The Exeter Times, 1878-4-4, Page 4T "TI A,DY ATLSF.MENTS, Rouse :and lot for e-11' Brown. Dr. Pierce's Boledies, servant wanted 'J1rs, B, O'Byrue- Millin.ery—Miss Garlick. Spring Goods-Samwell 4t Pict s, NOTICE. All persona indebted to this office are requested to pity up at ones. We have waited iu marry instances a long time for 'our pay, trusting to fair prom- ises, but oar ptltiettce is nearly exhaust- ed. Those ahem it conceals will do well to take the flint. We would. 'oleo etato thef iu fluter° an job work, except in cases where we have opened 4,e. goilute. will be cash, aue1 that ell work will be eattfed for every three mouths. We era doing work at the very lowest est, barely of verin,g coat, uud wet be 1stLitt fol end se 4.to)nsequencs, they were dies.. putieg over the payment of the are collet whoa Sir John again came into power. Asir. ltloyitua applied to him for payment, rtud Sir ,Tone, cf course, 4,e belied right to do, paid: the motley, Daring the *gates of the investigation and when the nacre of lieu. J. S, Mae, clonal l wee mentioned by Mt. Y►Ioylaan, Hon. L. EL Holton. a Reformer end a colleague of J. 5 liIsodouall et the Lime alluded :to. rose in his place aa• 4.t member of the committee iuveetigating tate matter, and stated that ha rename berets that the acoountis were present- ed to the GoTeroment of which he w a .member, but tuet they reused entertain them because they caueider- ed the charges a oas:'ive. ilia stets uaeute onmpletely canals, sited Sir Johan froth the ebargeee which 3Sr. Dhekt+ aatrtte. Time our ret Sill see thllt out ante mouth of oue v alae tlleat independent Reformers is tt1Lr II•3tlse of Cluutuuns Sir Jahn bat. ea pawed a,lt'rcent, fend thus amnia.. •4,r 4`bt'xtu3al" f:,'24.1 to the ge uuti awl Sir Jultn"a feasor is ague vitadicatett before the morel sepal the sLliim.ua of Mr. Wake wade More appereut. Sir Jetta 1134 Iwo made the siotiitl of the b ktieet meaire.ciee, but leu bee elwayu mu - seed to dhow tsa aha.1aoplo of G'iretarl>au rola ilia 1a40:tor ie uutaiuttel. Net targe et of L s acts Can be uointud to whit) 811 not Lear the strieteetezerriusbou hie eftees he is featly to produce res' �111ortable p,-r:eaus who tau swear tel trier lutea ncr', but the Iiefor,;tere rely 111+11141 fiite irtga and raeca.la for their *vi- e in the rbe►rget4 they see At ti 111 k4, frolu ihne to tittle t;sgatust Sir Jolt xttctlnntLltl'. TU 1 1iAY, COLLAESE 0 " .: lat.`ANLJ L S. malty tied; au'l tnf:uuous jobs have bee 1 brought home to the Rs= form ti4%vtrrUtte n4., at 'Ottawa that the!' have b +au put 'tit their wits` end t-, fee's, its +art letfret, even ate sliglttoat morsel of tttiakrtdat agtiiu+t tlta late toverutu4,t:t.1 4.l army 11,f eleri,ls hese been ren4tlak the Pigeon hates of the veveritl ala• jpart=elite ever knee tile %i4:f arra (WV' srntaaetit aedlitueJ the reins *'f power te,t see if evltlenee could not be (*Wheel on which they might aonviat Sir J hn be fore the lae•rtple of having be:ln o'•rrupt and diahoneist in the atttuillistratien f+f the affairs ot the eottutry. 