The Exeter Times, 1878-3-7, Page 66
ilt+i TWEB
'Nil Desperauilwu,
O battled Soul, take heart, and clears.
• Will all the scree of t11} strong, latentwill,
'The mounting obstaotes that hedge theeiu ;
';pliey are but cuar.e, material, thinCs; be
brat e,
And with sword of swift r.esiistanee, pierce
--lax lightning straiten. the cumbrous earthly
masa !
Ipaere, zit sunset, sero: the creepingsilades,
Aird spend the hours iufoolia:h, vain regret ;
Vo shades still lengthen Ivhen the s a goes
nal:leaven, still farther off, th) breeding
Exaggerates misfortune, till her face,
All dismal with deformity, becomes
A thing of fas.tinatieo, terrible;
'With fateful auger potnting for the path,
That her poor, trembling votary must treat/.
Resolve : with ail the nti ht of (i:):i within;
till in life very COM ''t. bursts a light ;
'.:Firing Hope hes seized the by the heal
e _.1,1 htawe to thee a t r t ti dee in sass.
.sat:. lilt s,aene ore acv til:arit•arli child L f 111,
�..utZs sow. ring 'neath her fair uaeloode.i
i:t nothingness, a thing e)f reciting air --
rue breath of chi nerwti e,, wardiaedi+ alsel--
aeturttii'g to her eieli Put in fear
La. terror, rarnitti bt'd by a .3ca, t00%
aim that awet.t, ll* t•en-burn spirit thou at
• ?.as .uaclanel t(r tbiue nits : .' !altering orae.
aye patio is lonely, and tete way it; ;erg ;
t all the shadows slaty bt' turura to -day.
. thou shalt olaose for thy e>`enpanion, Hope,
.t:tinaarish her wish faith. and player, awl
t;tt.t its lien pr sP ;ee rind a beaist)n,
faarw to teiele doll care, and keep in mind
tat 04 within thy spirit aa+ er c eiteeiv,t",t
aim that Bath rt ,t I•ieepstie to eeet3;
arealor era re,tisc materiel fees.
Limbo, Feb. 28.—The $tandarl.
says, we are able to state that ruin -
ors of Derby's resignation are utterly
All that is really implied by the sel-
ection of Lord Napier as Commander -
in -Chief, and Sir Garnet Wolseley as
Chief -of -Staff is, that the terms of
;peace, if unmodified, cannot be $8,110 -
timed by England. We have been
brought face to face with war by the
arrogant and aggressive *conduct of
The Standard publishes another ar-
title discussing tele probable landing
places of British forces near the Sea of
:ttarmora. The writer chimes Be"ika
Bay the met probable place. It says
that the tad truly corps would prole-
fdto twithout
the .:second, which isnos
strenuously piepat•iu ;. It IS possible,
of course,even newtwe may nut have
to t•,, to war, Pewit', may pause in
time before she 1►roveaea 11.
morning papers repent yetster-
day's announcement of the appoint.
t:mnt of Napier and Wolseley, now giv-
ing it on atit(zot►r•
Thee Pow ba the brigade of Guards
li'tei b•ten Vai+tt'.l to the fear strength.
There is great activity in the brigade.
}t1l l ic!1 t i e lmpletint; atrru ngem(nt
. itstotrti for active service. All the man -1
'ifaettiring centres h'ep:rrt great activity.
Thus fair (4O 4eta of field atubnitince' Seising Machines, WatcJie
MAllcH - 7. '1 s
Tkiis, from au editorial friend in rpHE 1'Y•. 11IeGIaO(arI4ON \V •rex !
Philadelphia, should be filed away zsT1IE BEs •
8,11101 1F, the archives of General Myers
weather office:
Ste le—a Sunday -school ; the lesson
--about Elisha ; the class -little girls;
tlleitcacber—tryinyg to impress upon
them that Elisha was a prophet. 44 -What
did they (rail wise wen who could read
the facture -foretell events—tell what
Seas going to happen ?"
""I know, said a bright little girl,
all eagerness to sls aw atelier superior'
"Wt 11, what is it'?"
"OM Probabilities !" was the wise,
or Reatherwise, reply.
We all know how apt children are
to jump at conclusions in regard t
the sound of a word and associate it
with others. especially if there is any
affinity to the word or idea conveyed.
I was hearing George, a bright seven -
near -old, recite his geogiapily lesson,
toP o, aro
1~tz amRwer the f�i1 Stl(1t1, "How i.
eatt.►rttcts and water -Alta formed ?" be
promptly replied,
"13y water pointing overa arresbyteri.
