HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-18, Page 3A.Piar, 18, 1878
ON OF TIIF SIX HUNDRED. oot ts a bushel here. This ccuntry sue-
r Wins a gi eat" lois through the large
A paragraph receotly pears in t ie
New York Sun anima wing* the neath
of John Fitzpatrick, one of the Light
Briealle, who died of starvation in Eng-
land. Ile had teeeiveda petteion of
sixpence a day, which, however, was
withtireeett eeveral yeaago, and Ito
entleavoreql to eke out tIni3oratbin ex-
i-,t..loce toy riding in circus pagotti.tn.
OH are, and aiiLeitee motto& L1f.or
t hi 4 or any ot her work., tho on,ly t fuge
for the aisabltd soldier was the IA orb.-
hou,e, frcm v.itich lie ebrailk in bor.
TIt vt-rdict cf the cert.,. et's jury
was • ”Died f tttl'‘'Sti' , tul thi
Cabe i ti.di•-.grace to the War
1 the: isewg; S1os.e.1 the hoes
Spoed tile Lev. s onowarl I
starvation" one
Of thy Six Hundred;
On.; w11.1 hist pert 14:44 Idayea
Well in the Light. ilrig.t.b.
Rude -with six but ti
Food to the right of hint,
Food to the left of hint.
Food all around, yet
Thu veteran hongered;
fie who through .hut nol,1
Feectooly rode, and well,
And when the word was ••elt.orge,"
Swank nut nor lingered.
°Off to the workhouse, you I"
Buck in oliamay he drew,
Fueling ho never knew
Wlhot oatmeal thunolyred,
uot tu plead, or "sigh,
Ilia but to starve an,laie
And to a pauper's grave
Siuk with a soul ots brave
tbrungh the ale of deailt
Rode the Six onolovi.
Flashed a proud spirit there,
Up through the entree despair,
Sluouing the senile there;
Scaring the Cada, whole
SMi1 seals wawleretl;
Then turned to face loos fete
Cothaly, with stall as great
AA when through shut au,i
lie rods with sot huonlreol
With high hope elate,
Langiting iu hoe of fatty--
Ituolu with six baulked,
IInagerbk mate by day,
Sunday and wurking day,
'Winter and summer day —
Shame on the notion!
Struggling with might and wain,
Su.tit loy diseitAt; and pain,
Ile, in Victoria's reign,
...Died of starrati
While yet the lend with pride
Tolle of the lieol,Ueng ride
Of the Six linuolrel
While yet the wynin rings,
"While yo,t the 1 annit sings,
"Some one has blundered ;"
Lot tot with lue,1 breath
Toll how olio A:1%0 to death
Of the Six }lunar A.
Whet van that liosonu bide ?
0 the dread death hu died!
Well unty leen Wonder—
One of the Light Drigatle,
One who that clourge lad wade,
Die 1 of sheer lounger
There was evidence of an overwhelm-
ing character produced before the Agri.
cultural Committee that the farmers of
the country rEquired protection, and
were determined that their interests
should at laee be protected. The gen-
eral legislation was in favor of the trad-
ing classes, and an instance of this was
to be foundin the Bankruptcylaw. The
iNterests of the farreete of the Western
states were more considered than those
of the farmers of Canada, who had to
meet with a direct competition from
stray gors. ile,ipeoposed to show the
enormous loss which the policy bad
ecaused. How had they paid that differ-
ence in what he called the balance of
trade? There was a balance of seven
millions, and the re-exportation had to
account for the difference. It should be
noted that the amount of meatstuffs
which was c,oming, from the United
!States into Canada was increasing,
while the return from Canada was do-
reasing, so much so that the export
to the United States from Candtt, was
not half so much as it was in 1808. Mr.
