HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-11, Page 5KALE BEGISTEIL FOR SA.T.E.-A good, strong lumber Thrirsday, April ii. --Farm Stock. 'b3PIrd*, ow, this property of Jelin Sherrill, Lot :2 'Kaitble eon.. Steitlimi. 11. Orth. Any. Saturday, .A.pril IS.- -ilot,el. Farm In.q21.,It4mits, etc, the 1,r,,perty u1 1) E:min- :1,m Lt 24, B., Sictiiiiitraj,. It. J. Attie. u. ur1v now, to be Bolsi at a bargain 1 THIS JOHN CAIELLY, _ • d eadi, pup.-stm rortio% iodootoa to 3_ the uudorsigned. by note or book account aro notified LEwa. uo.ou or la,fore tie 1.5t11 of April, and ease costs. W 41. COTTIEILL, Contrails,. at FIRE INSUR ANCE. A FIRST- Ageut wet.t...4 for E.,,..ter aaZ viduity 0.; eerivaent g041714.. ,,,i11411/y. /4. Eml omit 41.very liberal odor ail: by ma le. antily by 1 ,tter tu •Keurr.- At the persenitue, Kirkttaft, ha 2tid ,A1,1. X. 'Refs. A LLAN. dierivrid Alzeirt. inst., the wily of Rov. W. is.. Scott, of a 04 fit KETS. PALL WKEAT. WhItO I. bAat - - 1 12 to 1 1:1 /Scott ..• i4.uLli was:4,r. 'Torii Lusr.-& note drawn iu i favor of small A: Thompcou,atid made by I.:tient...wed .t7 11111, f,.r tile ,,u,o ut *I 46 4 W. more or 1, .4. Pardo. art. hureby ,•outi .3.4.k .r•faiuNt pur- cloAits,r the naus, „, , 4 0.,, -,,t of t 1 .. o4'111141 114 bre I. arophat.l. 6.1111a 'CLialLt'i.J.N. thuiti- Asou.l. ILAN): 24., •AYLINo TAIT Fife ... ...., .... ., 1 01 4.. 1 1,1 Q,IN CLAIR . 1: 1 Chaff ,.., ... 0 12' 4... 0 1-• 0 ***;" r" 1 4" 1) yiler in F titcv (1,eels and Tors tit/Hit:le . " .,.., .„, CONCERNS 'YOU, t over vex y Oareittliv. !THE PUBLIu GENAL IS RE- 1,41:Etrilat Notat the feihraliug FA.C.WS: 3011N BREW HAS THR 1..41EGFLRT sTocx PIM- fb. LIU; 11:11. The Cheapest *no Rest A...,antoseat of Furniture la Es- etcr Es at J. WEL W'is. 3. 11111-.1W .10ae but falticly baust that he manufacture • ALL hb .a urinture. k P".. ▪ Be (lees EL, le I LIM lOiethsr ea0P4 Esiwa do. sett 101,e purcht.:44 lace•r !Joys cheaper Guns 01,4 no, ,1 ^"' tidy:nos/iv / • F*del 14 114 11111.1(41.44.41. elsoapir. For your imisplica a Eaton URN W. DERTAKEN,G A SPECIALTY. TEI ES DEPARTMENT or "' - -NoBE BEAM FUR STYLE OR PRICES. J. DREW, tr,,E trot stwIe V.'.. , all coCALL AT color, A14,44 do to I. r ,,,a ,•,...0 1,1:00t Neat 4.K.4 1..„ „., 4/7 to a Oral of the %Um.: «Exytcr, iimpwr et to 11,mr por14,1. . Pul.troe... 1. I' 1..114 ..41.1.1vii. r , . 1'n..1)rt.... 1.r ., per 100 .. ..• 4 I' to . .4 :00 D 40 44, 44 10 ‘, 4 VI 14. 1.4 -4 f..:".".,• pkt Vho.. r 17, tor ft .4. 2-• 0., to -1-• pats. I, - le. 104 '1. 1 ri,- ut.. 11 1.1 ,,,,,,.. i...1.,t11...e.$411 „ .„ ,., ... V 4, ti, 1 ,,. n" .rk Vat 1 . s .1 r ‘ 1 1, ..1.., Pk" . "4.1.11 A. 41,..-r .4 t.w 11.. 4...r t..o. ... . ., i, ..„ .. . ..... 4•, A. ,,.t, . .......• t .,• dew,. ro• , 'I "a rt. ot.. 11,,,,,us ityr baszt . .- ... , : - 1 i • , f, ... -.v.,' , ..... t It.. :•:.....,. :.:4- 1...... 1...1...: .Lasti .. .... .... .„„, 0 . , %,,, .%) !j• .....'• oto • 0..4 % .,1 4 .'-oal t- (... 4!..4.:0. 4.: 4...1. Vi.ii.11 lat Roche:ter N.Y. ST. S.! (11eporte..1 regularly 1..yA. oulbrattl-„Clerkl N d•o.: 4 '1/.. I'drI.1; ..... 14 r• ” imuts, *tr." v7Thokus I t - . 4,. 4, 4. 1./. 44 Is 4,1 t. 4 .. • •• v. 1 t,,,Est,,es per tug • ... v to 0 1, 2. A, " it.. ;• .b.. ... , , . 1,, '144 141101 .44 14100 „ 4, 01 1.