HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-3-7, Page 22 TSE" PIMPS WHEN THE SHIP COMES 10 -ME. BY WALTER BE ASANT AND JA:M[ESBICE Authors of "EgA.017 am= 5tt')1RTID1OY," *"ens. (men- s:\ 13tGTTp•:tivex," ETC., ET3'. CIIAI'RER V. --(confirmed.) be in all Marry, begRn to lamk round the chinch, tasting the monuments one by one. • "1 heul;t wait till he comes tills way and speak to •lineal,"said Ruth. John iV brow bit his bps, 6111 saki nothing. He stood upright, arms fold- ed, in an attitude which might Have It WRs Saturday nfxer11oou in early meant clefiauee. antumm The splendor of the season The old gentleman, adjusting his showed itself on eenetey sides in /rear, glasses, cause slowly along the north ing fields of ripea.ed eon, in apple or- %"r41, reading; the inscriptiol:s and look chards. t'al: dy with thee" fh slit, in we►cds Mg at the tombs. Ruth watched flim where the tree seemed to hang do",; with a senile of• amusement. their. heavy foliage in the slid heat eel "How surprised he will be to nettle if weary with excess of pleasure. I11 . here r she whispered. Lowden it showed itself by hot and 6 Ho was surprised. In his surprise eating, streets, by announcement; oY ; ne looked, when he eagle upon tl,•r cool drinks. in peablic houses, mei b•; '' pain from one to the other, dr fl. sree.il as of an immense bakery 1lilet:e i his t -ti" yes. tail the eail,tren's mud pies, the cal/tweep "John ! Ruth \ areefa)r"1 1." he said. stalks, the orange feel, attd "What is this ? What is thio ?" reeetee caf the nt'e;tt city were bane ! Rntb stt1'l:d furcare, with:a pretty eeol>r•31 in oine large oven, in teas';'lintl_l1- "You ,are x11 illi' church, !,Ir. l.'itnreh of St. Ethelred it showed tt.sr'ti Utllelwzn," Sth. stye,!. "I am organist by an uclact..ntee selenek, ee div, i4 Mire." raitat4 gl,a,ti. Tho cablore whish Ie'tc, lie looked more serprised than ever. on the tombs and monument,. w ?re A11 ^1'C too. brighter than Hewell ; the knight mei "Explain ,bis, John" he sail. with dans who knelt 0;.0 ,04,0 e Lei „eh '•, Ott anewerltif,r the girl. with hands cheeped. tit hew'', nod feat et Thew Ruth began to ,,rel that there their e:lu tion '"' , 1IWO, 801401141g tilrOnA. f,., 1f', Tl'C']%e"1 ti=e C•riSla- s 3n rave; Ill"3)lz tiler heeds. and lost f,.l• "There is nothing to explain, sir," a %anis) tele% rigiatity by which 'deer said John.'•Fyne ii ii'~, ' ortle•fa)e d. sculptor hadtritet1 to 1's�presF nt lei. tasty. wh.bI11• Melt lit IUs. Sh;s i4ri. nut .t t The mali;ht p111,jea1 upas the ett:.11111,, `'t. I:t telreti'R, 1 eine, here its teal, Fide the altar, ilea fel? 111 a seal.t of a ..t- a e!]elir,,. or upon the patient Lice of poor little '.S"•," said Mr. Lalelwina "that is Charlotte Lemire. Who Wag left (Boise all, is it ?„ 61012e thinking. On the steps of the John 1% -e -brow hesitated fear a uta• organ loft Rat, side by chess John % ;, mA^3rO 'Tnl"aen%tlaea i+ta$SP1lt"i*d. forwti:i t• Prow alai (tutu lar.efera. Bala "1::41 Li` )1:14 ntrt SIs•.Fie'tl 4 w"^rte a 1•Ate. D7abl' - ',`;Qa Sir," he said ; "that is not all II"- Ill' th"Wliitt t%f habve, yet they sit 51, l tiIIs COtlnt; 13/dy 1:iaolw!t pis"' tly liar liniTi!. Pally net hetet in liana. at', Iltlt Hl1< *t i Istat i1741iv ".hltL 112113 The y +ants' IIII311 It 3R hs+,'1t tellillW '''Ir 191.1'hetti : that 4:11+1 1 1 avo novr, the r 0taLf girl of plaaces width he knew''...'' i 1"'r. tilt". X.1"(113 it now f•"r lite not fear n v'ay, >;7:1?ret stretch res t,1i"•da%r' t' -Yen COV,'reti wit tde)werd from sl4::t3°' t; •' 9 -ern 1. - aria it." repeated :de. Ii:al<1 `' v 44 .'