HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-3-7, Page 8THE TINFIS S F .3ohooL Books, Stationery, Blank Books V/ II A ssorted Lines AT CLOSE PRICES. Berlin Wools, comrL•.TE .a +„ A -I T ILY. . C**. A Maritt lots :t. 4-4-«44- d S4:tt?rp E LOC.4 � ac Ira. x. . t Ii< 11) "./ L .3' 1^1:alall"fit""Y »1 ,. 4.1',: .Comrmuzzarexx Sousa—On rriday even- ing last, a complimentary oyster supper was r given 1_44x. ,.0 ;.Altilers<'n, in. 3Y,atper'a .$4941.1 by Not 1 The Company. °t'c asts, est:vet/e s and songs were tbe. order ef'.the exeniu6, until the approach Uf the lvai' stria hours' when the company se' .treated ',happy to meet, sorry t\1 part, :w1 happy to meet :again," µa81 Anderson is about leaving for ,lea itsse'^s, .4 the, mewubera of tine: the company with whom he has for at e.easideraalaie time ken associated, toot the opportunity of marl:ilag their appreciation. of a, e' 1146 s.*.k'v.2;r.a„iS1:Q'iS-t^an*r�+S4#�' 1 aa .a g -a8 a',°ilttrit fireman. The spread vatsgot up in the the best )tyle of mine host Wolper. 1i/4aa.$ S 9.a). --.Mr. L. Router. Atea•ve of i',- ls•ri1e has seta his, coital e horse, .1'0 le of Pa. ton- ata .1Sc+e.:s- zl4t •.0 411 Fisher, tshadlt they l n le\:+i' nave:hag in the State of lititaels, al:e.- atu,.: ;.arA:.a1AI r4':1,^u'13. ":'84144 a.'f Ii:r::nae' ai 7- .:.aw, 4 .a titin .lrrirt'g is a It ,..taaa land V.: oast s".t.ni.a si's•t,'e -1.«..ed a ha hands iaish --• :14ir444.4. a are. s .ainin:9x4.9-•:-eflasT ;.a: ;,11 II.=.^ seam St a"6". 11=1'r•,• A . 18o 14114 E1141 \•„aa 4 a ;4:a1 ... 4-144 1.11; l,.«41.3•» 4-1.98 r"^: trt➢.«til ,«'f 131•:;.4 •i •i =1 .414.4.40A akatsv .:a•"t, ,, b , ...r o.,a :.a .. . t . , s; a.'.5 •u ;a , t:. t tat) (-4 4 W io t 44➢. 't t . 17P' a411.. It , :>.. r:, ,�a .u. ,1'• it ^11.: ; a -•4-4-9'1.8. a ?. ?tie, Vit 41:.0 A.<.:lay. a -,i an1xEY'a2 r'a8 t.na clay's ,0“.to L. iia4l..'.;•i', . 1--eeensne, l as a,° Se:Ater • 4.y ids. 1x,3:;^ r u.t.. ,4f « e :.:f • > 4- 4- 4- 4-c - + <, 1i,,. ;aa• . , ua`4 1 tG1i. a 4.. M.-. L. N -.,.a 'a^•'...4 .. .: a. @.:. A,.a, *'. 44-4-:x' • . ,r:, ,•ala e... 4^,xa 1-:: u«, .fie: •,. ..-"'k : 4-4-4-4-.«-. ,:. a... . ,: ^4143-wa. ...1'.S°' }01 4.i rvi4e`»": ➢' .41'4'+ r!,'f ua 1 '-ak aYJ &sse". "a ':L 1x...4 .,-- ..^ Ip..'. ;'.'?".144 1 :1C •+..t, 1-4' 4-10.4- ii1V1p4«'1 .. 6 + taa. un. tai-: ., .aR»- 't9.0 .. 44 • •,.tea A 44 4 I 711, .•a xt .: y l' ; .• ax `.• 'tr e a 144'4' t', 4 . _a a .. . /4;'1.4 ,..(GY. 1:P - r a . "a° for the .creditable- manner in which they ac- quitted themselves, especially our home talent. The Seafoi,'c Musical' union rendered their services in good style, although the talent , of some of•its members did not meet the expect, tAttions of the people generally. bliss Carluichel Lind Geo. 'i4t, Cline 1•endereJ.theii selections ex. ct>llelktly: Mr. Hayden's Irish songs anchorites tor were given, iu his usual enthusiastic man. :al. and were deservedly well received b}' the o aa4l'lence. Mr. L. Tiarlrne's Devonshire re:ld- ink; and sontza were well performed, and he to'olt his seat amid lmut oppla"Ger.which rcBests ramch credit to him. 11r. R. 4.i, Caddy tau - .}ere 1 Ilia' solos :with excellent eat1.t, a mantel. . cla.3raeteristic of lais at111sieal t:dealt, Atrs. It. 1°icifer,d's 'i'lat,ions tWt'ievery idll', 1tlk1xeurtrit•- allay wall At:1g, receiving loud .mea y'es. Mrs. limy -deft ells A by her e1k,•a41 r:r"x•,c¢1+Itas anal good singing re.., i.e al, tad a lt,aq-,41.4 19.