HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-18, Page 14
Vol V, •
•. auctioneers. Sales promptly attended
to. hays of wdva arr,.ug. d at 'Liu ..tlio.•-
o,il iqui[is a.Rf ens.
Ching to bave tauten. Sennett was made leave an iwpressi.iu on their minds haat
Tli. GOVE RNME a'i. AND T'liE high and low for the little creature, as their confidence has been misplace.
Ia good deal of talk among the neigh- adopts some more satisfactro4y way of
bora, who than ht it rather a singular refuting the charges of No. 2, lie will
%w Ta►N rte:la.---A !;nod l:tcadv culler To the Editor of the Tiara.
(sis7auttd W leadtale�t.11lun,'roo,g L�
>itrr..:ls,-,lari.uaXltee�vui.�g „eaS,ut. tiu,ee Leta. but,— Ur- Pullet' iu laid able and ole-
it utt'!•••a.t Y«a.l et,r.ly .�pl.,Y rc .fit . ta. litL- r'-
LA\ll.l,tt D. ecu. ati V x,r.te, ort :.•ter P u. ggcut bpt•eotl before the Conservative
NT J. CLARK, Agent fin the U.. C"nveulion at Brueeflnld.sted "with the
en • neree and Hiblert Mutual +ire Li.wish phonic speeches of the Menne. Mader,.
nomineeheel, !tee--lar,I.:Lar, Omen 14 "ail zit et Cu., 1n one hand, and Senates
promptly atte"o` ntel lierse•n`s palnpblet in the outer. he
T� S. CAMPBELL. I1tOVU' CIAL tiara completely puezirdhow to entangle h h
JR..� a La•,d Surveyor. da.. will le at the the MARS iurru,tllllltttt the (i1'allttlSl af-
it yal Flnc.., xetl.r,ou tbo :.l'n�y+ie} iut,aeh ,. ject. But on the fourth day, and just
Inoatp. U,d+r,. fur. w..rk ]rat wit:e sir, JubY feire of the D•minion. Well ear, re- as the talk begun to die out, one of the
tee..skies,* e,ureeeiVepram lit attention • cently a Grit ft•iauelof the writer}handed fawily went in the m'ening to feed the
le I UNEV TO 1,U.1:�--Lear a nue wo a cony Of Air. lir,�yu'n hpeech lately one that was left, and In t there was the
ion... sumo •of Wnue3 to i•.C.i nu :t.n t. d' livered before 1118 tilttlatfer anti eal.l, stolen pig lying on the floor of the pen.
it(+ru ig +elle ref the grandest oratorie 11 dead, and upon esaminutian it eha•vea
untnietakeblu signs of having been
crusted to deeth. £he natural surmise
is then the thief bearing of tbe talk,aud
its mate was very uneasy without it, He says No. 2 is throwing dirt at him
the Igen was searched and examined in order to escape himself, he put) it
over and over again by different parties in the plural, as if there were a' eou-
with more zeal than a dozen such pigs spirally, but others will think that 14o.
were worth, but tbe value went for no- 2 saw the dirt on hilt and gave hila a
thing compared with the curiosity pee- hint so that he might clean it off. If
pie felt to know if they oonld, who 1t he knees anything against No. 2, or
was that o old be guilty of such rep. or any other number, that the rate-
rehensive action and as to who It could payers should know, I thiuk it is Itis
be. 1 may eay that many surmises duty to acquaint them of it, and not
wantfrom moat to mouth on the subtry to evade No. 2's charges by aide is -
sties, Our Treasurer's letter goes to
clean Mr. McColl of charges, and says
his accounts ale all 0. K , and every
one is iunooent of any or all obarges of
t•f Noe. 1 and 2, and when the detailed
statement oome, Qo presume all sill be
eetiasfactory ; n"w, Mr. Editor, I can-
not Kee where No. 2 makes any oharge
against Mr. 1lleColl--tree his name was
1144•+• f Farm..4 ..v.% i • r twat n-qabt.r yrs.ly.
wt,tet•rivilrt.+ W towb✓tr.tw.ar or lia�:t.at off ell
or p.trtat..e...i • e 11.1 t 1•e 41E0011. Apply t4
Atte, 1e. EI,t.wlr...hcitur,.:xetor.
• T W Lit !:11tY ".l CAULK. Maio Street
)rsetor. 11 Oa( t'1.,{ttkl; w..111e ae-
quaint the nubile that he has opened a new
Le ere tilaaeie ou lti>< prenikt•s. 1 he ,nabtie
will Qodg••ud awl t .,ufuttrblr rig:at animas.
and ,.t tendo Noe ,than ee.
