HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-25, Page 7,►, Ai1IL, 25, 1878
Now, Betsey, it is my turn—now let the old
man tell,
dust what be thinks of heaven, and how he
looks at hell.
For some men have been telliu', till nearly
out of breath
That everything is fixed up fine for sinners
after death.
My years are three score years and ten—ray
hairs are white as snow;
I ought to know the ways of men --God's way
I ought to know ;
I travelled on the downward read till con-
science loud did ery.
"It is not all of life to live, nor all of death to
There is a bell, I know it. its fires are Mt by
Who le'tawe their houses, anktfaitltfulwives for
harlots and for ruin
The tires of bell are kindled many years this
side the gt:'tve;
They only burn the num when no Cluiat
can copse to save.
There is a heaven, I know it, and heaven be. Deep eileuee fo:lowed. broken 1st last
ides below by this sonorous voice of Sir Isaac W:el-
ti%'b& n love to God and all mankind doth polo, saying:
from the bosiiin flow ; " Gelnl(•u, I kin look back ober do
longest lifetime o enny member o' dia
`Club. De path of de ole man In% bin
[tall o' taicknese. trouble, death -beds an''
grave -bions. All de time, eben when
de clouds wero darkest, du ole man Ina
hall a little sunshine in de hope dal
when laid oyes war eloaed iu de lee' tong
sit eta, do angels would balance de Imolai
its Ilia favour, forgive enny little fatlin's
and s\ alk %ingaatde o' hila frew de gates
o' pearl an' gold. Dat is my hope Clow.
If dues no hell den day's no Heaven,
a, Ob matt mho b'lievea in one moat be.
dere in rte odder. he gwine to keep
right along de narrow taw -l=ath o' life,
tloppit' dice Sallie ole hope, believin' ia,
dal sante golden Heaven, and ko.sttin'
dot pllssou t:allo1 Satan away off in de
back fields (1' my aged heart. Dat'1}
bow I fool, and he to ale to go coon.
bootie' fair near religuu,"
Thera was another long silence. It
needed only one more speech, and it
presently chaise from Chowder .i)aa\id,
who has not been altogether au april;h:
member. Great surprise was manifes-
ted as lie rose up and began:
„Uoanlen Ize gwine ter oven right up
dat 1 hez lifted boils off de roost times
wi(lout number --hens dot didn't inwen.
tory wid my adder assets. I hez picked
up odder fokes' dap an' oats an' door-
mats. I lrez been in jail its de yars
egone, an' one time a jury decided that
1 stole a hose. All dia I owns up tar,
an' shell I tell yer why I hezn't stole
uaoah bosses au' robbed houses an' com-
mitted murder ? Kase I fears dat hell
which dey am tryin to drown out wid a
few fire engines like Becher. Let de
white folks convluee me dat 1 Dau lie
an' cheat au' steal au' do murder ati'
still shine aroun' among de pink -robed
angels wid de beat o' folks, an' 1'11 scalp
a preacher afore lamp -light 1"
After a long minute Brother Gardner
aro ar,d said :
"Gem'len, we loan' want a vote on
de qeshun—it votes itself. Die Club
may hey faults, but one o' dem faults
am not buruin' down an orfun asylum
au' den preachiu' de 'no hell' doctrine
to oil over a blistered conscience.
We'll consider the matter settled right
yar an' now, an' purceed to de task of
collectin' up the usual bimonthly col-
lecshun. De jayntor will look the dealt
an' permit no one to pass flew till de
cash hez bin counted."
is "In case of fiah, de result wid dat
doah locked, might be gigantic," re-
marked Clambake Oronoke, an old ex -
slave from Virginia.
"Jess so, brudder, but I assumes de
chances an' takes ae responsibility," re-
plica the President, motioning for the
hat to begin its travels.
The colleetion began with fourteen
cents from the Rev. Penstock, dwindled
down to five at the Hon. Jacob Spades,
and wound up with a email sent and a
recipe fur making hair -oil from Col.
Bermuda Johnson.