William latching
1Srslien to inform Oa public, that lie is botte7
prepared; t.rrepair all kinds of
fittings and 5OO tons of 1l bayonet steel Clocks, Guns, t e., than any
have been ordered in Sheffield. T ]tm other person in the country, as
. athis e1largas are moderate, ;rice
miles of telegraph wire for use, with I ='E) give carhaitrucit 'tempurury tadwtL�,'s for the
conveyance of stores and the amounting '
Woolwich authorities purchased
torpedoes and It3attt'r'taLls3 neee,�sar`• to 116 t*ilartt131GeS
,a 'iitx f to
of heavy guns in siege n ()rite.
;Jake. f rfiaeritl r ie Carnet \Yob; -ley,
in a eantiitin'-lon to the Nineteenth
Century, entitlad--t'I:ngland ae a Mili-
tary Power,” flays:---"cAt t a0 previousTarlo has ant;.tet
d 1 r 1 bfell soD
• ,..014.£1) F13011 Ti3i: NOUI1t DIIVON i).
The permanent way menf the lyes eat
Western Railway him. had Omit. wage:-
Scduce'd one abating per week,
The good people of 'n„ land are not
much Leland our ti.ttlelitt,tu 'cousins in
the aeleceon of startling names. "Lit,
tie Bo -Peet:,.', er the I)eniou butcher
and the Sketier Imo," is abnnoalreed lw•
' one of thew mpt',t popular plays of that et.
Chitty e,I Southampton,
try Nnl;tla,laattr lb) um! ill! 3cse1'/trod Breath
etrone, in a military settee, les new. i
r declared, (li
Were rv, 1 , 0 U drilled
re 't
t uowb''u8 lu fall operation. Tete prntaritarl10,8
tuppiicd lei t wilt with first-class new autehtuery
't l tr .'e` en
tallow car i the t sirwie es of tLr hest
toughly be rustle np a9 folt' v :-- in the voltam,
:Mantling army at haw, tltl,001) ; itrzuv t41U''q INI4 1'It()atPTf ] % U'E DEI TO,
L'atl vril`ttia reserved, •#il,f,itlt) ' tisilitiaL, +tilafactteuwaral.tted. Patios fret's) a titstollen
' can have their grist to take home with them.
11.000 ; VONttlears, 1%10,000 ; and at a
.red class army rostra' 10,t'OO. nave
put tieur -t very' mow. and have left nett Gr008 !e8 Oon7ectionary
altogether Ifl (ttl0 'yeomanry available
Smoking Tobacco 25 Gents per lb.
num would fit into bnol, if required.
•npported by 872 fed guns. Imattlle i
by roval artillery. That nuznbor would
The !der r1 an'¢ctuiioi+d the ld t eclat ll ' ,
Messes 1liggina.auttl Charlet of deel,IS ' fair home serviee, and - regnl¢tr troops
towvartt the Turkish relief fund. 'tvailable for war when the MeditPrrnn-
Jahn Burnell, of Derby, bloke piss Pan gi,'•risonslvere fnrnieheit bv rnilitia.
leg iu falling, while eros.11Jg his own When I compare the to tiitary
batch, yard. of England with what it wee in 1854, 1
tel as tntizetltit the,
a ih"tlonK
mil -
Aman 1'4n ed Charles .hall litary weakness and helplessness in
his eye severely injured I'tufo tbhte tout which we were when we began the`
took at Laudkey quarry, Itnssian tear of that rear, as I ani a'
11I. Jam Daunt, luneetiat::lerchitlit, the ignorance of those who are now
a Slid for some tune neituber•uf the Bern- croaking over our eapnost'd want r.t
.staple Towne (Juuncil, diel? .aeseently. strPngtth and alleged cenmegnent irtWil•
The •.?:tirnsta&e Aiatg:attrtwtet' , clerk ity to fir lit.
receives a•tir;la)y Ofele..+ul¢ per annum. L`"radon, Feb. e27.—L 'rd Napier of
The sefe>-acyl t'f'tu 1mal,araz_tsle g=entle, mned'lle, Governor and Commander.
lnawn in b e #iN.:'ttilaiel helda ball in their en-Chi„f of Gibraltar. has jut arrived.
master's le.tint.t, awt whie.:11 elle dancing The afternoon Mt” 11'lnonlie°
was apt ,1),.ki'.l .fi•ve u'clacf., in. the prominently that it alas been (k.(,itled to
.rrlorttiiip4 employ Lord : ap•ertas"Cenlrallder-in
Chief of any expeditionary forest ,.ewer
On .iatraar rlEist, 'tile sllnati.•':<inller tett in case of war, with Major Genera'.
