HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-3-28, Page 8kk,
Zilch: 28,
C 1 BOO kS, AN OTT). 4,"' rAuvritscn.--The Mr, Davidson N. v w of a Montt. In infancy, ha was THE
'who figures so ProuttueutlaFlu the u
Xen'ilxistigl. a dedieated•by his mother to the cloisters. flo
lanai saindlo, is well known, in Exeter, Laving travelled through Francis. aud Italy, visited I
tationery, tiva hew, stone years ago. Be owned the -various monasteries, aud saw OW rope, by 1
• )- -')
, latilaPag in wInelt 1114. A arum, Liss his store* .whom he was blessed And from whom he re- A
8 ,,,,„.n. in F- ‘ft. r he lard not developed that hue,
an Book
Well Assorted Lines
Berlin Wools
G It I CT (.;"
T/1r w
thstat4f. at. 1.
in.- Fitton lots wit nit a tad,
itt !rola ivukIr.3-
1 .11 atater.,,titht arfiele
411'141 1:4 41 1,4" 't114. en Faye, f
17 vrinte I 111"aattar am't r 1
fitt- eillee emit am, " t'
e oltt ". • five. in s.11
, .1.1.144. 1, 11 S 00,0
E ' ,f , ?took. wq1 .4" .1
Tier- :
V,tAt 1, air...31111'i.
041,9 t 1.4114. h t
' •
it TA
. .
11.1.01*." tact, hAa has sume displayed to tat lt , t IONe 0
sueb. advantage.
tog En flt to
Cossruerms Cruso,---An old physician re- ' --14/1d) NtrIlt Yfirk' Rua thenee I
. to Montreal. Ile taught 0(4%1i:orate school in
(1 LI% Owes kr etetnru a
tired front sears," Praetic°. hang1144 144"(1 Perth, andtbially went to Toronto, ainarelteleft
in A uul 1 «iet I43an uiiionuy,the clam+ of home. Tito 1. entre As.g, replete
Goiauta, of a -hark vt1itrtahiA1. r11111e11Y tl'" with botutifol imIling illubtrationa«
tAvved,y and permanent cure of eousumPtion, bgt cio‘ph,ne.o tment..a
bm'ehit114' e"tArr14 4'41"u"' "1'4 ti.."°*1 4'4 forth as front a rich fountain, the andienee
.1ang x1-0 a pm -Wreath -1 rquies1 owe „ere bem talk41 ihouttl. Ile 11.3,, a peculiar fa-
ar genetal althi:ity and all nervous aoniplaint,a, „lb:, 04„,gliig a44&,14tion of the pt ttple.
.itayhtg thoroualcly t,,,,ted its Nr,noerbd
and at no time the ti. livery of th, tee.
etrrative pow
Er j thoh-ands 44i eaS,4"44 fee.10it tnie. 0,4,1; tiltea hours diAl
,inty pp ',mike it known, to his -ozift.ting fel- tho iutot to tax tie, 410,4011110,4
I ; 11 I sent free ))1 ebutge`O deliver smatter lecture
On r Laws, The 110 would protokly
ell who desa.2 oith fall direcalmis tor pre lit
and wrhTim &' rt- Tws.-* Sof1 Al. --The 1,10.011
. A; "le«
a.r. "4444%
Att .
- • 441 e-,rr,"•."
" 0
-wmitap naming tioa, /Adler. 11/4. E, Brix, ,
No. O., Str.et.
Si'. --The olvacnre
And itehirp. 011. 9*F144.1"4,' "VAT the anspiet s of
, I.
exttooviv goti-ti,a1 ,--rAett weetly '"'Fr1y ''ve'a.
JAWS R04041.11ieft on the Readjust..
ment 011 the Tariff' Unanimously
TUE 14(1)191,1:$7. OF •
On Thursday last a meeting 4 he Littoral
Conservative Association of South lIuzon was
held in Litieefeld tor the 1.4 1
',candidates' for the Donahnonlaa,„1
.44 Pediment. The meeting was he largt'st
4,4 the kind ever held in Dincelleirl, tne
beiog 1II4 to the door. nhaniel,,
' pality in the riding a'as well Jelin, -eigral, and
tho utmost enthusiasm end haralbait--
f ,
Po, every one ,appatently «I« 0-,•itAin.,1 to.
do all fl his power for the 4.11,0ir1: f thVon-
ninetieth for the ailwima ult 1 pi -e 4rall r-
spensdale itiosernment. and eoe 44« el of
mireb. trate pirmeaph Tkat. I rat,. vt.
lliteine, occupied the chair, mid Mr. Ot.
