HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-28, Page 66 EXPLANATIONS. At ehUrch I sat Within her pear- ° pew! • But I heard Plotts.word,,,- I. SAW' (1100g her eyes of bine ! I saw her bow her gracious- ° gracious! The sheer The organ rang Andbeeweil io sin the building spacious, eeraid not hear the gosp4 hw- M future bY1,1e Wits by nay side; 1 emid a"! elsk! a akhey bore. And aten pi,a1,4 forth de otaut threalef.. 0 thuadorf 1 fixel ne:r mr.t,.t OA vilaose, leanly was 3 sr..e that mal.len was mostsar- 0 dearJv ! A.111 1.744' W4,,F,c3.4 24, l';',.;n14' u-. t ts• it • 0 tkze My Nfe Mine; v- -y e•xti 1 not tiri,,ITt?f•;i ;14•. Thi4 - 'I. Whilti44 .P41,1J4 siyt0!!!".. th.01 ore Ieferee zeeeeeew t typo a goa-int.....;-• Eatt 404 4i,Ly 1 hotri• r THLTIMBS l'ExatvAhr 28 1678 vsses„ The man with the ulster occupies au equivocal poeition in tsoeiety, bat his legs are warm and he is 'eased high above many ef the petty annoyances of ordivary hureanity. He can wear his old. trousers every day, and he dosen't care if there is a patch on the knee and the whole rear platform is worn off. Tbo weather is bound to have itself talked about,autl goes from one extreme to anether. Straws nee well enough in their way. bat it takes a pan of ashes toindicate the .rection of the wind. A young lady says see longe for Angers like e eiteh ferk, with diamond to rings enougthe A kitten -hat is drowned before itThe Shi iteli them to the ends. • gets its eyes open, is sexed the rain of grata,* nte anti gettint its tail pbeele. ed by the tr.-washed door. Piti you 91:4 <me or them iirtoeiianate IFO teikens-a ealt s heart with skewer “lagiNQL through it - oi Valentines , !)y? if yen iirbi yatere no govi'l, it diet so lunch n. Ina.,ition of -I flw lono, bocor we art gaffer 1,, 111 -To iin se that I eati .et etv191-'411 in' fct f •;.' that he; ilt'in', AS A REMin, 31, a large elass of wasting diseases, Physician have found PlIOS3FOZONE O eweretuarliably rapid curative aetiOn, and Dyspepsia, even of chronic tyre, IntS,withequal rapidity yieldekl to its powfully insidious an. ant. Ikon lru.l.rai & Co., Druggistq,o Torimto, writes as follows :- " We have at.)1•1 more P1/0S14)ZOSIi. thaa we ever dhl of any ..',ther preparation in a given tntte,1,Witere ,i.11ii iostle, it z' gSsit-a-tilly reVeated," 1•4i t llrieStill'An I ife at licence tie t tele tienso t oat NW WititT t want a Winter V. 1 Wien yen sert a leda on the elreet stop and enthleuly Melt and reetelt [reek - wet k and down w.trd, 41-,ta 1;o aln MIKA. i8 not a Vic% bat elite ie after. A- seeet as she Vnte shaken net tile ell .;ter cans tee -angel bi her tai. that '41110. SsTeet c•fuile will i,%•.torn. V1' Of a yllt eee a man come in i9tEls 9 1.001 a hull ef weed in his war„,:-.., anal .1111 e r fonr t1gt under it. yen eau ' vont- leetteni Jailor that ven eaeiner at otto ;of that nnfertnnete claes TEAS, SYRUPS, Jan. :11. 