HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-28, Page 3ZEBRTT.P1II 2.8,1818 THE TIMES t iron the painted windows play If [the deserted aisleer or talking in va;llisl)ereeer the °`ilei would primp the bellow While .Ruth played. They let themselves into the chnreh 'by tine vex try floor, and were secure agaaiast any chance visitors, while the busy city rushed to ,a.nd fro among the atteye outside. 1.\r(1 rural' corner of gaeen 1.:ret;ttuld, no eouut(y church -3 aril in the wildest cofl»try di.ericts, could mate!' the >;oiit;tcie encs leattulinese ut tele <llrl City plea( of worship oat Roy firtt'n'noou in the week. Sew, thcl'e was One V41:o1`. Rut` [fist saef(ll"1 kept °It'r ti.a ul,Clay :3fterlio nut fol' iirgan !Hectic',• ; any othee aver f ,, •l call wee aa. le di,ittor, t•f bet en taut a h-t,'i:tay which wide al invite,/ into h sieeder rade- 'L eR v ee:ars fl! ti.e + erlay la.eei heal ay asap tip 11:' jest 1e , tl tint'■ to be talked arae t. Shop:' W •tc(t hoer of it, mere/rune as ai ere,. Ci2oe ent it 3 re"!illi ry it time tea Clem. elerka h:tivlt4 h•(lat ti to get it. Rat there was one cleats at toasts •left , 1l L l're- w by mune, ft inoutid%t'r i3*' St, l'"0,x[1[•'6 lt"ei eletir. who meet hive got hie Setnrdaay half ![(!inlays regularly. De D neva' [missed loel,ieg at the chortle ate fair o'clock no that clay. when Rink wa a playing over the lastune for the next regi'•• .m. vi.,,, ;ell pool' little t)naarlott'• tett behind, ! lying tli, pLllnp hanent!, with au attentive eye to the ii aeition of the littt.. t all. :it the (nil of the string. autl ]iete•tatitcr !Anile the roll of 1!10 nniighte men: ie celeted along the walled told !sigh lit the raffere, of the roof. John ZVyiarow Cattle every Saturasta for leerily a veer. it was natural tlint he, h bat a rreeaul,e-r of the choir, and juncture Sohn Wybrow rernembered that be had taken the liberty of order- ing a few oysters for sapper, and 80 on;. the party finishing, as it began, in sim- ple mirth and happiness, for Ruth was vet in that dreamy state of unea.ieulat. ing happiness- ..a!nappy Fool's Paradise of innocence ---to waiters out, of whi:,h is ," to realize one's boostal sty, with all its cane lic:.ted force's of past, preseut and ttitilre, lei dangers and AB patielons. John \Vybrow, daring alt these times, never told the girl that he lived her. Yet his hand pressure grew always seamier, hie voice grew always softer, his eyes rested always lunger upon Ninth's fair head, and he became every aset'k more and more the brightne.es :tutl joy of her life. If this does not ee ttesitnte love on both shies, what l•eee ? Yet the girl never thought of :nyu ing being said to altar the sweet- ness of this innocent pastoral ; and the t au3n , load, for some reason, refrained) nen speaking the ward which should !week the fir ell. J;ut the spell wax broken, noel rtlalela'. "To BE cnsTn^ii��la. 1 OF THOUtillI'. 