-Inelett acted as '.i..eretatt.,,, 1' o the L-ornita
ion 11IeA9e the trnateti. of r er, all-
tf.« i* V, 9141'1`I''''114 "9,
041.4..901,n. Crg011-1(4, 11.1'11[. 1: EA'. y, .1.011,4
/114 1140 1100 410.4414 .1, telt hi:. '4'4r. Vret
4.1.e-ca.-ro1 Ilia 4101.4• 4 1OW
1114 t1k, mad
ve I to the A, till' opinion Avais i-
Rt..1.1111 ean.lidat. 4 tied Mr,
afa.rentioti t "1"" 't111. ; 4 a in 'ft. Tm.
• in ori 1114,h2nr.le Present 04,1 the Altair Ava
ittraie tand 4.'0X.1.41 119ot ai wi 0.10 ;4.'1 44114,,litik49) 1.1 0 44 r a•
to a .aort',.-An, ,a los on4 IAA. it vatted itot
not tan& mann
y hot wh''''n
liken ,mt
4", 4.0
e..tiratry %%oil 0.!....111▪ ,2 111
IvAvo h I
ttitr.".; '1 tht
rt a-, A ill e,a Ut1ti " I41,0-11 Ibovever,
.4 1. 14k1,'it 1),,r v,. tia, vp. AAP
c, 1 Na "
fair aefevd, prt .rt, 4111,1
ttit;At '. a. Aro
tt 4. !t :4,t 1ty eft, \44114,, 44 44 filo 'Drift for titit Pavia. io,
ie. «he 4. t-, 98. 4144 of tit 1 141,; floor. 3fr. Fort* r"-« eta in
,r;:„ r 11.y 1 0 ,i at '4..a..its.) to Ppd. 1.441 briell.%.'Tt l'"'"T°41" 0444 '
+*; J. ",d. " 11..1 ilk, *LT, Will 1,00, (4414,1401 tly e.a.q
, ' a a I
1 alL autply 4*'1'44V -Aft, 4.7,4
'Ir. ta"..a, tatift...tfla tt
14 amt- ratiala34.t24. 0111 the,. le- 1-
4, 44aa7r".,,
I 1:-
. ,
, ,i
• , 01 ,i'::.‘.
- , i.,
. . 9 1 4444 , ' 44 1.?, "
• .*. A's , I 1 4 k :42 4 ‘ • i it 0= l' 4.1.1
la 1 ."lAl .... I 44,4.1344-4
4 ' 44.".44'. Ads • 'I." . 4141..14 *43' '14,114 1,, ;',.•
st „
• 411 11411 44, 048 4.0 1. 1 ;kW
kle s4 .".1811 .14,4 a 4,2,14,,„ „ j..4reig14 ra.#
41'4' "14,,
----------41 1- ra-
11-to 2 1-
e* 114
A, •", 1t1r. .1.44. 11
. 4r W.
rat. 11 f1 0111 144, 1.
$": A -t. 31r. v.tia A. 44T
ttrit 111e1-1 4 1 - 1 t at 44Lr
14:41 MO ki %.1'.`",*4 11,111 oll 1‘11A....1,ty hit
„„ a Asia...
142 4.*aW4n144' 111 ,,.zol'a..riitt a et owl fot Mr. S,4"44-
124 471 troupe.
-a f .441444at J. 4± ia tire quxv:
° 1, ". 2434'. 4.'0111471,4,3 1'4444
a„, tut fey .4 424444' aoti
1%1 K
. 4 '1-' • A., 4s ....al. on'.
ill. A" '.11 -At it r 44447. 441-4,
it, 4I4 ,4748 kaf T. .aa. t.
v. + • 1 K .1 :50. a'a.4 41., 'A t Apo.... 044
W. P., IL. a. It. While«
It. S., ilro. I-1, lit s.
4%.„ It. S„ t4349
1^'4..414.a. J. 1Z
. 114'*, 44,1 roe r«
1 1 -.tr.. • 4' 1, a«
..re„ A 7 142420 la 4,
A. tom. 1%17r.
1. S.. 11.4)., Ai, 11 1.
31"'" ; ; 74,4 az; r. I ,-;141 t 14," eiren.az,
1. r - *"-
At. el': 'a7,1
1.' a.-« ,f t't,t
44 ."
f. 1,4 414 'At 44,.