+14 ahxa¢n:li- c..e:'. TIta iaeae•r string 1.,:-ki re1:•dar-ea their r tltt :tele seer vie,'s lea'fir@'t e ' 4 s, to. The, brass :,and taaa:➢te.'_.$ out, ki a -at;' ;seal etre.+nintt>usly, 114,9. whits -nu the ittal.,•le..e 441 filo'tteatlna'r, ..::'111 1y�_r11,141 tr 49 the yeti>a2'r.t:il'e:'. The e a n- tR'r::.i.4.::6.'ta.tt a .a.'y..:i by a a;r.o.titii.a lay 1.44 Willi -- et L-...14. . • itt .1d..rx • ,, the 1':t•.:,mit :dlap.;tr-, 4"C ..�.", 4 '.t' .a' a L 's1,4a14 ::6@al t&. k )ah .•.a Ott a:r.ela@a<:•r 4..a u. wc.4 x1 41',9“4 I'Y tI ?'a'aa}='1 14101:4 Viol& itto 9849 t t 4 4 -1,0P -A.. l ,.4, .:1:411 t i4t. 8-:r'tattla:.t. 444^^ 1.1,0v 1401;. tbt:• ,-.sat:3 ,!. �'t. rig. t'..i''tl ennII.it :,4.»i at” " 4' ,t'`.' r 6'4'D. 4••,.i a<64.. r':.. 04' 4':4318:1«_.P,: • "41''1 ,. 4.14,48',::r1•l :6141 °i ..{4-919 slain 11'1 ttifA1- s',.en I a,a:e?n tti1 r r. a, an 1, •1 tor.. - 4t, nil • Alt I..' 1' 4-'41 14 4 ltl�.^tr I}atn 1t•,l to f•' its Sti'^'.soc ,,. ':.a.. : '•.ig. 4.87431 l� .ara¢t ,k., a, t ., , .,•-' .`;4 tit "+ Ill Art:8-, 'a''+ ^ut all *'1+•11 *'I4.. t *:n s-tt d ea;tt,t:i- 441.44 ,.:• til....,, .. if 4A.. L' itt tvo u1•ifi.jt• lit J. x.. •)t'.... • II v.= re- -* t:t 1. ; +> 4:: ,.,•.1t, if (., 9134th. pr .r «r. ,-telt. d , as ...n la•�'.'r: ,;@.4981 h 1\ D�.y� .:8444•".,a,';":4,.s7r.q.+•a. 1.04.. x„. % .. 1^41• - `A4;aaS', ag. IrA ri; 4 4 , s d '•011 A+i ..,a,• �irAar"': 1,a .a 14 4.11..11a1.t,141"It.r- '{ 1;1 I •t r 4:.; . r I.a'.:11 1 u ,x .act ;."fun' 11;.' Qtr' 14..1414 4• . i a, -t> . .44 A:.....x•, : Sal' f,.alxea'r-"8pn. 13,,1, ^4.,1111+.; 1,:. at --i0.'..0 1'4248 J'. a-. I J'1 a. •4-4-4-4- -,.:., is used. From the increase in the gristing busi- ness it shows that, the people are appreciating the. luxury of good flour. f` A Boer TItm.—it was predlefe4L se.Me time ago tjlat'this wunl:l be 411 bilsy season in regard to building operations. It has nire''s4ly colo- menced—Mr. Fairbairn being about to erect a bu'1diu1;, '2.avil i for hors:' hearse. rod hear; articles of krltiture t he* is also putting an tld- d4ti.4n to his store, 11#x3ti co bo nsett e xclu'iva'ly f'+r the mldtrtaxing department, Mr. F4air- b;9:rna has 111 coalau'etioil with 1t's business„ to s •4.r. t:?lsti ho.u4'lit, 34%liitlt 1ua144 4184" 4':•trnl141 a)4141 in tlll•�place--• dr. A. Kelly h.asiilitt one i1e 1)r, B4ehaluialt'o bock. Tlt( people 411 this section ca3211a6,ve anything in tlaw line of j 'wt•lry at 114 loci' rates as 44th be had ally,litere. 13 ,t1A .to is good lila a t 5A. S.A.'E P 111',:''1, DOINGS ;4 Cc44�ktt'I4..'.•,•C4nllacil tor. y on tb 4u* WA., nil the tQltnobeera pres- ent. .11'Qt11 Ns of last ln.('ttug read wad approved. .119..'89?dl seconded I3": T. Yearly, that 319• «:della• :tttca441 931 44'18. 1'Ie14L11aak'r-i eztr 46 •it N. Bt., regarding n watt 'r .494;4'' i .'-•-C t'ra^ ^l. 11+nied by C. 1',iib4'0', ;arl'cott:Jt41 by T. e'91'6, that' 9118 1., ";:1' -al a►1 t%°1 on., 11 i^."t+�. :others to had over t '.$ 'filen IIAe:e'trA3.^' ar:l.:1$, i1 ort -ti it; C 4.;t be., :rt•,1=r»*• 4'(i by W. Daher, that yT.