'After grail - hag in vain for evld4auee for three o1 four years, oue of `Ir:. Blake's ch eke oriee "Eureka, tad eubmita to his master lettere whialt brise been sent by Sir John to the acceuuteet tafvotltinu scene e', unit whiolt to the mina of the. aapia.lt et:ateeman prove Sir Juhn have been guilty of mieu4iing the .pith, lie �. R .ebeanie: S.v lu. melte.; far the pricy v4, of 4, .,4.r. - n l,, .hr, tsar r of lett inli,t .tstl.11 n+3nzipa, 4.41 The b:ttor4 really leek bed stunt alt s x. plen1Ltiva is given, when the 'holt pro.,or. Mr. Dyfuuu•l, member fat Porth Y'erk. a mao who has no inter. est W:4. tever in IJ;3natte who was hitt 4.L r a few y. ars 4,;;o,a total stranger, mei was specially brongllt to Ceuada lay George !3rowu because he rocngnir• d in him all tlee.e dualities of rervility, meatus.^.dd and uth.eruplou saes', nlin 1- ' ed with cant a ..I lsy pnetriity, which Tees• tier a man ct for shy degrading po- 4ition,-^-tI114 mar watt erltriltitt:d with tile t.lest:131,t ri4rty of naafi:lug a charge a;tt:ust i J.4l:1 3ide1 •n'tid, ami giv ing it all the air of trritll that cads b att!!cheil to t'. But mark tate mean- ness lin lerlyiti4 Mr. ,Blake's action W.n:n he hal discovered the paytnen• of 42,500 to .)Ir. Mnylan, he lit t aper wrote to that ge;lticman4 who mads: 74. hill erttlair LtIott, which to an honor - .Ph luau would •have been specisfactory, o it consistent with the I3rtr;lCe ami ite Wb 4.h have alt' d.y8 actuated line It is:11 dealing s. h Sir Juiin actioned Ile d€iero ined to make'tr4e a anter p'ub- s lir;r'i::3Jt\ing flltl well that it would r. at11 a large class of Ila fanners v ho soma have uo opport tuily,of seri: 44; the espl;ta7,,:ion 0:t:t he krleyv would be .,•44tH! ,;vmiun, and 1 riosraingfurtiler, that a large number el the same class woulu xecl'is'e ,and believe any ttliltrJG that t41tr,,ht'b. rheite against even inoutfll u',1.,nlrp .rte' shy the slightest m' s nldna (,fcviden co. 'A.•coinr ittoe,thlt.h. l°a roase•.lra.i appointed to exs:0i410 into tiie matt(; x1'4.1 1Zr..-21 v1un,'the gent- le Loan in whose f.i. ..ri'-'flat;:'orders were tlrAwn, was 0'.. tiUltlt't1 and gave ovi• i?et.oe pruetAely he,11 118 tele In .1'1:;;I"✓?,Lti011 c.Ihr.vr' (1 to Ale. 1314Le in h:4''t11d`l It C. II!''t1hs year 1.%2, Mr. M,,I1 it shl .( -dnue 1L i,Lr, u al,•>a),Int .4.\t printingfur::ei'1 e,, Grov4..roin3 It of Sir J'01hf1 i\lu,etialiald; nit 1*ef41*.3 he had t,e,it iu the tyiil for '8,113+ "antic Sir JUhn'e (a,.vertlmeit ..3$ .re,pl 9(id by .`isno'tber, of which tile. late Ilt)e .„Ju1io r:i1•field 'sea.s the helld. To' hitt. Ir. drlli':*P 4.4er:41 t.1,v at)ulfurspay-, 1,4.}&.Cthor:.Ili n,z'6.aCe1)Unf`1+:bat w4'144 • il.i14ei•i- t e: wig 1(4*** d rt;.tle,rs.h.e":a?c:tzId•cnrl't 1115 ! Tey ittt0 4.Y 1tefw-r jc'ur1 44.1.,Lai1 440; !'t t1,ra, *' i ttii. (1()v.•rtilni.nt4. 'liras s, t411k l..p10,1, refused tr.Lraaanti%m appears perfectly right as e TIIE GUVE1lNtiIt.NT AND 4.t dee! of di- et luta been 1 the lht,e of the Loudon, uro11 and'I3ruce Railway, by the rc. �x1 4)1'the ;tltic:6fyr.,,ie (st,veralmtl,t Irl k w t110 wtlil to be carried as they e rt *coy other '+let* of the oeuetry, � � l t N' 4<ttirl, Il.,%• the ttilevsg...'