!;,A TIO
AI •
8' 444
• 9- ,t0'"VII
-!.' "hit, A
4,441 4,...,44,444 ...it% state...it 1
, 449 ito-toet, 41 4 "47
• 4,17 A "114' . 7" 1.44 .244
4, 4,
if oat a. 1:1« •
At AAA '4'. l.."*; /;11.*,
* ' A« ,
24444 , 9.41
14-1 111 1'.• .1
•` 111. *44s 4744 444
=(' •••, :• 2,:?14::.';i4 442 4,
• 4 1,,,;.:14 t • ti 44 of f
444 1::1lor87
24, 0. 4" a& ',ie. it. %,„
4414'• t. .4
,f ".1-t4 ...1 49. 84,4 .1"
"a. 017• 4,4''4" Ain
1.tr1.44t,4,:1'ti.111h4.,-. tura. *to,: 1484,4,.
" Ttett 443'4 1.11.4,1.11. 1.0 0..A "'la, 0.
"a,, 1 1. 11- :so .1,4444 44
10.1: 11, a.:
• '4".41::. 4.44^* 11114 944414,1 4441444 44 4,44,
14;.' 441.0. 141 4Ia44444 :,„ „4,
1, 340.13,41 4 kt" 4' 11'nt4,100 11-.**
i‘a,,11A • to, it, .
2. 4 ,.4riva"latitt'.i;itilio.71. aat 4.t. 1
4414,9 r." 41,44 V=1441. M1==.===.1"• '
4442.1 4; 1., ,,Att AA'',.. Vi Loft ..2
.a 0,- tia,- .Aa 1 .* 148 ,•=1 =
t`f t13. 1.14 . A.14 40.4
Ow Aida -of 4'1-' '4.14404-44‘.. * 1, a' alit* I
'f.ati 4„4a pr, 4-- • M. ' .1. 14. 44 tt.Nti at 41 014
1109 444', '
.44 "*."A`"
, 4,
adopted, Ana that. tit erk instruct-
ed to get. 209 eopies of klua
statement, of the saute printed ,or
tributiati among tlatteatetaa ere. M' -s.
mitt seermdecl by tlie Same, t.1044 ten
auditor's report be 1.
led 11,A A,111 , 41.4
Mr, k),,,[14,;* ex -0441t4 t`11 Mr.-
1-lrown, ex lt,eeve, give a detail, -,Itte.
met t, toonies, exz'eftiled bv tin lit
11-1 1I77, eti4 the Re Te n41.) Tatty.
Reeve are lierehe ilistritc'et1 0,1 inquire
into Ch*- fria.t"ter at an to, r„
ra deeat it 4,411 meat% ulare.
these Councillors tr. itig, to Tooke. at
Irish Ittill„.if ther we a fre ; het
ter 1 up, 11, Ito ff for tii.it wort,:
IS In. otal:i 411-Vy niirav,
whet I sulfa r fir yoat it AT* g,
tee one. tr tont 1.0'414,41
-.1matetztaant not Pon ,- ;atm.! nt 1..o4o
t ex"sa. are the r* --t no
ktstement ipf wItai-Aa 4 -Ir tneattey
att, 14.110.1 CA 3 lea 104 4,t,
AA,,‘ -1 IffOrto MIA' fig ,1*.r IT I
V P.R. htVre 't t",,..t r." ..1t
44191 oar inf11t1.,atol Lay,
*he 4)1 der or ow 'C',nitAcil. or at
int Altillf it to 414) $44, 01 4 a
_ ,
report woe torn et, acid A A
144 1`40 the faitt.ift, ,f.tr etty44tao,'.1
040 t...1.31) tilt 111,1..4 fir lhot tift,1
4144)t4441,iait. litany .yet:4ttt
1.-.a.:a„ 1 or
ell ital.. llear stattothil.1 4'144" :114' 44
the ruff.
Hey, 2.1t11 Mart+, 1 478.
-7.4f,cr si - Thit 1 ata .a..,- 114 .1.