"Two dollars an' ricin' am tolerable
fair, oonsiderin' ile Yurypeau situashun
de new silver bill an' de big split in de
Republiken party," observed the presi-
dent as he counted the cash. "Unlock
de doah, pass aroun' de water pail, an'
we'll step on de next head on de pro-
when he dies.
"Oh happy day that faxed my choice"— that
made nay conscience cry,
"It is not all of life to live, nor all of death
to die;"
Let's trim our life lamps, Betsey,—keep 'cm
burnin' bright and clear ;
For the midnight hour approaci rtli—seen
the bridegroom wilbe here.
Brother Gardner's countenance writ
delicately shaded and softened with the
e,iueciousness of right as be rose up,
pulled a loose patch over a hole in the
left elbow of his gray wool coat and be-
"Gatu'len, I hoz often asked de gee-
,:huu of (tie Club b'lievea wid. Bob
Beecher and Henry Ward 'nelson on
de 'no hes' bizness, 1 hez my owns o
patty un about it, an' 1'd like to leer de
,tanteruwent of de bruddere in general,
Will de Ilev. Re ostoek rise up acs' lead
wid an expresitun.
"Be ltev. Penstock feela to say," re-
plied the old gentleman, -tint be sonny
ovel want to be blown op en a ferry
boat in company wid a man who dia-
Vutes the Holy Book."
'rile peace and joy that comfort us along; life's
thorny way,
Are rays of light. t+' cheer the night, .from
lariaven'a eternal slay..
Ng, LW.? \1h re, then, is iut/tiree---A.0i
ills with old Jar.
1V1w. with hi, uiti-ti:ey, , nuJ„" his rutin
st'r< i,lJOJ,.; wa71t luul woe,
1f� t Ili I , ewr old winker to lite int„r
with a frown.
:iI1^1 t+ ft tier there to die, ;tl, ire, a burden
ala.• novo.
Nat, e rut lie to the funeral—nor doth the
hard man know,
tar caro. wh."re site is buried wlto in child -
10,1 lane,[ him so;
A eroty in his liar rearm, when he heard it.
ivtid iu in.,
who:, pen Ito d:rtvir to hell, old man, I'd lilt.
ter pole the fire,
No hell ? There's ITeacou Skinflint, with
rtiort,ntre.•t and shares.
11t•t'ourite widows' houses, and far pretenee,
+ snaking; prayer";
Shall he live on in luxury, wrung from the
nMay lows,
Au,l then a ermvn, and harp of gold, at Cud's
xiebt Band secure.
Let jure of titers new preachers take a starv-
ing widow's plue'(' -
Let hint fie' the pangs of hunger, and the
chill of death's embrace ;
Than I think he'd leave his doctrine, and
cry out, with visage grins,
(Ay.Lords remember Skinflint, and make
lute hell fur him!
There,'s tliat wretched, bloodymurderer with-
in his prison cell ;
Oon hangman, grimly waiting, give him all
there is of hell?
He who murdered all his children, and his
wife, with terror dumb,
Because she told the tavern man to sell him
no more rum ?
I; tell you, Betsey, it is hell to live with soma
men, here—
Anti I may say some women, and no contra-
diction fear ;
Pe I read in the old Bible I have learned to
love so well,
Thar "the tongue's a deadly poison, and
set on fire of hell."
AO would a guilty sinner do among the
angel choir ?
To him theholiness of heaven would be the
hottest fire ;
Ifot all the golden harps above, can make a
happy place,
Tohim who cannot stand before the glory of
God's face,
Not all the flowers of paradise—not all the
birds that sing,
Can moments of pure happiness to guilty
sinners bring ;
0o4 is the bliss of heaven ; if he frowns -upon
the soul,
'Tis fire, and endless torment, while eternal
ages roll.
Howmany cruel men, thro' life, mount up
on pleasure's wings,
While they who love, and serve their God,
bear affliction's stings ;
flow, then, can God be good -to all, and just
as well,
Lf there's no heaven for godly men, for god-
less mon no hell ?