0-m. rooery SUGAR, CAN1 PEEL SAGO. TA PIOCO, NEW FRUIT, Oette,, Chocolate, Prepared Cora and l.tu the jeadinc.,, eiroeories fresh awl New. TOBACCO SToit:F: Tobaccoes, and Cigars, l'IpesiII tb Meersoham. Wood and' Clay. • umiai, of 7,17,4114cr nw64: wib' sl at a seeemee e.oark pAINTINCI t P AINTING mi. MORINO Is prepared to do all lands .of House Painting, Paper-Linging Whitening, e;:e. atreasonable priees and punctually, slr(!la. Matti at cotistilleirtool OMB), N OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from active praetica, hawing lied places in NIED10411. _Ake' fR.11YNDMAN.-CORONER FOI.7"""w the (*omit y of fie %In. Vince, next neer tc. Mr.1. Caings store, 1 tot: _T w. •NINCI, M. 14 0. graduate N ictods. reit ers•t vQice s resit't ate, Ws- 400 1.4.1•04esol r• 1.4 C. MOORE M. D. C. M. C 'r.11* • .0 011.4 CC' IT: gontreal towed . WC. 0.14. 0.1444 taws-. 1-11. IUViXG,elitADUATI,1CNL Let ventellee Villity COI Teeie 4. ins.1,41.• COTlegs. PL.t.tsat.%tt as nod sot -gears met, to a MIL% 11111..ND IIPeND tine ' sed Lavii,t; r, • l' - teem of ie.tis. row L.,. co„- • - 41.111i 4 i.a. „-r. Lived !ass,: ;1. .,44 N,IVAT s Pte. nit; ,i„ eat o•• tr4- Lotto,- ".!1••,. thes --1 ;.• , •LL; L . - 4'4::,1t/li•• •S„ le .•..; Y. • • ; 411,. ' ,• .; 't t;•'14" 4 4.-11,ses-,t," ti 1.•:, ra. . • 11.uee. tt ,•1;.",• 44 • n+; SMOKERS REQUISITES. ree.t weete, ve:y to *" of people who evil airerd to tate a pa- W.- 11 7.. • I- arani It.;Lirt .11.1toper. ,loo! Cigs tToliiaceo, Who e We, i!'rPr thta the Martinie of Levee; 1 liCht iina litre the leitehea flee thie ssiw 0210. tee, as we red ethat be presented les.g :s ,,.:-tit' - Wif tiif diamonds worth tend &nem abautlLe thine ' MO We:eS and Reapa ma 'weather rot in. • 1 U N PARAGRAPHS, How's etkur potatoes ? Yes. neendielit is cheaper than La- OSOttO, but there's no i(Illuine in it. Them* lette;er tleys will give you more time t9 11i:4Z:roar own beehives. Ilve-gueseiug is the popular amuse. Illent in the etamtry jnet now. Wt• t tier prophets are 10111wrolm Oft little btlys uremia a eirene elephant. The weather is boutul to hese itstlf tallied about, alai goes fatal one ex. tome to another. Gentlemen's vesta are made tide season with handles on tbeen-te pull them. low!), you know. Will Mr. Beecher, Dr. Thoinee and Professor Swing frankly tell us what they think of the helmet hat Now that Beecher has done away with the big blame the future of reany of us doesn't look so bright as it det. Fatlier-'Why wont yer say yer grace, Charlie:" Cuai1ie---4Why, *cos I don't like the look o' them there taters.' Reaching after the unattainable.' -A =a reeling up tinder the baric of Li - vest for the end of u parted suspender. & hair from the mad dog is said to cure the bite, and the Woicester Pm* seers that a solitary hair from the Iuwh wilt cure a passiuu for a waiter girl. Pat (giving the Squire 'notice') 'What did we agree when I tuk the place That we should never be dwelt at the same toime! But fait ye never WINO me the chancel A Canadian physician has invented an article of castor Oil that lie says el i dren cry for. It is so pleasant to the taste that the gentle, innocent ehildren do not know how it is loaded. 'Reduced to $7,' temarkel Jones, as he passe a a faehionabie tailor shop and read the above statement peominently displayed ou an overcoat. 