HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-11, Page 3• reseed\ arrived at the haulm,
The dor wale open, but there was no
Me in the fraut room, where Rupert
land been wont of late to entertain
roistering „leek ani tide fricuda with an
exhibitiou of his art, No oue iu the
peaete:go. no one ou the etaire--ail Baa
calk and silent.
1' hey ►'ti'l'de 'What to do next, and
'where to go ?
Pi esently they heard a a .due up
stairs, end footstapr;.
Ben listened. 'That's Master Rup-
ert,' he said. 'Follow close to we,
Miss I•Ialen.'
The room was lit by a eiu,'le gee jet,
flttrii.g highs, like one of ttlt►,ae witiah
decorated the butchers' stalk outside.
It \vas au old•ftasllionetl, waivacutetl
roma). but the paint wee trick with dirt,
the eellttte, which ilata once, perhaps,
been whitevraeitt-d, wee bleeke'ee1i with
e ,mike at;ll grimed with Age. It twice
fLtruislletl wtlh as lova, riekety woolen
bell and with a couple of chairs—utak-
jog eke, not even a eraelost+tutl or a
table. and on the bed, pri.Ii,ied nit by
Pillows, slat 13oetou Tum. Ile was ay
log : his chocks were white and batik -
en ; the 0111 wound at the citta of hie
lip shuwed red and ghastly ageinet the
dee,tllly pallor of his clessk ; his hair lacy
ever hie low, reoot1ing forebearl ; round
itis shoulders eves thrown an old pee -
jacket, and in hist trembling fingers rte
geld a tumbler half full of ruin.'
He tanked round and ,saw hitt visit
ora, with a onrione smile..
'Ben Cr'1l, to it ?' he crisped ; 'edit
Ben Cr'tii, tato be's't. Thought y(tu
waw coma. mato ; then;.*ht you wee c=lef
away in the eeptiiin'e gig--vnn Mani tiro
rotting Indy fuel G.rorge \\' drat, fetal.
Gint1 you're mot ; that "laked three lose
---every lithe comate. Three Irl„e.
Bully fair von, Boston Tem 1'
Ile rtti<pd the boulder to hia lips,
and would hires lot it fell ill hie week•
nese, but for Rupert, Ilia sole compeu-
inn, wile hold it while he amok, with a
hank hftlf cf apology end hslf uf rteets-
nitine at Helen and B m,
'It is all we can du for him note.' ll('
T1 fsesPl LQNING A "BEAT.”
Great is the telephone, and the Hasa
to wtLioh i(. to put two twisty and varied•
Ease the tegullu s*i •un beat Shade it
Lind to gat ins usual anile, fax the
teleptauuu Seine tutu. & e'e:rtti3i11 saloon
t.eueer trite uta buffered meal pecun-
iary dubs at the beetle of dead beats,
utta etitostolted his brace for s remedy,
It those out pay tet ':ween a luau down
uetotues ltn &tris uo lnuuey, tad harsh
email meati rt ureal tied gore a pees e
owl uatuLkl.
Tee other day the salooui.dt got au
idea lie wad struogliur, after. He rigged
ui, a sire, it Mesita pleas, and other
psst,x u1 at tnlntaltuuU, stud was ready for
tt lira= yew, c1 well -created Till d»eleut-
t wgst.ag Watt milled fur brandy, ewap,l-
lutreal it laud aunty eitiltl :
i.'ta wilt %a'uuutt teed sotto ad wen as
1 {,illi. V. uut:uii timellwi.
4..t rigut4, all deers smiled the see
luuitiet, stud he aisle ed book to the
tu•.uttl-Ptatfy sett coiled out;
+swot of f.'uliAn, tale you ill 1
Toe nail iltiattltl to itetlr .kelt ryas
guiug, ou, atilt Wu etuoouiut eoutiuuott ;
Alt meet, 1 omit, to give you a
uw uritittuu ut i suspicious-lookiug
uuaruvttsrSeta ItVue ultt ul ley saloon.
Ara you r11/4,4 ?
