f'S ODD DILACKS1.1ITH snots is still ping, Hr. S.t;nckingham desires to return tllanito to has patrons, w h a ed him in the would intimate recovered from �1 ces, he iutenda m future, to to take Charge of the horse -shoeing department himself. Another work done in the very best style and atthe lowest rates. S, Si GKINGHA ►i. hid sincere nnmeroa.i havesupport Past, add that, having his lona ill - Exeter, Deo.13,1877. MANHOOD, ubt+fust�:rcal OW LOST, Ift1«' ItES�.'()Ii�i�+D. . artiaut4r trade or industry were t done at the sacrifice u some u>rtry. 7.'Aera wrtinotlleary autueradical and })yrnianPutcurPRi�houtrueeli. with fila el ark a'ce ctf filo ctoel NITT petnitty, lestal aadl hysical hn il'cit 1'r0traltlRn. alfelydtati:' Cacit,InlPpditnCnt. to AlarliaSP, eta',resalt eautd only bo al+ifi f ,s til a h t ereeently published a new addl Gen of lir. Culverwell'e Celebrated Essey' I will adduce a few facts in corrobora- other trade or i)td tion. 7he Jason. gentlemen: .next said merd ccusanant (G) that thetendency f k t'world thou that w 1 t UndertakE►r 'OLiLD SAY TO those who intend purchasing to do so from the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to sell again must necessarily have a profit. We elaiin to give the purchasers the boneat. which cannot fail to meet the views of the Grangers. Our expenses a e less than those of city manufacturers coueeq'.ent- ly we eau sell cheaper. C,. & 8. GIDIJ Y awl Fitz n%titre Mairufacurers ,�. ANT WOULD _ '''sr""` ""' callspecinlattentio* to our undertaking deps.rt- n,eut,which is more sem plete than ever,ae w o hese added several uew designs s. of late The beat coffins. F i M•r ; -' c east eta ahrouds,and every' u,acral retnaisite at the lo„ est prices. Our new Hearse is pronounced by seerripetetn pulses- to bo seeoud to nor in the --- --. Provisoes Emblems of al the Afferent Socletics FIRE! PIRA?, FIRS! 'The subscriber. S. E..louea. wishes to thank the people of Exeter. and surrounding country. for the lib- oral patronage which he has received since among von. es a Watola maker and Jeweler, and ilea in- form you that I have a large quantity of goods to dispe.x of. some of whish are SLIGHTLY D. \T L3. ED BY FIRE. and a great lnuutity of which are u4tt, these win lie field ser+: cheap for each. Clean a Ail far ?i, ,0 45.( *-150, 43.73. now sell for .>ti 2S. AV + s'a: ?IJ, 'Veit hes that sold for .`3V3ta a:a00, ;;iJ.Ull. ?t13.t*, now Belt 3'.i1.4i1, 416.50, ;11 0, 10:01; DA NOT !)PISS A BARGAIN. iN 41E414111Y* BARG INS 10 SUIT EVERYBODY Solid eold'Watches and Chains a specialty. 1lo not fall to give due , call before purebaaing else- where, as t think it would be to your advantage. a en . 6nev a pro eQ iQn was iRb r,gl exenasas. so ttgregtuutuh r p iticz le of al a Now tthla rues a ga.dltlal r p not to inoraaea but. to cheapen ricesp two ,cafe's stain re p p , ,.1 ,.�... 1 h The eelehrlteaituthor,ia tike admirable raga^ vertable proposition. Pratectien ie ciplil of 1r roe trade. It Proceeded upon ar of Table ham- Price, in it sP a envelope, anis Q cpnte, or zxittP 1 L,i we to the Coueuumer. Tlhie ie au incoutro- b res `.Crit44 ; it aa 4119 e9Nentl ' skill, industry and capital, where the dustry of the ;'eeetry, and onnsequen.