{ Co,te,rht-u5 tt':41'1 Y'-'1troy' Iii .to t74'atirel iltt ,,1 tat :ay t;4 34!4t141 t4.. s'ttletti=tes-• wan f-'' l ttith r°.'it4tri1 to the 1%:rL.4i8 411 t' 4 1 1911° 4's abet” at that tint'•" 1. 1)+1148`:. l 1a'.'➢:al", 1 , z14ra^4-4'-41 t') 118. I^'.Aai4 lly. t $1" 4.�14174w4 l' 1 >7 L- t' trt`ln ei 9941 " •',l I ti °. 4-4c/ 1y. a A•I:V:ial4'at 11::4. fled:&'i', I :.61 $) 6 =a':a�,39t41 4'14944191 a :3'111'ilAOM I..r 1,w% oat .°:. 1:.-('44rl'.•-t. ;»t •»:. 1 t1 t, •+1 � .. 1: ,' ttt, °+8.81, -,:err, , that. :7'1,10'1-'1? 'l#t4A4t''t1 so ',18'"4, 8911".P, .lett#'t':$, �l' • 4.,a'"°, 11 •9 t�, .1axa1A41rtt by �i".. 4.444', Liss! 1et.' 4.4 4 tit' 43Xa� 4..4 -pet t40 1419- pill-, w raid i'.t4t 1':t , 4!'81,1 "4 lartiitn 44 bit fl$*Atd11.1 t t:,art4^.^t]. '�.Ie°' fa°ila.lt}l::'� s•tt1Wrid 4A•°4.1• "61t'Itx 41. 11 :"t. t� at4➢ 1:"54 • •4i'v, y i, yp VR'If:At ,14$41.4`9444,1, 2'�1t1: :3, 15L'tMP84"„3•". a'1'k'.*r $:"a' 'xt,rl 14811:11Aktr, ,`at al. 4' l.' -.,t 18,.49`, t'r:.,r r t fi••t Ut9- Loot., ,^wt : ,1,,, :t la$lut 1x1I 1 tS:*'':a,'-ttti::mg I51I1v.°i+'r,. a'x."."."A I,� ti4!tt'1 f ,r I4a'i4At111"..!. ;a:',*1_ w 1'. -' 4' OH, ;6 =1819 4415 4'44414'4644*1 p14 :1r', 'q,"'1 -i : ti', t.' .04814 :,,`y1 tet-r:rr ;41 'a,.:», •' 41 ; tt7, r i le 4.;44', 4':4^It 4 'teb ,, 1411 i tt' $" 14'1 to 1814 a1A'oa 948 c,..:a4. yl'";:a 0>. ,, .1«,i, w , la 1 . art"':.'a ° 44ra^" A :. 8k .198`"'• 4. � a 11310.1:1.•:, ,, 4.:t r .. 'I`ai+° y:+':i 4'19448° a'i+ 3 Il t;+'lit+; t. • t.:a o- e, "t r , 1 ! t 4-4-14-.) ➢:.:➢, »l 14.41 1^4-4-4- i ^irk a•.!ti^ A&1. ..• 1, hS ,e➢ '8� a .: .^ �4! -.,1. 11°9;4 iii art not 1„4 1':11. .. . l . _ 4-4-4-1 14 « t+' A • •.4 14;1''4 ' 4 044.:.1, t :. ,a;•0 •1 • Y,• 1.**•.r _ $:1 .;ill ; tli� 1t ey 2 : ,. * A • t tea ll '°t'+ 141.9 t 8^ . « ;:° i :df#t r'$ cr$t•1, t;talvert. 44.4141 14-4, , 4-,1' c. 1a,.:.. 111..9,• t 1 8..'a i�::l, , I � ;15 . ^111 e:x +4,.,•., ... tia4• < :>.. 1.*, s « � r«., 8 , . 9 r 1• .1s0„• 411•,t. ,•'tiY1..t fu s: 4i k4,:'ri:+,. a• r.., .':4 °, ' a ,' '.'14!ia#'+ *..la^'64' ':'*11)' katt'1it411'"r, ;+:;•1. "It ,p W .141-. ` 141•+.8 ,--�t .,: .911'' 944119”' a +'14148: AI1:1a ' ' .V 3.• ... 44 .4.. x,r,W l„1 „ • 4 :�: 1 . 1 kx"t1 1'. ,..• e 1^ }14-14-,, re 44.. 4•,d 444 0,141*, 14 ,:1 Yk,•14 1.4114441:," ” 'rias Were itppointeal ;A 4ilt • 1- t 11.x44 t1)\ 1991991TVA:three', tip,+ill: ( e,lit'+Q4 4 `.8 4. t'. 3`. 1 t 11! 00" 74, . •4 411'-•-1:17 1.4,4 :a e.aslyal•^ 4441 •r+'.f ata,' 14fa'144 r:. ..Pa;l,' :.a'.a1 *6 4 *4:•44 6484.1 In. a 41 4''ll••fiN €',ai*K;.a.,u4 4 4't',:$ "1 "rar",1 tlt4'llt 601 G''Y3a1Ltt4yv Stii It 411e,I:tr lr'1 ll4t'r 1 12 aft eat r.e;1,4''aix/ Coo:net x4,43 , f• 1 t:c 15;,9141.. day 14.'9 A3°a-,-k ..111'0 f:t 0.4,141 "841' 14, M'Nrre'',:': Y114 i' et. k1444i144 f artery. t1141 26,4.4at1fr8, t r ,14�..: tt^01 t --'W' tnf 84:44« 84-;10. .^1 9141` 849.0 818'1.146dl, 131 et- rt r4'.34'. of y, L.