HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-4-4, Page 1Vol V.
l ,l ANEO1L.
T Ii()i)(1SON• At J. PEE, CO
. nucaitulroite. Sales lu'otnptly- attended
to. Days of K.,1. -a aro •^gvo. aG tut..�iai•e
NT J. CL3RIK, Agrt,t for thn t:te.
-3.'k aborue it u4 fithT.rrt 3latusl ,'i o inept -rose
( ., p:t'ay, r:•+Y4+.trtie—..i1;,r(l.tll '.. Ord,o, byroad
i roaterly M[tetal,4i.
Lr .d hurse)t:r. Ate vrsi� l e tet 1...ts'+i lfa; i.; srtar..,u t1t.f ttrat Tut :yl•tY to ',ri,
e.. MO. Ot.l,-ra for work lett irtth lir. Jilin,
,pct s:kilosn
T+tr-noire prompt etrnutem.
LOAN--Lar e and
SMI a of mousy to loud nut `l rt -
41 uu, 8. roast in'r eatit.»4yx )1N yearly,
re,:i+Het to ta.t, bntrnwer nt paTitaat off all
is ta* eN r, hoer• 44 ul V he at;reeR. .ttrl,ll' to
Et ., i,e.LrtiT. {.eri,•il„r,e?st:tr,r...
htL'1•.ktY sriitide, Ruin $trr+,
•trr, w.+ul1 a41
1 lr4htit; that he has opened *nee
@mete 4111 1ti4 I,reralaer. rho ptl;tiit'
eel end o'emfortablaries ait allium,•,
•Ate• nhp: •. -.
L'-t,'ia3t a LN I,lt...t\ t, .
i'artpar want('.ito- inve'zt =1,nno or eater) to nla-
lief a •teal''* li'th.. >'p ,a,, su•% t1Mtt
t .r l i ;NO 11•011.., 1 `Igo 044, 044,p +.;, t •r:.
ul •tL r ..eoe eeele tot 1 % 4I14 Teobu 1.4 *1.1
.4a4.tahlm,11tl tit ,rjathi,•t,•remee Pa.:
t1 4 tegrr. tit ''.1, 444-41r$141 nli'tow° T.•-t•d•
eft :1' t liti
/or t: 1'4114NK *Neat" "i.et: 4.4,44
torte',, .1.1ei1 K?tCti.S1113d'BON.
#:outer. Out.
tl erntk awl st•,.:w li i+•,C,r and Coin,
4 g,41 rad ro u;..era' t Iv er;e wn.1 o,) ,•.
.' *. l.eti. draw.'41it lI .494904 ie'''1tr
• 1, tel a v.'A 4 a\"•'rl[Stet/ i;d t 114 1., 'Iv-.
., ,,. • .ra,.l , t •rrt t«wt;••fltt? w k it go...1 ,t.1e
1411 11 .tetr,e.li. alt t'IeuCI$--t ,..d let
.•„r;, tr . ° ;ru••t+ t',4rt1+n.
t:OUN et: It COSON, ll'eneeall, Ont.
are, , I `'!'ANT*, At't'Y ltrNb:l• i,i..
pert, 4,11.tf,•T t ur.t;,, •ud,Geo gat nWttrittinn
-'+, 1,4tta .nl=•n tecn.tirirds clstiper tb n or
d4„err re it, tit.* aumtwv to lose ott t•raaaq.ch e
tern,. preempt att.•atiou to orders per mail
or t-•4r-t•;ct•e4`. P.m awl Valero propene I•,-
redo or la 1,.. a iw. A`t.a soot a «nod bn lirlew ttagdi
Ju tx
3104,N, JDFet'lrttor» Hair,
semi Boner. oouvnyaneer.
\V SHOE?'. '['lir
metergaru,'•t 'aisbetto minutia the iuhnl+e.
int,.1 nt, n,reuet sumntu4iiutt country that be
1t:a'4 000n.•.1 tut w t1{ew littteh„r ‘11.4/T.11111.t, Roar to
wit r-•,wb••ru /IA wta ket114 astl,Iety nf. (web
r„opht.tritly an 114111.
t:a.h terbld.•wantishesep-ikhu. :DOSWOOD.
A G. tC,. Ceinnaleainitnr, leeer-
e en4:,.. Land and jalap Agent. Office—
il,�ct lauotp'tiA,vn1 now. .E meter. Wilsons
set, tines ait, every Van,t*v.
