The Exeter Times, 1878-4-25, Page 8School Books, Stationery, Blank Books Well Assorted Lines AT CLOSE PRICES. Berlin Wpok A COUPIXTE ASSORTMENT. J. GRIG (r * STATIONER 4: FANCY OOOOS OEALER, TES TIMES Ann, 25, 18,76TV Seottx.— On Friday night come person ee- lieved the firm a Wanless &S Blain of About *50 worth. ef eloth. Mr Wauless' Mother, wlio sleeps el the mile went down towa and forgot to lase the datir, aria iluiiug his absence some o e metered the Mils and took a large piece of clothe Cureetams Biee-es.—Mr. B. Bissett has treelml to Ur. E. Christie, the brick hotel ore the or - applause. "Ilea. White and Blue," and tltiOd We the Queen," were exceedingly well ren- dered. Where so many sang and where all did the beet they could, it would be uufair to diserirainate, but it might not be take a amise to meetiou that the roost amusing song of the evening was "G:andpava and me," by a very little ouug lade -so young imleed, that she could rug speak plaiuly. That potion of the ner of Huron arra Terrace streets, now in the smg 1 occupatiou of Yr- G. Swart% and formerly oc- eupiea by Mr. W. filawelaaw. Ur. Christie takes possession on Monday or Tuesday. Mr Biseets has acquired the frame hotel lately cc einem' liy Mr. Christie. Mr. Atkinson is the landlord, Srear.ar's New Boma—The Appearance of "qua cause I walked too fast for him The little fellow teitrica." caused such laughter that the little girl was honored with a hearty encore, and. at the tall of Mr. Fleteher, descended to the piatfornt, (tad repeated the song in her childish tone. Alto- gether the concert was deserving the peke -n- ine of the permits of the ehildren, and Mr. at the home meek but when they hear= about fifty yards Bright was five yards ahead. dumping and other sports were indulged in, and a pleasant afternoon was spot. The following thrilling poem was hauled us by Mr. Brewer, Manager of the efolsons Bank in this phitte, requoting us to publish CENTRALIA. EXPItase OFercc.--We learn that Mr. W. J. Moffatt has been appointed to take charge cf the Ameriean Ex prase agency at Centralia. Tho opening of an expreee office here meets with gen- eral eatisfaction. 'De aret consigu Z. It was written by a young lady in Lower ment was two othree - Canada, and is one of the best productions of r handles of ever - the land we have ever bad the pleasure of per ftrte.en shrubs from LoILIOU for Mr.Triv. using; Fon MANITOSA.—Afr. William Stir - OUR BATTLE CRY. ling left Centralia on Monday morning "God and St. Georee for Angle -land le'—au tends iteris)711.e, bita alta: ilatob, nciaazvbaieoreea t eh.e i.Tien olile.st battle my. reports fr.nn that section of the new Made theta trembliug earth resorted, ellen Proviece are very eocouragirg. Briton's sons passed by. PIANT NORWAY Sc.—Every own- er of a garden frontage should plant a Sew of those evergreen trees, as nothing eau oda a greater eharra to tour ;tome surroundings, eept-ciativ in whiter when .'Ged and St. George for aluglaral :" peals over the ground is covered with snow awl. every saiuing sea all other trees leafless. For a lawn Where wee one enow-cresiea height or isle of their grandeur cannot he euk passed. ram may he. The price in London market is only “God and Ft. (loam for England !" woe the 2,1 cents each; eau easily be brought Alma's elei•ping, twee: oat by rail, and any time between title "(Sod and 't.FGeorge for Emeand l'' cleared a and the first of Jutte will be appropriate nar -admirable written history o ancient 1 a led for transplanting. t,toti deal Of daruno vivA done, and some — • urn thno-, und is fun 0. f fuseint tu'ilniLati.„);; Azure ti c avahmebe ef ere, Iws tearlessly nese V.1.7-1.1)1Nti JJ 0S' is (PHA or cp.:cap:8 weve chrovitled. The lielitning e„eer,aug, th ;al p e t a t I ti 1 nut . . r een e n palm ar h 2. e, a stir iu the buialitag line at Centralia.. i stre.e: a !ante oek tree, a few utile from Mr. mid M a manner that will enable the reader to ww, punaoririi taan,,v and ai,:tttru,4 it to 1.,13313t,"titost:ii,slidsvts,:rx siniviebe.tokul:navincho,:z: Through lielaelaya's darliem-J, rale aur onn. With llie Materiels on the grellnd It may he amid that there are eight dwel. pietas. alia alarou. elm tree was selleteeed 11 i - - - - - 1 at trowlry of history. owl time is nut a queoion 1 Arata tile Russ a ul ,..es : 1, too demo for ling hotiees tool Mut Wore in etmree i try's diairii:Ig euiront.. Prost dieteuee below the Yilkiee, diet can be tallied COMet'Illiar; MIX hretorical I eye to scan erection, two of them in a forward TUE; OTTAWA 1 BBB 1 unss.