'That's nothing; Ism reduced to a much small- er sum than that myself." Dr. Mary Walker says site dou't care a book -jack whether she ever votes or not. She has all the law she swims, and seven pairs of trousers. Wel, it does not seem as though that ougbt to make life look like a flower garden in June to most anybody. Talk about fetnale cutiosity---it's all oneeided. Let one man stop on the street to spell out the sign on the top of a high building, and every mother's sou that goes by will steed still and stare for ten minutes trying to make out what the first idiot is looking at. A (hrl That Need& Checkieg.-The eight year old daughter of a leading physician in Berkehire County ,has brought forth the following as her first school eesay.: "There was a little girl .and she was very sick. They sent for my papa, and she died very quick." "Leyour master at home 2 inqaired a gentlemen of the servant of the house at which he was calling. '•Isto, sir," re - .plied the man. "Wtten will he be back 2" asked the visitor. "Can't say, sir," said the man ; "when he sends me flown to say he's out, I can never be :set e." Young women are advisedlo set good examples bemuse young men are al- ways following thern.. Now 33:mach of Busines$ ;•••••••;••••••• Sar.ders 1 ti purl tut iterate to tis., midi.. that he Los staixtra ydchop fts- tele Sharpening; and Gumming .of all hinds of ;SAWN, en his Wald:wee ou Iturt,it Street. of an kinds slatrpotted On the short- est ovate 41044.40.4.44. Carpenter work as usual promply attlentlen to. THE SUN. tee.. New vont:. lees. As tilt, time hes e, use f r the renewal of nth- tilq„ 'r11 I. SN v...sthirtunisoi its 11411111.1 11111 Writ41, duct it tittliti ttt. tawth.,ir solisPer and support. nplut its fov tiro tc:t it relies foil` 14 11,411till, nom -04 tho hairetyeitt.thy cud sub. -roils eo.op. oaation whieb, iravo i.;11;..rt.. extended to at tress ovely quarter 1.f th.. The 11.411A S!'N is a Siteit a twenty. i'i14111 1441141111.; )11it`4111::-1.1:1ii, 55 cents a mouth, ;it .•;.•i;. per t var. The sr N1)10' ,litiu itt t1111 14:UV iS4 UZI eight.pase. sheet of et:uses-. Whit • sit ins the lions of the der. it al %I, /arse at ..-Inut of lit, wiry mei v • li.,..,111tueous tuctt, pre,pared for it. LAtl.t.a.N. Se,: has not nith great success. Post paid r?1.....1.1a year. WinLY wee Who does no mow tho St!!S? It rir wt- latos tho tho ria,„,.,1 :stab, ,,,ut bey011.1. thwts.,1:4 ge..!..t its Wel- emue pages end rt1,144111 it 111 tb 111t, 41f 44111140.1.t1;11044.11,1: i• satrieultu "41.kV it e •Lentielly inuresl fer the t. Pro•stiap, 'rerais: ono Dona r a y. posiorti•l. 'Phis wire, ;pm 1 dy it the ellen pest 11eWSpa- Per 1/1111111111441. ri 111 VA:, Vat11 4!4-141 rill send an extra, eopy free. Address, PUBLISHER OF *r111.1 SUN, New York Cit. Al'. Smith,how do ,ou art attar/cod Bread 1 GET tWY FL'3UR AT THE FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Exeter North, itnowbe"sgia faitonera s. T113 p o -has supplied his mil/ With 1.1 *F.-tqi i:tvaCIA:2e : 1111d111111 ecared the sc.