HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-28, Page 5TE:ill'axlat, 28, 18,r8 r ."14711 -11.c 1.,, „.k_d/ e ,,,,,,,, • e • F 17, 11,xt ays "THE TIMES 014 / - „ .4144 MEI O. married au aged and wealtliv widower NI gt. Mor5 sr. on tiro trrith inst. i Medina, in the expectation that he Eannp,.1, "at tit mr. N:attuls• Would. sooa die and leave her his Prop - n, a :.4"*.r.. anti kr me”,ktits. orty ; but be ouutinuea robust , WATCH MAKING AND ..._ . - .._..,... ..--.,,\ r.y. %....k,..si:1:.. health, and thweatened to maim a, will' / , i 1/4., 1:: — i — 41 ;. r, 13 0cl/1/arty ,...,ytilbsit, a , Fil 0/1,.. .. __. _ givi,* g her no more than the law erottl• , 040.0 Ile°. V Showing ia!: eat. la 174.4,-,t, ,silorial te.,1 fi,no,,- Lty, 1--,,„„. ;:-.... ran., s:,,,,k ,-.,„1 /„.., p...11ed hial to. One eight he woke to sz.2.-i.,, in p. ,...,,,„ ,,,,, .-1."2 i: A,f, H. 1: .,,,:!.„:,1!-, f.,,4 1.1. fiat), a u--.. est) around his n?elt, mid his AT I-ITIN.A..1".J.14. c .'; • !L., IL:- 1-,11.,- ,r, '..., m. H.,.1r.:,,,h, wif. paiiiz,g a*. the rape, wh7eil ran -„, r -1 t .A. "2; < ,,,,r. F., i ,„.... : laii.„,,,, 1 N-E,:p ..1.,.. through a staple in the wall of the - 1'1' 4•41 ''''''''' , C ' ' `-'" " ''''' '1- ''''. :r - ' ' • 44 •* `0,! room 8--ik autenat it to lirtaf, bial and :, lt.7 ,, ., ..,,,- 0' si. :: 4. i!..-,- :, .7, W. if, ii,,,,,,:, (".,. * ' .. . 1. I, 1. ',4 ''''' • , L 1 A , ,,•%, *late !rooky, oen,..ve :tie ow.% eeterunkkeo . , , '4 ,... :,,,..-- .'411.-r--.7-1, 1,. 0 "ar., ...1. •• t" .0",.•^4.',.. Y..% 4.4: - , 611.4111* 0 to.. '10 • 1.,... I". C.:k , i: ,V,..11,t i ;t, 4, le,,,:eL, k :OW r1), 44.44t4,4 „ m . °.A: 44.c.ts . '.`::', PLAT/T Or AN 01.11) FIMIARSON. Mr. • " " r. .. , '1";,',40, 4 ', . r. of ,t,.. '-..1-,,,,3„..ta Itt , ilear3 lIare, a4cti 111-4 years Ailed a few ' ' .1... v. .1„,,,4 „„. :,- „I, tv. 1:„.„,,t,,,A 1„,,,,, 1.1 7 4.10i, d 4,-!,,t4 ago it*. NI re,./01011Cf.t, .11114111111. , ,,,,, .41 , -ore:, ' !" , e. 4. n. ti ,,,, r tit 'Al. .a... 1 . 14 . .o. ki .4'. Part aiiiinT. HA W11,4 0110 of the oldest --,..--,-.2., - '4 )4 °. 4 4 ,.. M.,. 4 7 -1 tarr.. 0,"t r '.i.. 0.1•1,,,,,,, ymemtv„,11 j:, 1 ,-(4311d, His romans. . It . -.I ,-I, -: 4. 41 ; " 1 7 1. ^,i; ERMYN I ; ELL "D 4 ta.441/4 "- • - • ' • 4^ ;;,..4. I 1 4/ • k 4,1 .°4 e et'e Mawinie tionor.4, ^.Z lob Killaore etviret;,v.ine. A litt",1,0' 1111•1111 '1 :1,141,s.,,lita 40o4.1.:.4 0240 11 hie the owe ``A 1164,1 faa31.4 , land in tit/. t,,watifel 11 • • • t • ior ins or. 4; 0:or o Mr. 0 4 :44-k, -,•, 11 • -V: t S1:4cp , -a• A ' ••f 44'1 "‘..44,71,-. tk" ia .44 tir rt.,. • • • - t.0 yr t't-.4t. t "404 ',7•4,';". 'L. t:01 46i , -14, • • . 4# 14;i: t oq • 4.... tAi 4:. 44:4 11370 Oily.. t6117177,i'e pni 0747:1.: niz..t'ion5.77.4:74:,, met tedr DRESS' ClOODS, CLOT;LIS anal ' "7"" -1-er• )S', ost , '; • "0,'0 • , 1. I 1, 4 t ;volt .= of, tal hi • go,trin:14," «t' a s"" ° a ad Eaoes ELA, t.nd Or'ps 4;../to . .1.:atry 1, 7-, A ,)“,:reimits and .,,,,41,,;,..7.4140,4c. Cloth -ilea v-4-17 1.11raerti ClothiNar Steal:VI. 