The Exeter Times, 1878-4-18, Page 2BY W &LE, BLUNT' AND •I ll&S RICE Authors of "READY 40 EY TSr0RTIZOY," '"THE GOLD- EN 3$t7Y'LEliFLY," ETC., ETC. CII-L.PT X.--(couttlahac14L.) . So be did, so he did ; that's a fact. I wanted the money bad; very bad I wanted the money at that time. Wax- nefurd got it hot and I laughed.' "Samuel Elea written a rou};ession of the malt!',' Helen went on, 'but t want yuur cuuftssaien. 'Then, my lady, you won't get it ; so you clay go away agalr, an(1 leave me here till the time's up. More rune, my lad.' eloink fair awl square, pay up and play again, Pass the rural, my boy.' And with these words Boston Tom laid his head back upon the.piilow alas closed his eyes. They waited for five minute& He did not open big • eyes, One of the oonstables tools his hand and felt his poise. The hand was oold, and the pulse had stopped. He had gone before another Judge. CHAPTER XL C R R I$ T¥ A E. E Y E The next day was a day of mystery. Miss Elwood had a long tiilk in the morning with Madame Leisure and Autoiuette, the result of which was a great crying of all three, followed by mighty preparations, the like of which had never before been witnessed iu Yendo Street. Iia lay back after this effort, aud, It Was a holiday with the Etrofessor ; closed hie eyes again after afew Hain but he too, coueeiau$ of impending' utes,end uttered,witlh great enjoyment, change, roamed restlessly from one of 'Cutch te weasel ableeil i Lf Sam bag the two room' to the other. ennfe twels bias's alt you 'rant ; if Ute Ruth stole out atter breakfaat, ac• habtit, you don't oatoli me ogq'in11.' orihhpAnied by Charlotte, emi twkref•� "LW bio evn[uased iudee Het- uge in sue church, where she .Iotas her nu. 'Do you think I would bring you errata to attend to till (tinier time. an untruth now, of all times iia the, world ?' Ile shook his head. 'There'd one thing more to be said. Boston Tobi,' Ilan 'truck ie. ''Tia a $Lualt tnattf:r,tlhis old forgiug bueiuees, aud if Mies 1'.lwuod waste your bnme the foot of u bit of paper, you may as well put it there, Murder's dif erect, and, by George ! if you don't tilt what she rske, l 11 step out rind foist) a pu• liceman. If you can't be hauged, yuu ebsll sit in a cell without the ruin.' "Give sane another drop, boy,' 'Let be, let be r said Beu, interpos- ing, and suatcbiig the I o -tie shone Rte. pert. "`ot auother drop bba1t you have uutit you've made that there cunt, s• Giou.' The dying may stretched ant hie hands in gebture and despair. •Not the ruin !' he cried --.'not the ruxt ! Take any thing away, but leave me that. ./ou boy; you're etrougei thou hitt ; fight Lica for it ; tear it out of his halide ; ruake lana give it up to yon. Up, bey, stud fight biro I' Ilut to his surprise the soy joihrod bi- rucwive, •You pica have your rnrn,' he said. wbeo you Levu sigma' she paper.' lieu he 1.tl.t his courage, aud teean to 3Tioan and wl.tuo exeet:y like hie brother Si.tuuel.. "I'll sign any he Paid, 'if you trill givci ole tho bottle.' Helen, ken wrote rapidly. She had rill the frtcte, and. 