-vices ot toe best Mil .er 1» be count: GRISTING PROeiPTEY ATTENDED TO. Sa. •E'action guaranteed. Paties om a destanee can have their grist to take home with th o at. Grocerieso.Confectionary Smoking Tobficco 25 Cents, per Ib. CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGARS always in stock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. es:el School Books, Stationary, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news N.8. -Sewing .1.1ach.t... Needles of every Rind. A. BOYD. CIFIANGED HANDS. -The under. eee sigsedhaVinr, rented bee Du ffe,in liouae,Con- or a terra, it will be too ud a. ft -et -class ho - tet. At every acoommodatiou for the travelling yCjooa,srellneeiatrt.o kaienSif.vhedclino.stfles.g.d Liquor 1921v. 3AXE/3 CAIN, • • ; L .• , ' • • 4 4 • Nvz A. ritIAL a oureeteleetee Singe Mowers Single Reap9rs in all latch:4r and Glean. Laudon all con itit Ins , .H:tuft eurface, AND GUARA XTI": E SATISFACTION Olt NO SALE We also offer e. Trial of our Wrought lion To liar JONAISTON'S COZEIMED REAPER AD h?iZR 5r4,1„e..nwilica with Two P.1 tutan Two .terag-bers, Two Finger -bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed, Nuts, Self -oilers, etc., eto. an be char ged from. Mower 'co 'nearer AND REAPER TO MOWER Byremoval of four bolts, an 1 in less than fifteen minutes' time. Please call at our works and inspect our Machines before purehasing elsewhere. Send for Catalognee. THOMPSON & ILLIAlIS Manufaotnring 0.., Stretford. NEW MACHINE SHOP. WilhiamEitching wi.hos to inform the public that he is. betteF prepared t�repair all kinds of Sewing Machines,. Wat che Clocks, Guns, &o., than any other person in the county, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac tion. G &J.BROOKS ManufacturerS of LUMBER, LATII, STAVES! CEDAR PO Slagl 01/DVOOD Mime -Two relies west of London lioad. 'TOWNSHIP OF HAY 131.4101iVILLB Ott ntif0:44.01:1744"4"..441.1.,i1 011.IATEST Wonders f Modern Tinsel lo.1;r1,,410 Tiollowav Pills &Ointment The PillsPc. Iths;11 ,.cotrect all 11 orders of tbel,ivor„ K,. bows 4110" 11.0614...61,14 31,4, layltiattbio ittalt1 ito101.1.111tts Females. The ointment IN OW mile reliald.retnedV fa!' hst'l 1.1" u.OW V:0!1114... Nta'•-'i37i4i Floor .14t 1401.`i. er1 r 141/1g ststulitsl. For Bronelsitis. Diplithes t'Ohis.tiont. Ille-nteitti.t.t. and all lin cam% 0.11411001nel. BEWARE New York Counterfeits. SpnriousisslitatIons 1.1 "Holloway's Pills .ttot Ointment, aro ism aufaetured 41041 S.4.1 011.140` the tio•tto of " ,::: Co.," by J. F. Henry. cumin ,t comp•ony, Plug, lev tho Metre. vow 'reek. win "4-.21 eine rontesny 4.1 411as:110104 trade matt, thus-- ' wise 'li'es telf eteanterfcitsid his own make und,ir •t"'• tho name of Hol- loway '0., ha vile; for a trade total aCrment U.,,,1 gortitsit ; 00 "'.011 A: Robbins of Nov York a44111t44 for 11:4!,.able. p. rsobs. the better to deceive yell. Un- til/IL bititily eattCon tan ?chile its the ssuall birds; o direetiors aChted to their medicine:4. Validi are titesputious imitations, to Beware t' its. Uusernpitsous Dealers 0 Wain them at very low prsees and sell 0,400 to Om 11111.1e in Clam - do as any soutane Pills and Oilitinent. calf, ‘(./..11 toe lantoutoisi!Ity.s. a:61,f nesosizete,!fatit ittpi:eets1to ther and no public gonertilhy 01 PrItishNartil 4au,,trliiiamti;TtlielLionifkis.;,110:141..leassil to denounce un- Porchaserbi shoul,l look to the label on the pots: and boxes. If the moire.... 