'r"T" ""4:nY "" " (4.1:t,()C-1 E IMES 1,-**; Eit-V !.• r'. ' 4•••?".T. - - " v ohic;m1r, s.the A Itvt. fit Aliarentk 11. 0;464.44.4,41441.4.4.4414.4.4W444410.44,94-4,45.4 4.- i TV- * ; 471. D11/ $V-34,te 4.0,,40.40 7 4;4. ST.,;‘ 4,"fit ;54 V7 ,T .. 2 •,• "'`.1 7, 1 J.,: 1,,I.fr 11,11 AT. . t A 3, " 4 we, * •.., t , a , . .V4 ^ 44-11:3, i 1 - , ,-;„.• .-, !le r ad, r.4 r.t," 4:4'.r. ,„ AE":71r-2"7-11 CI" k" ""'; . tt . 4- .. , Iv, ,0 .1.4 i4 4? „ i",' i It l'4.* 4! 1 4 ; '4', ,;f 44 t. 0",404" t " ,-.4 :,,, 4 , . 4 " ., , , r. r ., , I.4 ,... .i 7 • 7 .. - . 7, '1 1,4 4 fl,; ', '', ' a 44 4,•°,., ^° '1 '" 4,1, 44 .:$7 ' ' 4.'1 '74.; ",": ' ,4, ,4 1 ' 1 !,,,, ,' .,/4 ^ 17 ' ,-C "' . 1. . 4, .:,', t A 4 . 4 '' ' - / °'"" 4:" A "fk- l'1' 1412 '''''''''-' " '' r'i '''' '''' . 14 Vi A ^ "A 4 .Lal 2 413 47 4 ,.... 4 4i, a 7 .4 , I 1, • . 4- ... 4 • ""‘,.•,:'.....• • .. ,-, . .4,4 ;. ;., 1,.. ", . s ,i. 4 lit,:y kV, A, 9ta It..',AA. ‘6, C.,,t,g-, r, 1! 2 V+ 4 ar; .1,7r.. , t4 . , Ir t 1, , , . - 1 r t • 1 .. • ' At:•;; 10,valta-,-ASVi:40 di 4"?.414 '''41-.301.,..11. 1 , 14 •1., i' • • . . .: „ , T., j4;,,, 411 1. 0 1., i . ..,4 • • tt itt4 t.,* !g irl I ,t la.. a ,e,i r ,, 4,, .,,..*,*, I., 4 r • , ••• , . 4 00 t•• II :at Ili 041 tillrati•" o'i ilvt• r", laid by Me. •24.l.n lint.,";,.- i , . • , • • 4 • 41 tre.'..t • ," .• 1, "..- Attu, Olt .4', 4 „. 4%2.1 .. 4'4014 . ... .11. I `4, ,.. . ,. .70 ...0 'o. ta i /' , i 01 ,* 4 i NSfiLIVEN. r Arr OF 1:,q:i„ ANI,:i ' .. . ti f 0 ., t" ' 1 ' 1 '11 i,IP ,. ... 41 "A' o *A• 4 v4 . :14 i 4" L. 1,, .. a title% !tag oat ra 2 A A .:," 2' tea•ti ... ••• lo . • -, •• . 00 h. tts 4 e 1 121) 10 'ft 0 auttats-t rliir,•100:1°. 0°,11 • • ': 4tri .°.- r-0 4'''',' P*. le'r lhi , , .. .„ ,, tr 0. to o , ; tut ...• ' ' vent. A ant off' tate I ''af 4.4:', 44 e • t - 4,1 2 ra i 1.. jei,. A . . , , . „ . 0 4'44 tAa 4.0 Ili I A NA .,Ai. ail 1, 4 t/ . / 4 V' ilat•P*1 ,ta tr .1,4 ,,,,,t, t . to, ,,,i P.... • :4° •, 4-4 ° . • „.. 71 714 Itt ,r•a - V, 3,, 7.100',4„ pier -dr ,,,, ttU to 0 54 1.1704- ;rtirdre•Pal•Lri;•• by .t.ttalheititla.ttlerl.t 041°.1 "•.•lt, per hallo , • 1 11 rf.. 1 . 19) 1.440^Ny. - a,.. . 041 441 ti :IA WT. - 7,8 WI (4 tit 71 441 P071.70141 0 1.1130, 4.44. 4,4.4 .. 41,1 tfi 0 I,i/ Aille,71444 1 4'1 70 " DV. 'r 1...r ... • • • . „ a el to 44 r Mau t.*4 , • „ • al to 44 4.7 l'ot lomeiet „, 4 171 70 44 1"1.1 14(44, 140"414Zeld„,,,4,4 0 to 0 ft Illattrrr. • ••• ..... It 1"..1 to 0 13 Mar•• •41.1• 4 or. • . • .. h 01, to 01 ea 111104,14.1. 54011,tilina. Mill Wheat . ..„ .. • • . S1 14 1 1V110114t ..... ..... ..„,,„„,, , 05 to 1 01 Barley .... ...... 40 to 15 leas ...... .......,.... ........ , . . ... to 58 ..... ...... .•• 4.4 .44 24,4 to Hides - ....... .„ ..... ...... II 00 to 7 sheep skeni4-.7. .... 