HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-11, Page 1tirrreerrreetotheete Vol v. ..t. TER ONTARIA* TEUIs.SI A , APRIL .tsCEL9 t gE5,.JS, ' J. (31x1:1, Ct), • • ;trlct 1.t err. Bale 1•r' i i'tly attentie.t t.,. li' , el dun a 4.4.1..4;,.1.z at 1.+.1. .'1N'l`t':ie.—A 00,1,1 etr•ntly 'n,rhr•r • ':rn irn r. antes tot *+ ,l th' •'+t.Lll•'•u,•'Yvutet 1111r.1e7 doting t:14• e••@alt 0t2.0114. .F. 4444 141L;. 61..1:4\ ,dl 1-001.1. t \ '..v .•, t1r \I.1 t;1.r• t. tilt Int i , •n 3, t 4 .•u `1.t r _ T •1. ('•I.aItK, Agelrt for the Ile. •horny •tr1.1 tlii,h 1.r 1:'•'•x1 1•117. :Pry' n.•e t•'4Ipl•rtt•. ntculeuce-rttpttetr. Ur,trn 1,,y Lima ettem a t.4 l ;;. CA IP!3l:F.It, ti)irrNCIAl:4 • 1.t•nl tnrv.• er, Cn., WA! 14 at t1,• !.1.1 Jana set r nu 1.t •1.r t 111 ,41 rt 1n.•nrl' 1. 1 .':7., . "• •r L FII' r totsii,no.ipallr.lhep,•.•..t'ut.t ion. known to all, and I ahailenge hist to a higher authority, as ha tartest it, lust rfleet me on any platierm in the riding pitch in:, lair, I am 4repared to gebeak to discu s those political topics the with you as far as rho oats of easy first cause of so much argument anti debate, eleetion. But it seems to me, Dlr.ao that it may be ehnpfn on whose aide . Editor, that if " Rsttepayer" 4ad been tenth stands, Whether on that of the Qiuc.tre, if be kuowe of any wrong which' round-faced. l:.,rrowaacinded, ubsenre ought to be made right, if he wanted to graduate of the shoe -shop, or on that enlighten his fellow ratepayers, he of the haud'romm, higletoned, blue- would not only have taken a different blooded Editor of the Huron Signal. course, but to pprove his sinecrity, ee fit cos lusiou let me say that I do not w+,n!=1 biome ed hie name. twee it intend ever to notice another artaek ge'erally h'spl)ens, wilco a man is 1'tlrcly on peraonal gr'atel, right, he don't tide himself ; ueitltur Roam Poen& will he shield himself under the Things Eirkton, April 5th, of rumor. Deeue. M' Coote slay, 9th April, 1878. No. 3 ing to the measure of my aWeededbility, are is notWeeded and seeks retirees ffrontl 1.l tldtlC6`f ftlfront M1. CI:EENW.% SPFAK€3. 1., iroi et4, Ksq , Hesse of Fand .reter, an ' 88 of ileTS, Ci eseeenew,—I have the lienor to Acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the .itOtk ultimo, rcgneeting me to urge upon the Guvernrnt)et the neces- sity of granting a ellb•itty to the Greet Western RAilway Company that tilemelte may bo caerrictt nil the train t f 010F"tti.tut! 1IV( II tt Breve, arid that the lv.•atttn of your vitlltg.l and teller! lR ,-1'K r'' a t . J,l.t. •.1,431.'1. 'll'Ite tett lien) Intl enjoy the /( ON 1 -ti." Ti) i,t).\N--Tsar a tit}il 11. . •'q ,11 •tt'ra .f '0;,l; ' to 1 •w•1. ott `1.•.a. r1.T •els 1. :e)+.,.` ,.ti •,•4' e•et. 44.. •I In ••.,t t•: 7.111• pri' ,. i . l'' Lg... t..•,., •..•r •: 1=•'t 1'4t4 4.•r . is f'' 'r• 1.r.• r ,,.t v e• 1.."'•..1. 'it: . • 1.4+. 4,,,;.•44 r.' 1.t ; 1', • 1,IVEIZY :+"1.`1' 1.}': 11 in Street ANIt '" r. ?1.A?tai (1 >.!':et .n,.a:1 ne• r"'•. i'a t),.• I, l''1 4' utast 11..• 1.,.,4 1••, 'le •.t '! 1 Com' h.i, -v •ty;,i,• .n1. 1,1, pre..,;.,./. .,i.':r, thv i•',.;..;r a;:i 1.'1 i . ...t suet, , 1:1,.1I ti,..•ri^a u! t:ai•.,nr•' to .1 t t 1. .•1: 'I,te '111,.4)\ tic filth'. S., Cf/It l:r i1' a t ,1.r, Ru•k"'t'1 4 1...• '.Mutest tr:•.1 ns• 1.r •.