• 0 4.; V...t . , Is tos lit 14 14.1414.1. :4 10 of .1" 14.,-,1 1, t \Vault...1 er•q".r It. "..:. I - ..• 4... 1.. .44.01444. l'*.*.' •7 " 41, A. 1.th...a 10 1.' • 44,.-,l Or. .44 14 IA. lot1134,,,, Ito 0.0. 12,.• It ...;e•td 4," " .. t'" t"81* Shingles for Sale 118'8Adt d 8,4 rail h. -----------------------1 It to 1 tt 4.. 1 .. ,!*1.0 tit t. '14) '4,4 (42 SQ.Alt}. rf,„, & 3. Bnalts' oawn111,1„, 1. os . , A 4 .4 42. --------------------------- .„ d to I BEAT'IE CO.'S SILK W.8. CI,E4OtTSZ LONDON, You will find the Largest as. sorrtutent or bilks4 UiHi :erk :Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves'Laeto., nua Itu kiwis ot .Fauev Dry Cioods. Mantles Mill Dressmaking miler the untuk.:etuent of ti .ady of long expt..rionee. Lsa. les itu depend o't getting tit(' latest and utast Fashiouablt. Styles of the Seam); at Mod - rate Prices. "Wedding Ind Mourning Out- fits got up ou .the Sbortuffit No. tic°. °niers 'by mail Will receive =prompt attention. EATT I & CO., 140 Dunias St. London 'MILLINERY MISS G.ARLICK, Has now In stock a Complete line of SPRING HATS, BONNETS,. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of EYory Mud, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices A full Stock of Faucy Goods, Berlin "Wools, lioniton Lace, Braid,; Patterns', LOartlboard Mottoos,- Sze, r.w.,,,attoitots oat atubinade.to. order. .MISS GARUCK, mi. St., E Eater. NEN' PUMP FACTORY At Vi oodhan A BRAY & EDWARD -have, at con. sideraLle ex oense securod the Bost ma.. cinueri and Augur in the Dominioo, andhave ou diand ttlarge stock of rirst-Clasz Pumps alld are prepared to make to ,ortlor on tho Ethort- est notico Well or Cistern Puutps. Wells and; Cisterns contracted for. amnion 4)4121(1 21 largo . stookof Serteette(1 Lumber. Soft Elm Lum.ber for c3,50 to $7. ltock Elm from sato $8.10. Oak, $8 to $12. Fluor.ng, $12. Good etockofiLogs on hand ordraivage pur,pos.es, ..cut according to ci,..der $ 0.50per 1,000. all orders by mail attemled to. ' irr E ALL AND WINTER TRAD.E- • 1 • • . C. Bolatitoott c?.6 Son TAI LOLLS and (ILOTilIElef, 'Ttylfe pleasure to it formthe inhabitants of Exete r add surrounding ocoun try, that they have jus I opeaod out en oseallentessortment of r • ,nreeds,10oaiitnys, 810., .01 the latest styles and patterusiand foal assured1 Ethat futile matter Of mothing,,they can suit the' mostfastidious tastes. T;vo ws-:st t Tut: LI 4f.,101% a asi sum ly iloolock Lumber end Cedes oststal2. et, Mom,. ST. 1,1; 'S LI,31.EWORKS. .1 vs w kiln* brill.. 4401.* 1`. e•lierat Nat a t.trott.t.omi, 1,) lora,. ci 484444) vt LIME d that t.ar.tii muuot bc, ourps.gbetl iu the Duraiu. jou. tis.rts... from a di.,uoire ritn *twat?" to -Pr %Si., 4rlier ad d'.elt.,loor or rlollr..r,1 1ry Iv* altr at At r,tollinO44.‘ s• rntor. Order...00ln* IIIALI441. ..roblvtly utiembr.1 r41.. ‘‘ 1.T8()N & SCU..ATF It. /r. Sinfilt,144.4r 0041 ;Mt it :WW1 1;1 7 GET MY FLOUR ATTME FLOUR and CIBIST MILL, 1(3ter North, nowliciug to full pot Etlon, The prepriterlins iaptilloil Mx 4'411 with lirct-elses ouw tucl has •oeufutIthe itervieow, of the boat 11411m Gs the coniltrY. iRIST1Ni4 Pli0.11111 T ArrENDED TO. 44E141E0110u cuarauteed. reties from dt, lance Catt ilaVO thyir gri 4 to take borne wit li them. pAINTaci PAINTING 3. KITCHING s propared to do all kfnda oi RousePaiuting, Paper -hanging whit0oing,.ve. at r:ftsortable prices awl pullet nay. a.KrrourA,-. Alain st AT THE Staadara Sash Door Blind, FACTORY, iSAMWELL & PICKARD' and are tayir New Spring Goods Now Oneuizg, NM\ PRINTS, NEVI' M AN TL ES, en, NEW MILLINERY A S1'11. 