Ah ! Betsey, let's be watchin'—watchin' early.
watohin' late?
ft:chance a hungry Lazarus may coma beg -
gin' at our gate ;
If so we'll bid him welcome, heal his wounds,
and wipO his eyes ;
For he who shows no mercy, gets no Mercy
"A Farmer" writes to the St. Thom.
as sidles easing that at Springfield and
Tilsonburg American oats are being re-
ceived by thousands of bushels, leaving
homegrown este without a market.
Although a "Liberal" in times past, he
says that he wilt certainly oppose at
the approaching election the Govern-
ment that refuses to do juetioe to the
country's agricultural interests.
The firet impression that the Eng-
lish design on the American dollar
gives you, is that the eagle has just been
roused from a brown study by a moot
awful and unexpected swipe across the
back with a otuf ed club.
1878) MING (1878
At all times, andpart.Alarly at, a period when Trade is universally depressed and money
scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants
at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with every confid-
ence; it being more carefully assorted and selected than that of any previous season.
In the Dry Goods
Every department is replete with the most seasonable and !fashionable fabrics, marked at
prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. T13E11ORDEBAD
CLOTHING atilt }las MB. W, IVES at itahead
In Millinery
Underthe r asuagernent of MissneGioghlon, we can suit the most iasti haus, Our slosh of
Gro' tries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and Alnerioan
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consul: their
best interests by examining mystoek before going elsewhere.
Tieing now in receipt of a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines a
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
At his 'Store, ]Maio Street, Exeter, which will be sold at
The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but
call at the store of the subscriber and
ert to be bad iu Overcoatxng, T'llll..t 1oths, Broad -cloth
Doe skills, Silks, Wineoys, i)elaiues, and everything
needed in the Dry Goods line, The Grocery
Department is Complete. An inspection invited
No trouble to show goods
A Whole Army Eflarching oft!
For a nice new nobby hat in Felt or Paramatta, all the leading
styles, go to
Are not advertised SI "CUM alis; " but are apeoifaca
in the diseases for whioh they are recommended
Investigators of natural science have demon,-
strated beyond controversy, that throughout thin
animal kingdom the "surveval of the fittest" is the
only law chat vouchsafes thrift and Perpetuity
Does not the same principle govern the summer,
Dial prosperity of maul An inferiorcannot super
sede a. superior article, By reesuuo,superior mer-
it, Dr. T'ierce's Standardtedicinea have outriralled
all others. Their sole in the United States exceeds
one million dollars per annum, while the amount
exported foots up to several hundred thousand
more. No business could grow to such gigantic
pro ortious anti rest upon any other bass than
that merit.
Catarrh Remedy
Ispleant to use.
Catarrh Remedy'
,Its cures e.ctena over a;pfrE' t of tteenty nsars.
I)11. SAGE'S
Catarrh Rexxtedy
llesxareeoneantay increases
Catarrh Reedy
Cures 8;, ifs mites, see titin;, rjfeet
Catarrh Remedy
Cures" cold inlchead" and Catarrh, or O.cena
Rockport, Mass., April 2, ;ST:.
MaEnr;rn:-'-Caiingread 41.1your paper rentals
e f the r.3) aaka /le cures of eat .5113, L e.1 in,luced
t..* V:91" e ,};et 1 l,uow about ea13arit," ani 1 fancy
slot sutra" and "itdaaliC tutu' to „tea e,ucro
mane t./,y <,rnt.l<,•r'e would be glad if they ,,.041,,,i m
k'.'ti a similar c/a.o in the j t.pt•rs. For Lai }'rasa
i et tie:ea u nth e;. trig. The set -at pay t gel, were
voasaph W1\ aa04ett 'St iletf; def t; 'a,.:e,i ataDitalig•
ui.ec n: ,1 t, t 6," aoublaa t weak, ill: t i ut te:ter-
vols L cv. nalel tiff yr tie ra { aY:e ,t c an a alt elm f,
nig:1 1 , , .e \ i.e it le ti.5torfor &tela znkt, 'Once.