••, ill ::••,. tit r•'••.ttr i. '4 11..110, •n,l n1.'.. t I'. Y ,it 47.1 tor 1.' ••••••••3 l jn 1. wort. ; t 4,.1_ ..' :seta..• in 1'ta t.i:itn • 4 • " 1. t tel s'' W e-•I!k t ra • t 4l., tt':d nn • 41..' •••.•t. tr,r.t+, lr -1 •'sett- :.41.1 .1 1t1N a 11 E I I> (1 . 1.I ati rat 8444. .V';'t 1 1.,1,\'r i1 e •+I }=1. ••111 + 1:, ru,c •• 1.•a• 1 ,lr.;t t '..-t 43..1• ' ' 41 4, •ti.'.2• ▪ . ••1, ' 4,•. ra.•n• • 1• i, r. ....he ter, n. 1•r'•„apt Att woo? t'. +'.- I ”' )„••• to v: nr .44'.rrt•,,. 1''. itr, 4,141 \P;...1 1.•r•1.. 1v • i•.1 ..,r t • 1 n=,•, ►'Su 1••11 r 1.p „1, 1, t•iur . -1.'43 1. *tot r • rt nee. 14.1 11.!46” x1, Jell M ,••., Jua1;91. 1. +1111M434.. t . rt t'ey7l't••t•T. • [ 4';r f UTOIIE11 The ,l, '4 +,=1.r lira' -:1••43'•$ niene,r' t',•,Itt: tet tee ileues. ttn1*,•1 I'..v11.1'141 4 an1v."tn.tiue towntrt' tlr,t 1u. boa ,• 1 •.n( a 11•-%* lirlt •he1 4.,.•i i"'r d•• r t., .4. 1A•if ,'1.••r. '. U •'.• 11-'t 41.1 x, t p r. l4pi'1V.. fr. A. T1r.0' • -•, l .'t !c .11 loot 1. {s.•h tor lr: les an•1 ,:fiery- v,•;:'4. Jr1r, \Sr•..p, LAKE. lV43In) deeiniter, Inter- •♦ anent Lary: and iet n AL•.•41.. 0114,'.'.- n'4t•islenn't!4Rival TI.'r.tlr b:*etor. Va'il.mo. I{ntal. Netrratt, ",'4 ,tet'.ixt•. i)1.11V. Tli FUNDS to loan at A per Ct'ttt, '' " TOltTGA.GES BOU(t1`t'r. OttNvEi':1NCING — Deeds, ll'e t - tete eel.•4, 1V ills ..te,,lr:t'P4 •;1.t re.**o.m1,1nt„r'nn J ii.. ABBOTT L. I). 5„Zi.li. C. Dee. tira4tteate Of Royal Colleen of DENTAL SURGEONS. Cclea in ? %'1snt1'. D1ock—tins old stand, Eyler, • eJ GAN SOLOAf , Fitts Pt :t oonnuenoe,l bnsinet't ono ball mitt' West of D:usllit,'nd, and is pr• etve,l to cl,'nu Cloek4, l$ateilnt anti .r4nwinc., Machines. t'tn- brella•t re1'airea anti Organs anti Jleto'iian4 43t- tende.l to. Those in want of big 4ervinei f+hnul:i xislido a call before gni;.'. away front home. (Images moderate mutt entire sati-fac• tiro g1L•ar,ehteetl .. PROPERTY Lin R.)ll nA.LF'. IN WINO HELSEt A— . 1T',tao arta Lot. (?that 'tautl for shoema- ker, Acoruurlut. For v; i.rlhtrs,applybyletter or per:..omldv' to llABRk 11ltt)A'N,'4444aell4ta• a.P.C) 11 1 FOR, les.Llt.—East half u( lot 23, 9o;1 eon. U,•borne, emit'+inane 144:3 a^.re 1 full imareveit null un'ler good onitil ution. Thor,: aro 01) tho mem yes, :IMO o, 1311111, Stable and Driving Ronne, (with root cellar nudor), all fralno ; two good. wooer ,v1611 paulp3, .Lada go ul young or- ci'ara. Two 1ui4oafrom I xoter. Ap;4rto ROBE= HANSOM or 1'itouAs Attn.:, 1.xotcr 1.'. 0. T 1Oi3, FleAMIE HOUSE nett two Lots on Ann Street, ixeter. The Louse is storey and a half high, fl'aine, new, and .sontai•,s sight large rooms. Stable and other con- veniences on thepromises. A number of young irnit'tree'= on theles. Apply to ])ON:41,11 TAYLOR, Exeter. ,Antal Fft II, SALE.— t ILL SUB - scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot Oou.14, Township of TJsboine, O..uuty of Huron, 813 acres clow ei, the remainder goon bush, well fenced, and in a gond state of cultivation; lender, drained, good orobard,' splendid wellof nater. Xralne barn 16x60, log stable -24:4M, log boueo, and convenient, to school mud three olmrclles. Per further particulars apply to ..; e 4V\1.• BRYAN'S, J irkf en, P.O., or ITU. a. Y. ELLIOT, Attorney, Exeter P.o. ILLAGE LUT FUR 1.a.'SALE.