£aa Great S 1. tteilw1Ly t;,.ulllally kit• ced asi•4:eiul t'rrtik{ 141 the 14. l4., .L 13. It. for theur toe...e )7 i e,Lr•yin tiyl u:.eilsp L,xere,:tin dist thea WEr•Il:{ be given the , a c4antruct. , Il ,,rrf4li vette restive for oth•,r, (which some o ;et -1i to ace >unt for r. r u the tu dtllhat she present mail contreetor NonaLind is t l Clinton is en elevator ilf the ethLnd and of the most approved eatnplt ), !n4eil i'1 atilt carried by stab, alillnul It the :natter hes been brought to ti o at• 'eutien of the Premier 4,x44 Ilse Post luaster General in the 1.1.ruse, Th. railway ooni auy, Rf`e:ng l,0 1 ore t• eetting the COuiritct for carrying; tin mei' front ti,e lire_e It G:)r!lt11111(40 . have decided to tetkr off the train wbiei. Arrives iu Etc -ter from the tll'uth aI 9:20 4.1. m., and "roe the north at 6:3t:: p. ie. The sale re1L4•on for doing 30, i- that tha (o:arum n4. will not give (the company) the .nail. If this b lone, we will not be in a much bs'ttel position than wve were in be:iwe th. . tiltv+4y was built. A. petition signet, the 1Fltttie-anlal tool along the �,y roost €, :ills of tb.3 railway liar b• en sen: tie )tt4L1vl1, polu:•iing out the 'ln0C0 JOUI' ll. 014.8 under .whic;h v„0 labor in iregard t(. 107111 01 laLmtunlelLtton, atiti. if the t rayei )f the petition be gt•tttilt•d vee will them aocsiv0 (11 mails at .9:80 a, ill., ift,tdtttt r.4. G or 7 p. tn., ars we now dao, But 08 tile: other hand, if the, ccm zany be c,)tu pelted to take oh' the special train, tile. moon 1111,ieucets of the peotaie ai11 be }n crea•ied. •: �'� large nutuber of o0r 4;ih and of ev4.ery.,v!1laue anti k(awt. along the railway, htzve ceo iderabii• bu,i11388 c0rlltti110t4;i4tiurl titrant Lor4do4., and other plr1ee.t. They axe untie' 11X• Ming-trtalhl arrangements, - enabled. to. reach- Lr,iniol 111 11Rlt3 to 4(44.11 .40'. their btrsi:iess. "int get home 00 the eveniing•.Itf Illi, s*uii. rho-, thud' often. times .34''ifig there a goad dart of ex- pense., s•„( 4.33 ' 13pt it we lose the 04 (81 1143... tl'rli14 this cannot be done. People X8818 haso tai) go to Loudon in the evening, transact, 'thet..h0;4114046 next day, and start ho114e agaiu'&u die Sento,' tiree SIOLF, 0 petition watt sent 4..1 "'11 e Hon. L. S. I3ttn,ttrigtten, but he tools • no notice of it. ,It•ia;.11od to be hoped 4.b it the petition 3'08,4 ua41,;41 on 111,:lldray will w4Llty 14itn 441) to the w,g'L'1 tl;at the •(t.t ople irrtltis section of the country w,>att their mails at the earileete;,,o08411)1;e rhos set asevell .4.s the people ;ea,f' itllrr Portionei...m(*0.374VOTe(1, halt probably rhf 10,414 importance.,, But under, thi,, Gov. rrntnrtit we Rnpri),e we cau'iPuly "live 111 hope if we the .4.0 despair ” FACTS FOR THE PBOPLE. Itfany of our readers have an idea that we lave Free rade with the United States, Put 'the following tattle will' clearly shore, who has t;to advantage, mid; the Reform