HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-25, Page 3APRIL g51i A SHORT STUDY FOR BOYS. "iiee life of Charles O'Connor, the eau .ent lawyer, ahem what diligence and pereeverauce will aslconeplieh,. When eight years old be was an of- five -boy and newspaper rerefer. lila tether I,uhlistle(1 a weekly newspaper and Charles, besides attending in the office, delivered the journal to its sub- dotibers in NOW York, Brooklyn and Jersey City. He need a sekiff Across the rivers, and frequently would to out a11 Sstnreey eight serving his route. It is said that he never missed a sub- sceiber. When seventeen years old be entered a lawyer's office es an errand boy, Ile borrowed law books, took them home, and rend tuern by the light of a dandle fax into the night. Several lawyers uetioiug the boy's industry, alae° hitt in his studied. When he was twenty four yeas old he was admitted to the bar, and even then it wan said thee young U'Connor'e legal opinion was worth more than teeny older lawyer, But samosa 00me6 slowly to a, young lawyer, and it was no until his thirtieth year that clients recognised the legal learniug and skill of young O'Connor. He was very poor, but indnetry Lind 'tat), were Ilia capital, Re worked hard et the amelleet case, never siight. ing any trot, aid in time secured the reputation of s man who would do the best far those emploviug biro. To this conscion dominoes au d industry he owed his BUOOG86. A MODEL WIFE. Zachary Hodesou was not naturally an iil-4rmpered trout. It wee want of reflection, more then a corrupt and un- generous heart, that led blah to oolieidor his wife in the light of su inferior being and to treat her more like a slave than an equal. If he met with anything abroad to ruffle hie temper, his wife war sinre to eufi'er when he came home. Hie tarsals werealways ill•000ked; and whatever the poor wantaa did to please blur was sure to have a contrary effect. She bore his ill -humor in silence for a. long time ; but finding it to increase, she a:lopted a method of reproving hilt for bis unreasonable conduct, whittle bad the happiest effeot. Qlle day, aa Zschary was going to his used aeon - Hon after breakfast, he purchased a lame oothlish, and sent it home with direo:ions to hie wife to halve it cooked. for dinner. As no pertionlar *node of sjooking was prescribed, the good woman Well knew that whether she bailed it, or fried it, or made it into eb stew, her hue Land would soold her when he owe home. But elle resolved to please him for once, if possible, and therefore cooked portions of it in several different ways. She also, with some little diffi- culty, precured an amphibious animal from a brook at the back of the house, and put it into the pot. In due time her husband came home --some covered dishes were planed on the table; and with a frowning, fault-finding look, the inondy man commenced the conversa- tion. "Well, Sally, did you get the fish I bought ?" "Yes, my dear." 'et should like to know how ynu have crisoked it --I will bet anything that you have spoiled it for my eating. (Taking Off the cover) I thought se. Why in the name of common sense, did you fry it ? I would as soon eat a boiled frog." "Why, my dear, I thought yon Iiked it best fried." "You dtd not think any such thing. 'fou know better. I never liked fried Ash —why didn't you boil it ?" "My dear, the last time we had fresh ib you know I boiled it, and you said you liked it better fried. I did it mere- I,p to please von ; but I have boiieel flume also," So saying she lifted n lover, and lo 1 the shoulders of the cod, nicely boiled were neatly deposited on. >, dish ; a eight which would have made ien epicure rejoice, but which, alas 1 only added to the ill -nature of her 111.18 band. "A pretty dish this ! boiled fish ? Chips and porridge 2 If you had not been the moat silly of woman -kind you would have made it into a stew." His patient wife, with a smile, int- thediately placed a tureen before him, dontaiuing an excellent stew. '•My dear," said she, "I have resol- lied to please. you. . There is your fav" rite dish.'' • t "Favorite dish, indeed, grumbled the. piscontented husband ; ""1 daresay it is art unpalatable wishy.washy meas. I 'would rather have a boiled frog ban the whole of it. This Was a oommon eel a pion of Lie, andhadbeen antici rd by his Wife, who as soon as the preference was expressed, uncovered a large' dish ` at her hu band's right aril and there was a bull -frog, of portentous dimensions,. And pugnacious aspect, stretolisd out tit full length ! Zachary sprang from bis chair,, not a little frightened at the Unexpected .apparition. "My dear," said his wife, in 'a kind, entreating tone, "I hope ,you will .at. length be able to niche a dinner." Z&Chary could not stanid this- His surly mood wee ovexoome, and he buret into au Immoderate At of laughter. He then acknowledged that wife was right. and declared ibe should not spin have roweon to ooinpllain of him; and he faithfully kept his word. THE O1400B OF CLOCKS. In Monigel's building is now on ex- amination,`isi all probability, the most wonderful cloak in the world. .It was built. by Stepheu D. Eagle, a watch- maker at lJszelton. He re about forty- five yeas of age and wias about twenty ears in perfecting the clock. Mr. eid paid Engle $6,000 for it. Engle never taw the Straeburg cloak. In feet. he has not travelled more than two hundred mites array from home et any time. This *look ataods eleven feet high. At its hoe it is about four feet wide and at the top about two. I; is about three feet deep et the base ; gradually lama towardthe top. Ito cal - ora ere brown and gold. The litres - berg clock is thirty feet high, yet its mechanism is not eo iutrioate nor has it es many figAree as the Hamilton olook. no Strasburg oloak'a figures are about three fee; high andthe hinter- ican cloak's about nine inches. Three minutes before the hour a pipe -organ *Haid° the clock playa 50 authera, It Ito five tutus'. Bolls are then rung. and when the houria struck, doub:e doore in an alcove oi» u and a figure of Je no appears. Doubly doors to the left titian open, Rud the appeties appear slowly, one by one, in prones. Sion. Ae they *pear anti pees Jesus, they tare toward linea,, Josue bows, the apostles tarn again and proceed through the double doors in an alcove on the right, As Peter approaches, Satan looks out of a window above and tempts him. Five times the Devil ap. peals, and when Peter passes, denying Christ, the cook &spa its wings and crows, When Judas appears, Patton cornea down from hie window and fol- lows Judas out in the prooeesion and then goes back up to his place to watch Juane, appearing on both srdda. A. the prooealeion has pp°seed, Judas and the throe Marys disappear, and the doors are cloned. The b0ene Man be repeated seven times sn hour, if necessary; and the natural motion of the olook protium it four times per hour, whereas the Stereo burg proaeaaeion is trade bat once s clay, at twelve o'clock. Below the ei- a zza is the mem tial, about thirteen iuohes in diameter. To its right agora of Time, with In hour -glass. Above this is a wtudow, at which al, pear figures representing youth, man- hood andold age. To the left of the. diet is a skeleton, representing Death. When the hour baud approaches the first quarter Time referees his hour- glass and strikes one on a bell with hie •eytbo, when &nether bell Inside re- eponde. Thou Childhood appears in- stautly. When the hour hand ap- proached the second quarter, or half- linur, there are heard the strokes of the bells. Then Youth appears, and the organ plays a hymn. After this, Time. strikes two and reverses his hour -glass, when two bells respond inside. Oue minute after this a chime of bells is board, when a folding door opene in the upper porch, and one at the right tf the court, when the Savior Dome. walking out. Then the apostles appear in procession. The clock also tells of the moon's char gee, the tides, the sea - eons, days and day of the mouth and year, and the signs of the zodiao ; and on top a sol,isr is constantly on guard. walking backwar t and forward. A: :be hours advance Manhood, Old Age, and Death take part in the panorama. A ROSY FUTURE. They were in the bell tower of the City Hall yesterday, and sne leaned her yellow -haired head on his agricul- tural shoulders and listened to the mighty "fink l tack! tick" of the big clock. "We don't want such a big clock as that, do we, darling ?" she whispered. "No, my little daisy," he answered. as he hugged her a little closer; "I kin buy a clock for two dollars which'll run three clays to this clock's two. I'`e got her pioke4 out already ',We'll be very, very happy," she sighed. ""You bet we will I.I've figured it tight 4owu fine audit believe we eau Hie ori twelve eggs, one pond of sug• ar, ten pounds of flour and one pound of butter. "And you'll have a bank account ?" she pleaded. "I will, even if I have tobuy a ,see - and hand one." "Anti will We keep a coaol:ililau ?" "Yes.' "And have a piano?" "Yes, darling."' "And can I have some square pil- lows with 'sham:* ou them. ?'". - "Yes, my tulip - yes' we'll sham every durred think from cellar to gar- ret, have ti;e front door paikted blue, and but less go'n and look at some second hand cook stoves ! TREB TINIES THE WUB1 Ta•WQMAbrs HOTEL.