HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-11, Page 2f 2 WHEN THE NIP COMES HOME. ,ALITOALITII. BBSAITr AND J.AMRS WOa ectlaaa',t fp "RUBY MOldEY IdeRTI'liO,Y," "TI3Il+ Gol'.D- l*N I31PTT7?;sr Y," ern., LTO„ ORAPTEB LX.—(oontiatu .) Belem read this letter aloud an 'waited for a response, looking at oorge firm Re thought for a moment. 'If the man's testimony is to be of any use to us,' ho said, it must be got at oJ1ee.' 'We eau da without it, George, but we shall be stronger with it,' 'Then I will goo iupelf and got i out of hien: Helen turned to Ben, 'What do you think, Belt? Re was putting on hie overcoat. 'Think ?' be asked' with impatience littarillg in his ale blue eyes, „' What as a Alan to thin ? Here the mar. •derer going to cheat the gallows,aud uo one to interfere but rue. Think ? Why, that we rrtu-t go to the nearest police station and arrest hila, dead or alive.' 'We will go, Ben, you and L No, George' ---Che put blim back gently se be rose to go with Li+r--'it isn't alto- gether my fancy, but I want to finish this work myself with Bon and out friends. I want you to remain whero you are, unknown and unsnspected till the tune comes.' 'The time! the time ! Oh, Helen, I tan not believe the time will ever -came !' 'It ass oome, George ; it is here al- ready. Hove patience for a single day ---only a single day—and you will find that it has really come for you, auti for Ruth, and for isle. My heart is very full, dear friend ; but the work is mar - done, done, and this night, please God. . will finish it. Do not watt for me. I am safe with Ben and Rutlert? It was nine o'olock, As Helen open- ed the door a van druve up, and a unto. jumping down, Legal* to baud out ptar- cels. 'Here you are, Miss,' he said.. Name Lemke.' will pall Maulame Lemire. Please luring in the things,' The protea rnr clime, Madame 'wing r ut ou a littlo Christmas marketing. 'Turkey for Mr. J.etnic'•—eauragos for Mr. Lernire--barrel of oyatere, J1r. Lemire. That all rit;Ir: ? Casa of Seine, Pair. Lemire -- box of French plants, Mr. L' emirs—••ditto ditto, of preserved fruit—boubous—our, two, three, five ; that's right. Very berry, Sir, to he so late.' 'But these can't be for me !' cried the bewildered professor,' •Quite right, Sir—quite right ; or- dered two hours aso ; nothing to nay. Stop a minute ! Phea+ant for .sir. Lemire—wild dunk, Mr. Lemire—cold's Ileal and shoulder, I1r. Lemire.' 'But, my friend, I have ordered nine of these things: 'Didn't stay you had, Sir. Friend, I -suppose, ordered 'em all. Clarist>_ns(. time, you know. Hamper be:,It1 ; dent know what's iu the hamper. Where's that box, Jim 2 We was told to take very particular care of that bee. Hers you are, Sir—bcx for Mr. Le - mire. Think that's all, Sir. Y -u'll have to sign here—so—aud here's a letter.' By this time Ruth Warnef.trd, Ant- oinette, and the ceildren were gathered in the hall gaei,ig at the trt•asnret. which lay piled one ab we the other, ,cumbering the way. The r; feeeo , balancing himself en hie toes, gesticu- lated, langbed and remonstrated. But before they lt:uew what had halrpen d, the man with the van bad driven off. Land they webs left with their b nos, "But what does it mean 2 Is it St. Nicholas ? Is it the goo f Christina, fairies ? Is it a gift of Heaven ? " and the professor was helpless. "_llv dear young lady," hal. rtdtllesse.i Heim "J assure you on the wordof rte