—tilateetit s news- . this work, The author does not conteut mu:. How gloriously it shook the depths of eeleang t . In addition to the Above we know of =fly piper caule into the halide of the preseut pro. self with a mere dry seat:Aleut of feels, but Liberman. hall a dozen °titer structures that will be commenced further on in tilt) Sea. iterdation owl lutlitt,r,e; of cataiderebte wee- iratious of which he treats, in lifeeike eieure. I, nitride. 11i-- ww pthata front a new acts- mitt Itrv""nle to the eteltier the calves which no iii,nit,:eiZiP,°,n7-1 t 1 tt. fr stto 4 t„ Lw! „ $4)11• led to thr, preverity alai dta,Y VI /ila M.O.% 1 ; .4. • 1 It C., entaamr —Iley, $„T. Allen of Staulers new 11" PvluTz'' newuLtt Qf 143 Fletcher has done a good thing for the 'Village “Dieo et St. Georges roar Angieterre!" rang, :at thr "U"4 Mrkal ir'rward' to learn awl excel in that meet deelrable and • cherxreng teed heelthful necomplisiereent sine e sione o'er helm and lance. Yor,,,aztu of Terento ha et -eared the copyright for Ceirada, and will peters/1 a Cam .Lai eaiiien Mg. pinta fra.ru pla, es ef the Eriga A1300! Tom' Eveeviroex Watme.--We have rtm,,,tvt,..011,51 an Trunr. xeceived :ow the li,z4onal Pablishiug Cow - veer of Philadelphia tbie advauee elteets of Tee Reeteees int Liorrienee.--The lightnine joif the World!" by Jemee B. McCabe, a well - town historical meiter. It is the most valuta on It'."eit was tateute. The roll of. nee me tri.„47. that has beim published Obis CORO.. 509:‘,,S t1W, blarr.l.a was appalling. A try ter melee yore. It coutains a separate ana pathway for the brave. . .. 10(1 _ENeter.Ot travels and adveatures cu his wont perilous M thus hubuireg the little Geier with a desire reer the pleins of Frew, • Whine ennlight lessee this hew de Lee, anti ter with greaz intereet by everyoure Mr. J. B. Main tweet THE SPRING HOUSE CLEANite'l. Tale Inorsekeeper ervetia a cheetrill 1:011, load we he: r the mueical tileaefte-idep Of tae noisy, misty, malloing mop. Aed le, the mall pixie hen:ors rn44 Athwart our soli at the soapy e,neh Of idle :slippery. gime serublihee breela. From early detvia till ever:tee gleom We beer the ti:nitehing hi ball aua te,.ra Of the insiskrous, besily.bolibing broon. And new there can 4i1t a weetiorae wail— ' , f•ty Ft; ei neer eieir hie le; tare t etutibiug LOC. -IL NEWS, THURSDAY, APVIL 25, VATS. FlocatI4 maitre -a sins, at Hemp% Betto eoneort laet niAt. FOOT tacit4; is at+ !KO+ now. LAST Snutley was etla-ster. Lots ot eve *Toiled. 'New ana Millinciy 8.-rnistvii Sid:ors. Queeveriaa V- eseree.--•Tire quarterly Mee - eotmotion with the C. Church Exeter laid Da liOnday„ the5:11 MAPLE. eireieria:Greeir Apples, Vies aria (images at Thew 4 earmerai, Bey. Mn. Areate of leeeloti, model in the B. C. Church- un Sautley inornitig lest, and Rev. Mr. Ileoper, of Mitelteli, preached in the their new work, eutilled ..The Pictorial Hietory sultieet but au answer to it eau ye totted i state and alit soma be 'WIDOW hie I 'pre Agar C. W. VIII41:011i; his -attained seeteeee the tire Rea rueuuers ee the varian4 Our ery went up to God amid the eileinte of ' * noteghout, alai hi otherwise impute/et ill its p„,„ets of au, „nu, tie slu,s us the vuti...uu ., nowe. wire:lees. bore : , Loaoloo, preached a very approptiata sermon la the D. 0. eituroi here on Y r4r ar""""'' Au v14:1'l't 4'3 .e44"W (4‘ tie veld:dee ti90 Fierti. to eit-es ot their aetierte. 1 Which t w eeted hy hie oureerous old. ftieutte . , Lord linat,ritt, ie reireltsliti ...ear *We-ill/tee on ; ea teems out the 14 seas which their linea twee, isoCc,4 tiri.'W mem. teimili. A valuable feetent of tide work is a When lirieht the glu.una fora PelliN tow"'s anNa :11us":01:11.12Heeo8"pENED.