Vit t1 SUN A SONS, t'i)1tlibrl'
• Re.. t'. tt., nrielc ,all R*®..w mu.ny,l ala r..u.
*motor*, artist demerit nowhere of nuns* .01 (icier
py+_r�o wrt, .. Foto+ drew,. on rna.u.sal.t+ ter, is.
Havant ht•l #: year* et.%ei.ne• la the
we feel cum e.t: •ut te execute work iY good .t. le
and 04 00.44f0t0 Itreoleave-Card lot
wrest el Cnrbntt g r..r •t •r• totwUli4.r
.alar t .SON ,k 11 E' 1'»:41ON, Homan, (Int.
Aerol'`'TA\'r*. At'( lt'N} F'u..
Fere Wed Lire iu.t a •ties • lid (ieu•rtttr•o•
efforts male by any pail lee man of this
oeuntry, and one wheal' kuocka the bot.
tom out of Mr. a1O1'hereon b arguments.
Out of euriosity 1 havts made a leisurely
e.siu,natiun of this wouderfulepeech,
end ceu,peren i lr•e meet tioua of tbo um),
eieur,Ie 13ro sn. with the pabiia d m-
um -ids printed under tun authority of
the lion. Alex. Mackenzie, encs is to be
found in the Dominion atetntea of 1873
and 11376. With title seknowledged
authority and ooufiuiug outeelvoe to the
.•xeeeidituie ander the control of the
Gurerutnt nt of the day, there will be
no ueoeieriay of being coufuse'd in what
id after ail, a simple matter of addition
Agents. Insurance L. -thirds cbral►•r .r 1..or Mkt ttilbetraetion. In peeking this nom -
emery aw.t. %lau,uaaor tul•atn ns, t• s• •:ew1•tn
aeras. l'r,•Wpt nat•uteau t., er•trre t+ -r ser+.l 1•Ari+u11 tt tteeliieto nix most Jalnbntatble
ar otherwise.I •nu and \lase.. p,.q *rev hat a gentleman of tie acknowledged
tale nr w t..% Also a .n 0 gam) bu,t,.r.s •taee•:s I
and reefdrnoe. in ll,ruaan.
JON% x410., doe.tr:-a nvosior,
Commissioner. Coaveyancor.
''EW 13UTCilER + IIOF. - Tlan
and.r 1in..l Wbb.4.0 .e) ilnt the snbabi-
tante of 135e4er x..t ,.nrrn iu,lina eonnay ,bat be
Int+u,Weu.1 out, a new nut••h,•r,.taoo next d.enr to
.1.13x11'. bak••rv.trltere he will MKT a'Apply of fresh
meat ••.•a.t ently tln ••an.l.
Carl: for hides and sheepetking. Jurat Woos,.
ALAKE. Comnue eion'tr, tn,•nr-
• tune. Lead an•t Loan Afloat, nt!toe—
next,00r urn tit Rout Hotel. Exot.ot. Wilsons
Hotel, Hensen. Nvery Monday.
PRIVATE FUNDS Pct..loau el 8 per
Cant" -
new, wen.. kc, drawn nn reasonable terms
OradaatO of Royal Collage of
Otfoa !n reason's Biook--Rias' old stand, Exeter.
#�Vli$ SOLDAV,
Has just oommenaed business Otto half mile
West of Deshtvuod, and is prepared to rolean
Cloaks, Watches and Sewing Machines. Um-
brellas repaired and Organs .and tietodiane at-
tended to. Tnose in want of his services
ehonld give him a can before goit.g away from
home. Chat gee moderate and entire satisfac-
tion guaranteed -
8ouso and Lot. Good stand for a shoema-
ker, Acornerlot. For par. ienlars apply by letter
or personally to HARRY BRO WN, Wiucheisea P.O
abilities of Jr, Brawn, wielding snob a
I. ver of plabho opinion as the Globe
ne•trnptrt:er, should risk Ilia influence
,lad aoltutati'n in extenuating the worse
than blunders, ex,traveganee and waste
of the preseut adtniuiettaatiuu. Before
enterin:t into details I may premi:te, by
seplaettlreg, that the estimates were
wade of the intended publie outlay f• r
the year commencing Juue 80th, anti
ending July lot,. 1874, and a supply
bill was passed by tlla..adfniuistration
of Sir J 'ital A. Keith—meld; but his gov-
eriuuent watt defeated sometime about
t town, so that he was only in power
less than four months of that year.