t twzrinAik taj t: n,.n.e, amcd no ono eau rot now
t 7 t 131 n !e .a t or vault a :Meer:tide Ue.:ag,1 WAIL
Ma 1.„;,1rtam_ie,verti*-ry4a'Ks ibit11 c'.rcu .1Zed
V* ma i"t 1t'r 37:3'7; ene('esii,a Cup, nt6(rola^tllfl
t: ,' t iai"> , 1''auaa, which Ilan' 'tine* lt, t t can -
11i 11 •,n\ 13.r lira insure. All stint+ oaf ra ell stud
C t,Qi r; n e ist and be oiog :33:1 ,n 1, L3sdy
is anis,;, a nu l c til euv,1. ut rvtaas sy t, to hntte r-
t a: stars . )i :.:*L.- u broketi, mai I nos 1•uakiag
rind sent[ i ''v,'u eightnti of the time, I nrayea
r is tioollt to t, lemeuu, of rimy suffering \favorite
11e is/ 4 tire it: veue l,aprrof I•r ha,^,rrt atar.11Tie•
tale sly ai.1e14, 31111( 1111.411'11111$0 a rachct"t} lana use5t
. ran Ur.1 at ret, . Nasal Dourl e, wields nphlivs the
c 'ore,ty lir lia,Irc:st,,tie yres,:a(c the only May
, 70apatll le with cu).ttsiou se nos. WSe i! \lr. Editor,
d. ,i..1 mod cru.• 011' intbrct-$oullbsofa ace,.'0, our
e°1 0330 It lie or 5 it only 'zit in Tres than a 3,;lat nmin-
t41 - 1 sank re3ieveti.anti in three menthe entirely
etne.l, mot taavu ie•uaaim'd so fa,r ostr sinteea
anontet% t\'hele using the Catarrh Itemedy, I uvea
t ., 2.,...:,:,,., tie=l,lent fled;cul 1l,s'.otry to purify
sot Iltre.d awl rtrt u3;then Illy stomach I alio rept
not to....w actike• into Bowels regular by lCU' 1' u1
h :,
1 lr,stet Paig,etive Pellets. If uty ex, erlcalco
csclt initis,' OMIT 4 .tfeterr to tarok the saute 111e:1415
fr.•l.,•r dhie lett,rwill havuauawvredit,• purpose.
Moats arnly, S. D. Iaaiit li.
woe fro -Flowing natued parties aro among tho
Oa •neat ,iia who have been cured of catarrh by tho
use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy:
A T Downs. New Geneva, I'a; D .1 Brown. St
Jiiti.).14.24.1 i li C Limit., Rutland, Vt; Levi Spring -
ex, N. the 1. eke. Oho.; Chas l'urerop. North Ches.
Milli la, +3i.; :itiltou Jones,1ieriba, N Y; J E Miller;
Bridger \\°yo; J t; Merriman, Logansport;
Ind ; M \I Poet, Logansport, Ind ; J \V Bailee', Tre-
mont. I'a ; I: 11 .Ayres. Laporte, Intl ; Jessie M Sense.
Ft Br:ue6,, Intl; L Williams, Canton, Alit; 1Y A
Thayer. Doom i,ili; 8 11 Nicholls, Jr., Galveston,
.n.,no.:: t,,: J.eeas I' l aluert,Stuneeville,l'a; 8 W. Lusk,
\I'l�ael:*u.l. Witt; Johnson \Vilii••nrs, ]semi\vies:,
Ohio; Mm :1I A. Currey, Trenton, Tenn; J G Juslin,
lieene^, . i 11; .1 J Casper, Table flock. W Va; Louis
.1ud••r., Oaven port, Obio; C 11 Chase, Elkhart,
ud3nu,: Mr Uenry iia ,shit, Slut Francisco Cal;.
\Ira V. \i (u110.ha. Luwreueeville, N Y; w .f Gra-
'aiuu, Adel, Iowa; .A O Smith, Newnan, (;a• Chas E
Eyes, Baltimore, M.1; Jessie SI Sears, Carlisle, Ind;
o B :Slitter, Ft Wayne, Ind; Sirs Minnie Armin),
d90 Delaney et•, New York; II e\ Hall. Hastings,
i jell ; Wulf.' Marston, Lowell, Mass; I W ltobtrts,
1t;irien',a.,Ariz; Chas 5 Delaney, Harrisburg, Pat.