Government sea it is Austthe tiling for Canada CANADIAN AIIIIDICAN Wheat % au I Barley "a hon. Carta. Oats Wheat Sour Live Anim Lia Pine Lumber Coal 1'ig, Iron Loa Nils steel Rails Sar lrou P ,4.4, and Seiler bon. Wo nl Serrews and. Locomotives ehu14's S al din* Cast - Gs eol,• `41 Clothes auurl l etut all*Uk. is .4y eMstee t.teh,4«3 1 t'atpetri At Kea 1iO4.1414,1 , *t4)tei f,'4itou Tarn hp :;)1 rliraal ;11k t'lt)the 1 lush tlotbo. Vitt' ti.ltitie ltubt.ur (tootle 1.euttt.•r tit.,.tl.t I tile%4 dt.•tli.s, anis y,aui t .itte :ryes t;'orke pr. rw. now. T. Free 210c hush F'l,e.; 15e V Free loc 111 hush Free lOo la hush Fr.p.p 20' ticrlt lap. a 20p. c. Free • 32 firs thousand Free 75ct/ two. ton Faroe 4114 ton FrL.' 4.25 p tee 5p 0 35,975 1* cent ..?,..e. 52•4. ,41 tot T. bp ,',3 ,shit 17. p.c. 40 5a 'p' Incur 1T1p.e, 35 11' teat. 174p.e. 35 .t1 cent. 1 F.p.e, sof o.•ut r.... 2N'4.50 14 t>'nt 171p.o, brig 70 }i cent l s 4.p.,, 83 lel r 11th 17 354t 174p.c +ll`+;Ial►.42. 171,•.41.d:p.e 171'.. c. 311p. r. 17 it e. r'.O.i 7.)p. o, 174p. d 411!1 1;.4(.. 0. 17 p. c. 6541 40, e. 173. v. 51 `l.I t i s:14 . c, 1: I4• e. 341 a -*iv. e, lT1p,d Slip. p, 17#3, r. $5p. c. 17:4'11. 4.3s:p. c. 1713. c. SSp. c. l7pe e. 3:41. 0.. E a reedirigly :iia. P0ase tllue erIsvet. gentleman. IIs ttaudletii alar 'tlitur of the 01,d'r eti ,tii;tnt*i boy. hand's F'neuy '.me," stud out of 111i ltaatexiatl fastde ued an editor who, wo estn aped any English word its lti„ee r44rIb..ble. _.. -.� -. 44 4,,,4• r itluendo our Seaf4erti tel a 1.4001) insult ul►uz,i :it sof the ridtug, It *aye lr, lit era ,t acellent !spreaker, well irlfvrtm t rlitteattl affalirte, but * farlmr•r, ant utly witlnitt ala'' TCO tmmeytlt. i1411s to t}la suffrage c.f the h8•,0 aro not the ,v.Elrt1+, hut the, + eelk ;rely bear Ct tstttruetiul,. Vierra' rate fitriritrt4 irf the f muu*ty wet .'sass Juts:iligeeily r(1t4r041rit easy C.eueut tt.ltrr: stn«I at tltfl rutuitrg 01'4,.ti' I1 wt l'ti 4.,f the Lien tt4 al;1 f Hann rile. 1143 one man and sup 1� vett the fanner who bee bran clue,/ 4. re the lrtIiu tsr.l bo 'ret 4•l' e0.tlr.tetu roar -brei and patty. Y The ti 4.'t: l alt, , T it far 4.1 rare ','very rcltwi,n to be proud t f hire. eat, _.111 t tea 11 4.';t tat Ott tir,ttll ,. 14.3 a 1418•'41 t+ 1 sitz-`!; liter tltt't have mon among t11N1+ wit) are am &. to tt:t at', niter 4:LLri- aey' I,h('u1d turn 444 anti elect alr P4trr.• t by a nitita:•11ue :ova tin. Oast of the ulo'tt e4uiu('rlt ounstitn +iul.al atltheiitiea :u tare world., JIr..A. T 'dd. Lbratriirn iu the lions° of Gm. in as tet (Jima*, hassrn4. peel wi'h ti Q lr'Lee C.JIrp d'etat, and in a pain,, tale he had Leese,' -thine- Lae s m•, ground as unit taken by the entire 0o:time:in), and IL con-.iderable portion of the 111- fueutat R.forut ttapert3 of the Dania I..U, that the'1 overilr)r has 10 no in stance the power to override the 11UL gorily of the people's parliaulentsl3 retlresentatives. If he ctuslders au\ rose, are to be op4.otled to the public Weal, 11 is h18 place to ttbig❑ 1111 taus and 1.01 to 41)4111us 11181 Government. Mate tit see ti, Big Stocktaking Sale NOW '0OFNI0 9N A! White a coPs. This is the Uuly cornlon souse Fie;' (successors to G. B. Smith) WI -II 4S& Being part Of a‘Viiolesale Finn, thewl4ohle414,fart bring in Torr•utaal,11"7're• tailgate 4»' .t. z14, s, 40.4 goexla, fn (114,4 .ti, ,u41 at prices that e41,tt.