'routed uotInug bat e biuipledecluratiuu. In a few miuu es she was ready, 'Listen, ins'. Tell .sue if this all you Lave to say ; I, the uudersigued, belieeing my- e(:lf to be dyiug, solemuly declare that the forgery for which Gerrie Warne - ford, clerk of the house of Brtttorick Baldwin, was convicted, aud sen- tenced to twenty pears' penal tseivi- tude, was commited by my brother, Samuel Priugle, clerk of the same firm. 1 alio declare that the whole of the for- geries, of which that was the last,'•tierc by the same Sttrnuel 1'iingle. They were committed at my owu instiga- tion, and fur my own profit . I had the spending of the money, and Stuuuel i'ringie, my brother, never tuutlltel a penny of it, Geortre Wet uefct d kuew nothing about it from the beginning to to the end.' ' "That's abunt all,' said Thomas Pringle. 'I've nothing more to say ; it's quite time; give me the bnttle.' •Nut vet.' said Ben. ''fake time—so I. Now sight as well as you can.' Helen guided tiie fingers while the eiguatLLre of Boston Tout slowly thew it3elF across the bottom of tho page ; then the pen fell front his baud, anti Boston Tom's hoed 111 back upon the niilow. For a while they thought li m that!. but he was not ; he a pentd iris Eyes aud motioned for the rum, stEel Rupert held to his month. 'Lease mo to the boy.' he signed wearily. 'While they thus looked on at this miserable ending of It t;hntuuful life, there was a noise below, and steps were heard upon the stairs. The door open ed, aud D1►n'l illizeu appeared ; behind shim two policemen. THE TIMES things, seemed a kind of flying in the Faroe of Fhrovi ence ; so that when, at six O'clock, a carriage drove to the door, it was a great relief. The pro- ferssc r returned and lit the gas, and the others formed a group iuvoluutari E7IIelen was the first who eutered, and she was followed by Mr. Baldwin and John Wybruw. John \Vybrow ? Was it possible ? Then this great thing was—was, 'My own dear, dear, dear Ruth,' R.8, E. S PACERS —FOR— GROCERIES .Always New and Fresh, FLOUR, FEED, AND 11:00 ISIONS, iniac the EARTHENWARE, Mil and 50 acres c Land c . ,A.Pa L 18, 1E3 ! 8 HO FOR MANITOB* Now is the ti,no to get che,op LUMBER.GIiE AT CLEARING SALE OF Lt:3II31, it, AT BROWN'S MILL. 9ue,IXIp feet of first-elesi Lumber of all kind, will, aud stat Le wield iu :iu davit. PRICES li X, t'RE\ILLY LOW. said John, quite naturally, holding her t OAL OIL n his stroug arms. 'Don't cry, my darling. It's all right at last, and here is Mr. Baldwin, to tell you so.' '\Ve have done a. great wrong, my dear,' he said solemnly ; a very great wrong, and God forgive us for out hard hearts, tend for our readiness to think buil. 1 ant here to ask you to partleu —very humbly to ark your pardon. r Take tier, John, and make her happy.' He spoke as ono deeply moved. 'And where, .Moe Elwood, where—,' Ile looked ruuud the room, ..Not here—cu'ne up stairs, Rath deer, with me ; Mr. Baldwin, and nil When she returned, she too felt that it i of you -yea, all of you, Come, kind .vas a very ouri.,us and tnysteriuue day. ft trues, all. Ruth, there's oue mere Old Bee, Tho, like No rest, was re,.t- t•urpriae for you, and then we shaft have! less and di•teurbed, upend the doer and tiuiebetl,' poked hie bend iu just to see, iu a She evoke with quivering lips, and lh.Area a hiapar, ted the way up attire. 