The total amount asked for by Sir John
A. Macdonald, and granted by Pathan
went, to be expended, including public
works, and cost of adrninieteriog the
Gover•tment for the year, June 80'h
148 to July let, 1874, was n22,261.-
070, or about twenty-two millions and
a quarter. The total amount asked for
and carried through Parliament by the
Hen- A. Mael enzie and his reform ma- they come. Mr. Brown denies the im-
No. 3.3
the ratepayera of the townablp to pass
tbrough the gate free, why do they not
abide by this decision, and not permit
the man with a load to go through:
>ii*]tbout paying, and force the man
with his light rig to pay? Hoping that
before long this matter will he attendee
to,and all the ratepayers win have equal
rights, I remains
Yours, eta.,
Bienabard, April 18.
To the Editor of the Times.
Dans Sia,—Allow me apace m your
valu.tble.paper to show a mean trick
played upon no by the judges alt the
Exeter Spring fair, My horse,"Young
Scotch Miracle," is an agricultural
tearing deteotton, ataulned its life out tneutioned in minutes of Council. its horse, and has always been shown as
and put it back to create the impression ova of the ee ala nailed upon to give au. of the j Agee ucb, bat eahad ray herree plliteett i11
that it hid never been out of the pen ; ocunt of A:er , drawn from the treader another alms, the Generel purpose.
but it was aearohed by too many for urer, but su.ciy No, 2 in not account• This I refused t0 show in. Etat to
,bat lawn-s••ion to take root. It's a pity able for that, and if he Intows, or pre show the iuconeietenoy of the obsess.
that such gentry should riot be brought tends to know, to whom or for what i
to justice, and exposen1 to public scorn. Mr. Brown paid out all tliat $988.16. If a horse cannot be shown for ice hast
as they deserve. One such character In 1 mean to sae he ie a gert.leman ofeon-
a neighborhood is one too niftily, and I eliderable presneeptiou, to know just as
write this to waru people that there iw ' much about it as I tic and that is no.
such in our witlet, and to be on their thee). at all. Hie presumption keeps
guard, loan from seeing that No. 2 is talking
a.f the detailed atonement of 1876. that
was named a year ago, but if iguornuoe
is bliss, it is folly to to be wise. If be
haus proper Touchers for the money he
paid. flat id all he should attend to. It
leeks strange to see the treasurer
8xriug op in defence of the Reeve and
Ce•urcil, when nailed to aoorannt. Now
lfr. Editcr, we will review Mr. lieColl:
It appears these gentlemen do not take MRS. TILTON'S LETTER.
the Testes, or their attention would not
have to lie called to notice its contents;
from the position tbey acaupy 1 aup.
pose they can lead for themselves, Be
that as it uiav, 1.fr. McColl says being
To the sir -?iter of the Times.
Dun Sea.—In yonr issue of April 4.
you were informed that the stranger In
Kenton, bad not succeeded in showing
that he awns the land he wishes to con-
vey. Now. air, I beg to inform you
that the deeds are exchanged and Soar
readers will judge for themselves how.
mean the stranger in Kansas wanted to
swindle Mr. Smith, when I inform you in Exeter, his attention was called to a
letter iu last Tlmes,from No.2,in which
he fouud that a No.1 had something t(l
say about him the week before. Off be
starts to find that truant No. 6, when
be grips him in one hand by the nape
-•-, of the neck, brings him along to No. 2,
RATEPAYER NO. 8 HAS HIS SAID. { seizes flim in a like manner with tree
other baud—then not having a tbird
prise in ply olass, then it oanuot well
take the seuoud prize in the same
(hese. Rnt the judges offered me the
ascend prize, aster giving the first prize
to a horse which should have bean
shown in another claw. I ant going
en my route ori Monday next, and I
think the public will be satisfied that
my Boras is superior to the horse which
was unjustly given the first prize.
Yours, etc,
that the same deed which Mr. borthoy
sent aver last January is the same that
Mr. Smith has now. The tratte is set.
tied. Yours, tec.,
To the Editor of the Times. l hand to draw his claymore he wines
to the conclusion they were rather
fila, --I notice three letters in your 'hasty, entirely olivious to the fact
last issue from Messrs. Brown, Zeller, that he was himself in a white heat by
and McColl, we will look over them as this time, then he gives them a few
shakes, tella them that the Treasurer
of any knew his business too well to
pay out money without knowing to
whom and for what, and the auditors
were gentlemen whose ability or vera.
