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The Exeter Times, 1878-4-25, Page 1
Vol V. MISCELIANROUSI HOUGSQN, da J. DICE. 00, • AUOtluane6ra. Sales promptly attondsd t ). Pass of ealas arranged at tine wilco. WNTED.—A good steady sober _Groanented to lead the Atall-on. Young Ailraev o," lupit� the pouting soeaon. Nose but a atoa4lT manmeal apply. Apply to i1r. M. dist. LAND, lot 6, con. a, Osborne, or Baster P ©. NT J, CLARK, Agent for the Us- • borne and Hibbert Mutual Mire lnsurauoe CQn *nnyptly.ttended to rareuh„r. Orders by mail pro S, CAJII.PBEr,LL, PROVINCIAL • Land Survfyer, kc., will le at the I4 ya1 Rotel, Szater,on the first Tueadav iu each month. Orders for work lett with Mr. John Speakman will reoeiveprpmrt attontion- ' ONEY TO LOAN ---Lar e and *AAA. mull soma of money to lend on Mort. Salo of Parma, at elglrt pop Dent. payable yearly, wilh privilege to the borrower of paying Off a'U or part et such dame as to v be *green. Apply to ELraor.solleitor, tsxeter, EW LIVERY STABLE , Main Street .411 Rzeter. MAIM CLAUKR would ao- uaiut the public that he lute opened a neer vary Stable ou his premises. i'he public tei'1 Andgoud aui.l ,,,wfurtabla rigs at xtibourn and d moderate aitargw. WILSON & SUNS, CORBETT • 1"•U., Brisk and Sto..e masons mud eon. tractors,e •,i q+hea'e.i reiutlre - of house end other pprraa'erues. NOOK drawn on rea,onald* =rata. Having had 2:t years experience in tate buslue4•. we fouloout,n tent le eremite work in good style and oa moderate terms. 13asidanco—third lot west et Corbett's comers towulipe. ASON & HUDSON, Hensel', Out. ACCOUNTANTS, AUCTIONEERS. Fir and Llfa lneurat O. "nd Gon,ral Commission A seta, Iu.uranoe -'a two-thirds cheaper or digniary oust. Also Woney to loan on remain/Able terms. 1"rompt attention t0 orders per snail or otherwise. Irmo and Village property for wale or to loose, Also sol e gond bushiest' stand* and mid t' oesingeniall. 405x stason, Jouru Urnisoar, Commissioner. Oouvoyanoer. MEW BUTCHER SFIOP. -- The 1 'undersigned wishful* aequalnt tbo inhabi. tanto of Exeter fad surrounding ootnitcy that he bus otmne"i out a now Dutcher alien next door to J. Bon's bei where be will keepaaupplyof freah moat oon,teuU.y ou stand. Cab for hides and alieep-skins. Samir Woon. LAKE, Commissioner, Iusur- A • euoo. Land and Loan Agont. Omee— next door nuith Royal Hotel, 15 xotot. Wilsons Hotel, Remelt, evert Monday. RIVATJS FUNDS to loan at 8 per 1 Oent, MORTGAGES BOUGHT. f lONVEYANCING — Deeds, M:: t - V gages, Wills, do-, drawn on reasonable terms H R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.R.C.D.S. Gres uato of EoyaU OUogo of DENTAL SURGEONS. +Office in 1'anson'a Btaok--Enie' old stand, Exeter. .JOHN SOLOAN, Has just commenced. business one half mile West of Dashwood and is mala«ed to clean Clocks, Wa;ekes r•.t' Se,. -t,:, II -chines. Um- brellas rep, fired r ,i 0 ^,,, s r. ct Mclodians at- tonded to. 'Rio' e tis, war" of his services should givs him a Ball boro•o.,oing away from home. Obargea moderato a.itl entire satisfac- tion guaranteed. PROPERTY LIST. FOR SALE IN WINCHELSEA— Houso and Lot, Good stand for a shoema. kker, A corner lot. Bios particulars apply by letter 'or personally to BABBY BROWN, particulars, FARM FOR SALE.—East half of lot 25, 2nt1 con. Osborne, containing 53 acres all improved and ander good cultivation. Thera arson the premises, House, Barn, Stable and Driving Hauge, (With root cellarnnder), all frame; two good wens with pumps, audit good young or- chard. Two miles•from Exeter. Apply to 1 ROBERT PARSON or THOMAS ALLiN, Exeter P. O. FOR SALE. --=A FRAME HOUSE and two Lots on Ann Street, Exeter. The house is storey and a half high, Lame, new, and .;ontai.is eight large rooms. Stable and other con- veniences on the premises. A number of young fruit trees on the lots. Apply to DONALD TAYLOR, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB - scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13 - Con. 14, Township of Osborne, O„unty of Huron, 80 acres cleared., the remainder good bush, well fenced, and in a good.state of cultivation; under, drained, good orchard, splendid well of water. frame barn 30xCO3 log stable 24:46, log liouso, and convenient to school and three churches. For further particulars ap1Ply to WM• 1313YANS, Kirk! in, P.O., or MR. B. V. ELLIOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O. ✓ ILLAGE LOT FOR SALE.