MacShane, n large' denied in cattle in
Montreal, had stated he could at any
moment telegraph to Chicago and get a
'much bettor and a fuller supply of meat
Clan he could obtain -in Canada. Why
should not the great industry iu wheat
and flour be kept in the hands of Can-
adian farmers? A large amount of In-
dian corn was brought in for the manu-
facture of whielees, and Indian corn
beat the United States went into Can.
aaawitholit payipg a cent to the Can-
adian treasury. Last year a million
and a half bushele of oats were bronght
into the Dominion, and the result was
oats did not reach more than 28 to .,80
quantities of Inoian cern and oats im-
ported. The average piices of these are
tieles, iu coneeteuence of the importa-
tion, was tetcente lees per bushel than
it oeeerwise would be, If each hunter
retired '200 hueliehe, the Mee to each
would he at year. There was uloca
ot jiu eit it hueliel on wheat, and
if a la' ttoer i aised 1.-10t; hostels, his loss
i•e" nouto would la: $15. I Lore WAS
ti.1,18., in at oont it 14,41144,1 on fit cattle,
alai if at fnriole: rai-ed two head a year,
toes would be $:?..). If lie raietel
couple t p i ior, his 1ttt 'ou1would 1),o $8
h yt•Itr. 111 41.1og at tit'- loWegt lhoShible
Chit:41201 d.t 41•: Iiot to 4e't farmer $63
yo.t.r. Ace o ding to tio• .61,,ture
t inn.; wore 5:1,0(1.1 f•trun-rt on this
1.' U Iti iy, anto tit :•:4011 It tanner, the loss
1., v • :17,111,),01/1 4.1.•111. Tole
1.,es tr4:id tot $60 9, ye r nits ot great
leal to a la.:-Itter, (11 It', hear.) et be
entictiltitritt Z .tereo•oc. of ili oeuntry
could bo tereatey encouraged by the pro-
motion of ...ur 1414 tit it' 114 Oaf
:Any hotre utrke. cutin 1-e given
to the larne-rs, itibt he v.t;'ti of their
Calms null ploatica v..ou.hi tocreased.
Thu hi:met-nation of t. is t U 'al 'fail tuj-
ity tequired, not on'y by Ootario.
hut by the 1101e .1tulittion, Frazos
htt,1 been pre. perou-• bo; undo inceitti
titalor a wt•ottvo ,tt that
ototo,ot 1.1o,po1-1,11,,
that 11 11:441 PtLhltld through torte of the
:to,:that the aorking cl.“3-es of 12ree Trade
Etioland were '
dovastat wars of thegells,
0.1 Lite other baud the evi,leuee was
Cht •
It tight t r Sal portio
the wax, but as a rule the Chicago
markets ruled the prices of coarse grain.
He was prepa. ed to show frim figures
that the wealth of the United States
bad incretteed under a protective policy
during the, lad ten years. Ho WAS of
opii,i,ot that they shoult1 et. ike nut a
wise national policy of their own with.
out reference to any nth(r 0, uutry,aud
0 'It alone to their 4,wn into ests.
New York, April 1.2.—Tweea aiea at
Ltv11, w Street Jail at noon to -day.
New Yolk, A ril 12.—Tweed
itt norm. Dr. Carnochau left him
about 11 o'clock last night. At that
time lie was feeling easier, wild breath-
ing better,. At 1.1.80 befell asleep, and
slept altnost an hour. When he awoke
he cemplained of great pain about the
heart, and eat up soma time. After
t tie he continued getting worse, being
very reetless. At 7 o'clock this morn-
ing he loll aaloep for a eliort time, and
awoke eomplainit g that the pu.in at his
nettrt was s 111 greater.
Hie mut:lit:el attendants saw him
aboatti o'clock, and found his ,pulde ir
regular and feeble. Prom this time he
gradually sank, retaining his facultioe
perfectly, mud died without a struggle.
About half an hour before lie died, he
called Cornoehan, and said. "I have
tried to do some good. If I have not
had good luck I alis not afraid to die.
I believe the guardian angels will pro -
teat me." It was jut then that the
eereat bell on Essex Market struck the
hour of noon that Tweed sark back
dead on his pillow. His death was
very quick.