'It's all right at lest, Mise. heart Tu BE C0'iI..UOatl NET WEER. up, pretty,`; aud thou lie dlouppeurt'd. I,MLN'LA13L IGoiOttANC3 Nettie, too, came rualiittg np from the kitchen mice in every quarter of an hour, just on purpose to kiss and hug her, and then, after a lrir.•u ttte or two of wotaierful dexterity, rushed dulcet stairs again and dibttppeared. Aud then the profesttorcame and totf with Iter•—tlta kind protei,sor, her de- voted friend. He too was bilent and restless; lie ',lids not bit still ; ht'. fidgeted on his olniir, he i.to.•d en hi - toes, he danced ou his elastic feat frost,' one eud of the room to the .other, and then. before finally dancing out— tkhich he ditl after half an hour of this perforalauoe---he took ltntli'e iii a1 in hie betide aud kiiisod Ler ou the fury - head. And when be bad gone, Rath fell Chet he hitt dropped a tear urea her brow. For everybody now. except tit, el ildren aud herded, knew the trim!, t •rya Thuv 1111'W DM, it-hnt i! alt tneaut, the uifl<terr of ell this (puling cud ,going ; they ku:•w tine remote why this a ysturi iia couple, title nn•Catlett brother and si ter, lead bought otti thee ob-cure Eo,la;iu;f' in the unknowu re lou of Ainet•ic:tu Se.wnrr, Delo, before going out ou her remit of tic. 'cry that manila!, had tit lethals Leinire the whale story. Thert•furt Nettie and her ne thet led a umil cry. ,Lid cried at intervals luring the whop• day, insoruuch tit's the grand culinary operations were as much sept titer ae if they had been inteteled fur t to cold meats of a funeral bouquet. Thee told Charlotte, and Charlotte, after tel- ling Gaspard and Itnnari, crept up s=tairs and sat on a fu,tlstoul, with Ituth's haus iu Leri, thieking what n wonderful story it was ; aud then, be. cause we all want to ltttve a little of our own interop iu evervtltieg, realized how dull the days would he without Ruth to cheer them un. Soap Given. Away —21 Baas for One Dollar. - 0,10,1 A-tub••:xr 'lite. per Callon, Ciaiee Syrups. 31a.!,• 1 i k•.tt:—tl c•:tt.. N, B. Poit t f... ,l1. 1' tt .• _.'t. t:. ?;l,i. er',,,•.Y•ls,:•bit• Ms. E. 1 liri..i, ei !Hotel, ?reduce to:,tt in t. artiest:.-f..r i;•vat �. R. SP'Cr'.R 'There he is, gentlemen,' said the ex - ship boy, eagerly. '`There he is ! That's L'osteu Tom, the ringleader of the murderers of the ships crew. And, oil 1 here's Mr. Croil, gentlemen.' He turn• e.l to the policemen. 'Bear witness for ole I'm the first to give information. I'ru Queen's evidence. I'm the c ne ti,et came first.' 'Thomas Pringle, plias Buatou said one of this policemen, 'I've got a tl smolt for you, It's i11utiny and nlur- itrr ou this fii:41) seas; and remember, eyeetty(i0 city now may be usedacaiu.et. . ,your in evidence.'• :1 Tostou Tom. raised his dying 'head, and looked about him, trying to re-• • 't `dolleet 1tt1.'ll'a di•datn,' he said, 'What's' git'il`e"liC'f arA 'in •lt:lie dragon 9 ' 'Y(i'it're A young reporter atteuded a baby show end ivaliected a pair of twin-. "Very pretty indeed,' be said, with ,ue,•t taruebtiieee. "Wlhioli is the old - tit 'Neither,' skid the mother, l.