The Exeter Times, 1878-4-25, Page 66 TRE TIMES 'When Eve brought woo tool' mankind, Old Adam Calle& her wo-man.; But when she woo'd with lore so kind, Ile then pronounced her wo-man ; But now with folly and with pride, Their husbands' pockets trimming, The ladi,:s ate so full of whims, The people call them whim -mem, LA.UGHING GAS. Eichenges will continue to wear weathers with paste ornewents. If Dr. Mary Walker is uot a married woman, she is fearfully and wonder- fully maid. Bob Iugersoll's excuse for beive pro. fame is that he worked out an appren- ticeship to a tiusteith in butting up stovepipes. Very few girls eau spank a pepper. box ao it should be spanked, and yet N INCIDENT OF HIGH LIFE BELOW STAIRS. a -- O'Connell used to tell the following story a -- There were in very humble hfe iu Dublin, some sixty pairs ago, a Pyladoa and Orestes named Burke Alia of the house with due reepeet, I'll!per- forate your Karaite with Ulla weapon, There. was a fierce desperation io hie look and manner, whiett enforced the conviction that he would keel) his word. *110 has much the sir of a mil. Itary gentlemen," observed one of Tighe's eoturedea. ' Oh, yes, e returned ferty. 'They were sehoolfellows. Mc- ;Ligshoen''be .siri,s prayev(1 e3iAlitiloY„ an:ateo"nt4boblive Gafferty, when about eighteen or twen- you up., Thua Maiafferty, protected ty years of age, enlisted In !be army, be ae„. „,at, w„„ escorted to the hen whilst Burke became clerk in a mer a‘7„4wcti: due—courtesy. wilco. be caiitile house. Years passed, during "" reached the street ho looked round. which the poor soldier was knocked and and oould not help jangbiog to so linked about ; got wound; ellUI; bul" Tielie rash at Burke, who was ouarin. lets, broiees, every thing but good leek , m r prootion. geauwbdo, Bute from ed,°and indemnify himself for his chn- islr‘atiiiyiettracibviiilintgy tilt% mtheerothluiterdobuyn vtihoe- being clerk became partuer, and from 1b)eriilnigeiipmairtmueerrulacraoref e taboen.,35inrinda;watnodthuel 1;1 door steps upon the pave, perforce process of time became one of the weal. abient merchants in Dublin. Thus matters proceeded until 1797, when the ----aaeee-e----- they want to get married and raise fate- s Nice McGafferty was discharged frau) TUE FAR-SIGHTED lies. MAN. ' ihe arreY aud retureed in a very crook ef thestrolling temperance orators ' ed erudition to janblin. Ile frequently keep on enumerating the climes, of, saw hie ancient crony, Burke, R Bill Barnes was; stubborn old fel which they ere guilty. we shall yet hue zhrough the town, but 110t• With6 Nil:1111111i 1 1:4; rrgeutt rete tacnouldmeehraienagnebwioriptPuilnt out who killed old =au Nathan. them °Naval Intimacy, he always A. man meet have 1d rant, all ore _h....auk from acewstiog bi:u ; for tie bad If anyoue attempted to dispute his fp^ D% M1 but a woman sow a Yard to learned his euccess in life, and feared ertions or ridicule his views, Bill th O - th red Wound around the bm ottoof tie :het, tronithedieperity of their pri 0 eat vtbad o/fsbtlYowblliekgtQust.olir°y1:41,tieettliteeaiutld tr eibyinul old calice dress awl have ao eleeeet ee eenneauces. wry ciairil ou old ue. of a thundering lock bestowed upon bi nether extremity. Alt Ann, 25, 1878 Gp TO R.4...4 E., SPICER'S —FOR* G-ROCERIES Allege New and Fresh. FLOUR, FEED, A.ND PROVISIONS, EARTHEN WARE, COAL OIL Soap Giv-enAwayi Bars for One Boller'. Good Vinegar. f..20e, per Gellon. Choice a B,yrups. Mar1et Baskets—cheee. a under ekirt,few remarks of his owe;—"Young mao .patintettee might perhaps bo repelled it's no use firguire with tue,because rro Tile world is full of poetry. T with insult. Otle day,.litgweVer, AS IL( I right. cau &allays see furi,llto nikati on my son," as the father said when ee gliIowlo wding away to !a a direct reu- larrueed the boy with a bed cord for contra. Burke heiled him ; ' v than meet Ineeoeucl I'll tell yon tame wilat'll prove it, About Ave peals ago plaviug linokey. "Lines to mytvtea' cook, is Hatt you ?'