•t be r "ti!t..4 Lt. t 411•• ascii 1io1190 intlw 4.'o) Itv. Our qtr. G.11 •'14..L 81,134:.,.4 .- u i .,sir 11424. 1x14 i 'e, t. Bar Kn s.•1+ ('t a ul 6-•i.•, . tet, 04'.1 . . 6; t 444 *li'ri e,I ;...I .4 r+r t, 1R t s ....• 1 ;. '1 • 41-..�' ).it irt 4..e .E 4x,1 ).t 4.l, ternln.:ar,:a)'; 44* A to me, 4)a.4. et tat un4, r, n, 41 ..l4, a. +1; a 1 . 4,.4.. awlIts.•.'. \t 11, r;u 4,1i31it.. 1'8.4 44 4)4;ti4i413..' '•.aten,r Grit t3:.11"i: GOf.D$. Thee; ,cream raoe,llnxk-•t. We keep on hie' ra4u ns. a _ , ,tll•acr,"31 4 are )sat^k',4. , fur tha .rt • ,)�'1:.,cfr, 441 `1 .: rat 4.11, 1'.4>r lx .• . r:r1- .41 Itri1.' 4.4131 t\ ;lei 1. <. ° t • ,,lfor o.„) ...nhtr ..0 • Ate.. 1 t.n o„, .4.a w'r tate t!ho i• ti t ..1•. l.1 r.. ' ..tee it 11 : .tin• L144.1 _ ., .,, it •.1.4. * l. 8..• 1-4.1* ,, r.:1� r )n :Til, 4 _:: 1 rt,.• our 14 rk „'I • . 414.1 pati 'flet 4..• ;i, ' 1' •.tla,;i. •'L t. 1.4 41 ti.. 4 F 1.4 I), ttr'n"ta f , 71_ x+4.= lu :4111 4*4 41• titei` 1,10.•le• ( It, .,.tV4.. 41114} t h '` i+ X1..,11. r I i- - `xlt..\ 14, ,,.+ ..r'u, ..t ,,t ,. ,,:',1, ,r .t... .. 1,f atep.i d'4.., .i , S,p r1 .1.1118 „:• 4 tlt.'a<i,r,.4t4. t,w•r • .4. t, Oar Lla 4ru'4•r. • 7. 4t .. s.ke 14,...' l,4. ,41 •' t,uk1ti0110.p1:° +t WlI11f'' & St Marv'1, .4 4; 1414!.48' 1 . (Y4.:. N 14114413'' *44 , 4 111 .40; v,.4- 444.44 !4°4. 11 9,! 4 3' 41••4 '1 3) 1.4 1.0.°14 .. *:.• 3.41 1 0 ..4144e t +-, p.rr 4tll t A, , d, 1.'1*4,1 j4. r,;'••,4tt4 01. 41,-..5 4.0 1, r 1' 4,w+•44'8,7'.1./,.3, t o ,tr. .i ,4,'C 1.8.8E t4ti34t1}'l x141'4.'4, a7tr11.1i.1n11 lit Or. Pi'src&''s Fa w4. a faros Tat. ter nt hr.4E't'ree, 4.1 wit 1 fr4 4 4•'4. i 4, t. 914 4t4Nt 11 4•41' 0. , 4t ,•4 44. 4 4 . t•', 4 .! 1 aro' ,4441 !" 8).411 4" 41;44,34 1 .4•w '4 , , .°14rr. L 4.48 , -,11tA n J#.le 1`,I, rw,k4 t.'t. ..•1..p' l ,r i ^•1" t? 4,•'34,81'%, U4•'I.4•lr 44 1'4'4'+. :44-'.'i &1 4,,t' citta o 11A1Oke 04" E•rese.'4*ing Witt 414 ort, 1, P 4• E , B a , 14. 1 • sal asci 4,111 .• 18,;7311 air 4•`, itsrr9t111:4.tr11. ,4 44 see' *r tat: 4 4* r n4. it 14)4411. 111 l ^44'401.4;4 tr ,.,°4 4. , .,r A 4$ 4.9 t,.. 1 .°.: •4, 4.3,4. 4.4'4. 4 , 11 �,. 141 1 Oise' 1,-1114*'.' .0'4:41%1 44 w11141t0044..14 '..rn°:;41.'eo4, 14lI'1,v.t. NAV* even at ,:4', , "'449 :•"t.4. 4.714 1 11,.11 IL %Vat 1,141141.01 ‘44 the 4" ! L x^,1st-1.4 s4, a 4.14 a 4,44;4, 114.4441114* 10,., 4.t 8' 4.t 4.` a' t' „3 S'11:11'4lti '(.r%N. 3` 1 r•" inn ''t t. 4.l.. "• 1 ,.w. ; ..1.•Pit *1 4418 :8'41 A 1'O'*t. r'us't, ore f1 3N. 1414. 41.1' NY, .41 4 •.,• • 18,4 (1,i‘ !4114' , • ( o:+4.r . t t 14.. 4.r,' 1 u4.. ,'K.r•4hit.t, r r 1. 4 tie to,e r.1. t valve re: 11 .3 tier !311,4,+•4 1; r ,l'C.lt% 1,-41 1',,0.1 1 "4'41 t„4411 4'.'r •Y i3, 4444 r, •.'t1,*4 !,4E 4 ti3O'' i er.4 ,. 