•okiug +urpti.ed arnd, itolnawhat angry. '1 otheetve,' he cues;luted, puiuting at .ue of the cherubs with iiie pet nil" flint tilts little oiteduoa not look metl. I trust ha hats euoii h to eat.' .11e is 6,1;41, sir,' replied the tnotlher with intense dignity, 'aud her diet is properly attended to,' '}:ea, of aour.e,'oontinued the young r"'I.trrtt•r, looking inure critically at the rifts, 'i wits aware of that. I mitt - ow. Now don't you think that the •aleve:le et the little thing :s unuaturt+l? [ t i ultl io.t un innate that, it had not e•u»with to eat, but is the Rind of the rielht Liutl ? Now I knew diet nuthiug builds up tthe ti .tt nt more vividly thin racist bei:f. Yeti .hive !maid of the bluutl cute, I suppose .' I wonld not •ecei,:liit:i:tl it in thin stair as yet ; but. Ilie ciid.t ought to have e. liberal sup• his• tel toast heel st ciao'. :No teeth, I ata -terve, toe,' purtu:d the rhporter, wish ;;1v ; 'diet'' very ball indeed, I .uppn.e the n1ihtap;y nitild has been ',r,+nt:lit here ae a cur iu„ its, And it citta stn L sir wor It lnnttti•luilli;, Pont. thing 1' 1Id t'Irr cal to the mother and re molted kweltiugl: and 1latrultiziugly. lin ba tbaukfrl, toy poor wunisu, for 'tit•: l+rnge-er+a ut r:t i11•ce Ltnd art. The nllfn i l.thate child eau do prt'vitted with teeth iiv the d,•Ltii.t•, tins !here are lair res %'rativ. r. We may at heat Lteennie that it Lits a soul, ted tie limo that not It slrarroty i•• permitted to fall to the ground inn ,tieed. Even the heirs of our heads iii e numbered, and you may rest ss.nred that chi+ miniature repte- inc irh,Lt it means, Chollatte' sentative of otter truly fallen humanity said 'Telllfin 'What's itithe . matter tt h had been sent nines r for some good l,ur- poee. It is useful, my p:tor wommn— everybody? Is it on Recount of the take it neat', And the po r mother, mysterious Oillistmas pre -tent 2' bursti•hg into tears, took np lher babes and lied distractedly from the place. Charlotte snook her head. 'Better than that,' shhe said. :Mini means only feasting. Par better that that ; snmethtng very, very good, Ruth —something that will snake us ell happy, The very lest, con know -- not a silly wish, not sametili: g, you know, fur to -day or to -morrow. but fol nlways—arid then be quite Eure yot. will have it ; and more—yes, mere' The efterur,uu dragreed on, and int early evc•nii-g brought blindinnn's holi- day. Then the children came flocking, in, to fit rouLr1 the fire and talo. a - was ttleir usual crtetnm, with Ruth \Varneford to tell the n tit( ries. But she told thorn cone tie tt evening, be - Came!, she was ttnx1000 and disturbed. Prorantly, one by one, the rest came in. The professor, without his violin, balancing himself on t:ptre ; Nettie and lladanle dressed as feu some nonanal ceremony, and ttith Emirs of great mystery. The boys came in too, Ru- pert aud Gitepard—the tbrmer with fol1cd :nems anti n eeltILiu melndramdi:; gloom, the latter 1 rusting witlh the ini- rcrtnuce of having a real and wonder• ful secret to tell. The eider' tried to tall:, but it was nn ns'. Conversation flagged, and a damper was thrown 011 any more ef- forts by the sn 1 len breaking 'chitinto soba and tears of Maclaine temire. \Vnen Nettie olid Charlotte followed, and' all three fell to kissing .Riith and crying over ber at the same time, the professor, followed by Iii ` tid'd "eldest sons, retired to the ;class-roorn; ithenee pi 'sently issued the well-kilrfVFlab tiit4nii o•f the violin, accompanied' 11y" ouhas indicating that, with 'bie'fvwa illtriil5, tllq pt'ofesnl' arae eeelling eotiedttIolt in USEFUL RECIPES. PIE Ctt: •r.