The Exeter Times, 1878-3-7, Page 3lot -A :It .ri Z, :r8 8 he ....a=te _ .. A little tiling 1 Why, all in vino- ment, when John took her haterNo his, i4lie knew that it was her life, her hap. TEM PIMSS 3 stood still, clasping her /mode before her; turd when the chnreit door shut with a eking she fell down upon the piuoss, her all, that the was asked to steps weeping and sobbing aloud. The give op. echoes of the anally-raftererl roof took She shade no reply, np her crying, and from atwollg the si "The idle attachments et" •yt*<tth," lent tombs, from the ditu recesses of Me. Baulct~,witi went oat, still slitting:le. the darkening churls, there arose a cieielly on the pulltlt s'lth-et while the. teiee and a whisper ate of the dead, gteiity laaltr stood before kiln --''the who weep with one who weeps. idle ett;tettm ants of youth aro gat1(k' % ' Thou Tittle ;.C'llal.rlotte Lenxire, who trade and gt'.iekly forgotten. You will hail been forgotten all tilts time, creat laugh at title in a metals, Beth." dt)rrowfally from her nook ivithiu the '"Iti:tll 1'" the other el organ rant,; and sat down beide Ruth's remember oar lieppy drays together in head, waiting, thea nK. church, our evenings at you" I're:aeutly Roth felt ber little fingers bone, the sweet ti4lk wo have held to. about her, aoothitlb orad petting, and gcther-•...are these .te •go for nothing ?" s. e looked •tl;a taut is lova.," sakes the old span, "Roth, dear Ruth; oft, Ruth, whet ,floor front, 'with the other new mem- hers of the party, They were a quiet pair. [The man about thirty rears of age,looped older, fly re•tson of the :mattered gray hairs in his full brown beard, and the,erows.fees round hie eyes, Aerass !lie forehead nature, or some trouble, ba drawn a deep tine ; the hair had frouibie temples leaving a wide and open brow ; line lips were flexible and awhile, bot they ware lti :den by his heavy mustache and beard ; his eyes were teazel, and had a dreaany,far.cff look with at, gaze se of one ratio waits and expects ; his voice was .L w, and he spoke seldom. On Sunday evening, Feb, 17th. an accident of a terrible nature nc+ured at sleleatcte of 1r, S' laser I�.4tter�o• 1877) SPRING (1877 -- ems TF1 OLD R LL .13LE HOUSE Atoll times, sud par�t.valariy at a period whetsTrade .is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants. at the towesc rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, Ido so with evevy eonEld• twee; it being more carefully essortea and selected thou that of any previous season. �.1 the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most season:.ble and Efashionabie fabrics, marked at prices which. should command the attention of the very e1oule, buyers. THE IOBDER4*D CLQTI1INa still has ant. w, IVES at it..head In Millinery I<nderthe management of dies iieGlogilt,:n,we eau. Suit the most Montrone. Our sec of txi oceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, I regi. t and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware it 'that is to tavertile the most sacred can I do, cried the child. 'elle re , oblieslim!