and bail of D Conlratit, _ 1st.Devi9 Sir Garnet Welseleya as Chief of the
Rifle Vulunteere. tool: place at the staff. 'Tlte Government is still i att'-
Sauthanlptun Town Hall. vised of the signature of the Treaty of
Captuin (;lope, of 1:`tattlntun, narrow- '1 nice. 'ianrd'Napier )tad at #0112 can
y escaped iirtawnilltt on the .1Let Sates. ft'renao with' the Duke of Catallhl'11g
day in January. Ile nay on hoard tt the Commander-iu-'Ghief of the foreee.
vessel iu the quarry, anti till overboard, t0-dlty.
but fortuna uiy 11e escaL1)6d Lucca Vl,ly u
.. good ducking.
A leacher of a Snnalsy-school in the
On S(llld,LV', 2 111".rannary, ttt`•r•L:t 10() itttlli•11• Of New YI1'Ik was illlpreseinL
persons received tLr"ictesi of waning an. "Pc"' 1 h 80111'lnrs•ftless"').' c'nne'rtinn
Imre!, from the p:Ltlshes of Heimk0u 1L1;d will) the death hf one of their 2 Linter.
Ashford. She told thetritl fat little Amy was 110W
rw vatl'Yt in hotly' n. A'hereuprn one tf
The North Devon silore;i are suffer- the girls spbite un and paid, •'•S1ie wri:1
ting frcul alie „ales and high ti jars. :ort plenty 2211 p, eservcs there," At, -
Captain. Frederick Britton, or, a- t"nisheil'to 11(x4 liar male su". 1 a
Combe, With three ,hands, was washed (1 gtrs'i'„ a st$te)ne11t, the Isoc11er ones.
Overboard front hitt .411i1l,• which %vacs 021 'i•,rii•tl 11PT 144 a..eertatin What c:tttld haavP
r the way from 1 he ZVest. Indies to Strain pot the idraL ill her mind. It wessfrLn-
-sea. The Captain leaves a wife:•l1Ild all v• traced to dill fob -eying cine -bolt
four children :o cilutz1n hie I,)i,:t. 121)41 P111i1wP1', iu tin. eareehi-)n
•'+(y,lestir)ll.- Why utrbllt the saints
The prieelt)al street of `bntitla'1loltoe r0 ewe Con?"
isddescribed jay a. correspondent a•' ill t' "i t aevflr:j- 13Pcall eP 7IP mat; F, ire:
etisgraceful.nendhien. Prvt;t :'e).ttcl l:e(iit� th
l',ev..`Pcolaelaaxlr iC Ls 1 sial; iw to b (hildrt'rrw'1n Jl11'P l) ,Pn"t)1P pet of the j
nade•tne recipient Iafrl l nifil uT1 e IPS- 11n11RP a11'P•'I11rr st, irvariiebly afflicted I ' xes df -sup erioY" quality,
,'t „1n,Irlrattnl. ,w
always in stock..
'drool13001rs, Stationery, Magazine
:s7.11.—lotting 3laolr.r.. Needles of every phial.
A. DiAT.)
Reaurn _n., g t tint ll 1) 1It t t1,R, t eke 1
4>atorehnto ,,ni rate a., 't (L t"
tug thorn. :#11 who wear ta na •ea oar :gra
l i t
1 t >' a �t.t,
fan 1 alw r F
a t.
77Medea etrect LonO.t •,• the .,•t ►, 1
`ha its E•eet.1" . vol, enema -tit' +
Jewelry, Cietta titst', tt,. lelt,ted this'' • c
;Dods., J ,t -it het
Fvdry eniorti,tion "t • "'. 11c1:1.•
77 Inca:d,:• , 14.11.11,t•
K 4 nn�a t pa•nrlleo ,,
tri nt+atia)aa nthco.,. the it. utcdleal
h K vett 1 sL , t untied
�•' � : 1 f X Pi.i )mai
Tit IN
nt 'y
on ireta' t
tteats ofExhausted V;t lh 1'r•n'tinn )tr,ine,
Baryons find Physical l)tb )i y, and th, c:.+ll• Fs t
concomitant ills :nisi un of 1 rust ries that r• leash
therefrom, and contains more "han51torr r•ia11're.
seriptions, any one of winch is warth the l,net of
the book. This boa; was written 1.I the west ex.
in Anieriea, to whom Wag avard•'.l t old n net j. wc.
tiled medal by thelation,dSledie 1Aseoci iiia.