1iyetceryand itinocenee are not akin. Fat n has no voice but the beert'al tine pile 9, Eerie' awl provided fear le the nioth• er of safety. lion lose their intellectual powers f1C want of exerting thein. Our plosions Are the only orators wile aro certain ;.o usreuade us - Those who Wow the wide of others tl e•,r. Brest neefiil tenor—in faint their strife ti1,3y etiauca to littve tate spurkd omit" tonna` -.,houi,i hl;e to try Itis part ;1,'{ftp their eascu feces. !Min's °![unity Inas make your ti r'e t+'llanno Helder one iby, yet it will !• make 11 beevittr 3tnother. Threugh [yogi we aro taught to re. toad we gather hiaduni pot tlnrelangit ilewere lent thorns. The heart that is soonest awake to [lowers is altvaayi the lint to be touch - over let hand awl who so [;late t3, help him :ae the t1r;; t'nirat ? The vi -it %ei; ht therefore the rng'u''ie'tl as otlieiaal, and performed in the dieel,art e Witty. Se.: ar it wits praiseworthy. P.tilli.wh,t way not 'v t eighteen when she became organist, Btu, salary of twenty pounds to ['ear. at first r.•gat3•tla:l the alrlte:ara net of the tenar.wtto was thee about tcve3uty ed us the thorns, tw(l, entirely itt this nolo. ti : ire; in 114% w'ry loot t41 cottf ibifan 1'y the fact that The OJlt'Ln. 1'Futlie•eataar Fay. l --Thi, J'UST RECEIVED T THF. EXETER Grocer and Liauor A large stock of Store Green, japan, Your ; sen and ].ao Teas Runs Currants, Pr DI,I X Apples , C�. ,n.o-. ''BtZ31ZT, Sardthes, Lobsters, Saiino 'Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup Rhe, Malt, Sated, Irish. and Common Whiskies, Tobaccos ;tut.! Cigars, Witolc.�<a n arta -Retail. G. A. MACE, Math. Strutt Exeter,, FOU NDB Neutra; g0341 100lcnirq. $!mitt o% thcaolopo is 3t [*fair): that lira; a fiatvttr of jnt;tice Grit Of N.. !lath heti nothing to do with about it' ,t1'li ttlnoaaint Young Man [lore roolutli thoughts wiliob anctt a ft.r- #rutin thea country went auto a tear to teitnns concurrence of au %lith*s tele of- get a [triol.' Otto Of 11143 tow" brave" 801 ten enngentlors. Her We was fall of real ;tot !lis ey e:t Olt ,hills an(1 rondo ata itis busitlrsa'1 non, when the exereiee'e mina that the green one was about the ive,•o iiui::era, when Reith Ha,l owed prober afire: to hulls. As the (limitary owe. two of her pieces while Solon Wy,, bey wits tekitag la (:rink the brave walk• brow sat Lee4itta her and listened, what ea up to him and remarked: email more in aeo.' 1 nc'' with tite die- 'litter a liar 1 -hies of natural pnlitenese than that he Countryman turned in estouiri111nent. should walk home with her, and help and said,, e1 wee not speaking to yen. little Charl )[tee, who had to walk on a 1 &met know you 1' crutch, acre tho street -1 It was not Brave shouted, 4I'11 make you know fer to the profeosor t, and Sohn Wybrow one, y u-----•-; you KYanother Navin - d 3 tt' word and I'll knock your head off. altcceel a some tow in inside the InorisP grew to abnee tllitt Countryman looking abolat and see- }irivile.o by staving to tea every Sente lug that tile crowd tr•/ata composed of stay owning, The whale Mons!' of tins townsmen, meekly ienlpurleet1 that he Lemites Iikea hind; exceitt ono. Rupert the 0141(44, 'for kende reason of his own, chose to take offeree at his coming, em's ]'a et)nliltlt'nc' to Antoulrtto expressed