It was finely said by Eocratee that
the shortest and most direct route to
popularity is "for a man to be the same
that he wishes to be taken for." People
are egregiously mistaken if they think
they eau ever attain a permanent popu-
larity by hypocrisy, by mere outside
appearances, and by dieguieing not only
their lat guage but their looks. True
popularity takes duels root, and spreads
Itself wide; tent the false .falle away like
blossoms ; for nothiug that is false can
be lasting.
The vicious, notwithstanding the
sweetness of their words, and the honey
of their tongues, have a whele store-
house of poison within Miele heat ts.
PlaningMill Sash,
END man
Done to order.
Remember the place
Dyer ace As lloward
Semi $1 for 35 pitts
ij newer Seeds, 15 for
50o., 7 for 25e., or 25
50c. The Moral
plzts. Vag's $1, 12 for
. Lite, a 100 -page Floral.
worIcw'th colored plate, toe., with either of the
above pticlutgeo seeds, two years free. These of.
fors tire bona fide n.uil the Seeds fb:st-olass, beihg
rankled low _only to illdnae (alto try them: Address
.11Reid, Rochester NiY.-
. ,
?1,:i••••• •'
3 •
1878) . . SPRING (187E3,,
Ata,11 times, and part..olarly at a period when Trade is universally deitresood and oumBY
seam. It is in the interest of every laver to purchase where he oan get, the article he wants
at the lowest rate. in calling your attention to toy present stock, I do so with every y=118-
°11°0; it Wing wore v.irefully assurten and se/voted than thar of any previous Amon.
In the Dry Goods
Evety department is replete with the most seasonxble and ['fashionable fabric' a, narked at
prices width should command the attention of the very closest buyers. TRELORDERAD
OLOTRINUr still has X.R. W, IVES at it.lused
In Millinery
Underthe nia...agantent of Miss MeGloghlon, we can suit the roost fastidious. Our stocit of
GTO' t ries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
one of tete largest and beet assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will *moult their
hest interests by exantining ulystoek before going elooew here.
Tnis Perna:as-A
A...re not advertised as 4 eave eta' but are sixectees
in the diseases for which they 84171, recootaxueadert
Investigators of naturist science have demon-
strated beyond controversy, tliat throughout the
animal kingdom the '' stuTival of the fittest" Is the
wily law that vouchsafes thrift wad perpetuity
Does not the saws principle goverh the cop.n.n-
coal proapenty of utau 7 Au iuterinre ow.encet suser
isede a superior article. 13y reason °. superior mer-
it, Dr. Pieree's tsitiaidard Medicines baler outtivalled
all others. Their sale in the United States exceeds
one million dollars per eginume. white the amount,
exported foots up to several hundred thousand
more. Nu busibeee could grew to such gigiusthi
propertions and root upon any other basis than
i.httt 0 uteri
Catarrh Remedy
joleaseeset ito WO.
Catarrh. Remedy
.Its ewes armed veer a period of beeteig years
MARKET QUESTION a t weettliwaiwee.wsixt d y
Being now iu r000ipt of alarge stook of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines an°
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
his Store, Main. Street Exeter, which will be sold at
e inhabitants of Exeter ase vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but
call at the store of the Evlbsciiber and
ere, to be had in Overcoai,:ag, Full-oloths, Broad -cloth
Doe skins, Silks, Wiueeys, Delaines, and everything
n3e(led in the Dry Goods line, The Grocery
Department is Complete. An inspection invited
No trouble to show goods ISAAC
A WholeAriny Marching off
For a nice new uobby hat in Felt or Paramatta, all the leading
styles, go to
Catarrh Reraedy
Okra bv mad, soya*, effect
Catarrh Remedy
Cares " cold iiikeed" COM catarrh, or Osamu
Ina Emma :—Ilosit4evinskreadi"l'ull".yotxr. 4papt
loarl reitererte'
of the remarkable ours' of catarrh. t tun inuuotat
to tell what know about eatarrh," and I limey
the inuir mid " inhaling -tube" makers cruets
money grabbers) wouid be glad if they could ern-
e aintiler cure itt the papers. Far years
sulfured with catarrh. The nasal maw gee 'rare
completely choral. 'Snuff,' ',Lust; • ushaling-
tubes and 'sticks' wouldn't work, thou& at low -
rads I wuuld rang up the suesalled cobweb say%
until 1 bess.noe a valuable tuatertor 'web medicines.