. ,
111 iiic.s 1 loft4all. 014 if
St. 1.14411's CI ell, was tt 44.1J..o.447,„ e..t,..
sitietivg the I r „it.. 1-o00.01 s 444,41 t/AP.
44/41. 143 1 ee- la to44e04.41 : 4 al.o. illa
A2,r tea, (4*41 e...4ii444*a4444.t rt foa ed. A
h title afi.lifT,tv... 444/11,1,1 1 ;24 • 4,0,142 A ".A.:,' "" el:-
' -,ra.4.4 gen a too 1* i *4 t 4. .
' 1444' tl444404 4444 44.7 4.11 4 lei i0 „,l,
41,144'-', ii. ... 4444.11.4. °
.A, 44.4 Ail 10"
1;,a!" ::.14144
"" *-41.
' 4 1, 4.9.2-44 1",:t. 44411 14.14
4.74. 14114'4 4444
/AV tt 1P4,/444 tin, 11.4.A1,0",1„.1
1 1 4et414;4 *It,.
aa,r 444
r: :cue
, 114444.*41444V4t4a.
114 1 too, yt u Tune tt,
1-43,414. 7,ta144' repo an utter, g 43W',t
ott 4 ('I"f 42444 to 4.4.4 ;ti i•"It
1,010441,1,1144.1; itat tutor, :mu ttA
• 4111.4 0. 4 f nr I:4e4444 d many -
II. hive to wato-r. I Miro 144.
41444 ht 1,1
04.4. W. .14111;i:.4 .nd 7*. Pal t.f , ,t,o• wo, Vitt 1''( allot ik urn ri
441 111,esi. 441.1 1131 4441 14 t owe, le " "'`• "14 1 1„,s t4t t...-1. ei
A „ 11‘, 4.1 0a.10144." 44444 15 114 & l
.14 ••A el" 4Aas
s...1.1ta" t'I'o% • .• 1. :11 , , a
.4,a4 41'1,1 t 1141./, 1 4, A =1.
lir a .4404, A% '4. 31441 Ili,.
"( 414 1°1111.1.111."&r."0 1"1", It' if 1," ,- A11,1 424a4'441.4".4 14 1+, 44447,1 t t %A 1 101 lc ..A ,. ,,110 .aala 1 A1.4:0,4 r triad vtit.Altsnot
t11 ,y p". wed "ter r «, ;M‘TI"1"411:1 W
'V* -1,11,8:40r r „ ,;1won, 1. , 41, 14 31,44 „f Arad t, ,ac"444'ttioaerai i vire red on triadititait ...
. 44111, 4/. 31„. -
1411. I lat tjaa, 44,411,/,;4.4414 ;qr. 11,1„4.42,21 4.1,2:, 2421 4." 44 -411 *1 "114, 1110 tvo, 111041 11-1, 1 elation 44'. 121' 142t114tt.4. i„,,ittit 'Illart:11:;:zi.‘ttcti.:.,1:1414;r1"':111.4.;titilt171.1,11:,,,'"'.?:.:12::1 1111 li%t• taag 4-attil vitt at II
1,...,1'14 1" a • ratably 1.1444.411 in 4)4 831 us. lint al,' t': vpre- our eat «arta" I a ter Ms tt, 1tA. litst 101+, to' he 1.441 lit tor
1"‘V424*7 1(h44
r1:11 STailrat„-l'haastorin a .41 t 101 `4atIlvd"': '''""rla t';"" tav /war apl.ro-tvit 14 y -4r p..iciesat 41 ra moval 1,110, br4,1.00 1 111 a till' 'a."' 71 tt IttItt tor ttt
4.1143 ; tIlkl 041'4 for 4 anal 414ant in
*" 1 'a ' ' t' .11 11 ' 1
lio‘l."111,1;, tsitivralde .1:114.4.::e around '144' 4" 4` "'"'""" °' I ',1t1" Y"1/1 111 0"10.^'111'1111'11- 10 us 11'1 4.1i getittiviricol Itrogre-o-roo. ...1`th,11 the
8.‘!;'ar ay Wilke nual d stall ear at it al Ica ritil the whole winter a, rrt.,„ „4„. y„,tr 44,4
CE' 1 111-.AIAA.