=VITT- elot4rNorthof the 014 l o.1921 Wesleyan . a, ovn 114x(1 'Nlllt)a sold at 1.1 bargain aud on TetaeUll- =atrfe terms. !'or particulars apply to -' WILLIAM i 4An>;v, Crediton, or to R. 13r$SL••TT,- E.0 eters 1-"1.4 eltuitC FOB SAL lS: --Tho subscriber peers for 'sale lot 13, concession 5,Ste)he'' aStep lie miles and ahalf from Exeter, compri.,io 100 aerea,00 acres cleared. -Good log hon and ,fraule-barn,sp14311,mu1 water,gf1 fit dairy or/grain, a411'.rasl)lentlid bli l. :yard the pre`cltin4a, ' P01' further pa41.ICUtarI `' L to .P.aoirAno Yonne; onthe preniiees,erto Pt ter,PO 11..)4 f . ' f tier a C+•ca'.e'l pm 1.n! filex;i- hent tet:i,th welds be thus n'"•.r.frd, and 4f welted ttiwy have b('e't eat Itlr.g tk- ;•lia'ttl, I lir let's':t thee. called tie, tG tte: ai et the 1.',t •.••Ytsh:r •(sip rsi to 1.1:1) 111 Iter, gl'd 1 1.r 1.;L: eerpoee (1i toiler ti•l $•'Nits end 1.'1.1':eg tile facts of. 1.14,) (^Y+t• 1' f,•ro the+ 111,1.e, placed a '..one, et 4 4.-ti('et sere. air„ ,crater 1''tper on the tete (1.f i.t:t t11't,:tlr. 'Nig I 'lore tri reach on the next 1'rivitet Clay, nelut:ly, 11'uitn':' a'tv tee loth iu43t„ allele 1 bee° 440410 di'tii';tt• nifermatiatl rune be nbtniued. It vi11 xff.trtl ale the grr'ate+t l'lc's•tu,a to do anything .(, pos. time, inn to rr"I.rtto the object tots halm in TWAT. 1 hltve data btalnr to be. t;e►lllr' i "o, pa: t b• tt:4'1l; 4ereaut. Tees. iit:lctatwxx, t): taw n, April ::',41. 1;; 8. 1tI:, I'U1rrLit.8 1;1;1'Ix TO THE, l(:ti.',l4. o the l rlirnr' J rite '!'lass e. :;1R, -t heves just rccl•icrtl a copy of the tlnrc'el `f /+reit, eletc)t 27th, i►; which the editor had inclnlgptl- iu some relunrk4c')nceruin; ll•+'urttaaly pereou. 1a1 road abusive, ez:a I beg k'i't to Ohne xne 'trace for a spelt reply. I tatty ''yr I have never yvt tlak'e44 part in a.. d;scuseion the slthjeet of 'bill wet l'43rely personal. f••r, although, to ate nu Irta14 triode of eS1+r'trx+•u+l , tb*'tltil ut rely rout halt eau)etilc'e+ been trod upon. i have lntheerto kept rely black thorn nutter rut: ern). Nor do I care now to notice this coarse anti silly etineiotl of '< melte conceited lentil, for I deprecate the ititroducti'1xl ' i irreelevatit personal- ity int') lluliticnl diset m'ion, whether it be the nratc'riol 1 blackgl1 rdism of air. Cartwright or the i:l luitiue squeak of tho Ilurnu Siena!, and I sinefirely de- sire that the cornier., canlpein in South EIuroll may be cnn'b ote'i altogether (roe from tide di43turbineelement. The bodily appearance of Mr. 'Careeton— ft'r he, I under's/and. is the Reform candidate—•rlr myself ie a matter of lit- tle':•'tmeril'4e1'ce to the eleetate, but ri right derision of the grt at question now in dcb'tte, is 1.'f grt at moment not only to them but to the wbulo Dominion. I shall treat with the contempt it de- serves the description by which he in- trodncea me to his readers. The re- lined taste and gentlemanly tneennere speak for themselves, but 1 would ob. serve thee a pllyaieeL defect es he knows its the case of s near relative. mey neither impair tho mental activity nor deaden a man's sensibility to insult, It is quite arae tilat when the writer's father was living in the vintage of Birk- ton, I spent malty a 43Par0 half-hour its bis shoe -shot), discussing whatever gnestinn might arise, but those who know Mr. W. Dixon then will