• IAA Wedyi ;het nuc i vaunted buttitutito is Hotel for Wo . thein, was opened in New York.The rules of the lodging halve been printed and they Z I1n3t er nearly fatty. The rugae are Abalit kk All iIrery A could well, be framed, with a vete/ pronanneed flavor lei' ahaudbty running throogh the Ude A "working w.oraea,who beoonme le regular Weeder, end who ooenpies a mall room, wuat pay $'7 a week, or a dollar a day, Sunder included. It is extremely doubtful if three-fourths of the working women of New York etre that aulount every (lay, and certainly not 0110 working woware in a til auaaand Gan afford or spare one dollar easy out of her earning'°,, whatever they are. Tratn&ieut bosrders are cbM'ged two delve a daay. It a wonaali takes meals alone at the hotel ahe will helm to pay one dollar and ten Dente per day, A boarder at that "philanthropic" estab- lishment becariros at bort ofprisoner,and in feat worse, Mt the unfortunate wo- man hall to poky dearly for the loae of her liberty. No woman is allowed to have a sewing mealtime In her room, 8D that all posalbitity of earning e. penny ill that way le barred out. She dare not add an extra bit of furniture to her wall, nor drive a nsil or hang a phaute on the well thereof, or add aeytbiug to brigbteu up her room. She dare not keep a canary birdorgold fish as these together with dogs, cats sad paste of any kiaal are expressly interdio*edd, She'. must not halts as trunk in her room. Site dare not wash a Dollar, but muet, pay fifty omits a dozen for the service at the hotel laundry. No bloke oat) be taken from the library to be read in the room. .Any hoarder Hall be peremptor- ily ejected without Dame at the caprice of the m. ernagr. Ivan aald waterbethe wivah are provided nn every floor must be paid for extra. But the most abeam and esuaawltic pari of the *natter is the farce of cailiug this "philanthropic' inatitatica e, " workiug " wosllan"a "holne," NEW BUTCHER HOP Tboondersl4�n+red would inform the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that Ira hey OPENED A NEW BUTOUBii SHOP, ono door south ofLleBlaouamitltsbopend hope* tbesame ltheral patronage that bre bean to oordad to him In the ataOlralrare AND WAOON 1tAtntre tine willhoor<tondedtohim in hie new branch o ueaigess. His moat wagon wlllcall at the resi- lience of tba villagetbreetirnosoaoh weekend FRESH 1�Z ]-, A T of all kind.' 1koxt coasts.ntly en hand at bis number shop. Biaakemtthin and wagon akintearrlad on as usual in all mIts R. DAVIS, BUCKINGHAM'S OLD BLACKSMITH ssor is still going, Mr. 8. Raokiugham de•tree to rotary hie einem thanku to bis num arons etc one, No b o haveauppart vd him la the 7t a e t, a.r d would intimate khat, 1.14111 1S. from .r,d "- •. his loan Hi" nese, be Intends in future, to to take °barge ante sorsa-ebeoingg department htmsolf. Ad other work done in the vary beat ,style and at the loweot rates. S. BUCKINGHAM. Exeter. Dec. 1S, 1877. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. +V4ohaverenently puldiabed a now addi- tion of Dr. CulverwaljraCelebrated Essayy Maths radical and permanent cure without uicdi- e-inn) Nervous Debility, 'lentil andPhysioai In capcity,Impedisnenta to nrextiage, etc', result ington excesses. L Priors, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Beatty clearly domonatrates, from thirty years' success. ful practice, thataiaruringg oonsequeuaoosmay be radicatlyjeured without the dangerous use of in- ternal medicine, or the application of a knife; pointing out a mode of care at duce certain and effectual, bymeuns of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cu, e himself cheaply, privately, and radically. °'This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and Every man in theland. addrea THR OIILWELLNEDIOAL CO. 41 nn at. New York. P. O. Box,4580. THE W. MoGLOGLON WATCH Di TRH BEST. Besurewuu got the W. D,MoG ochlotwatth before buying. You will have no other titer see - ug them. All "rho wear them recommend their OoltlaudSilver,Ladies and Gentleman's sizes. 77'Dunclus treet,London, See the testimonielt The largest. bestand oheapoststoek of tine Gol. Jewelry, Clocks,ilver, and Plated Ware, Pane, 3oodsoho., Lt.,in the Province. 