--VIL- ]agelote wo. 102 North of the oldWesleyan Church Will be sold at a bargain and on. reason- able `terms. Tor particulars apply to WIL*IAnt HE¢MEiN, Crcditon, or to 12. Blsszx'r, Exeter.. FARM FOB SA,LG.---The subscriber offers for hale, lot'3 concession; ,i, Stephe,i, four -if ties and a half. from Exeter#oomptisinc 100` ares, 90. acres cleared. Gooa lig house and' frame barn., splendid water, soil fit for dairy :,ergrain, alsor splendid brick yard on tbe?pi'ernises, For further particulars -.;apply: to RronAl;n YOUNG, on the premises, er to' Exe- tr,PO" ,� .i,,Al%14Tt FOWi;;MSALL+'--EAS,II.'• PAL1i' 1 Lot 30, N 1. R. ,lite then contai,fii 50 acres Auotli',"t`nacres Cleat 1, and in a good 'statL�' of eu1 tivr,ition.. Gootldos, wiseand stable ori.thb me- mises Three eereeo_ third planted Inst spring Anylliht'intity of fence rails mi the 11.4t,,asplft and piled. For6„rme dimly to OTTO SOLi)Ah 1'. 0, Dasb-vuod, ( M.J4-tf 1 ZXETBE ONT,9.Bio, TM/ SI,&Y, APB 1878 THE EASTERN SITUATION. MITE TELEGRAMS, A Vienna despatch .ways the R.onnie°.. 1`a oilsular, prctesthig against the Rus= siau occupation of Romania, is moat empbatla. A. St. Petersburg despatch says the revolutionary excitement throughout Ruesia oontinues unabated, and that there has been serious rioting in most of the large towns. Tire Gelman imperial Cabiuet are secs Aly r repnring for war. The "Journal de St, Petersburg pub. ishea an artioie, in which, while expres. sing a belief that the congress will soon assemble, is says this alone wilt >Mot ooustittite a guaarauteo of peace. The Journal ooueiders it necessary that frank and exhaustive views between CaLiuets should precede the. Coupon. It concludes as follows :...lithe British Cabinet really desires peaoe and at the same tunes expecte greater advantages for Euglend by intimidating Rasia, it is a dangerous game, which will lead not to poaoe but to war." The 4+NuWB," roferriug tat the present military preparations, says they may be a more precaution, but there is riot one of them which does not tuark our progreae to a state of war. It is exoeed- ingly doubtful whether the full import of soma of these so-oalled precautions is not yet realised" The most import. ant of all—the despatch of native troops from India—has been passed. over with very little remark, although the :mea. sure marks a revolution in our Indian military policy. The native troops are prel aring to cause, but where they will be lande'Vis a Ministerial secret. It is quite as likely these troops will be landed at some Turkish port, as that they will go to Malta. The-praotical lesson of the last few weeks, Is that in these matters a resolute band is guid- ing a mistifiod wile to an appointed end. Another..insurreotion of Mu.sulmana has broken out in Macedonia. Ibe commandant at Manestir has sent for troops. The Russians have also des. patched fano to the scene. It is reported that the insurgents of Thessaly refloat to lay down their arms, but a five day's truce has been ar- ranged. Para correspondence shows that the Mussulman insurrection is exceedingly formidable. It engages 8,000 Russian troops, and extends over an area of 10,000 equare miles, from between Ta- tarBazardjik and ,Philippopotis to CGum- uldsohina said Tchermen. The insur- rection was caused by the intolerable oppression of the Russo-Rulgarian re- gime, and brought to a head by the ab- duction of Turkish woman by Bulgari- ans. Cannon and musketry firing are heard daily near Ichormen. A san- guinary and iudecistveengagement was fought near Demagog' on the 18th inst., in which the Russians lost five hundred men, intending eight officers killed. The Commander of Dematica asked for reinforcements, and 2,000 infantry and two. salvos of Cossacks have been sent from Adrianople.mTbe demand for re- inforcements wily greatly reduce the garrison at Adrianople and Philipop- polis. The Russian attempts to raise vol- unteers in Adrianople meet with little success in consequence of the lack of money. The Russians are making re- quisitions for Louses in Adrirnople for hospitals. A Vienna- correspondent says that Italy, at