artiet,tllat Abe resources of the establi:sl)ment at this moment fro no farther the') the prospee'ts xf a leg of mutton, without ;plum -pudding., for Christmas day. Yuen will hardly believe me, batt that is a fact ; and my wife is now gone ow with G Lepardt 7r1 the hove of pnrchee. ing that leg at t* reasonable cost ; and are are turkey, satasagee, oysters, ;pheasant, wild duck, witte--app;trrutly 1(lharupague, ;rill de ';tsaanpagne1- French lett ^ls, fruits.e•iu3-fa:h, boubo i. . (Children, children, you are about to taste unheard-of luxurie t. 'It is a re- turn into Egypt.' 'And the box, fuller. What's in the ibex ?' Ben produced" that knife of laic, 'which, when !lot iq 15tive service cutting to.iacco, was u;efriI aq a screw - -driver, a crow -bar, or as -marline ,spitte, or a !rammer., or a, any ituplee merit Iikrl;q tu regnirael nu board a ;sailing•slrita. 'tVitlr the help of this be period the hex. The contents were a ivr+r ed with paper. r'wt n stop 1' Hasid Nettie. 'This is r1,0 Itelenoui. L'L ns carry every-' Iliin+g into• the'claiss•ronri`i'.' - . 'st}re things made a gallant show ou the bare- tlootx .- eueh a !Adore as might have been painted aria hung up on the walls of some great banqueting hall. It. would Have been called Christ- mas Plenty in the Olden, Time, The gamelay in at inner circle, surrounded by the boxes of fruit and the eases Of wane. The barrel of oysters formed a sort of a tower in the centre, and the . children woregathered around the myn- a kerions box, over which Helen stood as glared, AO was silerase while she opened the first parcel, It was wrapped iu tissue -paper, as Costly things should Ire, and on it was a card, 'For Nettie.' Opened, found to oontaiu a winter jacket of the very finest aud best. The next was marked t 'h'er Charlotte,' That contained a brand-new dress, warm and soft ; and so with all the rest. For the girls, drawls, ; and for eaeb of the boys— the wools being labeled, 'For Gas. pate/, oars of his father,' and so on—a bank note, white and crisp, Never wasboob a Christmas present, 'But nothing at all for Ruth?' erred Nettie. Ob. Ruth, it is a shame!' 'toad you no; bettor resin your let- ter, profedaol: ?' asked Helen. 'Ab, to he bore, Tale letter !. the letter ! Now it is strange that I should have forgottau the letter. Gas- pard, roy son, take the violin. So. Come, hero s a letter, children.' Instead of retdiug it aloud aud at Ghee, be began by pols:wuly taking Ruth',/laud autt raiding it to hie lips with the courtesy of the `aricitu re gime," 'Listen, children. Tins is all the letter "For those who love Ruth, and have been kind to her. 'That is all, children.. that is all.' The professor blew his now. *A.wayl• a bieeaiug to ue, from the day when God's provideuce brought her to our home --always the suu(rttiue of our house,' 'No, no !' cried Ruth. You have beau wy parrots, wy fatuity—tarot to me.' 'It ib from her earning{,' the profes- sor w'ut on, 'from her poor earnings, that our Cori' ituas faro was to have aoiva, because, I confess to von, 3lad- etnoisulle Elwocd, that art is nit re- munerative in this quarter. 11nt,'tur- aluh, :►I.t•letuuitp,P.v, you were going our when these grand tuiuge arrived. You have delayed yourself un aur tic. ''les, I have to go cut for all !tour. Como, thou, good -night ; goud-)edit, c11i»tireu nil, 1 nen sure you de,erve ail the good fortune that eau befall you,' Ruth ran after her, 'Helen, tell nye what de you think it means ? Is it John ? 