1 ears WW1 tau iuterval of two or three
at;uutatte, two utast aautu,uni.t went uu :
About 1i SU ice« eight—light heir—Wile
eyes =goatee—lin/wiz uvernuttt—blttCtk
611. , ye': 1 exclailued the heat, here's
your tiltuau ouutd ler that broody 1 1
llaad b.ttun ullallge lit W soot pueket!
UL* -sat ' yn •, rtuiicxt the saluullist,
aud, tttl,l•ab' tutu tti'.Utty, lrt! went iU lite
Iltuutteeov., tutu 'Micah
It's aid adeps --1 want; A lgiatalte--•
the mail Is pxuud q." luau u Ural 1
btu beat it•atlltt?tl Gui tlDuval retying
4 wuttl, tint al+'g L i tuet;itvtt the ettust lilt
That & ttai a dead give-away ou we,
,tial 1'd like to pullets inti 1•'roteeuor
13sed'e load ebt.lti Velli au hour I
'1).wia he ken's it ?t tshie+t+i'r(tI Ifelen, t'I1U14' "1'1S DON1
Dater he kilo. his ts('aaliti ii ?' People will teak-•.wo all know thitt
- tndt+ougruaaeueu will drink, and when
vu tug uU bUCll ri ltllaerabie lueu etee as
the pllver ball, a\'U cep hardly Wawa
them. It hue, however, been .uo very
e&ey matter fur the average congro ie-
u.ltu to tmilu of lntu, tie the rrai.iara•'
talar of the. Semite Watt ordered to ab-
etuiu fruul the nate of all itIt eeteetteg
urniks. Ou ciao oroasiou uf n remit
call rt2Z,'bt beaaiuu, Seuator Chow!, of
Arkau o s, nr1A'ared and l=ave ono of
los knuttiug wink.* to the man behind
the couuter. The mink failing to be
luterpreteil, ns the Senator thought, he
throw up hia finger (all driukers kuo\v
hew it le deur), but even thio, aceom•
paltiecl with. tile wink duplicated and
tripheoted, felted to penetrate the
uueiuiug atvli.lity of the atteudaaut,
tally Chia Cilay ton, out uf patieeee, said
.dere, give leo some whiskey.
Surry, very sorry, replied the atten-
Haut ; but Vitae Wheeler has iesu d an
order that no tiq--
Haug Vice Proa,ideut Wheeler! Gine-
um is drink quit*.
But yon will protect me if discov-
Certainly I will. Giminie some
The t..a cup was served, the Senator
quaffed from it, smacked his lips, and
passed up stairs to legislate.
Presently Senator Joues, of Florida,
Ab, said ho, with a good Aeal of dig-
nity, you may give me one of those
Chines in a cup. Yon know what I
in an, Mr. Love.
Excuse me, Senator. but the Vice
Presedcnt Wheeler has warned me, un-
der the plain of dismissal, not to sell
any liquor to --
I dou't care, Mr. Love, what Vice
Presideet Wheeler stays ; I want a cup
of comfort.
Jones assured him that, of course,
certainly, ahem l Why, to be sure,
he would 1 rodeos Mr. Love if trouble
The next customer on hand was
Senator C tmeron, of Pennsylvania.
Without m=alting any round about at-
tempts to indicate his wants by facial
or finger gvmnal(tios, he called out :
The Wren, who hod cln'ati1 hia rape
for a moment, opened thele and be-
stowed a wink upon her which saved
the trouble or speech,
How to aatireea thin mar ? Hoar to
much with the elighteet s=park of tsn•
man feeling a beam so callous a►'a
scored ?
I3('I) Ctoii saved her the trouble of
cnneideratinn. IIP stopped to the foot
of the tared and gazed tlteaclfaetiy iu the
'face vat his enemy.
'At last I're found yon,' he said,'
'Ay, mate, you're found me, and
none ton span. Guess I'll save my
neck yet.' Ho spoke with an effort,
but there was the determination of
keeping it up to the end in nis face.