^ldty.li4'\' 144945411^•, *,hilt. 1119' Sttt4118t tint: 4448 t•',0 11 Work L f.tlr 041.143,+.4,-+1181 +re 8;gsl's t) Slt i4i44 4rt.' !'9411 vi*i t1t114311.'0lai 1:,1'insl»',trnl,Yl male their up. jar 444'1lw.tlaa. .'t 11041' 'f ,,'rows 16t•4.s M+1;119+13 Sun. 8;449 11yiU;*, tv4'st. 1t its 84181 the ]:lilt'• Birds. I11,l 141,t 11',6ct' 4t s 119 1.41. bat h41a1e 14, las inp 9141 ia1, tree 41 Ont ,r 411 ft may L., ca:i. ,l sushi, not at toe: t 4. St: toatlal lay a 441:991 while chepptng it: tit.. was Is i:3 4.115 4.' i:Ai4y, Till' f3r4n.'rs are patrt lur.4ita•yr ua'gry tivatfatiti.:1 14 1'4ds ftrr t;!,e purpose of a.t.liit.g, the b:lp which 110'1s frt 4 37 men,. day. 140 x4411.41 Att'inl4ii r. --tall AM•trt8l:4y List, a1• Ole %Silli44lu ll4lu ey. 1111 ue114.411 ', Strutinroy with •441-^a l of ItntcehoiL furniture, his hon=es took i:i;,i14 8441 he 4vas thrown from his wagon. un - (1.'r tire hos s °3 t''ie43t anal altuust trampled to deal!, It seems he was on his way 114111 near 111 :ter to Appiu, at which point he was about t tke up his resieleneo.—Free Prone, (r.l•/n (ie f `h,,.rs tor sok at John Drew's Fatruiture 41P4A. ffawkshaty, of B 8.14.1 1' t 1 1-°,. +t itr'll ;'I" ,J 989„ 19 a f ,1t • 4.41 4 44 44$11. 11. 4100 :+•.s'a't. Ito has rt^r some tom. 1+6.41.1.+ L p.t�t 4.1 441 e�n, i.r: •;t lay 11...1,^1,4..:1 (1411-11). WW18t1+1«'ter 8 I t$.. Welts, \1'. .M It ellen. 11. 'sent tat *•';46±13 04••44.18 *1,81,t4'1' Of 44....41.4': W.414' til"t`,+A', J. 11+'}9itldu, \3'111, .li,.,11a11:4, t4. ' \vxt•a IYtal'91.1.1L'.'Itl,•'' Dlk'it'hd flatx,, 19.11 00,4. •1 'm19'aGt ,t 1,"P.'444 .. r. ;33'1'13 '++4' D`4:111• 311 CY �+ 4 it 4 It Y J. 4.Y ie.• 1:`^ "r' 0 :n 1 4'rfale�s4l;a•v 114.819, f.trtite 14194+'f 9141+•t'1r'1 1 v + , lltciid, T. i,t`)iii:, 't,"N s ill4,:"t',: A.=1'i1L1Y`bl`.tali',. *tn t t s :1 r t. ,(1 t.» l " �` strives. 119 ta7r..l,al'.3.a.A';<^heti tn.»t'4t"Vt^:L 4.1" t?Stl't11, " lll'litti`a + �'`rtlll'4«' 1.143639:, .9'151,4* 18,1.1 44.'4 .e t*l;tlrI 14499 At alt:' i.9 ? u31m l+*: arts -14'11..' 1A,• ,r - 141. l.It'itrltiel, J. 11 Lace, J. Biker, . el ar1t icttitA,- his 4 444"e 14-4-1. 144 w :, 4441 111•, t'+4. 1,41:11: War 611', 14 or- 1 144:4194 „11� ad:3 ': 4.04,:14 his Insveineiti•. - 1 , , a' ' ( ., 9t:"rill tJ,lark, r•dford. L. Walker, 14. 1*r ; :l»aiatlel'id, `i', '1.111", r1. 1.1.a. • rr ^I+>,d, 4.f•• waL r tallest ;task t) \'ti 1 i J 1 +Lille :1 38. 4,691°!�� , 441111 94994,41 ltla M1t ItC' tit ti"a' 1I 49.89: alt 1 3+'4'8 t::';91»801 i."ill tt.1441st^14 ltitsn, A. est, (r..110rd eh.aa114 ., r1. V', : l+4`otiA1•L`.4 111.43.t', f4di/1 t1.1e1 her tU .tall tla4:re tit. 'R. • t . • r . Hodgins. ,l, Brown, i1r 1;91111x1', T. t.4nrry .1. f14'tit:lf', ,1' 14;'1111, A4, Lea1m�4 141:4.1L},Y 1):t,+6•111..,-t1it.t 14'3N143;'nt,tr1}ill4, it., 1991 44,411,1 e4.lult b,N•a ft„1411.it,rattt` :rat 1 i^1':t,4. t I4 4 Mr..1,94994 tt 1, h ri,.4 t 1.49 ns., 1lt 414-1• t 111tt 43ua„ t„ t1411t ;'1.8418•, 141' t'.1146' back to (11'4u -ti' 7 1 ,144'.1 �1r, d. 11.,17=4••414 ias•lt, 1,41• t1.. i'ur1'o't" i 411,14, gave t/,t'i1 Itis furniture to the party 4ru11A 'r;' Ik.4. 4,, 1'ea'i4 8p44 I r. I, • ,, , 4.f. 1 of .1142111* `,4144.' ,'1141 ' :i,'So, 14,111 1' 'fit * in 3a Trull' 1 1 , 1 t 4 t x11'1 13414 wf411 4.1 1141 411011.10. t'" the 4W9.411, he )131' 4ltrtta,lt tt, (141,4 911,9 :',ti 6a1'l 1.:Y`r just to drive bila to All! . (Tai„*, be only 111tti1,g it , 1 r •- 41849`41 th.smt4lacall 1), 34418Er.1 I Tt1wk' 8, . 'u h, (3 191'4 , w 4 L lit• 11t'1a41112 it `,AL^i purchasaod, ttia tiva 1.44 t6:iftr:' r , . •�j*. At4'01444 \.-. Tlttah, \V. U}Itubitl. elolhes. alp Alpert I"3 u'cinc!4 i'tl hired u man ra • r' 1, 41110, J- laity , J< I ulithe:3'4 1). bo:3' 9181 a u" k11141t41 t1114t 1u.ht'11h1,41 twh.