- 1lighest prize& are for thoee who pro- duce the beet and sell the obeevest pro- ducts. The bop. me,Ihber for North Norfolk cited the iron and oattou elan• factures of the United States as indi+t- putable prof of the feet that the tend- ency of protection is to cheapen prices.' And be went further eveu than the amendment. lie established the fact.. which. I think he was justified in stat- ing, that protection had Wee bonet ci- al to theehippiug interest of the United States as well; so that be covered the whole range of industries which come under the tarill, tied he stated so em- phatically, lucidly ard consieely the variant; prapositiona upon which thio amendment is predicated, that leis speech waa not ou y the most movven- ient method of forundetina hese prop• ositions, but was :tris re effective per - baps than I could tnysef have given but for that memorable delivery. The bon. geetteman has changed hie views; I have nothing to say iu regard to that at the present teat dent, ]lilt will refer to it hereafter. I will now state the l•ounter propositions which are suppos- ed to embody the viewa and policy al the Government. The propositions 1 itasa nine Fasts. IN'S OPINION. embodied in the smeud.tnent are clear and as distinct as daylight. TEE MINISTERIAL POLICY. ly that protectiou sweet Ile wruug, wrung ill its very aeseuce, for the coun- try ulusrt be injured. by it. What did. des titictrrh.e tto ? kreacbed areoug the people, it made tied] believe that every .iuliustry itt the country waa the enemy of every other Industry ; it rrtim i - 11fcGLO(iI& N laagin. them to bejealous of Lite growth is TRI: arbr, of every iuduutry, except the vorticalee 0119 iii which they tilehlltieives engaged. Tte Oppusitiuu, ou the other hand, betteve iu the Iliet:.erhood of these great iutue'ries, they believe that these in- dustries are all of the dame family, cu. workers, ilatlependently, yet inter -de- pendently w.lrlsiug on; the proal. eri:ty of the cuuutry, They do not believe iu the principle that bt:cause one iu- navy prospers. it does au nec•:ssarily by fattnulug an another industry ; ur h+tt the growth of one, involves the deetruetiult of auuther. Here is a point upon which these hon. gentewen on the 1'reaeugy 1 onehes, and thus.,' who do not 3tuieur Au their views dither eseeutielly. Here is the very pt'uit up - en which the roads divert; . The Ul•- positiou believe that the promotion ul one iudustry, bemire suother. nutter what pts condition may be, milky clue' himaplf eI eaplv,privately, and raUs:i11y. r -i -This Ieeeturo aUould be in the bends of every youth and every I0a4 in the lend, 6.4drea Tlra 0u4rill6I,11SD1eAr.CO. it uu tit. NOW York. P o.IioX.4.!ti, The counter propositions are equally distinct. They are the ordivairy staple free trade dogmas, which we have had frequently in this house from tale lips of moil who have thoroughly studied them. Oue of the first distinct iutl• mations of a now policy witlh which wo have bee 1 favored 18 in a speech dilly ered in 1870 by a gentleman who stood very high in his party, anal who thee foresaw that these propotliti, ns might become a party issue. I refer to inti hon. friend tile member for North York (Mr. Dymoud). Ile said ie this in 1876, tmrtionlarl1 et'1dreetaing ht - hon. friends iu t if ouse, that ti e good old word Reform had sere d at gond purpose in its day, but the :i1n•• had beepily now arrived when th. re was perhaps very little to reform ; that it was important for the sucoees of tie Liberal _'arty that they should take e new departure, and take a uew watcn- word, that they. shuuld place upon their banner a DOW motto, and the mot to he gave them was one very dear t•' 'Himself ()or he was brought lip at the very feet, of Ganialiei, and had irnbibe'I free trade with hi'. mother's tabic.) Th. word he proposed to substitute for t11� „word "reform," and around which Reformers ehnal'd hereafter rally, was the warn "Free-Trade."rIy hon. friend (Mr. Dynnoml), having uttered the ward. seemed to tIlia 1t that perhaps he had gone too far, and thet it we: hardly fitting in hien to lav down a platf')eln for the party. °eating hi • eyes he e:cu'elit the artxi•ets look of the hoti. uleethar for Htttnilt,)n, end drop- liug his voice to a scercely audible uwadei tone, rept atod, "Free Trade—w= uu3eratbel in Canada," Ilia ntario•, THE PltElnER'S PtIOPOSITI,)N HiSTORIOAL• nows, p1'Onla4.l,T•ing Free -Trade, 11n!1 LY, AND IN FACT, UNTRUE. reached away down to N)ve Sentra. When the hon. the Premier stated but 1118 0..utions nntl.