--we untiee ihk-zila and lenrlity,—the Only ono lin trite.' ./.1 .1 1. 1 . 1 e aerrerat at ever:mere The weeely a al cel- great zuen—the warrieee stir:4'04101 pore• And with our le ale cry nr.14ii a welt heart. ewe pre; nael the rake of sul4Z taittiOn 041,4"31 Prieli,r:1-4,1 flUe401.1t and modem reisiliee deer ^ nit r tn the tvier • 8.110113.v evening, where he was wartn1 'fame reel amt. tar a r obi the Wit 11V and tla, faint that Haw- rie,i4rt r,ultetiptiAt. lr yea wont a s -it Cietiee gee,' iiittql-.1 It4.10,11. ;,,o, Salm ,tt Va•karire Jr amine: MIS -(.1485' Mmeenta.--The inv. toutple•te fitstery of 1141 lute war betweou word'rens la -natty (di, that the new awl euterprising Aran of The up ciauainAl uteution of the noel. givzerreh le ' •t lint" l "We an at En'cr Rolline Ilros. have t petted up bnciuese the Wei. et tree It • 1 leria's ran ileable•eWiumi Printed in the e vatest Along the Gen t t eiene Iteeth ;that bat. Slnith West, with it ctunplete stock 114"g .114 f""1"t74"1"-°111114114 note, inetatiful wee: on paper of the very t ke gtoke ately occtitited by Messrs. the C. Church, wee Itela Mo id eve. best (rat y. t,tubtili,qt,11 with w ere tore of new goods boo Itt in the best mark. ah4t. wo5 the int. ntion havo laid it ; over fide line (.0',4T.0,uoir,,, einbraertig kitties and "I'" "u the (4"13a', tlh"° the "it°. ets for cash. Pardee wanting anything tlas bw-:eutvut of the church, but 11,44..ro the °he. I°4mrigit 1-11erauletbi.4t svilgt.tu .7,14rf .t.11"‘"8. in their line do well to will and W- irier for opepeug had arrived, the EVats were ' aPe • - • i - ihtt seuna nail" — the 8Pcot their goods aod Fiona. Look t prmetpal eines of the van d. These till. Hearts of Oalt will leap, an occupied, and the meeting aljourned to the • gratings OM genuine worke of art, riud wen, ant for detailed advertieement lint b„4. alum!. whou a eery eaereatuu I made at a mese (4 OT4.1 "323.0" The oteat Anil Britain's proudly mareleilled hosts her numbvr.and high character of thote engraNingo I E4n,tern 41;ttlarings keep. wograttime hy the enure; people. make this the most valuable art mblie tti 11 Of Ji *e 1 le trumpet dice end elate; of arms, have Rev. Mr. Hooper cecupitel the elerir. evening. tee eentury. It in fur salr.t.iy subneription. only tiro powtr to thrill A $r nue:L-11er. Ur. Gone, formerlY of Worsronn.--L11 Ftitlay during one of the fl,tudeg.ellth will htra tit". thte buelt will wit The warrior ilu,;t vnoitua wbieh is piled I 1;113 frl !Ire far Exeter, will preach a sermon on Oddfellowshie races in the dieting perk, the vet:helmet run ill the B. C. Quell, on Snarl zilornill3 llt sa hieli that Mr. 0•13yrne was eromied upeloso 1 the puliiiiihere' adveritieZiaceirtttolagNeTrAit iu an! 10:30 o'clock. to the home mark, and when the contestants-' other women. Tar Kernp's "Ship (Smeary" for Teas, Cof- fee, Coca, Sugar, cam Funsu Lux grass seed at J. Oran'. catee. ..1.'nene.—A !ergo number of f cult trees bete waived in Exeter daring the past few days euue in 0145 01 them ran roduet Mr. O'llyrne, striking him on the temple and indicting a. wound which caused Iglu coreiderahle pain for 2 sought ousaymeut ju gshiug aua sums in a short time. Although the wound was not as Pintuting, while other:: in counitury with their severe as was at Ilret thought, 11r. Moore, : who lady love paid a eisit to the neighboring towns. was on the grouud, hailed it m whit:key. i but the great centre of attraction was the ra ee !rota Rodester, N. Y. Tire trees are being When the erowa saw the bottle appear, they muse, where a large crowd gathered ir, the delivered to the farmers in the surrounding est t*1 auu4 the p ect, tome o ere wie - afternoon to mettles:: the long. -talked of rave be townshipa. ing to have an application of the liquor—in- tween Messrs Thorue, Moo and Walper. IF you want a cheap Carpet, or Lace Curtaln wardiv though. I Aliout two o'clock the mute:Amite arrived ou mill at Barnwell & Pieletrdee. COURT DAV.--Tuestlay last was court day in GOOD Puma—Tun Rtes. -41e business places in Exeter were all closed, and some IitnAnnt'S ILTAISTSkrun ATLAs.