•ntitcringe, Itytttl, J. St:lllivilal, .1. 081111.1'*,. 4.4. 111n- on about half R`a,`,' itt11<o>r;, he4::td,lottly 419'19 4'11('1.401', J. ll?44911, 1;, 1'it'1thu, 1?. Green James 1'.1..ntrd 44 8}1.11 41a,itt, 114.,6E t,,1 , + + • '.4 114i4i14°r*, the 14'4-6 *clams state of 14 a it°x, lint flint he liltt.•11113:t1. 40181,,,1 to Mlehtg4n. MARfrll rt , 7 s i S ' - week, Ili . m -- 011e a 1f1�t act i r A,'� n d 414 t1.1tv ( aid, one of the se?'il111 111011 on that Gr. W..44. at Clinton...met with a°. painful accident b- t having 4449 hand r t:4. over b• a jigger.- A ee'4'iore ui ditto was the result. Oir T1s11rsd}ty, the 1.1h inst., Mr. James Ma4W4all, of 1t+"1a.st'ls, l9u't 4949'14 a very painful 'I4Cida'llt. 4191 was el0(*p- ni#64; 184 Ru'. 311Cutc co11'.s 41:1:,}1, r11r4 had 1e1l4:1 13 Area 1 tree on 6vIdols to. fail :a 441':;e3' 41'114', 111411 y was watll'1 t?l+?11t rata f.,rl.1 " to roach t :atter. 411➢. n low 41414148341 a11,1 €1'11, clrc'3l0itt:; ills*, 1.4 4.t 44841 thigh. Ile was 8111'144 444 t,4.' 1)1.,1' nm 4 41' i.il14', Whelk' IAL+ relit -tint '4 11 4" :4 •%art' F;434'-*1.!.'t111g44' t,. for I.: '1i+^ti :4t4r:'„"t>t4 9ltie'1111:'tl. A.1." 116':n4'v «'.t4 t11, live (-t Mrs. .tt44..41!4 . .'At, 4111.1 4. ';1. 4'a.•n- vsy,,t1 ll' •l`41 Mow t' ass it '* star: «r 14.41 441 war; p4'40gCn" riot°tt.i, Ivy 1x94:16' as 44.141,4 liar t'i ,:: 't7;t 1 a 44'4' 41441 a tt•- 7*14.4:4;A'45, A C. N ,t . ',frr4"t4 411;8„ 1°417. a :•441 ,11 ¢' -f , 1. ' l i4,. .t to . t c 44 a'i+ l°s 4'::41r'AtAe'lt',-•1 i4•»4 111 44,144° a'g:.&_zu tin Y,,13!11441 ill: 1,8 4.' ,74' 4447 t+:+•$.+IA E,"'<�.•'4*1 1:4t' r of t)q, -1Vh.t48 s s44t'rr11. 1 -era i t}?4a,,'44 - 1a':'. 1,t.*t O4'1.•1 :"6,. 'ova . - 4'r 4.r. 13 ltllt,,, 4 911;;:r/rat 1aa•a.a. J81 cr .la• rat 1t ' 4.y rt+kit tiro *1,.14;13 ;4'4%-01, 2 it.'. t* 11t'414'11:t Up; 4.4,51-1" l•.'•.4i iti 11491 1.6 .. A. 30' /t WI 4.`8 91'411401°4 ; 'rt 1• :c 3,911 8-Itt a::(1 !,n4 ;tb.."Aet, r't!i t. , ,... i 418,4 4 •:- i.-:4. 434. ' 1;'t•-1 t`4..t t 1Ait.1:a! _-. »ak , 44:4*,:, ..-412"i � `.4. 0.1+ 8•^49' ..I^«4`:L 8.4'.1 alae; r 4--.�'- l.a, ;1:32-• 1 P.'.+ai 1., 4.11":'-4.'4".4, 0'4. 44,'.,4 It, " 4111 t;; as_e t: u."Si i pa 41': t 34 :i* 1x.,1. <$ too t4y 1 a' Fri ;O i'W: I',r°4.t lkwp; r-. ..x. :11. $ . a,a 4a1A:.139^.4,8" 444.414' t 4•. «:re el;' 14) w 4:t:1111.11` ,, 141*41*i', _Ata' 4.' ,'1 i.:,.a .=s: . ii4-84:+ .144+9 tr+'94.01a1a, 14.84,1 «,i ' 4 44. 4 ' it • « 1 .1444 94'44,' 4.14.' tit.," t o t.. Vt 1,„1-.11:a ..f Wa.a$1 4a' t"4', '1• t °Inca^4 @ : -. A:..A ''44 17 11t^ 1419 04,8' 4444'E: a 1 , ». • 4.4:4 tae a' 48'0 1,.r1A4.' 1°'.' 5444rgt 114:4. ..1!1:."Y 44, .. .. ti 6 ;r 1 owl.. 0. .`'1'..41 •, 4. n' lit :t'* -' -Mrs. nmill4 het faa t'g:.ling 'o'rll cite t. ia,r: t0a.':."444''' a r r4 ,,, 4 18 1 r ''. 4,-1111' lnefia4'l»:e' ill 11>'r ease. :site ill 1144 111.pt4'0111444838e1• Of rlall41 }x111; Ian. I'r➢t! 14::1:enol 9+r1 Ow Atet1ge444 t•:; 19119 41'4*I11- eat4', t4. inch site saw 1➢# 1144* Iral"t'tr. Per ,+C'+iy i'; literal/ trite. torn. tant�v, u 1'etrtd told *iti It 1.0,ttic. ,;99111 4 ' 'titsders 1,,,"',`iit'r#tllV.. 111 0013444' 3.0411)4!" (If >a 1f f'I i118i111tt143,B' 4111 l''till'lay 111 tilt' t'sl1afin7t'r elf Il<•ptltitk ,. 