•f.Yr the II" titres ?" latetlaDt+atatT+-••••tail'. gaal'�.en taide ic•nat=. the ne,;elew. west, the wild c rively- Th words rang in the girl's ear li!;c' n saw, trees Cir. Crit`••4:41-RIII•r" Itaei' art 'wrrniver. 4yn'11a1a, ;gel .ere earn"". nett cernftpltlti. "In your presence, sir, and in th] ,, . m ,, '.:Pr''1 1"lal"'e, I yenta30 t0 1411 her, ieis �)Ot210 sitar, i``+4t� .1. wc� �Qill .'"� alati see twin. Soo tieav, wilr'n I alp It:: tor flit, first time, that I"love bet." a ,. , p' t 1 h;tt you love her : repeated alt o.tea ter, Ili n ided e list word- Baldwin. He took a seat on the under hi: breath. Pulpit, and looked at the gid with eve, "Ah !" she eh -"'.e4. Y•I have no hell.of pity, "That ,you love her t 11uI•r day. It is wroke to he avows 1%i.'-lliu;a girl ! Pt ar girl;' fir tltlli,"3a : Inn 01,2 ! 111hi1, 1 dt' sora))• "•Atari in your presence I ask her if tiluee hmg for .s eh a:eg-j3l,bt it few, • she wt marry me. synth, dear Riede divot- its theca :nttl•..nRh a, l well to t',rpive this rough speech, hot lily nu• have wi1413 I was a little girl. before- elo fltrcas it nirin ole. 1 know ynnr l,%u, ago. It would he salllrethrn ; to ;; �1a31pess, your 111►t1[ nO,', mai yowl' LU1.kf of Its 'winter ev'�ninaa, yon 1aP, trill s. some tattle, my darlin , and. especially if I thought I coal et► ,.•"conte trouble iu :x 11114111,11W" InVe., )aero." tdnth. come 1" "P•)nr Ruth! Poor (.nth 1 I wish Ib' had. Olken her by the lims. and 1 walla it. t.ouwthi: ;; for you ; Li; 1 wonhi have drawn her toward hd.u.. title cell:lot-•-yet. I am only a cleric now. she rooked in ler, Beide rots fitce. Will you have a little more lrtatit'uc' e" • "Yens nephew ?";his fa►ltored. "Now yon will think I am oenlpltliel- "Mv nes+lac %y," he rCI111eW,1, in;. lin, i31,14+cd, indeed, I lath not, 1 "'hates, ret '13►r1inp;. sOtne." Sala night have gone --.he l light tarry taakee the single -tell, and fallen ei the breast t111at yeerm'el for her, but fen' tee 1 •nk in the nisi int nl'e eyes. "•Remember1'• he staid, solemnly, Roth snatched her hand from her lover, "Do not remember," cried John, pas sionately. "Yon have remembered long euopleh. It is cruel to remembe, longer. What has the past to do with the present ?" '•Everytbine," said Mr. Baldwin, sadly -everything. Roth Warneford. I do not Vitale a vol. It is not you+ fenls that my n'eplheiv has met yen. It is his that you did not know what kin': .)f c+ttdnct his had been toward yore' ""SVhn.t cenduot his hag beien !" re- peated the ynnng man, fie>ro.)s. "Ass; that in ten pars' time, if I gala living, a (d if yon have found time is reflect. Girt !` between you find. my nep'hew there elands a gleosi43tNre shad. ow of :t great :;''gong." "A.Itts ! I Meow," sobbed Ruth ; I know it." "There is no Aleut. It is the dream of a morbid brain. dwe'fling. ton much on things long gene and forgotten." paid the young man. "Ruth, come nal of the shadows into the light." "•\Vhat was done by one of your hlnnd eight years ago separates. you from me and mine unto the thirst and fourth- generation,'' slid the old man "What wee done yesterday matters nothing to