I gradually grew wore& and tee one emu telt how
utueli 1 smeared or what a miserable being I was.
My head messed weer toy eyes outlast I wail oungsed
W my bed for litany sueoessive days, suffering the
most weenie pain. which at one tines Listed con-
tinuously fur vat war.. All souse of smell end
tame gene, eight and lissrusg Impaired. booty
kale-uukeu and weakened. nervous s}steni shatter-
ed, cud constitution broken, and I ea. hawking
and seven -eighths of the time. 1 prayed
tor death to retie/ens* of my tittgtwing. A favors,
ble notice in your ie 'per of In.. Sege'. Catarrh U.-
nusly itetuced me W parches. a package and use it
with lir. rieree's Nasal Douche, which appliee the
remedy by hydrostatic pressure. the only way
cotupatible arab oomuton sense. Well.Mr. koliter,
lb aid sot curs toe in three-tourths of a &woad, ur
to one is II ..r mouth, but in less than eight 111111.
Uta.,. 0 WIit relielfed, and 112 three mouths entirely
*urea. awl have remained so for over sisteee
mouths. While using. the Catarrh Remedy, 1 Lased
Dr. Golden medical Discovery punfy
my 11,141,4 and strengthen my steenaoh. 1 also 114.0
oily liver active and LatIVot 1. rtaUllir
his Pleasant Put motive Veneta'. It 01) experiehe,
wIll 4144httn, either ulatrrOni ti) week Lilo 'mine o.4:441444
of relief. this lemur will ha Ye fa fwereli its pit ri4.M..
S. D. Ur -MILK.
Yenta truly,
AlThe folloil lug named parties are among the
thonsands who have leten cured of cistarrli by the.
nee of Dr. Sage's Catarrh itemetty:
A F Downs, New Heuent, l'a; n 3 Brown, St
Yereph.Mo ;E (1 Lewis, button& ; Levi erring.
or, Nett La ke„ Ohm ; cues Norerep. North o'nes.
tot -telt, me; Milton Jones, Scribe, N Y; .1 E Miller.
lir:deer Station Wyo;11 0 Merriman, Locousport,
Itisi: M 4 Pout. Islauspert, Ind: .1 W thelev, Irc-
inent. ; Zi 11 Ayres. Laporte, 1ts.1; Jessie NI Seors.
Ft Breech, DM: 1, Williams, Canton, Ile: W A
TbaYvr, Inerite,111 ; S 11 Nichella, ,Jr.. u.ave.a.,14
?UMW Jew's 1.' Itelnert.Stonesville, es; 8 14,' Litsk.
McFarland, W11; Johnooton itehosiek,
Mrs M A Currey, Trenton. Tenn:3 0
Keene.8 H ; A 41 Cioper,Tebt 1•,' Vis; Lents
ih.r-, (levet:sport, ohlo; 0 I:0 yikhirt.
,h,lodai: Mrs livery Height, Sou 1. rer.eisco. Cal;
Mr,. F 31 Ciallusba, Lawi encevil N W 11 re -
Ad. 1, Iowa; A 1..) Necnen.coi; Clem E
1141; imore, Mel : Jessie .s1 Femrs, cattalo% bud;
1)11 3It1, r, 11 Vo'ayue, and; Mrs :Ululate A runt..,
2.90 lielteacy st. Now York; ti
",1‘,4,rjM44144714tAe'4411'5119w4Wdurili'neMv,aeli7.41 rr1
30 4 cite, Lowell, Hass ; Ilri C Spertin, Caimien,
Itt; Chas 1 Kew, Fretteriektwe a, Obi. ; lire leley
Hunter, Fannin ton, III; Copt E Spiteldiug,
'amp su12:1bat:0i, Wyo ; 1 W rreney. Steamboat
Reek, Fws ; 31rt. Iy.iIst White. clushen„ N ; 3 31
Pock, City, Mout; Henn. liantee,
Cisl : 1 1' Cummings, llantoul. IJ1; S 1Jones,
Charleston Four t'orners,N Y ; 51oi. F• !tali, ruet.b.,
Caj; Wm E Itartriu,Sterlintt. ; 11 H Limn, up,
rem: ta, Pittsburgh, Ps: 3 It 3.2ektean. Samuel'.