75 to 1 OU I UC to 4 50 glellt=r27640=Eng=120=141442114=1.1.1224:10=24/121102Millrim ' - EATTIE C SILIE WAREAOUSFA L 0 N D DIA7 , YoU will find the Largest as- :-iorrtment of Silks, Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid ,Gloves Laces, and all kinds of Fancy bry Goods. Afantles and Dressmaliing unlor the mana.4.-;entent of a 'lady of long experience. Lad - eau depend on_ getting tthe latest and most Fashionable -Styles of the Season, at Mod - rate Prices. Wedding, ,and. Mourning Ont-. fits got up on the Shortest No- tiee. Orders by •rnail receive iprompt attention. ITIc C 140 Dundas London4 t CV PUMP FACTORY At Woodhan A, BRAY & EDNVARD haNe, atmon. si.leral..4e expense secured ^the Best "ma- cojnerl and Angur in the Dominioe, ud have on hand a large stock of First -Class Pumps Atna are prenared to make to order on Ole Omit - est netioe Well or Cistern Pumps. WeBs amid Cisterns contracted. for. Also on bond a largo 4 stook of 'Seasoned Luinbor. Soft Elin Lumber flor $0.60 to $7. Book Elm from 700 $4.10. Oak, 458 to $12. Floor.ng, $12. Good stock of Logson hu'041 orttlrahlage purposes, cub according to miler . per 1, . Ail orders b.y..inail promptly ,attenled to. . vota.f.at thte.•••"el.rrar ia ittorm. rot" 1. 4•• hnolr een•lit0440 ara 0/40. Verse e'er:lain Pit.e• l'• tar Traub. ot “tir411 it41 11 vita. 4.4./41tit tt40.10114110 t17,417,,itt 7,°,40 vill'aa• of 1;•••• tt, r, /0 the Veunty of Huron, eontatiotag tul. Ineatatt. tia: TWO•TTI1R108 OF AN At'it:i tattle* asit Wore. or leTs•being composed of lot Nies l'os and hob on the •st side of Andiron,* stri‘et, together we. h a dwelling house and stall.. thereon ertet.rd, Low the orenpution 01 Mrs. ANN 1ILNI,Lit. For Inther particular' apply to the 'auctioneer Or at, the Idle,. of 5114.11,V, ELLIOT, Exeter, Pcbrantri ;M. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. CHANCERY SALE OF A FARM —1401' TOWN q1311,2' OF HAY COUNTY OP HURON. 407 04W,V,14'1". 1:1W1 44 thy .4i 117X311e.„ n04. at 4:440'4 'et- 14. 21 ti) =144..1,101a h:o atfai..a.4(rai -tnit,v,4t 11 ?T.:v., MA RCM:4 4,rikrifit•4:8 14.4 of taw t4 • tt," 4°.•40.,• 4,11i 140:41.41 Glop e.e., Hoderhit, Feb 5 1.78. 4011er:41 to ;04t4e4.. NSW XiiNT 4 -,ICT OF A.ND %awaiting act TH0 LITAS NNILSTIN. kkr:Ow.qE f4:TTLE, llefetoloat A writ of attachment luta is•ntai rt. this must.. Itenrin Grotto:es, Gotleriell, Feb. 1. 10;744. Otilevo Asragnee. VOTES LOST.—A. Note for $1,2iitv A.1 Inn+, by .tretatmil. nownst,n aud waiter. Gar liner lu favor of Duncan MirEwen or bearer: tool bearing date the nth of Och.l.ter, 1S77, drawn , for thrto 'Veal 8. .1,1440 0 117 411. fOr "MIA, 11111.1i14 Ity A =tab id Robert -min favor 44f thineau 5141:wen i2BL 44.CK A 1m 0(1111; Ubl TRES, alacl Yorkshilling PRINTS -F1 EVERYBODY Cheapest lot of Erabroideries we have ever offered. ‘Accounts rend2rod lit April. ANTON E OS. ,* or bearer, hearing ;late this 10th of January, 1870; uohn Drew's • drawn for tato year. Fp.rni-t e Est ablislun e n.t , ZOST.