the request of Germany, is as- sisting in the efforts at mediation. A St. Petersburg dis:paetch says the suggestion for a preliminary conference has been adopted in pnuoiple, and an agreement seems assured in regard to the time required for the withdrawal of the Russian army and the British fleet to Adrianotle and Besika Bay, re pest- ively. The English Cabinet, however, is raising other difficulties in connect- ion with the passage ofthe Dardanelles, and the submidyion of the entire treaty of San Stefano to the Congress. The conviction gains ground that it is de, termined on war. Paris journals : state that the invita- tions to tlue'':ongros3 to examine the clhanges• necessary tri tie '"existing treaties, have been semi-affucially con• mpnicatedto the. aed'elaf ?otyet ii All;. except England, hasdecltart'd t ht irreadi- nese to accept tire invitati it reserv- edly. England still insists that all great changes in the East, such as those proposed by the treaty of San Stefano, ahall be treated as a European question. A St Petersburg eorreapondeut tele. graphs that the report that t iaru,arei inteads to abandon all further attempts at conciliation is not believed in well- informea °holes, but that little oonfl- donce is placed in the ultimate enema of negsntiattons. Tlla "Journal de St. Petersburg" is also despoudeut. DOMINION NEWS, The Quebec eleotions takepleae nowt eek. Parkhill firm mill, Vic., was sold for $8,810" Juvenile burglarsare at work in Chatham. A drainage system is proposed for St. Thomas. There is a large brick export goiu;i on from Chatham. A hook and ladder company is being organized in Guelph. A, new French paper, in the Reform interea:t, is to be started in Ottawa. The ooutraot has been let for a. new Episcopal Methodist Church at Foreat, The P1414414 office in Einbro,was des- troyed by fere on Monday rnoruiug last. There were only aux prisoners in Ilaeitoba Provincial gaol on the 10th inst. Trout fishing dosen't begin till the lat of May, and luate ill the 150l of St ptembei . County Constable Graven, of Middle- sex, chased a sneak thief five panes the other day, and captured him. The ex-Solieitor-General Baker, of Quebeo, has arrested Stewart, of the Montrral Herald, for al.auder. Ma41or Starr, of Loudon, has oom• mended proceed; alga for slander against Alderman Campbell, of the same city. An elm tree was rocently out on the farm of James Musnicb,Berford, which produced ten cords of woad. Petitionsare now been circulated Ask- ing for a gravel road °ruin Parkhill to pushed it off the binges, allowing it to Brecon, via Ailsa Craig. The improve- fall, striking Mrs. J. 0. Currie on the mont is much needed. head, iufiiotin slight wound. A large number of persons were bad- g a g ly injured in Montreal, during tits riot A. heavy thunder storm passed over on Saturday last. R4 COUNTY ITEMS. 2ud, W. T;`rsnn'a 64 Yi�HOS�g Fierpr se"" ; 2rd, J. Erwin's " d Laddie." Several fires have warred is Geier- Twooyear' old, 8 entries—lat, P. icll d>rrittg the last few weeks. Ferd'a " Young Sars8nL4 ; .1. Tlse t lira an ,Nims Era spells reminie- `eon<'a "" Meas Trimer t.,d, J. canoe f4reeuuinisenoe"—"Q" the rnistake. Nzoha sfurt'a ,4 inPagi ing Heather." The harem attaceed to the GoderlahOarrl -e Hf►rsea, entries-� fat. .ag 4 'hues, ran away one day last weak. No 7444"..4 ," Yo 2"3"14" t." fid, Alex. damage done., Limes 44 Sorel viands" ; 8.rd, garter It The Grand Trivak Ocrrllpauy Atones a. Willis' 14 Pride of England," reward of' $100 for the apprehension of etve 2 t entries—1v, lt, oo Groan, the persons who burglarized the Sea- woods cues was n The sed home forth atatinn, iu this ialass was not awarded the prize ,In aoco irnt of the owner .not being able Mr. W. Kitt, who dropped dead at to *bow pedigree, The spaciel preae of Inman, ora apoplexy, was father of $15 was Warded Along with first prize, Mr. H. Kitt, of ()Upton. to 1?r. Ritter, to be paid as sem as the Mr. John Martin, one of the pioneer owner produces the certificate of mei. residents, of Heron, died at thereeidence gree from the r lstrar of stud book. of his am, w Seaford:, on Tuoaday,tbe Judos—James McMullen, Mullett al6th inst. W. Marquis, Goderiuh ; J, Wilson, Col - L. Ruutar, Fsq.,af Usbrone,obtained borne; J. Marr, MaGillieray; J. Cowey, the first prise for that celebrated horse, Bayfield; J. llaaknoy, Uaborne. "Coaobxnan, " at the Spring show re- WILLS. oently held in Iiuok_uow. llurhtulas, aged, ti sntrir+s-•fat, Earl Oil Sunday last, the pulpit of the of Goderich ; 2.ud, G. Spfr^tto'at's Magnet Canada Methodist Cbnrah, Seeforth, , C T3ala's k'armcaa vti,l} wile °coupled by Rea John Philip. M. DaT00J1 ur 7.' 