RLVA.TE. FUNDS to loan at 8 per
riONVEYANCINfl' -- Deet e, IAT wits, Wills, +!ec,dra nn •'n reform ablo tonne 1
Tr it. ABBOTT L, D.$.,\1.R,C.D.S.
oruttinte of nosed College of
Oeicc 1n F ueenes Bieck—Falls' old stand, Exeter.
itv, just contm,iuced business ono ball milo
'Wt..: of ntwlnvood, and is prepa'•ed to clean
C1ue:ka,Watches anti sewing .fachiries. Um-
brellas repaired and Greens and Melodious at-
tended to. Tno.o in want of his services
shelled eiv) him a call before iaoir.g away from
home. °barges moderate and entiresatiafuo.
tion Kitaramped=
LR\l FOR SALE.—East half of
_solet2u,1 sou. Osborne, cont..,iniug 53 acres
all ni.'roved and under goon 211,1
aro on the premises, douse, Barn, 614.ble and tl
Driving Tues,@, (witti root cellar nutlet), all frame ; r
two god.i wren a wits pumps, audit, go xl •vouuae,or-
char,l. Two miles from 1 xE..tor. Apply to A
11ennaT It axso;•a or. iliVI r&a .el LTN4
aCxetar P. 0.
and two Lots on Ann Street, Exeter. Tho
house is storey and t� half high, frame, now, and
.:out ta• ss Dight large rooms. Stable and other con-
veniences on the preinfaes. A. number of young.
iruit,tree, ou the:lots. Apply to
Yea EI,IDAY' SWAR TielaEGi tS.
A,despatoh from Bucharest says that
at zt secret meeting of the Roumanian
Chambers it was resolved formally to
prttest egaiuet the Treaty of 844 Ste-
fano. •
A St. Petersburg despatch says the
eirealer sent to the 1'owera by the ?,lar
vi of Salisbury:, deftniug e-uglaud''s
ereaitien, caused lucre:wet it;itatien ire
t en inrt Government circles, end the
tlusai.tn Imperial retell” has been ordered
to prepare for war with England.,
It is ttt'tted Pram Vienna gird at,
1' tersbure, on uunenallygoodr ntborjty,
teat It;ansa es Irritated by the obi fT
t'roiu France. The latter being ap
i'reiache'I for the eeperate retwgoitine
f the treaty, replied that she would not
'articipatein lombivation al ainet Lim.
It is reported teat Russia, bee offered
-o ceeeel ttia liltiitt•y i,$l' u, i:y. and
if.creese Turkish powers over New Bub
'carie, as a reward for atlieuce, but
without reedit,
A Buoht►reet special says the oppos
'ion 'to the rdtr,asession to. lt+ieeiit
13t4stiarabia ix groeiug in intensity,.
The weather is very flue And warm
Unleas enorgetio ciiteitntecting is prow
ly' oaxrieti out along the military road
se Bulearila and Ruunsuele, a frjgbtft
pestilence is likely to break out,
A (:,sn'*taa)tiuoirle special says- th
Russians, [searing the Turks will en
it -aver to maintain neutrality, ZI. Onou
First Dregnran, of the Thespian Fan
hooey, !iota [undo the following demands
which new be rt'gardrd as an ultitua
taut; ---The abeed's4merb to the Bn.t
liana of •Ilan fartifleationa: on both aide
of the Upper 1'3oiporaus and Gallipoli
end 13outuir, on the Dtutleuolle::. Th
Curtis are also too evacuate 1t[akriken
aIle 11aslaxk, and place some bttrraok
And hospital:i at the disposal of th
'Tao Grand Duke tinged these de
:needs upon Recut Pasha. and the
lf'be submitted to the Council. It i
i+laid tier, Sultan and Vefyk, Panira op
pone thane.
A Bel rade special says that it is re
ported tll}t the Serviaue, lay comment
of Bessie, will shortly occupy Wide
and Atelialcli. Austria is lika'iv t
erotest egainet the ocenpaation of +b
latter place. The feeling in Servj'a
Government circles inclines to Auetri
rather than Rieeda, and willingness i
even expressed to matte A milliary colt
vention with the fernier,
A. 'Vienna correspondent say a des
patch from Count Von Detest, Austria
ambassador at L'>ndnn, sates tha
Lords Bef eonsfield and Salisbury ear
':e,tly desire the tnaiuteuauce of peace
But if the Rassia a attitude should ren-
der war a u 'cessity, it will be carried
on. until resistance is crushed,
The news from St. Petersburg as to
the remit of lgnaatieff a mission to Vi-
enna, which will, to a great extent,
settle the question of peace or war, is
h•,nrly ecpeoted. Lord Sallisbury'e
circular has increased the friendly dis-
position at, Vienna towards England.