-0ne teacupful of water, one tai' lard, rL tettepooufui of salt and a lump of Enda, the size of 8.hazelnut, and 1.neligh tit ur to snake it roll out easy. Mrie1••1Ns.—Use quart of sweet milk, and flour r. u ufticieut to make n batter. ao One-half pint of god yeast, fern: eggs, r a little salt; thou set them by the fire f to rise, When quite light, bake them 1 4 _, 50 ,. t u wul.:0d e.► ellUnit i • tqa. 11 1r.• t•.•i.. pit i a ,t. • I, 1,,I114 I.• W. ilitl)(4SON, t o :,, 1.+•t:. 1 1 cod ,, 11 ,1! .l. 1:, t, t I Jain 1n.u, l I•..,eu.v ,tin AIICtltilteer, Exeter. . • t le V. 41.4 1 t1 pri.• A.I.'11. '' „t w.0+t „' 11. Il,tt.1Y t •• GOLD .• i(.1 , w Irt. u tt, 4e. r 1 •t , ' •, t 1 .t. 1'l r wutrt, �},,tt f nu t,. 0 ,t.. t e •',trot. ill 1 ,t ':r t I 1 O, NVI:L7 Y 00, will iv [ I 1 %.ry clue , an.1 nt ,snot toren. ,:- - 1,rol t♦ a 0,1.1 of C.a. west 1, alt .,f :ut L;• .. t.£,1 tioniblary,e'.t 1.310 l., .c 1. 1'otti..;•.p tar Flay• A:I the ul,•,ve I r {,, iv. 111u.t 1•t• .•• 1 !,,e; slit art - reit t 1 i ge;tat to >l..ttit L1( in ono it •;Litt. 1'•1.. ! ,,pabor will I., x.,1 11„ i•,te to butts r,'lrehs.s- eza, ,: 1 The Mill aid Land, cilli... s.•biS.1•at'nt.It err t,•„uthwait,r11.st to it r.:m.1 r.-ur to bpi. I-t,1ei•cr iota farm vial he 1.1 li, • u, pan 1.1!m 1.ttrd,s+.er dt,tros. it rico .rop•rty t• 0 not t.1 sofl,it Mill tor ex- 11-e14:o.1 tot farm proo0rty.- 1' r trtl,erpetllcalal•.04'14x to Q E FALL. WINT'Eit TRADE I V- outhoott. C'e6 T.1'MRS mid t'Lt)TII1ER$,. YOU W .NT ? tuulermi lu.1 ore lt-tnitu;; anonoy for th DOMINION Savings&I.estme.aL Society y oti i'•tit]t i'It(IPi:liTY, At low iut,•re.tt.enlfront , At he years. Tbos' elety xhn4tloa• L' MA11I11A0►• I.i"1:re,Et; I lSL'KA, O'1:! 1 RNE & CO. i1.1111i11'.il;F: 10'.11..1••I;S, EXETER... CH I S Il. O L M'S We t) STAND L0NDON TUE OLD III:LIAl3L1 IlO SE FOIi GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & MANTLES. MEN'S CLOTIIING TO O1U)E11, 0It Dt,EADY-MADE. HEND.ERSON & LCCIIANNAN Lente J. t-'hisltldnt A C01,1PLETE STOCK Or HONEST GOODS AT IIONEST PRICES. Remember —Sign of the ,Striking (:laic;,, 142, Dundas Street, L0ND0N. i QRSSFt`HHIRIE 4 1 lit li.11ilin rings, ,.,11 �ta griddle. FRIED CAE:Es.-0i, tetLnpoill ful of cream, 0140 egg, beat 1111; n teaSvOnfui .of salt an(i bodtl, (li.l,nlred in a little vtll'ln water ; eultioteltt lour to make it roll cell; cutin pieces throe iuehos long ;ltd two inches -wide, and fry iu but lard. DUCE. J0I-INNYCAitn.—Two eg s well beaten, one cup of sugar, one heaped cup of Indian rneal, one scant cup of wheat flour, one teaspoonful of baking soda, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, oue-half teaspoonful salt, one cup of 8011r erenln. LARK S'1'LAAr1.D PUDDING.—To be steamed two and a half or three flours, one cupful molasses, 000 cupful sweet miik, two cupfuls butter, four cupfuls 11 sir, oue teaspoonful s/ clt1, three-quar- ters cupful fruit ; spice to snit the taste; to be anted aith soar sense. FRIED lPOTATOJ;$ WITH, EGGS.— Met.) cold' bol loci potatoes and fry in good but- ter until brown beat up one or two eggs and stir into there just as you dish them for 'table. Do not leave them a Mold/111f on' 'the fico after the ,eggs ore in, fo'i` if tb'oy. harden they are pot half so Laine. 