— We artY the pound, and the distance they were to rtlu Exeter,:end the number of applimarts for their oratifiei in looking over Mr. Beeker's list of was measured, but a mistake vete ana made, “ o subscribers is the tante of Exeter and towe- tne runners had to run 240 yards instead of measure of justice gave the village the appear - ship of Osborne for the Liustrate.1 Histories(y ' 220 enta. The rain n Thursdae night had since of a. fair day. But it waten't foe. day by ' any means. The ram descendea in torrents Atlas, to see the Ileums of nearly -all of our the effect of making the traek rather soft in n Fon Bnussers.—A large steam fire engine, promen' ent men and well to do farmers. We some places, but the warm sun of Friday fore - passed through Exeter, per L. H. & B. on Monday for Brussels. The people of that burg must be ambitions. It may be prodigal. The engine was one of Ronald's of Clia0ham. 'RE= garden seeds at J Crunicau's. Swesuee.—On Tuesday last a Mr. Wolfe, of Stephen, was leading.his horse in front of the commercial hotel the buggy came in contact with a post, which Mr. Wo"e did not notice, and smashed the shafts. Rue the advertisement of the Allam Lino, the Canadian line of steamships. Anyone visiting Great Britain should patronize that line. itis a Canadian enterprise, and stands beyond all competitors. , DANGER TO Tauus.--This early in the sea- son the curculio bas made its appearance. AII who have trees liable to suffer from the depie- dations of these pests had better take active measures looking to their extirpation. ANOTHER RACE.— To-merrow, (Friday), we understand that another race will come oil' on the race course, the contestants being _Messrs. A. Bright and H. Elliot. P :tut has to bea. Elliot six yards to win the race. We believe there is about $100 up on the result. 'May the best man win. SOLD. -31r. J. P. MaInty3 e, of Exeter, has sold his store, house and lot in Exeter, to Mt. Jonathan Shier, of Eirkton. lir. Aderntyre, we believe, goes to Granton for a Short time, pre- paratory to leaving for Pr:-.ry THE LIBENSES.—We kart that all the licee- secl hotels have been granted licenses in Exe- ter, but no new ones. Messrs. I. Carling and G. Mace have been granted store licenses, and 'Thorne & Farmer have ,been added to the number. FOE &LB. — Cheap, Stanley & Jermyn's Bankrupt Starlit, Exeter, one of - J. & J. Tay- lor's Fire Proof Safes with combination. lock— rte..rly riew. List price $125; now offering 11( 11 bargain. ITTST received at Samwell & Piekard'8 ROW Field and Garden Seeds. T 9ANES.—The thanks of this office are due Thos. Nrrow, Esq,, M. P. for North Enron, for tbe neat edition of Mr. 0. C. Colby's great speech on the Wife and his exposition of the notional poliey upu which the Conservative hops this important enterprise will meet with sufficient encouragement to warrant its publi- cation, and if the company meet with good sue - noon dried it up consideraoly, and the ;neater part of the traok was in pretty good condition. .As the runners placed them:el tes at the stert. cats elsewhere, we see no reason why it should lin places, quite a number thought Mao not go forward.1 would win easily. Mr. Farmer was chosen to HHE Datexxxe WITTTine.—Niuety thous- skirt them, and he gave them a fair start. Mr. tied copies have already been eold of Will L. galper, who had been a little indisposed Thompson's famous song "Gathering Shells for some days previous and had not altogether from the Sea Shore." It Is thought that recovered, proved himself to not be astayer and "Drifting with the Tide," this author's last when a few rods fromthestarting place drop - composition, will even eclipse "Gathering ped off, leaving the result of the race to Shells," iu popularity. Auy xnusic dealer will Thorne and Mace. Thorne kept a little in ad - mail either of these beautiful pieces to your vanes of Mace flom the start and kept gran - address on receipt of price, 40 cents. Publish- ally gaining, ana came in about two rods ahead ed by W. L. Thompson & Co., East Liverpbol, The race was run ' in 82 seconds, but Ohio. (ho mistake in measuring the distance will ac- count for the leugth of time, as Thorne ran SUDDEN DEATH.