19 not r.33. Oxford Stre t. London, titey are the eotorterfeits, Keels pot and box of toe ( coulee Medicines, bears the British Government stamp, nit', tho words "110LIAINVA.V11 PYLL41 AXI) OiNT:111iNT, engraved thereon: C'n the Zabel is the address 533 Oxiorti Street, Lont.ell.where alone tiros are Manufactured. Parties who mare be defrauded by Vendors selling spuriors "Rolloways Pins and Ointment as my genuine !rake .1 , on emr- municrting the particulas to me, be amply re- mt uorated, and their z cute novi r divulged. T HOIL.A.S IIOLL,ONVA Y BUCKINC41-1.4.1113 OLD BL A.ONNAIITH sumis still going, Ilr. S. Rockingham desires to return his sweet% thank,, to his numerous pat 'OnS, Nv h o ed him in the weild intimate have support past nod that, aving recovered from . his lona Ili- ness, he intends in future, to to take charge of the berse-shreing deltas tment himse14. Ail other nom clone in ,he veoy best s trio and Ilt the lowesS1 atm S. BIJCIUNGITAlf. Exeter,Dec.13, 1877. THE EXETER Planing Mill Sash, DOOR AND BLIND' EUIT1111 ALL KINDS OF TUR NII\TG Done to order. Beuserabor the place Direr Mse a novrard Important, to Butter Workers One Good Active Agent Wanted its eve, Y'to we- tosiRentrpodu""ext hbInvelOPtioDAIM.wka Bit. skin each.' 'ono minion to be sold in toe' Damia'.on. Apyly early with' 'stamp, for eats c . t(' the , • V.CTOB Wilr.EGPIV CO.' • v ik THE UST IN 11U 41,417KE T. and Yer; cut 1.v QNDON anc(;1\17ArD INVESTIWNT SOCIEVY. brero-olev• Capital - SOOOOo 1.5396:11•1111t rei I it 4. re zither mon y eau oh! 'al 0, troy. d Art 111 Cr f0Z41 rolls , ". west & al TOT ,,kE ACC. 1-, is 1,a, 1.,n. L*4111.• For tralk. r 43.,7,, ig411;UIZT tit 1, A et. %13:7 17, t GO '1'0 RA E. SPICER'S I-- outdrawn 1.!! on lsele ,.., now 111 fun opt...at Roland titer 'itg on t ea. y. a I tti-go gm uttty of ROCERIES Always Trew and Fresh" FLGUlt, 1' 1:c1). AND ISIONS, AIMI1EN 11' AIT, COAL OIL Soap Given Away -21 Ears for One relltue- (toed 211,.. per ("311ml. Choke Syritp.4. Mait i. W....ANN N, it. Don't the Pet'' -'-1. ,e 11!„ Spi.. eer'8,4); pooite Mr. II hriztio's ProInee taken he eneltangefor goods. IL 6,1E SPICER. T. M Li MEWOR 17,a2T2711,111 fliattora:1 pt.y,tosus cannot be surpessed in the DOMill. Part:est Ir.: a itist.ove iratatvryabeer•-plied ell serest Lille kill.; 0: 47',.114-R1•41 1i:et 1.4:1111:114 At 1051 1,44..1410e1'a1VO.reato-L Ae‘t•fret..11 0 distance, sittann.tly attended to. crsos & SOLAT.ER. h01,1611117)1CP ligtIr so A J Does not affect the low p ices at which ZL & T. 113ISS11TT are offering their stock of TINWA.P.E, STOVES, Ete., at Exeter & Hensali which consists of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor stovea.Miik cans, pans, and pails of tile most apn•oved pattein, anh everything iu the iiue ; A:So, a good selection of handsome Eav e trouphing as usual, receives everyatteation, and done at the lowest figures. Paving opened ont a branch establishmei,t 0t Bewail' our triends itt that reighboalw d a be supplied on the shortest notice, 1011 E .1k., GRIST III ' ONE CR THNEe Addrewi • • L THE WATEROUSIINCINE WORKS 004, - vccAn(rord,.eitt, Wale Irbtre vim saw 0.1. iulvarilsoir.ont •