-, and in tko duty a ntt+elcet'y? "Nothing, Latty." Ruth arose and an the Htunilt".n stone road, near the e e of tne largest anti best aifiorted in the t',e,tnty. dnaencling >narchaas^rs will consul; their best interests by examining encstockLtferegoin. eZsewrere. ,1 • Cnildu n, e..mid. you Tarosper witb the put on her hat; ;gest. us. go. I lease Nieto, ry of the poet ever bit re van?" I tell nobody anything at .tnexle, only Unit nr_ ttb_.a._..... ..,:n .,..t cote.) bore"The post 1 Olt, the past! Let the dead • bury the dead," cried John - "Ruth,. ' 1 if you will be !nine, Nye will turn our 'i sells on tine city and its any mote, and that I have got ,r.,.lieaal- ache anti ata gone t+) bell." That Saturday nWItt there WWI 'ii- .?it4tufo1 tn;tranriaes, wo will go to n new lexica at tlao professor's. The va+ilial ,anlitry where no t, a can reprlaeh tie; was not brought our, nor was there e will live where the fin of Batter. any end and the children were 1 thself Bald nil id not known,'sent to bed yearly. Also \Tuttle and "Think of it, young lady," :lir, Bolt! -fa't'ty •at1' " the evening, se dill their slin said, bitterly. "Ito is prepared to nether: tears eacrificti lain+ future and hie own 'nipple CHAPTER I. ness, your future suet! your Imepinees Tiil:filttDlFd::o12 niers IIIc .•.nita;Itir=s, 4: Ray noted" of tui,••--•tu outlet• to grat- ify his whim. Yes. sir. t'whim ; the' It was fthnost two months nfter the f ney for 41.pretty face, Pointer, sir I drracifall day at :ii, Etnnlreal'ta when what' do von know about loots'; s ? the tlllmet of Yeudn Street was disturb. Da yen think I tie}n't knew this as aed by the cluttering Of a cab nu the gond girl De yen thiols I shoals! i atones, It stopped at tho prtlfettsar's, trent: her like title if I did not !move and the oceupa:ts _ eorielsting of a ladyit ?„ and gentletunv. with an old !Han of seat -faring wired, t, knocked At the deer. Ruth tonic the nil !din's bans!. 1Te mmod upaS if to receive her, aa,d'she ;aid her h"ad nivel lite loft arm ; per. Lodgings 1 sal tliei erring1 t St. Ciathetiues station of the Cereal' Western Railway. While tire. Patter. •3 . -S "SPIL%- "ARD plan was nlyplaying the, organ the ehildr.-11, who were with her, state tl,ar. tlai pulp oil itotl'er the 'I \Yemen:.'cl stints. Fili�i t T HI E IVII A, R T QUESTION .th,a, was unable to extinguish Iht` t'tiliu'd, and her screams were agenizial ;, 1•.i'el• little boy, nine }ears c+l age rail Sia the 'Song now in receipt nt atltt!';;e steel; of eta:tiaf to notify his fabler, and in formed some !lei l b tr but they ay. ISAAC C A . � .LING - rived teal late to do Blasi- than save the house from bring burned. NIre. Pat terson Huge) ell in great agony until eiidnight, ;vht`u she a grad, [re BE; t:r,�:z:;•za:n.] AT TUE to ndaxd Basel cox 4131i, d To :Iaciatne Lemira s intense sur• =� 0 'r 0 It Y, !trifle, they asked for lodgings, r n' � She remenlbt�x it wee to hit n nor care. first venture in that line of business, ,,my loin+l i4 int+le ups" sir. solid. in search of the araeasnr. Hever marry per. Heaven Mi lho ptuftaeor, thent; "John, Mr. Ballwin is right. y can ?lid went1 engaged in tench- nws lot; the yowl! ;eat, aged two and a half, ane. oatisfaactioa guarantees!. .,aa Tee base or, thatunoithis clay, even Waal 1 c7iltiai>t e,ltPlest sires, also remembered aaA'; ftixnntboa;n�rhaanap6ituiusacail etsuao ct sant Itnnty that pail were hint nephew, t that Ateastrons episode in their ,life, and hesitated. The lady, wit t was a yoang`Saidy, .poke fur the party, "We are easily satiefiea," tho said. never e nt n, It arra ern ut= ; ;rowel n „Wt, ehltil wash three- betlrnnme alto novas eats that barrier. t+x! atom a sittiwz nolo, but we • Rectors very little :loi,, tad try not to think� shoot me uttaurlattce. We will give yon a refer. PIA. more—never any more, "Ruth," he chid, 'hear me tgn,in. It lea not my fault that this di>3'leter fell nein von. It is not pin's." t No," she ells=l ; it' is ihe•siill of I,T(Ngveit and the must bear it," Ile turned fiercely upon lt=tl nnele. !