1tepaNgn,N every deacriptio.n. W. D. MoGLOUr LN 77 Duodena London SIN CLAIR TAIT. eater ini Fancy Goods and Toys doable and srngle Sethi Wool, of all Dolor. Also 1876. Tts1 /el^rz7i to L Durkug the math of 3febru, cry, we shall offer et retinoAd prima, the followkw Lies b, tltarldir, Wrier FCR TIB READY MON E LADIES APPABJL, DRESS GOODS. "SHAWLS, =UM, WINTER GLOVES, WOOL H Y,BRAAKFAST SHAWLS, LADIES'& MISSES, FUR SETTS, LADIES FUR CA.PS, aka°., :ea, f'i Gentlemen's Clothing, Ready-made clothing, both in under and overeeat.s Shirts and Drwera, light and dark Full Olathe, heavy Canadian.. Tweeds, all wool Flamm's, both in fancies and grey. Ciotti and Fur Cape, lined 1 i4 0:0v0'3 and Mitts. Also white anti grey Frain els. 0 The airowe goods will be offered et w alight &ranee on soycoot. so I em a'. Io"ait to ro r for the Spring •nd Summer ate*. Bet.rs.,ne', we bare no motion riles, neither nwnkxrxpt Stsmka A tali will eittskafy se to trr,rhfi. nesse of the above sttatemente. Toatrs 73eaparAte7.7P, f7OUN 0164113= T-FrE EXETER TIN AND DEPOT. o rl1Rt, t3ubaorlber bags to announce to the inhabttntlts of Exeter aitt3 the surronrnd ng conn. 1 try, that the his om.ted a TIN snarl SI'OVR DEPOT lo the store nearly opposite ltr•. t*. A. }hoes Grocery' and or stare, Main street. Exeter, where ba is p.epered to MI ail urde,. for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Priors. 1'iriwcheaper than the cheapest, and Inade up by practioll workmen on the premises. Cato -Troughing dent to order, Corriere Plating a Sueelalty. Coal all Chimneys, the very best algal none cheaper, 0 Intending purchasers will always end mo to my post, rowdy to nttaud to rayevert btta neaa and prepared at ail times to treat ouataraera oonrt•ron.�ly and supply their wth a good and a,. artto-e. Depend upon it that nowhere ease yea fret bettor wane for your aaoney. The very highest prioe in Cali paid for Hides and Sheep skins, E. H. SPACKMAN. P 0, Wolter 15 1877. C. U n.do rtrak(m -; and � OULD SAY TO thee* who Intend hwrehaa:.,g� to do so from the unauu,aoturar. The denier who burs to sell ttu•,u utast neee+ntNfy hour a poet. We Nwlut LO C.re therareiuweru the beurn t, which cannot tail to ,uvet the views of the ti•a,ogera. Orr expenses * e M.. than those of city utauu•.oturero oonaeq.ent- ty we non aril tbt•awrr. GIDIIk'rY >txruixure .i ianufaaurers 'NATE WOULD cell epeeislatt.ution to our aedertaktug depart, ment.wbaeh la more cam pieta then oror,ea we have added several new deetgns of late The beat eolllne. oaaltets ahrouda,an r every amoral requisite at the lowest pr,eos. Our new nae.. -e is pronounced by oompeteft judges to tea eeoosd to ROSS In the Provtnoes Emblems of all the Different, Sooeties. Now is the time to give your Horses Perry's Celebrated. Condition, Cough and Heave Powders. A FRESH STOCK ALWAYS ON RAND. ALSO PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, DYE -STUFFS, &o., &C., &o., AT THE DOMINION LABORATORY. GODERIOH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Maaohinists. JANIIFAOT17R0Re 0? ENGINES. AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS STAVE AND HEADING DIACHINERYI Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural . Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &o. Iron and Brass Castincrs to order For sale cheap—Second baud Boilers and Engiree ;Stave and Shingle, and Heading Macuine'ry. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, Mills, &a., promptly attended to 1ODERICH FOUNDRY and MANUFACTtYRINtt CO. GODERICH, Ont. FIRE! AIM rr!, iiia r4 i Phe subscriber, S. 17. Jones, wishes to thank the people of Exeter, and •surrounding country, for the till. xalpatronsige which he has received since among you, as a Watch maker and Jeweler, and also in- form you that I have a large quantity of goods to dispose of, some of which are SLIGHHT • DAMAGED BY FIRE. and a great quantity of which are not these will be sold very cheap for cash. Clocks sold for $5.50 $5.00 $4.90, 12.75, now sell for $4.25, $4.00, SSA jt125: ' 'Vatehes that sold for $30.1:0 025.00, $20.00, $15.00, nosy sell $20100; $18.00, $14.00, $10.00. 90 NOT MISS A BARGAIN. IN JEWELRY, BARGAINS -70 SUIT EVERYBODY Solid gold Watches and Chains a specialty. Do not fail to give me a call before purchasing else. where, as I think it would be to your advantage. ,o a .great nn-nher of Table Cruets, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, an 1 a great many other things to uimereas tj mention. Violins, ant Violin Strings. In fact everything in the Iine cheap for ca.lh. Zephyr and Geri -Ironton Wool Next moor north of the Tarts office, Exeter, S: E. JONRS.