•rtone was intend•, that if a particular trade or industry ed for the ear :)Ily of tho hon. mein- were to be fostered it 0:)011 only be bees tor Hamilton and their frierde the done at the expense of some other in- mannfaotnrers. The fein•,ttre" dustry, be made an assertion wilco he modified, was oalealated to serve the will pardon we for shying is un •up- double purpose' of rallying the free porter by argument or proof: The hon. trade party droned a grand Unmoor and gentlemen will therefore pardon tno if, at tile same titueof quitting Ina lion. iu answer to that assertiou, I, melte u frieuds from li'uniltotr, wii, were a counter-assertiou; if declare that itis little restive that the free trade nag hietoricaily and in fact, untrue. It is should be trotted off so prominently. not true that in England 'during the That was the first note, but my hon, period which termivated at the adop- friend was o.iutious not to piece him- . tion of what is termed the free trade self in a position where it would be itn policy, the fostering of her great iudus- possible to retract, 1,r ovided that it tries or manufactures which were tot+- . eil••uld be found that he had gone too tared by the Government with all the Sac. 13utihat prupo;'tion was followed ability that WAS chili]] the Oonlpeteuoe Wherl shrewd 01d Dr. Benjamin h Fraut.liu teas iu England, when his country wee uew ; when he wilts con- cerned With regard t 1 its future ; and, wheu he sought illtbrulatinu .41114 was endeavuriUg to uraw wisdom from auru.td, wtli h should oanduce to the prosperity of his young country, and isle adoption of a proper policy in lt, interests, 11e wrote from England to tiurnpbrtsy aIarshall iu the following l.s,uguage, radioli t quote it) illuetratieu ,t.ld iu coutirtut►tiou of the b.hef of this t)l+pu.itlon in tee sisterhood of the in- duetrie:+, and in their beiug mutually uetptul to one another "Every manufacture enOuuragedinottr 00nn- sry mattes ,tart of tee m,irue: fur provisions ,CltUin ourselves, and saves so mach Ilmoaey for the eo ntry us must otuorwiso be exported to pay kr the manufactures or supplied." Lie was then speaking of lite owti country : of Luglaud, he said : - eifere iu Euolaud it is well kuu vu and nuder,tuud that wherever a manuf.wtury is ,;st..U41nu0.1, w'h4uh ew1,oys a number ut hands, it maws tee v lue of tau loud in the neighbor. fel,; country all 4ruaud 1t, partly oy the greater ,iz,u.uul near at, nand for Ella proiuoa ut tun Lena lied partly fr,m th., plenty of money .irawu uy tau .eauntuu.urors to tout part or the country. ft seen,, therefore, the neeesdity of all our farmers and ownerd of land to etlaour- age ear voua8 )n,LLnlaatnFOI in preference t0 loreigu owes imported ainuag us from distant euuutrles." Dr. Franklin was a shrewd man ; ne was au .)bdertiUg luau ; 110 was iu pur- -ant ot truth ; and this was tee dedue- tiou wbic:r he drew from hid observe trills iu E1tgIanc1, anti wt110U be co1n- '.lutlic-It. d patriotically to Ili) people ler their gutd%I11se. This harmonized so preci3eiy with the views which the Opuoettiou hold epee Ibis subject, that I have taken the liberty of quoting it to the H•,use.. WATCH 11Psuro..nu got, toe W. D.Mofl ochloiwatch Ilotorebuytug. Yonwill havo no other 8101880- iugtis0nt Allwhowen/ th„nrocouinlnnd then, tlolduud Silver, Ladies and Gentleman's 81.101, 77 Uuudasstroot,4ondau. Seo the toatimouisls Thu largeet.bestand oheapes+t$toek of line Gold Jewelry, t'loelie,llver, and Plated ware, Fauca 400410,,tc , .L•., its the