—SOME IN March, 1077 0. matt, drawn itt Exeter, in Foltra -try or March.of the same year. by Richard Bissett in favor oi th..; undersigned, fo. -tr.!). All persons are 'orbit! purelut•log or negotiating the said note, as paynotut thereof has i04741.1 starred, GEORGE El/WORTHY. Exeter, February 4,1874a. REAT AUCTION SALE Jennison vs. jelanison.. PURSUANT te the decree auntie in-thls cause, there will Le sold by Public auction with the approbation of Daniel Home Liters, Esquire, matter of this Court. at Stratford, by Whatton Iftalgson,Auotioneer, at the Central note). in the town et Exeter, in the Comity of Ehnen, at the hour ofetwoo'clook P. 110,a On the second duy of :1,1,areb, A. D.1878,! thAt--vatiabie itinn in the tmvnship of Hoy, being lot ound'or twenty, in the lotko Road, East eon-. cession, containing 110 aertss, 111011k 44i loss. This. flail:" is roto .to about a quarter of a mile trent the lako Thera am about eight's acres ch 14r - cd, a .41 under cultivation. There are on the prem- ises, slug house, a. framodrarni And a good oroh- '4Vhe sale *will be subject to one reserved bid bo be fixed by tilt, ster. The puronascr sl at the titian of sale pay a do- Pnait of ten per cent. oi the purchase money, and shall within 0.110 111011th thereafter, pay into Court, without inteieit, the balance of the pui- ohase money. ln all other respicts,the terms and condit tons of sale will bo the standi,.g conditions of the Court of ;glance)", For further po rticulars, apply to A. DE:`,..4T, Von- dor's SoBeiter,51itebell ;Messrs.WOODS, ePHERtaGN , Soliehors, Ftrat ord ; G. NV. T.A.W1tENCE, Solicitor, Stratfor 1, or to tho Auc- tioneer. D tazAns, Mitchell, Febriutry Oth,1878 Master ut Stratford. 446.*•••••••••4•4441 1.444.41.141•44 LEGAL. nfrouTED AND moaorriffmaND STOCK At the Town oi Clinton, Comity of Huron Werble84/01/, 14/1 qf March, 1878, Underthe auspices of the Huron Live Stock Association. Thirtyrthree stallions and 5 Breeding Mixer% embracing 10 tuipo' ted. ;ivy Draughts, it: Gem- ralPurposo fool Agricultural, and 11.1310ml, Car- riage mot Roadster Stallions. Ton Thorotuliored ilnlls, and a splendid choice of Linguini Cows and Heifers. A good, choice Leieoster tu.41 Cotswold Shoot, and various breads of Pigs. This promises to bn one of the best sales over held in Canada, Printed Catalogues or handbills can be had on application to the Seoratarv. The Grand Toad( and Great 'Western Roilways issue return tiekots at one fareand a third: 51. Y. 514:LEAN, 'Secretary, Seaforth. WHARTON 1101044 SO*11, President Exeter. I .)ISSISTPPL ,Ii,?aNrtn hoPnA4,11.0Trolg(La. iug between the undersignoti us merchants at Creditott, under Alio style and ibm of Groonwtty Zwiker, flis this day dissolved by mirtual con- sent. THOS. GREENNVAY. WITNI1SE C. ZWIKE.B. THEODORE SWITZER, Crediton,4th Febru !try, 1878. Referring to .the above, am undertigned will corry on the blisiness in :he same promises, and collcitt all accounts and pay ell claims against the late arm. Z WOMB. 1 I ARDING HARDING, St