city has not been questioned. With
other valuable information on the suf-
ject, Mr. E.iiter, by this time the con-
dition of those two culprits was painful
to look at; would you believe it 11 I told
the cold sweat was running down their
backs in streams, and tbey would hail
with joy,a glimpse of constable Gill to
relieve them of their perious position,
but such luck was not in store for them,
they etre not clear yet ; he would bring
them back to their first election, and
they took it for granted he meant the
birth place of the first McColl. They
got clear at Last, and I will bet you a
plug hat that those two chiefs will think
twice before they raise the ire of the
Meilen ' hief again. Weil, Mr. Editor
when I beard it, I rather admired his
pluck, but it he will take a friendly ad-
vice. when be goes from home again,
and happens to get wt ere they aro
throwing mud and Birt around, just let
him keep on the side walk, if he wishes
to keep his tartan from being spatter.
j.iisty, was for the year fiam June 80th
11376, to July 1st, 1677, vie:—
Cettain espendituro ...$19,486,616
Amount to be ben owed. and
eapemled at the option of
the ministry 18,759,999
Total... $88,246,615
or ablaut thirty-eight millions and a
quarter, This enormous increase is
astounding, but until the estimates for
1877, aro pnblislled, we haven() means
of kuowing what the actual sum for the
oar will be, it \vould be idle therefore
'PARK FOR SALE.—East half of to draw any comparison between the
F- lot 25, Sod eon. 'Osborne, containing 53 acres total amounts. However it will be
allimnroved and under good cultivation. 'Thera quite sufficient to show what avast dif-
ere on the Promises, Rouse, Barn, Stable and Terence there 4xists between file pro -
Driving house, (with root cellar ander), all frame;
two good wells with pumps, arida gold young or- fesalon8 Of economy made by Reformers
al chard. Two miles from Exeter. Apply to
ROBERT FAusON Or T801taa ALLIN, when in opposition and their practice'
t:xotnr P. 0. when masters of the people's money,
FOR SALE. -A FetAnnE 11.0U61;
h# and two Lots on Ann Street, Exeter. The
Ouse is storey and a half high, frame, new,, and
.ontai.,s Dight surge rooms. Stable and other con-
veniences on the promises. A. dumber of young
Bruit trees on the lots. Apply to
scriber oilers for sale his farm, Lot 13-
Con.14, Township of 'Osborne, C..uaty of Baron,
.80 acres cion ed, the remainder good bush, well
fenced, and in a good state of cultivation; ruder,
drained,good orebard, splendid well of water:
frame barn 80x00, log stal:je 24x43G, log house, and
convenient to school and three churches. For
Surtherparticulars apply to
Wise' BnYANS, Zirkton, P.O., er
ALR. B. V. ELLIOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O.
tagelots wo.192 North of the old Wesleyan
Church will he sold at a bargain and on reason-
able terms. 8'or particulars apply to •
or to
BIssETT, Exeter.
FARM FOR SALI3.---The snbecriber, offers
for sale, los 13, concession 5, Stephe.e,
four miles and a half front Exeter, cotnpri+inic
100 acres, 90 sores cleared. Oo, t -1tg•honHe-
and frame barn; splendid water, soil St for
dairy or Fain, slser splendid brick yard on
the premise's, .For farther particulars apply
t0 RIc$ARD. Toolf%, on fbe premixes, Or to Exe-
1 LotlO. N. 11.:ntepheu;. eobtair.inµ"50.mil'
.About 35 acres Bleared, and in geed,state:of l
tiv,►tiou, (food �ng bOlI ei rind "stable, onthe, ..re-
inises. ,Threesacrea prohnrd:'p utedtest'opiing,
Any quantity offence, rads rat t e 1(4,-1 413 aha.
:ppiled For, teru*s;`itipplj to ODI O'SOLDAN 41.0
Dashwood. + • 31.•r4-ot. F
To the Editor of the Times.
Sitz, --Would you be kind enough to
allow me a small space in your next is-
sue to warn the people of the village to
be on their guard against night visitors,
that is, again Me those kind of visitore,ns
.as have visited my place rather frequent-
ly of late, that kind of visitors that
seem to prefer the "wee abort hours
avant the twal" to visit wood piles, flay
lofts, lien roosts, and pig pens ; those
hours when every thing except este ate
supposed to have ended their friendly
visits for the time being, and betaken
themselves to the land ornodand dreams.
