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The Exeter Times, 1878-4-18, Page 5
EB . 'times r .1 Tss,t- • a B as1tTT.-I0 Exeter, on t$e,4tbanat., the wife of Dir; T. Bissett, livery keeper, of le cont. ENGLAND Y.T;M.S Great ea 44 undoubtedly ►the blipeitanoo of satasfaetory settlement ef;the rastern queetdi n, 41:natrter et eQgal Vereeut ig the preservation of our ewe individual health ane strengtet. Thin may be moat suecesefuliy acceesplisbee by the use of the renowned medic/hie PA&SPHORONE For chronic Dyspepsia, iadigostion, and all ner.. TOUR complaints it has no aquae: ?rice, 51-00 per bottle, and can be bad from every Cheamiet and Druggist throughout the Do - =Mice. • .r? .$IRK a'iTS. IMAM Mite Wheat Scutt " armee w et. lted Chaff " letriey .. (hate 1 R ... Mutter Flour per bbl, Potatoes, per bag ... Apples, per bag 1lrted.lppleo 1a• b .. lttee-logs . dressed per en Hebei tiheal.akins, each ... Ilan per ton Qntuna pee eusnLerd ... ST. ¥ *Y'5. • 1 1$ to 1 IS ... 1 Oti to l le ... 100 to 107 oseteI00 U41tto044 ... 0Seti. 0SO 0srtoaect ... UM toOOS ... 010to013 560 to 550 ,.. 030 to 085 • 000 to 000 • I'5tol7A 4totat-1se ... 45ute340 410to3to ,., O 2,3 to l W • t300toUtie U73to1W ... 0 10 to 0 le {Reported regularly by A. ualbraith,Clerki Itelbl wheat, per bushel 1 10 k. 1 1$ 1:,KIng wbeet lee to 1 UO llarbay 0 40 to 0 43 Yeats 0 Se to fa es Oats ..a' . 0 . to 0 Oat Potatoesperbeg - ..« Is SJ to o 60 Apples '" 1 23 to 1 73 Beef per .b ..... ....... ............«u et to o s'0 Mtutton" 0aalto007 Pork per out ....« . 4 :41 to 4 40 Nee. per 40.10a3 .. 0 Co to 0 Oa flutter......... ..... 0 14 eo 0 IS Uwe .... ......... .... .. .... 0 tea tell W nescsele. leer rata. Fall what .. ..... ............11 10 to 118 41oott Whe.m.......................,......... 0S to 11.1 spring wbe 1 ill to 103 Marley'0 to 4..1 1'044 ....... ................ ..,................. ,he t.. tett 111d.a :4611 to 060 41ioep akles ................ 1.0 to 100 liege........... .40cto400 8EATtIE�1 5 SILK WACtEriOtTSE LONDON, Yeiu will find the Largest as- sorrtment of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking under the mananolnent of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod rate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEATTIE & CO., 140 Dundas St. London Big Stocktaking Sale NOW GOING ON AT 42 Co's. (successors to G. B. Smith) WHITE & CO., Being part of a Wholesale Firm, - the wholesale part being in Toronto and the re- tail pat't i n bt. n cry's, buy goods in quantities and at pr'res that cannot bo touched by any. re. tail house intho County. Our kir. ('x.13. Smith and Mr, Honclersou bringing their ripe experience. to bear in the selection 01 goods, places ns in a posi- tion equalled by few in tue Dominion. Tho con- stant receipt of new goods, the dote :mina cion at all times to increase otu turnover, and always below the market and price, will, we think, prove a 1ceptable to our cu st.amers. OUR BLACK GOC DS. These are improved makes. We keep on hand full ranges, double warp,Aipacasand Lusbres. Theate goods are remarkable (int) fortha uniformity and wotghi of their 1111411 tit oture. (2n..) for the excel- lencoof tlteiritaisle eel' oe. the unequelled fectionoftue Lustre. (4th) for the soyeriority of the dye, Our woollen goo Is -See the prices -All -woo• tweeds fo 5c , 40., 5O., 05„ u,atl nuwares. Heavy Satinets ab 210., about one third less than rovutar prices, Our Wincey,s.