Germany is dein everything possible
to revive the Ct,ugress scheme.
A Pero oorresp ludent understands
int then Austrian einbassy there has
eceivod a despatch to the effect that
u'ttriaa meet support England's de.
wand for a full discussion of the pro.
si In of the treaty, with a view to
important moaificatto:le.
dcriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13-
(ion.14,"lownsLip of 'Osborne, O unty of Etnron,
SO acres clan
t p1,the retnaineler good bush, w071
fenced, and in a good'state of cultivation; under:
drained good orchard, spilori.tiitl well of water.
frame barn 101;60, log stable 2is8f, log house, andcnnveuic rt,to sct,00l and three churches. For
'further particulars apply to, 1
Will B1IYANS, Iiirkion, P.O., or
111IZ. B. V. ELLIOT, Attorney, Eroter P.O.
V lagolots'No.192 North of the old Wesleyan
Church will be sold at a bargain and on reason-
able terms. For particulars apply to
WILLItIX HEa,YEN,: On dIton,
or to
11. BlsssTT, Exeter. I
ITi 4[t1f 1''Oit :AUl.---The subscriber offers
11 for sale, lot 13." concession 5, Stephe ),
four aniles'and a half from Exeter, comprisiig
100 acres, 90 acres cleared. (rood log house
and frame barn, splendid water, soil fit for'
dairy, or grain, Riser, splendid brick yard on
the premises, For farther particulars apply
to itioir.txt) Yonetii, on the premises, cr to Exc-
ter,'P 0
Lot 3011C B. Stephencontai,tiu
About 35 nerds cleared, wad in. a good state of cul•
idv. tion. Good log house and stable on the pre'
Mises. Throe acres orchard planteta lair spring;
Any quantity of fonts rails. rails' on the tot, split and
piled. For terms; ajiyily to' OTTO SOLDAN ,1'. '()
••ilt►shweoda 1.2.14-tf.
Dr. Pierre's Golder' Medical Di9-
covery will euro a cough in one-half
the time Tleelessary to cure it with any
other medicine ; and it does it, not by
drying it up, but by removing the cense,
subduiee the irritation, and healing the
affected parts. Scald by dreggists.
FROM N. PLUtifliiER, M. D.,
"Although averse to countenancing
patent medicines, I cheerfu'.Iy make an
exception of your very excellent lung
preparation -Dr. Wistar'.. Balsam of
Wild Cherry. This preparation -I have
used in my practice for more than ten
years past, and have always found it to
he of more effectual servile than any-
thing within'my knowleege. I recom-
mend it with the greatest confidence to
those subject to coughs and pulmonary
GO Bente and $1 a bottle. Sold by
all driiggiats.
On the 2lth inst., one of the Liman
Iambs went around with a drawn bowie
knife daring anyone to arrest him. Be•
fore he •wall aware of it he was pounced
on by one of tletaeonsta blee and placed
in the lock-up
A very serione aooldeut occurred on
Saturday afternoon whereby 111r. Jere
ewiah Moran, of Leaden, !oat en eye
lie was engaged in nutting a bolt whets
it flew t -p and etrnok hien in the eye,
tvittt the result of enooking that, organ
frons its socket.
A young lad named Stoddart, son of
Mr. Stoddait. of Delhi, Norfolk County.
was (seriously wouudad en Friday by a
revolver ire the ands of a yolina roars,
who, it appears, Was, taking, as leer,
thought, the blankc'srtridges out, when
tone exploded, the ball etlfking the bay
'in the left side, about the lower rib,
which turned its enures downwards,. ar
tete wound would Ileac beau fatal.
The Deptists of Watford aro contort.
trio iog preanizing oli ireh,
The h leis of the tete Nies JON Ritiee
well; of parietal, wife ^o my terioxl .•
11e411s1'i%rr4l front Guelph ten stye ante,
And after whom a constant search ht
leen kept up, lata found in the river
Sped by two young meii while out
beating, An hap let wire held, when a
verdict Wan given that she count to her
•enili by drowning, by her own .east,
whsle in an unNound elate of mind, n d
that no blew is to, be lattaohetl to tins,,
pealee in whose cll1U' to she was.