2 years, 8 antriea_.... A., of St. Marie. at, 3'. smart's Itob Roe ; 2nd, W. TaAy- 71Jrs. Robort Raudbrson,of taodericb, lora Huron i tandslyd; 8rd, 3. Kitahem, DokeWellington. has a quirt of the "log cabin" pattern, a Ayrabires, 8 antilsa.--liar J, Ckrugii. which contains 8,750 pieces. fin's Renton Robin ; 211d, P. MoTevieh, The t oderici1 Lnaroese club played Sohomborg Ghia. a friendly game with the Stratford boys Judges—J. Petty, Ronsall ; F, Fow, which resulted in a victor for the Litt ler. Tuakerermith ; Jlin Willes, Exeter ; tar, The Goderioh club !s young yet. 1). McLaren, Hibbert; 3. Ballantyne, The Maitlauda of Wiughans defeated Downie. the Irish nine of Gorrie, in a game of Base Ball, on Saturday last, by a score A DEBATABLE QUESTION. of28to15. John M. Davis's call mill, rear Ethel While ranch has been written Don. was destroyed by fireon Thursday night oerning the use of '4put up" medicines, last. Lola Pau by covered by ivanranae. the question is still an opsin ane, and On Saturday last a young man named demands of the people a careful oonsi- Robert Jonoe, of Seaforth root with a deration. The salient points may be severe aocidant. While working iu the briefly stated. and answered se follows: garden Iie aooulently put his foot on lit—Are the sick capable of determirl- a rake, ing their real oondi.tion, the nature of While s servant girl,at the Montreal their malady, and wooing the proper Bank, Goderiob, was endeavoring 10 remedy or means of cure ? 2d—Oal,rz close a shutter on the second floor, elle' a pbyeician, no matter how skillful, are. pare a universal remedy, adapted to the peculiar ailments of a large class of peo- ple, residing in different latitudes, and subjeot to various climatic influences ? Brussels on Friday night last. The In answer to the first proposition, we lightning struck a barn belonging to would say, diseases ars named and l homes Mitchell of the ninth oonoes, known hvoertian "signs"oraymptoms, aims of Grey, consuming it, together and, as the motherdoes not needs phy- with its eoutents. stcian to tell her that her child has the An extensive fire occurred in Blyth whooping -cough, or indicate a remedy, on Saturday night last, resulting in the so people when afflicted with wally of the symptoms concomitant to "impure blood," "torpid liver," and "bad di- gestion," require no other knowledge of their condition, or the remedy indicat- ed, than they already possess. Second proposition -Many physicians argue night last, the barn of Samuel McLean 1 thst diseases are sectionally peculiar, near Bayfiel3, was strnok by lightning and that their treatment must there - and completely destroyed, with four fore vary, and yet quinine, morphine, horse;, a calf, a reaping machine and podophyllin, and hundreds of other other farm implements. Loss about remedies are prescribed in all countries $1,000 ; partly iusured. to overcome oertian conditions, Is it not, therefore, self-evident that a pbv- SOUTH HURON - AGRICULTURAL sician whose largeexperience bas made SOCtI;TY. him familiar„ with the many phased in- cident to all impurities of the blood,. The spring fair of the South Huron general and nervous debility, liver come Agi:iouItural Society was held at Bruce- plaint, dyspepsia, consumption, and ca- tarrh, can prepare a series of remedies exactly adapted to mee the conditions manifest, wherever, and by whatever means, it may have been engendered ? The family medicines prepared by R. V. Pierce, M. D., of Buffalo, N. Ye. ful- fill the above requirements. Many physicians prescribe them in their prae- tice. His Golden Medical Discovery has no equal as a blood ,p'urifier and general tonic,'whrle-ham, Favorite Pre- scription cures thos aknesses pecu- liar to women., after physiciatrus have failed. His Pleasant Purgative Pellete, which are little larger than mustard seeds, area safe