--4 e owned a wboopity .14„ui.iautior bog. ate as iiie men said who cut hie throa, h 1 ) Sailit'lit etarelit clothee line. 'Ly. ;te-Yfoar."titie—w*ieaorlia 111-ein. lath" 94e i)ehav°t1 au right the ficat leur daYe not the better for Wouldtryoliiuui 1,1111ata a gt od supper 21-4 That would. a Lunislauuor hog, too—• that my ens - provided I liavee't to pay for it. elpicions oue day was lunk? in Then you shall have a Kipper fit fat the fiat with ut, son wile when an emperor, mid it ehall cost you notla what should 1 ev't, but this same bog a, end whure more it Audi .cost use etawitlite stink still in the nit,,itle oi tee `N, VII," la, t4, ?.7`Piull I tiod ma a etone 'eater. said aa'ar You Ileoe 114% 4, 44 i.\I"r":411ee that hetet' taetoilyini dovitlry ; and ':;ei'llItautieirr.aT/11°.:ribil•etheorillin‘t444:4;irtid4r?el " h4ek' eIrtu'ietd7ilt%almevt'shtiiIel'eaet;a1w7nli.i'fl. f'11°.r4 1°3 ld 6eq°14flita°c°b„.e. tam hog. Dili nearly 'meted a laireaie° "elri,sa I've got up m the 'world. "111.0 fo inc a 141ANIIII Will Ili- lir 11: butler gives a Freed gala to.dieght ; hie 10. ,,beu cmue buck, be sur, lieu writer is in the eonnty 11116.4f,°r4L or call me a fust if 1eriisit't be dad. 1 °"milerrhere Pall."' hart' Ziti.1 O stun , up, that I ceithl see heti. by my husband." as Ins ell's, efthi +ghee she got his note, stating that. tit bad bean celled eriddenly out, of tow buemees. The .vaiet, lofty journal publisbee at Weeailigton, devoted to a great (lea of talk abent Olives that it dotes ee know Reselling abeut, comes to u- rnerked led O0ertinly moire* es a the levitate article. that we "atm mart:, one enesin," You're a liar. we vat For tlate east ns. In the iir.4t, plael WO are alreedy married, aud m the tit e. owl place all oar ousins are rear rival, and iu the third place, they me ati t men th° best things in °r out of °as"' and further ahead than wawa men, and ;hut 1 knew that old hog would biive ue in to tronble yrt ; so wheuever I saw bins lectimain' that way, 1 told Bal lie wee a-studyin' deviltry and to go for him. Widl, about eh weeks 'trier tuite our A man frons Bretton would not cote ea let cetareetti—come Along.' fees aetonielnueut at steythieg he Pan asifferty did not need much pressing : in Neveda. As he was par a hotel he acmpan coied Burke to the butler's in Virginia City the cap blew from out eittertainment, which was very magnifie of the chineneye. It was circuity' emit. The party were in the fullest en. piece of alieeteiron, painted black, part loymont of their jollification when tin hinuat ait ly convex Rua n the four supporta em mm oone roll of a carriage in the street „the bhis—„.4,1e-,r— ▪ n• hao ass:, gIotgaltt 011010B TOBACCOES AND CIGARS tetwayeaustech. multi of abinglos,auti clam' up. Wh n THE OLD RELIABLE 110USE FOR I got to the top 1 laid *tan down, and eve,. ,..11/1,r,0 SPORTSIEN'S DEPOT. 'eh a look *rotted. 