A. colored lad named' Greltam, livita
on the north aide of the river et Inger
wall, was struck in the ave by white hay..
wile threw atones at him, and big eve.
eisththneabeen destroyed. &'iendeavor
N being. mads to dimeiver the oulpritts,
O n W,1elnea,ln•tr W n. B. Mato, firmer.
ley of Sti'irslroy.t•atunwof Teeawrater, el.
otual with the wife of James faI,nenit,
tinker. flattest family eoneisted of s
Alree and two children, anel'\Iri.. Simen n
I• avec it ilei of fnnryears. Thep trtin>i
email re•eNeotably connected', and the
4trti.r clime n senentinn.
On Cntur'ley,'wllil'tt Oliva Grextot,
laughter of Ira Creston, of Wyebriik a,
Aged fourteen years, was atone in ttte
smile making inner, er, .her elotbeeeanrxlst
fire, Her 8creame bronsfbt asiistaeci,
tent not until her elnthee were burned
r(l' and her body literally roosted. She
lived about five hours„ arra wag con.
Scions tilt to the time' f her•death.
Lieut; Col, J. 0. W, Daly, the moat
nrorninont and f'lrtfci i.ttl:ahit'4 2t of the
ftiirnn Track, feel on hie doorstep on
F'•Idey evening Net, at Straltfnrd, earl
dTnd f am the' effects of the fall. ile
82 error; of age.
Notice is triven in the Ontario Gazette
of the incerpnrrtion of the Tecumseh
13Rae Ball Cleb, nfLindnu, with a (sep-
tal of $3,000, divided into 25 hares.
A severe accident ocalrrred to Arr.
.Tole, Parish, of Chi:ielburst, township
of Hibbert. Ho went to the hush for
the purpose of ohnppinc logs. and while
felling a tree; it struck another one
elms by. breaking it off, throwing it
emelt, and striking him on the ehoubler..
it was found that bis shoulder beetle
was broken. A doctor wars sent for,
who net the bone, and the unfortunate
man is rapidl,v recovering,
Theopil i Bellefnedle, Reeve of Pete -
wawa, and his ung?e, one Laeleroute.
were drowned April 1st, on the Pete
wawa river, about five miles from its
mouth, It appears that they were mea-
sining saw logs belonging to the latter,
when they saw a deercroasine the river,
and immediately gave chase in' a smell
bark canoe. It is anpposed that, while
endeavoring to capture the deer, the
canoe capsized with the above sad
While the Messrs. Leech's men were
employed the other day in rolling logs
from the bank near the village of Dee -
vale, they discovered a "worm nnr1er
one of :he largest logs, such aq'is 13511•11•
ly used in n distillery for dietilliug webs.
key. It is abmit twelve feet long, and
is apparently a new one. If' it was the
intention of the party who hid,it there
to brew his ow .1 ale, he will be sweetly
disappointed. How it name there is a
Robert Donrely, of Lucan,•who waq
tried at the Assizes in London on
Monday last for shooting at Constable
Everett with intent to kill was found
(milts, and sentenced to two years'Im-
nrieonment in tae Provincial Peniten
A correspondent of the Listo`vel
Standard writes : Some weeks ago wo
discovered in our wood-honse the chry-
salis of an inseot, and having deposited
it in a glass cup in a warns part of the
house, wo thontht no more aabotit it
until Sunday, when to onr surprise we
found that it hid developed into a bean-
IWel winged creature of a yellowish hue,
et b two dare epote on each of the out.
ax wings (the inseact;, has four of these
appendages,) and whiob may cosily be
recognized as the cabbage butterfly, the
the plaague of the gardener. :It is -well
known that seeroaly a sound cabbage
!lead hes beau produoed iii this section
4�f lace, owing to the ravages of these
orestores in their caterpillar stage.
There mode of operation is as follows ..
T'helpareut butterflydepobite its eggs ist
the young 0ebbuge turiug the uroliths
of June and July, The Iarste develop
�,Iituieat`rpillara, which feed upou owllie beat pa -t of the *ebb age.
approach of wiper, these oat -
rd firua a, uucoou in which they
�talu durnieut Until the su1121210e s haat
re. sprits tttten to life, ween they earns
feted fully developed itlaects, and of
o.tnrse if eat da-troyad they deponit
larvae in the young cabbage. &.