3)o you thick tt is John 2' 'My dear, perhaps it is John. Do ynu remember the premise iu the aural.) 2' 'Do I l emember ?' Ah, Helen, eau I fnr'eet ?' Helen hurried HMS, bilt as elle op 3ned the door alis heard tate protossui etriko tip a cheerfu! unto. 'New, cbillre' all 1 The drauct of the Ilanpy round the Monument cri Plenty. Mademoiselle Antoine 'r' *rill oom reenoe. Where. oh, a, here is R 'p- ert :' And when Madame Lernire returned bringiu i with her the humble leg tf ul'itton, she fouled the cltil.iren execut- ing oue of the prof'essor's highest can captions — a Pastoral Piece—round such a display ,,f sileudid things ae ever, Leadenhall Market could not sur- irses. CHAPTER Y. BEN HAS HIS REVENGE. Jnr in the cold December (livening 1lelen and Ben walked tiaroigh the a +treets, crowded with the late bnyt'rs the Christmas markets. The old map was silent, thinking over his b,agi d Dope, of justice. It was a bitter pill for him to swallow. After all these years, in which every day brought be- fore him in stronger colors the 1)laClc- uess of the treachery which lust the Lucy Derrick ltd destroyed so mane lives, and .after finding his ene.ny, the least said worst of the whole mutinous crew, to learn first that Chrietia 1 for- giveness might have to include even that dr'sperate villain, and then that a more pntet,t hat:d of justice than even 13 itish law was taking hitt away fro)u Ills grasp—a11 this was to much for the oleo wean. Helen dtvined his L1iou',hts, and tried to lead them back to other platters. 'Yon will be rejoiced; 'Ben, to see Mr. W aarneford's good pause re- stores;, will yo 2 not ?' •Ay, ay, Miss 11 len. Not that it makes any "differeuoe to him, nor to you, nor to ale neither, in se far as my redpecte is Coue•'r'tied Boston Ti id ar the hottnin of that villaai my t ,o,' 'tie was, Ben, and if he iy on his death bed, we must forgive I11urt that ats well as th•' greater criune.' Bold ,made no ausve), Vol came into Wilitech poll Hiegh. Street, all ablaie with .1.1as-liglit, and ECONTZNr7rED ON P.k6E T1LBEE.] TEEL TIME'S S CONSUMPTION CORED, A N OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from %attire l * trtaot ioe, herb ig had lllaoea iu his pati beau Zest India MAssiouary suit° formula Ota oece bee Remedy for the speedy and per- mimeo & Care of 404,SU R IDN AsrWu i1BoHear= a5WOW arid all ¶'ltrowsk-and Lung d, tecti.r wn also %positive and rediaaleure for nervous (lability end all mar - Pena ooeoplainite, after having. thoroughl)' tested Its wonderful curative powers to thousands of ea - seats els it his duty to snake itkuourn to Iiia oaf - taring teams. AoEuated by title motive. and a aonelotantliow, desire to roller° inunan Buffet tidwill send. free of charge, to all who d.esiLe Lt stint res e. with fulldirections for Droparing aud Tu,mees>: fully nein'. Sent by return nail, by a t• 'slue',.- w- se ups •9p, running aIle paper, Doi. 0 STL* V ENS, Box 86.13raokvWe.Out. Do YOU WANT MONEY ? The undewidgned are lending money for Ilia DOMINION Save & Investment Society ON l?A1tAI PROPERTY. At low tatoreet. aud from 9 to 20 years. The eo- etoty will allow 6 per *cut. un deposit. klAEBLACiE LIC $6E6 ISSUED, O' BYR N E & CO. ii.lrl)W.tlttl: DR.;tLf:'li'S, EXETER. GQ .TQ_. . & E. SPICER'S —P011--- GROCER' l Always New .arid Fresh. FLOGIt, FEED, AND PROVISIONS, EARTHEN WARE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away —21 Bass for One Dollar. Good S'iueger. 