believe 11)e when I stet' that the predilection fur itrgumeut was not all on my ride, for the said Mr. Dixon was altn:tvs able, ready, and willing to give oto a Roland for my ne Sootoh folks would say; tit for tat. I do net regret my intercourse with the editor's family. MD. DROWN UL'V E5 E "SQIPT 11I1'E A(:H:1d.ENT.” THE LASH LAD ON. 1'v the h'rlit.r of the Times. Sia. --Iia your lttetissue 1 notice a IA - ter from another referee!' r, whielt a,.. pi -ars to me to be i'rteeuclr'1 to uxitleai1 the public in re.rLct to the ez1)eutilture on the Zurich gravel read. Ile iu,tt'tt• "dee One 43434)443 of the a:'u:minors were in the h•tbit of drawing from the '1 refit.. urer, Inuuuy et pleasure. without lsub• within; ace -mote fur it. In rerly t last; to *trate tll"et that It000unta were ttltrnY,. pret elittet to the Connell first, steed it nes only when retard by the Ceti'10t . anti era'-rtd to be paid, that the wuney ean111 be gut from the 'Meso direr. F lay *here 'Jibe expenditure, 1 amyl ray that ell the money I got was in:metli. et.':y :phial over to the (.'.t,nttli.*11'rtert 1.t ho'en Cr intended the w(.rk--e' eeet in ar4t• tilt ',tau where I lona the then them- rivo:`, et441 they .cure raid according to the etetexneu- !mid before the C'+oueh, 11 41 e. air'g the ni4teen Leeds, at best e 1 »1itf, for 11r. 1IoCrll anti toy,.o'.f to r .rui8h a 40(4)iltel statement, it au at r teeei'llnilied with ; an.l if wily rete. 1)ny''.r iii'.ttel' to go euy further into the :natter, I will be bappy to Five them tel the ns'iatanco I can, I am i'Icliuo,i to think thin the stt'rios so iutittl+tri(tle- ly circuit:tea against lite for for some ti:.lt' letie ,hmv0 tint been tint n{' .o rnncl4 in the interest of the ratepayers of I1ey, but tit throw as lunch dirt tat Ae they can, so that they tu11y escape. I remain, yours, 0te., ltuet:AT 13xow:r, Zerieh, April 8, 187 S. WH T ME TI1EASTJ ER OF ILI. J, SAYS. S. Tu the Editor,gf the Ziirtes. I?ts11: Sin,—My attention line been called to two certain lettere which ap- peared in tho 'TIMES, v,-ith regard to ex. councillor, Mr. =11000411. I b: to state that the :moil uts preset ted by the above n t1ne!f have been °erreet in e\•t'ry par- tict11;4r—land I wish those ratepayers to knew that the patties impeached by pen correspondents are perfectly inno- cent of arty charge reseeding expent1i- turo of publics monies, and when the detailed statement appears, I presume call will be satisfactory. At all event:+ the township books autl vouchers will be 'vett for inspection to any ratepayer of the township. MICRABL ZELL,1R, U:reatturer for Hay. April 8th, 1878. ANOTHER RATEPAYER. n the .1 litt'r of the Tinges. DrA1a Sin,—Being iu Exeter a few thus ago, my atteution WKS called to to letter .N1;101 appeared iu the hast item:, of the Timms, over the above sigrlat:lro. 13nt whon I commence to roast T fi d EntIOELAXRA RE4'Ell'Eti ti11;FIRST TWSX7y. —rseTIIA►ol3DINJAY C4111.03t:14Z Or Tar C1. .PiUT. Fre. Press of Tuesday. In •:•. eenanee with the aeutenoe pro- ileuul:b . "t trim by )!it. Justice Wil. sen at the s :'t A - ..:.t.1:,. the young Luau George De r .., .1.y.., the firatin- ,tltltoent of lit. tlotrging ,at the County Jail 7estetday. Ilia o exlea, it will be remembered, RR! that of ash nutting Mite Mary Penny, in L'olldnu Tows. I•hip: with a view to (oarnlit S. erimtnel -enrage. The Mane at which the whip - plies, WW1 to be given wee at nine o'cloelt 'toil before that time a number of eiti- Zen+, Admitted by ticket, assembled in the jail yartl, where the "triangle" ens ereet,''1. Arany pt. others, we observed 1)r*. 