-No part;of on r stock w.i'1 g've greater satisfaction tnnn this. We simpl ;lay that the value cannot be bea.on. Our Staeles-'1'Lesc goods we do well. Oompe- tlti OU Staples amonc,st Retailers isr1ow so kee.i each one viewing with h's 10 glibor iii the low price et which he can otter them, that to sell close too goods must be eou;ht close. The pubre, will find our prices bottom figui es,riothin g below thein iu the'or any other maraet. Our Boo+s & Suoes aro the weeder of anyone wim sees teem, and we are often acted the question-"Idow can yon sell them so cheap?. .e"s�awwfa3a�s.�tWHJTE & 00, • M.a..�t♦araaaaa,�w,, Qai�a .:s a Mar's. TUE QNTAO SAVING.S5,. INVESTMENT soCrATT, LON DON, CANADA Working Capital, $Z100,000 Reserve Fund, $144,000 Largest working capital of any Company west of Toronto. Money lean/AGO Aratoless RealEstete,seeuritiea wnsithteaiis'eust retlultnLtoa,rnos 0d- 1tip0esoofaue, ;or rroewt ere.. Apply to W.F.BULLP:N, Manager. or to Sirs, Aw.nsEw Lair., Exeter, Mews: Hopson. Honsall, 10011 Pewee,Oredetan, January 31. 3 m, NO FOR MANITOBA Haw is the UM to gat oheap I.U111BER. BEAT CLEARING SALE OF BROW'N'S MILL. 300.0110 feet of Arse -slats lumber et all kip Weed mat be sued is' 30 Chive. PRICES EX'i.'itEJ.iEI.Y LOW. also the Mil and 50 acres ofLand writ h• sold very cheap anti nu good terms. 'The property epeeist.' et the wen trait of Wt 27, South boundary, in Lake Read. Towesblp of Hay. A11 the %hovel.r.)pg. .rt: must be med.'s.; the pro. prloter la going to etsuitebe in one mouth. Th. Lumber will he Rata to lots to snit parchm- ent, and FRTCF, TEN QUE tl'TS.. Newspaper Advertising OTR $BNDRBI) AND 1?IFTF 2iTH FDIT1031 Containing 8 ocwplete list of all the towns in the Meted Stems, the Territories end the 1)ominiun of Caamea, hiving a popular:an groaeor than h uyia accord/0g to Lite last aea.$4.14 t.guthar with the nausea or the nuwspeepers having tee Iwreea6Ioose s ropkktieti in emelt et the places' asn,wL Ai)Io, a oatatiogue of u0vrspy,ep0 a Wu/Ohara reacenmendaar. co tplvertiaeral as „fearing greatest value in proper- ticw to prices charged. AUo, all newsoalpera in the Untie 1 States and Cattalo i,restige over MOO Dele lee Duels issue. Also, all the 14. a,.t Yieuittir ai. Setantafo, and Mechunloai, 1 uioai iaaunui, Juvenile, .hese Hanel, Commerce al. I saran,, Vaal Estate, Lary, Sporttrt�. leasicutl, Fashion, awl ether spacial elate jatrrtittlr; very eoirspleto lista. Alio, many tables of ruses, shoeing the cost of ad- vartisiegi0 variuna nowsl gpers, and ayes' a:l,;i,.. which a begiueur in ;elven...dug would like ba keew. Addle aG1+,0. P. Rt WRr.l.. O(..10 tilre0.3e lather, New York. 1 lea Fancy Cards mixed le 25 atyleeeeer 10 chro mo 11 Leel with ewnro. l0 ars. Lassen easel 4a, Nassau, N. Y. Judge 1lyaaeaiing;ybe wiibaga,b«�;htt,, lar of the ayes and batt. yup will Oe•! for ceive by raturn rpafl a ecerreet the. eyour s4ufrrof y.ari sutua tibdarmur. e1nage.AiclreubF 0 w yO, teeteuvule, N. Y. 15/4110$11etell Pries, 0000 only 4400. Pee- ler Onkeuel, prim Vence ege Peel per tree. Dentine r. liereTe'll. Weide' ngton. ©mooeA3DR. W outOlt, lacca. le. Jew 1381t18At. Vo1NT% nA TUl UNITED s'TATN'S CAITi'IitvGE wanutaetuswrs of ta. SOLID