his conviction that !lir. Wybrow was a ell ppy. On thosli eveninge this simple family got throve:It their bread and butter and tea with mirth and merriment. And after the tea, of corr•se, they woi=id have a dance. None of your nneaningless scampers a deux temps, a~1 was then the new rash. ion in frivolous Euglatntl. Not at all. Tim professor, with grave air, assumed a violin in pbtee of the usual Int, took rp a position in the corner, and looking solemnly round, named the dances and the (lancers. "Minuet de Ia Cour---Mr. Wybrow and Mies Waarneford. Then wnnhi John Wybrow, with Cas- tilian ('onrtesy, lead Ruth, as grave as if slue were dancing before..a court, to her piece, and with her go through the tat91v hil steps, we the children seated sound criticised, not unkindly, but with severity. This was not a rehearsal, but a performance, and the professor permitted himself no observations. The mi'luet concluded, the performers sat down, amidst a chorus of remarks and commertnries. "Pam de fascination—Mademoiselle Ant'linette Lemire." Then would barst upon the over - delighted gaze of the children their eld- est sister, in a reiraeulous robe of white muslin, glad in which, as in a cloud of azlory, she displayed miracles of art. Toere were no criticisms upon her, octyarapturous round of applause when, with parted lips, bright eyes, and wanting breath, she finished the last nilonette as gracefatly sae. Fenny Elesler herself. "La Tnrantulta—Monsier Rupert bemire and Mademoiselle Antoinette Lemire. °Danse des Exiles, Souvenir de la Rochelle 'Phis was a donee invented by' the Bra Letnire who took. to the daneing „ ipr'ofesston. et was executed first in polo, and then in full chorus by the family altogether, assisted hyRath and - ,aohn Wybrow, Perhaps this finished :the performance ; perhaps there was a 1;mple waltz ; flerhapeel too, at this guessed he had wetter get out, as it (lid not apps ar to be a healthy place for him. Ila,lf the creed shouter., 'sold on, ji ere's ene+lgln decent men here to see fair play 1' 'Oh 1' said the plowboy, 'If that's 3110 shape of it 1 don't mind obliging my friend there if he will pull of his coat and step ontside.' Brave, to his diayn4thad to step and strip, and in about Live seconds had a new face uglier than the original. He has not hankered after an interview with a youth from the country since. THE ONTARIO SAC T S INVESTMENT LON DON, CANADA Working' Ca ital, $2,100,000 Reserve �'un�g $144,000 Largest working capital of trey Company west of Toronto. 1Merev lowed o 2 fli t•cisa4Ter, iE''fia:L' 1,130Cllret'.,a Ghee •ins.Y.gI11.Loans, ks8"o•cent, or out11e ilii lnery a -gate l', at 41.10 op:',n ret the bo rotac•. App11•e to W.P. BULLER, Macage e. o:'o 110 1. A 3 n^=,w La r.+:, T.:eter, ASON 1^Hr'aacv, Jo:.,t_+:SO ,0 otls;011. JaII E.'v . 13m. MILTON IDOL FOR 50 CENTS to 1' 11ys acs Cress elegant dents Watch 0, a;u ' pair S.eeve L'r [tons, set 1 Collor 11 al .