•yea have robbed me of inti wife, sir," lie said, ""and you Slal,vfa !net "our neither. Thio day I leave ynu.r firm. ''ilio i rt.nersltip that I was to Slave Dry Goods, G-rooer cs, Wines a c Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Stare, illaiu. Street, Exeter, which will be sold at LOWEST MARGIN ON COST The inhabitants of Exeter arta vicinity need not feel troubled at the want of .4.). market wherewith to make money, but call at the Store of the subscriber and 1a constantly 1top.- in bawl. all kinds of building material. !•'!cora i hard and sect. Staiag `tioaai.a, Inge 5:c; , Sold the tn. Planing Jrving c►n..i TllrniAa promptly atrenaed to. �i.t7 ,i.li;+Ii.nt BARGAINS • + I BUILDINGS S CO �iTBAC`1'li.1D FO1, never thnnelit isf Inarrying,'4nu or sloe• body, What I feel now—that m'itters to nn •one 1'e she +(topped herself prout! ly. The disaster that fell upon me, 1 ee puce to s respectable lawyer, and we will pay the rent for three months in `rako pleasure to it Ecru! the fulralttt ;1t,Fo Pante ade "nc,+.", JAI surrounding country, that thry have jus opeat•d out au excellent atssrt,mentof Tho trtifeesor Soaked at his wife-- here. an a chance ---and the rent three :Tweeds, Ceotfntas, 1'esiinee etc., months Tri advance 1113 fled Inlntttad the oe the latest styles antlpatternn,and feel assured narty.nae up stake, and madame, with met thine matter ofelotaing, they,oau suit the N.'ttie,4was d •vieing means of stowing - mostfastidioustastes. away the misplaced childrep, Meanwhile the professor wont in search of the lawyer referred t , As !nal on lay next birtlialny---shot parte. for his lodgers --win gave the names nerehip, on whish 1 hnpleil to marry of \Ir. and :tame Pltvnnd and Mr. Crnil ROSS /IROS it TAYLOR. THE i? A.LL,t1, AND WINTER TItADE c. S' o'L1.t11oott :i o TAILORS and VLOTIIIirtti, Ow sweetest anti nal set, girl in the world, 'nil may give to whom yon pit•$Ve, Leave ynur money where von wish. I will never sop you to sneak to • you attitin, nnlees it ' be to take my bride f ern ynu." He walked half 'iiown'the chnrch,lea'ving the girl cling- Itlir to hie uncle's aria. Suddenly a thought struck him, anti he returned. "Meth." be .staid, with softenM ' oit•e, "in this sacred place, befnre'tbi' eller, I have one tlliog more to env. In the vaare to rem, I shall wait''fnr .yon, 'This rootlet) rancy, the perrna- • elms jif this sailfish aid than, wile -tvnnld keep alive the miserable past to poison the present, who sacrifices two lives tn•grntifv his revenge, will mass. 1 elet`il• whit for you aline till I hear nitride with her. Beeman), they said, t11tt'I meet creme. Remember, I can how shonttl she !snow Rnnilt when she marry leo onrrimt yell." slid not !snow Nettie He waite,d's, moment. for an answer. In a few tltys the !ledgers were so The girl lel'!' her held of 11Ir. Bald- . *in's arm, and moved to tite altar. /'There she fell npnn her knees and --preyed. John Wybrow still waited. 'Men she rose np tgniu her face tray lit np by the light of the western window, which poured fnll npon her, by her hair lying tones ab•tut tier head 'like an anreele, so that she looked as a • saint might look. '"When alas is • impossible becomes pnst;ible, ,Toho, wtien`Genrge Warne- -.ford's gnilt`is changed to innocence, I • shall be free to marry yon. And not • till then." John Wybrow knelt, at her fret and hissed her unresisting' hand. Then he • turned and strode ont-af the ehnreh. "Brave girt P brave girl t cried Mr. ' Baldwin. "'Leave me in 'alae