)ae butterfly deposits, stony eggs, and
several parent ivaecte nitske use of the
"head" as a era:Ile .for their profi.
esiy,.it rney be Beau that unless evuae
reir*'dy is retorted to in order to des-
troy th nu the gard •uer'a bo es of a
iltltr bb:at;e lierveet will be iu vein:" Vett-
tam remedies are applied to rid tl,e cab-
begee of bless devouriub* peaty; but tete
beet way is to destroy the insect that
,ietpoi its the larva). ',phis eau be done
Ili ofieout-sgiug certain birde, of which
:heseiu•lecte are, the natural food, to
take up their bat•it at in the vicinity,
tint see that they sire not sitole-tete dur.
fill; their sreatiug periods. Of all; our
feathered frirlea►s the blue bird is the
ru-'et diligt+nt hunter of the cabb•tge
carton r;'and es the natural nesting
lilnote.uf ah'i 3t1t cite have been destroy-
d in
tbe progre.;a of onitivation, anti
nle-i l ave neglected to furnish it with .a.
itrbla phew/ for that purpose, it e4f.
tsaura) forsakes its former home and
followe the track of the pioneer to more
beekwoods places and the ctabbege dy
being unm.:'I.srsted, yearly inerceane to
the vexation and loss of the gardener.
If every person interested in gardening
wonid, i'1 early spring plectra birdhu11ae
near their rolsi.leucee, the .blue bird
crrtull Gunn take. pnssessiou, and the
ravages of the caterpillar eonacqueutly
Oil Thursday last, the wife of Mr.
\V. \Iirriay, Clinton, while standing tan
a step-lt'adder, was so unfortunate as to
fall ttnwn, sustaining a very severe
treacle of her leg, and .several bruises,
On Sundey of leer week Mr, ;W.
C.i•.,n'irieti of Clinton diea from plow 04,
after an illness nfouly a week.
\Ir. A'hton Fletcher, of Woodstock,
has been appointed to °Induot the has
iness for the Crowe at the inehinte
Spring Assirees in Goderieh.
Dating the fine weather of Janrlitry,
,11r. 13'. Elford of Goderich towrlthip,
sowed some spring wheat, wait is now
4hant an inch' high anti lookierg very
Alex. Innis. of Stanley,' has sold his
ynnug French staliion, Youust Napol-
eon, three years old, to &rt. Neil Mc-
Farlane, of (ilarennis, County of Brace,
for the sum of $300.
b1r. E. 'Turner has sold his farm on
the 2nd concession }I.R.S., Tucker -
smith, to iiia neighbor, Mr. Joseph
Crich, for the sum of $3',800. The
farm contains 50 acres and is entirely
without bnilidins.
While Thosuas : Elliot, a firemau a►t
Dotlds' mill, Colborne. was engaged
se. iiig Pick,; is on Saturday, the 28rd
!it., his left haod got entangled in the
yaw and a rtion of it was cut oft, and
by oentrif' at it e enrowu a distance
nf thin
• l�ut
ora McKay, 1ca of
Dungan' n,;' t 'Taylor, of Goderieb,
cin )uta a o tion`of the e brand above
the 'fin rs, lrloroform having been
tdtnini ered dating the operatioe.'
We' are sort/ tohear that 1Ir. Elliot is
a married inn with a family depending
upon him for support,
On Wednesday afterdoon of last
week, four children of i1'irs. Whiting,
widow, living ori the outskirts of the
oorpor{tion of Brussels, the oldest be-
ing 12 years of age, were poisoned by
eaatini; wild parsnip whiotl they had
palled frorn the rond side. The eldest,
a boy, died about four hours after eat-
ing ;
aating; the second died on Thursday, brat
Borne hc:pes are held out for the other
two. The scene was sad to behold, to
see the four little childrou Molest in a
steady fit of convulsions. Tee family
are in very poor circumstances. '.Every
possible assistance was rendered the
children by medical moo and kind
eg 7
To the E'dltor of the Rooter Times<
Sit;, --1f] year ficin:@ of February 2},
you had a loog-.eliietle stating that air,
Alex, Smith, Trealiltrer of Lho Torn -
hip of Util)orne,..had a !airy ilarrrow
ttiiape from the olutohes of a very
droit Imitator, also, reminding your
enders that 1r. Smith had, exchanged
r4rta with a man in l ,.tttaile for 1,000
r1 t4rial a stun of reouey to boot, and
aikt rile stranger in Taboos WAS up to
trictcs of that wily people.
1t fTtrt4 clotted t11at Ilio' EanSfi8 rn.A,n
had sent a deed of hie property to Ur.