A Pawphle° ilhuctratcd with the very ;tast
Teeci and
sb a beauty
— AL Tel of art at tt beauty �-
for it at oar,. Addicts
fent rima 11 ant•;Send
Ii yo'1 to gnflrn goad ase rt let Male imidei,is nts ties
evIla:rot l lc.xibb' Irina Ihtrr,ra • i ai .¢rat• r etre;
iron t ale bine'd horse hoes. Tilt 1 ¢r ,Ecco ¢ ti ore
e•ter, ¢ " t used aro t wad , , ¢ e t
k ¢ l rut have t t. �¢ u r
'ivo a e nr tt1,,nti ••t lateen Per 11\an th. t alieie•ne,•
end tl trai'aiitt they cannot be �nrlenyseal. The
narrows ram Itt'Indio to cat; sur coati ,d r.r",U¢eee
U81 of nut t4Z 0 of iron rekinn il. many covet
t1*.•aa, b, t aurae they are t n h n '. This the , ,-t•t'
, Ina° Iaurtnanruu a fart rant; Jntriti,tta>:.uit
:Re for env soil tura 14101bt• in art Mat :end lea • wet
anv to ladit they may ta;,t, The haerr,nt• teeth
are all vteel pulite,, t',teniar' toast tryst taw ap-
plicate rt. Agt,nts wa¢nta0l (tia). i;1X.hlk p. Man,
.rteettu'•r, atan•.8'.pte, Ontario.
rkeontinuancofor ann Iongtlhoftimecauses
irritation of the `Lungs, or some (throttle
Throat a(lertios,. rte It'ct oftentimes ve-
r sults In B01110 incurable .Lung dine, so.
have proved their efficacy, by a 'test: of
ninny years, and trli, nrotit invariably
Ice immetli ate rbiiof. Obtain only
do not take any of thoavortlde$s imitations
drat may ))t• oncrod. Sold everywhere.
,)IE, 31.4 ,X1en,n, W051.1N11u01) ANI)) T1; )11, TUAt.
INTY.1:-n1:LA4t•al<S Ire LAWS,
2'.)WL11, ETC.
Agents aro selling, from r 15 to :.i copies a (LIN.O�iniel for specimen cimen pllj s and t :Ara terms to
ascents, Hurt s.•, why it sells fastertitan au,• Ohiohas rnnw on hand a full stock of fill and winto took. NATIONAL1'i:i3. C'i),. i'hiln. Pa.
SiilIel,a,ry, Jon,prisiug all the Latest
llavtities in
1141185I3uunets, Work F or:r A 1
In their own localities, cnuv81',ing for the Fire -
Feathers, Flouters, , side visitor, renlnrgt•d) Weekly and ,liont.lary-
5ili.s,. telaeta,Ilibbona; Chrr�restefiea. Addre tP t)`'IGS1s12I',�Augusta
&e., at lower price:: than ever. )Maine.
40 1axa'Std k3YI•t Mrs. 4n Gaxa *, with 1)141PO 10
FANCY ,"G'+ 0 0 D S' ate., pont'-bled. L.JONE14 Go.-.,LnnttU,2".
Berlin 2Wouls, Ottoman and Slipper tnilprioo r000ouly $2Go. Puri
Materna.P,L' mW Ivr Organs price $310 o„ $95.. 1'a-
Ja okets geode or cut to order. 3:..r. trimings fox ngton, N. •y, 't5d11rt e.IIANIL'L 1r.Iii:erl v, wl', sh-
)Ia ales stud Jackets, at
Main St, Exeter.
O'BWEITL 8: CO.'S e Dittlt(TI.S1 MLN T.
llnoniawl from thei,;
it li 1e,1l nna3 at the n iemit of a Den .
'1 ton 411 r-ecogtlitaou ,df h -a ti;,tlay villtiehl(e let he "t ' Isity asked a iittie bay •nna1(41'
I•' �)ilh1lC services.
There is ai men. :til' i'C tt: to ,1inmgILm
::.,ate'boruLight na2(1 cued a •tt dice.
t ,''iltiatn;Gn1lJU,Ssllw'tla, ,Ls.t, L hint
e•0r pit ^aalagl:-trato, .l,(L, beau 11)-k e I,•
'-`so'Anity Lt_a1;r ta•att.0.