'Where's that rope ynu spoke about,
bo's'n ?' he weuton. 'Mottled you, af-
ter all. Buten Tom's booked, Lank
yo here, mato, all of them fellows its
dead and gone, every man Jacir of
them. Some of 'am drowned ; stone
of 'em cut up for food when we tank to
the bents; some of 'ern food for sharks.
Youngster, give 'no hold of that bottle.'
He took a pull at the ruin and went
on, after a fit of coughing which might
have killed an ostrich. 'U'gh, it's this
cough that prevents me from talking ;
prop me np a bit more, uiy boy. So,
Bon, you're done this time.'
'Say you're sorry, mato,' said Ben,
in whose mind, touched by the sight of
the forlorn wretch, Helen's teaching
suddenly sprang up full-blown into
charity. 'Say you're sorry.'
'What's the use of that ?' asks the
impenitent murderer. '`That won't
briug back the Lucy Derrick. Of conree
I'm sorry, Who wouldn't be sorry
with nothing bet the gallows or the
black box ? Sorry 1' Then he turned
to Rupert. 'See, boy, you're ti trump;
you've looked after mo when all the rest
belted. You're the one ae has stunk to
me these days, and never let me want
for nothing. So I'li give yon all I've
got left, and that's a word of advice.
if yon go to sett, don't go mutineering,
aurid keep your hands from slaughter-
ing captain and mater, Then you'll
live to be a credit to your family.'
'Are you sorry for nothing else,
Thomas Pringle ?' Helen asked.
'Lots,' he replied.—'lots. Buckets Fetch ins some brandy.
full. But then Thomas Pringle is
gone for many a year, and Boston
Tom's took his place.'
'In the case of George Warnefora,
now—the man who escaped with me in.
the boat—'
'Ay, ay; I remember well. That
ryas a bad job, that was.'
'I knew about it,' said Helen your
brother Samuel told me.'
'Did tie, now ?' Boston Tom asked
the question with au air of keen inter-
test. 'Did he, really'? I did use to
,tell him&that,if he ever split on that
job, L'd;taltetliiln out some dark night
— say, illampstead Heath way—and
ibrain'him ; so I would have done ton,
tttbree years ago. Suppose it's no use
hinkiug of that now; cant be 'done.'
But my dear Senator, said Love,
Vice President Wheeler --
(The Senator excited). 011, curse
Vice President Wheeler I Bring me
souse brandy, and I don't want any
tea cup business about it, either. You
may brie¢ along the jug 1
Love saw that Sitnou meant busi-
ness, end, without exacting any prom-
ise of pruteeiion, the Penusylvauiasen
ator got the jug.
Next Door to Carroll's Hotel. Parties wa=nting
first-class work will find it to their advantage to
call before leaving their orders elsewhere. Only
.ii All about it,' continued Helen. i pain ngproanptlyattendedtoworkaspeciality.
4.8a m forged the check tit. your request ' t tt CHRISTOPHER RAU.`. ,
1T 0 SSE 'CONTIttrusn . Orediton; March 7, 1878. 0,1 1V
At fill times, scall iwi....tllaxiy at a perm when Trace is univereally dapreaaed ala,d =my
slatire% It is ill the latereet of every buyer to pltrehaae where he meat got the article he wants
at leo tosses rata, la eaitsng your attention to my present eta*, I do so wiegb every 0081011-
anee; it bait,g tw,re ee efclly a»aarted and seteeted than t= at of arty p evieua seatieet,
In the Dry Goldie
Every department is mints with Ohre most ssaaortsb1e sn4 rile fabaion, me,rked At
prises whit* ehonid eertunsnd the attention of the very dosed buyers. THEjI0BDEKAD
C1,OTHINut stiil has )333,. W, IVES at itwluaad
Underthe ntauagenaeut of Miles tioOloghlou, we Beau snit the met fastidious. Our stock e
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
a1 e." i as
vtaes.tl�a ra,.