[811 - heavy plain ring, 1 P.tlisioa A'a. mond pin. Retail pr.ee $43, w ;00, 000 stook onus[ bo sold. Illustrated catalogue of jewelry, watches, tcrC. sunt with every lot. Silver watch. �a� �a to 11l agents Watehireo. JEWE.ILR 11�B leo rnitsern PN0)7r' Y CO. • AT THE Standard Sash Door 2 Bliss FACTORY,. i3 cocsie at ,1opl on haul, r" kieds et building it ie:lei, k•oo;.lgho.:aand soft,Whet -Mein13. i+ s&c.said cJoao. Plan ngJigglcgaudTv:o.eg p1;o,v,bly attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACTED FOR, a id satafsct'on ,;r ,.•artec1. As we llavo'on uald r la'Re stoo'ro,J '•Intilbe', we feet -4,u"eof sa 'ng •,llosew"lomay give vsacalt. :ROSS BROS. & TAYLOR. es O E B I P�tau,zders, Engineers ain't Matiehinists. ,ette4 esti r$ Fes OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, PIOVRING, (Mtn' AND SAW bTAVE A\t) HEADING :tf 1t'ltl:'alefty Middling Furitierd of innl,reyed !Mule. )4.1LLS Agricultural Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Iron. and Ketttea, Selteel seats, stie.IT �1 ! ( 1 Iron. c nc.1 1-)�,*a:+8 1.1'��. 8tiiit' =1 o E ♦raam. For sale cheep—Second hand Boilers and Ennt ire& Strove Shltlgle, and Heading Machinery. Itelaatre on Boilers, Engines, &e„ promptly attended to. GODEEI011 FOUNDRY and MAATTJF ACTU Ii tr co. GODE1LICH, Ont. DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD D REMEDIES Are AOta,lvertiseal as'"cu ^ealls." hot arca speeites in the diseases for: vinic a t1'ey ane recommended. NA?U AL e LECTzoa • Investigators of natural science hose 4IeaYlon- fl (ted bila2J(1 ion uytrsq• t F,tt ,,g1 a el?,»is tisk 1.ui uaI ....la ') 1 the �vrrieal f f ho tlft(sC= is #pie only law that cea,Fe bs ,yes thrift and p rp,et,tit, , Does not the Same principle govern tragi cor111&ler- elelp,rosp rite of roan? An info ierca.t ot!,.lpres- -t^,le a l>ua ctior t.>,l le. fly rea [alto. • o,e r ear aver - it. Pr. Picret sStnz' 5u d 3$i 1l�Fea+ alar a O l v'atko all others.. Ti4.ire l+ in the tl.lf,•ifi 'r3 ,�"3�ee,,, inn email uu tt.Maa per i u•. + et la a ,ave c 1 ric+t runt p• cu e+ vc) 1 1 an4i ii4r;sld s'cnicie etlieal 333 ::o4 (.Ary d1 1fter.., r r 113', TL C€P.r.ra* ern' CoIdezl Medical Z/iscoveay� i 'atnlaleu Xetlical i e vexy or 41,.:;:c.• "' . ,•,• cioitittU 2etdieai +tai 'scflvcry x, cie-11tiell MI . hit t�. t{itJ. 3 •mer( "QV4.'1 t na 3• 'i- tit t 1 p aV,'.1 (t. to, :.. .:t .. 3. i D1'. Piez'ce's 1eaSar t rurgative Pellets. wit :'tire:ft 1e,a ?,:e, :5,, (ire, ra'+,p;:Lrcea ts'ra420 G'o'caa ' er.t f1.4`"l et1 t :rust tut3aa tt', t•r bU Z.'Tt''i l"11 i(( t'lt1'•'tt., 3 ,in 13r- cr. that. 13 s:r.4I , .vot (:. ', a .rt't `l '1 'y ae t, t1r0 Wet' ^t'+ 6 f1..1140;131t4 C . 4 t+ .31,4'3'-313}411:1'4. 13113133 iu 4110.. 10 4 s+,3+33 -,i++ u.'( 11e (1.13'!1[ lal,'zitl( ;lash er and meet t444 it, to t; 11 l'.ua1.'13ttlleeir'+t,11ua K t„ 114 *$ a 1F, Ern L.atiett4 fr,'IU the Stomach. mach. 31313'. : s •attr 1 dr n 3t1n'o. i'1in in too 11,1 late? exa il, tltv,v t t,a frit and tutorial Fou-:-. ser' Iris 1(1',1'41 1 n, .311 1';va I' 1113.. t,.a1 t t p•as- ' 1;01. . t, t to 'ta+ 1.44.51 i w.13101 say that r It 1 1.1 to uaztra net azi:u 1 (.e,eplla>131431 4, Ines int- tr ro 13,4 ('r i tint 41,11+tit the 133.33 3 c of t ilt'txu ire Ib t ! 4t. a tar, .1Y .ur•4'4,1 e:3, end east 1 (1 in ; la a 1. 