11''bbe 1J.eti hhyoici'tu).Street,ana Ilnrke+'!1 (.1.ylentl, the eilterift and t)orntr.Stietiir, Welt C.nt•t:ilia• (eruve.. .to. Atsee et nlinatre part ')too, the Sheriff nraert'il Turnkey K'1Iy to pro.! "ince the rrieoner, and th1et in'livillnel was a.1. encs lett (lamb. lie was herded t'ri+t es the tteeecnti'tner" who Ilatl pre- ei'7ntly tried the etehility of the'tran. :it;' and (mind it oorrect. Boris little dilly Intik 1'!ace In the tying up opera. tion, oltinte to the men ar'pointe1 to do the ti-t„ing net beim' therouglily con. ver•tnut with hie bn'ineas. The legs COI, TY ITJ1' L April fooling is almost extanoi ixt Cludonl. A Quoit/tee Kittle is ebout to be cetsl^li.sbed in 1Viugbamr. Rev. Mr Cot3rtiee, of Clinton, is to amain a fourth year on that &exit. 'This !torte trade is afieutaieg large proportions in every part of the *entity. Beim -ball promises to be lively iu the nortberu part of the twenty time 00a8on, MT. H. Davila was flued $i end eoute for assnultirtg ex•luouk Wirldowe a few weeks sago iu Wiogheen. Mordaunt .li Can(rpbell'a blaokareith shop in Luokuow has been destroyed by fire. They haire re•ootziftlaneed, business in another bait4iug. The tiff inghem 1leehauioe' Lietitu e has been presented with a "Guide to J1alutob8” by T. Farrow, Esq., ?L P. The Clinton Council are going LI purchase at sterni fire eagiue, and build latter tanks. Estimated cost, $5,000. People are learirlg Ell parts of the 0Cnl4t1 for 11auitobse The exodus from the proviuee this year promisee to be greatea Until ever. The Goderielt Conuoil are going to aizmias the town bell ringer nukes he, keeps better time in the future, Clinton wants te briek yard. Potatoes larger than hens' ages have been grown in the northern part of the et may. Vie Clinton rreeineee inns have rent. e1 their 101uae. no minister being etas, tiu►ir1 there, Ii.t'v. 11r. Grey, formerly of Eg- ru.tutiville, Ana latterly of idle United States, is about leaving for Manitoba for the improvement of his health, Mt. Win. Iltawkebaw, of the Clm!1- raercial Hotel, filytb, is about to erect as adaption to tali hostel. of the prisoner were fattened to tht,low- 'FIiE CItISIS. or portion of the flogging pests by f baaits. Ili >; shirt tine 1.h wane s. re- mnvetl, nha his hands pinioned, at full stretch to the upper portiere also by means of "prong leather elreptt, The will;,) wag raised and wrung around the hese d of the "executioner," ciennue deem with a =Intl "Rip" right »ernes 1110 back of the victim. A innmentaly rlhrnh of the shcnlders was the only effect via. ible. At the second blow, prisoner vain winced ; et'1110 thiel, a long roll mark Italicise the back was seen, which was more discernible after the fifth blow. 'Poe fifth was not put on to fleetly as it might have been, and bronght from the prisoner, the ere, Don't put it en my ear." Ab the ad- minietrlttinn of the abaft blow, prison- er cried ons, "Keep 1n one plaCe,men," and at the twelfth, "Don't put it on a fwllna"s arm; flog fair." From that rue tit the twentieth hlnw,prieonor bore the ',smil-111meet without a mnrmur.