'Way over in theL '2"'"" N7v‘I.u*I° a.4•11 PAN the Old hag a-etadyin* MILLINERY ItIA.NTLES. try. Bill' I sheeted, "go for him mill grabbed a stack end went. Rut the queer Part ot it was thatthe old bog Huti teeter than Bill did, and, iiielead of going off iu another direction, eArtle' striught toward use. *The deviltry's -eomio'," said 1 to myself, a-tretulPini; ur sure enough that hog came faster %old festee, and ran right under the haat conclusion that he would sooner ices under a betl, bidding them be quiet rtinusd c't the ladder' lilted it up about about restlessly on a feather bed till their lives. Itleauwhile, Tighe entered •a foot, and I fell from alto top, a-yelliia the roosters crow than to pass the Wooione at the sliget delay that had na-shriekin right lute a tub of Hier night in the wash -house snoring like & occurred in admitting hire, and divining leiter Illarin Bartel was geiog to visual Nab, and all the shinglen came dowe a policeman. from certain suspicious appearances. "Thi. man," said the Werden, pens- that hie domestics bad been junketing Atop of me. While I was get tin' out ing before thedoor in ef cell No. 89, "w• in his absence. Resolved on explering f heard a strange kind ,,noiset and 'Ionian' up, I saw that aid hog a-sittine sent here for a moat brutal assault en everything, he descended to the kitchen on his aii two freshmen at Priocetown, where he accompanied by a couple of fiends wen hind legrt-laughintallhis might. was e sophomore. Ile is one of the bad travelled with him, swearing that 1 was laid up far six, weeks,. When 3 worst characters in the prison. Thi if he detected any contraband visitors. got better I gave him to a butcher, Now cell adjoiniug 1- occnpied by am u who he would pitch them along with his too ,t.s no use argutn' with a man that can t so was sophomore at Yale. He atteinpt, hospitable butler to the isee bo far ahead as ed to poison the entire freshman class ; cbaimed, that the very. first spot whieh all but seven were Rived by antedate-. Tighe and bis friends inspected was the He ie in for life. We are obliged to subterranean donnitory in which on, keep bin heavily ironed. Te na t two heroes lay perdu beneath the bed. call, No. 98, contains a Harvard aoph • NrGafferty was placed next the wall : more, sent up for fourteen year, fur Burke was stretched outside him putting out the eyes of a freshman will •There's somebody tinder that bed!' red -bot irou. These prisoners here bellowed Tighe—Chore's a pair of rare having their heads shaved, arrived eals—I spy two brace of legs --Cony, from Amerhersttuis morning ; it is thi out you acoundrels 1 or Pll break every party of students who burned the .col bone in your carcass Burke crawled lege and tarred and feathered the presi- eat, humbly begging that Mr. Title. dent last month. would not offer him any violence, Nutt Sew:RAGE Dreer,—Each emigrant isa. Promising that he never should agair a contract ticket which stipulates to, be caught in a similar predicament hie transportation to New York in oJn• ellowed to go quietly off. •Who are sieeratino ot four, five or mix. guineas. you sirrah ?' thundered Tighe. --.1 sin ;qr. Burke, of Balls Bridge, the mercn. azcordiug to the rates of fare. Tu company engages to provide a full sue. ant.'—'Yon? Ynu Mr. Bill ke, of Ball per of wholesome provisions, clinked bridge? You lie, you aired, Yon raid served y ta steward, and the pas.' innat have the irnpuilanee of the devil seliger is required to provicte bitnsen to assume the name of that most se - 'with bedding and coking Utensils. spectable man. Take that, you vaea- The weekly allowttuce of food tor eacl, band!' (kicking him vignrovslva 'You adult is prescribed by the ,Governinent brazen scouedrel—how dare you mak, seal printed nn the contract ticket se free wall' the name of any respectable follows "Twenty-one quarts 01 citizen ?' water, three aud ball primula of bread o Tighe and bin