v44.1144e, iii the -way bb.,,,,b,g91,44444444 '4'4444'-"41'44.44 nag in tali ordhaney ia a, cleadie hat , yonr 4111,/ „,„ //44 „tome. 'VrIty 4IAtx..._,W4.4 aro tf5 iparn Yankee tdfored pie." :1 th,...14 :wad dol-
(tom Tad:111g hue avonutt th„, a.a 1 1„ n t'"tar1i't `'.".11"..1g. v1 441v 'gall 4-1' Itualcr lth* V1f trit., OW, that Mr.4. 1,4t her still von tipue,A very " jars for the 1 ins when the (;i 44 1214 ubt.r
whivit came., it proved *41', 11-44 the am.st "11 -td ‘(:111 /OA 0,01 thing 14-r- '1- 111 rating:ilia al PIA. to be ;At serve
$.t.oin of the se:son. i teaticti tirtt the lough featinen ilatrent wag -.1' ....our .-.12.1.°4.1' humbly ,ovi 1, .4 , l,", 404.1 to
, rill.
1 1 /&N'i& t.a tereli 111.Lae world -'sfr lea'.tFveter -,r "allAi-222',,24,' '- 1. ill 4 1.‘210122,122,1(ia11l'atrixo-Ifavilta4‘1 larelo411-33 f,t mitetavpll4::D,r2J14,414fa„„,ii„niwiroflab.our t. -1k of type, and intenther te tosi. a 2; .I I 1-
- ira.11gtm 1w,in 11,,,,„. 4,4424111,'4 11.111144441411t144' both..41tIrg,,r4t,tim,114,4.1111.,„tt0rpr,,.„.,,
0.'-t.,i",1 40 il"4 iit'.117• atiVb• i,poothair n5tit. eival.,, 4444(1,4b1 ,.„ i,l, i., nu tt we fee/ happythan ever toanun kindsaifprintingitht44st in 1 'll'ax0..1111.114, 11.811evoi& /uvula, 4424,1'). ..1l'4$ 21 (10' 1,.1&1101, 0111ittu. litrenitiing toil. 111144214011.5tylit.4 antiitt the lowesri, P411 4441
dp,thine a ao the 444311441*"' 41,11. of ire 4141.", W11,11 14zeal in 11422,14e, 1441181 1,4,(1,,210422,,, 415,4.4,to nftVt. 44,4)4314' orersat Tut Trnse 4te,..
J. 14. (lark,. is 4,,,,iiii4.1. (45130(41;,..4.F41,4,vg4.10,., ! Wilt! 14„i,wila,g, iron& (.1 A.' „"..; poillt II tint Lori:ton, I
4 41(.011. owned, l'A•witriitsl,o•ii bb s,:,o by the pi -
and Stationery at lima prives. (iv,' 1i±1 st eel, 4111' I'l° (.3..i'l 4v.41'" vvfl'. lator. "Pie storm con- :.t vb,,, Arirla, ill leading initi,r, to take an interest
n.t. once. „kin:go salve:ion of 143:-144. tinned, subsiding and rising altermitt ly uutil 1 In tlw blood 44 tim Redeemer, under whose
Paotxe max To SAirnw.A.Lits.-- A pitition is ii, I lIatidaY maiming, when the warui sun sga'll Isillik. and. approtatioll they now rejoice. As 11 1
circulation aslaing the Sa.phAn ("enucil to pass I shone forth Wall lii$ imagalllit 8911,1' ^ 1 goutiottitia, wo have alwayk (01434(44444011 to be
a 1.y.1aw to prevent driving :441 side ,valk, it, GA:1,04444( 131,14.11I1.111.--Tiaial play 1111s pllt nil flap ; ,-,,,ni.ti,,,22s4 mud 4445144 obliging ; as 4.1 12444431111 111111
the va ions villog,-s in the township atod with, boa1'4 last Wv.iiiesaltor evaaniag by the gI31443-k- !a, eliristian, you 'lace tulitionished, ercolv-aged
in a enrtairt distance of incorporated and other I, 'Man .11.0y111 .1)1*AL11111tid C01111111.11,V• The )1( 1143 ni I and radmitod, as °evasion Acquired. We irow
‘il a -4u; in the township, flus a, good idea, as ‚.441141 tirst act is in Ireland. Connor 01.1re11nedy 1 hog Le, t,,,nior ,e,n, tids inirso as being 04444. II
it will prevent aecitlents and other ineonven- is forced to ily from his native country for en- . slight toison of nor resneet for you and hitdi
A., .