--- 'Ithrnna*tlon1. the entire proceed ing, wide h lasted not meth over a minute ,prison• er bore up exceedingly well. He did not appear tri be the least nervons,ttnd uotwtth'ttanding that his back was very tench bruised by the punishment, he would not acknowledgeet the close that it gave slim much rein. His farrier employer gave him a chew of tobacco, which he eagerly partook of, and )vas removed to his cell. Thereafter he was '4nbjectetd to it Medical exsanunetien,and his bruises teete`edin the usual munnar. It was found thtl.t no binod Rad been there has been t' No, 1 lt'atap:aver" '1 seen. althnu'eh prisoner had Bits• for I hive none but pleesa,nt tnemorie•> writing to the Tuns. So I hunted up. of thee:, and I nm wily sorry that 1 No. 1's peoductiov, and to my surprise beyt left with 1.l 11 f I - i 1.l I f tl el ' ' c ''able impression- as n. mall mid Leigh- ferred to by No. 2. Now, with all duo titre The 34ritel' it seems was a pupil reepeet to diose scribes, I must slay aline, but it /nest have been for as they 124vo been rather hasty.. The mo- ae no a 3vl 1 lt'n) as et1n y fav- nd 1941 nm one 0 le " X. 8' re- ry short time, tor his taxaily rnovod f l kten not •) a, w o n I .Ir 1 43 n.fter I eat / , a ere and 1 have :a (.117 1 c, 11 coon 1 e o•A,_-sitld11'as, tidy boy named JttiuJir Dixon. Little diad I think, than, that t plea:sent nlanPered, gentle Ind laid become tlliat n144erablo thing --e. 1rri1nus editor. 'Vole the young 1.11'0 honorable i.lrtiin0ta not uprooted 411(0 practise of the dirty work in. Bull he . is engaged. tit write such an bole as 100 hag lerit:tsn world runl4s fare) hum, 'nes he (asserts the unlnen- 1)ab1•erl,,art of his body once did rafter rief lytilt• patrsionat(• interview with '_t, birch.. Ho chargers tont .[ 11.111, un• lvn—t11ti1,; l may not bo linoten to stile town'4hiIi ancditors are t:o111101iien any perlamata, in Smelt IIrtron, bet' the whor'o ability and veracity have not Erlinns I profess and maintain ItcOGrd-•'been questioned. • But if t' Ratepayer" 1 ltttll`FO.li SALE --EAST EJ`r1Lh 'L• fit 80, N. 1t. Step'114•n, °outlining 50 Aare* A4ont Il',t'c4•e3 cleared, and in (1 good state of col tivatt 4!$t'ot'eed log house' 11n4 stable oil thei ore- 111iSes.: 71t•ae acresorenerl. >, aaltod last spring. Aur gran ity of fonee retie 011 the lot, I+pbt and lett. 8'oi'torula, ul)p1y to OTTO SOUDAN P. 0 , iy:phwt,9d. 5I.14-tf- ' 44', t V n a tion referred t a 43(1 byh present lcthe '1 Go, )cls, mustit hese been for scene ob- ject b-ject hest known to themselves, or was meanie glens, as was shown by the pre- ceding motion. So far as I am con - earned. the Treasurer get it detailed settement, which.I am prepared to prove, having *01.4414ec1 a copy: of the saltie. I also publicly challenged ob- jection et the nouzi1141,tion. 