0:derea ay-maas CIAlitsN HATS, CAI'S. n $1.((iES ,J.VP 7: la wAt: rarer N.t 1.,:o; 01&t Ac FIELD AND GARDEN' SEEDS T 3,1,,pigo14, oityot 1:4 o,t:1 L.1.1 itIrlog do grout Li of .41, or% r f..r 14t4.141tottei :4.1 at to t 117 s'44 401..sar lisultrupt Meek f e. f bAuwELL, 47, wet:Ai:Lk is constantly Idept.613 114114141(18 of buildinr' material. Flooring hard Rad '44)11, st.liitc mottio- ngaNte., sold cheat). 'Plahlug Jigging and Turning promptly attended to. BUILDINGS GOSTRACTED ,Lati satisfaction guar/into/al. As wo have on 11220,1 larle °Olt of dry ltimbor, woleei sure off satisfying those who natty givens call. BOSS 131.10S.S: TAYLOR. HO FOR MANITOBA Now is the Um° to got cheap LIMBER. GREAT CLEATING SALE OF 'LUMBER. •A'r OW.L\I S MILL. 1300,000 feet of flrat-eleas Lumber of all kinds 'will and met be sold in SO days. PRICES EX'EREIsilitt.LY LOW. ale° the and 50 acres ofLand will ba sold varychean and on good terms. The aroperty.conifists of the west brilf of lot 27, South Boundary, un Lake Road, Township of Hey, /Lathe above property must be sold, as the pro- prietor is going to Manitoba in one month. The laui be r will be sold in lots to suit 144u0112141 Gia, and The ana Land will be jseld uparately or together just to 'mit pi.vclinsers, or the nail, lumber and farm will be; sold in one.parcel, lithe purchaser desires. If the • property c n not be sold, it will be ell changucl for farm. property' For further particulars, anply to A, number of Wonzer F> SeOint Machines :W. HODGSON, *al bapaid at am. Ulna to Olean out stock ..Atuatiouee;, .L'aeter.. 4 TILLS 1:-; NO130M13.4 ST ! Concerns You More Than Comiterieit, Ptirelar*. mid il•I'"ira';i4.- Whoa 1 anY 1 al 1 ufaet4re 4444' *WO furniture 1 pr, pew.; Wit.' lily pluvf...u.., 1 14,0 tu 4,0. eau pux Luau b., 041,4,6; 04 timo, wow. %Imre they *111140W Miimorlt4444.1.1)94 Furniture in A11 Its Branches it to ovrA4r414:0•1 liy Ya41 stel to coltil•i nal .rtl-tle *kill, with goal ,ifrliht,allag111b, 0 4"quire 1, 444441/y1w; tug port.to tt.tu on.„. ..1 f'4. isatIre that 8.14,114,1 1... otitt 1.14..1 fur tatudity u,141,),12. Lu44dr,,411 14.1%.11,1 .0 4110 ItUatrial. LOAM t%1444.401.41.14:. 'WREN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE ME 3. BRAWN A CALL Corner of Muhl acid Street, :Tutor. MUSIC HALL AND Sowing aclue Imporium, PIANOS Organs, &o DELT, China waxe AIR. E. DREW would announce to tlw public; that Le has opeued out It gush; Store and Sowing Machine Eliiporlum, JT DIINIV'S BLOCK, ,hero ho IV4411 have nontstautly ou hand a, full assortmout of PI.INCS, ORGANS AND MCSICAL ,NST111:31ENTS of all kinds, us well as a elo.leo vartoty Glassw.tro, Doff au,1 China ware. mr.rae41 it lowest figures. Au efficient Music Teaelor 00 hand, whose service:4'11,11y be 1111(1 44.4 the ',meat 14405 andSawing Sfachilies proutiol,) repaired. 14. DIERW. Is.1.1.-Grevre RLI4i, above-Mull/oaf's Story, to rent for public entertainments. Hensall Ain.••=11•11.1, lo uw watolerful elealtelite 1.8.41,4e111 the *Ea lese4 444'l, *rove .44,444.ter1 for the 411•4•44rrrwl. 14. ha. roust.' dot la Iltarlegulloli Ogee, of No. 411144'.. 