day," pleaded- the young man. "Reith, do you think t have not known ynttr story ? Long the tale of George W''arneford has been familiar ts• me-eintte I was a boy at school. What has it to do with you ai3d me and With our love ?" "It stands between yo'u two," said his' uncle. , All the tinge • Reith looked ' steadily at the old pian. • Titers was no hope the re, only a stern .justice, 'before which .she trembled. ' "I • have been kind to yon, Reath AS A REMRY IT h' e, S h i p a r o c e, r y u a large clans of wasting diseases, Physicians '�,�" kl3ave foou"'Z nd P O► F��ON, e exert relnarltably• rapid curative action, and Dyspepsia, even of chronic type. has,withequaal rapidity yielded to its powerfully insidious dc- tion. Ikon Mzai.ar. e` Co., Druggists, of Toronto, writes as follow.:--- • ire have sold more PIIOST;OZONE than we ever di,i t=t any ether prep :3' l.in13 in a 7..'alen tilno. Where we sell a bottle. it is generally' repeat i Jan. ai. 6 -in. am very happy, 1 am suer 1'ar;ht ti,, be. Only naw and then, when the stn, is hot and the streets are -Mese, and wlhen gentieznell like Mr- J,hu Wv- brow tell lee 4'f beautiful p'act's, who',. rich people can wander and ..ea sweet thing;, why then, you sea, it is bard not to feel a little, you t :t little, di"3oon- teutetl. what ought poor little Char - lotto to be ?" "Poor Charlotte!" "Look at her, John. She will nit there so Ioug as I let her. To be in the quiet church soothes her nerves. 'She )tun net bear the nois=e of the oth- er children ; she is happiest 'fere. If I were a cripple, do you think 1 shnuid be so patient as that pour child ?" Rath shook her little head with a gesture of self-reproach." What further line the conversntiol1 might beve taken cannot be. safely as- serted, because it was then interrupter by a great trampling of feet and noise of feet and noise of men in the nluircb- porch. "It is the aldermatrt'e day," sai'i Ruth. "(Let tie sit held quietly anti we shall see it all. The railings of the tomb Ali opened." The doors are thrown open, and there. marcfi&1 up the aisle a prnces• sion: First Came the beadle, with the gold stick of office. tie was followed by the rect.of in full cauranieais. After him, somewhat marring the effect by syn ignoble limp, chine the clerk. Af. ter the clerk fntlnwed the laity. consist - ng of two trastees, the school -master, hod a tail of six boys. ' A stray lgilt+leman, not belonging to the pro- ession, came in after the rest, slut at ight of hila loth the spectators on the rgan-loft started. and wile of them, the ming man, hanged color. :-. "There is Mr. Baldwin, my benefac- pr,' said Rotel, quietly. She slid nr t ±sok ip, or site would have peen John ybrow turn pale and then flush trim • 611. r Mr. Baldwin, leaning on a stick, •;Aeemed to bd watchiug the ceremony W3iffleford," he said; "what the world et the moilurr ent. This took tell calls kind. Bus 'let that pane. "Re• pein11te8 Or s.). when the procession re- member, however, that it naine me ev. ••f+.•lined, 3ai1 marched solemnly cut of en to• hear your name pronounced. I lee4uu;lroh again. shall not �� relax in whatever (yelp you Au old wom4n. one .of .the almshouse. want ; but I ask you in return -it is n widows, left the dors open for the little thing -to seud this youngmats who remained behind. Melly."' %t�ug:,"r. e.fe,athleic, Nil', dad not tij2pear to (oortilkt1Ep ON. PAGE THREE.) e, MEDICAL R. iI Y N 1Ji1A N ._ct)RC;NE t FOR Cie ("amity of Huron. t)ffice, next door to 31r. L t a rling c store, 'Exeter. W. _ .t:O N IN(z, M. D. M. C. .. S, o,arae,, %a *t sta.1'a 3�3t$ _Office, a .4 r�+MILk lee. 1);•r. 3nt L,:a1,.