1'il l e ego is ©uougli for thee Bo'a's ar0ilr. ^ yoleafeo1cl'13err:' rI k'iio v'• rt`r* t'itt`far the. 'Alia i'ei't;tat`l t1t a &l ° 01! I`hu`it`f°oh"ions; un'lesa they't are eery you. There's Dan Mizen. We're all ing, with the house full of the tnost en- fond of potatoes; if they are, bave plenty ieene.,t eeeu here, play fair and square, joyatble mid hitherto uu dreamed -of good and put in two. Inso! HEN f,Jt.LL 5r ac?+ly G-, Sc J. PE TT! Are prepared to pay the highest price in 0 A S E for any quantity of Hogs,dead or alive Any quantity of PORK UTTI NG constantly on hand v'USA Wholesale and Retail All orders for ciYred meat Taste ld.•al.urt• tri it Pro, th, 1 liiil thn,t,,,f F:voto add .urr.•uu•'ing r„t1,,, c. tint t' rr 1nt•t ,u •. Op. yuti wit a1, rs,. Putt a...urttnrt.t ,t ;i wee,li, I :,,tai hl.tY, 1 t'r:lii' is tt C.,, .1 tilt. ea stylar su,l {mtt,ru,.an,t feel tttte.t:r. ! that LA talo 0.311,"r,•t' 1.1 :i.,#, tit• y cul* suit t! 1110. t t,e.tt.ttear IAMA&Ai. A uutab.,r t t "'..s>.: r l +t•+rint VxrI; l:. nl:l bw.uid at a loser stare to ele•tw o,It ick t .+T. M kit' 'S 1-.1MI WORKS. ourdra w8 kilns gains now in full uperdtinu ants turuhugout daety *torsi,. gttsntata of that for all pt.trwsos cannot be surpassed iu the Domiu. inn. P,.rttestroln a0i'Wuee.eon always beef •pife•1 •dtlte1 ut tit. kilns 03 ,1e1iter4 by roan,. to l••w ..8 re, itn0lt•rat t'n tYttea. ttr dt-r. from a at.tnlic,r Prowl, 811 ltttt b$,•d t... \a 1t1'l'SON k SCLATE1t. .11 r. Suittli ji .rr 411 !Ina nt t .,Ick Ht utl tt tr.,/ I GFT MY FLURAT7NE promptly "attended to, FLOUR, axi . GRIST MILL .43x-etoi•I 'oT"t11�, 1) uowboing In full operation. Vie prnpriter1tnr eulephtrd hit trill vtltih nr..t-c,t.se now tnwcbivary turd 1410i secured am a.,rvicc,i of the boa )!tiler to the country t;RlSTI\i. rRt»zt'Tl l ATTEMDEI) TO. oats+faction ,tnetrante•cd• Patter. !rum a at.taneu nun have U.1018'1;1114 W Lake but 1v with tl.tao. AINTIN O I-'yI't1��� �,} PAI TI G �a HITCHING Is prepared to do all kinds of [-louse Painting, Paper-11,nging Whitening, •t•c. at reasonable prices and pullet wally. d.KIrcFIIN(s. mein 5t AT THE ttandarraSash Door Z- Mina IA0T011,Y, is constantly kept nit 11311131, 1111 kinlis of 1111 1111 tu.Ltnrial, Flooring Irur.l,.Ltd 801t,31u01t1- lxgB Sc., 8010 cheap. Pluttiui Jigging au.1 Turning prouiptiy attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACTED F011, and satisfaction gnara.nteell. As we havo 0.1 haat n large 8 0ek 0f dry lnuther, we fent sure 01 satisfying those Wit luny giro us a call. ROSS L'ROS, k TAYLOR. ' ' EW MACHINE SHOP. William I' itching wishos to inform the public that ho is • bettoP prepared toropait all kinds 0t Sewing Machines, Watches, Clocks, Guns, (Cc., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfa o Hon. Grrooer1esb(fon jectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib. CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGARS always fu stock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. es -eel School Books, Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news N.B.—Sewing IL" ack:;r.'. Needles of every !dna. A. BOYD. 1