40uis. A1a1411t the v4'ttti4.tli •ti of ars reite- (iaAn, P.lu1 44.4 t"'1:4'4:114,+, Liao }94111 Mr, riat101a>>ttu, Of the :IA'4ft, ftnn141)tt 09 alit t I at :+,44119 (terIilinitnt 011 s.aatm 1.114'. {'J45s- sag 14r1tD'd sword pierced 'l'ti i1134 318'd tllrot44.. The i'it,talttld rte., i6'L'd 1}y Mr. ':I.'iainnprif..11 are not riel'it411t•, 11.1\19114- 114141 10 1,3'3 ;Lt'4°141 t' to 841•(!441 1'ai16.e19 af. 1.1titlllltkt', T. Pen114414. ,1'. Pura, A. Irmo. 1, ,. c,+' I1L1*14.11.L, Triulll:er, 13ioller, P. Sllrl'tat13Q1 \4'. 11 bath, he made the sastter \u m a1N, , + 211" uimlj way: tit w:ILC m he c„old ,:ave liim.etf Fulton, A. U1.tnpbell, .&ug*'rb MoC.r- tea 6vas to extend 1)444 14,114.844 over the :HoseIce Itnd ' *,'9814 with 1115 feet. In this pit-lic:rnmatt lit' remained for 4411,1tat 15 iuin:ttt',, when AIr. hunt, V4'1114 ha=l 4um14 in another direction, but not far foam 4111 Ureer--'1, happened to observe the t'.1'Ithasal position in whirl: he ,was placed, gave thealarm t 3r. Iickaril's mill' anal after •in'* 9411 : rt 4.;411 of :lirT, 1; A3 A 4.±E 1.'i...ti},F largo els,' of wasting di'+,'a.e.,, 1 ie; ,':esus. Mhatefom .f -,Pf?tl. , tgN . sou*1 7anU .311'. 1Ve t uvay, proceeded to take 318, 0, from that place which would ht. a short time have been to him a watery 444*410. • :4sw L;Nnr.oul'.—M8. Richard Reynolds has 11rr 414v b1'. duly 4117 installedasproprietorU£ the Sutton, U . McLeod, V . llat z, C..«Ville :, Micns.cl,. L. Dotrute1*, A1'• ,Brown, U. fuu'ion 11uus''. "C. Stopheus, J. Ilarlington, J. l+'iuk- S.n.a.-31r. George Ingram 11991 :iui.l his 'biller, A. Campbell. M. 15, :uu41I, F. blacksmith shop to a blacksmith from flanuil- 1;i.lugh, J. O. C'al•sli`t?, J. Taylor, W. ton, who intends moving here by the first of the neat Month. J feneeviewers au '2T1e40n' C. blotter 0. Crotlyi, The d po lndkeopors the AN 01tnER.—Aix. 1'. Wilson has received a sarne 4.os last year. The council ad large order houi tee Montreal Telt'grapll Ca., I,journed to meet the first Monday in for cedar posts. j'.&l)ril. 0. Pitou`r3o, Clerk. :S1;ss}cs Plrrr.- T13e Messrs. Y=ttyaro bttsi- 3v engaged getting' ready dy for 10911, for., I'ir1. Bloaters at •i. it. Clark,: s. pert door to Su untor track, ill cured nasal. , Itcenl 's Tobacco store and Grocery, ul:sly of this plow, h:t4 add hitt celebra,•e'1 a 4454111011, Heather Jock. far Hugh Alexandei and Jonathan Carteret 141vth2. for the stun 51,- - atrial). "Heather Joci,•' is one of the finest stal- 14:9411 in th :County; lneisrising four years old. a 111 turns the scales at 1,749) 113.4. 'Waren Sro1,Ex.—On Saturday last, Mr - John McInnes and wife, of E•teter, went out I into Usborne, visiting th(i1' friends, and 1 acing 1 the hoose in c4ca'gu of Mrs. Mulattos' sister. A boy aged about eleven went into the house IsCOR1uECT.—The Exeter correspondent of for soma walk, and while the yoltug lady went 0491 of the northern uewslapers appar- 41'40 4 roolll to get the lacteal fluid. tll444 boy hu saw took a silver Wertt.11 worth ",134, whi(.li eatly delights - til roam in the regions of fie- (. J tion. Last waelc he announced that death had fie - Mtn illg on a ca. 11 thou sold it to another made a vietitu of a lady in Exeter, but instead buy for a tritli>.lg sum—a few 111uts. of a (Leath, the family Bible will record a birth,lures, on his way home, desired to know the and the correspondent's dead lady is in good 111414), and put his hand int.) his poclu4. to pull health, ton, oat his hatch, which, to his astvuishrlldaut, was 14x*r4IL Woltl{SBAN6'frrr 111$ AII4T.U.14I.