41 t *Y'r•'m'*, t'.4l 1f, .r 1!444•'1” 44+4 . , aa:41144 • pr 1 ^ 'NT it. Mot I tn'l 134* 311 t,: t.'*4' "t , 111 l,.e•s4 Is rir1n4*'. 4 rni;l 4.4•+t a, er 7L 74.1 al„ t ',.•'. e ,'olt,i4:foot,,4 hut liu1.l'4t 444 0,4.r.1 01.11.11 4 111,7 • 4114 4!'44 w 4,E1:1.4 1 .Itl'11 I feel 11: ,1.41. ranted oust [tet ire'tt ' *ate alt 471.4: «41;4 boat nit reputation and SOF et401E4•y 04.' it* astir its. Tito foklnwiest sere among 481.1 41 41?+1'1.18 t ltrih'lt 1114' I tverit+4' g71roveripilots (8.44 4101, 'd cure*. a4. 4f 14r tiptoe, awl Lith A 1414'4 n:' ieteV lis 41,41 ;0'.eif*•4 lea !1414' m('•tlrn'e: lav: 41114'.,•4, l 41.411.1,1 4' 1''t.rr4.1, 3 .l7Etlatl Mon ll' tits 1;41 -,1., • M1t 8'-, 1 11`4111,14,,t ,,44 11..4' 44, 14 4.'84, tiliut' 1.f 14,4' l":4."r t- it0e•44'r.l'rn atm ltel.o"e; a u Ike trig; now** "rat'. ,t: tel+', 1'. E rr1h ti.•. tic 4 :t' 114, 44, ! 11 ler, s ., IE4 l,n'ufa :41! '3l: ,' l' 4.41.4'.t1411.1,1`1* ( ''117 P `1'141, 141 "Anna:4.1) .:,ant 4. 4. i. .rt 3 ' 41 t' . * *4.. T4s 1"4•.. nn41.4• 134, 4'11 . 41:4!.+ !r �'.+1',64 1'41411 1' 1'L+4.ekt n" • ?r ln.l,l^. 4,r'. l'r "1)1'ntl l h. ...••,•w 4, 'ern: 1. Wor3,1i„ tint. JAW" ,r,4 I ("1 :41 4. In 1,1 3:U491311w •1, F.v.'Teo Pro "Ytt,'4'ln • • •'143e marvel at the. stern. 141• 41+i .•ins 1 '•4'. 1:,4' P\s.s a+ .1 •'lit.,..:11. 1.11' 7: . 1111 .sin' :waltz.a e,itegte rtali't of parr. i'or.to '4, 84.''l,: at; 111.841 1$4.11439t l 4,.r', 117 '14. eht. 11' sl -1 a is e.t 1144: -0‘11411;t.tr4n ,'1 W'tr.:tn. L •vii. 114 0,.411'1' ..441, 1481 'Wilt 1I d» 1,441•,nt /ft tta7 r4E1c Y 'kt:k t13I. it. 1141,e %VW) .1e. ire 31,1411174' illl'"l.nlitl.4,m en Mese i' u44,u•., .iux3ll ort °1"11K p'k•441.i*'4f o:4' 04N 1. at VI 113. n 14.4uk Of ,lee':' ll(F pl.l'l pons, on 11 r,p1 or 4.,+J. I 44:5 Ul 1) 14ty ,r 441.4: 44.' , t l.' I,'(Maar t' CI1t1,,C 4'41 t .13441, 1,i'4,1t 1ll,eu 4.:,jvu•e. 111 re .,. 1'ti 4.0 t4,4., 111.i4341,len( u4. 4I14,e .e71'en11,111 PA.VeltzAXE Pit E it:U . 01'10N $3)L:b A3 ;l LI. oil4.lti R, V. FILRCB1 :4Y ti11,1. Frorrt ,hick earn be talkers of a Lieutenant Gov iilur'a anal rity. if he , were. . a, - lowed -los,ed to disulie1 the Gtvtruuceol, aLt l'Ieasure there .is no telling where i :vrlil(t end, lila, rule w. uld be mop ,4.,i bitral y than that ot the most 8184, - lute monarch. • Ile in effect sets him self up as a ,Dictator to the pcol)1e. They elect their parliament, 1471.; pro- ceed to plass laws. Ile bays y.tu shall not p: es any law's 0saetpt,st,eh as I may choose to approve, and semis thea back to the . lioopleovheu,..i re-elected' ii the hi h -handed proceedings s ,can S t Carried out U110e, what 1s t0 prevent hilth. saying 414 *88(3014 bine_'"YOU shall not rule." anstusrowessoaritor NEW..t' P FACTORY At W0.0a an 1 BBP4 Y & 'EfaI.V.A1I'D. ,k&'. a, at eon- sicleral.de expo/Ake secured t)ae Best .azta- o ainerl and Augur in the 0oluinio,l, rad have on hnud alarge stock of F irst-o,1as.s Pu me ls find use p1ii,pare4tO Utilise to orderaon the stl.oi•t- est notice Well er' (..iltaern Pumps.