HEAD, RELOADING, 31ILITAILY SPURTING, CENTRAL 111tE C.ARTRA.DGES Also Rim Fire Ammunition for Platele end Ili flee. ear ridge onset. Swaged and Patched Bullets. The Mill a„ d Land treteloarmleguee. y00 1111uuWAY:14.ra. rel 1.Ao. &o. . fu. r eine- will e .will be larged Ra3'n'ratelr or ttyather just to stilt sthe belabor tam will be soldle o. pp1riproh r dveiree. It the-weperty o u gc•not be sold, it will be ex - 01110404 for farm proaerty Fur further particalara, Imply to W. HODGSON, Auctioneer, Exeter.. r RE F1U.01.4ANDWU4TLB Tl UE C. $outho©tt SOU TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to it form the intieb1tKreent Excite avid surronauling country, that they 310x0 jus op.Jed out au eeeteleutapoabmenteet T!iceds, Cutrtiugs, rating; 410., ut the latest wtylea endpsttcrus.and feel tutierriel that lu two matter of ototelug, eau gene tbe meatfastieloua A number of Wainer F 8ewini Machine will besold at eseerifioe to ciegn out stook ST. A'i kitY'S LIMEWORKS. our drawn kilns being now in Lull operation and burette gout delle a large quantity of Lama tied for all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin• Y'nrtiestrogu a dintnuce can filwaysbeet rplied either at the kilns or deliyerd by twee Miner est remunerative rates. Orders from a distauoe promptly attended to. WHITSON & SCLA.TEE. MILLINERY MISS GARLICK, Has now in stock a complete line of. SPRING HATS, BONNETS .FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Kind, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin 'Wools, Honiton Lace, Braids, Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &c, t .Jackets cut nncl made to order. MISS GARLICK, Main St., E tater. NE W PUMP FACTORY At Woodhan ,tBRAY & EDWARD hate, at con- sidere:.le expense secured the Best ma- cninerl and Anger in the Dominio,a, andhave on hand a large stock of First -Class Pumps and are prenarecl to make to order on the 'short- ent notice Lyell or Cistern Pumps. Wells and Cisterns contracted for. Alsnon hand a large stock of Seasoned Lumber. Soft El el Lumher for $6,50 to $7, Look Elm from t,6 to $8,10. Oak, $8 to 512. Ploor.ng, ,$12, Good stock of Logs on nand oidrainage purpose's, cut accordiag to o.der $6,ifper 1,Ofn. All orders by mail atten,locl to. I,lOR SALE.--A.good strong lumber • wagon, nearly now, to be 1011 at aL barg .a JOHN CAItLLY, lot,2,cou.3, Hay, DAY UP, -All parties indebted` t� A the endersigned, be no.e or book accenut are notified to pas up, ea 'or 1.6 fore tea lath of April, aa fl save co its. Wet. COXL:ILL, Cent _Jia. 2t IRE INSURANCE. - A FIRST- ]. FIRE Agent wanted for Exeter and vicinity to represent a good company. To a good Man as very liberal offer will bo mote. Apply by letter to AL NE. McI). ALLAN, General Agent, Goderich. VOTE LOST. -A: note drawn in favor of Smi th & Thompson, and made by Ellenbauln & Il'atl, for the sum of $340 63. ,tnoro or less. Pnrtioeare hereby cautioned against pure 111asfn,t the note, re payment of the same has laces stopped. SMITr1 & ROMP SON, Dash- wood. March 28. STRAY COW. -CAME ON THF, LOOKAND READ, No were breaktug e ehitur sya. Romothinprt.W IL.ailsutAda. Ati):;NT1 WAN71>:U Wadi Geld. bellePatout Fire -Proof glee or tearles+l.autl,. hies item Thi' la orae 01ttpegreateetmotteyear. his artlrl.a of the pressen age they will last for years: then giro a stymy