20e. por menton, Chokes Syrups. Market lia•keta—chearr. :v, B. D.•n't forgot O. plaee—R. tt E. Spt. tier's, oetureite Ur. t3. C hrirlfu's Ilute], 1'ro.tuee taken to uxohang'•fer B;. &B SPICER. CHIS Li 01.4 Wti ULD STAND) LONDON THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLiNI,JAY tL MANTLES. MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR READY-MADE. RENDERSON & Dt CIIANNAN Late A. Chisholm LC: Cu. A COMPLETE STOCK OF HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES. Remember—Sign ref the Striking Cinch, 142, Dundas Street, L 0 N D 0 N. YORKSHIRE ikLn! douse! HENSA LL -. (Sc J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the highest price in C A. S II for any quantity of Hogs, dead or alive Any quantity of r A,P31,11 11 t 3 The Sh,ip Grocery NEW BUTCHER SHOP TEAS, SUGAR, and COFFEE, All Groceries FRESH and NEW et the sante prices as other store,. t PROPIICE T lcw,t; 1 ti ExcfmNar,. TOBACCO STORE Oboioe Tobacco and Cigars of the very Lest brands. PT. ono, Vlt]QT WESTFH. STEAMSHIP LINE NEW YO1tK & BRISTOL., ENULAND Iniu;eT. h1'F.417S1171'S: samEI*SF,T. *3M Class. c a••• a; ,tt,rtt CORNt;'Ar.t,, gun. do. htatnt•ar Alilt•iliON, A.100 du, Sy1J1ae., 1.4:Vt' ., Yuki do., Buil:hug, 5.31I Fut:I 1I t, The Stealuerr of this lite ha',.eperier *renni- taodation► for all tl urea ut i.ua.i utr ra grrettvue' lutviu(i Lean taken 1•• Or., r,ot.Iructivu of the r,.a. anis to sworn %rutilatt„n, awl oVe,'y tont Ia laid tll tutd.^.unt..rt 0411.11n 141•.114;e. The °boatmat sand most dit.•,t route to rood trona the Weld of A.uf ltw.i and l,.nuh Wales,. Varna tell. Somerset. Devon, Monmthaud (11.•uceeter, Capt. Geo. Kemp, AGENT. EXETER. TUE Fd.L1.4bN1) WthTER TRADE _.ElIvu.t.33.ocett c Son TAILORS and t'LOT/11E1LS, Take pleasure to h fora, ti,e luuabitentsof Exete add surrounding country, t:wt they have jus opa.,,.d nut au eau. ituut ussertluuut et Tweellr, 1'nett teen, Ise sIiu,Vs tic., oI the latest styles Aad pattern-,au•t feel aarur..t that lilt -JO nastier ofc, t:l, nt, th.-y eau suit the Wort farti,Itou.t ietti, A number of Waltzer Fr Sewing, 1Iac11ivaw iltbe sold at a&soilfive to clean nut atoek Grocer!esUlon feetronary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb.) 0BOICE TOBACCOES An CIGARS always iuetock. tom' SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. , School Books, Stationary, Magazine:, WITH ALL THE LATEST new b N.13.—Sewing ;uaaLttt Needles of every kind. A. BOY D. THE E YETEIi, PlaningMill Sash, DOOR AND END ALL THIN DS OF n I TUR N I N G Dont; to order. Remember thophtce Dyer Oke tealloward THE LONDON an CNTARIO INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Capital - S2,000,000` Parties requiring money can obtain advances on approved town or farm propel ty, at lowest rates. Tho above is n, London, England Com- pany. For further oartic Jars, apply to BOBER'l PICKARD, Agent. Ytay 17, tf, Exeter Ont.. r heuudersfgttsd would. Infer= the lnbatlu- sauts o1Exetersaid vioiuitythat he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SttOP one door south ofLis131aessulithshop andhopes tbestune liberal patt•ouagu that bits beau air °ordeal to him in the sansctfstnrit A';' WAGON wAszrea Rue will l.eextended tohim tnhie new brana10 uuaine•es lits went wawa.