and certain euro for "torpid" liver and constipation. If you wish to save money by avoiding doctors and keep or regain your health, buy Love, sr's '"Canadian Scotahman'' ; The People's Common Sense Medical 2nd, P. McTavish's " Honest Sandy" ; Adviser, an illustrated work of over 900 2nd, Carter & Willis' t4 Young Welling- pages. It contains instruction concerti - ton." ing anatomy, physiology, hygiene, and Agricultural, aged. 2 entries—lst, the treatment of decease. Over ono Win. Perdue's " Young Lord Haddo" , :hnedred thousand copies already sold, 2nd, McEwen &Horton's" Champlain, Price (post-paid), $1.50. Address the Three year old --5 entries -1st. A. author, R. V. Pierce, M. D. Buffalo, Delguh's 4" Ftirmers' Pride'; 2nd, T. N. Y. Robinson's " Wellington"; 8rd, W. Snlale's Young Lord Haddo," . A crewel piece of work :-=Working a Two-year old, 1 entry -J. Perdue's worste 1 dog. Honest Sandy. The Prince of Wales will leave fox. General Purpose, aged, 8 entries— Paris on the With, to inspect the Brit - W, Dixon's: " Perform" ; 2nd, Walter ish suction of the Exhibition, hill's " Suotch Miracle"; 3rd, J. Par- Rev. Mr. R. W. Bell, it 111ethodist 11.,6's " Young Enterprise.' minister, having o tn_mitted adultery, Three-year old, 4 entries -1st, J. has been released fi cm his charge, au+el 'Wilson's; ', Fade of the Domiuior.''; has left for parte nukliowu. Three hundred cattle and 1,000 sheep were shipped trom Termite to England. on Saturday last. On .t+'riday evening last, Prof.Storer, of St. Albans, began his task of walking 100 miles in 22 hours. were drowned on Saturday complete destruction of Mr. P. Kelly's Two boys shingle and lath mill. Another house last, while playing on some logs at the was also burned. Mr. Kelly's lose will foot of Berkeley street, Toronto. be abont $7,000. Cause of the fire un - Beltsville cattle dealers have received known. an order from a British army contract- During the thunder storm on Friday or for 1,500 cattle and a large quantity of sheep. There in considerable party feeling existing, arising out of the trials going on of those who trok part in the late shooting affrays in Montreal. A three-year old boy of Henry Wis. mer, St. Catheriues, ventured too near to a fire which had been set in theyard, and his clothes caught fire. Before he could be relieved he was so badly burnd that death ensued. Early on Friday morning last, an field on Friday last. The attendance elderly Englishmen named John Auck was larger than at any previous show. of Stratford, was knocked down by the The • exhibition of animals was first- infinite credit. steps of a passing train,while out shoot- T he two-year old and did s Ca ad nn draft horse of Hugh Love, sr., excited a good deal of admiration, and he was on all sld,ls pronouuoed the best horse of the kind iu the County. Annexed is the prize list : Heavy Draft -7 entries—C. Mason's Douald Dinnie, jr. ; 2nd, McGregor & Conk's "Stirlingshire Ohampiun"; 8rd, 'C. Dale's " Wellington Glenlee." Three-year old-.lst, P. McEwen's " Young Euterprise. Mr. Jas. Turner's special prize of $4 was awarded to Mr. of the charges madeagainst them. Hawaii. Mr. Jones, one of the Stratford Two-year old -4 entries -1st, H. town Council, has resigned, and a new electiotl will shortly be held to fill the vaoanoy. The fishery laws pro'aibit the taking or sellidg'of Pile' or maskincnge be- tween the 15th day of April and kith day of May. ing. On Saturday last, an axle of a G.W. R. freight train broke down between Eastwood and Princetown. Nine care were thereby thrown off the track,. and considerably damaged. Sir John Macdonald has commenced' prooeediugs tor libel against the Globe for the statement that he was drunk during the recent debate on the Quebec. outrage. Other members similarly slandered, intend proving the uutruth A sai accident occurred at Dutton Stations ou Tuesday, resulting inthe death of a brakemen named Henry Mil- lard, who fell between the cars when aperoacllting she station. : Drs. Brock and' ,ulhven, were summoned, whau the right arm was found, to be sh t°teaed • 'badly, and amputation at the ghoul'5'er .. considered necessary, but from the loss of blood and intermit injuries, he rap- idly, sank before the operation could he performed. 1