—We have this week to re- 220 yards in 27 seconds when practising ior the cord the very sudden death of Mrs. John South - race. Not satisfied with one race a subserip- mitt of this village, who died on Tuesday morn - ken was taken up and together with the money ing last. Mrs. Southeott had been in an un- taken at the gate was offered in prizes for ran- certein state of health for some time, but was m• . • ug. Thenrst was a boy's race of 100 yards, able to be around and attend to her work, and in which a large number entered. The larger certainly her death was not expected. She boys were placed ten yards behind the smaller rose on Tuesday morning, and got breakfast ; Mr. Southcott and other members of the fain-. ones, and they were started. L. Tait came in ily went out into the field, leaving Mrs. South- first, M. White second, and J. Drew third. children. She The next race was men's race, distance 220 cott with some of the younger complained of feeling enweli, and was proceed- yards. The contestants were J. Hyndman, ing about her work, when she suddenly fell McRoberts, H. Elliott. J Hyndman came iu dead. She leaves behind her a large family to mourn her loss. They have the sympathy of the community in their affliction. Nuw Wall Papers very cheap at . Samwell Ss Pickard's. Tun JUVENILE CON01111T.—Mr. jolm Fletela- 63:'S juvenile concert came off on Wednesday last. Mr. Fletcher had been for some time training a number 01 (110 chilciven of the village and a good concert was expected; and if we may express 01110pi13i011 011 the Merits of the entertainment, Cr expectation was not disap- pointed. The children were very tastefully dressed, and presented 0. very pretty and inter- esting . picture. The programme was very lengthy and well selected, and full justice was done every Piece. Tho members of the :ciao showed the good effect of the short: trebling they had received mia aeguittecl themselves ereclitably. The spirit with which they sang week T1Mea. • *1r 41, SBORNE, •••••••..••• EIMIA1NATION.—The quarterly °Nara- niation of the pupils of schwa tieetion :maul Catireartee No. 0, U8borne, w held on Thrirtatay Tho God at battle leads us on -'104- our far- last. Owinoe the busy sewn et the ralb,iug cry Has called the Yeti:tut of the isles to conquer° or kr die, M. Erns Faxazeter. St. Georges Bay, April 23rd, 1878. FIENFALL. For the last week or two we have Lad beau- tiful airing weather and the farmers in the neighborhood. have been. busily engaged in 03. year, the attendance of visitors Was ItOt eu large as 0U previous oceasionft. T110 inanimation was conducted by the teaelters, Air. Young and Miss Vosper, assisted by 'Messrs. S. Sample, R. Sam- ple. S. Martin and G. Rowell. The ready and intelligent manner in which the pupils answered the mauy questions pot, to them by strangers, shows that they are being carefully instructed. An cuter hutment was given in the eveuiug. rieultural pursuits ; therefore the business The programme consisted of dialogues, the village has In en comparatively dull, but as the spring seeding is pretty well through, we look for better times shortly. There is a rumor going the rounds of the village that some of our bachelors who deem to be the fathers of Hansa, contemplate leaving their present state and entering the matrimon- ial. For the truthfulness of the rumor I can- not vouch, but tf it should happeu, no doubt you will receive due notice, readings, and instrumental music, all of which was performed in a manner creditable to all, and was listened to by an orderly and appreciate audience. ENTERTAINMENT. •-••- The people of Eliniville enjoyed a literary treat on Tuesday evening, the Oth inst. A lea- ture on "Builders" was delivered in the Methodist Church, by our talented friend, Rev. W. H. Gene. The audi- Building is pretty brisk already ePrinll- ence, though not large, comprised the Several new buildings lino bon erected. literary persons of the vicinity, and the lecture ores very highly appreciated. The excellent music by the choir of the church. (Mies Martin, at gaols() aided largely to the evenings enjoyment. Mr. Halls dispensed the duties of chairman in a very affable manner. Mr. Gene has made himself very popular with us, and we hope,ere long, to have Ins pres. mace with us again.