—AIr. not lucre. Thinking that he had possibly left B. H. St)4ackuia:l of this village did the silver it at home; he paid no more attention to it until plating u)1'a Leggy for' t1** ,Vallacotowu elan(:- his arrival et )suis hoose, when. he discovered 4:tett:riing 00111111411'•, which. was exhiilited at the I tllttt the eaten wa48 not in ltsueoostomed place. Australia 'oxhibitiolllast autumn, and furwhic111 a gold medal VAS }awarded. This speaks well I.n Mr. Spaektltam that he was employed to do the finest work on a baggy whiati was to be subjected to time strictest critiGix119 of an inter- national 'exhibition. • liuxAINAv.-011 Monday evening last, as Mr. John. T. Westcott, in company with another young' mast, was returning :home front 7'4liplten, She king bolt, of the buggy came loose, letting the front part of the vehicle down ; the horse, which is of a fircy nature, became unntanagable and despite, the powers of both parties, got Coosa. and 111 a tllomeut pieces wore scattered i4a difiertant directions. The 14101.4, woo were 1i ft to get home AS best they could, 'started in elate of the weather. well atteuded. Therm -i• ie}d 'airt of tins 004cert 43ae4.iutteotl a rand sue - 14.11 of the :u6i'nalwhich,hitdguur. t]'uuy.Jonew' 1� g i Fr ' c,is*v.11511e 441. ers and those who tool -MI active' n•lt Hlture, au. did .uey :lad oat ma next ( K 1part .L. 4ili Va34rtaiuu3Rut'desone. ulucit yma.au Constable Gill undertook to work the matter ).tp, but found the young lad almost too sharp. Brit finally he drew from him the admission that he bail seen the hatch hanging 113 in the 11041441 whe.'r he went for the milk, 14Ir. Gill 4 thou ascertained. that 1le hall been trading with anStber boyo.• To' rho second boy, he then wnt -a1141 demanded tbo wutctt, which lvas produced irnmed.iatelly, and returned to its owner, who rewarded tar. trill with $1 foie his trouble. EerERIPAnNalEN•r.-The entertainment gi4en under the auspicesof the Exeter encampment of Odd l+'ellows, iu Drew' s hall, on the 22nd ult, was,cousjderiug tiro very unpropitious Iarnsovr•.ul:Ni.---Mr, Partly, hotel, eo.lten:plates makiug the Spring and of the Hensall great improve - wont iu his hotel, during the corning simmer. T11E Il',an1ug mill of 3lessrs. Patterson a4 Bull is kept running to the 1'tntost capacity. I' I07Yt :its C1ix.—John. Brehm:: had lois fingers severely Cut on Thursday last, while working in Air. T. Wilson's saw mill. Tnu 11AILtvAr: The benefit• the railway is to us, is now being formal outs by the farmers along the line; laud that tl•A;y would have to pay twelve dollars; au acre fur chopping, is noir• cleared by the Company, and lett ready for the crop, they giving twelve dollars au aere for the bard wood. ! TEA.—Tho first tea meeting in connection with St. Paul's Chnroh, H0nsall, will be given inMr. Itaunie's hill. on Tuesday the 12tH of Alarell. The Rev. Messrs, Hartley, Cameron. toad Bice have kindly consented t.1 deliver a l-- dresses. A cardial invitation is extended to all. Admission 25 ceras, Doors open at 6:911, anl. tea is to be served at 7. A. N1.w STORE.. -3\11'.. James Pickard has opened a first -Class stools sake grodtl it: the store i4.utely' occupied by Mr. Jtaumes McGowan ; tbcre'is•rie' donbt but 11e will do a good business., &sit i43'' under the miagemeat of Air. W. l?litfiarrtk annel Mr, W. Drew. • • A. E:xriINsvIC 'hliLL.