()opt, Ey; Henry Zobrist, Geneva. N V:
Hattie l'arrot. Moutgornery, Obio ; 1. Leilbrook,
Chatham, 111; S. 11. McCoy, Nashjeut, Obi.'W W
%Vanier, N orth Jaek4em,lnich; 3,11;., Mary .t Winne,
.etrieu, ; John Zeigler, Ca1os1u Springs, Pb ;
Tutee Tompkins. Si (loud, Minn; En,.ch Mier,
Pau nee City, Is el, ; .Teeepli T 1i.Illkr. Xenia, Ohy
Nieholl4, Galveston. Texes:1-1 lo Laird, Upper
kitoY„ 111: Jnitn Davis. Preacott, Adz: Mrs Nale.y
'rthiuu, Forest eve, Oregon.
.:olden Medial 7Discover1r
is alterative, or Blood-cfeensfag
Ci olden edioaI Discovery
Colder). Medical Discovery
ChNOONTUP, or Liver Stimulant.
Grocery and Liquor Store
A largo stock of
G-reeD, Japan, Young Hyson and
Black Teas,
Raisins.tu rrarits,
EMZE!D Apples , Cama.oes.
Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, Malt, Sctch, Irish and. Common Whiskies, Tobaccos
and Cigars,
Wholesa7e and _Retail.
Main Street, Exeter.
a °hien Medical 1)iscovery
is Tani°
Cole -len Medical :Discovery
13, reason of its alterative properties,. cures disea-
ses et tee ineea alai Skin, as Scrofula, or King's
Evil, Tumor, rleers o Old Sores, Blotches, Pita -
pies, Er ,iptions. By 'virtue of its Pectoral proper-
ties, ,..1, C111:0:4 Br011ellita, Throat anti Liam Affec-
tions, Intipient C '
onsnmption Lingering o•oughs,
and chronic Lotryrgitls. los Chelagegne proper-
ties render it au unequalled remedy for Bilious
noss, Torpid Live, or' Liver Complffint," and its
i tonic proper ie; render it equally eibeueions ]n
curing 111414:CW011, LOS.% of Appetite and Dyspep-
Where the skin is sallow and eoverea with
blotches and pimples, or where there are scrofu-
lous swellings and affeetions, a few bottles or Got -
den 31 52,1 .1).seovery will ellen an entire cure.
If you feel rhill. drowsy, debilitated, have sallow
coin of sitinor yellowish brown spots on the
face to botiv, frequent headache or dizziness, bad
taste in month, internal beat or chills alternated
with hot flushes, low spirits and gloom y forebed.
hies, irregulr r appetite., ttm i tongue eon red, you are
suffering from Torpm Liver, or "Bilionshess."
In ninny cases of .Ltver Con*lerint, only part of
, thosesymptoms
aro experienced. At a i (needy
t for fill such eases, Dr. Piereo's Gtte
oln Modies-1
Discovery has no oqual,?, as it effects perfect cures,
1 lea,ving the liver strengthened and. ho i lthy.
Dr, R. V. Pierce is the solo proprietor alta caanta-
facturer of the foregoingremedies, all of whieli Inc
sold by Druggists, Ho is also tht author of the
People's Common Sense MedicalAdviser, 41 work
of nearly ono thonsan,„
d paos, with two hnndred
and eighty two woo5 engravings and colored pinto
Ho has already sold of this nopulaa work
Over 100,000 Coves/
PRICE (post -pistol) $1150.
R. 7. PURCE5 M. D.
World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N.