Snaith, who, ul'nu (*ueing an oXainiria.
Lien to Le made lite tele title, 'f st la.
1'1)e land frac 'toed by another person,
'si it Mr, Slush bud ..sopped the.
00uvayat pe. Now, 11Ir. Editor, allow
me to tuforin yeti and the public, that
trio above statements are grt,esly false
in. every' particular, There wean a. little
delay In the transfer of deeds, merely
o;t,uswl by a desire on the part of
Smiths lawyer to exauiiti° into the
settnllUna t of the title ; andwhneier
your iuforantait may be, he bas-ta.lf'ru
a 1veutage of ilia to usi'.atnto the ease
and lead people to believe thee en at.
tempt was being meth, to sav'mile Ur.
Smith, The naive of the geutletnnu
who is tbu'i nti%Iiguett id Ur. Henry
1r,yrtbey, Ireli kuuwu and respected by
*eine of the Ueborne people, and a great
innuy others in Cntla4a. EverFtlliisr
ie trtttisfeetory, and lir. Smith iuteade
leavingfur Kallbeas neat tient
h e Yaa having a1ady coal+, Arid re k, nde. Ile ie
adroit, swindler hill move le the Town-
ehip of (3abnrne) ju a a'kirt time.
Y•eura.tf n„'i tomes ALi.r.
Themes It 44t1, Usbvrue, April 2,
[the information upon which Ive
founded tela artiohk c,tixiulained-nf we.;
,riven us by a gentleman whom we ;len-
swat. ft flood alt:thority, lir the ease.
Whetliei it was true or n'ot we do not
pretend to say. We gtsio it as we re-
ceivi d it, as, in our desire to see fair
play, we make roots for the above (sura-
menication,—Ea. Twee.)
To the Editor of the Tithes.
Den Sze, -1 readthe spiny hIene rr
I the Mites of the 281.4 ult., but niy 'p,4r-
fielllar reason for llelieing it, thew is
the remarks of "lta'opayer” nn a Taos
tion parsed in Hev wined! as til!lo:v,::
:Slovetl by Mr. Milbtieiscfl, sec.itelo,l
hy Mr,Wilstt that the deteiled stta-
tneot of the Treaenrer's ancounta ba
!whited as soon es certain l.''lS.s jive n.
detailed statement of the rn•iriie3 ex-
pended by them in 1877. I do not
intend to eo into a lengthy' revie v at'`
Iresent.of tho dein.. of Hay C Attica°at the meothig tint broltg it out
"Ratepayer's" relnarks on it, and hart
Ratepayer asked the Connell to go
Mick to the pretended detailed state -
anent of 1870, perhaps I: should makeno remarks on it whatever, but I see in
the statement of 1.87d, that one of the
hex's referred to has drawn front, the
Treasury on; lite own receipts 310 less a
s'litt than ,353.1;5 and that the sum of
$1710.07 iecharged to the repairs of.
Cie Zurich gravel,' read for said 1870,
and it appears to me that this sulci woe
exclusive of payment for gravel. It is
rumoured that the Council of 1876 hasexpended between fourteen or fifteen
hundred,: dollars in°exet•se of their iii
come, and lied to borrow money to pay
the deficiency, and the ratepayers' are
now paying interest on the 52111113. Tho
Connell of Haymaay be as Honest as.
the Council 01 any other township, for
anything I know to the contrary, bat it
is throwing ton much temptation in
the way of : •
9 even ve honest
men '(@spec-
ially iu those hard Innes) to have them
draw any sums they please out of the
Treasury without giving any acconut of
whom they paid it to or for what. Iu
niy opinion, ' Mr. Editor, ' n ; Reeve or
Councillor hes no authority to draw
any money from the 'rrea-urer except
the pay for their own services, and an3r
mbuey in their charge to exx end should
be given totrio party entitled to reoeivo
it ou order on the ; Treasurer for the
SRrno, Then when thedatailed statementcomes out every person receiving.luml-
ey from the treasurer in as far :as they
wet o : iindividually concerned' whotli r
the accounts are correct or not., f
think Mr. Editor, I read or heard reale,
that there is a few that if the ratepaav-
ers a are not satisfied frith the fineh.ei',l
statement of their Treasurer, they can
apply to a higher anthor:t' for redrewa
and if such aapplicetion lriti; ltl
to be ma
it is likely the atilt will be...claimed .e.3
ar beck ee the itetute will allow.
A;ta'i'zi Ill RATEPAYER•.