•A4r.ataly : utter -11. C MOOR . M. U. C. M. 13 f:r Flu t*," sal :saw t'tti'4rsety.:itoreroai e)33netaw ray It n, c, i;ca car. (1313. meet, ' oa 41V- 5$) 14,34. 04 artti : era the 3a. 343 IIs 11tS iNti. talt.ult'A'TI; a • VERSUS; Trent, Vollene Leo Leery t)ttent. h ,•) 'A 4R.: coal hurt-te ,3:a (1a,*.. 4,13.ee l 41'4:1 and c' 1 1Le KLNtiliA:11•*i OL1) DLA(IlT.eit 9 nit„g iti tial Teeing. ?+t1.'i, i:,t,-l;i3Yi laaa3 xia•�1i httl re4'lrn - iiiM r.12,0e7*' 3131311e 1.}ash have p retrt pa sr, that, having tlrteat.;, to his p.•et. 4IM, 4: it o •1 t i" - '. they (*tit l intim eta rvc.'t sal tr na hl•irt lava . e . tet `73415 333 fa;i733' ,. t., • 1. + 41 13'3,'4 of the ).o. ,.aha t Ing ,k•gaYtn.t'lar l.littheti. .533other 4U'3'14 done in ^ho Nitry hest style and at the lowest rates. S. Dr i.l'aititiAM. Es s'tcr,1 oe.13, 1'77. till\(.il.I) 14:1 Ia:.---'I"h•• DDYaale. 1 %' 7a 3 3r 7ias' *slat .t CIO 1%274'02 n• i3OU c -seen t . t terns it :veli h" f'*41ed Y' sa t•a 7 s 3:'. 4 11+4'.74 tt4 1337a4t lttea:1$ r¢7 -n t'n%q .e1)at: It •• 4 k , a•i 3ji ¢ t+, ¢ ,a ,11347 /e .i I,A•a19a1 3:1 11:.nt they..'. Atte, :.avn3• ..,;,. £A' ts. .MI0: CAW. CONSUMPTION CURED. 01111 1'll! 111"1,14, tt tlYl41 from 11"101.44-•. i 1'4.44g e2410 4•;'104 "4144. ::,,t s, ,n l' -33't Peat "1 s -t et a ►a'' f •a3altl+a A 4 rc.,,t,,i4e ire" a.',ls 1.1 -lace 'VA Ji' sit ret• ,a tr..t 3.1 4 , ' a.r 4;:a119a 1'1,4'. 4 '"33"1$ 1 3 e`'af it:i1a 4'T3,313433 ,3,.4313 v :14'L44441144i1...a ant tl,e h-;.411- n311a0.at1%'t 41.4, r .13,Uri, 19...• 3a„t. t. d•14.641)1, i .tel.,oi'• ,:.•:y -e 44 ip 41li t its. r P t,*3 t 14'231 3,2 1.94 1, h341, t', s.1.433-.1--1'...11.• 4 C44: 4-.1'1 41 43.471 74.41.3..44+lr,44•%a to+f 1 it -v )lets t.. ae ..t t atl:tate% ea in Itis MTV •r3n34 feLocvs. aa•¢a:3k ,e 11, this moire, watt a t'ntce !e nt3.,u" 44 -art. to 1, 33>st. I.AAttain t<nrllia a'in;,•, .337"134'331"ead,frei..I ' 3 .,,t,.1. 411 121., ,e•Ifie it 35 3:1+,4 ...With iter fupt par, t ta4alo, ter prat" 1,1184; and ue' t'ativ 1a 7)147. $'iti,v Waren (rate. t,w 3314, ..P.. 1t, 34'2 1134'4'4" e'aper, 1)I1. 3' NTS NS, nOz AO. i3r" t e vilk.Ci4t. . ANI( .O( I) :._ i now Lon. 1IO\V ItEsToiti".f).' •..c -"t`4. havereot•tltlV put piel:rd a WAN &*bti- V t"`' t..) td 1'r. 3'(12"1 rw lric r. It l%re tett l:anav' a.4theata at,1u1 31ad pt•rtaa.te•n3(*tareritlanlZtmet13- •1 :et Se; ve:la 13'l') hty, %dental andl'lar•lest In autp''eluucuts to tout. nine, etc%re^uLIt .13'1 fr lit ai esses 14.K. neat 133 34 3(13:1 euetee.pn, only t, ei its, cc t%:. pp o-t'i ' rat :rill at. . 3t• ce''"bratnl author, in this at1niirel,'o l:4s:ti .