4tl " theta' earl 9 .. Lein. 133['3'. v p lr*,el°3rti oma elp,nlrt',if,rons i it 114.4tdue,1*!th.titrl. taro %altway$ aaeah au1,1n 3 adds'. 1.111 3104 134V e'34 Is 1.343), t°1t ;4' grill 41tO'31 cru pout up, to ehe:ipl 17',',13 v er pt t+1'"uribow, '3)t•'dully nit, l4:1n. sl3 ,31,1=1 01;0 t• 3.1(3430 4'43.(, ,a slo1'f.313 a'fttr3`, salt 1.31 Ito, Fe* 'dpi lie., 11,41 lit -Lotus, 1 i 1,4t•les, Sore L 4 1 and Lrlap+ti1Aa,. 1141 y “re, hut14 .,•r, .vv- ,Inal3Clalif ,t G• l+r t d:,•u 1n 3'04384:6.n aitlt tliu tel t,ira11l4 *11',3! 11istuverv,in enter t 1 83ve;art the hest ret,uit -. 1)11. Ill ''RCE'S I VtaltIl7i C. & S. GIDLEY Undertalkc*r t.t,xic7. 'UTOULD SAY TO V those who Wend purc11a5Le1; tei do so from the lnaunfoeta, or. The %tooter who Bury to sell toast 1 i%oess trily �'.-• have otaita f ^ , to give tato purchase s telt! . ,• benefit, which cannot tate ' - q. to meet the clews of the (3rangers. Our e1Ue3l,cy aro less than those of city \�. menu 'lcta"ers emusetyment- ly we can se11 0ne:tuer., F rnituro ian'uf ,c ttrer .. Brablerns of all WE WOULD to our un,tertnking deptnrt- mea(t,o'hich is more t'i1371 p.1ite than ecer, as tiro have Added several new desieue of late 'rho host enalina, caskets 81330u418,te1111 civet 1 %1114.1.41 requisite at tR.o lowest prices. Our new Bear a is p,ren0aaleetl by competent iad;res 10 bit Freund to note in ti e Provinces call specialatteution the Different Boodles. THE EXTEB TM LID STrinirla MM., WIT. 0 THE Subscriber begs to nnnoual00 to the inhabitants of Exeter and tile*r -t•rouudivg coun- try, that he Hits op(ned a't'LN and S row; 1)EI'eYr in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and L1,p-lur store, Main street.&vutur, where he is p.ellar3d to fill all unless for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical workmen on the premises. Eave-Trpughing done to order, Carriage Platin„ a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the very best and none cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will aiwayR find me at my post:, ready to attend to my own business and prepareti oat all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and• heap artic 0. Depend Capon it that nowhere eau you get better valve for your money. The very highest price in Cash paid for. Hides and Sheep skins, E. H. SPACKMAN. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. .1.8178. STOOK -TAKING 18 Y During the month of February, we shall offer at reduced prices, the following lines in 1,Vi11ter Goods. PI OR THE gtEAIC) ' MONE-17" ltr LADIES APPAREL, DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, CLOUDS, WINTER GLOVES, WOOL fJOSIERY,BFEAXFAST SHAWLS, LADIES'[!; MISSES, FUR 'SETTS, LADIES FUR CAPS, &c., sec. In Gevtlemen's Clothing, Ready -mode clothing, both in nuder and overcoats, Shirts and Drwero, light ana dark Fall Oloths, heavy Canadian Tweeds, all wool Flannels, both in fancies and grey. C1ot3 and Fur Cape, lined laid Groves , and Mitts. Also white and grey Flannels. The above goods writ bo 'fro'ol at astiJ}+t advance on my cost, as'I ran an'3ioiis to males room for the Sp' "ug