ivi,oes. On the sidewalk south of Exeter there gaging ia treason, and seeks tt retreat on the ;14,1)v-ela1i1*n of your invaluable servic,,s, and
have been several mirrow escapes front being haults of rho Mississippi, where he- semi, for- also as a tangible proof of the sincerity of mar
roil over. gut:: the wife he left and weds another. But professed regards for yon. Our earnest 4.3tire
t,f,ttint Dows S4444kDa44TI1E438.--T110 boys hi 1434 141)1 even unto death, the first wife follows is that ',leaven's choicest ble,:sings may be
o'ar village think they can cotnmit any datire- biro to America, and after it long search, and abundantly bestowed open you and yours, and
dation they ple..sc, because they have been so when almost worn mit by fottgtie, finds ldm. that even greater success than you have real -
leniently dealt with in tbe past. We notice
that several of the small shade trees which
have been planted on our streets have been
pulled up. We do not. see what sport tiloy can
11,4,1114 111 destroying public property. The same
boys no doubt allow their mothers and sistei s
to oat the stove wood at hustle while tliey are
eugagi el at equally as hard work; destroying
priblic property. I'Ve hope this will be. the
ast tune we will have to refer to any thing of
this nature
R. C. CHURCH, MeGaitmivaAv.---Next Sun-
day the ceremony of blessing and erecting die
*3441. 901114 of the cross on the R. O. cll....lel), 44,Ie-
GilliV1 ay, will take place i42 the above church,
t -he Bev. nailer Brennan of Itio tint Carmel Will
officiate on the oceosion, ast,isted by tho Bev.
Father Northgraves, of London, who will
preach a sermon suitable for the occasion.
The Rev. Father is said to be an eloquent
speaker, and no doubt many will avail
-the uselves of the opportunity to hear him.
Arrangements will be made to run the bu,•ii
from Exeter, leaving alt 49 o'crnek a. in.
s'Aont passion of the bamtress of the
'Mississippi, as she di -,covers anothor woma1
pillowing her head oft the bosom 14,41 111111 she
loses, and wliom she supposed to belong wily
to herself, was a marvel, and the death like
stiltness that held the hall is. good evidence
that this hue pit'oe of acting -was thoroughly
ttp preciated. As Geraldine, Mrs, J. K. Vernon
eve11 simpassel herself, and acted the difficult
part to perfeCation. 13114 44.44011.1 Was comedy as
444.1414 En; ta.nge,ly, 'air. Speakman, as. Jack
0-ong, am. ldr. Sambrook, co; lrIanitaat G3'in-
1104ge, the, 1illown1011, kept the audience in one
continua( roar while they Avere on the stage,
l'he other members at tiler company acted
their parts well, and altogether, dio enter.
tainment was worthy the patronage of the
play-loVing public.
T112 1144 Lr•ICTUUT&E-The thir(4, lec-
ture of Ala. F. G. Widdows, ex -Franciscan
Monk, was delivered in Drew's hall on Mon-
day evening last. l'he subject 04 4114 leeture
nliow 1. booaarte a Monk (14414 13144' ren,ons for
waving them." After the usual vocal 4111 111.
strwinental music, the lecturer explained at
length the various stops which wore t,dttail by
wad, on his bolialf batere took the live.
ized here may ever attend your efforts through
subsequent life; and though we ruay be called
upon. shortly to hid you a sorrowftd farewell,
yet may Ave athpastor and. congregation, finally
enjoy the indescribable happiness of meeting
end greeting each other in that Placa where
parting will be no more.
Mr. Holmes replioil in feeling terms.
The spring shoe/ of entire stook will
be held in Brussels, on April 901.
There will be no spting show fez en-
tire stock in Seaforth this season.