Companions one pound of wheateo flour, oue pound • kicked and cuffed poor Mirka. whilet Rua a ti tit of eat -meal, rice and peas, 1 lleGafferty, feeling about with milit.are n two poen& potatoes, one and a half lumina for a weapon, laid hold on pounds of beef, one poand of 8ript, 4pit and dripping -pan sonnbody hao two emotes of salt, pepper, tnastard, 1 tirru-lt into the dormitory ; and thus lin a Vinegar."' armed with his spear and rbiehl, Sik stockings should be washed ii ljssned rip and stood in a recese be. cold water with white soap, riut5ed itil and the bed oursaln: What othee cold water, laid fiat on a • fine towel, 1 lurching vagabond is this r cried Tiehe colied tightly until dry, and rubbed, I have left Wexford full of rebels, nun with a piece of flannel to restore the here I find my .town house overrun gloss. We gave her this "Household with rascals': I aro an old'offirer, sir,' Hint,' and she' presently said, "Ah, yes Raid geGafferty, boldly advanc ng :and :Aug) aid. flannel, aud— clutching the, spit,' and 1 give you due cold water, but where's the fine towel I notice that if you doua clear the way sillc stdokinge ?" tor me civilly upstairs, and bow Toe out , la 214r. Smith.hote do you get suck good !head GET 'LOUR AT THE FLOUR and. GRIST MILL, .lil•xeter North, lit now benn,, in full operation, Tbie D1te'bfts er supplied his win wan first-elesS new tnacbinery and has declared tint Services Of the best /Killer in the country. GR1sTiNti FROMM-T. ATTENDED TO - satisfaction guaranteed. reties kren a dtstnnea enn hare their gristto taUetexao via. them. pAINTEtiG PAINTING K1TCHita 0 N. fl. Don't forget i,ie pl,see-11. 47E, Spii. - cees,opposite Ur. E. ChristWe Hotel. Produce taken in exchangeler geoas. B. CT f.:a' GiER preparedto do all kinds of • Rouse Painting, Paper‘hanging Wiutenanit, &e. at reasonable prices ena planet Rally. J. ree'eCeifeate. Nem et FORr- (:) wa eer 3 • s to tt:av - areatt etegent Oet.ts Wetel en:A ha vir•rale eieeve reees. tea eni.eseets, a (-see eeteee. hesvv plain 11) mottii ReIa; 11,,,.."0 "3. eteet; tam,tt ty.e rt'alt.rat Cftt:141,gcle js•WC.%•y, T.;;.4 k !Win it. AZ Pt -01'N 101. Itiat c^r ttzt"ell tO 11 :t.,s tog.: W JE NovEl.TI: co. DO Yo "Cr WAN 1102 ot ? The undersicated are tending rrtouey ft.,r the. DOMINION SavIn- sz &Investment Soddy 455 ratiN PROPM.Vv. Sewing :5Taehittes. Watelle Att.-1041mA tom :4 to .0N -ern -A e , = et u Un5iw 6 per e,14„ eia .1s,.,11, ks, Onus, &c., than any NAlailAtirE LICENEES other person in the eountry, as 0, ByRNE & co his charges loertrt4, Mid VT THE tanclara.Sash-Door'gBliud FACTORY, fs enustnutlt tept ne !Janet, nti O.; loljP44!.,.1 111.G lori;41., illowrItg Loot 44,1 7$1.5191r - chem.. Illn4ngjL,.,th!..4 '.14114i-rm .tbroutptiF arwt,,ted. 44., BUILDING CONTVACT11.3) FOR, urd a:ai,ftettiott A..; Vs.?. PO* 14 F;f0rect ,,urrat .014,7, 0;01. Itt),;,.; Dal 4. A: NEW MACHINE SHOP. WUiam Eitohing wi,e4,,a, tteill t ettt prepnreki to rerwil AU t4..itt, a. LBP rr P EA EXETER. 6 te guarantees to give Sati4an- tion. CHISHOL M'S OLJ) STA NT LONDON Groceries:.1Uonleotionary SmaAing Tobacco 25 Gents per like lees, The wi»d carried it *lows, the etraet, end it wawa straddling Wong. The Beetou man asked what it %%eta "A boil -bine from the hotel," was the reply. "By George 1 I never eau anything like that," he began, aud thee added—aontside of Boston," To ogre sieepleesnees,eat an onion or two previous to retiring, says s teecii• cal writer. Griggina has tried it, and his wife will sell lierifurs to reward the haelanen wlso'14 setjher down at the door of the dootor who published the