I say except cats. for ,este are well-
known to prefer those bourn for free-
dom and rambling, but eats eau pot
carry away wood from the piles, nor
hay froth the loft, norbens from the
met, nor even small pigs from their
pens:. But my night visitors have been
able td edeompli!h ,1111 the fonr, the
three foymer•freeinently, the latter only
ones andthat One occurred on Setz•'
diitv'Mottling, the 7th inst. Some in-
ntfity"wca tame about it which esuled
peaehment of ratepayer No. 2. I re-
collect having got the financial accounts
of Hay, for 1876. I hunted it up to
satisfy tuyeelf,which of them was right,
Mr. Brown or No. 2, and here is what
it find in that account :—
Michael Zeller, treasurer, in amount
with the town=ship of Hay, for the year
Sept. 26, 0. Purdy, on account
of centre road.....$270.00
27, James Shouldioe,work
on centre road...... 60.00
27, H. Happel, work o0
centre road........... 46.17
28, Daniel Hamaker, part
payment on centre
80, Robert Brown, work
done on centreroad.440.00
80, Samuel' Carlile,eundry
parties. work done
on centre road 62 00
Dee. 12, Samuel Carlile, repair-
ing centre road......132.00
12, Joseph Shuars,workon
centre road 12.00
28, C. Purdy, balance on
• centre road 4.56
Jan. 8, Robert 13rown, balance
on centre road495.80
29, Daniel Hamakelr, ba: -
ante on centre road $0.50
Total for centre road $1708.08
To the Editor of the Times.
ROBERT BROWN'S RECEIPTS OF TOWNSHIP Stt, --Allow me to ask thiongb the
MONEY. columns of your paper, why the Blan-
Sept. 80, Robert Brown, work shard• toll gate .fee is not the same to
done on centre roadd$440.00 every ratepayer, It seems that unless
Jan. 8, RobertBrowu,balance 495.80 you are s. farmer, and take large loads
Feb.. 8, Robert Brown, north to town several times during the year,
boundary apportion 47.85 you bare to pay thesame amount of
toll as those who' probably never travel -
$983.15 led over` the rood before. Now, sir, I
Centre toad, Mr. Editor, is the road think if a man is a ratepayer, and only
through from Mansell to the lake ebore bas;, occasion to visit St. Mary's now and
road, say tea miles or so. You. Mr. then, should be allowed the same privi.
Editor, 'and all eonoern.& eon see that ledge as the farmer ; he pays as much
tittepays8 No. 2,knew of ',bah' wrote tsl ei,in.proporlidn, but does not des •
The ratepayers of flay bsrretput, : n'n troy ibe road ;half as mach, because his
limited a vfidence in M,..,,Brown for a loader ere not so heavy. I Oink this is
loss ''period of years. sad Bales* he not fait ; it it has been desided to Allow
New York, April 15.—The following
letter from Mr.. Tilton will appear in
the morning papers to -days'
Mn. IRA 13. Waxman—Mr DEAR
SIR,—"A few weeks since; after longer
months of mental anguish. I told, es
you know, a few friends whom I had
bitterly deoeived, (.bat the charge
brought by my husband of adultery
between myself and Hoary Ward Beech-
er, was true, and that the He I have
lived so well for the last four years bad
become intolerable to me, 1:h' t state-
ment 1 now solemnly rea1cin, and
leave truth with God, to whom also I
commit myself, my children and those
who must suffer. I know full well the
explanations that will be sought by
many for this acknowledgement—desire
to return to my husband, insanity,
malice,—eve' ything save only the true
one, and only my quickened consoieuoe
and sense of what is due to the cause
of truth and justice. During all the
complications of these years you have
been my confidential friend, and there-
fore I address this letter to you, author-
izing and requesting you to secure its
Brooklyn, April 18th, 1878."
New York, April 15.—Mr. Beecher
was out of the City to -night, when Mra.
Tilton's letter was made public, and
hit whereabouts was not known, save
to a few friends,
The Tribune telegraphed him a copy
of the letter. at a late hour last nights
'and received the following reply :—
Waverly, N. Y., April 15.
To the.Editor of the N. Y. Tribune.
I confront Mrs. Tilton's confession
with an explicit and ,absolute denial.
The testimony to her own innooenee
and to mine which for four years she
had made to hundreds, iu private and
in public, before the courts, in writing
and orally, I declare to be true, and
the allegations now made in centredic.
tion of her uniform solemn and unvary-
ing (statements hitherto made I utterly-
tterlydeny. I declare her to be innocent •,f
the great transgression.
A female infant was found on Sunday
by two boys in Fisher's Geek, one mile
went of Fore., 1
The inhabi irntiof the shore between
Cape Rosier a s d the River Magdalene
are reported very badly off for ,provi-
sions. Starvation is staring them in
the face.
A man. wlar se name we did notlearn,
while walking along the road some dis-
tance from Smiteville, felJ_,deed. Sup.
posed canes, ayupluxy-,.