—We were, is few days' since, silosn,;through Mr. llannie's,14tiTi,.liy Mr.. D7.14ll0reg4r ; the new ;bolts have beano p•att in, and them 444 as much difference between' them and the former 01158, as there is between five cent anti' twenty-five cent col ton. 'The'fiiour is free•froiu auy,impurity, :111(1 is claimuledby-cum. 1yalualt yu'4,Lgets to be as good as tl>Oy' '*6401 COUNTY ITh.I•Iw.- 11r. J. Doig has been elected ch,tir- maan of the Tuokerslnitll 'Toto. ship Board of Trustees. The By-law offering a bonus of $44,- 500 to Fruzorl; & Gilliee to establish t} t'Ur1114107 211 V it);Marl] WAS voted down in that plea) ou Frid)t-'. 14th ult. 31r. Isaac lio>gerson's saw mill al Sunshine,• town:511in of 1lorr , was de- stroyed by fire on F' i(11r.y luo)'31iug 14th alt. Los's about $2,500. Insurance $1,0011 w.srrnl;s of the Luc l now and'\Ying- haon' Curling Club's played :t friendly game recently, h1 the Wiughanl Skat- ing and Curling Iisiuk. Luckuow won by three smuts.. 1 .The Orangemen of the village of 'Fiu'dwicl', 1u dies• township of 1lotlielr,, !lave purcimeeds n. site and intend erect- iilg a new h>t]1T in 'that village during t13'e coming season. • Last week }a number of sheep were worried by tri gs on the 7th concession of Norris. 14'fr. McCarter had twelve badly multill'uted, two of which have since died. One dog'caught in the act has :;ince ,pecten shot, 4114 callers - 4 ill likely share a similar fate. The I3elgsels Brasa,Band, haviirg he - come GU' 411'eert}iin.extent disftrgaelized,, ha11dr'd1 in. their ; in[ttr'glneuteto the Cuu•iaciil! S>♦ few nigll,ts Since. A commit- tee ofAe C,rnulcil has been appointed to pa4"the Bawl on N'Cb sf1.'1i.udl,4t,, Curling 74 I?NE o exert remarkably rapid enr•tnivt" action, and Dyspepsia, psi.a, even of chs\4:1t' type. has, with equal r:tpidtcy yielded to its powe.f111y 1n1i,alous ae- tfon. Hyatt 1111.4.411 4., Co., Druggists, t, of Toronto, writes as follows ; •, We have sold more 1'tiih,t OZONE than we ever did of any other preparation in a given time. Whore Vitt sell a matte, it is generally repeated,” Jan. 31. 6-m. 31 r. Smith,hou• do you get such good Bread i 9 -ET MY FLJUR AT T HE FLOUR and GRIST MILL Exeter North, It nowbolkig in tall operation. 1fte'rxopaterbas 9Ul•plictl his trill 1s'ittl lirh:t-else$ rt.w.v tvachinery and hum aeoared the services of the host ALi11er tbe. 00111117. ORISTINII Pl4.Oul'TI.Y I TTE:iDEI) TO. Sa-4Waction guaranteed. Patties from a dtstanoe can have theirgr14480 tittle 1101..0 with theist. Grocer!es > Con fectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb. CHOICE TOIACCI: ES AND CIGARS always in stock. 6PORTS3IEN'S4I'UT._� School Books, Stationary, 11Iaglt,zines WITH ALL THE LATEST pews N.B.-sewing M4105441 Needles of every kind. A. BOYD. OST.— ONFRIDAY. FEB 1511f. , a note drawn in favor of A. 14it,sroor41 or boat br, against Abray as N;:d4amds, 'ilated Aagg, 4 870. at five months. All l)artits aro euU440144,5 (l61inet accol'tiimg stich, all above is pail:, An314A' d:'> 1)w.cltne, A.,11 (8:'eau;.• ,