- Wells and Cia14ru4 contracted :or, -4184.0n 1713,41 a largo 434,43k Of 034880.14841 Luntber..,:gioft EElinL" Lumber tor $6,10 to 47hock 4atn frgir 411.+0 68:10. Oak, '••%b to4'i'72, Flooring, 412. Goo4lstock of Logo on htln(1, ,34. O '.4,4(11.50 pur508es, cut according to o,130r .A3 „,ithior 7,00.,. Odors by Wall ,trbor..to8 Yo. 14. eeee + et 14), N. 1. �,. „tr•T:135t.snat. ,...(a C$ISSOLL 1 STAND LONDON TI3 OLI)..RELIABLI+ HOUSE F013 GENBRA.L DRY .t ODDS, MILLINERY &, MANTLES.' hr 4.4 ».'l.•rpu ,.i.'. ru a 4.4, w lerh the n111113e4 r1444444• ,114•vtrri for r• i .(, (lie d1,•44.rt•rer 171' en- e= tie iia.-e.,seliii.eti n, h 4r.rrun more of Na• tire's «4%4.44,40 4uriltlt4 44...', ,'4.liC•., 41148':, ll.eil lanl•wd int” 1La srt.(•1 t.ta LG,xg4.ut:f•.r tin,d- ,r ►411:,1e.,ll l;gr.3 t'tt'r 1•c44rn ronU•inc,l 114 tett c. Tare us (.lri.re'.4 I i.1• tn.•1 14, 1•.an.tin 1.41 814.,44 rer1411 .'t alai, t nb kn:.rtr,Is4e1,-Fa lrhlrir 1 tern t•irn •(11'11+1 444 ren•luer lit the vete s,4 tiro zit, hitflt, *ewere Cough* it i..1 Ili* yam `:1:,•4 el Contains pIiout, It Iia. 4 -4.411.. 4`•1 4:4 "..e4it741 t.n•1111r. RU.1 CllI I.i'rt )d.(.,.enr4r” 17,44, .,.sl/'e It (4.() 4*04*,Le.t 11'M1,'al .{ .4 .41113 .)1 11117• 181111 It 614.41., sue .e44u•-1 4 .11.3.-. •1 •t"engtt.euw *U0 ;t.1nu and partite* the tiIo.u1. 13'. 41'. grea1xu•1 tli..r lel' . g pugl.erl 444 14 r14Yt'a all gtfraariura, fr to tug p .o4tir.-1$41* nIuliL to 4 rwnur.'1 t11r1; k'ln4. S l*',..r Erinpielutl. 110enir:9,.1 1 r,)hnt,,tt, 744•.4. own. effect., x111 c, i t.:at4•.u. 441'2 r7ph44041 4.10,llh 4,41.1 A ..Nus.l C•.44 4.1:111411 vont* 4:•,.r'4., 4.:t .bolas.. 51ast.risenos. Fever %ore** h,rair or nett 4.'h Nato. 14. 4t,41rt.4,41 4.,y 11lAmi,.et. ,l.•&' *.'. r n. 1.1 4." 14,44 1.4....4, 4,4 ,144114:sal by gait. tkosorlu(. i'urit; 441,;, x4441 4». 1 tpt.•ra:ulr 41.4'•l,clna, 111.111 arra.lutt,eltavrar.ilel.t.milt•t: t+a4r .,11nse .'o. •r .44 .1:141.44r re1t,.w` h 44.,,.4 i, 4yn.r...4. 1388''., .., 8 . Ir.- i"Tai uexd:Etae •• .43rr rc, t..+;13,.'r lt1 rat• 11.44, t+.rental h4'fte.r rhd . ,1'. •. ,'t.! !e. 1G 1.^L it •s•1••r, l,it4 %pint..1M1 powers' Nevi.*4.N.:,141• 'kc+1 xr sowetIle.. x41 vi.' -'14, .•v .1.4 4 n, *re .uses r .F iron Torpid. 5, 4 tree.. "N•'' aislltana,4 t"Ae'te.•" try 4)111114• cut•. 11+4 ;' Ri.l+er ('o141- p444141it'r „4110 441*3 Of 4444'4' tt,n4tnm. err err• "r•r t e I. .'611414. teelede ('.' :414 KAa 11"41.. 11t1'• M141te411 111""r"..8. '•v 4'..'4111, "+• 71 1113 "l,. prtisrt 44414, re..114.i: 11.0 astir ,t1e: gti.4..a•1 an.I k.4.,1ih., 1.4111 BY D'1 .CtlISTS AT 3: PE;3 Ait1Ttle. ,, - 1li,• rests ;1;'. 'i�f'}'tfrit.'%i '� ilh . ••.' .t r 4L MEN'S CLOTHING TO.ORDER, : READY-MADE. HENDERSON 1.41 BIJC131NNA.N LateChf*holm' &'Co. A COMPLETE STOCK OF HONEST GOODS AT. MERS! riven r 'p'1tr .1441 au rs t.r1d„ hat, r,i "sal3ur«# t i4'tiiil?• Ir•+41 Jtw , ,. , t .,'. 4. t+ 411•41 744'4314l1*41 h' r.r'li+'•' 14.1'.1 t• HIT!. 11 4.1 t, aro ry;r,';4 at. 1", 44-11•.3 4111', l 94,4 4.; , ,•a3iit'h 4.'a il.'E. 141 4 4(141))?!1 1 *44) 44 14. 1,,4.1»,*11 44'1!' 