Lnvenalotliarn al national aims barns rlanacia.atnated beyond ocutivewanty, ttlslat lard a
animal kt� ithe "aarvlwa3 cd the�la IM
uol7 la.w macho/fee *rift and peraeaulay
Dass rot t 8 same Owe** poem tiles reeve eis
soda 9 l
cartels. 71 azarasta¢tft x+ ar evertor
it. Lar. P!laaoe's al*1 lard ldadieitnes have emleetv.ld3al
all otha w hair aide in the United mattes uaree+ads
zoo Wilton damn yew annum, while the s.,.,.u,*t
ax,>artad foots up so esarern,D Isatorlred thentataa,il
mon lie baaloesa could wow em math
tdon, sad rasa Capon any setter dee,a.
wata# are''(=,
ne dy
of toe largest and best assorted in the County. ince cling pureimeera rein etrumatlt their Catarrh t e e
beatiutereetc by examining myatoms before going elsewhere.
ds3aleasenil o ism.
Catarrb. Remedy
410 Arles natant attar a ported of hawser wen
Being now
ocipt of alarge stook of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines
Liquors, Crockery, Etc,,
At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will bo sold at
The inhabitants of Exeter aua vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wlic'rewith to make moue , bub loco aww. ai,;ht cud ht•tsrluc latlattrw.l. l,ud><
� rluattken sad t.ea4+oo,! earl... a rt. to .hntapnr•
Catarrh Ber,edy
/its gale a rweignfiy daimon
Catarrh Benal,edy
Cants bra its amid, meth*: West
DB. SAGE' ti
Catarrh Remedy
Oares"eral4 isitheacr' and Catarrh, (u' <iaositi
Itoakp ort, Maws.. Aprti .a'ti.
r/ra Enrrn&i--Etarinit read m your paper tbyo
of the re:mugaltle Curve Qi eatarrtt, I am tts, used
tit ta71- wltaa 1. know &lout ease ns h," and 1 taaay
aha - snuff" " anal "italtaltiig tut." Makers lat.'s
wuu.y grabbers) wastkl to glad if l b' could atu-
lassu n a'guider outs la are papers. Fur ya years
i suffered skull aeaw.trh- The na.:al lwasagea were
eowl•I teiy cl..wat. Snaalf; 'lust,"wilts.' Whaling -
tubes fwd' sticks' wouldn't Turk. thuur a at inter-
vals 1 would snag ay the secs lea cata=rrh snuff.
multi hewatue a valuable teeter tur seat misilicinim.
gradually grew worse. nett tw nue ear tett flow
much I .tuned es what a mita.m.14e beets 1 rah
Sty brad twbwd errs w> "yrs w. Huai 1 wda 0uuAtle•t
to my bat for wavy wteeeedye day'. sutfcrittal the
oust iatetee pain. which at oue cage lasted ww•
tWuotuly tut }tat huata. du :drawl et mewl awl
Call at the store of the s'lbscriher and wl,awi ewwutntiws bruLaut..aa,1 % luok:dug
�and.plttiuitaviou•rlghtaa of 0w Wile. 1 pts>eu
fur Scala to mese. we ui toy :ansae y. A Lowe.
� r�. � srs �i , bio autt:e to )°aur Inyta-r ut lir. liaae'. t'atuu! !a
CURT. THE parte I +1
utu•ly eines, duo to,.t
rt. to be had in Overoof�t,ia^, 'Fnll,cloths, Broad -cloth
Doe skins, Silks, \V iuceys, Delaines, and everything
needed in the Dry Goods lice. The Grocery
Department is Complete. An inspection invited
trouble to show goods ISAAC
Grey Cottons at 7e•, 'White Cottons at 8c., White Cottons,
yard wide, extra value 9c,, American Prints, G.}o,, Black Lus-
tres, ll c., Canada Tweed, all wool, 50c,, Brown Ducks, l2 e.
Some of the BEST GOODS we Have Ever
Offered for the Money.
Grocery and Liciuor
A large stock of
Japan, Young
Black Teas,
Currants, Pruni es
Hyson and
I7 3tIrD £pp1.os , Caanno
Sardis es,.