•1••arI: d''n1.'n,Xinte-2, tr. H3 t d' ty sena• 8410P464, - ."u' 'er5►eta4 41. thtat n1itr741it3i; alexia. tlUeiae e, nzay la r dietdigl ur",.l r.ith,tut 13..' Ilamcrone i1•+0 of ifs - era tl nt,•,Yie)n4', or the aplah"vtttnn of e, bap • rti.,ntfnp: nota 3210141 of mire at once aortal» and cetunl, bpi -leans of 'vuleh eery aulrtuar, tut ,,,atter'that his etunlitii13 mar' 110, may c4 t- i'nc]f,"h•.1u,iv,1'rivltt4'ly,'andradirxllr. x lhls Lecture )hugest be in the llau:lst of emery u1.th .tuts every mon in t3:t+innd, 'dares TaP CUTA Itt.L)tIMICAL to. 41 Ann at. New York. P. O. Box, 4590. Wonders of Modern Times iolloways Pills &Ointment The Pills Purify the Blood, correct all disorders if the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ant' Bowels, and yrs pnvaluable 121 all complaints incidental to Tamales. y Sad Legs 0111 Wounale only and4Uioe}}emoef Bost woe long st;')'ling. For Bronchitis. Diihtherin, olds, Gout, Rhaumatiem, and all stili daces ha ono equal. BEWARE OF New York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills tad Ointment," ore manufactured and sold •ender the name of " Holloway & Co.," by J.1• F. Henry, Curran & gists, and also VolItan Medi- sle'rd' York, with mu:rle; thus --- foal& Haydocl wins names oft own Make undor the name of Hol. Iowayy &Co., having for a t'ade mark a Cronout and Serpent? tro]ies4eu & Robbins of NSW York .tre agetl3S for the sante. These ppdfcrons, the better to deceive yen, un- blushingly caution the public in the small boelcs of directions nfiixed to their medicin8Y4, which are rerlly thespurio'tts imitations, to I3'o'tvare O Counterfeits. U userupulous Dealers o btain them at very low prices and sell them to the uubl It in Cana- da as any genuine fells and Oihtments, I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of families ana other ladies and the public generally of British Norti, Ameri- ca, that they may be pleased to denounce un- Iparingly these trawler Purchasers should look to the label on the pots aid boxes. If the mattress is not 583, 'Oxford Stre••t, Loudon, tuey are the counterfeits, teach B) it midi= of the (carmine Medicines, bears the ritish Government stamp, with the words engraved thereon: c'n three labellxis the=add" ss, 533 Oxford Street. T,oacoh,where alone thoy are Manufactured. Parties wbo. may be defrauded by Vendors Belling spuriot a "Hollowuys Pills 2411(1 Ointment as'wy genuine a'aiao,) , on com- municating the particulate to me, be amply"re- inc noratod, and their r n'ne never divulged., TI1OaIA S HOLi,3OWAY Company, .Drug - 1)y tha Metro - eine company of an assumed trade ---Again one of New Yorl4,like- conn terfeits of his SUCTAR, SYRUPS, CANDIED PEEL, SArt), TAPiOCO, :IJ' W FRUIT. lt'liIS, CAIIIAC;S,(Y?C'OA, Chocolate, Prepared Corn and all the leading Groceries, fresh and New. TO13 A CO Tobaccoes, autl Cigars, Pipes in M ee 'soiilam, Woad aud Clay. e1:11OKE.i* REQUISITES. Cigars and Tobllaeeo, Whole- sale. cannot I;fA atH 18-784 GO TO R. & E. PfCER'S --FOii- GROC . " Jietway's New. and Fresh. FLCU1t,. FE ED, AND PIIOS'1S1ONS, EMtTHE )WAKE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away --21 Bars for One i ollar.- Gorr! Vinegar. 214e. per 4:ailttu. C1t.-ie•t, Syrups. Market 33s»418clu•uit. N, t'.. T-oit't 2-)rk'• , u1 •• trim•. '•r': o p. site Mr. E. 4 1 3 a f t •cr., t'rtr itte. ti. Sou 111 CXA22.41; fc, Pushy'. R. '.ti SPICER IT.11N.YY'S I41 1F m1t.fl.KS. •lurch 44•)' is ins bei3lp ?Duly in 321.1 .:?.r ra;ion aant'. tarn inig twat duti\ n saes*' ir.14444454,t1 of azo. .5,1,,,4o.Rui' e 1. 