Si t' Cole, Lou ell. Mass; Mrs 0 5 Spurtin, Camden.
Ala; Chas F Moo, Fredericktown, Ohio ; Mrs Lucy
Bunter, Farmin ton, 111; ()apt E J Spaulding,
('amp Stambaugh, \\')•o' I W Treaty, Steamboat
Beek, Lava ; Mrs Lydia \V3aite, Siashan, N Y; J flit
Peck, Juuctio , City, Mout; Henry Ebo. Bnntss,
Cal ; L P Cummings, 1:itutoul, 111; 8 E Jones,
Charleston Four ('Diners. N Y; Geo F Hall, tueblo,
Cal ; Wui E Burtrie,Sterling. Pat; H II Ebon, 918
Penn st, Pittsburgh, J It Jackman. Samuel's
Depot, Icy; Henry Zobrist, Geneva N Y; Miss
Hattie Parrot, liantgenterv, Ohio ;'L Ledbrook,
Chatham, Ill; S. B. McCoy, liasbllort, Ohio; W '
Warner.\orth Jael:een, Itich ; Mass Mary..A �1 Winne,
Darien,Wis;John Zeigler, Carlisle Sprngs, Par
James Conn/king, St Cloud Minn; Enoch Doer,
Pawnee ('ity, e. et.; Joseph \LFller. Xenia, OFii.o1
, Upper
Altal.,111: John Davis, Prescott, Ariz; Mrs Nancy
Grahatn, Forest Cove, Oregon.
Golden Medieal Discovery
Ts alteratire, or Blood -cleansing
Colden bledical Discovery
as Pectoral
Colden Medical :Discovery
is a Cholagogxe, or Liver Stimulant.
Golden Medical Discovery
is To/tic
Golden Medical Discovery
By reason of its alterative properties,, cures disea-
ses of the Blood and Skin, as Scrofuia, or Slug's
Evil, Tumors, Moors o Oki Sores Blotches, Pim-
ples, Lr.aptions. By virtue of its I''eotorai proper-
ties, at cures Bronchial, Throat and Lung Affec-
tions, In*iuiont ConsuanptionLingering Coughs,
anal Chronic Laryrgitls. Its 'Cholagogue proper-
ties render it an unequalled remedy for }Bilious
nese, Torpid Livei, or •' Liver Complffiut," aud its
tonic properties render it equally efficacious in
Curingsia. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite andDyspep-
\Vhero the skin is sallow and. covorod with
blotches and pimples, or where there are scrofu
lulls swellings and attentions, a few bottles of Gol-
den Merl/cal Discovery will effect an entire cure.
If colorr01 sx.nlorlyellowish browndshave sallow
lots on the
face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad
taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternated
with hot flushes, bow spirits and gloomy forebod-
ings, irregulr r appetite, audtougue coated, you are
suffering from 1'arRid Liver, or IBzlioust.ess,'
In many oases of Laver Complaint, only part of
these symptoms are experienced. As a .emedy
for all such cases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, has no equal; as it effects perfect cures,
leaving the liver strengthened and he /1 -thy.
Grocery and Liquor i• Store
A large stock of
Green, Japan, Young Hyson and
Black Teas,
Raisin, Currants, Pru e$
DRIED ,&,pp1®s , Canned. Pau:IT,
Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, Malt, Sctch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccos
and Cigars,
W holesa' e and Retail.
Main Street, Exeter.
Dr.li. V. Pierce is the sole proprietor tuna .manu-
facturer of the foregoing remedies, all of ,shish are
sold. by Druggists. He is also t1 s author of the
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work.
of nearly one thousand pages, with two hunch el
and eighty two wood engravings and colored plate
He has already sold of this popular work
Over !00,000 Copes!
I'IliCE (post j laid) $150.
R. Ve PIERCE, M. Z.,
World's Dispensary, Buffltte,, N.Y.