Lobsters, Salmon
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, Malt, Sctch, Irish and Common,. Whiskies, al'obaccos
and Cigars,
Wholcsa' e and Retail.
lVtain Street, Exeter.
rahaw.. a lackw,t .w. cru ti
t tUt i tri 1'i.etro a :tia.rl teuuclw. .hick ul.a•L.» tate
waged) by b,lr..:t..uc 1.000.4re, tie, .o•) war
w.Wpaillde with omission s..u.w.
10 and not aura we w thr. o-tuunhr .•t. r .•,ro•I• i1..r
1u eco h ar or mouth, Gut iu bur. wnao sitar tat
aws L was relieved, and in &love uwut.,. u..tuvly
cora}. and Gave rutuatDel so for over nl.t...•u
ruuutha. Motu .0ttifi tea Catlin itetu,rl) , 1 u....1
ltr.1't••r•v's (widen Medical Discovery t-• t•uta(y
my bt..o,l sets .u, nada au to i .Wmacrt 1 sl.., at•l,t
wy 1 ' • r seri', uttd b..s is r•gular by ties it..a, of
his 1'1..,.atd i'uotati,o }'unci.. 1f w) .ua.,r1.1100
will tu.luo". "tiler surf ..er'. to .auk tt, saw., mound
of poi.. 1. Hide Ictt,•r will have au..wa,.•d is toy+,.:.,
\'Vola taut). t+. U. Sv1:1t L,.
ltTite tt•itoit[ttt smiled parties are among the
thuuruu.1t WOO uuvu Won eutrd of entarrh u)• for
use vat ler. iia':,• s Csturrit 1[uturtiy:
A F' ». Wtt+. New tleuovs, Pa; A J ?(revere, St
Jur.•,•h,)1u;1. C' bends, Itutltuad, Vt.: L.,•vr =+,,rut.;.
et, '.`.lir. Lake, OM •: 1.;hus '*, drop.
turn:•1 5. .u; Ulituu Joi:aw,tiertba, 1 1. J 1. liitlt•r,
1+Y .lz••r Ssaetlun \I v ,; J t: Merriman. I ogni,,p,u•..
1u I u t I'u•.t,L(.oi j',rt,tatd:J \v nalut,•1'rt•.
tu• •ut,1's ; I, 11.tyros, t tt1!Morto. lcd : Js, sd,• M t,,,.ri.
1't 13rt1eh, 11.41: 1. Wiliutm.. Canoe. ,; W .\
Tltuyvr.ilunnto,tll: fl is Nicit •its, Jr., (ItO--U,o,
Tu'.as: Jona. F l:, Inert,St.nu, vin.•, i'a: al 11' 1.14.1k,
!+,4NurLen1. \Vis: John«ou '16'illi tu■. H+Ilum.•a,
talo,.; Mrs S .\ t'tirt y,'trtut..t,. 'T.•tut; J t5.5.''4t.e,
}ieonc•, N }I; .1.J C,..1.e •, Table }Welt, 1V V a : Lott.„
.'tw r., Oattntapwrt, curds; t; li (.'Iota., latku,trt,
Ind; snit ::lra Henry Height, Saw l rut.cia•.x,, vet;
lin. E S't (Iatllushu, Lawrenceville, .''i V; 1\ .1 Gr i•
bum, \dd, lows : •1 0 S IMIh, Nun•utw.(5 ; ('taw :•:
1:iC.•, Bultiuo,Y,', All; Jus,•tu 1i Ie.•ar., t ,u,isl,•, Lu :
1t It :!drew, Ft \\uv'ttu, in•1; lirs ulitutio sweet•,.
Yat) I.oluucy ,�t, :tits '4 554.1 11 „ Null, l{ . tnu;n.
1.11: \\ to F 5iurston. Low uLl. Mas.- I 1\' 5 . , rt •.
ilnrlcu1p,,Ariz:{'iliusti Delaney, Harr, tairg, 1'.,;
me coli•, Lowell. Muse; Mr4 t' J Spurttn, t %oudcu,
11a: Chu. F' Iia •.'. 1're.tericktown, Ohio ; Mrs Lary
Hunter, Fannin too, 111; i at,t L' J t'+paltiSina.
Stambaugh. \'rvu; 1 \1 3'roncy, t$toaauls, a.
Hoek. Iona; Matic I,y tis Waite, Shushan, N Y; I M.
Perk, Juuctio city, Mont; Score 1:tut 13,uttes,
tial; 1. 1' Cunnnings, la.uit�•ul, 111: S k
churls stun I� u.tr t'o, ua•rs. N Y : Geo 1� Fla1L, eu.ebb •,
cal ; 1\'n1 1: Taut trIc,titiM1 rlil 5, l it; I{ 11 l non,
l'euu .tt, l'ittslturgla, 1'a: J 1t: Jtteknlan, sttautuerc
ttopot. Ey ; Henry Zobrist, Genera, N Y; Alis
Mattie Parrot, Montgomery, Ohio: L Lwlbrook.
Chatham. 111; S. B. McCoy, Nashl,aart. Ohio; \\' W
\Vnnur. o titJock,ott.aitch; tlss) aryAWinne,
1'arion, Wit,: John Zeigler, Carlisle Springs, Pa;
.}antes 1'nmpkius, St c boil Minn; Enoch Deer,
Pawnee City, Nerd: Joseph i' Miller. Xenia, Ohio:
+B Ninitonti, Galveston. Tows; H L Laird, Upper
Alta 0.11: John Davis, l'r.'scott, Ariz: firs Nancy
Graham, Forest Cove, Oregon.
Golden Medical Discovery
Is atteraiine, nr I3looti-cls rising
Golc1en edical Discovery
is Pectoral
Golden Medical Discovery
is a C7totagopue, or Liver Sttimulau&
golden �` edical i7 iscovery
is Tonic
+"olden Medical 'Tliscovery
lav reason t -,f its alterative properties, cures disea-
ses of the Blood and Skin, as Scrofula, or King's
r:vil, Tumor., Ulcers u Old Sores, Blotches, Pim-
plos, Eruptions. By virtue of its Pectoral proper-
ties,.tcures Bronchial, Throat and Ltuag _1iFoc-
tions, Int.ipient Cuusuwption, Lingering Coughs,
and Chronic Laryt•gitl3. Its Cholagogue proper-
ties render it an unequalled remedy for Bilious
Ross, Torpid Livei , or" Liver Complaint," audits
tunic proper dos render it equally efficacious in
curing Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Dyspep-
Where the skin is sallow and covered. with
i to:coos and pimples, or where there are scrofu-
lous swellings anal ail'ectinus, a tow bottles of Gol-
len,lrodteal I);scevery will effect an entire cure.
If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow
color ctf stun, or yellowish brown spots on the
face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, had
taste in. mouth, internal heat or chills alternated
with blot flushes, low spirits and gloomy forebed-
inggs, irregmlt ' appetite, and tongue coated, you afire
suffering from .'LorNi1 Liver, or "Ditioushess,"
In ntany casts of Liver Cmal.lai,at, only part of
these symptoms are experienced. As a ,etnedy
for all such cases, .Dr. 'ierce's holden Medical
Discovery has no equal„ as it effects perfect cures,
leaving the livor strengthened and he Ithy.
Dr,11. V. Pierce is the solo proprietor am,. anauu-
facturor of the foregoing remedies, all of which are
solea by t ruggi..ts. He is also thc: author et' the
People's Common Souse Medical Adviser, a work
of nearly 000 titousend pages, with two hundred.
and eighty tv a1 woodeu.grivvings and colored plates
He has already sold of this oopuigo world
Over 700 000 Copes 1
1'R;CIE (pose prsFil)$15O.
1d areas
R. 17. PIE13;3E. M. D
t�`tiriil�s lllrspens:l y, 13tatYiilp, N, Y.