church," she re. -plied, faintly. "I -go in andout•ef the • vestry door ; leave me here. I have to tli 1 to idlest myself a little'"' ---this lawyer !snow nil about. Miss El- wood. The young lady's father had died in Anstralitt,;tittbe dbggings, But this little hone() and gel aaen, now in the centre of a city, suddenly became great, he sold for a large sum. Yr 8. :lir. Lenllru might depend on Miss t•;1 at 'oil. It was udtl that he spoke of Miss Elwood, and never spoke of her brother ; but that, after all was noth- ing ; and the profes",nr went back with a light:.leart and a fuil.assurat,ce of hi; rent fora (•hole yearto come. He found Mies Elwood among 'the • Children, and atlionie witu all of them, - -t ." - and it was very funny, the childrensaid, that when ninth cane in tun• knew her at once, and said, "You are 1lnt.h W.trneford," and ' then shook A nutnb�r of 'Waltzer F owh "Machines Millar sold at asacrifice to clean +rtt titoek YORKSHIRE ?Eking .Rt.t!t �ENS�.I�L G. & J. PE1T.L. Are prepaited to pay the highest price in i O A S H for any quantity of Hogs,dead far set lett in the house that 'they seam- alive ed to form part of the itvtilily. 'The elder man,C"•oil by name—who slept Any quantity of on the second floor. and who took two of tl.e boos to share his nom, when. 1• e found diet they would otherwise have to sleep on the landiugs- • was clearly an •• Sae,' t mariner. He dressed in navy bine, and wore a fur cap of puri- ortteencl est -,•ming ca4. He was. as :little man, with soft end dreamy eyes, of a light blue, anti with a very quiet ntau Her of spetltiee. He generally eat'riecl in his left !land a cake of tobacco;-'cvit`z an open knife in his right ; and he•cut• P constantly on band ' .. Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cared meat the tobaceo sln.vly as he went. promptly attended to. At regttltr intervals he smelted : enee befora.bronkfn. t, once after, once on the poiut;.of eight bells, oneF after NLi,W 13UTCHEI-Z SHOP dinner, onee�•totctrd tea•.titase, And onur' ib f e and once tf yonne 'import Lemire, the eldest i after, once sore supper, 111ennderaignecl would inform :the inhabi- ter. "Bot not." as lie -remarked to touts of Exeter and vicinity that he hos cs torn .OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SFIOI' to i— a _.,not to be forever with .a nope 10 The ihl maty poked, at her with . an e eye of pity. emir fantail—as if pati Might be ;the "Forget that ',headstrong boy," be striver f a lighter. That's not tile- way, .'sid; ho will be Sorry aftorn�ard for my' ltd, forthem as earns their bread , what he said to you its well as to me. upon bine wnt•er " "'We cannot nndo the peat, Rntli, int we Tie used lite pavement ef` the street , may fight it ;down. We nmst beta our •—tit snot. times as it diel not rain- ••pnnishrnent, bot we may bear it un frt' a promenade or Fmhleine saloon ; •evortlrily. until it bee '!nes• e, crown of when it was wet. he betook !himself to glory. •You are a gourd w tri." hie own room -.a place which'the ellib as nonan a?a al its Mandl He left her. And as be walkei dren soon learned to rt'gn�rd as tht+ Ii. DAMS.. .'down the title Rnth might have no- home of all nnimaginable delights ; attd ___ tided, had she loolced,:ep; that has form theyeealletl hire, After the first day, a RODGSON,CO.AUOTIOI ER was bowed, and that lie-trenlla1r'd es he Ben'! by his special 'repeat. The lal, `v. Sales promptly tatton,.clgd to lls+ys:of weveslat. Bub she did.,, t}ot,l,oclll up. ,4181ie` pineettf` the.day.,Bctt ,,tt?pk:,iut tlle-,,.f