Al accident, of rather a painful na.-
ttire iiittipelted to Thomas Cott, son of
Mr. Jaanes Outt, lbt concession Gray,
a fe (lave sinoc. 244. wing itati been
erectea iO the born, and whale swinging
one end became unfastened, allowing
t he lad to fall to the floor, thereby break
int.; his wtist. Under medical attetid-
anoe he will be all right again in ti
law, and that there is little lioital or het
reellr'ivto(*srpv;eTtstt Ft 14. 144 fAIT1t.--():1
1'30.11l1'34424' Inornito; strata gor a.i.titted
at the Itati way :".ititri, 41, *VA the
d'13, 18a pr,040)..1in44 t,,entritlin for a mill
.410. lie expre4443e,1 bitiatelf mach
pleased with the village anal tholight
iltat there was not a finer situation for
a paying null in the comity
ILA„Itoo TIIE limos Tireseot,
unexpected cold snap it is to be feared,
t'A proVe. very hard on the spring
birds, who etiparently have miscalcula-
ted toe season ar al migrated 11 ininith
too early. 14*. will he remombered that
0100111 years ago the robins died bt-
litilitiretis front starvation, the soft food
on which they led, principitliv vitorioS
and grubs, belt g completely erozen
There is this difference 110-94144,414-1 at
that time toore w ere two weeks of liatd
frost without snow ; at present the
grotiod is covered with snow and re.
!Unitas f.i.11.4-.
AN EN 6.1.4. S BrAoKetith.-11rs. Triv•
itt lies lo tsly added to her collection of
singing birds all 14114411,4.1 litatekbital.
Its s.ing wary soft anal I42e1 dions,
;old ramics next to the Mocking bird.
Those from the weet L'itglauti alto
remember this songster, will at once
recognise in its familiar strains, the
"coney" of their childhood.
A PAYIN9 PAPICIL-We are in receipt
041 14 late number of the Loniion ,'44,1/,.41,
31)11, it) whic,11 ii is statid timt the total
number printed n3)4.1 issued f, om the
office for tile last month WILK 4,858,820,
showing A aftily averttge of 202.451.
To the Editor of the Times.
DEf.,.1t1 your issue of the 21*1
Il a,t„, there appeare under the heading
of Li ty, ',Doings in Council." Moved
by Mr. Iialbtleisch, seconded by Ali%
Wilson that the audi watt' reputt be
tins would be foe, d to be rorreer.
11114. tii.titlif.r the bhve!. mar 11,4) seller
1.1.14443 able to 411st:ove1' tto: 14441 Itainf.)er
tains, Consequently they vta-ale gointY,
'around to 111111 1411 ,rrativindiettn wito
could tell them. tat I the Irish.
111411 tO have the Yataltve tI,,TL) 0.42141 (+fie
Lit,Oliatttitti tittiffIr3 Rs a g ,arantee to.
stand to the bar.otita. '1110 Iltiiltee
agreed tD,,tiiis reqi.est,hut finatlly, wheti
the agreetnent wale tirawitig 10 a paint,.
1*10 Lisliman had not courage to take
the Yankee tip et nia.. ou -r, anal bitelteit
out, thinking the pins. Ashen sold would
not . bring three thousand donors.,
44 "011, you fool." 1 maul, "the 14,ttr1143.0 i$
rit,t, tO carry the ailment, oi intIney
your farm will 0,,11a0 to." co in..iitered.
the Yatilieia would Inat eitclired, 11.44 1 be.
liievfa, ;hough 1 11.111 a, p0181 414411 intim i014.11,,
that there is not it Yttriliet. in (41)1 11 'tit -
States weeltuy enough to boy at
hundred acres on the same terifis.
However, (Ise Yankee left, sttying dint
he had a cleric in his office at inane'
to tell the atnouni,;....
Id be back in 116
11 i41,1.t 110
1-11ta Yam 'tee is ata
latiaitinarialt, bat when 110 clerk will
the cerrect amount he will he -
twine -a valetudinarian,. and never bet -
seen 0111384t44a4 any mote. Now, 1.1,-1
ettocaation int, got to 13u4111 a high sten.'
(l)1rd in Huron, 1 nave no doubt brit
the tritnepal Ault stars Of the county will
have au opportunity of ey.ercising their,
tnerital abilities on the siinple rules of
rithmetic, and be so kind as to stititl.:
in their ittis were for taublictti iou to *.t -
44'y the Yankee cau 41443 teturit. 1 atab
sure the pedagogues oi liuron Conn ty
will sliow the Ittnkee tnat axe have Yuen
(41 141(44 fling in Canads. 1 lthow "'there
m it be a great discrepancy 411 4110 sev-
eral auswers you will receive. t a
', 113(01411 .Dovt,E.
Stephen, I9., 1878-
(*8,11. 1.43114412(1 1441 44 4)143
1111(4 that lie '.43-0444
to '11 t 1,4 1)1 April to
Aii f,at a-, I ettiwitlet