'Thies must. have passed through the hands of the anrltlore. I would infotat ratepayer No, 2 that the Treasurer of Hay knows: bis business ton well to ,pay money 1.t without kr:ovine to whom or for what." I would tato remind him that gained a severe cut on one side, and his beck 1Va9 0o'Vered with bruises. - Monday last a burglary of an 111- usually daring ch1reeter took place in Lontdnn East. Between nine and eleven o'clock. the rest(?encu of 11Ir. John 1:11 - hams, corner of L1a1beth arta Franklin Streets, was entered by some person, who took the lower sash off ono of the wtndotvs, find laid it carefully down on a table Diose by, wed thus secured ad- mittance. No ono being in the bonse. at the tinge, the thief was undisturbed in his proceedings, in the course of which he broke ups bonIt11, and stole a considerable sum of 111011ey a14(1 1. violin. Itis supposed that the thief luitl, been watching the dep=arture of Miss Wil- lie:n., who left to visit her. tauter (Mr::. A. Calder) about nine o'clock, ;141144 .re- turned in absent two hours -o .find the the premises had been rr.nseclted. The footprints leading to the ,dildoe aro those of a youth evidently. ©hat think yon w,3ulrl be the result if the earth should step spinuiug around the sun o Were yon ever nese w large 44411 intricate 14aehi'ln ellen une of its wheels became clogged or broken—near euoughto lacertlibgratirg, jarrivaclash, the sudden, deafening crash P- Astrono. here essnr0 Its that previ4ele stint ae effects, only on an iIxeoeceivably greet- er scale, would he product(' if our earth one of the wheals in the universe mach- ine, shoal,' stultienly cease he revolu- tions. In other wends, there would be a general clash and crash of satellites, planets, and systems. What we term financial crisesare due to sinlil.trcenses. Uue'of the wheels in the &'.muco-macre- i:1e becomes clogged, perhaps shattered. The terrible Wall -street "crash" which follows is communicated to every part of the financial mechanism of the coun- try, But analogies de not stop here. There is that other mechanism, the most intricate of all—sometimes called an organism because it generates its own forces -- the human machine. When one of its members fails to per- form its office, the whole system is thrown into disorder. Members before considered unassailable, break down under the uuna:nral pressure. The , - shock comes, and utter prostration is the result. I>:eplarntiou can only be ef- fected by the restoration of the impair- ell parts and the re -adjustment of its levers, --the physical forces. There is one part of the machine more liable to disorder titan any other,.—the liver; - the great balance -wheel of the machine. The liver being the great depurating or blood.cleltusing organ of the system, set it at work and the foul corrnptions which geuder in the blood, and rut out, a' as it were, the machinery of life, are' greenally expelled from the syetem. For this purpose Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery, used daily, 14414 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, take!] in very smell doses, are preelni fleetly the articles net ded. They cure ever)' 1(ii:( of 11110)4)4' front the worse scrofula to the sernillou pimple, blotch, or eruption. (.Treat eating ulcers lcin.1' ly heal 'under their mighty curative h fins: cc. lrlruleot blood pnisol0 that lnrk iu the s.yeto111 are by then 1', 'Axel of their terrors, a1.111 by their persevei- 111g a11d 4l '11]':what- p1'ofrticted 11430 tithe most teilttc:d eyet•ena may by complete- ly re trrv1l.t4d (414(1 built up anew. En- larged i;iuut*e, 1.134111442 anti .Nw'tlli'Irs 'swindle n'1.nyand tile,>)p.po)1r nuler the influence of tlsese ker,etl,t,.rest•:vellus.. .- :