1', l:V E1F.Ia Planing Mill Sash, noOlt A S. I) btI�D Pli:TE171 ALL KINDS OF PUB, I G Done to t)rale'r,. remember the pt;rep O17 E (1 civ "D 'd MIME that 't•r1111 1 ereeses be surltla3=eiel 111 the 1.luinin. iolh. pfirtix'.vfrntn a .lit•t1ueco peau .414 ay s l.t','. v p,lit4 ititer at the kilns o" at, SIF,•r.ib:•t' 810' meet. • st rea.nner'rtiye ratty. Orders from a 41311 (42343,. protup+tly ltttena1 dm. 11,'1infii)N ,: ti,4.'la:iTR1l, o Hh Z3io fPlour Pitts 403 affect tete low p.tC4'.,.11 %:il'"t. Important to Batter Workers B., & T. BI 3 " ' One Bond Active A, 4 3,t? W.113t4ad in er.•rr tow!: *hip to 1n34..1tire til N17.1'.113 181'7' 1:1;1i SVt1133ii. esti. Sss eple 31,3,•7 4(11. Frock tat .ta•knt,.. 1'CYP' ttGt1•.-",en innsS.4P3reta'3A. unit+lri'ta.)1lto 1s2. nu in tyle 11.eitit n. 1mivearly with settee. te. 0. setrerl.a', re lie " V1C71)11 WltIN'al' T) t'O .i0U'4Amelt, Acro vers and. Reapers !MI le WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Singie Mowers I Single Reapers in all kind,, of Gass and Grain, anis on all col riitions of sniland surface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SALE We wise offer a Trial of our Wrought T1o,i Two I3ar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REAPER AND MJJWER Macbil.easupplied with 'rwo Pitmans, Two Dreg -bars, Two Finger -bare. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts, Self -oilers, etc.. etc. an ba charged from Mower 0 Reaper AND REAPER TO MOWER Byre moral cd four bo9•tar an inloss 'than fifteen nriittliles' time. 'Please call at our works and inspect our Machines be'ff>ro p'nrehasing elsewhere, Mend for Cate'ogues. THOMPSON tk WILLIAMS Man ufalftnring Co., Strstford. FOR 50 CENTSwe win seull to anyy ar'- MILTDN dress elegant Gents lvateh Chair Oi pair Sleeve Buttons, sot 22411r¢,13tu.18, 1 Collar Dutton, heavy plain ring, 1 Pnrisioc dia. :pond pin: Retail print) $9. $100 IDOLO 000 stock muni be sold. Illuetrate 1 catliZogue`of jewelry, watches, &c. sent with every lot. Silver wdteh to 411 agents. ,Watolifree. JEWELRY MOTRI3Ar P O. CO. LOST. -ON FRIDAY, F.B. 15'1'N a note drown in favor of A. Dinsmore Or Beal br, against Abray & 11 divards, dated ,August.. 1877, at rive months, Ali parties are cautioned agalnbt accepting such, as above is paid, Astor t & BravARD'flt Al DIESIaonR. are iiile+l'lnt; tht'ir sloe:‘ 4-•t TINWARE, STOVES, Etc., at Exeter .& R en'sai It whish e•"uaj5t* of 11111:.* latt'st Mid itoprt'c4ti ,t;:ltleof iiiteltt'n,d'nt.k and Parlor rt•"e. •,Milk :►n3, pmts. SUR pail4 of tut' Ialn.tt ala'"rovt,l 'xtt4 t n, awl everything in the lint' ::.1so, to ;.3.e"t nekt•1'tiUl' 4,f 111c'tdnolne J131t'44(4 trou14r1llii 4n (1411241. r0Ceivev 3•reryattetltlnn, 21111 t1t+Itc at the lowest figures. Having openers outs branch 3otsbli,lurso11t at feel -soft, o111• friends i11 that at ilhi.tolgt 4o.. e to be supplied ou the shortest notiett, ja,d a {�fie � •'` fir! 9q �` t'. l.ii1il�•'�.'9r1% et It r 04+14 ' aeala where vnu .ase •'.• .a' pAINTII\ (i ! PAINTING L1 KITC'IINC [s prepared to do all kfnd-s of House Painting,Paper-haigr:Ilg Whitening,.&o. at reasonable prices and punctually. J. IiITCFIING. Main at CHISHOLM'S OLD STA.NI)' LONDON THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE FO11 GENERAL DRI' GOODS;. MILLINERY & MANTLES. HEN'S CLOTHING T'0` ORDER, OR READY-MADE. HENDERSON & BUOHANNAN Lute A. Chisholm & Cu. A COMPLETE STOCK OF HONEST GOODS. AT FIO-NE:ST PRICES. Remember -Sign of the Shriking Clock,. 142, Dundee Street, LONDON. XT J. CLARK, Agent for the ..Us- A- \ • borne and Hibbert Mutual Vire Insurance Company. Residenco-naxgtthar. Orders by mail promptly attended to.