*U willu.at the reel - dente of the village three times nee), treekand FRES 1-1 MEAT of 41 k:Uds tkol't oonstautty ox, betud at LW imitater shop. Blackswithing and wagon making a:tarried on emote( to all itsLr5Lthei R. DAVIS. B iie.KI:;;GU Mow 13 'S oLAcib.s rr t work still going. liar. S. flooltingh9.- desires to return Itis sincere thank s to 11 i s nasi o r o u a lnat.uus. w h o hare support eel him in the _. past would intimate that. having reouvorml trout ",-hie hie lout. M- uses. he intauds in future, to to tate charge of 1he horse -thee ittg department himself. Ali other work dune in qtr° very beat Style and al the lea -est rate... S. l3 UCKINGliltlg, Exeter, Dt .i13..1 18177, MAN I-1()01) ROW LOST, IiOW RESTORED. it"'"'” Min publisbed,a new 'Alai. tion et Dr. t:ul.urt.ella t•ulebrat,d EWA) OUtUoradical aud t.rts.,wtatatcury aithuututedl• eine) Nurvourrk,Lality, Ueutal atdPhysical to eal,elty,lwl,a•,titueuta to tants iugr,OW, tt,.•ttlt (141 fr.•us viet acayr. l erVela^.•, iu a rwtlud etrenl..l e,o,tiy 6 mutt) . or twot.. .t;a: *Lampe. 'Thrculel.rin.d t.ut!tor,{tr, Ode admirable Every clearly d»looustrwle., /row (flirty }cars' r:eoou*. ful t,taettru, that slur .auo;t voloanivaoeue,e way 1* rudta•unyta'urral without slut dau4.•r.cu. use of tu- terual wwlictue, or the u;pleeuti,.i, of a toile; pointiLll nut a wade of ecru at uuv, c. rtulu nod uftuctual, byuteau* of which Ivory wfreter, uo matter what 4ia eouditir.4 Luny 1.e, way en o )1t1n'.elf °huaulv.privutuly, sl.l ra,lio:llr. w• Yhi. Lorton, ehou1d he iu the hauls of vent youth a ud t. a ary aud-. w tie 1.110.1, iaddxr+a TUTA CL`Ltrat.!.ua'L,e-At, ro. 41 nu et. New York. 1'. 0. Iles.4.541. rj ll>; W. MoGLOU tr TUX alter. Wren beforelunyinF(..a1uuu,*illtYlhart t*a(ut °hit ter termath iug thew, AU aha wear th,Al r.wuuiulotla them Unbiased Silver. Lndiea and (lcutiemanb tires, :T Uuudvrxtra'. t.l.uudon. tiro the testi:noels/a rhe largest. ) ,'tans c:roapeet r.toek of Soo (Iola Jewelry, Clock.,liver, and Plated Warr. I Fuuoa t tlwdr, sc., M. in :1-e I'rovinee. Re pa h t y every darcrtptiou. W. 1). llrfli,,JUrLeN 77 Duudaaa Loudon AT THE PORK C L TT I NGS Stanclrrc Sas11 I)oor Ali constantly on hand FACTOR 37, is constantly tropt on hand, 511 kinds of building ,,M „ 'tl tn:Ltsrial. k'lecrin herd, unci 9nft, 5i lin%NLoulrt ngs &e„ sold cheap. Plautus Jagaiug and Turning promptly attended to. Wholesale and Retail. BUILDINGS' •CON'IRACTED FOR; Mowers and Reapers 3 .,e '.i • *. uta •3 r . r WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Single Mowers —AND -- Single Reapers .0 all kinds of Grass and Grain, andon all eon ditious of soil and surface, AND GUARANTEE SA'J'ISFACTiON OR NO SALE We also offer a Trial of ohr Wrought tion Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REAPER MD NMJWER Machines supplied with t'avo Pitmans, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger•bare. Four Knives, Forked and Keyod. Nuts. Self -oilers, etc., etc. 133 charged from Mower • o Roarer ...AND REAPER TO MIOWEB fgromovuloffourlolt,,'nn'finless than fifteen ninutos'tinte. lease call at our works and inspect our Maehiues before purebasing elsewhere, w and satisfaction guaranteed. As we have on ,1••=—" Send for (atailognes. All orders for cured meat hand a i nee s eek of .try linter, we feel sure ofd THOMPSON . WILLIATVIS 3to.ss 131108. & TAYLOR. Manufacturing Co., Str:.tford. promptly attended to satteffuagt11os0 who way