light 4 they Dau bo wood as a uen.laurp: they will hwW water ie it few aaalu- oboe. Territory free to agents. Lairta prorate made. t;awpiechimney end burner 30 oa. Soot i 1,) ntail�l,oatpai4. For terms. *0.. atktra . C. U. VRgV144IIT, Ottawa.On,t Box 1134. THE LONDON ane ONTARIO! INVEST\ENT SOCIETY. Capital St2.000,00C Parties requiring money can obtain adlrgneee on approved town or farm prop;si ty, , at ioweast rates. Tbe above is a London, England Com- pany. For further partieliars, apply tri ROBERT PICKAiII), Agent. Dfay 17, tt, Exeter Ont. LOST. -UN FXtIDAY, FEB. la'i'H a ante dative in favor of A. Uinhnore or beater, *West Abray S g•: dwarves, dated August 1877. et eve ninutha. All parties are cautioned egaiakt a000ptfng such, ea above is pail, ABRAY st Enweens, A. I)lnsvone. NEW BOOT a. SZ3OE SIIIOP IN CREDITON. Next Doer to Carroll's Hotel. Parties wamtirg Arstrclasswork will find it to their advantage to call before leasingg, their orders elsewhere. Unly Asst -class materia] used. Sewed work a speciality, Ropaising promptly attended to. CHS1ISTOPHER Crediton, March 7, 1678. Iy The Ship Grocery TEAS, COFFEE. SUGAR, and All Groceries FRESH and NEW at the same prices as other store. . PROTUCE TAKEN IN ESCHARGE., TOBACCO STORE Choice Tobacco and Cigars of the very best brands. CAPT. CEO. =EMI' GREAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINE! NEW YORK BRISTOL ENGLAND DIRECT. t STEiJISHIPS : SMOKES ET, 2000 ten4, ()Mr"' Westarn -CO ftST WALL, 2000 do.. Simi ear A13Rat+OV. 1000 Sv.nons,1)31VOE 2(100 do.. Buechee. SAIL BOP' NIGIITL I'. The Ste: me -a of tb (s lido bave.sape' for accom- modations foe nil a ar ,.e:, of i53augen g le, te:.o having bee abake 11, we co ere aci:ouo.tee ves- sels to soca, a good venWaste +a, anti eve.e. etten t' on• ispied tobee's tmod comfort ous,he passage: The ell eapeatna1.1mos oa"Web ioute.to and from tire' Wast of h uglasel mad South Wales, Coleman,. Somerset, Devon. Ateamoute and Gloucester. premises of the subscriber, lot 4, bon. 3,,Yite• l apT. \rae\7s , 'aeon, event the lst^bf Al i i 1, a red and 'white cove, The owner will please prune l,ropet•ty, pay espen• AGENT, EXETER i t j1;s scu,eedtakeuer awe)',, TAOS. IIUSTulr. s. D JON S. P. THIS CONCERNS YOU, ,i.d read it over sexy Careful y. 114* tro Riots tiho lAllowlntg Ad9I"S t JOHN DDSW DASl Bh CE Olt` VDU- "Ahe Cit and Best e titer OII�t of Furei:taure in Re eterit4ot e. DBEW'S. J. does net falsely b aatthathemanufaoterea ALL bit He doe mown *6 Furniture. ex shops in town do and has dvautage , Huweb* larger *earl•+, hays e oapor then theay de. Dor your suplies n all On axl�aper J: IIIA W, G A SPECIALTY,TIIIS eDEPARTMENT CANNOT BE BEATEN FOR STYLE OR PRICES. .la DREW, CALL Ar A W LL & P I r e 4 D y IS ..146o their Now Spring Goods Now opexl.xa.g, NEW PRINTS NEW MANTLES tltsd NEW MILLINER A SPECIALITY IN Ordered 4 Ready-made Clot; HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SIIOF.S AND GROrER1J S, Now Was Pallor Jost to heed: else jest reeeimro 1. our how FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Teraip, 3fattpl,l Cat alas asp.. Glover and Timothy. Owing to the great d ptwateu of trade, we Obeli offer dew Cash new and taabiolaahle Meade atjbettac prices' then old Job or Bankrupt sock ok ears be sold M . Sr .a •ELII its PIcs.ABD. .it,`.Eus IS NO BOMBAST I Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, purchase. and enjoy its bargains. Wbe0I Ray 1 manufacture ray own !wafture 1 Ona prepared watt IOr 0roel•r1Roat that the people can In pest at 8Uy tomo by eeWzg at nay Wsro- mens where tbey,wllh awe a superb display of Furniture in All Its Branches is uutnufactnre.l by myself mil my oo!pbleoda.rtlatto sktU, wtt01 Rood work elthelrlp. Sal. iusetlefytug We Yash. it AU a ewes of Fntniture that cannot he eqigualled for quellty 0 ltxater.IA blofvitrg to the contrary, uotrolthstaudiug. WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CALL Corner of Main and Gidley'a Street, Exeter. MUSIC HALL -ANp Souring lYlachinc Imporiuni PIANO °H,:'�` DELF, t"t\3il Y Organs, &o. China Ware AIR. E. DREW would announce to the public that he has opened out a Music Store and bowing Machine Emporium, IN DR +'W'S BLOCK, where he will have 'onstantly on hand a full assortment of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MIISIOAL INSTItUMMElr TS of 1t11 kinds, as well as a eiloiee variety of Glassware, Deli and China were, merited at lowest figures. An efficient 1llnric'leacher on hand, whose services may be had et the lowest rates t Instruments and Sowing Machines promptly repaired. h;. DREW, N .B.-Uresv'a Hail, above the Music Store, to rent for public entertainments. Ilensall FURNITURE Rooms OWING to the very large increase of trade, I have been compelled to enlarge my premises, and have just received a large stock of all kinds of 1'g1 nitu.re-in fact, one of the largest north of Lon- don, Titoee in want of a first class article in the House Furnishiaig Line should call and examine my stock and ascertain my priees and be convinced that 1. can sell cheaper than any ether House in the trace. Wool, Straw and n''..ed mattresses and spring beds of all kinds I have also opened out afirst-class stock of Clocks Watches and nue Jewelry, in fact every article found f1, a Bret -class establishment. I feel eonfide11 that I can sell at prices that will satisfy the pnblie, and as low as can be purchased anywhere. Clock's ant Watches repaired at moderate rates, and satisfaction guaranteed, by com- petentworkmen. Also Organs and Musical instruments. Special attent`on to Undertaking. Buildings contracted for. $. airba�.rxs. FIRE! i c! FIRE! The subscriber, S. E. Jones, wishes to thank the people of Exeter, and surrounding country, for the lib- eral patropage ib-eralpatrouago which he has received siucu among you, as a Watch me kor and Jeweler, and also in- . form you that 1 have a large quantity el goods to dispose of, soma of which are SLIGHT DAMAGED BY FIRE., and sgreat qusntity of which are not, these will be sold very cheap fox cash. Clocks sold for $5.50 $1':013 $4.50, 32,75, now sell for 54.25, 54,00 5395; $125. Vetches that sold for '$30.00, 525,00, 520.00, 415,00, sew • sell $20,00, $16.00,'5 14.00, 1,10.00: DO NOT R1ISS A BARGAIN, 'IN JEWELRYBARGAINS TO SUIT EVERYBODY J Solid gold Watches and. chitins a specialty. 1)0 not fail to give me a ' call before pixel acing else- : velem, as l thank it wo1 bo to your advantage. SO a y+r,at nn neerof Table Cr 1sts, Cele, It as cots, Putter Cool 'r 1, tn'i a great many other things le al,.tus Wra.ti. to .tiantten. eielues, en et 'ea Semis. 1,s' feat Jeer, ceing in the line cheap for caste