410E521444'I, rerktiVe properetsa. 4;4.4 1444* 1g4.14,1414 WV, ttgt44.140 blog.l.ao for heal, turf tire 11,2121 210144 odor hit,'e ovt to tkfte 4114)4114:41.e.Lite vd 'Pleura of thigh/set IA (-mi., in the great varlet! .4 nom ....stitisto 41*MM:A Whrell It 192141. Leek 1011114 444 044414114444', 444. thp runs .4 Uroctchlito, Never* Coogks, alto! Ole Sitriv .4449444.144itlibi6444104 ittig Oft. 141%µa 11,100t*41e‘l 1444 )1,0411111 bUreiltV. awl vtalarad drilyAle.alor pro- wieura 41 Iwo rresieat IlW444•441 ist Iwo. 411,1194 It Clues 114e i•rteprie•t tt,**ftirth***„ the '.4.I0,11 *rot 14111.1th** db411 Is ArAIA0411. r rt. treat 'trot It...rough 1094 properroor. it sures all alisimera, Jr'' the, 14444'4.1 tie rut waist 41, 44 e..ttosout kflotellat Piro. pie,. Ertxtetton. si.reurott Olttretnti 1..111•001014. 21101 their repot., are er-44 wate.t, sad rw..r.644 l.CJ 42. 414,1 444.11114 0141 4.1. Vote I., 1411411.018011. icalt.rireo in, Sorry., urttilt or liosigit 1st, 0..90.ft. Oil 111.01 144104.0 Full* .11.4'14*41. 0,141.4.1 ler 144,1 14144. on roi..liseopf 2,44 418,. piiworful. 4.444441) *414 444 444.444 ltoC 14 4.41 fret .lettoleurree..lelalttate4. Wile) set .....W 94.11.41 44 or eltuirtolf Won% •01.0.1.. cot far* or tool.v.irr..134.1%1114tvAlmebto 444 44142444w... 4....! 441.444 41 .l4t1 1Li4ru.41 h4'44 644.,41411.• ,;:t -r,, • 44.1 o.114 b44I 1114•144••• 4,.l1 14,111U. g...014•• 11, nevi sr 3 1044.1.44).. aro 4.44rite Ilre 4,4414trtux ir••14 'torpid Liver, or** iti)lottoo rtoroLs° ut..to .4 ...liver cora. proird14 obt) tort of 1144...E Syluototab ary As et reipode tor t. 1.0.t..e.4.41.ito Maloof 411.co%94Iv Add* /Kr AAPIAI, a•44 rd. -t• 1.44e1eet aura., 444* tater .st r.:tot.rtm4 4w: Wallis.% SOLD BY DittAIISTS AT SI PER COTTLE. .1. liv R. V. PlEgiVE• 11. 11., "' • 1 W.4111.14' • 1410.1, •-141•1'. • IN.• 1101/441r4*41re Vie blasasr•f Uses r. d Id. l'1,141 itCle`t4 E. FURNITURE Rooms JWINGto the very large increase of trado, 1 have been. omuoelled to enlarge my premises, and have just received a large stock of all kinds of Pm niture-,in fact, ono of the largest north of Lon- don, Tinier in want of first tlasE4 article in. the flortse Furnishi. tt Line shoulti 442111 44.11(1 examine rny qtocis, and aseertain 1l1 prices aml bo convinced that 0011 'cheaper 110111 any 'Alter House in the trade. Wool, Straw and ir mattresses and spring beds of all Muds I havo 1.1so (veiled ont a Iirst-class s took of Clocks NVa,tches manna Jewelry,lu fact every artfule found it, a first -masa establishment. I feel confident that I can sell at prices 41424.4 14111 satisfy tie onblic, and 48 :low 1141 04441 be purchased anywlacre. Clock's mut Watches repaired at moderate 4211.041, 11.1141 'satisfaction guaranteed, by corn. yetent workuum. lido Organs and Itusical Am:trim:lents. Special attent'un to 'Undertaking. Buildings contrasted for. Ir b atz. am. . P1 A The suberriber, S. E. Jones, wishes to thank the poople of Exoter, ani surrounding ccaurtry, for thelib, araloatronage which.ke has reotived sineoamong you, as a Watch maker awl aewtilor, and also in- form you that I have sularge go antity of goods to dispose .of, some of 141410)4. are , SLIGHT DAMAGED BY• anliati.groat quantity, alb -which afromot,ttheeorrilllibisiailn very &unlit:or enah.,Oloakiasfilcl for $.7.50 $0.00 netweellderx G4.25, $1.00, 8:125 Vatcheethut sold tot 2.8•30.00, $25.00, $20.00, 4'r0.00, now 811 $2000 $18.00 $142044 $10.00. DO NOT min EARGAIN. /IN JEWELRY,13ARG1INS TO SUIT EVER'YBODY Solid gold Watclaisesated Chains a specialty. Do.not,fail to give me .8 cell before purchasing oleo- - :miler°, arra 'thiak"tt•would be Ito your advantage. 