Province. Bella Ngn.y %Very dose:dvtion. W. 11. \IOGL.)UritN 77 Dnndaas Loudon DO YOU PEE 0 ** WANT ? The undersigned are lending money far the enacts, Cabe Uastt0ta, ]letter t'oolurs, and a great mar S' ark c tI202 r0 to +Utica. Violins. and Violin Striu;,s. Iu fact every film g iu the h ut i ltat:l. te•r en eb. Ilation to the PsoPla of that uetien. It given to any iudustry, it ia necessarily Ttliirriligirell.c1/4,1"tre`0,1447,"jiZu:ngiln: eimply gave fi fair field to out etittee dove fl.t the expellee .of SOMS other in- te'irEttuto. npaeaus of which every euffeler, it t a. trio e of cure at °nee certain S. r.. JON1 S. Now is he Limo 1,e► give your Horses y's Celebratd Condition, Cough and heave Powders. A Piti*Sii STOCK .3,T,WAXS ON HAND, ALSO PURL DItL'GS ANO CIIE.IIICALS, DIE -STUFFS, &e., &e., &c,, AT T1iE DOMINION Savings & I'ivestment Society O:1' PLUM PROYI•:ItTY, At lowintereat, and from 2 to 20 years. The an- eiety will allow 6 per cent. on deposit. IEAEIi7AGE LICENSES ISSUED. O'BYRNE & 'CO. jL1RD1Y tPr: DI+:ALi;RS, EXETER. CHISHOLM'S OLD STAND LONDON THE OLD RELLARLE .HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & MANTLES. MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR READY-MADE. HENDERSON & BUOHANNAN Late A. Chisliol»1 & Cu. A COMPLETE STOCK OF HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES. Remember—Sign of the Striking Clock, 142, Duudas Street, LONDON. DOMINION LABORATORY. &ODERICH POU N D R Y t Founders, Engineers and. Machinists. MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS •STAVE AND HEADING L WIIINERY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Ixnplern ents COOKING, PARLOR AND 130X STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &c. Iron and Brass Castinrrs to order For rale cheap—Second hand .Boilers and Engires Stave and Shingle, and Heading Machinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, Mills, &cs., promptly attended to GODZRIC.f' FOUNDRY and MA TTJFACTY.x CO. GODERICH. Ont. T H iij EXETER 'TIM ARM STOVE Y ! E OT, f 0 ulna Subscriber begs to announce to the is isabitants of Exeter and the s arrom,ding ooan- 1 try, that he has ops nen a TIN and 5 I'OVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. O. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where lie is p.epaled to fill all ordeis for 1.. Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Maniiiaeturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practio"tt workmen on the premises. gave -Troughing done to order, Carriaa'e Plating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the very best and none Cheaper. u Intending parohasers will always find me at my post, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all limos to treat, customers courteously and supply them with a good and heap artio e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get better value for your money. 'The very highest price in Cash peid for Hides and Sheep skins, E. H. SPACKMA.N. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. THIS IS' NO BO'MB:AST I Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, 0 Therefore, read, purchase, and enjoy he bargains. When I say], manufacture my- own furniture m prepared with my proo1-sheet that the people can import at any time by culling at my Ware. ie oma where they will see n superb display 01 Furniture in All Its Branches is manufactured by mysolf and my ootnbiaed artistic skill, with good workmanahip. I der fare net, us itisfyiug the people with a aces of Pea/here that cannot be equalled for quality or price is Exuter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. — 0____ WHEN YOU WANT ANY ` FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CALL Corner of Main and Gidley's Street, Exeter.