NV GITE,, II A Baristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com. ' THE ONTARIO goners, B. R., dm. OS it ton-HIMON'S BLOCH, Water treat, St SAVING S5 IBITESIMENT", Ilia try's. ' , ' - ;1181IN 5 . HARDING) E. W. HARDING.:11.A.L.WHIT41, 4 SOCIET7' 13-ALCOMSOIN 0/.3.D D -Y, Bitrristei s, Attorneya, Solicitors dm. LO IN DO IN C NIIDA N...., to Loan on Real Estate. Parisou's Block, Exeter. W•Urkin.R' Caitial $24100 000 t „ Reserve Fun 9 $144,000 Largest marking capital of any krampany west of Toronto. 9 W. MaDIARMID, B.A., it itISTER,NOTARY, CON VkYitiNCER, LTICAN.ONT. ESSRS. JONES & B bo rg, At torneys•at-law, Saticiters tieory, Conveyancers, com In igatenarsiia B, 0 ;;:ttio.(04; ''1‘)110, t, Mary's C. S. JONES. NV. C. MOSCHIP. Os et un -r. -4 -Lu tton's .1314ock W.aterst Macod.,. Money loaned on ,fitst•clast RenlEabsete,securities either in straight Loans, @,1 Spur cent or 011 thO' Instalment systermaat e option otthe borrower. t • 40Apply, to W.F. BULLEN, _Manager. oe to Min. arrrorw LAitet, Exeter, lidAsos Houses, Hensaill, J'amtEansoas,Creliston. , t jancan4ry.sL 8 in; F UR NIT Uhl Cheaper than ever. !".", '':') „,., .....„ ..-iv , ,,_____. ......„__ __,..., c . ' 07:.:Ft- . '7, .- "5":••,,,, SPTILS GBEDS . .'.11..;,,s'i--, .....,..%.....'. _a . s ,. :.,,,,i.. -,- — i)- ?"4.' :1'4 .4 V:. -."-•". ' .; ',,":,,' ' kg. TryDrew'sPatent ....:..-:, . .,. .- . ...,- ,. , ......., • - 4*,-: IN -t.,.. I, .SpringBeds, .„,,,,,,...1,_,...., ti,./ 4 ,%';%"'• , =only $3 each. Funerals attended promptly, Charges moderate. .Best Hearse in the County. Hensall IREW. 0 .4.1•11114141.3.4.1:414 FURNITURE Rooms CP:1•1•1•1•1113L1311. /AWING to the very large increase of trade, have been compelled to enlarge my preiniges, and have lust received. a large stock of all kinds of Flu nituro—iu fact, ono of tlie largest north of Lon- don, Those. in wait of a first class article in the House Furnishing Line should call and examine rny stock and ascertain my prices and. be convinced that I can sell theaner than any o)ther House in the brute. Wool, Straw 111.1d. tr ',red mattresses awl -spring beds o'f all kir ds I h,0.1-0 also op on od out a first-ohiss stock of Clocks Watches and line ..7owelry, in foot every article found in a first-class establishment. I foelcenficlett that Icon sell at prices that will satisfy tho public, and as low as can be purchased anywhere. ewers anti Watobes repaired at moderato rates, and satisfaettou guaranteed, by com- petent workmen.. Also Organsoted Musical instruments - 0 Special attention to Undertaking. Buildings contracted for. S 7airbairn.. acteastmaiwar.......orims MVEllYONR .MAY ENJOY THE BENEFIT OF A SEA BATH A.T THEI R ',OWN FIRESID:E ATLANTIC SEA SALT FOR SALE at Cie DOM. LABORATORY. 1307,,:ntv- vur .by using•vur CHEAP SNOW GLASSES. A 'LARGE FRESH STOCK OF . Perry's (Celebrated Condition Pa w s ZEnnzin. and. LINAICENTS AT THE • .$t",,, Exeter ete., ) ht ! (GOLDEN MORTAR • . . • ;