above discovery. Grig. has *loo cisme to the truck terror luta their bearte—the equipptge stopped at tis edoor, and thundering double knee* that shook the bonne ljke en earthquake set the party scampering in all directione, put. ilea plates, dishes, and decanters out of the way, and huddling the butter's enests into closetand cora-holm The ileuble knock was repeated with imam - tient empheeis, and whilst the butler elionted in his agony, 'Oeli weirasthrua! the mother will murdher nal' the foot. nem went up to Admit him, end the cook trundled Burke and M'Gefforte 1,1: Special Offer TO TILE /LEADERS OF THIS PAPER, A Beautiful and Reliable SWISS Magnetic Pocket Time Keeper, mud elm Ladles Gold Watch. Handsome Orel& Cam, Glass crystal, steel and metal works, and warranted to denote correct time. A Perfect Gassier everybody de- siring a sellable Tillie Newer. WH1 be elven mei to warp patron ottlde paper Ma Free Girt„ COW ODD CM 01)1201 AWD MAID We. COUPON. Oa meek/to( Mtn Coupon and 51.00 to piay for packing, boning and malting eltarget, we prombe to send by return mall, each patron et this paper a Gsertmus Swum bitanairo Tiara-Kaaran, Address illetignetla Watch 00., TAUNTON, MAIM. Tole yaw ONL7 OPPORTUNITY !a obtain this beautiful premium, ae mder 4.7 ONCE, aud de not mire this Chance et Lifetime. KNOgs- roadin W the meet mail( 4ruths eon, medical book ever Wawa. entitled THI,SELFSELF-,PRESERATION Price only $1. S^nt ay mail on receipt of price._ treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline,. Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries thatresult therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pre; scriptions, any ors 01 which is worth the price of the book. Thisbe,* was written by the roost ex. ten Sire and probably the most skilful practitioner it America, t o whom was award ed gold and jevet gilled medal by the National Medical Association, A Pamphlet,illustrated with the very Attest Steel Engravings—a mar. of art sent nom to all. Send HEAL vel and beauty— for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bu1-THYSELF Ouch St., Boston, Mare. EN' F••••41.1••••=.• CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR READY-MADE. gENDEBSON & BUCIIA.NNAN Late A. Chisholm 4; Co. ••••••••••••••... A COMPLETE STOCK OF HONEST GOODS AT EfONEST PRICES. Remember —Sign of the Striking Clock, 142, Dundee Street, LONDON. YORKSHIRE Packing linso1 HENSALL /g4,/,41' • ". a ec PETTY Are prepared to pay the highest price in CASH for any quantity of Flogs,dead or alive Any quantity of PORK CUTTINGS constantly on hand US C Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cured meat promptly attended to, School Books,. Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news Na—Sowlag Mortunt, Needles of every kind. A. BOYD. Mowers and Reaper WE OFFER. A. TRIAL. of our celebrated Single Mowers —AND.— Single Reapers in all kinds° f Grass and Grain, and on all con Motions of Boileau' surface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR N0 SALE Wo also offer a Trial of our Wrought iron Two Bar JOHNVON'S COIVICIPIED REAPER Ai -I) AMER maehiues supplied with rwo Pitmans, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger.bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nate. etc., etc. n he char ged from IVIoNver to Bearer .ANI..) REAPER TO MOWER Byremoval of four bolts, an 4 in less uhan tifteen minutes' time. Pleitiie cell at our works and inepeet our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. KR- Send for Catalogues. THOMPSON & WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stretford,