4 1,1'111,i,t4't' kir+ • ('4 111 t+' 4.t 4 '1 '•4 41 este "4T 44 .+'441414 4.'t 4:.$•' L.t a ' 10, o' t .,et. •.f 1.0,.0.,1 .id 44 ear net,re ir„1,L 1••t .4, it, 4 r,tlw••t ( s wee. le 4nh4ln.v. 3to. It,.N. 0,4,1 t t11,4.• 4.t- t 71, ,» '. /118013 1,06 .110 '. r.'(• 1,. f.+1 ., y.., .. .4 Ar. 4,14 .,tli • 3,4 4,4 4''14'i 8 4.34 Iwai. 81411 s, fine 1% Pi ;11411 yI 4.444t 9..111. "1"1.1+ 14't17,'1% 444.744 *41 wtrt'1 3 4 134.4.4. f"ur•ii,tY • ut 1,. P ' *4. UV - '44E001. 4 -r'c44t . 11 1`41'1 t , ,;.,141, 41 tel•„t4.1t11,1,i1 R„ 1t7J1” •:: ;14.t1ttirr r, +4.74••14nelll", Oat) .,. OR 8n4rt'., Tom urvolurs l I,I141I 'r� f4.: AT L Tr , Aeorttinnancr. f orneyk ltelhort kat motors irritation or (110 LI44111, 4'r route 4:•gator Throat 41fveetlfo i. lictiect fiitltlt4'4 ro- tates is soma lueltrabie Lung ti,vs„ac, BROWIMENNOPICHIALTROCHEO have proved titer o *c7, by 74. WI re many yours, and will stilsotrht iltvari11..1y giro iItelbt4t only i;YCZ1L4sa IX111' do not take arty or the scorns/ors boil viten* that now Ls- offered. Sohl everywhere. i,.r087;4,4 rmicr..4(40"'023. Pa- 41�t(sn purl'ee,l,A«1IELk.13t:AT1T,seiash- ,elitiixtn CAIII4, with wan a BRAE,. Ageu s -2.A0 outfit, toots, L, Jo.rrts & Co. Nassau, N.Y "THE WHITE" :+owieg ,faeltille:iu•the eaaie',t soiling and best nt1afylug in thentarkab, SLhaat V41 largo alio.. 110,nitkesthe luck -stitch. fn 44,18'4'18 z4unu:,trl4e- tioii, Nay 14 ht•l'utt*ing, Hl11i tilreo.,1 11(1113 :;tl, -4.t iv almost ilupoestbk)for (Oho intact U1(1a to Sell all ,iirectC0n41'etttir.n \i'ith tt'e White. A5el.t4 \retl- t.al. Apply fur term to White Sowiu5 llaOOiuo tiom•nituy, Clevelanti, (Thio. 4'1 g9 D ()age beautiful Ss paueac Hundkorebict .4Z 'LJ (just cut),13 4.30 4)1 1.1(441111 its fini41) to tatoflueatailk. Free for etanlp. W.`23.3i11,n,, oh - laud., Mass. 1-C ENT8 WANTED —07 now articles. ' "•10 m"de weekly.: Catalogue tree. LADI\, 20 B'wuy,lv.Y, t'aM Fancy Cards, Snowflake, Damask, etc., no ese4 alike with flame, 10 0. Nassau Csu•41 Co., Nue- sae, N. Y. Ji1l1 By sending Die. wilhage,heii;l)t.co. .-� for of the eyes awl heir, vett will re. for calve by return wail ti cr'rre•t pits. tegrtiph of your future lltueb it d o. Yourself Wii4r,With 11a)no !Ind date fmar- riage. Addr0ae 1;Y. S'o4, P 0. (14:411'- -er' 10, trultouville, 44:Y. V Se 4.1.. WF.,T S RI(HA1t77t1ON & Co :3 c P8.RFEG1) BUTTER COL()I3 is Iaetrfeet r0colnntendndby the .agrl4:ultUL; h 5111:44,, and Lased by thonsuu�ls of tl4o 1311•tter fact Juua 001..111, 0.111(3 etliaiuiless 4t(4 Coloreast. fill et 1SQtttec4lrtgJ007Lsand 4,4(14, 5 cts. 33414144433'1Ls \ 711110. Alps y(,141 Druggist or Merchant for it, orwl*or,d for desclip tive circ ala tn. w 8LLi , RICHARDS:)N .0 CO., Pnnrz;'s, 14lTrt,7t~rm,VN, VT. 1 .34INTIN 4.,4 t �'..A.I1\T., TIN G' .K 1 'i. : 1 P� G 11E0 N E S T P WPC E S. Is pz}4gared to do all kinds of aairl7-Sign )1 a the StrikingC11oci€ h 1aeube l y f , S rr„ ly _ ..,r. �Zoil;�sa � d.111t1f1 4444 a , el ��,>? Yue, Duudme 'Street; " Whiwuhiug,.1:0. at reasonable prices and puuc,tually4. lJ 0 •. D -O N. .!! hi l'llkLLLIU.'luue0 st, 4