---Coar. notice that Mr. William rondo leas built a new blacksmith shop opposite the B. C. Church, and Mr. bffierhardt, our baker, intends to build on the lot west of Mr. Petty's butcher shop. Mr. Hudson, of tne firm of Mason & Hudson, has his new dwelling nearly finished. Messrs. &WiIson Moore have pot a new engine and boiler in their factory, the old one being too small. They have also considerably enlarged the premises. Mr. Purdy of the Hensall House has sold his lot on Wellington street where the hotel formerly stood, to a Mr. Bolton, who is ISIRKTON SPRING SHOW. The annual spring show of the lurk. going to build. ton Agricultural Society was held mit Preparations for a grand time here on the Thursday last. 24th of May aro in progress. Every kind or the attendance very good. Below is The day was fine and amusement including a shooting match will be the prize list : provided for. HORSES. The sidewalk is now complete as far as the Filet office which in wet weater is quite au ac- Imported Heavy Draught--lst, G. comodation to our citizens who have to visit Elliott's " Marquis of Lorre, 2nd, The hug:less at fhe pork pacaing establish. G. Elliott's "Lord Byron." Two-year rld--ist, John Cameron's that institution. " Lord Dufferin" ; 2tol, P. Me0onuell's "IlOnnee-ysebaEir aoultalY-fist, T. Coloulioun's "Prince of Wales.'' Canadian Heavy Draught-1.st, A. Dow's " Robby Burns." GeneralPurpose—ist,Hogh Brown's " Otto Chief." Two-year oki—let prize, William Wood's " Young Bank of England." Roadster—Special. G. J. Fitzgerald's " Mambrino Rothschild." Freneh—Special, Samuel Williams' " Youog St, Lawronoe." first, closely fohowed by Elliot. A 100 yard ment is very good, in fact it is better than at the were six entries, J. Hyndmen. ItIclloberts, H. proprietors feel encouraged with the prospects. 1 anie, bast two in three was then run. 'There same season last year, and the enteurising t ?..li lot, G. Nei: thmore, R. White, and W. Iiyuilinau. J. Hynclinan won ilrst mo,..ley and Melloberts second.. There was a half mile race in which a good many started but some drop- ped off when about half way rormd. J. Gill took first money and W. Hyndman second. A race for a wager of four dollop a side eras 1 „u. jam week. run by H. Elliott and W. Biasett, in which the former came ofi victorious. A bet of five dol lars a side was made on the result of tirade be- tween H. Elliot and A. Bright, the bet being made with the understanding that Bright was to rue 100 yards while Elliot ran 95. Some misiniderstanding arose as to whether Bright should start five yards behind Elliot or wheth- er they should start even. It was finally concluded that they should. start even. Two of the judges gave their decision in favor of Metropolitan, where be will attentively Thos. Stacey. party rests its clahns to the support q the 1 “Chestnuts," evidently one of their ifaeorites Br; lit and the third said it 'was 110 lace. We wait n pan all who may favor him with One-year old---lst, Wm. Stacey ; 2uki., , a people. I was refreshing, "and called ibrth ciinider;tble were not iu a position to see hew they mune in a call.—Com. Amos. Marriott. h-•04-. BL AN SHARD. A BEIZE.-111r. Knox, of the Boyne Farm, took first prize for his splendid Durham Bull of any age, at St. Mary's SPIRITED 00ET.—Two young men at- tempted to drive a high spirited colt, belonging. to Mr. Knox, in single har- ness, the other evening. A tug broke, which caused for a time some commo- tion ; with the exception of harness breakages, no damage was done. Nt,tv BLACKSMITH SHOP, --- Th 4.) In as Marshal, of Chittieles corners, has opened ont a, branch blacksmith shop at BULLS. Aged Durham—lst, W. H. Gill. Two-year old --is(, John Sutherland ; 2nd, John Hoover. One-year old---ist, John 0)10; 2ani, Joseph Lane, Grade--1.st, Wm. McCullough; 2nd,