A corresil'ln•dt>nt Coll:" 1.1ius,tf the f awtl
c,,I'i111.:1tq t'1 gilt~ s.1,. l; lit -,l' sit •Barnstaple.
A sou►:, liii llen,.11iL*• be to u}wrvealt, za"i
society -in the prop;tg:L!.ion 'njl the
Gospel ei110121 tile`funwe .lute'...beau, 0
,. gainzed• at "I1fnscotllbe.
Twenty 1honteariil erreons vi'tlted the
1 4114 't -'t4frentristatl•ee1 bow the Mad his
little teeter
...t'i d '.1't think see'egre"'s^with '.one,"
he )'''4' eel.
•t"Wlly`i1t h't slip ,,gree with - yon?"
I dn•1't ldn„ww"," ++ha . said ; "belt I f�tl i av, ef���
ertalt 11'1 brat..20 ver inotl1c1• lL#-8 het'. 'V r R 1 Y E
The miter of tiro above' say
2 1Vila slowing my wvtt,toh t'1 mw' neph
PW, who Wl1$' alintlt six year1 nlcl, He
ll,,11,tell to tee' fnCe: "f thedid n.nrl `�
I ((aid, "That is called the second a'uwnarn torose of
iLeather Belting,
Nicht; 'Why, • 'thole . is a,aotl'.e1• f.itt,le (i -,( & t,0 . 13110 cJ ' S
title tossed hie
il( , e 1 ' col t tem t 1 a 1t•
•. ) r rl a
It last show held tttl'TttvistoCli..1-ledet' the aril milked reff,saying,"t'I wouldn't Oti11
4•l*uspioes of the' Devon t.A.t.ricoltural Ais:woad-1can.d watch." • 114 had in and 1
Society, and the sum received fur,.adl• df second-hand watches, and .•thoggilt
al.mi:siOu amounted to,,.L.i,1oO, IAllis was one rJt .;them 1
Ln era ars tr
CEDAR pOS'1's P,A:I.Lb,00.1.IDWO
Maras—Two miles wttwtlbf.Loniloultta ..
;CO :;0i+ HAY
an.taiegll(;of !tiagic Tricks stud Novolt es3 c
t7 i1,•nd 1t. Quoeu's I3a7u1•, block st.
Stoneham, Mass.
$44v$66 $66 n weep at bonne. 'lritait. •tt•arth 18
fico O. 1),.l'ike & Go., An,4tlstlt,i1e
PoLM ill A1tTLJ 12D 1'AR11S.—Houk nntlmad free
G��i 2J A,1lress 0 L. Shnnnlatm,.titty Easton, 1241'
IIry�'� Fancy Gnrds, Srlowilake, Damask, ate., no 2
&l� nliko `112,11 unnlo, IO c. l; ttsn.Ln Gard Go., Nas-
$ Itemised in six days from time
optlou on L. Short, Decolrliier 4,
11,010 TS ON 100
in three days W
by. a c .11 on Ramses poo. N.,vem-
ber 22
New System:4f. As.oln•et1 Profits.
$212 50 returns it 3 flours on Del & Lack., Doe. 1.
100 buys: 100 shares, 50 buys :,0 shares, 20 buys
•L,1 snares. N o further liabilities or risk of loss.
hull details givon freely by letter and stock re.
Gold and 1 T. Potter Wrigh 2 & co,
streas. brokers f No. 115 Wall et„ New York.
PP)� of our best cards, with name, no two alike, 10*
!d 11 S. JONJIS t1 Go-, Ashland, Masc.
'11 W .enol 4 logantcards, with:idLe.-esss n,naname,.
Samples, 3 eel' be, Also 25 cards, reins, damask & c
10 e, Nov, lty cant co., 1.: assau, N. Y.
GIOY'iU5IPTIUN 0.LN* 131: CV.LGI) I Try P17L
MONA. Ask your Druggist for it.
s) lSSOLI;1'I()N Ol.'' PARTNER-
,•SiIIP.—The partnership heretofore exist-
ing between the undersigned as men:bluts at
Credito„, wider the style and firm of Greenway
& Zwiker, I18 this day dise�otved by mutual Con-
sent. .
WXTNESS : 0. ' weie ]It.
WEE0Do1111 SWITZEiti.
ODS r'llreditou,4th February, 1878.
74Iteferring to the above, the undersigned will
•. entry on the business in :he same premises, and
,c011eot all acgo0}tts.and. p,,07.011.olaixns against the
eatatteartn- a C1 2 4X t1LI,�i.
cd Er -1