anti Su n..1e: stock. - ' Runyon elm, we have 110 motion Baler; neither I3aul:1a.1+'t Stocks. A call will sa.'sfy es to the Lash:el Jess of Cm ata( ✓o statements. Yours Respect 3rlly, JOE-ENPP CLAI,I L",. PRESCRIPTION DR. PIEiCL'S PRES 1-: :t1't '1:1T7''� r,'1 I'{ �, PBE CILI .l. O:4`a D1. PIERRE'S FAVORITE: PRESCRIPTION The rt n1,'.Ii131 nlnntanit'ft of those (11•; 'aa(41 pie- catl.13tu women 13644 831',11!13.',l az lura;4'esplerpeuce rt the K u tds lei,p onset'}'. vi wheel[ IV. helve .s the chiefean,ultilr nhtniei:;'1, in a'laptitl„ 1t'3tledies for their cane. Di: l"te „'r» 1 a cs vitt, 1'1v.emitiun 1 • the Wild/ of this (tt,•:tdw3 t up1e: ie114 t , met hos beeolne justly et irbrl.t033 for its !Wally and ren111r lalble curse; of nil talose chronic t i,ea,es and WE .E.N SSES PECULLUI TO FEMALES. Favorite Prescription is a l'owerfill I':o3.torative Tonic to the entire system. It is a net vitae of ten surpassed efficacy, and, w331e it quiets nervous irritation, it strengthens the enfeebled .138,vous system, thereby restoring ittohealthirlvi';or. The following diseases are among those is which the Iatv4»ite Prescription has worhett uta ;ie (aures, viz.: Lencorrhata, or "Whites," Excessive Flow - Painful blenstsnation, Ulm0tur4al Sit npn'ession, Weak Back, Prolausus, or falling of rive Dt('nls, Anteversion, ltotroverrion, Beav'lu;-dot!a $.,na- tion; abronic Congestion, Inflame tion a e,t tkernt- tion of the Uterus, internal Heat, Ner ,•otly Pe •ne - sion, Peteility, I INl10ndener, and vet v 11111,14' other chronic diseases peculiar to woolen, ut'bnot men- tioned here. ThofoIlowing Lad ale a few of the many thousawis who cam testify to the efficacy of Dr. Pierce's Pave itePlescli,lt,ou,f.o.ueeperience and observation : M. s. Cornelia Allison Neste, Iowa Mrs. rhos. J. Mothvin, Hatcher *3 Station, Ga.; Mrs. T. A Soy- 1nonr, home, N. Y.; Mrs. Fre uei3H11at11Ck, `el'.ia1188 Ohio : ltlrs, Leery, Putnam, North *Wharton. Pa. : Nies. Maty A. Mundt, Edina,, 11o, ^ hit's. 111 airy A. Prisbio, Lehman. P1a. ; Mrs. R.H1att,Emnoria,Knn.; Miss Louise Pratt, tt, Doclgerville., Iliacs. ;ALt's, L. A. Dashield, Norfolk,Va.; Mrs C. Allison, Proctor, Iowa ; Mrs, J. N. Vernon. St. Thomas, Ont.; Mrs. S (. Marian, 24-3 N of th kiaward Street !Salaimo.3e, bid; Mrs. Lacy Cullman, Barnesville, Ohio 8133, Nanny Ilic1*..oght, Jefferson, Iowa bins. L. 4-4.. Stemrod, Felea(silip N. Y. •, Miss Ellen Cady, •W a.ldleld, N. Y. ;Mrs. Anthony Amann, Verona, N,t.11318.B. N, Books, Grand Rapids, Mich. : Mrs. F. ii. Webb, Wate town, N.Y. Thousancis of reel ences can given apt the Weald's Dispensary. - THE PEOPLE'S MEDICAL ADVISERI Dr, R. V. risme is the sole yropl. ietor one manu- facturer of the foregoing reined los, all of ,vhieh ale sold by Druggists. lie is also the pother of the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a [cork. of nearly one thousand plates, with two hundred and eiohi y two 'wood a agray.tugs and colored plates Rehas' already sold of this appcla.t :work Over 100 000 Copes 1 • 141U V 1 (post paid) $150. Address R. 7. PIERCE, H. D. World's Dispensary, Buli'alo,N. Y.