80 a groat nuniber of Table CruetatCake Ilaskets, Butter 'Coolers, and u, groat trimly °N4101 things to istunarcautitoanitaticaL *131(1 Violin-Stringe. In fact everything in the lino cheap for ottsh, S. E. jONES. r- - • • Thi'. Instrument. Is raturcially dortgacti ter tho former att.illicatuu et DR. SASIE'S CATARItli REIIEDr. It IA the nnlr form of Instrument ref turelifed. 41 .2 It va.44h fluid medicine ran be carried *19,441. 444* col 44er,iirt1 y appttni to *11 toms of the cleated 10,a4.parNsgr•.:11t4 I1 1.11.ini hers or cavities mim- tp•ble:i rrig *4 moo ;:l.. it, 14 holt sore* and ulcers frequently etst.t, aim from emelt the catarrhal liectiarex treiterallv proreeds. The want of sue ,44.01 111 tre.trirtC Catarrh heretofore hes arisen argete from the impossillilltg of applying rout - „bias ie thr. e rarittoti and chambers by any of Um frdmary methods,. This obstaele in the Way of etroctieg mires is entirely overcome by tho Wren. Jon oi the Gritiche. Ita use is pteasant aial so •ample that eau understand it. D'is 11 and ex pile.' t di reeflo necnintinne each lostru- lieut. When used. with this intarnment. Ur. sage's Cfttuirrli itemedv cures recent *narks of "cold In rho !lead') by a few a oplications. Sit RI It+11.010Z S-Freqi 14214 tle:11:11111e, fallillg 111111 Anmeo. Illte6 1.11 Water% 44111141 14, purulent, lengive eir In oilier*. r, dryness, drr, rfr intlamed eyes. stopping up, 4444 olisr 'na- no). 44 fusel micsage, rinsing in cars. 11P.4*, bawling 4111(4 rtntgltrIlt: to clear thr neer41l141fl4. 44:.:1114 irom ddeers. Villee alterca. 201,as twang. offensive breath. impaired or focal le erivalme of rektelt of smell an4 taste, dizziness, mental oppression, toss of appeiite, indisestem, moan:ell toneits, tieklina cough. eta, Onld• a few •)1 srelptemi are likely tube present tu ally eaee at nue tune. 144494. saarog catarru !ferocity, when me,* -am> Dr. Pierce's NaSai 0011Che, 40171 144,- Will1 the (''*145441444 44.441441 treatment wince recommende,i in the pamphlet. that wraps ellen lit011e WC Remedy. Ida perfect Aped:1110 for tins loadirome disease. It. ifri 111i1,1•1141,1 jalensnnt ttse, uo stron44 or tattsite ltrus 44(91 "*'4*. lite Catarrh Itelne.iv is 4n1,4 nt 434 eead,, Ihmette at tio rei,ts, by all t)ruggists. n. r 7.1E7:0E, m. 1)., Propr. 141'1,242A.1.0. N. '5'„ GREIT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINE! NEW YORK. & BRISTOL, :ENGLAND DIRECT. STEAMSHIPS • : SMERSET, 20)0 tons, Oaro We4tdro 001IN WALL, 2000, cloy Stamper A.11,111C-10N, 1300 do., Symons, DEVON, 2000 do., Builtling. SAIL FOR I NIG112'LY The Ste liners of this line have superior accom- modations for all classes of passongers,greatearo having been takon 4', the construotion of the *, selsto secure goodventilation, and evevy atter' o is paid to health and comfort on the panstme, cheapeat most hoot route to and from 40.4 West, of 1,1agland *114(1- 5021(431 Wales, Cornwell, Somerset., Devon, Monmouth anti (floe castor, Capt Geo. Kemp, AGENT. E.'1ETEI,I,