ret Asaeparrsnooa.ab phisoirhEk. one floor eolith of Ms Elnnicanlithshop e, t!thopes the same !theca' patronage that has Leen ac •corded to..him in the IBLAerafigrnt AND !WAGON MARINO HBO willbecxtoudorltohim iuLie newbrancll._o' onsinaas, His moat wagon will call, at the resi- dents et the vill.agethree timeseeel week and Tom_ E3 MAT of .11 kions;kept constantly on hand at his butcher sboli. . Slacltsmithing and wagon malting carried on here to be had in O't ercrla+"t in , Fllll.c�lotbs, Broad -cloth Doli skirts, Silks, \ since s, Delairtea, and everytmng u,ededin the 1.>r} Goods line, Tilt`:. Grocery Department is Complete, 3n,inspection invitee No trouble to show goof ISAAC CABLING ATCOST Cast 00IdS3T GT IIARNE,S Al COSTA 0IPS i'BERT.E would rotu:• thanks to his customers for the very litttrnI patronage bestowedon him inthe p tat and would respectfully aalneunce,o thein that he 'has greatly reduced the prises otherness, as will be seen by perat=a_tt the Ar.t:otist : ' C' O S T AT c0SP HARNESS AT COST 1 Long Tue., Biaek, i 3 iueh 9'2 + i. .4 1.4 2t, ' 'White " 27 !' Brass " 2it rel,t3IT HARNESS Single Rayless, 12 and upwards All other worst in the Ha}•nese line at inoport1nnalty low prices. Repairanfi done with :neatness et'u ,aa, ti d'lsalat`b BOOTS ANO b1IOES, Xattais breach of the trade, every effort is readcto supply the bast artictos ItIOMMONIMMIRSPIMISM Row to Save Wormy. Cow to Save 1.Vloney ..r To all parties in want of anything in the furniture line, will save anoneyby purchasing at 3r•II n's Furnitue Rooms, Exeter itis always to tho interest oftho buyer to ourt.iaase from the Manufactur;.r. anti OS MUl Brawn Manu. factures 101 his Furniture in the shop, he eau give to the purchaser, the Mum.. use proait that the import. or must of necessity add to manufacturers prices to enable ham to live. Tito best stock of Dressing Bureaus and. Sideboads and in short; the best of stock of everything n my line, ever h ;:"n iu Exeter, now on hand, and pos- itively at the lowest prices. Coll and examine and satisfy yourselves. N. It. In future I intend to make a specialty of Picture frames and mirrors of every size and (polity. and ata determined not to be undersold by any person. A first:class !sewing machine fox sale at hall price. J. BRA- W . Z! .LEUtia,! ElInat The subscriber, 5. E. Jtulaas, wishes to thank the people of Exeter, and surronn5ing country, forthe lib- eralpatronago which he has received since a,y,,ng you, as a Watch maker and Jeweler, and also in- form you that I have a large quantity of goods to dispose of, some of which are SLIGHT DAMAGED I3 Y FIRE, and a great quantity of which are not, these will be sold very cheap for cash. Clocks sold for $5.50 $5.00 $4.50, $0.75, now sell fpr;:. $4.2.5, $4.00, 7535; 0125. Hatches that sold Mr $80.00, $25.00, $ .00, $15.00, now sell; .520.00, 018.00, $14.00, 010.00. DJ NOT MiSS A •3ARGAIN. • Ifl JEW4LRY, BARGAINS TO SUIT EVERYBODY Solid gold. Watches and Chains a specialty. Do.not fail to give me a call before purchasing else- where, as I thinly it wonid be to your advantage. Also a great number of Table Oruets, Cake 13aaslteto,•:Bntter Coolers, anda great mauy'other things to ..Q.unierous to mention. Violins, and •Vit1}n;Strings. In fact everything in the line cheap for cash. S. E. JONES. EVERYONE MAY ENJOY TELE BENEFIT OF A SDA. 'BA'i AT THEIR OWN_x IRE SIDE o ---o ATLANTIC SEA..SJ&LT. FOR SALE. at the DOM LABORATORY. 'Preserve Your Si -ht I by using our CHEAP SNOW C3L'ASSE& A LARGE FRESH STOOK OF �e.mry'sCelebrated Condition.P: